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Curtain lifted as liberals conspire with Satanists to fight Texas abortion law

Unborn baby in its second trimester (Photo courtesy of LiveAction)

MANSFIELD — The Satanic Temple is holding Texas’ religious freedom protections hostage, claiming the Lone Star State’s new abortion ban is restricting its ‘religious freedom.’ As liberal media outlets are pinning their hopes on the Satanists’ efforts, one Ohio pastor says the partnership demonstrates how hellbent liberals are to murder babies.

Pastor Clint Zeigler
(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

“To practice ‘abortion rituals’ as a religious rite of worship gives us insight of the degree of their (Satanists) depravity,” says Pastor Clint Zeigler. “And when abortionists place their hope on this Satanic cult, the curtain really has been pulled: the Liberal Left has enlisted themselves into the army of the Devil.”

Headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts and founded in 2012, The Satanic Temple (TST) describes abortion as a “spiritual experience,” and argues Texas’ new six-week abortion ban imposes an “undue burden” on its Texas members who conduct the ritual. TST is seeking an exemption from the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. If the state declines to provide the exemption, TST says it will seek judicial relief from the law.

Liberal media outlets find humor Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a champion for religious liberty, may have paved a way for Satanists to preserve abortion.

Left-wing media outlets are gleeful in their support of The Satanic Temple’s fight to keep abortion legal. “Satanic Temple Floats Devilishly Clever Strategy To Dodge Texas Abortion Law,” stated a headline from Huffington Post. “Why Satanists may be the last hope to take down Texas’s abortion bill,” echoed Fortune.

“To practice ‘abortion rituals’ as a religious rite of worship gives us insight of the degree of their (Satanists) depravity. And when abortionists place their hope on this Satanic cult, the curtain really has been pulled: The Liberal Left has enlisted themselves into the army of the Devil.”

Pastor Clint Zeigler

Pastor Zeigler believes Satanism should not be defined as a religion and that the devil can be found in the details.

“The truth is being twisted. In our society today, evil has become good, good has become evil, and darkness is called light. It makes sense when the Liberal Left and Satanists are working together. As the Scriptures testify of those who have been taken captive by the devil to do his will, they think they are free when actually they are bound.

“Have they forgotten the right to live belongs to the unborn?” asks Zeigler. “Have they not read the many testimonies of women who deeply regret their decision to abort their baby and now suffer from depression and guilt?”

Texas Statehouse (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

The Mansfield Pastor is hopeful abortion supporters who are realizing they are actually playing the devil’s advocate will come to their senses.

“Perhaps now after locking arms with followers of the evil one, their eyes will be opened to see the truth. Especially those professing the Name of Jesus Christ, the One who truly is the way, the truth, and the life. Just maybe this is what some need, to share a foxhole with enemies of God, and to realize how much they have been deceived.

“Jesus said that you would know them by their fruit. To give support to the unjust slaying of the innocent gives ample evidence of a darkened, depraved heart.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah Chapter Five, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put butter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

West Geauga parents upset over mask mandate by school board (VIDEO)


CHESTERLAND — Breathing freely does not seem like something students should have to ask permission for, but that is the case in many school districts across the state. Strong emotions erupted over a mask mandate in West Geauga Local Schools. Over one hundred in attendance filled the gymnasium to address the Board of Education directly regarding the impact of a mask mandate on their kids.

Most in the audience were against the mask mandate. Parents told the school board that they were very capable of making decisions about their own children’s health.

Parents give their complaints with West Geauga Local School Board over mask mandate. (Photo courtesy of FOX 8 News screenshot)

One father told the school board, “I get to choose what is appropriate for my child. You have taken my parental duty away from me. I do not consent.”

Multiple parents cited issues with the facial coverings for young children, from some kids having difficulty breathing, to cleanliness and contamination challenges.

This summer, forty-seven studies were published confirming the futility of masks in preventing COVID infection and transmission. A second list of thirty-two studies were published confirming the negative health effects caused by frequent mask wearing for young children. Dangerous health and emotional effects on young children has been a growing concern for those who are at almost zero risk of COVID harm.

Christina Sherwood was angry parents were left out of the decision-making process. “Parents are angry that there was no survey of parents on their thoughts about requiring masks during in person learning.”

U.S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel addresses West Geauga Local School Board. (Photo courtesy of FOX 8 News screenshot)

The policy, which was updated on August 19th, states that the district will continue requiring “masks at its indoor facilities through October 22, 2021, as well as maintaining a minimum of three feet social distancing, as recommended by the Ohio Department of Health.”

In the guidelines released by the Superintendent, the policy regarding masks in all indoor facilities reflects and “takes into consideration, local, state and federal guidelines and are subject to change.”

After one hour of debate, the school board wanted to go on to another issue, but some parents made it clear they are willing to take legal action if their children are forced to wear facial coverings during school hours.

There are reports of toxic mold, fungi, and bacteria that can pose a significant threat to the immune system by potentially weakening it. Of particular concern is a report of breathing in synthetic fibers in the face masks. In addition, there is the possibility of not only entry of foreign material to the airways, but also entry to deep lung tissue, and potential pathological consequences of foreign bodies in the lungs.” 

U. S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel also attended the meeting and told the school board, “I think these masks are a form of child abuse.”

The lively crowd applauded their approval.

View video report below by FOX 8 news:


The Bottom LIne:

The Bible says in Romans Chapter twelve, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing, you may discern what is the will of GOD, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Ohio AG joins 19 other states to protect schools from Biden Administration overreach


COLUMBUS — As of late, the rule of thumb for federal bureaucracy has been to bend the law. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration demonstrates it has no shame using children as pawns to indoctrinate its political beliefs. In response, a group of Attorney Generals across the nation are taking to task several administrative agencies and reminding them they do not have the authority to change laws.

David Yost (Photo courtesy of Ohio Attorney General)

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has joined nineteen other State Attorneys Generals in suing the federal government for threatening to remove schools’ federal funds if they protect the privacy and safety of girls, and if schools do not force students to use “preferred pronouns.”  The complaint challenges recent administrative actions by the Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that rewrite two laws governing discrimination on the basis of sex.

“Rule by administrative overreach may seem convenient, but tossing the process our Constitution requires will inevitably trample the liberties of our most vulnerable,” Attorney General Yost said. “I will always defend the rights of our citizens to be a part of the legislative process and work to stop the abuses of a recalcitrant administrative state determined to bypass them.” 

The lawsuit first challenges an interpretation by the Department of Education that attempts to require schools nationwide to implement federal policies regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Nowhere does the Constitution provide authority for the federal government to run the nation’s schools and their athletic programs.

“The Biden administration continues to abuse executive authority to enforce a dangerous and radical ideology on children. The President knows this kind of attack on the privacy and safety of girls could never pass Congress, so he’s taken matters into his own hands by issuing a sweeping order that will harm countless children,” said Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) President Aaron Baer.

“Rule by administrative overreach may seem convenient, but tossing the process our Constitution requires will inevitably trample the liberties of our most vulnerable. I will always defend the rights of our citizens to be a part of the legislative process and work to stop the abuses of a recalcitrant administrative state determined to bypass them.”

Ohio Attorney General David Yost

Without warning the Department of Education in June changed the conditions and decided that Title IX, in addition to discrimination on the basis of sex, applies to nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.  This profound change was not accomplished through a law change by Congress, or even through an administrative process, but only through a unilateral interpretation.

“CCV and families across Ohio are grateful to have a leader like Attorney General Yost willing to say, ‘Enough is enough,’ and to fight for our children and the Constitution in court. Attorney General Dave Yost has consistently stood up for the rule of law and for families. “

Aaron Baer (Photo courtesy of CCV)

Secondly, the lawsuit challenges a recent interpretation of a Supreme Court ruling by which the EEOC asserts a power that it does not have to redefine law. 

In Bostock v. Clayton County, the Supreme Court ruled that, under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of1964, employers may not fire employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Although the EEOC cannot issue rules and regulations under Title VII, the commission interpretation attempts to expand the Bostock ruling to mandate employers adopt practices regarding pronouns, access to shared bathrooms, uniforms, and other matters, issues that the Bostock decision did not address. 

The state of Tennessee is leading the legal effort by the states, and is joined, besides Ohio, by Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota.

Yost continues to represent mainstream Ohioans. The faith community in North Central Ohio has repeatedly spoken out on the restroom privacy issue supporting biological gender interpretation. A bill to add sexual orientation and gender identity to protected classes in the state has failed multiple times, and has not made it past committee hearings.

Local school officials and parents will be eagerly awaiting the outcome of the legal process as the Federal government continues to deny biology.

See related articles

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in First Conrinthians, “For GOD is not a god of confusion and disorder, but of peace and order.”

Ohio clergy believe Biden decisions created disaster in Afghanistan


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO – An Ohio Navy hospital corpsman was among the thirteen Americans killed in the suicide bombing Thursday near Kabul’s International Airport. The twenty-two year old Maxton Soviak of Berlin Heights had hopes of making the Navy a career, but his life was tragically cut short. Several Ohio clergy believe his life and others could have been saved if there was capable leadership in Washington D.C.

Pastor Chad Hayes (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Just one year ago, America led the way in world diplomacy in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. But now the “peace thru strength approach” has morphed into the Biden Administration’s “war thru weakness” policy. One Mansfield Pastor who served in the Marines with combat deployment in Iraq believes Washington D.C. is working against its citizens and specifically, the military.

“My heart breaks for that naval corpsman who died along with the other brave Marines defending our country,” says Pastor Chad Hayes. “Politicians in Washington D.C. have handcuffed our military. The Biden Administration mistakenly deemed the war over by announcing the withdrawal of the troops, but no war is over until the enemy says it is over.”

Not only are there reports the U.S. State Department is blocking Americans from entering the Kabul airport to escape Afghanistan, there are also reports the Biden Administration left behind $85 billion of military equipment to the Taliban.

“The decision (by Biden) to leave the military equipment to the Taliban was an epic failure. I am disgusted that Jihadists are now using weapons paid for by American taxpayer dollars to kill our sons and daughters. There are even pictures of them (Taliban) wearing U.S. uniforms. What a disgrace to anyone who has served in the military and worn the uniform.”

“The decision (by Biden) to leave the military equipment to the Taliban was an epic failure. I am disgusted that Jihadists are now using weapons paid for by American taxpayer dollars to kill our sons and daughters. There are even pictures of them (Taliban) wearing U.S. uniforms. What a disgrace to anyone who has served in the military and worn the uniform.”

Reverend Chad Hayes
Pastor J.C. Church (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The safety of stranded American citizens and Afghan allies are left in jeopardy as the U.S. State Department confirmed their contact information was recently given to the Taliban.

Bucyrus Pastor J.C. Church lamented “The U.S. Armed Forces term ‘No man left behind,’ is now just a token statement carrying no meaning.”

As U.S. forces were under strict orders last week not to leave the Kabul airport, English, French, and German forces were seen sending special forces to rescue their citizens outside the airport.

“Our sympathy goes out to the Soviak family and those who have experienced loss from the terrorist attack, including American citizens and Afghan allies intentionally left stranded by the U.S. Government. This is a sobering moment for our country.”

“Elections have consequences,” admits Pastor Church. “The citizens in our Country have to get beyond personalities and look at job performance and love of country as deciding factors when they choose their leaders.”

According to Pastor Church, “The incompetence of Joe Biden and his staff has created a vacuum bringing instability to a region where the torture of women and children will become commonplace and religious freedom will be extinguished. This tragedy illustrates the point that when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I hope this is a wake up call for the people of this Country.”

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

Philippians Chapter 3 says “But we are citizens of Heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return as our Savior. He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like His own, using the same power with which He will bring everything under His control.”

Mega church invites advocate for children then bows to LGBT agenda


CINCINNATI — This past summer national media outlets reported on a video from a San Francisco gay men’s choir singing “We are coming for your children.” While the choir downplayed the song, there is no joking about a political force that sings from a songbook supporting the indoctrination of young children by promoting puberty blockers and drag queen shows. Although the transgender message preaches to society about tolerance, the movement in reality condemns those singing a different tune.

Recently CCV Policy Director David Mahan was invited to speak on the welfare of children. (Photo courtesy of screen shot from Columbus Christian Center)

Recently Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) Policy Director David Mahan was invited to preach at all three services at Crossroads Church near Cincinnati. After the church services, some activists inside the congregation condemned the mega church for hosting its guest speaker.

Apparently they were surprised a Biblical message on the subject would be given from the pulpit.

During his presentations, Mahan cited data from a study attributed to the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.  Studies show effects of puberty blockers can last a lifetime. Following the church services, activists held a protest outside the church.

In the wake of the backlash, Crossroads Church released this statement, apologizing for causing harm to people. They also removed any mention of CCV, Mahan, or his message from their website and social media.

“Pray for the LGBT advocates who are angered by CCV’s message and mission. Pray the Lord uses this controversy to continue to expose the harm gender clinics are causing to children and families.”

Aaron Baer, CenTer For Christian Virtue

One of those in attendance was CCV President Aaron Baer.

“I was blessed to attend all three services, and was deeply moved by the response of the congregation,” says Baer. “There were standing ovations during David’s message and during his conversation with Senior Pastor Brian Tome for each of the services.

Baer continued, “As David has witnessed after working in the public schools for the past twenty years, children in all schools are having dangerous transgender ideology forced on them.”

According to Baer, there are at least five “gender clinics” pushing cross-sex hormones and puberty-blocking drugs on children in Ohio. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital attested under oath that for 100% of the children that enter their clinic, they recommend cross-sex hormone therapy.  These treatments have not been approved by the FDA, and cause permanent bodily damage.

Drag queen show held in 2017 at a California public library. (Photo courtesy of screenshot from LifeSite News)

While LGBT proponents are effective in knowing what political buttons to push to control public discourse, they avoid talking points involving morality and biology. This past June, the Biden Administration ordered the flying of the LGBT flag at embassies across the world. Ironically, Crossroads Church in its apology letter listed CCV as the political organization.

“In their statement, Crossroads refers to CCV as a ‘political organization.’ However, CCV is not a political organization, we are a 501(C)(3) non-profit that does not endorse or oppose political candidates for office,” Baer explained. “We advocate and educate the public on issues, taking our positions from GOD’s eternal word.”

The CCV President believes that churches should not avoid talking about controversial issues like transgenderism, especially if done from the Biblical perspective.

“Pray for the LGBT advocates who are angered by CCV’s message and mission. Pray the Lord uses this controversy to continue to expose the harm gender clinics are causing to children and families.”

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The Bottom Line:

Luke 9 says “Whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.”

Ohio Archbishop opposes Catholic University hosting Biden/CNN townhall


CINCINNATI — If an Ohio Archbishop had his way, he would have shown CNN the door and cancelled a publicized Presidential Townhall hosted at a Catholic institution. While the event did not get the attention of many, the response by the religious leader did.

“Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has not been contacted by any involved party about the upcoming visit of President Joseph R. Biden to Cincinnati to participate in a CNN town hall meeting at Mount St. Joseph University,” the official statement said. “Archbishop Schnurr has therefore not been asked for, nor would he have granted, his approval for any such event to occur on Catholic premises. Mount St. Joseph University operates under the sponsorship of the Sisters of Charity and not under the direct oversight of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.”

Joe Biden in front of small crowd at CNN townhall meeting in Cincinnati at Mount St. Joseph University.
(Photo courtesy of screenshot from Gateway Pundit)

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 44th largest Catholic diocese in the country, with more than 440,000 Catholics, and has the fifth-largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with more than forty thousand students.  The nineteen-county territory includes 211 parishes and 111 Catholic primary and secondary schools.

Last month U.S. Catholic bishops overwhelmingly approved the drafting of a “teaching document” that will rebuke President Joe Biden and other pro-abortion politicians for receiving Communion despite their support for the practice.

“Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has not been contacted by any involved party about the upcoming visit of President Joseph R. Biden to Cincinnati to participate in a CNN town hall meeting at Mount St. Joseph University. Archbishop Schnurr has therefore not been asked for, nor would he have granted, his approval for any such event to occur on Catholic premises.”

Jennifer Schack, Director of Media Relations for Cincinnati Archdiocese

In response to the teaching document, a sitting Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA) suggested repealing the tax-exempt status of the Catholic Church because it is upholding biblical truth.

After getting a record 81 million votes in the disputed 2020 Presidential Election, Joe Biden’s television ratings for the sparsely-attended CNN town hall finished last among cable news channels. Last month Donald Trump held an outdoor “Save America” rally in Wellington, Ohio with an estimated twenty-thousand in attendance.

During the townhall, Joe Biden said, “I don’t care if you think I’m Satan reincarnated. The fact is, you can’t look at that television and say nothing happened on (January) 6th.”

Related article:

The Bottom Line:

Second John says, “Whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them.”

GUEST COLUMN: We still remember the motto: “With GOD all things are possible.”

Ohio state motto at Statehouse Rotunda (Photo courtesy of screenshot)

Twenty-one years ago, a Governor from the Midwest found himself in a tight spot. He had chosen to display the motto from his state on the grounds of the restored Statehouse. Only problem was the ACLU really hated that motto because it flowed from the Book of Matthew. Ohio had been without a state motto for a number of years when in 1959 a twelve-year-old boy started a petition campaign for a new motto, “With GOD all things are possible.” The idea caught on and the State Legislature adopted the new motto.

Dave Zanotti
(Photo courtesy of American Policy RoundTable)

In 2000, the ACLU decided the time was up on that motto. So they sued in Federal Court to have that “religious expression” declared unconstitutional. They won their case in Federal District Court and won their first appeal before a three-judge panel in the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court. The Governor and Attorney General had a decision to make. Should they appeal again to the full panel of the U.S. Circuit Court and perhaps appeal all the way to the Supreme Court, or should they accept the “inevitable” reality that the ACLU had won the day?

We had a decision to make as well. Should we rally the nation in support of the Ohio motto and take on the ACLU and the secular media? Could an honest historic and constitutional debate be won in public and in the courts for this matter of free speech and religious liberty?

We began the battle in defense of GOD-given rights and the U.S. Constitution. We produced radio programs in support of the motto. We released a brief documentary titled “Remember the Motto.” We distributed thousands of bumper stickers that said the same. By April, polling data revealed that 62% of Ohioans were aware of the litigation and 88% of people who knew of the case were in full support of the motto.

By December of 2000, Attorney General Betty Montgomery acknowledged that over fifteen-thousand people representing thousands more had directly contacted her urging full support for the defense of the state motto. Even the U.S. Congress weighed in, passing a bipartisan joint resolution defending the Ohio motto by an overwhelming 333-27 majority. Shortly thereafter, the ACLU suffered a crushing defeat as the full bench of the Sixth Circuit Court overturned the lower court decision and declared the motto constitutional by a 9-4 majority vote.

We did not have much in our hand when that battle began. We gave GOD what we had and then just started walking out the task focusing on the reality that “With GOD all things are possible.”

We had a decision to make as well. Should we rally the nation in support of the Ohio motto and take on the ACLU and the secular media? Could an honest historic and constitutional debate be won in public and in the courts for this matter of free speech and religious liberty?

“We had a decision to make as well. Should we rally the nation in support of the Ohio motto and take on the ACLU and the secular media? Could an honest historic and constituional debate be won in public and in the courts for this matter of free speech and religious liberty?”

Dave Zanotti, President/CEO of the American Policy Roundtable and The Public Square

Today the attacks upon the very fabric of this nation are all around us. In a recent one-hundred page document a Task Force commissioned by the National Archives concluded that America must “reimagine the Rotunda” where the original documents of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are on display. Giving full credit to the discredited “1619 Project,” the Task Force became an echo chamber of the crusade for Critical Race Theory. They expressed serious concerns over people being traumatized by viewing the Declaration, the Constitution , and the historic paintings of the National Archives.

For over forty-years we have studied America’s founding documents and the principles upon which they stand. We seek to articulate and defend those principles every single day across the nation on The Public Square, at the Statehouse, the schoolhouse, and in the courts. Today America is facing the massive tidal wave driving Critical Race Theory and the godless equation into nearly every classroom and media outlet in the land.

We all see it. The ocean of media power driving the deconstruction of America seems overwhelming. The rising waves of reconstructed socialism are everywhere. That ocean is so big, and our boat looks pretty small. Any oddsmaker would declare the assignment of defending the first principles of American Liberty to be a mission impossible.

But we have heard all that before. We still remember the motto: “With GOD all things are possible.”

Dave Zanotti serves as President/CEO of the American Policy Roundtable and The Public Square® Media Network. Article excerpt taken from this month’s “Four Minutes for America.

The Bottom Line:

Matthew 19 says, “Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible.”

Ark Encounter to add Tower of Babel to its attraction to address racism issue (VIDEO)


CINCINNATI — This year crowds are flooding back to the massive life-sized display of Noah’s Ark. Attendance at Ark Encounter has rebounded from last year’s pandemic and has equaled 2019’s record year.

“Our post pandemic numbers are better than our pre pandemic tours, and that is without our bus tours,” says Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis (AIG).

A depiction of the proposed Tower of Babel exhibit. (Photo courtesy of Answers in Genesis)

Celebrating its five-year anniversary this past summer, the Ark Encounter announced it will add a Tower of Babel exhibit and begin fundraising next year. The new exhibit will help people understand what genetics research and the Bible say about the origins of the people groups of the world and tackle the racism issue.

“The Tower of Babel was an event in the Bible after the Flood where man rebelled against GOD and GOD divided the people and gave different languages and people spread across the Earth forming different cultural and ethnic groups,” says Mr. Ham.

Ham hopes to demonstrate to people that all the different people groups came from a a common ancestry.

“Even in a secular scientific literature, they have been saying for years that there is only one race and the differences on the outside are minor and the major differences are cultural and the Bible’s history explains those cultural differences.

“The Tower of Babel was an event in the Bible after the Flood where man rebelled against GOD and GOD divided the people and gave different languages and people spread across the Earth forming different cultural and ethnic groups. Even in secular scientific literature, they have been saying for years that there is only one race and the differences on the outside are minor.”

Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis

Ham hopes to bridge those differences with the Tower of Babel exhibit.

“The real person is on the inside and we need to be teaching people that. We want them to understand, we are all one family, we are all one family.”

Picture of new playground (Photo courtesy of Answers in Genesis)

Answers in Genesis owns the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter and employs seven hundred full-time staff and six hundred seasonal staff. Ham says that his research shows that over ninety-two percent of those who visit the two attractions are coming from outside Kentucky. Ultimately, the attractions have added millions of dollars to the state’s treasury, local schools and libraries.

“A man who manages ten hotel properties in the region recently thank us for being great partners and driving immense amounts of tourism to the Northern Kentucky region. The head of tourism agency of North Kentucky reported an incredible number of visitors coming to the Ark and Creation Museum and that hotel occupancy in the region is reflecting that,” says Ham.

In May 2021,nearby Florence, Kentucky hotels had a seventy-seven percent occupancy compared to the national average of fifty-nine percent.

View the 2021 promotional video of the Ark Encounter below.

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in The Book of Genesis, “Therefore its name was called Babel, because the the LORD confused the language of all the earth. And from there the LORD dispersed them over the face of all the earth.”

After Mandel visit, Board of Elections responds to clergy letter against voting machines


MANSFIELD — After two months of silence, a group of local clergy received a helping hand from Josh Mandel during a recent visit. Seventy-two clergy advised the Richland County Board of Elections to pull the plug on their county’s Dominion voting machines. The Board of Elections finally responded to the clergy’s certified letter two days after the U.S. Senate Candidate’s public criticism of the controversial voting machines.

“If we are going to have fair and free elections in the future, we need to make significant change and reform,” U.S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel said to those in attendance for a recent faith and freedom rally at Mansfield Baptist Temple.

Pictured are several of the 72 clergy who sent letter to Richland Board of Elections: James Spencer, Les Farley, & Chad Hayes.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“First we need photo I.D. in every state. A photo I.D. is used for many everyday purposes.”…”In order for John Kasich to attend the Democrat National Convention, he had to show a photo I.D. Second, we have to get rid of these Dominion voting machines. Seventy-two pastors-these are strong courageous leaders, they put their name on a letter to the Richland County Board of Elections saying ‘get rid of these Dominion voting machines.’ It has been two months that they (Board of Elections) have ignored these pastors.”….”Whenever you see a bureaucrat who is against getting an audit, they obviously have something to hide. ”

Due to recent issues regarding the transparency and machine performance, the credibility of Dominion voting machines has been in question. In their letter, the Richland County clergy noted that Dominion arranged an anti-transparency contract with DuPage County, Illinois to resist public record inquiries of its machines. In May 2020, Dominion refused access to its voting machines for a Maricopa County, Arizona forensic audit.

Last month in Pennsylvania, it was discovered Dominion voting machines were rejecting Republican ballots in Fayette County. In Luzerne County, Republican ballots were all mislabeled as Democrat ballots on Dominion electronic screens at polling locations.

Because of Dominion Voting Systems’ appearance of bias, clergy pointed out Stark County, Ohio rejected the purchase of more than fourteen-hundred new Dominion machines after local residents rallied against them.

“We have to get rid of these Dominion voting machines. Seventy-two pastors, these are strong courageous leaders, they put their name on a letter to the Richland County Board of Elections saying ‘get rid of these Dominion voting machines.’ It has been two months that they (Board of Elections) have ignored these pastors.”…”Whenever you see a bureaucrat who is against getting an audit, they obviously have something to hide. “

Josh Mandel, Former Ohio State Treasurer & candidate for U.S. Senate

Following the Mandel rally, Jane Zimmerman, Deputy Director of the Richland County Board of Elections, wrote Frontlines Ohio saying “The issues cited within the clergy letter had no relation to any election that was conducted here in Richland County. It would be not only irresponsible but impossible for our Board to respond to alleged irregularities of which we had no participation in.”

One of the leading clergy co-signors, Pastor Les Farley responded.

“As Mr. Mandel reminds us, Dominion has a checkered history. They (Board of Elections) are using our taxpayer dollars for a vendor that has already demonstrated will not be a good faith partner for future elections. Dominion cannot call itself a ‘neutral voting machine vendor’ when it overwhelmingly gives political donations to one party (Democrat), and the voting machine errors almost always appear to favor one political party (Democrat). Reputation counts, and having a good name is better than riches.”

As State Treasurer, Josh Mandel has a reputation for promoting government transparency. During his term, Mandel was able to launch OhioCheckbook.com in 2014, marking the first time in Ohio history when citizens could actually see every expenditure in state government. The following year, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group released a report and Mandel earned Ohio the number one transparency ranking in the country for providing online access to government spending data, climbing from 46th in the nation to number one.

U.S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel visits Mansfield Baptist Temple June 24th. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Zimmerman says “At the Richland County Board of Elections we believe in the sanctity of a person’s vote and continually ensure all our elections are conducted lawfully, securely, accurately and transparently. Our voting system has many layers of security, physical, and cyber, surrounding it. The voting units we use are NOT and cannot be connected to the internet. The system is tested to rigorous standards which take into consideration the various concerns raised in the clergy letter. The Board will continue to utilize the current voting units under the strictest logic and accuracy standards.”

While the Board of Elections claims its voting machines are not connected to the internet, the Ohio Secretary of State’s office still required installation of internet security hardware. Albert Network Monitoring and Management devices recognize potentially malicious activity occurring on so-called “closed networks.” The clergy question why this hardware is even needed if it is not connected to the internet.

Pastor Les Farley commented, “The general public does not want to be told to simply trust a government agency. The public wants the government to convince the public they are telling the truth. Banks are required to have complete audits and account for every last penny. My vote does not seem “sacred” when our election board only randomly sample ballots to verify election results. Right now there is no way to know how accurately these voting machines are performing.”

“We cannot allow our satisfaction with local election outcomes cause us to be complacent. If these voting machines have indeed been manipulated, we may not like the next election outcome.”

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

Proverbs 20 says, “Food gained by fraud tastes sweet, but one ends up with a mouth full of gravel.”

GUEST COLUMN: Latest Supreme Court snub thorn in the side to florist & religious freedom (VIDEO)


On Friday, in an act of what can only be described as dereliction, the Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear the case of Arlene’s Flowers, Inc. vs. Washington. In refusing to hear this case, the Court has failed to bring clarity to a situation it ultimately created.

Despite the utopian thinking of Justice Anthony Kennedy in the Obergefell vs. Hodges decision, legalizing same-sex marriage has led to a crisis of religious liberty. Barronelle Stutzman is the definitive answer to the question, “How will my gay marriage affect you?”

John Stonestreet (Photo courtesy of BreakPoint)

In 2014, a long-time customer (whom Stutzman considered to be a friend) asked Barronelle to create a floral arrangement for his same-sex wedding. When Stutzman declined due to her Christian belief about marriage, the client said he understood and asked for referrals to other florists who would be willing to do the job. She recommended three other floral designers, they embraced and said goodbye.

When the attorney general of the State of Washington saw a post about the incident on social media, they brought charges against Barronelle. In 2015, a trial court found her guilty of violating Washington’s anti-discrimination law, ordered her to pay a $1,000 fine and the ACLU’s legal fees, and to no longer accept wedding business unless she agreed to serve gay weddings.

Her appeal to the state Supreme Court drew so much interest that arguments were held in a local college auditorium. The state Supreme Court ruled unanimously against Stutzman, citing Kennedy’s Obergefell language and even claiming that to not service a same-sex wedding is to “disrespect and subordinate” gays and lesbians. The court also ruled that floral arrangements weren’t “speech” but instead “conduct,” and rejected her free exercise claim based on the Employment Division vs. Smith. In other words, the Court found that even if the state had violated Barronelle’s First Amendment right to free exercise, it had done so in a generally applicable way that serves a compelling interest of the government.

Barronelle, represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom, then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, when the Court found the state of Colorado guilty of animus toward the religious beliefs of Jack Phillips, in the very similar Masterpiece Cakeshop case, it vacated the decision by the Washington court, effectively asking it to re-examine Barronelle’s case and look for the kind of religious animus condemned by Kennedy in the Masterpiece decision.

Unsurprisingly, the Washington Supreme Court, not about to admit it had decided anything wrongly, ruled again against Barronelle. So ADF, on behalf of Barronelle, appealed again to the Supreme Court.

By refusing to hear Barronelle’s case, the Supreme Court has left her, after seven years of fighting for her rights of conscience, without justice. It has left her without a significant part of her business. It has left her weary but amazingly hopeful after a long battle to save it. It has left her with the potential of financial ruin, and largely at the mercy of the ACLU.

“I’m no prophet, but I suspect Barronelle is among the first of many who will be forced to choose between their convictions and their livelihoods. The least that the rest of us can do is to stand with them, pray for them, support them, carry whatever burdens we can, and take our place alongside them, if and when the time comes.”

John Stonestreet, Colson Center for Christian Worldview

And, the Supreme Court has left America in the lurch, unsettled as to what definition of religious freedom it will recognize and protect. By ruling in favor of Catholic Social Services a few weeks ago, the Court made it even more clear that religious organizations will be protected. However, by refusing to take up Barronelle’s case, the status of religious freedom for individuals outside of religious organizations to live and order their public lives according to their deeply held convictions, is decidedly not clear.

Even if the Supreme Court is not clear, we all should be. First, LGBT advocates should be clear about whether or not this is what they are fighting for? Is the goal really to destroy people like Barronelle Stutzman and Jack Phillips, neighbors who have served you and the community so well for so many years?

Churches, Christian organizations, and Christians everywhere need to be clear too. Where will we stand? Will we make the sort of hard, life-altering choices as Barronelle, even if it costs us everything? And, will we choose to stand, in prayer and financial support, to those forced to pay a high cost for their Christian convictions?

I’m no prophet, but I suspect Barronelle is among the first of many who will be forced to choose between their convictions and their livelihoods. The least that the rest of us can do is to stand with them, pray for them, support them, carry whatever burdens we can, and take our place alongside them, if and when the time comes.

John Stonestreet serves as president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. John is also the daily voice of BreakPoint, the nationally syndicated commentary on the culture. This story was originally published on August 27th, 2020. Click the image below to hear the podcast of this article.

View the video below produced by Alliance Defending Freedom on the Baronelle Stutzman story.

The Bottom Line:

Isaiah 5 says “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

GUEST COLUMN: Celebrating America’s Birthday without the New York Times


When was America born? Was it when Jamestown was settled in 1607? When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620? When the 13 colonies won the War of Independence from Great Britain in 1781? Today, revisionist historians and new progressive models claim that America was born when African slaves arrived in Virginia in 1619. While the American slave trade was tragic, immoral, and a grave human rights violation, it is inaccurate to say that the United States of America was founded on slavery.

Tony Perkins (Photo courtesy of FRC)

Independence Day is the appropriate day to celebrate America’s birthday because it was on this day that the final text of the Declaration of Independence, the document outlining our nation’s ideals and aspirations, was approved by the Continental Congress (the actual signing would come a month later). Alarmingly, the historic belief about America’s founding on July 4, 1776, is currently under assault by liberal elites, including those behind the 1619 Project.

The 1619 Project was first publicly proposed in a New York Times article in August 2019 and has since been discussed in other outlets such as The Atlantic and various media networks. The original article has been developed into a podcast, written into a high school curriculum, and published as a book. The Project alleges that slavery is at the root of America’s founding, and that all her political, social, and economic structures are inherently racist.

While it is true that slavery is a dark stain on America’s history, the institution of slavery is not what animated America’s Founders or what inspired them to break free from Great Britain, which was heavily involved in the slave trade itself. Like every nation in the history of the world, America is imperfect in her history, politics, and structures. However, despite being an imperfect country, America is and has been one of the greatest forces for good throughout history.

For example, America is the only country to have ended slavery in fewer than 100 years after its founding. By comparison, it took the United Kingdom nearly 900 years to abolish slavery after its founding, and other countries like India, North Korea, Uzbekistan, and Libya, still practice some form of slavery today. In addition, America led the effort to liberate Europe during World War II, helping to restore world peace and prosperity. In 2019 alone, the United States gave over $47 billion in aid to alleviate poverty around the world.

America’s extraordinary contributions to the cause of freedom flow from the ideals set forth by the Declaration of Independence. As Jefferson movingly wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These beliefs animated the Founding Fathers and inspired the patriots who fought in the War of Independence. Thus, it is fitting to mark America’s birthday on July 4th, not just because it commemorates our nation’s independence, but because it is when the Founders clearly articulated that the United States would stand for freedom and human rights.

Today, fewer people view patriotism as a virtue, implying that our nation’s faults mean we cannot celebrate or be proud of its accomplishments. However, although we should acknowledge our nation’s faults and seek to improve them, we do not need to apologize for our nation herself. America is not perfect, but we can still be proud of her and what she has done well. It is good to take pride in your country and love the nation in which you live. Loving your country for the areas in which it has succeeded is healthy and promotes a spirit of unity.

“Seeking America’s welfare today includes showing patriotism and supporting our nation’s founding values and rights that are enumerated and protected under its founding documents. Let us view our American heritage with honesty, respect, and pride. America’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence says “July 4, 1776.” We should be proud to be Americans and celebrate our nation’s birthday with gratitude.”

Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council

Christians are commanded to love our neighbors, including those in our communities. Like the ancient Israelites, we should seek the welfare of those we live amongst (Jer. 29:7). This includes working to advance the Founder’s vision of a “more perfect union” in our spheres of influence. Ultimately, for Christians, our citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven (Phil. 3:20), but while we sojourn as “strangers and exiles” in this world, we must also be good citizens of the earthly places in which God has situated us (1 Tim. 2:1-3, 2 Pet. 2:17). Responsible citizenship and biblical love for our neighbors coincide with doing everything we can to advance the values of freedom and human dignity championed by the patriots who founded this nation.

Seeking America’s welfare today includes showing patriotism and supporting our nation’s founding values and rights that are enumerated and protected under its founding documents. Let us view our American heritage with honesty, respect, and pride. America’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, says “July 4, 1776.” We should be proud to be Americans and celebrate our nation’s birthday with gratitude.

Tony Perkins is President of Family Research Council and host of the radio broadcast “Washington Watch,” which discusses current issues and frequently conducts interviews with members of Congress and prominent pro-family leaders from across the nation.

The Bottom Line:

The Book of Jeremiah says to seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which you have been exiled to. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.

Lebanon, Ohio walks the talk, becoming 29th city to outlaw abortion


LEBANON — Actions speak louder than words. A number of cities are not waiting for the unpredictable U.S. Supreme Court to strike down Roe v. Wade. Local grassroot efforts in the Midwest are taking action and focusing on outlawing abortion… in their own backyards.

Over several weeks, the Lebanon City Council has heard from more than one hundred local citizens before voting on an ordinance outlawing abortion. The votes cast by the Lebanon City Council were solid: six votes for outlawing abortion with zero against.

Lebanon, Ohio City Council holding opening prayer invocation. (Photo courtesy Council video screenshot)

“We are clearly saying in our community we do not think it is in our best interest to open a clinic or a hospital that does abortions,” says Lebanon Mayor Amy Brewer. “We are elected to make decisions based on what’s good for our community.” 

The new ordinance immediately went into effect, stating, “It shall be unlawful for any person to procure or perform an abortion of any type and at any stage of pregnancy in the city of Lebanon, Ohio,” and “It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly aid or abet an abortion that occurs in the city of Lebanon, Ohio.”

Besides outlawing abortion, the ordinance declares abortion-inducing drugs to be contraband, stating, “It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or distribute abortion-inducing drugs in the city of Lebanon, Ohio.” The ordinance defines “abortion-inducing drugs” as “mifepristone, misoprostol, and any drug or medication that is used to terminate the life of an unborn child.” The ordinance is clear that the term “abortion-inducing drugs” does not include birth-control devices or oral contraceptives.

“The City Council of Lebanon recognized, along with twenty-eight other cities, that it is not good enough to say we value the lives of our unborn neighbors if there are no actions to back those words up. The City Council of Lebanon refused to play the game many politicians are known for playing and did what was necessary by passing an enforceable ordinance. They did not just say there were Pro-Life, they voted like it, and outlawed abortion.”

Mark Lee Dickson, Founder of Sanctuary cities for the unborn

Mark Lee Dickson, director of Right to Life of East Texas and founder of the  Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn explained the significance of passing actual “ordinances” outlawing abortion, and not simple “resolutions” that carry no weight.

“The City Council of Lebanon recognized, along with twenty-eight other cities, it is not good enough to say we value the lives of our unborn neighbors if there are no actions to back those words up. The City Council of Lebanon refused to play the game many politicians are known for playing and did what was necessary to protect the health and welfare of the residents of Lebanon, Ohio by passing an enforceable ordinance. They did not just say they were Pro-Life, they voted like it, and outlawed abortion.”

In June of 2019, Waskom, Texas became the first city to outlaw abortion by ordinance in America. 

Lebanon, Ohio (Photo courtesy of Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn)

Those who are found in violation of any part of the Lebanon ordinance are guilty of a misdemeanor in the first degree and, under Ohio Law, are not to serve more than six months in jail or pay more than $1,000 in fines. These consequences to the violation of this law are immediately enforceable and contain only one exception: “Under no circumstance may the mother of the unborn child that has been aborted, or the pregnant woman who seeks to abort her unborn child, be subject to prosecution or penalty under this section.”

If the City of Lebanon faces any litigation as a result of the passage of the ordinance, Attorney Jonathan F. Mitchell, the former Texas Solicitor General, has agreed to represent the city at no cost to the city and taxpayers. In May of 2020 when seven cities in East Texas that had passed the ordinance were sued by the ACLU, Mitchell represented the cities, and after three months, the ACLU withdrew its lawsuits. The lawsuits did not cost the cities or the taxpayers one cent and abortion remains outlawed in every city which was sued.

The Bottom Line:

Proverbs 6 says, “There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.”

89 Ohio clergy affirm role of police calling for day of prayer & appreciation (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

Pastor Hank Webb speaking with clergy check donation (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD — As social justice efforts across the nation defund local police departments, the jury is still out on whether Congress will vote to remove qualified immunity for hometown peace officers. Led by clergy, one community is trying to do everything it can by the book to make sure its local police forces know they are needed.

Yesterday, clergy representing eighty-nine local congregations held a press conference at City Hall reading from a joint prayer proclamation and calling for a day of prayer and appreciation for its police. Due to the negativity towards local police departments, the clergy report their local police are seeing a decline in staffing due to retirements and resignations.

Mansfield City Police Dept, Richland County Sheriff’s Dept, & Lexington Police Dept. represented at press conference.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“We are seeing law enforcement around the nation bleeding officers thru resignations and retirements,” says Pastor Matt Merendino. “In addition, our local police departments are also seeing dropping numbers of applicants for job openings, and the local police academy is graduating less students majoring in Criminal Justice. We want to champion the cause for our local police. As efforts to divide our nation continue, we stand united in support of our local police and our resolve is only getting stronger.”

According to Reverend El Akuchie, America was founded on Judeo-Christian values. “The Founding Fathers confirmed the Bible is the leading source of morality in Western Civilization by promoting law and order and forbidding murder, adultery, the stealing and coveting of personal property. Our community is no different; we have a history of corporately praying for Almighty GOD in times of adversity. ”

In 2009, eighty-three clergymen called for a day of prayer and fasting when the area’s largest employer announced closure of its facilities, Recently in 2020, one hundred twenty clergymen called for a day of prayer and fasting at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yesterday clergy continued their tradition.

“As leading clergymen from (89) eighty-nine congregations across Richland County, Ohio, we regret the negativity and malice toward those police officers who bravely serve and protect our families.  We formally call citizens, especially Christians, to join millions across the nation to recognize the “Day of Prayer and Appreciation for Local Law Enforcement” on Sunday, June 13th, 2021 by standing in solidarity through prayer, doing acts of charity toward those wearing the badge, publicly advocating on behalf of our local law enforcement, and promoting a career in this noble profession.”

Richland County clergy joint proclamation

During the press conference, Pastor spokesman Hank Webb declared, “As leading clergymen from (89) eighty-nine congregations across Richland County, Ohio, we regret the negativity and malice toward those police officers who bravely serve and protect our families.  We formally call citizens, especially Christians, to join millions across the nation to recognize the “Day of Prayer and Appreciation for Local Law Enforcement” on Sunday, June 13th, 2021 by standing in solidarity through prayer, doing acts of charity toward those wearing the badge, publicly advocating on behalf of our local law enforcement, and promoting a career in this noble profession.”

In addition to the day of prayer, fourteen of the congregations raised $5,000 in funds to support the County Sheriff’s Department and police departments in Mansfield, Ontario, Lexington, Bellville and Butler.

“We are donating these funds for our officers and their equipment needs. It is the least we can do. Our hope is that this small gesture can help improve staff morale and provoke other stakeholders to do the same,” says Webb.

Reverend El Akuchie praying for local law enforcement. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Sheriff Steve Sheldon commented, “We are thankful for what the clergy do. Both Mansfield City and Richland County have “In GOD we trust” emblems on their police cruisers. While we have problems in our community, we know that GOD is still bigger than any problem we have.”

Mansfield City Councilman Jason Lawrence added, “If you are in law enforcement and you want to serve in a community that supports law and order, move to Richland County, Ohio and bring your family with you. We believe this community can be a great place for both the young and the old to live in.”

For interested parties that would like to donate funds to area police departments, email inquiries to admin@frontlinesohio.com.

View slideshow from the clergy press conference below.

View video of clergy press conference in its entirety (16 min.)

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

Ephesians 6 says, “Finally brethren, be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Guest Column: Shawshank for January 6th political prisoners


“I have been in solitary confinement for one hundred days now and haven’t been convicted of any crime with no end in sight.”

That was part of a lengthy message Jacob Lang sent to his father, Ned, the last week of April. Jacob was arrested on January 16th in New York and charged with several crimes related to his activity in Washington, D.C. on January 6th. Lang, who turned twenty-five while incarcerated, is accused of assaulting police officers using a dangerous or deadly weapon. The government’s evidence against him appears to be strong. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Author and Commentator
Julie Kelly

So far, more than four hundred people have been arrested in the nationwide manhunt with more charges to come, and at the same time, emerging evidence proves law enforcement allowed protestors to enter and remain in the building.

At the direction of Joe Biden’s Justice Department, at least fifty defendants have been transported from their home states to a D.C. jail, a purely punitive move since all court hearings into the foreseeable future are virtual. In several cases, federal prosecutors successfully argued against release orders issued by local judges. The government repeatedly cites the overall events of January 6th in addition to the defendants’ skepticism about the outcome of the 2020 presidential election as evidence the accused are a threat to society.

“He armed himself and assaulted law enforcement with the intent to unlawfully enter the U.S. Capitol and stop the functioning of our government as it met to certify election results,” one assistant U.S. attorney wrote in the government’s pre-trial detention motion for Lang. “The defendant was a spoke in the wheel that caused the historic events of January 6, 2021, and he is thus a danger to our society and a threat to the peaceful functioning of our community.”

Of course, that sort of dramatic rhetoric has nothing to do with keeping people safe and everything to do with punishing law-abiding Americans who have the audacity to doubt the outcome of last year’s election. It’s guilt-by-association—anyone who supports Donald Trump is guilty of challenging the Biden regime and must pay the price.

Which is why so many January 6th detainees now languish in solitary confinement conditions, some reportedly abused by prison guards, denied routine access to family members and defense attorneys. While there’s no doubt most of those behind bars awaiting delayed trials face the most serious charges related to the Capitol breach, the double standard of justice is in clear view. The same Justice Department dropping cases against Portland rioters, including those charged with assaulting federal officers, is treating January 6 defendants as hardened criminals even though most have no criminal records. 

Lang told his father his fellow detainees are being tortured “mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, legally, and spiritually.”

The jail allows them to leave their cells for an hour a day. Religious services are not allowed; they can’t exercise and access to personal hygiene such as showers is nearly nonexistent, according to defense lawyers and relatives I’ve spoken with. The detainees, before a single moment of their trial has begun, suffer the same harsh treatment as convicted criminals incarcerated in the D.C. prison system—pandemic-justified conditions recently condemned by elected officials of both parties. 

The treatment is so bad that the detainees have found advocates in two unlikely allies: Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Richard Durbin (D-Ill.). “Solitary confinement is a form of punishment that is cruel and psychologically damaging,” Warren told Politico last month. “And we’re talking about people who haven’t been convicted of anything yet.” Durbin expressed surprise at how the January 6th detainees were being held and urged progressives to “amplify their criminal justice reform calls even on behalf of Donald Trump supporters who besieged the entire legislative branch in January.”

When Richard Barnett, the man photographed in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, finally was released from the D.C. jail after being held for nearly four months, the first thing he asked for was a nail clipper. “All the inmates had to share one nail clipper and it was never cleaned,” Barnett’s attorney, Steven Metcalf, told me. “He hadn’t cut his nails in four months.”

“They are literally torturing me exactly like they do to political prisoners in China. I am a United States citizen and the Constitutional patriot and they are…torturing me. I am not even convicted of a crime! This is how they treat ‘innocent until proven guilty’ people in America?”

Jacob Lang of Newburgh, New York

Barnett turned himself in to law enforcement after he arrived home to Arkansas on January 8th; news photographers had been positioned inside Pelosi’s office to take pictures and the image of Barnett went viral immediately, leading to death threats against his family. Although he had no criminal history, D.C. District Court Judge Beryl Howell agreed with the government that Barnett was a danger to society. In addition to a few misdemeanor charges, he is accused of carrying—not using—a walking stick that can be used as a stun gun.

“Defendant’s involvement in the Capitol assault and brazen conduct inside the Capitol and offices of the Speaker of the House pose an obvious danger,” Howell wrote on January 29. “The court finds that the defendant poses a danger to the community because of his brazenly illegal conduct . . . and access to firearms and weapons, like a stun gun, that remain missing.” (Howell, a former Democratic Senate staffer and Obama appointee, has been a major Trump antagonist from the bench.)

Howell’s prejudicial conclusion that Barnett engaged in “illegal” activity based solely on the government’s initial evidence is just one example of how January 6 defendants are “being treated as though they’ve already been sentenced,” Metcalf said.

Prison guards “instill fear” in the detainees, Metcalf said. Ryan Samsel, behind bars since January, allegedly was beaten by prison guards who handcuffed him with zip ties. “He has definitely suffered serious injuries, including a shattered orbital floor, a broken orbital bone, his jaw was broken, his nose was broken,” his lawyer said in an interview last month. Samsel, she said, is currently unable to see out of his right eye and may permanently lose his vision.

Further, those held in the D.C. jail cannot participate in their own defense, a clear violation of basic constitutional protections.

Inside the Washington D.C. Central Detention Facility (Photo courtesy of D.C. Corrections)

“It’s impossible to have a free-flowing conversation with your clients,” Metcalf said. “Meetings are in open cages where there is no confidentiality, everyone can hear the conversations including prison guards.” If a detainee meets with a lawyer in person at the jail, he must then quarantine for fourteen days as “retaliation,” Metcalf said. Attorney-client privilege is nonexistent.

The government, with the consent of federal judges is using every legal trick necessary to keep Capitol surveillance footage from January 6th under wraps from both defendants and legal counsel. The video captured by the Capitol’s security system and used against Lang and other defendants to support pretrial detention motions is considered “highly sensitive” and concealed by protective orders. Defendants only have access to the clips created by the Justice Department, not full recordings; the videos can be viewed in a supervised setting. Defendants and lawyers cannot download, copy, or share the clips.

Last week, Jacob Lang, according to a text message sent to his mother on Sunday, was placed in an empty cell for at least fourteen hours as punishment for advising other detainees against accepting plea deals. According to the message, shared by his father to me, Jacob had “no water, nothing in my cell, no chair to sit, no blanket, no Bible, no toothbrush, no toilet paper . . . and no human contact.” Jacob said the water is brown and comes out “in chunks.”

His next court hearing is June 15.

“They are literally torturing me exactly like they do to political prisoners in China,” he wrote his mother. “I am a United States citizen and Constitutional patriot and they are . . . torturing me. I’m not even convicted of a crime!! This is how they treat ‘innocent until proven guilty people in America???”

Only, as Lang and his fellow detainees are learning the hard way, if you’re on the wrong side of American politics.

Julie Kelly is a political commentator and senior contributor to American Greatness. She is the author of Disloyal Opposition: How the NeverTrump Right Tried―And Failed―To Take Down the President. Her past work can be found at The Federalist and National Review.

The Bottom Line:

Deuteronomy 16 says, “Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the innocent.”

Ashland starts day off on good foot with Prayer Breakfast (VIDEO)


ASHLAND — Ashlanders started their day off on a good foot with an early morning National Day of Prayer (NDOP) breakfast at the Ashland University Convocation Center. As one of the largest NDOP observances in the state each year, leaders from various spheres of influence participated in the corporate gathering taking authority over different areas of society.

Click on the image above to view the NDOP Prayer Breakfast in its entirety at the Ashland County Ministerial Association Facebook page. (Photo courtesy of Jimmi Delay)

One of those was the NDOP keynote speaker Rob Walgate, who spoke on the subject of authority. As a collegiate official for basketball, Walgate shared his unique perspective.

“Each of us have the ability to influence,” said Walgate. “Jesus’ disciples got their authority from Heaven to feed the thousands with only five loaves and two fish. While the LORD is in control, it also takes an action on our part. Similarly, the Great Commission requires an action on our part to disciple and influence others.”

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller asked the gathering, “Do our prayers matter? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Presidents Truman and Reagan all thought their prayers mattered. In the Bible, when King Jehosophat had pressing issues, he had all the men, women and children of the nation of Israel together cry out to deliver them from their calamity. Today we too have a Heavenly Father who can deliver us from our problems.”

Mayor Matt Miller gives opening prayer. (Photo courtesy of Jimmi Delay)

County Commissioner Board President Denny Biddle gave a proclamation recognizing the National Day of Prayer.

Biddle said the Commissioners begin their meetings with prayer. “In my six years as Commissioner, I believe It is very evident that GOD is blessing our community, I believe the morals of this community are continuing under GOD’s guidance. It takes a joint partnership with churches , businesses, educational institutions, and additional government agencies to maintain the good of society.”

Prayer leaders led corporate intercession with Pastor Scot Myers praying for military veterans, Melanie Miller for national leaders, Pastor Keith Tyson for state leaders, and Sherry Bouquet for county elected officials

“It’s good to be back in the house for the Prayer Breakfast,” says NDOP Chairman Pastor John Bouquet. “After forty years of the Prayer Breakfast, we want to honor the LORD for what He has done for us. We had sixty different churches and businesses support this event this year and I think that is phenomenal.”

Related articles:

Richland County observes 2021 National Day of Prayer (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

Pastor Kevin Evans leads prayer at Shelby NDOP (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

RICHLAND COUNTY — While the U.S. Capital hosted no National Day of Prayer (NDOP) observance this year, and while the White House left the word “God” out of its NDOP proclamation, on May 6th there was plenty of acknowledgement of the Almighty to go around in the Buckeye Bible Belt.

Several public prayer observances took place across Richland County including the City of Shelby.

Pastor Doug Tackett speaks at Shelby NDOP (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

With over one hundred in attendance, including Mayor Reverend Steve Schag and State Rep. Marilyn John, Shelby Pastor Kevin Evans shared a story of one act of courage impacting a nation years later.

“Reverend Billy Graham stood on Capital steps in Feb 1952 and called on Congress to establish a national day of prayer. And by April of that year, President Truman signed legislation enacting a national day of prayer which has been celebrated since, making it the seventieth year. We want to praise GOD for that act of faith.”

Pastor Doug Tackett, keynote speaker for the Shelby NDOP commented, “I believe the rescuing of our nation, our city, our church and the rescuing of our freedom lies with our prayers. Psalms 33:12 says Blessed is the nation whose god is the LORD. It is imperative that GOD’s people pray, the salvation of our schools and our city depends on it.”

“Pray for leaders giving them wisdom, discernment; and strength, for the men and women of the Armed Forces, for all First Responders who put themselves in harm’s way every day, and to bless our land with honorable endeavors, sound learning, respect and pure manners; and let us ask GOD for sustenance and guidance for all of us so that we can meet the great challenges we face as a Nation.”

Richland County Board of commissioner proclamation

The local award-winning gospel singing group Glory Way Quartet also performed to bring the ceremony to an energetic closing.

In Mansfield, a noonday prayer gathering brought citizens and leaders alike to pray together at Central Park.

Mansfield Mayor Tim Theaker pointed out in his proclamation “Our region is historically known for its dependence on the Almighty when eighty-three Richland County clergymen during the 2008-2009 recession called for a day of prayer and fasting after the closure of the General Motors stamping plant, and when one hundred-twenty clergymen across North Central Ohio called Ohioans to a season of corporate prayer and fasting during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.”

In their proclamation, the Richland County Board of Commissioners encouraged citizens to “Pray for leaders giving them wisdom, discernment; and strength, for the men and women of the Armed Forces, for all First Responders who put themselves in harm’s way every day, and to bless our land with honorable endeavors, sound learning, respect and pure manners; and let us ask GOD for sustenance and guidance for all of us so that we can meet the great challenges we face as a Nation.”

Rev. El Akuchie leads prayer at Mansfield NDOP (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Besides Mayor Theaker and Commissioners Tony Vero and Cliff Mears, Ontario Mayor Randy Hutchinson, Juvenile Court Judge Steve McKinley, Mansfield Councilman Jason Lawrence and several City Administrators attended, including Police Chief Keith Porch. Mansfield Potter’s House brought their worship team to provide several praise songs.

Down the road and later in the evening, area clergy Matt Merendino and Matt O’Harra were part of a group of religious leaders who led a NDOP assembly in Bellville at the old Township Hall; Mayor Terri Brenkus attended.

In September 1774, the first session of the Continental Congress opened with prayer from Psalms 35 by Reverend Jacob Duche at Carpenter’s Hall in Philadelphia. As a result records indicated there have been at least 1,526 state and federal calls for national prayer since.

View the following slideshow below of the 2021 NDOP observances in Mansfield, Shelby, and Bellville, and a video produced by Liberty Life’s Song Ministries of the Shelby NDOP observance.

The Bottom Line:

2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom.”

Israeli says it is not too late for America to become land of the free again (VIDEO)


ONTARIO — Whether preventing a radical revolution to defend Judeo-Christian civilization, or experimenting with a socialist utopia, the Bible says Israel is to be “a light to the nations.” One Israeli author and commentator points out many of the challenges America now faces have parallels to the successes and failures Israel has already faced.

David Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel and Founder and President of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund (SICF). His organization is dedicated to healing the trauma of child victims of terrorist attacks, as well as rebuilding the Biblical heartland of Israel through the children. Recently Rubin spoke at Sar Shalom Center to discuss his new book entitled “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel.”

Former Shiloh Mayor David Rubin with Rabbi William Hallbrook. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“There is a radical plan to change the United States of America from a nation of traditional values of GOD, family, and hard work – to a neo-Marxist, gender and ethnically confused reality that sees the “land of the free” as an evil force in the world,” says Rubin.

As social justice warriors are trying to rewrite American history to divide the country, Rubin says Israel has learned to realize their leaders like King David, King Solomon, Theodore Herzl, and David Ben Gurion have all made mistakes.

“Many Jews learned hard and worked hard in early twentieth century during the years of discrimination. There was no need for rioting or the overthrow of values like we are seeing in America. It is interesting that as the Biden Administration is aiding the social justice movement, it is also funding the “pay to slay” program which financially supports the families of Palestinian terrorists who kill Israeli Jews.”

“It is not too late to stop the step by step revolution that the Secular Left has been organizing. We in Israel have learned certain lessons in the roller coaster ride that we call Jewish history, both from our successes in confronting the challenges, and from our mistakes. We need to keep in mind that there is nothing that cannot be reversed.”

David Rubin, Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund

As a nation of former slaves and exiles, Israeli Jews always emerged from darkness to light despite seeing disproportionate persecution, hardship, and death. Rubin points out the modern State of Israel had struggled for decades with its own brand of socialism, and continues to confront terrorist threats and propaganda warfare from radical Palestinians and their supporters on the Secular Left.

While Israel has not been exempt from the influences of the LGBT movement, Rubin says Israel as a whole is beginning to restore the traditional family.

“In Israel, there area more Jewish marriages than before and the birth rates of religious Jews have surpassed the Arab birth rates for the first time in recent memory. While American marriage and birth rates are plummeting, Israel is now following the Biblical mandate of being fruitful and multiplying. If the United States returns to the Bible, it too can regain its status and become a beacon to the world.”

David Rubin speaks recently at Sar Shalom Center. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Rubin says, “It is not too late to stop the step by step revolution that the Secular Left has been organizing. We in Israel have learned certain lessons in the roller coaster ride that we call Jewish history, both from our successes in confronting the challenges, and from our mistakes. We need to keep in mind that there is nothing that cannot be reversed.”

View the video interview by Israel 365 with David Rubin on his latest book below.

The Bottom Line:

Isaiah 49:6 says, “The LORD said to me, ‘I have a greater task for you, my servant. Not only will you restore to greatness the people of Israel who have survived, but I will also make you a light to the nations-so that all the world may be saved.”

GUEST COLUMN: Biden Isn’t Fueling Anyone with His Useless Agenda


Joe Biden wants to be FDR, but he may have to settle for Jimmy Carter. The eerie echoes of those days are starting to replay in a lot of Americans’ minds as they watch the world unravel – almost overnight. By nightfall Tuesday, the lines for gas up and down the east coast were so long that the traffic jams spilled onto the main streets. People everywhere raced to fill up tanks and whatever else they could hold, as panic spread. Along the southern border, the state of emergency hit a fever pitch when the surge hit a two-decade high. In Israel, Arab terrorists are on the verge of “full-scale war.” Prices are skyrocketing, inflation is shooting fear throughout the market, and what is the president’s response? “This is progress.”

Tony Perkins (Photo courtesy of FRC)

Five days after saying America is moving in the “right direction,” Biden’s team is scrambling to put out fires that they seem completely unprepared to confront. The bad news has only compounded since last Friday, when the dismal jobs report started to confirm what we all suspected: this White House’s radical approach isn’t working. After four months of acting on their pet LGBT and climate change projects, the administration is alarmingly out of its depth in the current global meltdown. The president seems dazed by the situations spiraling out of control under his watch and many worry these catastrophes will only get worse.

Since the Colonial Pipeline was hacked over the weekend, governors like Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) have been furious with the administration’s non-response. Stations up and down the seaboard are running out of fuel, and all the administration has managed to say about the cyberattack is “Do not fill plastic bags with gasoline.” “The Biden administration needs to take this seriously,” DeSantis argued. “Their initial response is, ‘Oh, this is a private pipeline,’ and just shrug their shoulders. This is important infrastructure for our country, and it could impact our economy greatly if they don’t respond.” Despite prices climbing twenty cents a gallon since Saturday, Mr. Biden, who campaigned on closing down the oil industry, seems unconcerned.

His team has been just as indifferent about the border, where the numbers continue to be a jaw-dropping indictment of this administration’s policy. According to the data released Tuesday, 178,622 illegal immigrants tried to cross into the country in April — the highest one-month total in two decades. That’s not “seasonable migration,” NRO’s Jim Geraghty points out, rebutting the president’s earlier claim. Anyone who tries to suggest that months of record-breaking numbers are nothing out of the ordinary is selling a “load of bull,” he argues. “These are cold, hard numbers which prove that Biden’s assessment of the situation in late March was completely wrong.”

“Evil preys on weakness -and that’s what this President is projecting to our enemies all around the globe. If something doesn’t change, and soon, America won’t be the only one who suffers. Israel, our allies, the persecuted, they’re all in jeopardy under an administration as feeble and misguided at this one.”

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council

Twenty governors are now banding together to demand action immediately. “The crisis is too big to ignore and is now spilling over the border states into all of our states,” they said in a letter to President Biden. “We have neither the resources nor the obligation to solve the federal government’s problem and foot the bill for the consequences of this administration’s misguided actions.”

Americans are even less reassured about the economy, as the sticker-shock over everything from eggs to lumber points to leaner days ahead. The worker shortage is already hitting employers hard, but now, to spread the pain around, the country is experiencing the single largest price increase on consumer goods since 2008. Inflation, even liberal media outlets warn, is “accelerating at its fastest pace in more than 12 years.” And yet, none of that seems to deter Biden from his $4 trillion dollars in new projects. If they pass, taxpayers will be looking at $10 trillion dollars in new spending in about a year.

This country is staring down crises in energy, the economy, the job market, Middle East, and the border, and what is this administration doing? Opening more transgender restrooms. Not that anyone should be surprised. This is, after all, what Joe Biden said he would do. And most extremists (including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.) would agree, he’s been remarkably efficient at it. Of the forty-three executive orders he’s signed since January, only a handful deal with something other than his extreme social agenda for the environment, race, gender, sexuality, health care, courts, the military, or education. On everything else, Biden struggles to look even mildly competent. The world is literally on fire, and this administration can’t even decide whether vaccinated people should wear masks.

Evil preys on weakness — and that’s what this President is projecting to our enemies all around the globe. If something doesn’t change, and soon, America won’t be the only one who suffers. Israel, our allies, the persecuted, they’re all in jeopardy under an administration as feeble and misguided at this one. “At the end of the day, every bully on the planet feels emboldened,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said soberly. “… I’ve never seen so much deterioration of our national security in such a short period of time, as I do right now. On multiple fronts, America is weaker, and the world is more dangerous. And I blame Joe Biden.”

Tony Perkins is President of Family Research Council and host of the radio broadcast “Washington Watch,” which discusses current issues and frequently conducts interviews with members of Congress and prominent pro-family leaders from across the nation.

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