Bellville fire station becomes ‘ground zero’ for National Day of Prayer (VIDEO)

BELLVILLE — Fifty strong were in attendance to observe the National Day of Prayer in Bellville on Thursday evening. The assembly took place at the Bellville fire station due to rain in the area.

Reverend Mike Stine
(Photo by Neal Costick)

“We would like to thank Mayor Teri Brenkus for allowing us to utilize the facilities at the fire station on such short notice,” said Reverend Mike Stine of the Clear Fork Alliance Church and one of the organizers of the event. “This day is important for our nation and an opportunity for the people of the Clear Fork Valley to seek the assistance of our Good Shepherd.”

Mayor Brenkus was in attendance along with youth from the Trail Life Troop #1, who performed a color guard flag presentation for the crowd.

Reverend Gary Kochheiser of the Ankeytown Grace Brethren welcomed those in attendance and Reverend Ron Walker of the Bellville Presbyterian Church read from the Gospel of John 13:34: “Love one another just as I have loved you.”

Reverend Stine gave a message entitled “Thoughts on Flight 93” and spoke about the courage and heroism of those on the plane for Flight 93 during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack where twenty-one Islamic terrorists hijacked four planes and flew the planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Trail LIfe, Troop #1
(Photo by Neal Costick)

The fourth plane, Flight 93, did not reach its intended destination due to the courage of passengers who stormed the plane’s cockpit to attack their abductors, ultimately leading to the plane crashing and killing all aboard.

Reverend Stine and his wife recently visited the Flight 93 Memorial for Spring break. The Park is located north of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

“The memorial was very stirring; it really impacted my wife and I. My message to those in attendance was that we are to give each day to our Heavenly Father. We should be courageous in spite of the evil that pervades our culture today. Lastly that we should be ready to pray, to love, and to lay down our lives for others.

“It is interesting that one of the passengers on Flight 93 called a random phone number to plead for help, and that person happened to be a Christian. That Christian prayed the LORD’s Prayer with the passenger and the passenger got enough courage to join his other partners to storm the cockpit, possibly saving the Capitol or White House from certain destruction.”

“We are to give each day to our Heavenly Father. We should be courageous in spite of the evil that pervades our culture today. Lastly that we should be ready to pray, to love, and to lay down our lives for others.”

Reverend Mike Stine, Clear Fork Alliance

After the message, Reverend Micah Pelkey of Storyside Church gave an intercessory prayer on behalf of the nation and Reverend Patrick Bailey of North Bend Church of Brethren gave the benediction.

“It is good to see the churches in the community come together and publicly pray for GOD to grant our nation His mercy,” said Reverend Bailey. “GOD’s people can no longer be on automatic pilot. We have to advantage of special times like these to pray.”

The Bottom Line:

View CBS video of tragic “The events of Flight 93” (4 min. duration)