Shelby residents gather for National Day of Prayer after storm

SHELBY — Shelby residents are believing that April showers will bring May flowers after their community experienced a damaging tornado last month. According to the keynote speaker of the Shelby National Day of Prayer, Reverend Anthony Cooper of Life Church, he believes good things could be on the horizon for the community.

“Just as Aaron’s rod budded, blossomed, and produced almonds in one night, I believe with the storms our community overcame, our Heavenly Father has a great harvest for Shelby in the upcoming season,” says Reverend Cooper.

Worship team from Life Church provided music for the Shelby National Day of Prayer.
Photo by Cris Shannon

Prayers for the city, schools, and nation went up from the outdoor pavilion Thursday evening, nearby the new amphitheater that is under construction.

Mayor Steve Schag, who also serves as Leading Pastor at Calvary Baptist, thanked the Heavenly Father in front of the seventy in attendance, reporting that no life was lost from the tornado, only damage to property.

“Amazing Grace” and “GOD bless America” were sung during the ceremony as the O’Brien Post 326 of the American Legion provided a color guard.

Pastor Cooper’s message came from John 13:34 which says to “Love one another, just as I have loved you.” His message emphasized that love is not about acceptance, love is about being a servant and not about loving the world system.

“Jesus washed His disciple’s feet and told those he ministered to multiple times to sin no more.”

Cooper’s message resonated with Reverend Kevin Evans of Ganges Liberty Baptist and President of the Shelby Ministerial Association, who closed the assembly.

“Reverend Cooper’s message on the true Biblical meaning of love really hit the nail on the head. Our culture has become Biblically-illiterate, that
is why the 2019 proclamation for the “Year of the Bible” was made this past January by area clergy. We cannot allow the world to define what the true meaning of love is. GOD is love, and if we are to love others, that means warning them about the dangers of sin.”

“The service really went well, ” said Reverend Evans. “This was one of the largest turnouts in Shelby for the National Day of Prayer in a while. with thirteen churches represented and nine pastors attending.”

Evans pointed out that corporate prayer for the city also occurs every Friday at 8:30 AM at the First Christian Church on 81 East Main Street.

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