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Mandel’s message hitting home with social conservatives (VIDEO)

Josh Mandel, ABC WRGT Dayton

BUCYRUS– One candidate running for the U.S. Senate is running his campaign thru houses of faith and not thru the Republican National Committee. His unorthodox approach at the grassroots level is gaining momentum and is driving home the point that voters are not happy with the political establishment in Washington D.C.

Former State Treasurer Josh Mandel is running for U.S. Senator and will face primary challengers next Spring 2022. Mandel believes the Secular Left is trying to take GOD out of society and that the country needs to return back to the Bible and the Constitution. As a result, he is taking his message to the faith community with town halls throughout the state.

Josh Mandel with Pastors Tim Throckmorton and J.C. Church (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Josh Mandel has consistently demonstrated unfailing love for GOD and Country. I have known Josh for many years and he is to my knowledge the only U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio starting his campaign thru the churches,” says Tim Throckmorton, President of Lifepoint Ministries, a recent attendee of a “Faith and Freedom” rally in Bucyrus.

In addition to the Bucyrus rally which hosted two-hundred held at Victory in Truth Ministries, Josh Mandel has held other rallies in churches in Toledo, and Dayton. The outreach to the faith community has garnered the endorsements of Throckmorton, along with Reverend J.C. Church, Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Mr. David Freidman, and also the public policy group, Ohio Value Voters.

According to Throckmorton, “Josh’s principled leadership beginning back when he started as an Ohio State Representative has inspired and greatly benefited Ohioans. He has proven to be accountable and responsible in every role of State leadership he has served. I do believe Josh Mandel’s track record on issues of Life, Family, and Religious Freedom resonates with clergy and people of faith.”

“Josh Mandel has consistently demonstrated unfailing love for GOD and Country. To my knowledge, he is the only U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio starting his campaign thru churches. His principled leadership beginning back when he started as an Ohio State Representative has inspired and greatly benefited Ohioans. He has proven to be accountable and responsible in every role of State leadership he has served. I do believe Josh Mandel’s track record on issues of Life, Family, and Religious Freedom resonates with clergy and people of faith.”

Tim Throckmorton, LIfepointe ministries

Josh Mandel has championed the cause for Religious Freedom. During Mandel’s freshman term as State Representative, the State House Speaker tried to censor a prayer at the beginning of legislative session when a pastor prayed in the name of Jesus Christ. Immediately following the session, members of the media interviewed Mandel, who is Jewish, asking if he was offended by the prayer.

Mandel responded by saying he was not offended. He explained to the media that “In America, we exercise freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Pastors should be free to give any prayer they choose.”

The former State Treasurer is also not shy about his love of country. Recently in his weekly “Faith at Four” conference call with Ohio clergy, Mandel addressed concerns by pastors over public education.

Reverend J.C. Church pictured with U.S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel at Mar-a-Lago (Photo courtesy of J.C. Church)

“I want my children to experience Judeo-Christian values in their generation. I do not support indoctrination of our kids with liberal values like Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project which seeks to subvert our nation’s rich national heritage. I want to protect our American culture. And that also means that boys should only compete in athletics with those of the same biological gender.”

Mandel adds, “If you want a Senator who will never take a knee in the culture wars – who will protect life, defend religious liberty and safeguard our children from the Secular Left’s assault on our values, I am running to be your United States Senator and would be honored to fight alongside of you.”

Reaching social conservatives may be just what Mandel needs in the homestretch.

View the video below describing how the faith of others had a profound impact on Josh Mandel’s family.

Related article:

Photo credit: ABC Dayton WRGT

The Bottom Line:

Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Despite Beltway disbelief, area National Day of Prayer still set for May 6th (SLIDESHOW)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — For the first time in seventy years, there will be no public prayer service at the United States Capitol Building on the National Day of Prayer (NDOP). As the federal government inches closer to a totalitarian state, the separation between Washington D.C. and the rest of the nation broadens. Although the national observance designated by Congress will not be taking place on Capitol grounds, prayer observances on May 6th will still be taking place throughout North Central Ohio.

In one of the largest NDOP observances in the state, only one hundred tickets remain for the Ashland County Community Prayer Breakfast. Scheduled between 6:30-7:59 AM Thursday morning at the Ashland University Convocation Center, the event can also be accessed online from the Ashland County Ministerial Association Facebook. $20 Tickets for a plated breakfast can be purchased by clicking here.

Ashland clergy prayer at City Hall during pandemic in 2020. (Photo courtesy of Ashland County Pictures Facebook)

Keynote speaker at the Convocation center will feature Rob Walgate of the American Policy Roundtable, The event will follow the COVID protocol for the University which is to wear a mask into the event and using distance seating with six persons per table. Seating will be limited to three hundred persons in the room.

Other NDOP assemblies will be taking place later in the day throughout North Central Ohio.

The Richland County observance will be taking place outdoors at the Mansfield Central Park Gazebo between 11:30-1:00 pm. The event, sponsored by the Richland Community Prayer Network, will have worship and facilitated prayer by various leaders taking place. Outdoor attire and law chairs are recommended.

2019 Richland County NDOP Observance (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

At noon time Galion will have a webcast originating from the Galion City Council Chambers. With no outline this year, the observance will have a unified flow of prayer where participants can pray up to five minutes each.

The Bellville NDOP observance will take place at 6:00 pm in the old fire station room across from the Bellville Bandstand. The service will be led by area clergy.

The Shelby NDOP observance will also begin at 6:00 pm at the Amphitheater in downtown Shelby. Several guests will be taking part including Mayor Reverend Steve Schag and State Representative Marilyn John. Pastor Doug Tackett will be bringing a message during the service followed by a forty-five minute concert by the local gospel-singing Glory Way Quartet. The event will be live-streamed on Facebook and broadcasted on 88.5 FM. Parking is available around the Central School and football stadium.

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The Bottom Line:

2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty.”

72 Ohio clergy give ‘vote of no confidence’ to Dominion voting machines


MANSFIELD — A group of clergy are concerned about the integrity of future elections and skeptical their current election machine vendor can be a good-faith partner in votes to come. After the vendor acquired a negative track record in other state elections across the country, the clergy are calling for change. As a result, they want to hold the company accountable and ‘pull the plug’ on their electronic voting machines.

Receiving what they said were “disturbing bipartisan reports” about their election machine vendor, seventy-two clergy recently sent a correspondence to Richland County election officials discussing future elections.

In their letter the clergy wrote, “We humbly suggest that under the recommendation of the Richland County Board of Commissioners, the Board of Election replace the election machine vendor to reassure the public local elections are as secure as can be.  Due to recent revelations on its reputation of non-transparency and dishonesty as an election system administrator, we give Dominion Voting Systems ‘a vote of no confidence.”

Clergy pictured: James Spencer, Les Farley, & Chad Hayes. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Whether it is anti-transparency contracts with government entities or misleading claims about remote access, Dominion Voting Systems does not find itself in good standing with the faith community. The clergy letter referenced public records confirming the DuPage County Clerk and Chief Deputy from Illinois signing an anti-transparency contract with Dominion Voting Systems. Public records also show the Chicago Board of Elections arranging Dominion Voting Systems to have remote access to voter registration information, poll books, and requests for absentee ballots seven months prior to the 2020 elections.

The clergy correspondence noted access to this information by Dominion contractors from anywhere was dangerous considering representatives of the company had already publicly demonstrated animus towards one Presidential candidate.

While Dominion Voting Systems claims their voting machines do not rely on Internet connectivity, the clergy letter pointed out that ten independent cybersecurity experts prior to the 2020 elections found a number of Dominion Voting Systems’ voting machines to be connected online, leaving the voting system at risk. In the NBC News report, Dominion admitted they put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. Those modems connect to cell phone networks, which in turn, connect to the Internet.

For this reason, the State of Texas denied certification of Dominion’s Image Cast X 5.5 ballot marking device due to concerns over its vulnerability to fraudulent and unauthorized manipulation.

“A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.” said Pastor Chad Hayes. “Requests to have these voting machines forensically audited has also led to unmerciful litigation of individuals totaling billions of dollars; an action which the vendor in question boasts about on its own website.  Heavy-handed actions like these by administrators of a county’s voting system will ultimately lead to voter suppression. Based on their record, the vendor is not going to go the extra mile for the voters.”

“One would think an election machine vendor would want to publicly showcase their product during a forensic audit and get free advertising. On the contrary, Dominion Voting Systems has sued persons calling for further examination of their machines. After these nationally-reported cases demonstrating lack of security, transparency, and neutrality, something appears to be amiss with Dominion’s services. As the Bible says, ‘A just weight and balance are the LORD’s.’ We (clergy) are asking our county officials to do their best to provide election integrity. Voter turnout in future elections depends on it.”

Pastor James spencer

The clergy letter went further. “This begs the question: in the event results from Richland County voting machines are refuted in a future local election, will citizens also be subject to these same bullying tactics by the election machine vendor?  During a challenge, will Richland County’s election machine vendor be considered infallible?”   

“One would think an election machine vendor would want to publicly showcase their product during a forensic audit and get free advertising,” says Pastor James Spencer. “On the contrary, Dominion Voting Systems has sued persons calling for further examination of their machines. After these nationally-reported cases demonstrating lack of security, transparency, and neutrality, something appears to be amiss with Dominion’s services. As the Bible says, ‘A just weight and balance are the LORD’s.’ We (clergy) are asking our county officials to do their best to provide election integrity. Voter turnout in future elections depends on it.”

Because of the seeds of distrust that have been sown by the election machine vendor from the 2020 elections, Stark County, Ohio recently terminated its contract with Dominion to purchase 1,400 voting machines. Similarly, the State of Louisiana terminated its request for proposal with the vendor in question involving a one hundred million dollar contact for new voting machines. After an audit stated Dominion voting machines should not be used in Michigan, Antrim County also discontinued use of Dominion’s voting machines.

The Ohio clergy say the Republic’s days are numbered if citizens are not actively participating in the election process. According to Pastor Les Farley, “The Bible says the heart is deceitful above all things. If there is no accountability in the election process, a candidate or a political party unchecked will try to win by any means possible, by hook or by crook. We need to get involved.”

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The Bottom Line:

Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.”

Planned Parenthood finally admits its racist and eugenic ties…but continues same policies (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — After decades of denial, America’s largest abortion provider admitted that its founder was a white supremist and eugenics advocate. Planned Parenthood finally ‘came clean’ after their admission except for one important detail, Planned Parenthood still targets babies in minority populations.

The organization recently wrote in a New York Times Op-Ed that Margaret Sanger, its founder, spoke to a women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan at a rally in New Jersey to generate support for birth control.

Planned Parenthood also confessed Sanger endorsed the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1927 decision allowing states to sterilize people deemed ‘unfit’ without their consent and knowledge. The ruling led to the sterilization of tens of thousands of people in the twentieth century. The first human trials of the birth control pill were conducted with Sanger’s backing in Puerto Rico, where as many as 1,500 women were not told that the drug was experimental or that they might experience dangerous side effects.

Sadly, Planned Parenthood is still on the same course of killing generations of people with disabilities and Black, Latino, Asians and Indigenous peoples.

Black babies account for nearly thirty-six percent of abortions in the United States, despite only making up thirteen percent of the population.

On top of that, Planned Parenthood is currently fighting against anti-eugenic laws in multiple states.

Critics cast doubt on Planned Parenthood’s authenticity in decrying the organization’s overt racism, pointing out that it simultaneously advocates for the legal right to perform abortions motivated by the child’s sex, race, color, national origin, or disability.

Despite Planned Parenthood, the pro-life movement continues in North Central Ohio. The pregnancy crisis center Richland Pregnancy Services assists mothers and fathers in crisis. Activists and clergymen continue their efforts locally to do what they can to protect the sanctity of life.

View the video below by EWTN Nightly News discussing Planned Parenthood’s recent admission of its racist and eugenic ties.

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Faith leaders oppose removing protections for police officers

Area clergy publicly support police immunity in 2021, stand with Sheriff & his dept. vehicles that have national motto (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD — On a largely party-line vote, the U.S. House of Representatives approved H.R.1280, a massive overhaul of American policing that would make it easier to sue police officers. If the bill becomes law, one of its provisions would abolish “qualified immunity” for all local, state, and federal law enforcement officers.  According to some leaders, this bill would open the floodgates of lawsuits.

Qualified immunity is a legal doctrine shielding government officials from lawsuits unless they have violated clearly established law. According to local leaders, H.R. 1280 is misguided and eliminating qualified immunity will leave police officers slow to act when the law is unclear.

Richland County Sheriff Steve Sheldon (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I urge the Members of the U.S. Senate to vote ‘no’ on H.R. 1280 in its current form, wrote Richland County Sheriff Steve Sheldon in his letter to Ohio’s two U.S. Senators. “Eliminating qualified immunity will keep law enforcement officers from making crucial, split-second, life or death decisions to stop a lethal threat. Innocent victims and officers will be hurt or killed as a result. In addition, this bill will remove qualified immunity for peace officers in jail operations and allow lawsuits for medical decisions, failure to protect, suicides in jails, and many other situations not involving use of force.”

Sheriff Sheldon also believes H.R. 1280 is trying to micromanage local law enforcement agencies which will result in a mass exodus of police officers in large metropolitan areas where they are needed most.

Social justice movements to defund the police have grown since George Floyd died in police custody in Minneapolis. More than twenty major cities have reduced their police budgets in some form, though the scale and circumstances vary. Homicides and violent crime have skyrocketed in many of these cities following these budget cuts.

“Qualified immunity allows police officers to first think about others in dangerous situations. Removing it will force police officers to first consider themselves before intervening which could harm the very people they are employed to serve. If nameless and faceless vaccine corporations like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna have qualified immunity, how much more should our often underpaid peace officers, who put their lives at risk and whose only wish at the end of the day is to come home safely.”

Reverend El Akuchie, GOdsfield House of Prayer

Pastor Robert Kurtz from Mansfield Baptist Temple serves as chaplain with the Sheriff’s Department. Besides riding along with deputies on duty, his duties include counseling police officers and also families dealing with homicide and suicide. He believes there area national players who want to remove local authority of the police.

“I think H.R.1280 demonstrates there are leaders in Washington D.C. that want to take local control away and to federalize our local police so they have more control.”

“There are many dangerous challenges that confront law enforcement officers in our streets today. I think the public forgets police officers are human beings too. Nationally, there were forty-five police officers from different racial backgrounds last year who were shot and killed in the line of duty. My observation is, with the legalization of so many illicit drugs, it is creating the atmosphere for violence and that is why we are seeing these combustible conditions. The Book of Proverbs tells us, ‘Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, ‘How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?”

Reverend El Akuchie and Pastor Robert Kurtz (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Before castigating the police for the sake of social justice, it is wise to look at the data. Research conducted by a notable African-American economist at Harvard University reveals a lack of racial bias in police shootings. According to the statistics used in Professor Roland Fryer’s study, officers are more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspect is white. Fryer’s research analyzed more than a thousand shootings in ten major police departments.

Police use deadly force under 1,000 times out of 30 million violent felony criminal contacts per year, which is a 0.0004 percent chance of being shot by the police. In America, “there is a greater change of being struck by lightning than to be shot by police. In 2019, the NYPD with 35,000 officers only fired their weapons in the line of duty thirty-four times.

According to Reverend El Akuchie, “Qualified immunity allows police officers to first think about others in dangerous situations. Removing it will force police officers to first consider themselves before intervening which could harm the very people they are employed to serve. If nameless and faceless vaccine corporations like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna have qualified immunity, how much more should our often underpaid peace officers, who put their lives at risk and whose only wish at the end of the day is to come home safely.”

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The Bottom Line:

Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

Ashland pastor says Canadian tyranny another example of how gov’t will never control Church (VIDEO)


SAVANNAH — At least one church has gone underground in Alberta, Canada, after the government closed the church to prevent congregants from attending services. In what is believed to be a first for the western world, the government triple-fenced the church, locked out its members, and imprisoned its pastor at a maximum-security prison.

Pastor John Bouquet

Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church was jailed for a month violating Alberta’s COVID-19 restrictions after holding services during the pandemic. One Ohio pastor supports Coates’ courage and believes governments around the world are learning they are powerless in stopping the Church.

“James Coats is a modern-day Daniel,” says Pastor John Bouquet. “He is a living testimony of how this culture is never going to stop the living Church. The government may try to lock our church up but no one is going to stop us. The true Church is not a building, it is a body. Whenever government impedes the church, it always backfires on them; the Church will always grow stronger. They can put me in jail but there is always another guy who will take my place.”

Coates was released from jail earlier in March and returned to preaching for his congregation at an undisclosed location.

GraceLife Church from Alberta, Canada. (Photo courtesy of Screenshot from

Churches are allowed to be open according to Alberta’s COVID restrictions, but churches must limit their capacity to fifteen percent. Alberta Health Services has not said there have been COVID outbreaks due to the church.

Church officials released a public statement detailing how the church originally followed orders. In July, when two attendees tested positive for the virus, the church initiated contact tracing and shifted to online services for two weeks. Church officials claim that since that time, the church has met for twenty-eight consecutive Sundays without incident.

“James Coats is a modern-day Daniel. He is a living testimony of how this culture is not going to stop the living Church. The government may try to lock our church up, but no one is going to stop us. The true Church is not a building, it is a body. Whenever government impedes the church, it will backfire on them. The Church will always go on. They can put me in jail, but there is always another guy who will take my place.”

Pastor John Bouquet

It added that while none of its members have died from COVID-19, one congregant died because they were denied necessary health care due to lockdowns. The statement noted:

“By the time the so-called “pandemic” is over, if it is ever permitted to be over, Albertans will be utterly reliant on government, instead of free, prosperous, and independent. As such, we believe love for our neighbor demands that we exercise our civil liberties. We do not see our actions as perpetuating the longevity of COVID-19 or any other virus that will inevitably come along. If anything, we see our actions as contributing to its end — the end of destructive lockdowns and the end of the attempt to institutionalize the debilitating fear of viral infections. Our local church is clear evidence that governmental lockdowns are unnecessary. In fact, it is also evidence of how harmful they are. Without going into detail, we recently lost the life of one of our precious congregants who was denied necessary health care due to government lockdown measures.”

The Rev. James Coates preaches at GraceLife church, near Edmonton, Alberta. (Photo courtesy of screenshot from GraceLife Church video)

According to data from the U.S. Center for Disease Control published August 26th 2020, ninety-four percent of people who have died of the COVID infection in the United States had at least one other pre-existing condition, such as obesity, high blood pressure, or heart disease.

Last April of 2020, Pastor Bouquet led a band of one hundred clergy calling for Ohio Governor DeWine to end the COVID-19 lockdown.

According to Bouquet, “The institutional church operates in fear and has more concern keeping members safe rather than sanctified. The government may have stopped flailing institutional churches, but the churches in Ashland (Ohio) that are fighting these COVID restrictions are growing. It is my opinion that this pandemic is separating the wheat from worthless chaff.”

View the Rebel News video interview with Pastor James Coates below.

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

Daniel 6 says that when Daniel learned that the decree was signed, he went into his house and in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his GOD as was his custom since early days.”

Ohio clergy celebrate Appeals Court reversal of Black decision on babies with Down Syndrome (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — In an earth-shaking court decision, the second-highest court in the land upheld an Ohio law banning abortions from a prenatal Down Syndrome diagnosis. This decision strikes down a previous Federal Judge’s decision who said Roe v. Wade was the ‘law of the land.’ Due to his Planned Parenthood ties, the judge’s decision drew public opposition from one hundred clergy, but now the clergy are singing a different tune.

The U. S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 9-7 that the state has a legitimate interest to protect members of the Down syndrome community from selective abortions. The court decision also protects the consciences of medical professionals who refuse to perform Down-syndrome-selective abortions. For one clergyman, this decision hits close to home.

108 clergy held a press conference outside Richland County Courthouse in May 2018 opposing the Judge Black decision to strike down an Ohio pro-life law. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“This court decision is a great step forward to protecting the life of unborn babies with Down syndrome,” says Pastor Aaron Rose of Fusion Church Madison. “It also sends a clear signal affirming the value of these babies. This issue hits close to home for our family given that our thirteen-year-old son deals with Down syndrome. Our son Kaleb is full of life, has a contagious smile, and adds value to everyone around him. Babies with this diagnosis add joy to any family if they are given the chance to live.”

The Sixth Circuit Court opinion stated, “By involving the doctor in a woman’s personal decision to abort her pregnancy due to Down syndrome, the woman places the doctor in a position of conflicted medical, legal, and ethical duties.”

The opinion went on to say, “Ordinarily, under basic medical ethics, doctors are expected to respond to a diagnosis of Down syndrome with care. In this situation, those doctors who would do so are instead being asked to act directly against the physical life of the fetus based solely on the fact the forthcoming child would have Down syndrome.”

“This court decision is a great step forward to protecting the life of unborn babies with Down syndrome. It also sends a clear signal affirming the value of these babies. This issue hits close to home for our family given that our thirteen-year-old son deals with Down syndrome. Our son Kaleb is full of life, has a contagious smile, and adds value to everyone around him. Babies with this diagnosis add joy to any family if they are given the chance to live.”

Pastor Aaron Rose, Fusion church Madison

Pastor Rose was one of over one hundred clergy who held a press conference in 2018 releasing an open letter addressed to Ohio Congressional members and state lawmakers. The letter sounded the alarm over a federal court judge who previously worked with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion company. Rose called Judge Timothy Black’s opinion “a gross overreach of the judiciary, coming from somebody with obvious political bias.”

After the press conference, the clergy sent a letter of censure draft to the Ohio Senate President and Speaker of the House. In the draft letter, the clergy pointed out Timothy Black worked as the Director of Cincinnati’s Planned Parenthood Association from 1986 to 1989, and also served as its President in 1988.

The clergy believed Black should have recused himself since he was a former Director of Planned Parenthood, writing “We do not excuse Judge Black’s conflict of interest, and we believe Judge Black’s politically-biased arguments justifying the taking of life are unbecoming for a federal judge and hold no merit.”

Pictured Kaleb Rose, son of Pastor Aaron Rose (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Reverend El Akuchie, another one of the spokesmen at the press conference with Pastor Rose pointed out that babies given a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome are particularly vulnerable.

“These babies are disproportionately aborted with close to one hundred -percent of mothers in Iceland receiving a positive test for Down syndrome terminating their pregnancy after receiving a positive test for Down Syndrome. The same thing has been happening in France, Denmark, and the United Kingdom.”

“We are grateful the seeds the Pro-Life movement have planted in the past are now coming to fruition in our state,” says Akuchie. “With the dedicated work of activists, Attorney General David Yost, and the faith community, it would be music to my ears if our state could get abortion outlawed completely.”

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The Bottom Line:

Psalm 121: 7-8 says, “The LORD will keep you from all harm-He will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Ohio General Assembly slaps down DeWine’s runaway COVID-19 powers


COLUMBUS—At a time where suicide and substance abuse is on the rise, last week the Ohio General Assembly overrode Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of a law designed to curb public health officials’ runaway COVID-19 powers. With the Governor’s detractors emphasizing the lockdown’s negative impact on mental health, the recent vote was a humiliating defeat for the DeWine Administration.

Rep. Marilyn John (R-Richland County)

Senate Bill 22 establishes legislative oversight and transparency over executive orders issued during a state of emergency. The final votes were 23-10 in the Senate and 62-35 in the House.  State Rep. Marilyn John (R-Richland County) voted with the super-majorities to override DeWine’s veto.

“After over a year of mandated health orders and shutdowns, it is time that my constituency have more of a ‘say’ on the orders being enacted. Senate Bill 22 gives greater accountability and I am proud to have supported it. I want to ensure people are heard,” said John.

Provisions in the bill give the Legislature the ability to oversee orders issued by any department under the administration in response to public health emergencies. Orders may be extended or rescinded by the General Assembly through a concurrent resolution.

The bill would also ban local boards of health from shutting down schools, specific businesses or public gatherings. Those restrictions were added into the House version of the bill to stop local entities from issuing orders the state couldn’t.

Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Christian Virtue commented on Senate Bill 22.

“We have learned much through the COVID-19 pandemic, not the least of which is the seemingly endless executive power the Governor’s office holds after declaring a public health crisis. While other states experienced far more restrictive lock-downs and onerous orders, a major flaw in Ohio state law was revealed that enabled one individual boundless authority to close businesses, regulate religious institutions, and mandate behaviors without any readily-accessible checks.  I am thankful for these legislators who believe in government accountability.”

“After over a year of mandated health orders and shutdowns, it is time that my constituency have more of a ‘say’ on the orders being enacted. Senate Bill 22 gives greater accountability and I am proud to have supported it. I want to ensure people are heard.”

Rep. Marilyn John (R-Richland County)

The bill also ensures local communities may determine the course of local health orders. As a result, the bill provides parameters for local boards of health in which they must operate when issuing county and district wide orders.

Last year a Ohio Court of Common Pleas ruled Ashland County Health Department could not suspend a local restaurants’ food service operations license in response to restaurant employees not wearing masks.

The action in Savannah drew criticisms across the state.

One hundred clergy from Rep. John’s district in North Central Ohio called for the Governor to end the lockdown.

“When Mike DeWine took an oath on those nine Bibles, he promised to abide by the Ohio Constitution. No where does an executive order carry the same weight as a law,” said Pastor John Bouquet, “This is an example of government tyranny.”

After DeWine’s mask mandate, COVID cases increased as public health decisions appeared to neglect issues regarding suicide and mental health.

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 12, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”

Federal Court rules in favor of religious freedom: Christian Professor wins HIS case (VIDEO)


CINCINNATI — One Ohio university demanded a Christian professor no longer use pronouns when he addresses his students in class. But after a legal challenge by the philosophy professor, the publicly-funded school ended up not having the last word after all.

In a major victory for free speech and religious freedom, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled in favor of a Shawnee State University Professor disciplined because he declined a male student’s demand to be referred to as a woman with feminine pronouns. Although Philosophy Professor Dr. Nicholas Meriwether offered to use any name the student requested, the University rejected the compromise, choosing instead to force the professor to speak and act contrary to his own Christian convictions and philosophical beliefs.

“It is important to remember public universities should be a marketplace of ideas, not merely an assembly line of one type of thought,” says Professor Dr. Nicholas Meriwether. “I do not think universities should be in the business of requiring people to express or endorse a particular ideologies they do not hold.”

Shawnee State University Philosophy Professor Dr. Nicholas Meriwether (Photo courtesy of ADF)

Dr. Meriwether has served as a philosophy professor at Shawnee State University for over twenty years with an unblemished record. He is serious about creating an atmosphere of mutual respect in his classroom. As a philosopher and as a Christian, Dr. Meriwether believes God created human beings as either male or female, and that a person’s sex cannot change. To call a man a woman or vice versa endorses an ideology that conflicts with his beliefs.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), one of the world’s largest and most successful religious freedom law firms, represented Professor Meriwether in his case.

According to the three-judge panel, “If professors lacked free-speech protections when teaching, a university would wield alarming power to compel ideological conformity, A university president could require a pacifist to declare that war is just, a civil rights icon to condemn the Freedom Riders, a believer to deny the existence of God, or a Soviet émigré to address his students as ‘comrades.’ That cannot be. If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe such orthodoxy.”

“It is important to remember public universities should be a marketplace of ideas, not merely an assembly line of one type of thought. I do not think universities should be in the business of requiring people to express or endorse particular ideologies they do not hold….tolerance is a two-way street.”

Professor Dr. Nicholas Meriwether

This case sets an important standard for free speech and academic freedom in Ohio. One public policy analyst expressed his approval of the decision.

“Shawnee State, a university funded by Ohio taxpayers, not only violated the First Amendment, but violated the fundamental ideals of academic freedom. Universities should be a place of robust debate, yet Shawnee State decided to punish a state employee and professor for refusing to lie to a student,” said Aaron Baer, President of the Center for Christian Virtue, an ally of Alliance Defending Freedom.

“Professor Meriwether and the Alliance Defending Freedom have done a tremendous service to our country. They have demonstrated the impact we can have when we are not bullied into silence by the government or the woke mob. Christians across our country should take heart and be encouraged to stand up for what we know is true, and not be pressured into silence.”

View the video below from Fox News discussing Dr. Meriwether’s case.

The Bottom Line:

Genesis 5:2 says “GOD created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.”

117 Ohio clergy say H.R. 5 establishes an immoral ‘State Religion’

117 area clergymen in 2021 defend traditional marriage & biological gender at federal & state levels (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Known by its detractors as the “Federal Inequality Act,” H.R. 5 is being debated in the Senate after passing the House along party lines. This bill, along with companion SOGI legislation at the state level, promises to erase freedom of thought and belief, and mandate a specific belief system towards sexual ethics. According to some pastors in the Buckeye Bible Belt, not only will these unscientific bills discriminate against persons of faith, the proposed legislation will establish a new State Religion.

Last week, one hundred-seventeen leading clergy sent a correspondence to Ohio’s two U.S. Senators and to the Ohio Governor, State House Speaker, and Senate President listing their objections to H.R. 5 and the Ohio Fairness Act.

Several cosigners of the clergy letter pictured L to R: Rev. Mark Cobb, Rev. Aaron Williams, & Rev. Mark Dettmer.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy wrote, “H.R. 5 and the Ohio Fairness Act are in direct conflict with the separation of Church and State. If passed, these two pieces of legislation will establish a State Religion and position the State as a sacrilegious theological board that will prohibit free exercise of religion and erase the freedom of speech found in the First Amendment.  It is indisputable that similar sexual orientation/ gender identity (SOGI) laws have already caused persons to suffer economic disenfranchisement in other states.”

Several examples the Ohio clergy cited included Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips, and seventy-four year old floral artist Barronelle Stutzman, who because of their personal convictions surrounding their art were subjected to punitive penalties, up to and including the loss of their businesses and estates.

According to the clergy, the proponents of H.R. 5 and Ohio Fairness Act have not sufficiently demonstrated the need for this ordinance.  “We believe Ohio is a tolerant and diverse state.  LGBT persons presently have no traits of a discriminated class of people.  LGBT persons have the support of corporate and political elites, have no economic disenfranchisement, and have no ongoing systemic discrimination. Furthermore, there is no Ohio law permitting discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation,” the pastors said.

“H.R. 5 and the Ohio Fairness Act are in direct conflict with the separation of Church and State. If passed, these two pieces of legislation will establish a State Religion and position the State as a sacrilegious theological board that will prohibit free exercise of religion and erase the freedom of speech found in the First Amendment.  It is indisputable that similar sexual orientation/ gender identity (SOGI) laws have already caused persons to suffer economic disenfranchisement in other states.”

Ohio Clergy letter sent to THEIR U.S. Senators & Ohio State Officials

While the full scope of H.R. 5 is not immediately known, the legislation will expand Civil Rights to include LGBT persons and impact public accommodations, public education, all recipients of federal grants and loans, housing, jury service, health care, sports competitions, churches, private clubs, for-profit, and non-profit associations. To add insult to injury, H.R. 5 also inserts abortion as a “federal right.”

The faith leaders contend that if passed, H.R. 5 and Ohio Fairness Act will limit access to needed social services by effectively driving out faith-based providers. SOGI laws have been used in several states and localities to shut down faith-based adoption agencies. In Illinois alone, nearly 3,000 children were displaced when SOGI laws were enacted.  Grants offered through the Violence Against Women Act have a SOGI provision dictating hiring practices of institutions that get grants to help battered women. Because this provision violates the conscience of religious institutions, they are unable to provide assistance to desperate battered women.

In their letter, the pastors said “We believe every human being is made in the image of GOD (Genesis 1).  In addition, we collectively accept GOD made male and female (Genesis 1), and the principle that man should render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to GOD the things that are GOD’s (Mark 12).  Now more than ever, our faith community is unified in our opposition to the immoral bills known as H.R. 5 and the Ohio “Fairness Act.”

Last fall one hundred clergy from North Central Ohio objected to similar SOGI bill which was defeated in the State Legislature. Pictured L to R: Rev. Christopher Replogle, Rev. James Spencer & Rev. El Akuchie (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy noted that they are unified by Biblical Truth and follow the instructions found in Matthew 25: to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to take in the stranger, to clothe the naked, to visit the sick and to counsel the incarcerated.  They also said their congregations serve the LGBT community and their loved ones without prejudice. 

Last Fall, clergy from (100) one hundred diverse congregations in North Central Ohio, along with other family advocates, publicly-opposed House Bill 369/Senate Bill 11 which discriminated against people of faith to provide special privilege to the LGBT community. The divisive measure was defeated for the ninth consecutive time in the Ohio Legislature.

The most recent correspondence represented clergy across a nine-county region in: Richland County (81), Crawford County (12), Ashland County (9), Morrow County (4), Wayne County (4), Knox County (3), Huron County (2), Medina County (1), and Stark County (1).

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

2 Peter 2:6-9 says “And if GOD rescued righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the perverted conduct of unscrupulous people, (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds), then the LORD knows how to rescue the godly from a trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.”

Josh Mandel reaches conservative celebrity status after being censored by cancel culture


LEBANON– This weekend Solid Rock Church hosted a Patriot America Conference addressing how to take back the country. Organizers discussed how the Constitution was made ‘for such a time is this.’ U.S. Senate hopeful and former State Treasurer Josh Mandel was one of the featured speakers.

Mandel is one of the latest conservatives banned by liberal mainstream media operatives who do not want see his pro -Trump campaign to get off the ground. According to a recent poll, Mandel is leading the pack to replace Rob Portman for the 2022 U.S. Senate seat.

Josh Mandel addresses conservatives at a conference this past weekend. Click on the image above to watch Josh Manel speak beginning at 23:30 (Photo courtesy of Faith2Action/Facebook)

Last week the Cleveland Plain Dealer announced it is refusing to give coverage to Mandel for his conservative values. Mandel was also banned last week from Twitter after posting a report on MS-13 gang members and Yemeni terrorists crossing the southern border.

As a conservative firebrand, Mandel has not been bashful in standing up to government-elites, even if it means opposing officials in his own Republican Party.

As a freshman State Representative, Mandel publicly opposed Ohio Speaker of House Jon Husted in 2007 after Husted made a new rule prohibiting chaplains from praying in Name of Jesus. Most recently Mandel has been critical of Governor Mike DeWine’s mask mandate and economic shutdown.

“I am indebted to people of faith for rescuing my Grandmother. I have tried to repay this debt by serving in the U.S. Marine Corp and by being a champion for Judeo-Christian values as an elected official. And that means leading and making decisions with two documents in my hand, the Bible in one hand, and the Constitution in the other.”

Josh Mandel, former state treasurer

During the Patriot America Conference, Mandel shared about a small family-owned business in Marietta, Ohio which became a casualty of the DeWine lockdown. “Shaeffer’s Leather Goods had been open for one hundred-thirty years, making it thru two World Wars, the Great Depression, and the Spanish Flu, but it could not make it thru the Governor DeWine shutdown. DeWine let Wal Mart, which was just down the street, to stay open, and he allowed people to go to Wal Mart to buy work boots and cowboy boots from Wal Mart, which are made in China….We have a fight for liberty on our hands.”

“He (DeWine) trampled on our liberty. I am running for the United States Senate not for Governor, but I will tell you, as your next U.S. Senator, I will take on Governors, mayors, I will take on anyone.”

The former State Treasurer also commented that one of the primary differences between Conservatives and Liberals are Conservatives believe the United States is one nation under GOD and Liberals believe the U.S. is one nation under government. He also said Liberals ignore the Ten Commandments.

“The entire Democrat platform is about coveting. Coveting what others have and taking away what others have earned. They want to redistribute your money even though you have worked hard to earn it.”

Josh Mandel receives standing ovation. (Photo courtesy of Facebook/Faith2Action)

Mandel also shared about how his Grandmother was a Holocaust survivor after being rescued by a network of courageous Christians.

“I am indebted to people of faith for rescuing my Grandmother. I have tried to repay this debt by serving in the U.S. Marine Corp and by being a champion for Judeo-Christian values as an elected official. And that means leading and making decisions with two documents in my hand, the Bible in one hand, and the Constitution in the other.”

Related articles:

The Bottom Line

“Be strong and courageous and do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD thy GOD will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 10:25

Movie Review on Roe v. Wade (VIDEO)


Available digitally this April 2nd, “Roe v. Wade” follows Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson as they square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy leading to the most famous and controversial court case in history. (Rated PG-13)

The movie also provides an inside view of the case and the people behind it, including  Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren E. Burger played by Oscar winner Jon Voight, and Justice William J. Brennan, played by Robert Davi.

The movie’s Producer Nick Loeb stars in the film as abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the co-founder of NARAL, who ultimately became a pro-life activist.

Nick Loeb pictured in scene from the motion picture “Roe v. Wade.”

The film begins with Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who launched an initiative  called “The Negro Project.” She gives a speech at a KKK rally, describing her intentions to reduce the growth of the African American population by legalizing abortions. Quickly, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the most outspoken doctor performing abortions during this time, joins her cause, followed by outspoken feminist Betty Friedan.

A team of activists begin to search the country, looking for a pregnant girl they can use to sue the government for her right to have an abortion. They find the perfect pawn: a broke  girl with a 10th-grade education named Norma McCorvey, now famously known as “Jane Roe.” We watch as Norma and her legal team sue Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County.  

Roe v. Wade is born.  

Nick Loeb, the movie’s director, said he was originally pro-choice growing up but has since changed his views as an adult. Loeb said he was drawn to playing the movie’s protagonist, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, an abortionist who became one of the country’s leading pro-life activists, because they both experienced personal conversions.

Now that the activists successfully had the case before both state and federal courts, they had to convince the Supreme Court Justices to vote their way. Their advocates fed fake polls and statistics to the media, and Bernard and Betty Friedman from Planned Parenthood even brought Hollywood on board, persuading studio executives to create TV shows and movies supporting abortion. This was all done to influence public opinion and manipulate the courts.  

There were a few citizens willing to speak up for the rights of the unborn. This fight is led by the film’s protagonist, Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical  School. She joined the Catholics and a passionate group of other citizens who attempt to educate  Americans on the truth, but they soon discover they are up against the most well-funded revolution in  20th century America. 

The movie’s director said he was originally pro-choice growing up but has since changed his views as an adult. Loeb said he was drawn to playing the movie’s protagonist, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, an abortionist who became one of the country’s leading pro-life activists, because they both experienced personal conversions. Loeb regrets two abortions he was a part of in his earlier life.

“Roe v. Wade” is set to debut on demand April 2 on iTunes, Amazon, and other platforms. Special and virtual screenings for church groups and other organizations are also available.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Exodus Twenty, “You shall not murder.”

View the video below to view the official “Roe v. Wade” trailer. (2:10 min.)

The Bottom Line:

“There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.” Proverbs 6:16-19

41 Evangelical leaders send letter to Ohio Legislature to oppose divisive “Unfairness Act”


COLUMBUS — After more than a decade of failure, the divisive “Ohio Fairness Act will be reintroduced to the General Assembly and will face heavy opposition from conservatives. Ohio is one of the majority twenty-eight states that do not have LGBT-exclusive laws that are incompatible with First Amendment rights. Recently evangelical leaders sent legislators a correspondence notifying them of their opposition.

Aaron Baer, President of the Center for Christian Virtue, formerly Citizens for Community Values, drafted a joint-letter signed by over forty faith leaders saying the sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) legislation will marginalize the faith community, making them second-class citizens.

According to Baer and the co-signatories, “The so-called ‘Fairness Act’ enshrines bias against many Ohio citizens in the guise of “protecting” others. We respectfully ask that you decline to co-sponsor or support such a measure.”

Co-signors consisted of a diverse number of clergy including faith leaders: Barry Sheets, Linda Harvey, Christopher Long, J.C. Church, and Tim Throckmorton.

The letter to the legislators stated “SOGI ordinances in other jurisdictions have proven divisive and have had a serious negative impact on the religious freedom and the free speech rights of business owners, religious ministries, and churches.”

At Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Professor Nicholas Meriwether was punished by the University in 2018 for declining to use the feminine pronoun for a male student. The professor has since filed a federal lawsuit in his defense.

“You will soon be asked to support and co-sponsor legislation that purports to protect certain Ohioans from discrimination. This so-called ‘Fairness Act,’ or a sexual-orientation and gender identity (SOGI) law, enshrines bias against many Ohio citizens in the guise of ‘protecting’ others. We respectfully ask that you decline to co-sponsor or support such a measure.”

Correspondence sent to Ohio General Assmelby by Evangelical leaders

In addition, the correspondence asserted ” SOGI laws trample First Amendment freedoms, strip away every citizen’s right to privacy, and unnecessarily infringe on residents’ right to run their organizations and businesses consistent with their mission and values.”

Under its SOGI ordinances, Cuyahoga County in 2020 banned wedding officiant Kristi Stokes from publicly explaining on her own website and social media sites the religious reasons why she only celebrates weddings between one man and one woman. She filed a lawsuit after being threatened with fines of $1,000-$5,000 per violation.

According to the faith leaders, “Systemic discrimination of an insidious nature has not been documented to exist in Ohio. Neither the state nor the businesses or employers in the state are closed to people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.”

Opponents of the SOGI legislation also contend the rights of parents will be further jeopardized if the bill becomes law. In 2018, an Ohio judge removed a 17-year-old girl from her parents’ custody after they declined to help her “transition” to male with testosterone supplements. Her parents wanted to treat her with counseling. Instead, the Job and Family Services of Hamilton County, which has a SOGI law in place, charged the parents with abuse and neglect.

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

“Let me be partial to no one, nor flatter any man. For I do not know how to flatter, or else my Maker would soon take me away.” Job 32:21-22

Abortion activists who attacked Columbus church will be prosecuted


COLUMBUS – On January 22nd, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church was the scene of an attack by abortion activists during an annual memorial service for the unborn on the 48th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. While one dozen riotous protestors burst into the service with signs, bullhorns, shouting profanities at attendees, the Columbus Police were contacted, but no citations were given.

But last week after public scrutiny, Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein finally filed charges against four individuals involved in the disruption of the Respect Life Mass.

Inside St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Photo courtesy of St. Joseph’s website)

The City Attorney is proceeding with criminal charges of Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Trespass against J. Close, M. Davis, M. Hickman, and Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Trespass, and Criminal Damaging against A. Morrice. The abortion group has stated on their Facebook page they plan to return to the church. 

We appreciate the immediate work of the Columbus Police to remove those involved from the Cathedral and the efforts of the Ohio State Highway Patrol to keep participants at the Roe Remembrance safe,” commented Beth Vanderkooi, Executive Director of the Greater Columbus Right to Life. “We will continue to cooperate fully with law enforcement and continue to review our legal options.” 

According to Vanderkooi, Greater Columbus Right to Life (GCRTL) organizes and participates in peaceful prayer, protest, and ministry on the sidewalks around Ohio’s abortion clinics. Hundreds of women and children have expressed gratitude for the work that GCRTL has done to invite women to consider a life choice.

“I am just appalled. My heart goes out to the congregants. I actually feel bad for the protesters since there is something twisted in their hearts that they were not able to recognize the American value of the freedom to worship. It’s a sign of the times, a growing tolerance for Christian viewpoints in the marketplace, an accelerating trend. I think we need to move now, rather than later to protect religious freedom.”

Ohio Attorney General David Yost

“GCRTL volunteers are held to extremely high standards of behavior, and any volunteer who does not abide by those standards is invited to either change his or her behavior or withdraw from our program. Such an attempt to chill free speech by these abortion activists is shameful and manipulative. For a group of self-described militant abortion extremists’ to enter into private property with the intended purpose of disrupting and blaspheming a religious observance and disrupting a private event cannot and should not be justified by pointing to the actions of law-abiding persons exercising their First Amendment rights by peacefully protesting abortion.”

Last month on his radio show, Ohio Christian Alliance President Chris Long hosted Ohio Attorney General David Yost to discuss the incident at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.

“I am just appalled. My heart goes out to the congregants,” Attorney General David Yost said during the interview. “I actually feel bad for the protesters since there is something twisted in their hearts that they were not able to recognize the American value of the freedom to worship. It is a sign of the times, a growing tolerance for Christian viewpoints in the marketplace that is accelerating. I think we need to move now, rather than later to protect religious freedom.”

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in downtown Columbus (Photo courtesy of St. Joseph’s website)

Long added, “The Bible may talk about turning the other cheek and praying for your enemy, but the Bible also talks about civil authorities and executing judgement on evildoers; there is a balance. We have not seen this in Ohio-this incident is a new watershed moment and an alarming one at that, I have not seen this in twenty years. I believe that It is important that not just trespass laws and violent entry laws were broken, but there are possibly federal laws that were broken.”

According to 18 U.S. Code § 247, whoever damages religious property, obstructs the practice of religion , and/or injures anyone is guilty of a Federal Offense.

Following the announcement of the charges, Long commented, “I am pleased City Attorney Zach Klein has responded to this serious assault against Saint Joseph Catholic Church, a house of worship in the City of Columbus. The free exercise and practice of worship should be protected at all costs. The freedom of worship is our First Amendment right, and elected officials are obligated by law and the U.S Constitution to protect and defend it.”

The Bottom Line:

“Notice how GOD is both kind and severe. He is severe toward those who disobeyed, but kind to you if you continue to trust in His kindness.” Romans 11:22

Radical ‘Equality Act’ will invade every square inch of America


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote Thursday on H.R. 5, deceptively titled “The Equality Act.” When it was introduced last week, the bill had 223 Democrat co-sponsors and no Republican co-sponsors. Several Republicans who cosponsored the bill in 2019 have declined to cosponsor this year’s reintroduction of the bill.

The Family Research Council (FRC) released a new issue brief today, “How the ‘Equality Act’ Is Actually Unequal, Unfair, and Unjust.” FRC President Tony Perkins made a dire warning.

Tony Perkins
(Photo courtesy of FRC

“The Equality Act is a grave and treasonous threat to our nation’s core values contained in our First Amendment. The fact that no Republicans have co-sponsored it, even those who co-sponsored in the previous Congress, underscores the Democrats’ lurch to the Left. This is a radical bill that uses the government to control, through coercion, how every American thinks, speaks, and acts on issues of human sexuality. It may be named the Equality Act, but as the details make quite clear, the only equal thing about it is how much damage it does to many facets of American life.

“It is an attack on parental rights and women’s sports, but to the millions of people of faith in this country, it is an egregious attack on the freedom to believe and live according to those beliefs. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act will be committed to the ‘memory hole,’ and we will then experience a devastating loss of religious freedom in America, and that will have consequences for all Americans.

“Activists in high-office, whom President Biden is working to appoint, could use the Act to punish faith-based organizations of any type–places of worship, schools, small businesses, adoption agencies, pregnancy centers, and other non-profit charities–that decline to surrender their beliefs on the family, sexuality, and even abortion.

“The Equality Act is a Trojan horse for radical Leftists, whose goal is to invade every square inch of America, even the homes of those who hold different beliefs, with the force of law. It will effectively cancel people of faith from civil society. We urge every Member of Congress to oppose the Equality Act.

“The Equality Act is a Trojan horse for radical Leftists, whose goal is to invade every square inch of America, even the homes of those who hold different beliefs, with the force of law. It will effectively cancel people of faith from civil society. We urge every Member of Congress to oppose the Equality Act.”

Tony Perkins, FRC President

“This bill is rotten to its core, and its ideas cannot be salvaged by dressing them up into the ‘Fairness for All’ proposal — which contains almost all the same harmful provisions as the Equality Act, only with less extreme language and measures. No Republican can claim to protect faith, family, and freedom and also support the so-called ‘Fairness for All’ bill,” concluded Perkins.

Mary Beth Waddell, Director of Federal Affairs for Family and Religious Liberty at FRC, believes H.R. 5 is an invasion of privacy.

“In addition to obliterating the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls, this extreme bill would politicize the medical profession, forcing doctors who provide legitimate hormone treatments and surgical procedures to offer those treatments against their conscience. It would put the threat of litigation over every medical professional who would dare to stand up for the science that indicates the harms of these treatments and surgeries, likely causing many to stay silent. The misnamed ‘Equality Act’ has no place in any just, fair, and tolerant society.”

Failure to Find Even a Single GOP Cosponsor Underscores How Far Left Congressional Democrats Have Moved

Contact your Congressman by clicking here. To read more on the Equality Act, visit: www.frc.org/equalityact.

The Bottom Line:

“And the LORD said, ‘The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave. I will go down now, and see if they have done entirely according to its outcry, which has come to Me; and if not, I will know.” Genesis 18:20-21

Ohio Department of Health & the dangerous cult of neo-segregation


COLUMBUS –More and more, society is judging and separating individuals based by skin color. It’s okay, we are all striving toward “diversity” and “inclusion,” or so we are told.

Ryan Bomberger (Photo courtesy of Radiance Foundation)

Recently the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) scheduled separate COVID-19 Vaccination Townhalls for African-American Ohioans, Hispanic-Latino Ohioans, Asian-American & Pacific Islander Ohioans. There is even a town hall for rural Ohioans. The state agency is receiving flak and one international speaker and author believes constantly classifying people by their skin color is dangerous.

In a guest column with the Christian Post, Ryan Bomberger comments that under the guise of “inclusion,” both government and corporations alike are actually marketing and expanding racism.

“The racial messaging is loud and clear: if you are not the right hue, there is obviously something wrong with you. These reminders are relentless. From Hollywood babble to pandering politicians to Big Tech Tyrants to ‘Institutions of Higher Mis-learning,’ we are barraged by an unending stream of color-conscious craziness that demands society sees hue before it sees you.”

Bomberger believes that the Black Lives Matter movement successfully utilized guilt through the Critical Race Theory in its victim-evangelism messaging to influence corporations and rake in millions of dollars.

“The racial messaging is loud and clear: if you’re not the right hue, there is obviously something wrong with you. These reminders are relentless. From Hollywood babble to pandering politicians to Big Tech Tyrants to Institutions of Higher Mis-learning, we are barraged by an unending stream of color-conscious craziness that demands society sees hue before it sees you.”

Ryan Bomberger, Co-FOunder of the Radiance Foundation

This month Apple turned up the volume on its social justice rhetoric with its Racial Equity and Justice Initiative and its “Black Unity” branded watch. Bomberger wonders aloud why not a “Unity” collection of watches that celebrate us all?

“At every turn we’re being commanded to check our color, check our privilege, check our to-do-lists of guilt-oriented tasks. Corporate America has taken genuflection to a whole new low. Remember when Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy got on his knees and started shining hip-hop artist Lecrae’s shoes in a seriously cringey display of reconciliation-gone-wrong? Cathy told other white people to do the same. If you ever try to shine my shoes, I will kick you. This does not erase racism, it does not change the past. This just makes someone feel really uncomfortable.”

Bomberger does not mince words when referencing educational institutions that misinform the next generation by revising history to suit a political agenda.

Image from Twitter/Mike DeWine.

The Civil Rights Act of 1871 (aka the Ku Klux Klan Act) was a piece of legislation that addressed the horrific KKK violence that terrorized black Americans and their white allies. Zero Democrats in the House and Senate voted for the bill. A group of Republican African-American Congressman had a profound take on the legislation which allowed pardons for former Confederates.

“These trailblazer legislators were Senator Hiram Revels and Representatives Robert Elliott, Robert De Large, Benjamin Turner and Joseph Rainey — all born into slavery. They proclaimed: ‘We have open and frank hearts toward those who were our oppressors and taskmasters. We foster no enmity now, and we desire to foster none for their act in the past to us, nor to the Government we love so well.”

The Emmy-Award-winning creative professional believes the nation needs more healthy dialogue around historic accounts like these, and more unity around the fact there is only one human race. Instead of false revisionist history, Bomberger believes conversations should center around forgiveness by God and redemption as demonstrated by these trailblazing legislators.

Related article:

The Bottom Line:

“So Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘Truly I understand that GOD shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him.” Acts 10:34-35

Hilliard school students being taught to support radical SOGI legislation


COLUMBUS — What are your children learning in public schools? While divisive SOGI laws have had considerable opposition throughout Ohio, one school administrator is using children as political pawns to promote her political agenda. Students at her Columbus suburb school are being taught to be LGTBQ activists.

This week Kristen Clausen, a Vice Principal at Hilliard City Schools, sent an email to staff this week ordering all teachers to have students send letters to the Hilliard City Council urging them to pass a controversial and dangerous ordinance that would make “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” a special class of people.

CCV President Aaron Baer is urging citizens to take action by contacting the Hilliard School Board.

The email obtained by Center for Christian Virtue (formerly Citizens for Community Values), instructs teachers to read a script to students supporting a so-called “anti-discrimination” ordinance.  This is in direct violation of school policy pertaining to political issues.

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of its neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. 

Some of the harmful effects of SOGI ordinances observed in other states include the requirement that homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters have to allow men to bathe and bunk with women. They have also required businesses and schools to allow men in women’s locker rooms or showers. Opponents point out the ordinances dictate how people should think and are in direct conflict with First Amendment protected speech.

This past legislative session a state SOGI bill failed to pass after receiving strong opposition from the faith community and womens’ rights advocates.

“This is an unprecedented violation of the public trust. For Hilliard public schools to turn students into lobbyists is bad enough. But to pressure students to lobby for something as dangerous and controversial as a Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Bill is wholly unacceptable.”

Aaron Baer, Center for Christian Virtue President

Presently Hilliard City ordinances have the same protections for all people. According to the Human Rights Campaign data, eighty-nine percent of the 247 municipalities in Ohio presently do not have SOGI laws.

Clausen’s order goes on to have teachers encourage students write letters to the Hilliard City Council, and to drop the letters in the school’s “main office” for delivery. The teachers were also directed to play a video for all students on how to lobby City Council in support of the “anti-discrimination” ordinance. The video gave no examples of discrimination in the Hilliard community.

“This is an unprecedented violation of the public trust,” said Aaron Baer, President of Center for Christian Virtue. “For Hilliard public schools to turn students into lobbyists is bad enough. But to pressure students to lobby for something as dangerous and controversial as a Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Bill is wholly unacceptable.

“What’s worse, to order teachers to endorse legislation as harmful as a Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity law is incredibly unethical. The employees of the state come from diverse backgrounds, and should not be coerced to back such partisan and divisive legislation.”

Baer commented, “The Hilliard School Board should retract this email immediately and issue an apology to all students and teachers. They must also take all necessary steps to hold administrators responsible and ensure this unbelievable breach of the parents’ trust never happens again.”

Director of Communications for Hilliard City Schools, Stacie Raterman, agreed the email by Clausen was not appropriate. According to Raterman, “The board policy sets clear expectations that literature promoting or opposing political figures, candidates or issues not be distributed in the school setting.”

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

“He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me…” John 10: 12-14

Israel Prime Minister personally thanks Buckeye Bible Belt for support (VIDEO)

In 2021, Benjamin Netanyahu thanks Ohio clergy for investing in Israel bonds (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

ONTARIO — A diverse band of leading Ohio clergy sent a correspondence to the U.S. and Israeli governments supporting the Jewish State’s sovereignty and rejecting the BDS movement. Thirty-three clergymen affirmed their advocacy in one practical way: by committing to invest Israel bonds.

Consequently, these clergy believed their letter was answered when former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo implemented new pro-Israel measures one month later. No doubt the clergy were convinced their mission had succeeded after the Israeli announcement of new housing construction in Judea and Samaria. But it was no small matter when this month the clergy received another confirmation: a letter in the mail from the Prime Minister of Israel.

Response from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Ohio clergy.
(Image courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I am extremely blessed to think Bibi (Benjamin) Netanyahu is corresponding with us on a personal level,” says Rabbi William Hallbrook, one of the clergy co-signors. “That blesses my heart to know that such a leader would take the time to write a letter, to send a letter, and say a personal ‘thank you;’ it touches my heart.”

In his letter to the Ohio clergy dated November 24th, 2020, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote the following:

“Thank you for the kind letter. The people of Israel derive tremendous strength and encouragement from the unwavering sense of solidarity of our many friends from around the world. We appreciate your tangible expression of support. We are especially grateful for your stance against anti-Semitism and your staunch opposition to BDS.”

In their letter, the Ohio clergy were critical of the position of the World Council of Churches which calls the expansion of Israeli settlements as illegal and unjust. The clergy letter stated, “We want to assure you Mr. Prime Minister, the World Council of Churches does not represent our local congregations nor does its unorthodox view on Israel carry any authority.”

“The peace treaty originally signed by Israel suspended the construction of homes in the Israeli territories of Judea and Samaria. But last month the Prime Minister abruptly changed his course and announced approval of eight hundred new housing units. I would like to think that our clergy letter emboldened him to have this change of heart.”

Reverend El Akuchie

Reverend El Akuchie, another co-signor believes their encouragement influenced the Prime Minister. “The clergy letter we sent accomplished its objective. Little did we know as local clergy corporately invested in Israel bonds together, the Richland County Treasurer would also invest an additional $1.4 million in Israel bonds.

“The peace treaty originally signed by Israel suspended the construction of homes in the Israeli territories of Judea and Samaria. But last month the Prime Minister abruptly changed his course and announced approval of eight hundred new housing units. I would like to think that our clergy letter emboldened him to have this change of heart.”

On month after the clergy letter was delivered, the U.S. State Department responded by allowing all products from Israeli settlement communities to have the label “Made in Israel.” This represented a major shift in U.S. policy with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo becoming the first top diplomat to visit an Israeli West Bank community. Pompeo was also sent the letter.

“Ohio has a special relationship with Israel,” says Rabbi Hallbrook. “There is a lot of business connections there. Of course there is a lot of religious and spiritual connections within the communities. I would like to think we have a special relationship with Israel as a people.”

Clergy pictured: Reverend El Akuchie, Rabbi William Hallbrook, & Pastor John Bouquet. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Less than a month after the clergy letter was sent, a one-hundred million dollar manufacturing project was announced that will bring between 300-400 jobs to an industrial park located across the street from Rabbi Hallbrook’s synagogue. The vast 270 acre property has sat vacant for over a decade but now is coming back to life. The clergy have seen similar breakthroughs following other initiatives in their support of the Jewish State.

“North Central Ohio has been blessed because we have a love and devotion to the land of Israel and GOD’s people,” says Pastor John Bouquet. “GOD has favored us with job security, economic advances, strong families and strong churches. I think this is indicative of our biblical view on Israel. For that we give GOD the praise.”

Benjamin Mutti, the liaison between the clergy and Prime Minister’s office, comments, “I am proud of our faith community and its diplomacy with the Promised Land. In a generation devoid of strong leadership, our state of Ohio would do well to follow these goodwill ambassadors (clergy) in collaborating with the Nation of Israel. As America comes to the end of its rope, all eyes are on Israel as Biblical prophecy unfolds before our very eyes.”

Watch a three-minute video below on the Prime Minister’s response letter to the clergy produced by Frontlines Ohio Media.

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The Bottom Line:

“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29

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