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Richland Co. Commissioners approached about reinvesting in Israel Bonds: “They share our values” (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD –Ohio law allows county governments to invest in foreign bonds. In 2019, the Richland County Treasurer and Commissioner Board began investing in Israel Bonds at the request of local clergy. Recently the Board of Commissioners were encouraged to reinvest in Israel Bonds. According to several faith-based Israel advocates, ‘money talks.’

“Israel has never missed interest or principal payments on Israel Bonds since its inception in 1951,” says Benjamin Mutti. “After the Hamas-Israel War broke out on October 7th, more than fifteen Ohio state and municipal governments and institutions have invested in Israel Bonds in a meaningful show of support for the Jewish State. While Richland County benefits from conservative fiscal policies managed by the Board, it is my belief the county also benefits from moral clarity displayed by its elected leaders. With that said, in this current conflict, Israel carries the moral high ground and also shares our values.”

Benjamin Mutti told the Board of Commissioners, “Israel Bonds have a good return and will not let Richland County taxpayers down.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Purchases of Israel bonds do not go unnoticed. Mutti discussed with the Commissioner Board a correspondence sent by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Richland County clergy leaders thanking them for being bond holders and for the County’s purchases which totaled at the time $1.25M.

Along with Mutti, several local residents with extensive involvement in Israel attended the Board of Commissioners’ meeting. Tom Culp is a retired farmer and ODOT Traffic Engineer who lives outside Lexington.  Culp and his late wife have been to Israel several times including extended periods of assisting Jewish farmers with the grape harvest.  Culp was just completing a six-week harvest stay in Israel when Hamas attacked the southern kibbutzim on October 7th

Stephen McElhatten is a Mansfield resident and formerly served on the Board of Directors of the Galion Chamber of Commerce. McElhatten has visited Israel five times and has guided two Israel tours totaling fifty attendees thru Shoresh Study Tours. According to McElhatten, purchasing Israel Bonds is more than a symbolic act, “It is a practical way to stand with Israel in the midst of rampant anti-Semitism” he says.

Presently more than one hundred-fifteen state and municipal public employee pension funds and treasury funds have invested more than $5.8 billion dollars in Israel bonds. Since Israel bonds started in 1951, Israel has never missed a payment. This despite the small country going thru the Six Days War of ’67, the Yom Kippur War of ’73, the Lebanon Wars of ’78, ’82, and 2006, the Intifadas of ’87 and 2000, and the COVID pandemic.

According to the most recent Richland County Treasurer’s report, a 3-year Israel bond worth $200K will expire in December 2024. The last remaining Israel bond owned by the County, a 5-year bond worth $350K, will expire in October 2025. Richland County’s total investment in Israel Bonds represents less than half of 1% of the entire county portfolio which totals over $134M. Section 135.35 of the Ohio Revised Code allows a maximum of 2% of a county’s total average portfolio to be invested in foreign bonds.

This past week, Richland County Treasurer Bart Hamilton responded to the faith-based advocates by saying, “Israeli Bonds have been downgraded by all the rating agencies since the war started. The current rating from Moody’s is Baa1 with a negative outlook. This just barely makes it legal for me to buy. However with the negative rating, I do not feel the markets are done with the downgrades. In addition, Israel has also raised the interest rate due the to the downgrade and added risk of the notes.

During the October 17th meeting, Commissioners Tony Vero, Cliff Mears, & Darrell Banks stated, “With confidence, the Board of Commissioners gives unanimous support to Israel. It is without question 100%.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Hamilton went on to say, “I do believe the prudent position for the County is to wait for the rating situation to change and begin its climb up. With the change in Washington, I believe Israel will have the support of the Federal Government in the war efforts and hopefully that will help them stabilize the situation. Once that is done, I believe the rating will come up and it would be something we can consider at that time.”

“I am still very supportive of the Board continuing these investments,” Commissioner Tony Vero said at the hearing. “Israel Bonds are nice for portfolio diversity and are a symbol of our County’s support for Israel.”

Commissioner Darrell Banks added, “We have to protect the citizen’s taxpayer dollars. During my Army service, I visited the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial. With all the terrorists that are here in the U.S. and in Israel, we need to support Israel… I am hoping we can work something out.”

The Bottom Line:

View video of presentation by faith-based Israel advocates to the Richland County Board of Commissioners on October 17th. (15 min.)

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93 Ohio clergy from Buckeye Bible Belt encourage Ohioans to “VOTE NO” on Issue 1 (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — On November 5th, Ohioans will decide on Issue 1 and whether to “VOTE NO” to prevent an unelected commission from overseeing the redistricting process. This important map-making process will impact ninety-nine state representatives, thirty-three state senators, and fifteen members of Congress. A group of Ohio faith leaders are speaking out on this proposed Constitutional Amendment and believe Issue 1 may be moving boundary stones that should not be moved.

“It is our opinion Issue 1 will take away the power from the people,” says Pastor David Mahon, one of the ninety-plus clergy cosigners of an open letter opposing the amendment. “If Issue 1 passes, the proposed amendment would repeal constitutional protections against gerrymandering approved by nearly three-quarters of Ohio electors participating in the statewide elections of 2015 and 2018. Issue 1 would also eliminate the longstanding ability of Ohio citizens to hold their representatives accountable for establishing fair state legislative and congressional districts,” Mahon said.

Ohioans supported Donald Trump (in red) by a 53-45% margin in the 2020 Presidential elections. (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

The clergy wrote in their open letter, “As key stakeholders leading ninety-thee diverse congregations across fourteen counties, we formally oppose the radical Issue 1 which will allow unelected and unaccountable individuals to take away our right to ensure our government works. This Fall on Tuesday, November 5th, we encourage Ohioans to protect our elections from foreign interference, and “VOTE NO” on Issue 1.”

The Ohio faith community has consistently advocated for election integrity and believe no congressional map process is perfect. Issue 1 will require new taxpayer-funded costs on the State of Ohio to pay newly-appointed commission members, appointed special masters, private consultants, and an unlimited amount for legal expenses incurred by the proposed commission. The faith leaders believe Issue 1 will give a blank check to unaccountable officials and hijack the will of the voters.

The clergy wrote, “If we follow the money, this scheme is supported by the Washington D.C.-based 1630 Fund, the anti-GOD ACLU, and George Soros’ Open Society. These out-of-state interests openly oppose the Judeo-Christian values that make our Buckeye State so great.

“The Bible says in 2 Peter 3, “You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked.”

According to the faith leaders, an approved constitutional amendment “is much harder to reverse than laws which can be changed with each legislative session. If this convoluted Issue 1 passes, the Ohio Legislature will not be able to modify or regulate this language. Further, this unreasonable language cannot be challenged in Ohio’s Supreme Court since the Court is obligated by law to abide by the State Constitution as approved by the Ohio voters.”

Pastor David Guild, another clergy cosigner, believes wisdom cries aloud in the streets. “Issue 1 is not good for Ohioans. Issue 1 yard signs supporting the amendment say it will remove gerrymandering. But the actual ballot language says on the second point that it will bring gerrymandering; this is false advertising. I encourage people to read the ballot language for themselves.”

In 2021, Ohio clergymen addressed issues regarding election integrity and voting machines with the local Board of Elections. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to the ballot language, Issue 1 will create an appointed redistricting commission not elected by or subject to removal by the voters of the state. It would also prevent a commission member from being removed except by a vote of their fellow commission members, even for incapacity, willful neglect of duty, or gross misconduct.

One pastor is very familiar with Issue 1 and the congressional map process. Pastor Gary Click serves as State Representative and says there is no gerrymandering in the current bipartisan maps. Click’s own district consists of the rectangular Seneca and Sandusky Counties.

“Democrats do not have a gerrymandering problem, they have a woke agenda problem,” Click says. “The Democrat Party is leaving moderates out who do not believe men should compete in women’s sports or that children should have sex-change operations. The Democrats are going so woke that they are going broke. Their Issue 1 will create a bureaucracy that citizens will have no part in. I urge you to “VOTE NO” on Issue 1.”

The Bottom Line:

View video of State Representative and Pastor Gary Click explaining Ohio Issue 1 (13 min.)

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101 Ohio clergy endorse Donald Trump for President: “You are a man of destiny” (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — As the Deep State is playing hardball for the upcoming Presidential election, Ohio clergy are going to bat for Donald Trump. Taking a page from history, over one hundred faith leaders put their support in writing this week in an open letter to Donald Trump.

“Thank you for your courage in fighting systemic corruption in Washington D.C.  As Ohio faith leaders, we believe you are a man of destiny.  During your journey to become the forty-seventh President, whether thru lawfare or warfare, you have literally ‘taken the bullet’ on our behalf.  After eight shots were fired during the July 13th Butler, PA rally, you came within a quarter-inch and millisecond of your life being taken.  After one of the most widely seen miracles, you aptly gave credit to our Heavenly Father, stating, “It was GOD alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.”  We are reminded this fateful event took place just forty-seven miles away from a second historic place.

In 2020, over one hundred lead clergy sent a letter to President Trump thanking him for his policies supporting faith, family & freedom. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Another prominent American figure was also divinely protected during the Battle of Monongahela in the French and Indian War.  As American and British troops were being slaughtered, every mounted officer had been shot except for one.  George Washington had four bullets through his coat and two horses shot from underneath him yet survived. In a letter to his brother, Washington wrote: “By the miraculous care of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation.”  In fact, one of the combatants in the battle, Chief Red Hawk, later told Washington that he shot at him eleven times but was unable to hit him. From then on, Washington was considered “bulletproof” as many felt GOD’s Divine hand of protection was on him. 

“With the help of Divine Providence, Mr. Trump, perhaps the same can be said of you. It is our observation, when adversity hits, you have risen to the occasion. Pressure has not killed you- it has revealed you.” The clergy went on and gave some examples.

“When a violent mob struck Washington D.C. in 2020 involving a lockdown at the White House and an arson at the historic St. John’s Church, you responded the next day after the riot.  As President of law and order, amidst the defacing of monuments and desecration of churches nationwide, you stood up for America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and boldly held the Bible up into the air for the world to see. 

“When an anti-Semitic U.N. resolution passed in 2017, one week later, as Commander in Chief, you opposed the globalist agenda and declared the U.S. Embassy would be moving to Jerusalem.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu compared your courageous declaration to the proclamation made by the Persian King Cyrus the Great.

“When a train carrying hazardous materials tragically derailed and exploded in East Palestine, Ohio in 2023, three weeks later you met with local leaders, provided supplies, and gave courage to affected Ohioans. The sitting President visited East Palestine fifty-one weeks after your visit.

Ohio clergy wrote they believe the evangelicals who did not vote in the 2020 election are partly responsible for the nation’s woes. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“In closing, it is our opinion that since our divided nation no longer has secured borders, the country has regretfully become a proverbial train wreck.  We believe the forty-five million evangelicals who do not regularly vote are partly responsible for this condition. Silence is an endorsement of the direction this nation is going.   

“While over one-hundred Ohio clergymen thanked you in 2020 for your policies that promote faith, family, and freedom, as one hundred-one lead clergymen with congregations across twenty-two Ohio counties, we want to go further and formally endorse you to become the forty-seventh President of the United States of America.  Based on your record, we believe you are the best choice to uphold our GOD-given inalienable rights and to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  With the focus on Almighty GOD as our wellspring and not the government, it is our belief stability can return to our nation.

The faith leaders closed their letter with a Bible passage from Isaiah 33, saying, “Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.”

According to Pastor J.C. Church, one of the cosigners, Ohio counties with the most endorsing clergy in the letter include: Richland, Ashland, Crawford, Trumbull, Knox, Stark, and Wayne. Another cosigner, Dr. Ricky Branham, hopes their letter will encourage other Christians to vote their Biblical values this November 5th.

The Bottom Line:

View video of Over 100 Ohio Clergymen endorse Donald Trump for President (5 min.)

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Israeli leader comes to Ohio Heartland: “The issues we see with Israel demand a response” (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

Eeki Elner said, "This letter is not just to the Ambassador of Israel, this clergy letter is also to the Jewish people." (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

ONTARIO– Local faith leaders hosted a luncheon at the Sar Shalom Center Thursday to hear a boots-on- the-ground report on Israel. During the meeting, a letter addressed to the Israeli Ambassador and signed by one hundred-fifteen clergy was given to the keynote speaker. The letter supported the Jewish State’s right to the Biblical Promise Land and promised staunch support no matter who occupies the Oval Office.

“At a time where there is great hostility towards Israel, this is a true effort showing your dedication to maintain our friendship,” said Eeki Elner, President and Founder of the Israeli Leadership Institute. “This letter is not just to the Ambassador of Israel, this clergy letter is also to the Jewish people,” he said.

Eeki Elner spoke Thursday discussing the hostility Israel faces from its neighbors and the U.N. “They routinely pass one-sided resolutions condemning us. At some point they will say the only place Israelis can live is on the moon.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Elner has been meeting with faith leaders around the county garnering support for Israel during the ongoing war in the Middle East. “From my experience being with him in his home in Haifa and travelling all over the nation with him, I would say Eeki Elner is a man of great courage, conviction, and character,” Pastor J.C. Church said at the luncheon. “Make no mistake the hand of the LORD is upon Eeki.”

During the October 7th massacre, Elner shared that fifteen of his friends were murdered by Hamas terrorists. But that was not the only attack Israel endured. “The next day, Hezbollah began shooting rockets from the north towards Israel,” Elner said. “We are not a big nation, it is by the grace of GOD and friendship with America that we have won past wars; but this war has taken its toll on us. During this war, people are not investing in Israel as before. Our national budget is stretched due to the costs from the wars in both the north and the south. People are really devastated by what has happened.”

Pastor Church told attendees he believes these are extraordinary times. “We are living in the most defining moment of our lives. The issues we see involving Israel and the moral madness in our nation demands a response by every leader in every arena,” the Crawford County Pastor said. “We can no longer hide from the issues like some choose to do. This is the most pressure-packed moment in the history of our life, our ministries, and our nation. GOD has us here for such a time as this.”

Pastor Church believes that pressure can reveal a person. “This is the most revealing moment we have ever been in. Sadly today, this issue of supporting Israel is exposing many. One pastor told me he did not address the issue of Israel with his congregation ‘because it was too sensitive today.’ No, it is not too sensitive, it is just exposing you as a coward, that is what the issue of Israel is doing. I do not know what Bible you are reading, but we have to be clear the herd is being thinned right now.

“This issue of supporting Israel, like so many other moral issues has been hijacked to the point that people think they are political instead of the moral issues that they are. There can be no ceasefire in the Middle East with an enemy that wants you dead. The Word of GOD is infallible, without error, and give us our direction. Psalms 105:10 says the covenant GOD has made with Israel is everlasting. GOD stands with Israel, and not standing with Israel is not standing with GOD.”

In addition to the thirty faith leaders, also attending were: State Representative Marilyn John, Mansfield City Councilman Reverend El Akuchie, Judge Steve McKinley, Ontario Safety Service Director Adam Gongwer, and Caroline Bick, District Director with Congressman Jim Jordan‘s office.

Pastor J.C. Church tells faith leaders not to avoid controversial issues like Israel. “The greatest thing GOD can trust you with is the one thing most run fastest from: trouble.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The fight is not just with the elections that are coming or the military aid going to Israel,” said Elner. The fight is also to educate the next generation of Americans on their commitment to the Bible, to Judeo-Christian values, and the American heritage.”

“I love Ohio, I think Ohio is the heart of America. I speak in other states in America and you will never find me saying the same thing about another state. I think Ohio has a power and spirit that can change America. Ohio has always been a leader. There are much bigger Jewish communities in New York in Los Angeles or Miami. There are not many large communities of Jewish people here (in Ohio.) But it is the Christian community here that has always supported Israel so strongly.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook encouraged the attendees. “Stand with Israel because in GOD’s Word, Israel is both tied to the past and Israel is prophetically-tied to the future. Our destinies are connected; we are one. I encourage you to be vocal and to support Israel with your resources.”

The Bottom Line:

View slideshow from clergy luncheon at the Ontario Sar Shalom Center on September 26th.

View video of the clergy luncheon at Ontario Sar Shalom Center on Thursday, September 26th. (Duration 58 min.)

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115 Ohio Clergy pen letter to Ambassador as war intensifies: “Our heart beats collectively for Israel”


ONTARIO — While a ground war appears imminent in Lebanon, a group of Ohio clergy unearthed some Biblical truth in a clergy letter they want delivered to the Israeli Ambassador. Their messenger, Mr. Eeki Elner of the Israeli Leadership Institute, visited the Sar Shalom Center on Thursday to meet with faith leaders. The clergy letter Elner is to deliver was heartfelt.

“Mr. Ambassador, we mourn with you over the tragic loss of the six Israeli hostages who were recently murdered in cold blood by Hamas, said Pastor Russell Stanford, one of the letter’s cosigners and spokesmen for the group of faith leaders. “Our prayers go to their families and loved ones. We regret that the Jewish people are vilified for the alleged “crime” of living in their own ancestral homeland,” the Richland County pastor said.  “Not only has your country’s Biblical right to exist been attacked, our shared Judeo-Christian morals have also been ambushed.

Pictured are several lead clergy cosigners of a letter expressing support of Israel. Top row (L to R): Les Farley, Michael Rose, Michael Humphrey; bottom row: Jeff Mills, Rick Wiseman, Doug Tackett, & Russell Stanford. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“As one hundred-fifteen faith leaders from Ohio, we would like to thank you for your ongoing efforts in maintaining diplomatic ties between the American and Israeli governments,” Stanford said.  “We are having one of your faith-based ambassadors, Mr. Eeki Elner, send this correspondence to you after he returns from his Ontario, Ohio visit. While diplomatic ties at the national level are unsettled and federal support of Israel tenuous, due to the efforts of Mr. Elner, we confidently report ties between the Ohio faith community and Israel remains unshakeable and support for the Jewish State robust.” 

The group of lead clergy wrote, “One month following the October 7th massacre, over one hundred-fifty lead clergy from across twenty Ohio counties raised money for Jewish terror victims, prayed for the safe release of the Israeli hostages, and declared the surprise attack on innocent Israeli civilians ‘an act of genocide.”  The faith leaders also stated the Nation of Israel was within its right as a sovereign nation to defend its Jewish and Arab citizens by eliminating its enemies. “While Israel did not start this war or want this war, we believe Israel should hold Hamas and jihadists in the region accountable,” the faith leaders said. 

The clergymen believe that after concluding war on the western front, and beginning preparations for war on the northern front, it could be easy for the Nation of Israel to lose hope.

“Mr. Ambassador, with fifty-two Muslim states and twenty-two Arab states encircling the only Jewish state the size of New Jersey, it would be easy to think your country is outnumbered,” Pastor Mike Rose, another clergy spokesman said. The Crawford County Pastor gave a list of Israeli concerns: “With constant rocket barrages from Hamas and Hezbollah, with missile attacks by the Houthis, with calls for extermination by the Iranian Ayatollahs, with U.N. resolutions calling for Israel’s eviction from your Biblical homeland, and last but not least, with threats by the Biden Administration to embargo military aid, it would be easy for your nation to think you are outgunned.” Rose went on to say,  “But as faith leaders, we want to assure you that there are more with you than with them.”

The Ohio faith leaders went to the Bible when consoling the Ambassador and Jewish State. They referenced the account of King Hezekiah who made prayers on behalf of the Jewish people, and the Assyrian King Sennacherib made threats against the Jewish people and surrounded Jerusalem with his army. According to the Scriptures, an angel of the LORD delivered Jerusalem and struck 185,000 Assyrian soldiers dead in one night. (2 Kings 19). “It is no coincidence a recent archaeological discovery was unearthed verifying this epic Biblical account,” Reverend Rose pointed out. 

In June 2024, ruins with the ancient Arabic name “Khirbet al Mudawwara” were investigated by using modern mapping techniques to identify the remains of the ancient Assyrian military camp from 700 B.C. As a result, archeologists have now connected Ammunition Hill with Sennacherib’s Jerusalem military camp.  Pastor Rose commented, “Isaiah 37 and Second Chronicles 32 also mention this amazing account of GOD striking the 185,000 Assyrians dead, demonstrating that the Biblical Scriptures are authentic, true, and accurate.”

Ohio Faith leaders representing twenty counties presented a clergy letter of support at a September 26th clergy luncheon to Israeli Ambassador Michael Herzog. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Prior to the miraculous defeat of the Assyrian troops, 2 Chronicles 32 records, “And Hezekiah set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gates of the Jerusalem, and spoke comfortably to them, saying, ‘Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the King of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him: With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our GOD to help us, and to fight our battles.”

Ashland County Pastor Jeff Mills remarked, “Our state’s slogan is ‘Ohio: the heart of it all.’  As lead clergymen representing one hundred-fifteen Ohio congregations across twenty counties, our heart collectively beats for the State of Israel, which is the apple of GOD’s eye.  Ambassador Herzog, no matter how massive the army was that encamped around Israel, against all odds the Jewish State survived. This Biblical account from 700 B.C. of the failed Assyrian siege of Jerusalem is a vivid reminder that the Bible is true and accurate.” Dr. Mills went on to say, “Rest assured, no matter who occupies the Oval Office, always remember the Ohio faith community stands with the Jewish State and her right to the Biblical Promise Land.”

Support from the Ohio faith leaders has been ongoing. Clergy co-signers listed in the correspondence have congregations located in twenty different counties throughout Ohio.  Counties with the most congregations represented include: Richland, Crawford, Ashland, Trumbull, and Morrow. Last April a group of Ohio faith leaders gave a joint statement following the Iranian rocket attack on Israel where ninety-nine percent of the projectiles were miraculously shot down. The clergy cited the Bible passage: ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper.’

The Bottom Line:

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Shelby March for Jesus: “There is no greater cause to march for…” (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

Faith leaders believe the August 17th march helped show there were churches and pastors in Shelby that are unified and that love their city. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

SHELBY –Marchers were walking on sunshine as area churches recently held a procession in downtown Main Street. An assembly also took place following the march at the new Black Fork Commons Amphitheater with worship music, special speakers, and public baptisms.

According to the Event Coordinator, the Shelby ‘March for Jesus’ is having a positive effect on the city. “This event is bringing our community together with one purpose. Jesus represents hope and love for every single person,” says Toni Wilson. “Being visible outside the four walls of the Church really can influence the community.”

Over two-hundred-fifty participated in the ‘March for Jesus’ in downtown Shelby, Ohio on August 17th. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Pastor Doug Tackett of Taylortown Community Church saw the march as an answer to his prayers. “I called Toni and told her this march was something I have been praying years for. I was thrilled with everything I saw. The gathering at the Amphitheater was well attended; my hope is this will be the beginning of what Shelby needs. The Church of Jesus Christ needs to make a showing so the citizenss of Shelby knows we exist and we care,” the Pastor said.

Wilson, a fifteen-year Shelby resident, noticed something over the years that always bothered her. “Living on one of the main thoroughfares in the city, I noticed our community has parades for Christmas, Memorial Day, Bicycle Days, and Halloween, but I thought to myself, what about a March for Jesus? There is no greater cause to march for, than to march for Jesus.”

Pastor Rick Lewis of Shelby Connect Church agrees with Wilson. “I think it’s a great time for us as Christians and churches and pastors to come together and show unity. Jesus said that is how the world is going to know that you are My disciples, by the love you have for one another. We have got to start showing that. And I believe that Saturday helped show there are churches and pastors in Shelby that are unified and who love our city.

Bishop Anthony Cooper of Kingdom Life Church also attended the ‘March for Jesus.’ “I personally feel that the march was a great success and the beginning of many more faith-based community events. I want to thank all the community of Shelby and the churches for all their support. I am also thankful for the lives that accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Shelby has become the ‘City of Hope.'”

Toni Wilson’s Pastor says she brought the idea of a march up to him ten months ago. Pastor Hank Web of Belmont 96 Church thought the event would be worthwhile and could change lives. “We saw two souls proclaim Christ as their Savior the day of the march which made the whole day worth it,” says Webb. “We also heard there were people on porches eight streets over that could hear the preaching and singing from the amphitheater. As a Body, the goal was to let Shelby know Jesus is King, His church is alive and moving, and we will not sit back and let the enemy take ground. It was a great day to proclaim our Lord and savior and glorify Him.”

One of the marchers during the procession had a megaphone and declared “No bondage, no chains!” and the crowd responded “Jesus set me free!” According to Pastor Webb, he was moved. “When I heard that part going down Main Street, the Holy Spirit moved upon me and I knew that this would be a great thing for the Shelby area. Especially given some of the things that have taken place in our area recently.”

Shelby, Ohio joined thirty-one other cities in the U.S. to hold a ‘March for Jesus’ in 2024. The public procession celebrates the Lordship of Jesus Christ. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The local event is part of a greater movement that has been going on for some time. According to the ‘March for Jesus‘ website, the march is “a procession of praise through the streets of the city, celebrating the Lordship of Jesus Christ and culminating in a grand worship event in which Christians publicly proclaim the Glory, the Majesty and the Supremacy of the Savior.  It’s all about Jesus and nothing else.”

The idea of a ‘March for Jesus’ is no stranger to North Central Ohio. In 1992, Christians openly exalted Christ in over one-hundred-forty cities and twenty-five European countries; Mansfield, Ohio was one of those cities. It is believed a total of three-hundred-thousand marched for Jesus in the United States that year. In 2024 there were ‘March for Jesus’ events in thirty-one cities across eighteen states held on Pentecost Weekend. Youngstown, Ohio , which has held marches for several consecutive years, was one of those cities.

According to Pastor Webb, “The whole key to this event was no one Church got credit nor put their name on the event. The only name attached to the event was “JESUS” and it is His Church that is coming together.”

The Bottom Line:

View slideshow of Shelby ‘March for Jesuson West Main Street from August 17th

View video from WKBN newscast on the ‘March for Jesus’ event in Youngstown, Ohio from 2021. (40 seconds)

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LifeWise ‘raises the roof’ in dedication of New London schoolhouse (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

On Wednesday, LifeWise Academy held a open house dedication of its newest facility for its New London franchise. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

NEW LONDON –At a time when public schools are becoming more hostile to Biblical values, something is happening during school in the Ohio Firelands region. Although eight in ten American youth may not attend church, nine out of ten youth attend public schools. Faith leaders are picking up on this and a group of pastors in one community have partnered together to reach the next generation in public schools with a Bible program during school hours.

Last week residents celebrated their success by opening a new schoolhouse to host the Bible-based LifeWise Academy that is spreading like wildfire across the nation. Last year over a quarter of the New London student body were transported a half-mile away by bus to attend LifeWise classes, but with a new brick and mortar building literally next door to the High School campus, that number is expected to climb as students are just a hop, skip, and jump away.

Pastor John Bouquet addresses the one hundred-twenty in attendance at the open house dedication of the New London LifeWise schoolhouse. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

One pastor who has been instrumental in promoting the Bible-based LifeWise Academy in public schools believes communities like New London can turn the tide. “I believe that if the life-changing book (Bible) taught in this program is adopted by school boards across this nation, we can actually redeem the years we have lost,” Pastor John Bouquet said at the schoolhouse dedication. “If one atheist got school-sanctioned Bible-reading and prayer taken out of public schools, just think how much more impact a community of believers like this one here in New London can have in influencing the next generation. It all happens by getting the Bible back in the hands of students during school hours.”

The Ohio-based LifeWise Academy is a released-time religious instruction program providing Bible-based character education to public school students. The parachurch ministry works alongside local churches and started in 2019. LifeWise takes place off school grounds, is not federally or state-funded, and requires parents’ permission for students to participate. Enrollment in LifeWise Academy is entirely optional.

In 1952, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing public schools to release students to off-campus sites to study the Bible during the school day. More recently in 2013, the Ohio General Assembly passed a law allowing school boards to reward school credits for released time religious instruction if taught at the high school level. Classes are the length of a normal class period and then students are released and return to school to proceed with their day.

This year LifeWise Academy is in over three-hundred-fifty school districts across twenty-six states. The New London chapter of LifeWise started in the Fall of 2021 for students K thru twelve, and is one of the first schools in the North Central Ohio area to implement the program. In addition to New London Schools, other public school districts in Huron County, Ohio with LifeWise Academy include: Norwalk, South Central, Western Reserve, Plymouth-Shiloh, Firelands Local, Buckeye Central, and Edison Local. Nearby Ashland County has LifeWise Academy in everyone of its school districts.

The New London Faith Group, which helped finance and build the schoolhouse for students enrolled in LifeWise Academy, is a nonprofit organization made up of local churches. Pastors in the faith group comprise of: Mark Kilgrove of Fitchville Community Church, Brent Ziegler of Rochester Baptist Church, Doug Lang of New London Alliance Church, David Whitt of New London Methodist, John Bouquet of Savannah Bethel Chapel, Bill Given of New London Faith Group, and Jerry Shirley of New London First Baptist.

Buddy Workman oversees the New London LifeWise program as the Northeast Ohio Field Representative. He believes the New London community has given overwhelming support. “We have been extremely fortunate to have eight different churches in town donating financially and also donating their time as volunteers. With over two-hundred-thirty students enrolled in LifeWise Academy in New London, our Superintendent and Principal have been great to work with, and they see the difference in the students who participate.”

Lead local clergymen pose together in front of the New London LifeWise schoolhouse. Pictured L to R: Mark Kilgrove, Brent Ziegler, Doug Lang, David Whitt, John Bouquet, Bill Given, Jerry Shirley (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

A comprehensive report released by Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA) showcases the impact of LifeWise Academy’s Bible education programs. TPMA, a renowned national consulting firm headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, conducted the study to measure the implications of LifeWise Academy’s programming.

The study was based on data from seventy-six schools in Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa with LifeWise programming in place for multiple years prior to the 2021-22 school year. Findings showed that in the first year of LifeWise programming, a school’s attendance rate increased. From the second year on, schools saw improvements in discipline. The report said, “These results lead to an increased number of students in school every day with less disruptions, which should improve the learning environment for all students, whether they were in the program (LifeWise) or not.”

“There are almost thirty New London students who take advantage of the high school credits awarded for released time religious instruction,” says Workman. “I think the School Board is realizing that when graduating students are walking across that stage to get their diploma, they have provided an opportunity for the next generation of leaders to get a well-rounded education, instructing not just their intellect, but equipping their body, mind, and soul.”

The Bottom Line:

View slideshow of Wednesday’s open house dedication of the New London LifeWise Academy schoolhouse.

View the LifeWise Academy New London, Ohio impact video (4 min.)

Related articles:

Ramaswamy to clergy: “We share common ground on how Ohio should be governed” (SLIDESHOW)

Ramaswamy tells 60 faith leaders, " I think you are going to find that we share the same value set in how to govern the state."(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD — This week Governor-hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy met with 60 faith leaders at Walker Lake Baptist Church to discuss his positions on faith, family, and freedom. Ramaswamy believes prior to the election the U.S. was in a national identity crisis precipitated by what he calls “new secular religions like COVID-ism, climate-ism, and gender ideology.” In 2020 he wrote the book called “Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam.” While still early in the 2026 Ohio Gubernatorial Race, Ramaswamy has already won the endorsement of President Donald Trump. Now he hopes to gain more support.

“I am running for Governor of Ohio guided by a sense of deep gratitude to this country,” the business entrepreneur told the clergy. “My parents came to Cincinnati with no money 40 years ago. Yet I have founded successful companies, and have a wife and two children. The American Dream I have lived is not something I was entitled to. It is now my turn to pass that same dream on to young people who have lost purpose and meaning and to fill their hearts with faith in GOD, patriotism, hard work, and family.”

Vivek Ramaswamy at Clergy Roundtable: “I know my attributes, so there needs to be someone who complements my skill set. Based on that, my pick will be a solid Christian conservative who will be my Lieutenant Governor.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The gubernatorial candidate told the clergy in 2023 he voted against legalizing recreational marijuana, and against enshrining abortion into the Constitution. He also points out despite the 2023 election results, marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. “On a constitutional and legal basis, the federal law is still supreme. So whether it is municipalities calling themselves sanctuary cities or our state legalizing marijuana, both of these examples are still violations of the rule of law.” Ramaswamy went on to say, “As Governor, we will not sponsor, support, or condone the violation of federal law in the State of Ohio.”

Bucyrus Pastor Jerrill Wyler, who runs a private school at his church, asked Ramaswamy if he supports the freedom of private schools to be recipients of state monies and still operate under their own religious principles. Ramaswamy answered, “The last thing you want is a school voucher to be a ‘Trojan Horse’ and for the leftist agenda to pollute private schools the same way they did with public schools. The Ohio Constitution is actually stronger than the U.S. Constitution when it comes to the protection of religious liberty. Government aid should not trump religious freedom enshrined in our Constitution,” he told Wyler.

Ramaswamy clarified an earlier point reassuring Mansfield Pastor Robert Kurtz that he wants testing requirements and merit-based pay for public schools and not private. “While I support school choice, I also want our public schools to be able to compete with the best of the alternatives.” Ramaswamy stated he supports the Backpack Bill and supports money following the student. “Competition breeds the best results; that is a model that works.”

Youngstown Pastor Juan Rivera, who also serves on the Governor’s Hispanic Christian Leadership Committee, asked Mr. Ramaswamy as Governor and overseer of Ohio’s higher education, how he would address the rise in anti-Semitism incidents that are being seen on Ohio college campuses. Presently the Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati are on a list of 59 colleges under investigation by the Justice Department for not upholding the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

“Many of these protesters do not even know what they are protesting,” Ramaswamy said. “In some cases, the protesters are flying Palestinian flags and rainbow flags together, not realizing they do not mix very well. In the long run, we have to fill their void of deeper purpose with virtue. In the short run, you have the rule of law. No one has the right to blockade someone into a classroom or to engage in vandalism, violence or assault. Threats of physical intimidation deserve to be prosecuted.”

Orville Pastor Jerry O’Brien asked Vivek Ramaswamy whether evangelical leaders will have access to his office. Ramaswamy acknowledged that he had already been contemplating the idea for several weeks. “You have my commitment as Governor to have an Evangelical Advisory Board,” Ramaswamy said. “I do not want this to be a PR stunt, I hope this will enrich me as a leader. I think we are going to find we share the same value-set in how to govern the state. I think it will make me a better leader by considering perspectives and to take time to slow down with a group of people I can pray with and take advice from. That is something I welcome,” he said.

Pastor James Hill comments at Clergy Roundtable with Vivek Ramaswamy: “There are efforts to engrain marijuana into our society. I cannot understand how any elected official can believe this drug is going to lead our state on a path to greatness.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Ramaswamy addressed concerns on election integrity. “A lot of the work has to be done at the state level. I said it before when I ran for President and I will say it again because I can get it done as Governor: Single day voting on election day, make it a state holiday, paper ballots, and government-issued voter ID. Mistakes were made in the past and we are going to correct them in the future,” Ramaswamy said to applause.

The Columbus resident gave the faith leaders a sneak preview of what is to come. “You have to look at the ticket as a whole. I know what my attributes are, so there needs to be someone who complements my skill set. Based on that, my pick for Lieutenant Governor will be a solid Christian conservative.”

Since 2015, North Central Ohio clergymen have endorsed at least 18 candidates for elected office with 11 of those winning their respective races. “We had lead clergy from 49 congregations across 17 different counties that made reservations to attend this Clergy Roundtable with Vivek,” says Pastor J.C. Church, the event facilitator. “My hope is that many of these clergy who got to hear and meet Vivek in person will publicly endorse him as the next Governor of Ohio.”

The Bottom Line:

View slideshow below of Clergy Roundtable with Vivek Ramaswamy at the Mansfield Walker Lake Baptist Church on Monday, March 17th.

Related articles:

Convicted felon set to open Mansfield’s 1st pot shop: “What in Jesus’ Name was Council thinking?”


MANSFIELD — After City Council greenlighted marijuana dispensaries, cannabis cartels are lining up to locate in the most prohibited region of the state. Brian Patrick Hennessey of Backroad Wellness recently announced the purchase of property at 1099 West Fourth Street. Hennessey is listed as Founder and Vice President of the company. Hennessey is also a convicted felon.

According to its website, the family-run Zanesville company “saw a need for a new approach to marijuana dispensaries after seeing the benefits of cannabis in their own family.” The weed company’s products tell another story.

According to County Auditor mapping software, the proposed Backroad Wellness (lower right) from the boundaries of the parcels is approximately 481 feet southeast from Cypress High School at 1160 West Fourth Street. By foot the distance is closer to 420 feet.

Products from Backroad Wellness include high THC potency products inaptly named, “High-Divorce Rate Resin” with 68% THC, Durban Poison Live Resin with 72% THC and “Problem-Child Solventless Ice Hash” with 63% THC. The Backroad Wellness Founder is adamant about selling these products in Mansfield perhaps because he has experience with them first-hand.

Brian Hennessey was sentenced to three years in Noble Correctional Institute after being charged in 2016 with felony abduction charges. According to police reports, Hennessey beat his wife, held her hostage, and fled the scene. The Backroad Wellness founder, who has several children, is known to have a history of substance abuse problems, including with marijuana. According to Hennessey’s mother, her son Brian may have been fighting his wife because she (wife at the time) disrespected Brian’s prostitute friend.

The burning question is, are the goalposts being moved by Ohio Cannabis Control to allow for a pot shop in Mansfield? Mapping software indicates the Backroad Wellness property is approximately 481 feet from Cypress High School at 1160 West Fourth Street. According to the Ohio Revised Code, the required distance for a marijuana dispensary must be no less than 500 feet from the corners of a parcel with a school, church, park or library. The tale of the tape is different on the field with measurements between the weed shop and school totaling only 420 feet.

Two city leaders who supported marijuana in last summer’s 5-3 vote have either left office or will be leaving. Councilmember Stephanie Zader resigned last Fall. Fellow Republican Laura Burns is not running for re-election this coming Fall. Burns got pushback for supporting cannabis since her City Ward 1 opposed weed in the ’23 General election.

One local faith leader joins the chorus of citizens upset with Mansfield City Council. “Cypress High School is within spitting distance of the proposed dispensary,” says Mansfield Pastor Robert O’Brian. “With marijuana’s association to criminal behavior and child poisonings, we cannot let Mansfield go to pot. What in Jesus’ name was City Council thinking?”

The main proponent for marijuana dispensaries Councilmember Stephanie Zader, resigned from her At-Large Council seat last Fall. (Photo courtesy of WMFD Screenshot)

Not only are children impacted thru exposure to marijuana and THC products, the judgement of some parents become impaired. Last year one customer at Hennessey’s Backroad Wellness dispensary in Lima, Ohio threatened to burn the dispensary down if the business did not provide childcare.

In 2020, a Mansfield resident charged with possession of marijuana threatened to start a riot and launch three separate attacks on Mansfield stores. In 2009, a man with pending marijuana charges fire-bombed Mansfield City Hall causing $800,000 in damages. Local incidents of car chasespolice stand-offs, and mass shootings also involve pot.

Nevertheless, the Madison Board of Trustees rejected Hennessey’s February 2024 proposal for a weed dispensary after several Madison clergy made a presentation. The faith leaders showed that allowing dispensaries is not a fiscally-responsible approach. The presentation included a Colorado study revealing exorbitant social costs associated with the cannabis industry. Presently 13 of the 18 townships in Richland County prohibit commercial cannabis.

Hennessey has plans to open his marijuana dispensary in the not-so-distant future. The word on the street is, if the proverbial goalposts are not moved, the dispensary idea may only end up as a distant memory.

The Bottom Line:

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After secret yoga lesson, clergy tell Shelby Schools: “Flagrant violation of public trust” (VIDEO)


SHELBY — Last week faith leaders called school officials on the carpet for what they believe is establishment of Eastern Religion. A group of lead clergymen from the area sent a correspondence to the Shelby School Board addressing a controversial picture. Last Fall a school principal sent a post to parents of a picture of small children practicing Eastern Religion Yoga during class. While this is not the first time, it appears clergy are not going to allow school administration to sweep this issue under the rug.

In the correspondence the clergy wrote, “Recently it has come to our attention on November 25th, 2024, Shelby Pre-K thru 2nd grade elementary students participated in a ‘Club Day.’ Activities included: walking, gardening, cooking, painting, and… yoga. In a picture posted on ClassDojo by the school principal, the photo depicts the teacher and students in an elementary classroom viewing a video in class and participating with a facilitator. The video has a caption: “And bringing our hands together at our hearts and saying our secret yoga code word which is ‘Namaste.’” Students’ shoes are off and hands are displayed over their hearts; both acts associated with religious devotion. 

Fifteen Shelby, Ohio clergymen say the Bible calls Eastern Religion Yoga “idolatry.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“It is our understanding parents were not notified prior to the activity,” the clergy said.

The word “Namaste” is a greeting used in Hinduism and Buddhism and means “I bow to the divine in you.” The pastors believe this activity is proselytizing young minds and introducing them to a form of spirituality. According to the group of clergy, they believe based on Biblical teaching, Eastern Religion Yoga is idolatry. 

“When top Hindu scholars say yoga is fundamentally a religious practice, someone from outside the Hindu faith cannot redefine yoga and say yoga is not a religious practice,” says Pastor James Marshall, one of the clergy cosigners. “Mentioned one hundred times in the Hindu scriptures, yoga is a means with connecting with the Hindu deity. Counting the rosary may help with learning to count, but the rosary is still a religious practice.  In the same way, doing yoga stretches may help with muscle flexibility, but yoga, by definition, is still a religious practice,” said Marshall.

After the discovery in 2020 of several local public schools promoting and practicing Eastern Religion during school hours, leading clergymen from 105 area congregations joined forces and sent a correspondence to 39 local school districts calling for an end to yoga indoctrination.  In response, several districts discontinued this practice.

The previous Superintendent never responded to the 2020 clergy letter nor to follow-up requests for a meeting with the clergy. Shelby City Schools has had a history of promoting Eastern Religion during school hours, including holding assemblies to practice yoga in 2016. Instruction was given to Auburn Elementary kindergarteners during class to bow to the sun god ‘Surya’ and to use devotional praying hand poses in 2018. Religious instruction was also given to seventy-five third graders at Dowds Elementary during gym class performing yoga poses the same year.

“As fifteen lead clergymen in the Shelby area, we are requesting a formal response in writing stating the practice of Eastern Religion/Yoga will be permanently discontinued inside the school district. This is in contrast to Superintendent Tim Tarvin, who never responded to the 2020 clergy correspondence nor subsequent requests to meet with him,” the pastors wrote.

Shelby Kindergartners on November 19th, 2018 practicing Eastern Religion during school hours. (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

A former student in Chicago Public Schools was awarded a $150 thousand settlement in 2023 after alleging in a lawsuit that she was forced to participate in Hindu rituals. Mariyah Green said she was told to bow to a picture of a guru during class. A teacher also told the class during “Quiet Time” to repeat meaningless words, which after research, Green found were actually names of Hindu gods. The district later terminated the meditation-based social emotional learning program.

The Shelby School Board has not had a ‘peace of mind’ about religious activities. In 2021, yoga instructor and two-term school board incumbent, Lynn Friebel, was ousted by Kim Nadolsky following the clergy letter on Eastern Religion. On the campaign trail in 2023, then-candidate Brad Ream told voters he strongly believed in the separation of church and state and was “deeply concerned about the effort to Christianize public schools.” Evidently he was not aware of the bully pulpit Shelby teachers have had promoting Eastern Religion.

The lead pastors concluded their letter to the School Board by writing, “While Bible-based programs in Shelby for released time religious instruction are required to follow this law, on the School Board’s watch, Eastern Religion has not been required to do so.  Based on recent known episodes, Shelby City Schools is sanctioning Eastern Religion during school hours which is a flagrant violation of sacred public trust.  What other activities are occurring in the classroom outside the public eye?  Because of this pattern of injustice, we may have no other choice but to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights about religious discrimination inside the district.” 

The Bottom Line:

View video of 105 Ohio lead clergy taking public schools to mat over promoting Eastern Religion in 2020. (2 min.)

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Sheriff on Ohio Heartland weeding out cannabis: “Faith leaders have played pivotal role” (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO– One year after the statewide legalization of marijuana, over one hundred-twenty government jurisdictions are prohibiting the mind-altering drug. Based on a state report, North Central Ohio appears to be the ‘grassroots’ of the opposition movement to weed. One county sheriff believes faith leaders have played a pivotal role in convincing policy makers to ban commercial marijuana.

“The key for our county has been getting the clergy involved on the issue of substance abuse,” says Richland County Sheriff Steve Sheldon. “Our faith leaders are phenomenal. These prohibitions by local jurisdictions serve as a beach head to help minimize the supply of marijuana on the streets. With the churches’ advocacy, we have a great thing going.”

Faith leaders encouraged Ontario City Council on November 20th, 2024 to prohibit commercial cannabis by a unanimous 6-0 vote. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Richland County, Ohio has the most government jurisdictions prohibiting commercial cannabis according to the OSU Moritz College of Law Survey. As of January 14th 2025, Richland has a total of eighteen jurisdictions banning commercial weed with Hancock and Montgomery Counties tied for second most, with eleven. According to Chapter 3780.25 of the Ohio Revised Code, a legislative authority of a municipal corporation “may adopt an ordinance, or a board of township trustees may adopt a resolution, by majority vote to prohibit, or limit the number of cannabis operators.”

The resolution recommended by the Ohio Township Association to prohibit marijuana has a North Central Ohio connection. Attorney Michael Donatini, of the Ashland County Prosecutor’s office, authored the draft resolution for townships. In his capacity, Donatini advises officers of the county’s fifteen townships. Presently Clear Creek, Milton, Mohican, Montgomery, and Troy Townships have passed resolutions with Donatini’s guidance.

In addition to Ashland’s townships, Richland County has thirteen townships, and nearby Morrow County prohibits commercial marijuana in Canaan, Franklin, and Harmony Townships.

Before the Fall 2023 general election, over one-hundred-forty lead clergymen representing twenty counties publicly opposed legalizing marijuana at a press conference in Mansfield. But their opposition did not end there.

Clergy at public hearings raised concerns over morality and presented additional pitfalls of pot. In Madison Township, clergy provided a study revealing social costs outweighed tax revenue generated from marijuana. In Shelby, other faith leaders warned marijuana would circumvent a skilled workforce development and increase job absenteeism. In Bellville, clergy asserted dispensaries selling a drug associated with mental illness would undermine the school district’s drug testing program.

Last November, Ontario City Council heeded clergy’s recommendations and voted unanimously to prohibit commercial marijuana. Local clergy disclosed that Ohio Poison Centers reported accidental marijuana exposures are more than five times what they were five years ago in children ages 5 years old and under. Faith leaders also brought a local crime report on marijuana.

The Village of Lucas passed an ordinance 5-1 on May 21, 2024 prohibiting commercial cannabis. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to the criminal justice report, local incidents involving mind-altering marijuana demonstrated an association to psychosis and criminal behavior, endangering both public health and safety. While some say cannabis is good for business and good for the city, the report summarized two incidents where businesses and even city hall were threatened. In 2020, a Mansfield resident charged with possession of marijuana threatened to start a riot and launch 3 attacks on Mansfield stores. In 2009, a man with pending marijuana charges fire-bombed Mansfield City Hall causing $800,000 in damages. Incidents of local car chases, police stand-offs, and mass shootings involving pot were also provided to council members.

At this time, it is not known what position the new Trump Administration will take regarding the re-classification of marijuana. The Drug Enforcement Administration announced early 2024 it would act on Joe Biden’s call to reclassify marijuana, moving it from the tightly-controlled Schedule I category that it has been since 1970, to the less-restrictive Schedule III category. After the Secret Service’s investigation of cocaine discovered inside the White House found no suspects, the White House’s passivity on illicit drugs has been evident.

According to Sheldon, he hopes new Presidential Administration will change the direction of criminal justice has been going. “Having run the county jail for over twenty years, I see first-hand how marijuana plays out in peoples’ lives. We have a society based on the rule of law. When societies lower standards, personal accountability ceases to exist. As Sheriff, it is my hope marijuana remains a Schedule I drug.”

The Bottom Line:

View CBN News video discussing marijuana’s connection to psychotic behavior and the uncertain status of marijuana reclassification. (Duration 7min.)

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Ohio clergy turn tables on FFRF atheist group: “Wisconsin youth would benefit from LifeWise” (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Last year the atheist organization, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent a letter to every Ohio school district discouraging Ohio school boards from participating in LifeWise Academy. While FFRF skeptics believe the released-time religious instruction program disrupts the school day, a large band of faith leaders believe FFRF is ‘pushing the envelope’ and meddling with their state. In response, the clergy sent a correspondence to over one-hundred Wisconsin school boards encouraging them to allow the voluntary Bible program in their districts.

“We lost several generations to secular humanism,” says Pastor Eric Steward, one of the clergy cosigners of the letter sent the week of December 22nd. “There is no reason why any Christian faith leader should oppose LifeWise. Why settle for having fifteen students in your youth program when you can participate in the program and teach the Bible to over one-hundred students during school hours?” the Richland County Pastor said.

For the 2024-25 school year, New London Ohio clergy opened a new LifeWise Academy schoolhouse adjacent to the public school campus. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to Pastor John Bouquet, the Wisconsin-based FFRF is an anti-GOD legal organization that takes great interest in how Ohioans live their lives. “In this country, angry atheists are free to be wrong. The FFRF’s unsolicited legal advice complaining about our religious holiday displays, police chaplains, state motto, and now released-time religious instruction programs have led to embarrassing defeats. Their donor list in Ohio has got to be shrinking.”

In the Ohio faith leaders’ letter to Wisconsin school boards, the clergy wrote, “Released-time religious instruction is a concept outlined by the 1952 U.S. Supreme Court decision Zorach v. Clauson.  This landmark decision determined this practice was constitutional and therefore legal in all fifty states. Under released-time, students can be released from public school during the school day to attend religious classes, provided the program is off school property, privately-funded and parent-permitted.”

Pastor Bouquet adds, “Released-time instruction was always legal in Ohio, but FFRF was giving out misleading information. When the Attorney General, and then the State Legislature filled in the gaps to solidify released-time, that was a pretty humiliating blow for FFRF,” the Ashland County faith leader said. “In the legal sense, when it comes to Acts of GOD, they (FFRF) will always be on the losing side.”

Recently the Ohio legislature passed a law at the end of the 2023-24 session signed by Governor Mike DeWine requiring local school boards to adopt a policy on released-time religious instruction. This new statute opens the door for released-time in every school district in the state, like in Wisconsin, where students are permitted to be dismissed for 1-3 hours per week for religious instruction. 

In the clergy letter, faith leaders from one hundred-sixteen congregations across Ohio encouraged Wisconsin school boards to utilize LifeWise Academy in their districts.  The clergy cited a 2024 nationwide scientific poll of 1,000 registered voters conducted by RMG Research that found more than three-quarters of Americans believe public school students need moral and character education. The clergy also mentioned that more than half of Americans believe the Bible should be used for that moral and character education.

The Ohio-based LifeWise Academy launched its two initial Ohio school district pilots the same year lead clergymen from 150 Ohio congregations declared 2019 as “The Year of the Bible.” Today, LifeWise Academy enrolls nearly 50,000 students from almost 600 public schools across more than 29 states. Consequently, LifeWise has a strong presence in Ohio with 337 school districts presently enrolled.

Press conference at BibleWalk Museum in Mansfield, Ohio where 150 lead Ohio clergymen declared 2019 as the “Year of the Bible” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to a third-party independent study by Thomas P. Miller & Associates, when LifeWise is implemented in schools struggling with post-COVID attendance, even though LifeWise students are removed from school for a short period of time for Bible education, there turns out to be a net increase in class time.  In addition, there is a marked improvement in student behavior with In and out-of-school suspensions going down.

Pastor John Temple, another clergy co-signer, says LifeWise Academy will have a positive impact on students. “We believe this innovative Bible education program offered to public schools is having a profound impact on the lives of students in Ohio.  If you want to see school attendance go up and suspensions to go down, we encourage your district to partner with parents to register with LifeWise Academy at no cost to your district,” the Ashland County Pastor said. 

“If over three-quarters of professional educators believe both students and schools benefit from LifeWise Academy, we believe when your district registers with this program, your Wisconsin teachers and students will feel the same.”

The clergy letter sent to over one-hundred Wisconsin school boards consisted of lead faith leaders from fourteen different Ohio counties; several of the pastors are elected school board members. Counties with the most lead clergy co-signers included Richland, Crawford, and Ashland Counties.

The Bottom Line:

View video of LifeWise Academy’s state of the ministry report from November 2024. (31 min.)

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Buckeye Bible Belt believes in miracles: “Milestone moment for religious displays” (SLIDESHOW)

Nativity scene at Van Ross Wade Park in Bellville, Ohio has been an ongoing holiday tradition. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — With the Christmas and Hannukuh holidays overlapping this year, the similarities between the two holidays are especially evident. Whether it is the miracle of the virgin birth, or the miracle of the virgin oil, the manger and menorah both play a part in helping believers relive the supernatural account of GOD’s people. At least one faith leader believes religious expression surrounding these holidays are at an all-time high in the public forum.

“This is a new season where we are seeing government censorship of religious speech being extinguished,” says Pastor Jerry O’Brien. “If our court system says burning the American flag is Constitutionally-protected speech, then there is no question a nativity scene or menorah display during the holiday season can be protected also,” he says.

Diagram compiled by Frontlines Ohio of public religious displays in 2024.

In the past, the secularization of culture has tried to crowd out religious speech in public settings; but the tide appears to be changing. In 2019 the Wayne County Pastor sent correspondences to the Governor and over five hundred mayors across forty-four Northern Ohio counties. The letter reminded the officials of the legality of religious expression. Consequently, the North Central part of the state is now seeing a milestone moment when it comes to faith on the square.

Since 2019, the number of religious displays on civic property during the holiday season have more than doubled in the Ohio Heartland of: Richland, Knox, Ashland, Crawford, Huron, and Morrow Counties. In addition, the Ohio Statehouse is one of forty-three state capitals to have privately-sponsored nativity scenes. These local symbols of Judeo-Christian values are helping citizens, and the nation’s capital, to celebrate the real reason for the season.

For the first time ever, a nativity scene was on display at the U.S. Capitol this year. Held on the southeastern steps of the Capitol, the display was part of a legal battle that began over a decade ago. Organizers faced repeated threats of arrest for attempting to read the Christmas story from the Bible and to erect a Nativity display near the Capitol Christmas tree. The tide is now turning.

According to the correspondence sent by Pastor O’Brien, “Extremist myths about the Establishment Clause have prompted tragic and unnecessary acts of government censorship of religious speech.”

Menorah display at Central Park in Mansfield, Ohio; inaugural holiday display in 2024. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The letter went on to say, “Public officials across our nation have denied citizens their constitutional rights of religious speech and expression under the guise that it is constitutional. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment merely requires the state to be neutral in its relations with religious believers and non-believers; it does not require the state to be their adversary.” America would be a much different place if there was a level playing field.

According to Pastor O’Brien, he will take a victory anytime he can get one. “This country has had five years of unparalleled distress. Ecclesiastes 3 says there is ‘a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.’ And that includes a time to tear down and now, a time to build.” O’Brien adds, “With the manger and the menorah, I think this troubled world can benefit from more hope and more joy.”

The Bottom Line:

View slideshow of public religious displays across North Central Ohio this year:

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Movie Review: “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin” inspires believers to contend against tyranny (VIDEO)


When a pacifist is called to a political act that could change the course of history, how will a man of honor respond? This is the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man who preached love while plotting the assassination of a tyrant. With world-shattering stakes, the movie “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin” begs the question, how far will you go to stand up for what is right? (Rated PG-13)

The world teeters on the brink of annihilation just prior to World War 2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is swept into the epicenter of a deadly plot to assassinate Hitler. With his faith and fate at stake, Bonhoeffer must choose between upholding his moral convictions or risking it all to save millions of Jews from genocide. The story reveals his shift from preaching peace to plotting murder; and it will cost him everything.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German theologian who experienced a renewal of his faith when he visited the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem. (Photo courtesy of Angel Studios)

As a boy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, is shown in the movie, as aggressive, energetic and loving. He is also depicted as an open-minded, eclectic, energetic, fearless, and uncompromising. Through the entire movie, Bonhoeffer’s conviction is to always stand for the truth.

As Bonhoeffer matures in the movie, he becomes a Christian pastor resisting oppression and standing strong in his faith while facing religious persecution. Movie-goers learn about his heart-wrenching 1939 decision to leave the safe haven of America for Hitler’s Germany. He eventually leads a courageous battle against Hitler in the 1930s and 1940s risking his life to save Jews from genocide.

Bonhoeffer’s poignant statement in the movie, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil,” was the guiding force that would ultimately lead him to resist the Third Reich even at the cost of his life.

John Scanlon, a producer for the film, was impressed with every detail he learned about Bonhoeffer’s life. “I think the easiest way to describe Dietrich Bonhoeffer is that he was a World War II German resistance figure and, while his training was as a pastor and theologian, ultimately, his life led him to become a spy and then a figure involved in an assassination plot against Hitler,” Scanlon says. “So in other words, he goes from a theologian and pacifist, to someone actively involved in the struggle to overthrow tyranny.”

As a seminary graduate who served as a pastor at the time of the rise and bloody reign of Adolf Hitler, Bonhoeffer belonged to the Lutheran Church. Unlike many of his fellow pastors, he rejected the church’s subjecting itself to the heavy-handed Hitler, who expected the German people and church to bow in reverence to him.

Bonhoeffer became a leader in what would later become known as the Confessional Church, a resistance movement against the pro-Nazi leanings of the German state churches. We see Bonhoeffer’s star rise when higher-level leaders in the German church repent of their cowardice, realizing how naïve they were to blend pro-Nazi rhetoric into their sermons. Bonhoeffer is selected to lead an underground seminary dedicated to training pastors who will teach pure Christianity, unadulterated by racism and German nationalism.

In the movie, Dietrich Bonhoeffer faces a moral dilemma as the pacifist German Church stays on the sidelines as Jews are being exterminated by Hitler’s Nazi Germany. (Photo courtesy of Angel Studios)

Eventually Bonhoeffer is sent to Great Britain as a spy for the resistance movement. Leaders of the resistance movement are seeking to assassinate Hitler in the infamous Valkyrie plot. The British government is skittish about getting involved since war with their country had not yet been declared, and the antisemitism in Germany was not yet believed to be systemic or widespread.

In one scene, Bonhoeffer’s high-level British contact explains that Great Britain cannot help those affected by the Third Reich because it “might spark an invasion.” Bonhoeffer fires back saying, “My country was invaded from within!”

During his resistance, Bonhoeffer is also involved in efforts to smuggle Jews into neutral Switzerland. His track record of resistance leads him to the final lap of martyrhood. The movie’s main character puts it best when he says, “One act of obedience is better than a thousand sermons…” This movie exposes the danger of goverment-run churches employed by the state.

Tickets for “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin” are available at Angel Studios. Also, check your local theater listings.

The Bottom Line:

View the video trailer for “Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin,” produced by Angel Studios. (2:12 min.)

After hearing from Ontario clergy, Council votes to ban cannabis: “Accidental exposures are sky high” (VIDEO)


ONTARIO — Following the legalization of marijuana in December, statewide cases of children exposed to THC-laced edibles is spiking; this despite the law forbidding children access to these products. This issue came up Wednesday night before City Council when Council President Eddie Gallo read aloud a clergy letter he received one day prior. In the correspondence, the Ontario clergy did not candy-coat their opposition to marijuana.

“As of October 10th of this year, there have been nearly six hundred accidental exposures of marijuana to children in Ohio twelve years old and under,” says Bishop Sylvester Ginn, one of the clergy cosigners of the letter. “These accidental exposures have gone sky high, with three-fourths of those cases involving children under the age of five. As faith leaders, we find it detestable when people with the power to minimize this evil (marijuana), dismiss this toxic poisoning and corruption of our youth,” Ginn said. Earlier this summer nearby Mansfield City Council voted against a moratorium.

Ontario City Council voted Wednesday night by a unanimous 6-0 vote to pass an ordinance imposing an indefinite moratorium on commercial cannabis in city limits. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In the letter, eight Ontario clergymen urged the City Council to “VOTE YES” to the moratorium prohibiting commercial cannabis. Historically the faith community has gone on record opposing the legalization of marijuana.  Leading clergy have repeatedly warned about the dangers of increasing the availability of marijuana to vulnerable addicts and young children. Of particular note, the clergy consider Ontario a prominent jurisdiction since it is considered the “Commerce Capital” of North Central Ohio.

After doing a third reading, Ontario City Council voted to pass the ordinance “imposing a moratorium indefinitely on the acceptance, consideration, and/or granting of any applications for local licensing, approval, and/or any zoning, occupancy, or other permits relating to cultivators, processors, or retail dispensaries of marijuana within the City of Ontario, and declaring an emergency.”

In the letter, the faith leaders brought up an incident in March 2017 when four Ontario students were suspended and three faced expulsions for their involvement in the distribution of cannabis cookies.  “Allowing the Marijuana Industry into our community will increase accessibility to this harmful substance, and increase juvenile delinquency,” the clergy said in their letter.

Ontario Schools Superintendent Keith Strickler and School Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator Cathleen Johnson also sent letters to City Council supporting the moratorium. “I am deeply concerned about the potential negative impacts these dispensaries may have on our community, and more importantly on our students,” Johnson wrote. The School Boards of both Clear Fork Valley and Mansfield Christian have previously both publicly called for the prohibition of commercial cannabis.

According to some professionals, the increase in child exposures to marijuana is no accident. The Medical Director at the Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center says the increase in infant exposures to THC edibles coincide with the legalizations of both medical and recreational marijuana. This past Spring the Director of Richland County Children Services stated that based on local data, she believes marijuana legalization will result in the increase in parent drug abuse investigations. Veterinarians are also seeing an alarming trend of pet exposures to marijuana.

The 2024 Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Drug Threat Assessment cites a report showing the potency of the psychoactive THC ingredient in marijuana that is skyrocketing; increasing the potential risk of negative effects on users.

At the October 16th council meeting, Pastor Mark Lehman, an Ontario resident, encouraged Ontario City Council to be great leaders and not limited representatives. “Without a doubt, a brothel and casino in Marshall Field would fill the city coffers, but it would not be in the best interests of the people,” Lehman said. “Giving the people what they want is not good leadership. The more salient question is, what would a great leader do? A great leader would do what is morally right for the citizens, and that would be supporting this moratorium on marijuana.”

Ontario now joins Shelby and Lexington prohibiting commercial marijuana inside Richland County. Thirteen out of eighteen townships in Richland also prohibit commercial marijuana. The Village of Bellville has a moratorium that expires on January 9th, 2025.

Local Ontario clergy cosigners of the letter included: Les Vnasdale, Joe Smith, Jack Williams, Steve Burkhalter, Sylvester Ginn, William Hallbrook, Ken Ginter, and Diego Sandino.

The Bottom Line:

View video from WLWT in Cincinnati of an 8 year-old child who consumed THC gummies on a school bus and became unresponsive. (4 min.)

Related articles:

Ohio pastor on Olympic opening ceremony: “Will America choose same pagan path?”


SALEM — An uproar took place in response to the recent opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris. The most globally-watched drag show in history included depravity involving the mockery of the famous painting of DaVinci’s “The Last Supper.” The scene included a drag queen taking the place of Jesus and twelve other LGBTQ members representing the disciples. But ultimately GOD got the last word in Paris.

One Ohio pastor believes the debacle that took place during the Olympics hosted by France was not a singular event, but rather a symptomatic event stemming back from a history of secular humanism absent from GOD.

This blasphemous scene from the Olympic opening ceremony (above) mocks Da Vinci’s scene in the Sistine Chapel of ‘The Last Supper.’ (below) (Photo courtesy of Jonathan Cahn Screenshot)

“The controversial Olympic opening ceremony should elicit questions in our mind that should precipitate inside the heart and mind of every American,” says Pastor Timothy Ginter. “How did France get to this place? What will America choose? What must we do?”

The Lead Pastor of ‘The Church at the Center’ believes America is in danger of choosing a culture of paganism that rejects GOD. He points to history for a better understanding. While both the United States and France had revolutions a decade apart and both considered republics, the similarities seem to end there.

“Proverbs 14:12 says ‘There is a way that seems right to man, but its end leads to death,’ says Pastor Ginter. “The American Revolution was based on Judeo-Christian values while the French Revolution was based on anti-GOD secular values that removed Christian influence from society.”

During the French Revolution, many churches were desecrated, including the Cathedral of Notre Dame where the altar was disassembled and replaced with an alter dedicated to “secular enlightment.” Church masses were also banned. French Sociologist Alexis de Tocqueville noted these differences.

Also during the Revolution, the French began consuming their own. With the new invention of the guillotine, one million French citizens had been eliminated by 1802; even the founder of the French Revolution was killed. As a result, France got rid of the seven-day week originating from the Bible and changed the week to ten days. While the American Founding Fathers signed their official documents with “In the Year of the LORD,” the French got rid of calendar years based on the birth of Christ and called 1791 as “Year One” of the revolution.

The Salem Pastor noted polar opposite characteristics found in the American Revolution. “Conversely, the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence were the first to include inalienable rights, or God-given rights that were considered fundamental to every human being that no government has the authority to take away. While the United States has been under the same Constitution since since 1789, France has had fourteen different constitutions.”

However, Ginter warns culturally speaking, America is a hair-breadth away from the French Model. He pointed to the Sisters of Perpetuality at Dodger Stadium where drag queens portrayed themselves as nuns. Generation Z’ers may have already chosen the French Model. According to a PEERS testing of children attending home school, less than three percent have a Biblical worldview. Research indicates an individual’s worldview is formulated between fifteen months and age thirteen.

Instead of the Body of Christ, this blasphemous scene from the Olympic opening ceremony has characters at a meal table with the body of the pagan god Dionysus as its course. (Photo courtesy of screenshot from Jonathan Cahn YouTube)

“I do not know how much time this country has left,” says Pastor Ginter. “We are at the epicenter, we are at a crisis point. In the Bible, there is no position of neutrality. There is no middle ground. He who gathers scatters. Everyone must do something. The sin of commission is treated the same as the sin of omission. We are in the position where we have to speak up. If you do what you can, GOD will multiply and amplify your efforts. The duty is ours, results is GOD’s.”

Ginter closes by saying America needs revival. He points to a story from America’s founding.

“In the days before electricity when people got around by horse-drawn carriages, the streets of Philadelphia were a dangerous place to be at night. Philadelphia had no paved roads and the roads were dark; one never knew if they were stepping in mud or horse excrement. Ben Franklin decided that the City of Philadelphia needed to light the streets up. Rather than go to the city fathers, Franklin decided to put a post in the ground in front of his house and hang a lantern on the post at night. Pretty soon individuals would gather at Franklin’s house because there was a lamp there. A neighbor thought it was a good idea, and decided to stick a post with a lantern in their front yard. After a while, the streets of Philadelphia were lit all because Franklin put a lamp in front of his house.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we can see America lit again if you and I would just put a lamp out in front of our own house. If you and I can just do what we can do, we will stop the darkness that is seeking to envelope this nation and drive it away.”

Interestingly, the City of Paris experienced a blackout one day following the wicked opening ceremony. The only building with light was a downtown church, the Basillica of Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre. GOD will not be mocked.

The Bottom Line:

View Pastor Timothy Ginter’s August 4th sermon below at Church at the Center in Salem, Ohio. (45 min.)

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4 townships join Richland Co. jurisdictions banning weed: “Dispensaries provide false sense of security” (VIDEO)


RICHLAND COUNTY — Out of the twenty-seven jurisdictions in Richland County, sixteen jurisdictions representing over sixty-six thousand residents now prohibit commercial cannabis. That number recently increased as four new townships passed resolutions formally banning the commercial sale. In July, the Board of Mifflin Township Trustees passed a resolution prohibiting commercial weed after a dispensary wanted to build near Exit 176. While a businesswoman discussed the supposed ‘tight security’ of cannabis dispensaries, not everyone was convinced.

During a July 2nd public hearing, eleven county citizens went on record opposing the proposed cannabis business in Mifflin while seven supported. One of those speaking out against commercial cannabis believes rhetoric by the cannabis industry is intentionally misleading.

On July 8th, the Mifflin Board of Trustees voted unanimously to prohibit commercial cannabis. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Comments by the Cannabis Industry calling their dispensaries “tighter than Fort Knox” is hyperbole,” Richland County resident Benjamin Mutti said in testimony to the Mifflin Trustees. “These clichés are not helpful for policymakers tasked with the responsibility of making consequential decisions of great magnitude.  This statement only stretches the truth as no single mind-altering marijuana dispensary is sitting on one-hundred thousand acres, supplied with its own emergency power plant, nor equipped with forty thousand troops guarding its vaults with doors weighing twenty-tons like Fort Knox,” Mutti said.

Even with cameras and other security measures in place at licensed facilities, marijuana is still escaping the premises and entering the Black Market. In California, there has been a spike in burglaries of weed dispensaries, specifically in the Bay Area.  A growing trend of dispensary break-ins classified as “Smash and Grabs” are occurring where stolen vehicles are being used to forcefully gain entry into the buildings and the businesses are then burglarized.  

Mutti believes the true strength of a chain is determined by its weakest link. He cited testimony by a Cannabis CEO Jared Maloof who publicly admitted licensed cannabis dispensaries supply the Black Market. Maloof also participated in a Cleveland tradeshow last Spring on a panel with another Cannabis CEO who had his state license revoked. In 2022 the Ohio Department of Commerce found that former Ancient Roots CEO, David Haley, gave free samples of marijuana products out to non-medical marijuana users and falsified data in his company’s inventory system. This past year, Maloof was blocked from bringing a marijuana dispensary to Bellville. 

“It is my firm belief the marijuana industry is strongly associated with corruption,” says Mutti. “Where corruption prevails, justice will not coexist.  Just look at one of the most secure locations in the world: across the hall from the White House Situation Room, cocaine was found in 2023 and the U.S. Secret Service closed its investigations due to “lack of evidence.” This same corruption will likely happen in Mifflin Township if a mind-altering marijuana dispensary is allowed to open.  A secure chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” 

Several cases of white-collar pharmaceutical crime occurring inside marijuana facilities were provided to Mifflin Township Trustees. The Ohio Commerce Department has found employees inside these licensed dispensaries where transactions were falsified, and where licensed professionals were cultivating and trafficking marijuana on the side. In one case in 2021, a licensed Canton pharmacist admitted to becoming dependent on marijuana, to making THC-laced gummy bears, and to giving them to four coworkers.

During the Mifflin Township public hearing, the point was made that the proposed dispensary near Exit 176 would allow easy access and be out of harm’s way and away from housing developments. Two citizens who spoke against the proposal pointed out that “out of harm’s way” was actually beside their residences.

On July 2nd, the Board of Jackson Township Trustees voted to become the ninth township to prohibit commercial cannabis. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Business owner and resident Leonard Dolce was also a vocal marijuana opponent. “I have children and grandchildren that live in this township and I want them to live in a safe neighborhood. Often times I see people walking up and down our road. Many times they appear to be on drugs and asking for money. A dispensary will only increase this problem,” he said. Previously, Mifflin Township passed a medical marijuana dispensary ban in 2018.

More townships are getting proactive. On June 10th, the Jefferson Township Board of Trustees passed a moratorium on the sale of commercial cannabis with no expiration date. On July 2nd the Jackson Township Trustees passed a resolution prohibiting commercial marijuana. And last week Sharon Township Board of Trustees passed their own prohibition resolution.

With theft inside licensed and secured dispensaries, Mutti comments, “These mind-altering marijuana dispensaries do not appear to be “as impregnable as Fort Knox. In some cases they appear to be more like a house of cards.”

The Bottom Line:

Video below discusses that there is little evidence of the medical benefits of marijuana. (6 min.)

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Upcoming ‘March for Jesus’ follows trend of churches hitting the streets (SLIDESHOW)

Volunteers from The River Church participated in the May 2nd National Day of Prayer in downtown Mansfield (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

RICHLAND COUNTY — The word on the street is local believers will be taking one small step at an upcoming march, and taking one giant leap for mankind. While church-goers held a march this past May in Mansfield, known as the “City of Churches,” Shelby residents are paving their own way as the “City of Hope” with a March for Jesus.

This coming Saturday, August 18th, the “2024 Jesus March Shelby” will begin at 10:00 AM and runs its course thru 4:00 PM. Marchers will begin assembling for the procession at 9 AM at Grand Boulevard with the march beginning at 10:00. Following the march, the event will move to the Shelby Black Fork Commons Amphitheater on Richland Avenue between 11AM to 4PM for worship music, special speakers and baptisms. Chairs and snacks recommended.

A march and prayer convocation for National Day of Prayer took place at Central Park Gazebo on May 2nd. The event was based on 2nd Samuel 22. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

A number of years ago In 1992, there was a “March for Jesus” event that took place in Mansfield involving thirty churches.

Recently believers have been letting their feet do the talking. This past May 2nd, the seventy-third annual observance of the National Day of Prayer took place. The last two years National Day of Prayer organizers have held a march down Park Avenue West, beginning from Marion Avenue and ending at the Central Park Gazebo. From there a prayer convocation ensues incorporating music and clergy-led prayer for different areas of society. It is believed that an annual observance in Mansfield has been taking place since 1995.

This past year’s parade event was based on 2 Samuel 22:29-31 in the Bible which says, “For You are my lamp, O LORD, and my GOD lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my GOD I can leap over a wall. This GOD- His way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.”

Lead Pastor Mark Cobb of Providence Baptist prays for safety forces and first responders (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The Mansfield Potter’s House worship team provided the music for the assembly at Central Park Gazebo. Scott Saunders of Shine FM Radio moderated, Pastor Mark Cobb prayed for safety forces and first responders, Pastor James Davis prayed for clergy and local ministries, Therapist Donna Akuchie prayed for schools, Pastor James Hill prayed for election integrity, and Pastor Paul Lintern sang a song he wrote, entitled “Mansfield is Godsfield.” The song came as an inspiration during the “March of Prayer” church meetings in the Spring.

Some of the participating groups that took part in the march included: Church Requel, Sar Shalom Center, First United Methodist, Holy Trinity Lutheran, First English Lutheran, Clay Memorial Lutheran, Oakland Lutheran, The River Church, Paradise Church, Abundant Life, Potter’s House, ARC Empowerment Center, Lifewise Academy, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Rubies Ministry, Project One, Salvation Army, Protect Life Ohio, and others.

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