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Liberty Counsel ensuring religious viewpoints are not censored during holiday season (VIDEO)

Crestline nativity scene 122521
Christmas at Crestline Village Gazebo on Seltzer Street. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

WASHINGTON DC — Liberty Counsel has launched its 20th annual Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign that is designed to educate and, when necessary, litigate to ensure that religious viewpoints are not censored from Christmas and holiday themes.

Liberty Counsel monitors cases each year across the country where there is intimidation by officials and groups to remove the celebration of Christmas in public and private sectors. Liberty Counsel also provides a memorandum to offer guidance regarding the public celebration of religious holidays. 

Crestline nativity scene 122521
Christmas at Crestline Village Gazebo on Seltzer Street. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In public schools, classroom discussion of the religious aspects of the holidays is permissible. A holiday display in a classroom may include a Nativity scene or other religious imagery so long as the context also includes secular symbols. Public school music teachers have the freedom to include both religious and secular Christmas songs in their musical programs. If the students select their own songs independent of the direction of school officials, there is no requirement that the songs include secular selections. Students may distribute religious Christmas cards to their classmates during non-instructional time, before or after school, or between classes. If the students are not required to dress in uniform, they may wear clothing with religious words or symbols as well as religious jewelry.

Liberty Counsel also provides a Naughty and Nice List that catalogs some of the stores that are censoring Christmas and some that are publicly celebrating it.

“The First Amendment prohibits censorship based on religious viewpoint. Nativity scenes on public property are constitutional, especially when the display includes other secular symbols of the holiday. Nothing prohibits public schools from teaching objectively about Christmas or other holidays with religious significance, from displaying religious and secular Christmas symbols side by side or singing sacred and secular Christmas songs together.”

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel

Years ago, Walmart had banned its employees from even responding with the phrase “Merry Christmas.” Now the company has moved to the “Nice List,” completely embracing the Christmas season. Thankfully, many other companies have done the same to acknowledge Christ’s birth during the season. Belk, JCPenney, Walmart, Staples and Kohl’s are examples of stores on the “Nice List” for acknowledging Christmas and offering Christmas gifting options. Barnes & Noble, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Gap and TJ Maxx are on the “Naughty List” for censoring Christmas and offering nothing more than generic “holiday” decorations and gifts.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “The First Amendment prohibits censorship based on religious viewpoint. Nativity scenes on public property are constitutional, especially when the display includes other secular symbols of the holiday. Nothing prohibits public schools from teaching objectively about Christmas or other holidays with religious significance, from displaying religious and secular Christmas symbols side by side or singing sacred and secular Christmas songs together. This season is about the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. Even retailers should acknowledge Christmas and not censor it as a ‘winter holiday.’” 

Liberty Counsel advances religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and the family through litigation and education.

View video below from Liberty Council’s Mat Staver from 2017 (3 min.).

Deranged Congress on its way to pass unconstitutional “Respect for Marriage Act” (VIDEO)


WASHINGTON DC — This week the Senate voted on a bill sponsored by Ohio Senator Rob Portman to allow pedophiles to marry children, the codification of same-sex marriage, and any other perversion of marriage you can imagine. Twelve Republicans joined fifty Democrat Senators to move forward a vote for HR 8404. While the future horizon may look bleak, one prominent Christian legal scholar is still optimistic.

“The battle is not over. It’s not over in the courts and it is not over in our plans,” says Matt Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Do not get discouraged-I never get discouraged anymore. Today I am as hopeful as I have been on any previous day. I know the Author of marriage, I know the King of Kings and the LORD of Lords. I know that with GOD all things are possible. We will never ever give up, especially for what is GOD’s design.”

Members of the U.S. Senate have proposed an amendment to HR 8404, the so-called Respect for Marriage Act, that fails to provide protection for people or organizations with sincerely held religious beliefs about biblical marriage. 

The proposed amendment does nothing to protect religious liberty because the Religious Freedom Restoration Act only applies to the federal government. Therefore, state action will not be affected. 

The amendment states: “Nothing in this Act, or any amendment made by this Act, shall be construed to alter or abrogate a religious liberty or conscience protection otherwise available to an individual or organization under the Constitution of the United States or Federal law. H.R. 8404, Section 6(a).

The Amendment severely restricts the purported exemption for religious organizations by restricting it to a limited subset of only nonprofit entities.  H.R. 8404, Section 6(b) (‘Consistent with the First Amendment to the Constitution, nonprofit religious organizations, including churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, nondenominational ministries, interdenominational and ecumenical organizations, mission organizations, faith-based social agencies, religious educational institutions, and nonprofit entities whose principal purpose is the study, practice, or advancement of religion, and any employee of such an organization, shall not be required to provide services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods, or privileges for the solemnization or celebration of a marriage” (emphasis added). 

“HR 8404 will trample upon religious freedom. It will undermine the 303 Creative case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court and will force individuals who engage in artistic expression to violate their religious convictions concerning marriage. Congress has absolutely no authority to regulate marriage within the several states.

Matt Staver, Chairman & Founder of Liberty Counsel

Nothing in HR 8404 or the proposed amendment will provide any protection for religious individuals or organization, and the subsequent amendments to the bill exclude a large percentage of constitutionally and statutorily protected religious organizations. 

If HR 8404, the so-called Respect for Marriage Act, passes, gender will be irrelevant, not only in marriage, but also in any aspect of American life.

According to Staver, Congress does not possess the constitutional authority to define marriage and to enact such legislation under Article I. “In striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the reverse of the ill-named Respect for Marriage Act, the U.S. Supreme Court stated in United States v. Windsor that “[b]y history and tradition the definition and regulation of marriage . . . has been treated as being within the authority and realm of the separate States.” 

By comparing HR 8404 to DOMA, the bills are virtually identical with the opposite conclusion. DOMA said that marriage would only be recognized at the federal level as between a man and wife. HR 8404 by contrast, expands that definition to include all individuals. If Congress cannot enact the one, then the necessary constitutional corollary is that Congress cannot enact the other as well.     

Mat Staver says, “HR 8404 will trample upon religious freedom. It will undermine the 303 Creative case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court and will force individuals who engage in artistic expression to violate their religious convictions concerning marriage. Congress has absolutely no authority to regulate marriage within the several states. This bill should be defeated now or it will be defeated in the courts later.” 

View video produced by LIberty Counsel below on Matt Staver’s response to Senate vote on HR 8484.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Daniel 6, “But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, with its windows open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God.”

Ohio clergy call Silicon Valley earthquake ‘Act of GOD’ after Intel overlooks their concerns


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO–Values are colliding between the Silicon Valley and the Buckeye Bible Belt. A group of diverse stakeholders representing a multi-cultural faith community sent the Intel Corp. CEO a letter of concern. The letter by clergy from eighteen counties expressed their dismay over Intel’s corporate philosophy that directly conflict with their state’s values. As Intel is breaking ground in Ohio to build the largest microchip facility in the world, the earth happens to be shaking near their company’s headquarters.

One month after the clergy letter was sent, the largest earthquake in fifteen years hit the outskirts of San Jose, California with the epicenter just thirteen miles from the Intel world headquarters. While some said they heard a ‘thunderous explosion,” multiple aftershocks followed. No injuries were reported. Some clergy believe GOD is trying to get the attention of Intel officials.

“If insurance companies call earthquakes an act of God, then as a pastor, I am inclined to believe this earthquake was also an act of God,” says Pastor Robert Caw. “The Bible instructs all of us to walk humbly with the fear of the LORD. If people do not fear the LORD and His ways, He will shake them, even Big Tech giants.”

As the largest financial donor of Planned Parenthood on the 500 S&P, Intel is funding the abortion industry and the illegal sale of aborted baby parts. In addition, Intel continues working with global supply chain partners in Chinese districts where widespread religious persecution, forced labor, rape, torture and forced sterilization are occurring. The United Nations has officially confirmed China is responsible for serious human rights violations in Xinjiang Province.

Meanwhile, at the same time the clergy letter was sent to Intel, a CNN Business article headlined “Intel is the DOW’s biggest loser.” The article came in the wake of the company’s announced losses and cutbacks.

“Based on their response, Intel Corporation is not addressing our concerns, they are choosing to ignore them. Intel can turn a deaf ear to our clergy letter, but they cannot turn a blind eye to the genocide and infanticide their company is sponsoring.”

Pastor Robert CAw

Earlier in the summer CEO Pat Gelsinger stated Intel’s performance was “below the standards we (Intel) have set for the company and our shareholders,” One of the clergy letter’s co-signers agreed.

“As community stakeholders, there is one thing we do agree with Pat Gelsinger on,” says Pastor Walter Moss. “We agree Intel has performed below our standards regarding the preservation of religious freedom and the sanctity of life when it comes to the Chinese genocide and the infanticide occurring within our country’s borders. Intel needs to drop the social engineering and stick to making microchips.”

October 25, 2022 earthquake epicenter in Seven Trees, CA
(Photo courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey)

In response to the Ohio clergy letter, Intel Ohio Public Affairs Director Emily Smith wrote,

“Our new Ohio colleagues will have access to a broad range of Employee Resource Groups to support them in their professional and personal lives, including religious Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). We are pleased that Intel has been recognized by the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation in both 2021 and 2022 as one of the most religiously inclusive companies.”

The Intel response did not meet the expectations of the faith leaders.

The clergy contend Intel’s special recognition for ‘religious inclusivity’ has no merit considering Intel’s strong friendship to China and the character of other award recipients. Three companies broadly known for their censorship and hostility toward conservative viewpoints: Google, Target, and PayPal, were also given the same award in 2022.

“Based on their response, Intel Corporation is not addressing our concerns,” says Pastor Caw. “They are choosing to ignore them. Intel can turn a deaf ear to our clergy letter, but they cannot turn a blind eye to the genocide and infanticide their company is sponsoring.”

Related article:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Psalm 62, “GOD has spoken once, twice I have heard, all power belongs to GOD.”

Beyond shadow of a doubt: Ohioans go red on election night as GOP takes Supreme Court & state races


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — The blood red moon early on election day was a foreshadowing of things to come in the Buckeye State as the GOP took key races on election night in the House, Senate, and Supreme Court. With all three conservative justices winning their respective races, the State Supreme Court will turn from a 3-4 conservative minority to a 4-3 majority.

“This is evidence when Ohioans are properly informed on issues, they will choose candidates who hold conservative positions like on the sanctity of life,” says Pastor Mark Wireman. Wireman led a group of 112 lead clergy endorsing conservative justices for the State Supreme Court and for lower courts in Tuesday’s general election. The clergy called the election a “matter of life and death.” All five judicial candidates won.

Wireman hopes the State Supreme Court can be used to bring an end to abortion. He points out that in coming days, Governor Mike DeWine will fill the vacancy created by Sharon Kennedy’s election to Chief Justice with a fourth conservative judge.

“Judges play a key role in our society, especially in the post-Roe era. As GOD says in the Book of Isaiah, ‘I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, the city of righteousness, the faithful city.”

In addition to the Supreme Court, Republicans swept statewide races for Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Auditor, and Secretary of State. Unofficially the GOP controls the State House by a 64-30 margin and the State Senate by a 25-7 margin. Many of the GOP candidates are pro life advocates.

“This (2022 election results) is evidence when Ohioans are properly informed on issues, they will choose candidates who hold conservative positions like on the sanctity of life,”

Pastor Mark Wireman

Melanie Miller (R) defeated Drew Burge (D) for 67th State District seat by an 70-30% unofficial count. State House District 67 includes all of Ashland County and part of Medina County. Miller is the Executive Director of the Ashland Pregnancy Care Center. She commented, “It goes without saying, the life issue is of utmost importance to me. So of course I’m going to continue being a champion for that issue and for families,”

Meanwhile, Jim Obergefell (D) was defeated in his bid to become a State Rep. for the 89th District. Obergefell was the lead plaintiff against the State of Ohio in a U.S. Supreme Court case that led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015. The controversial decision broke over four hundred years of western civilization precedent.

Also in the 2020 midterms, Republicans won ten of the fifteen U.S. Congressional seats. With the new redistricting maps, Congressman Jim Jordan will be representing Richland County where he originally began his career.

Pregnancy Care Center Director Melanie Miller won her election Tuesday night, for Statehouse 67th District. (Photo courtesy of Melanie Miller for Ohio House)

Senate Candidate J.D. Vance (R) defeated Tim Ryan to replace Rob Portman in the U.S. Senate.

In statewide issues, Ohioans overwhelmingly chose to prohibit non-citizens from voting in local elections and for public safety to be taken into consideration before determining bail for

Conservative judges on the down ticket also won their respective races. Both conservative candidates for the Fifth District Court of Appeals including Craig Baldwin won, their races. Attorney Beth Owens also won her race for Richland County Common Pleas Domestic Court unofficially by a 61-39% margin.

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The Bottom Line:

Proverbs Chapter 29 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

Does blood red moon on Election Day carry meaning that is more than meets the eye?


MANSFIELD — A lunar eclipse will turn the moon a blood-red color in North America on Tuesday, November 8th between 5:16-6:41 AM EDT. For the first time in recorded history, a lunar eclipse is set to occur on Election Day before Ohioans go to the polls.

Total lunar eclipses, commonly known as a “blood moon,” only happen during full moons when the Earth completely shields the moon from the sun. Once the sun, Earth, and moon are exactly aligned, light form simultaneous sunrises and sunsets around the Earth project onto the moon, briefly causing a red appearance.

Click on the above image to watch what the November 7–8, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse will look like (Courtesy of timeanddate.com)

Given the magnitude of unanswered questions that remain from the 2020 Presidential Election, the parallels to recent U.S. election history are uncanny.

According to a Newsweek article, in ancient Mesopotamia, a lunar eclipse was considered a direct assault on the king. Given their ability to predict an eclipse with reasonable accuracy, they would put in place a proxy king for its duration. Someone considered to be expendable (it was not a popular job,) would pose as the monarch, while the real king would go into hiding and wait for the eclipse to pass. The proxy king would then conveniently disappear, and the old king be reinstated.

Interestingly, President Donald J. Trump was born on June 14, 1946. a day that also experienced a blood moon!

The next lunar eclipse will not take place until March 14, 2025.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in the Book of Revelation, “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood….”

112 Clergy warn upcoming election for Ohio Supreme Court ‘a matter of life and death’


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — While GOP candidates have fared well in statewide races, Democrats have won three of the past four Ohio Supreme Court elections. With the issue of abortion now going to the states and a slim 4-3 conservative majority on the Court, this midterm election is one of the most important Ohio Supreme Court races in memory.

A group of clergy believe the magnitude of just one court decision illustrates the importance of electing Pro-Life state and local judges. Presently, the Ohio Heartbeat Law has been put on hold by a Hamilton County Common Pleas Court judge. With all of the courtroom drama, the clergy have released an open letter endorsing five judicial candidates, hoping to keep a Pro-Life majority.

112 Ohio clergymen have formally endorsed five conservatives for Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio Appeals Court, and Richland County Domestic Court. Pictured L to R: Steve Schag, Mark Wireman, & Sylvester Ginn. (Photo courtesy Frontlines Ohio)

“Based on merit, we promote candidates who represent the best interests of faith, family, and freedom.  As 112 leading clergymen in our state, we encourage Ohioans to show up at their polling places in person on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 and vote in favor of the following…”

The clergy formally endorsed the re-election of conservative Justices Sharon Kennedy, Pat Fischer and Pat DeWine for Ohio Supreme Court for 6-year terms. They also supported the re-election of Justice Craig Baldwin for Ohio Court of Appeals 5th District and the election of Atty. Beth Owens for Richland County Domestic Court Judge. The candidates made the clergy list after a review of candidate websites and a review of voter guides Buckeye Ballot and ivoterguide.

The clergy believe abortion strips the autonomy of millions of babies in the United States, in particular those coming from households with low incomes and those belonging to racial and ethnic minorities.

“While judicial activists are producing a two-tiered system of justice, we believe Judeo-Christian values establish a framework of morality necessary for limited government. There is no constitutional right to abortion,” says Pastor Steve Schag, one of the cosigners of the open letter.

 “Elections have consequences. With three of the seven seats up for election, the next term of the Ohio State Supreme Court will decide if the barbaric abortion of children is a constitutional right.  There is no question, this Ohio election is a matter of life and death.”

Bishop Sylvester Ginn

“As GOD says in the Book of Isaiah, ‘I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, the city of righteousness, the faithful city.”

The clergy co-signers of the open letter are from fourteen counties throughout the state. Counties with the most clergy represented include: Richland (66), Crawford (10), Ashland (6), Trumbull (6), Wayne (6).

The faith leaders are convinced the endorsed candidates can be judged by their record.  All three Supreme Court Justices running for office have ruled in favor of the sanctity of life on two critical occasions.  Once in 2018 to reinstate the order of the Ohio Department of Health revoking and refusing to renew the license of a Toledo abortion clinic, and in 2016 stating a Cleveland abortion clinic did not have standing to challenge a state budget bill which included additional requirements for abortion providers.

Earlier this past summer after the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, Ohio clergymen called for the General Assembly to pass the Human Protection Act prohibiting all abortion. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Liberal Justice Jennifer Brunner who is running for the Chief Supreme Court Justice seat believes the State of Ohio should follow the United Nations which says abortion is a ‘human right.’ Pastor Mark Wireman disagrees with this premise.

“Founding Father John Adams stated the U.S. Constitution was made ‘only for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate for any other government.’ Herein lies the problem. We have Godless people reinterpreting the Bible and the Constitution to destroy the morality which our freedom and rule of law was founded on.”

The clergy contend life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are GOD-given inalienable rights for all people, even those without a voice.

“Elections have consequences,” adds Bishop Sylvester Ginn. “With three of the seven seats up for election, the next term of the Ohio State Supreme Court will decide if the barbaric abortion of children is a constitutional right.  There is no question, this Ohio election is a matter of life and death.”

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Isaiah Chapter 1, “I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning: afterward you shall be called, the city of righteousness, the faithful city.”

Ohio AG Yost challenges Biden gender confusion changes to Title IX


COLUMBUS — Joe Biden is leading the way when it comes to gender confusion. Not only has Biden appointed a Justice to the nation’s top court unable to define what a woman is, Biden has also constructed a Department of Education that gets a failing grade when it comes to biology.

In response, David Yost is leading the way when it comes to opposing the Biden agenda to allow boys into girls’ school locker rooms and restrooms. Yost has spearheaded an effort along with a group of state attorneys general to oppose proposed radical rulemaking by the Biden Department of Education entitled, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance.”

Ohio Attorney General David Yost. (Photo courtesy of Ohio Attorney General website)

Attorney General Dave Yost has authored a letter to the Biden Administration signed by Attorney Generals from eighteen other states. Yost raised numerous arguments in his 30-page letter to the Department of Education.

The letter stated, “The Proposed Rule (Biden’s radical Title IX mandates) will hurt women’s’ scholarships. Most universities offer women-specific scholarships, particularly in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math). While that practice can be controversial (if a school disadvantages men), under the Proposed Rule, a school would be unable to preserve scholarships to benefit either women or men. That may affect women’s long-term earning and career potential. Women make up only twenty-one percent of engineering majors and nineteen percent of computer science majors. If opportunities for women are reduced by the Proposed Rule, that gap will only widen. “   

“If the women’s locker
room allows male entrants, would-be witnesses are not likely to think much of biological men entering the room. And that makes it easier for non-transgender sex
criminalsto enter areas wherewomen are vulnerable. There is a reason that humans,
for millennia, have seen fit to separate the sexes with respect to certain activities. It
is passing arrogant to assume these barriers can be torn down without consequence.”

Ohio Attorney General David Yost

Yost wrote, “When it comes to sexual assault, the main problem with failing to separate the sexes is that it becomes easier for non-transgender sexual predators to infiltrate women’s-only spaces where women are likely to be vulnerable. After all, if the women’s locker room allows male entrants, would-be witnesses are not likely to think much of biological men entering the room. And that makes it easier for non-transgender sex criminals to enter areas where women are vulnerable. There is a reason that humans, for millennia, have seen fit to separate the sexes with respect to certain activities. It is passing arrogant to assume these barriers can be torn down without consequence.”

Yost provided examples.

“Just last year, in Loudon County, Virginia, a “pansexual” biological male assaulted a girl in a girl’s restroom—a restroom he had access to because the school had a policy of resisting sex-based bathroom distinctions. And female athletes, like college swimmer Riley Gaines, experience “extreme discomfort” in sharing locker rooms with biological men.”

In 2016 a group of 102 clergy advocated for biological gender in school restrooms (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Similarly in 2016, the Obama administration informed educators in Ohio that failure to permit biological boys into girls-only facilities would result in the loss of federal funds. Now Biden and the democrats are threatening Ohio once again with the loss of funds.

In response, over one hundred clergymen from Richland County wrote a letter to local school superintendents and state officials to defy the Obama restroom mandate. They asserted the “Department of Education lacks authority to unilaterally redefine sex. They also said the radical mandate jeopardizes the privacy and safety of vulnerable and women and children, defies objectivity and logic, exploits low income and disabled students by aborting funds for school meals, eliminates funding for students with disabilities, and triggers intolerance with people of religious conviction and/or differing opinion.”

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Romans One, “For this cause GOD gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly…”

128 Ohio clergy urge Intel to ‘drop the social engineering & stick to making microchips’


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Last month, Intel broke ground on a massive brick and mortar mega plant set to bring thousands of high-tech jobs to Ohio. For some, there is concern the Silicon Valley Giant’s arrival may transform Ohio from a conservative red state to liberal blue. While they welcome the new manufacturing jobs, over one hundred clergy are sending a signal to the tech company they do not want the company’s ‘California values’ embedded into their culture.

Recently a group of stakeholders representing a multi-cultural faith community sent the Intel CEO a letter expressing their concern over the corporation’s ‘reputation of alienation’ towards faith-based groups. Although Pastor Robert Caw’s home county stands to profit economically, he believes the company is also bringing baggage.

Last month Intel held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new microchip facility. Recently Ohio clergy sent a letter to the Intel CEO. Pictured clergy co-signers include: Robert Caw, Walter Moss, and Rev. El Akuchie. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Intel’s corporate values and philosophy closely align with California which conflicts with our State’s values,” the Ohio clergyman said. “It’s like mixing oil with water.” 

Intel is investing $20 billion and creating 3,000 high-tech jobs, but the company has also committed $300 million to support its goal to accelerate diversity and inclusion of its supply chain and vendors. According to the clergy letter, the company has a history of promoting political LGBTQ causes. On the other hand, the clergy point out Intel is not very inclusive of faith-based organizations with other viewpoints.

“Intel mandates diversity and inclusion requirements and continues to go too far by forcing third-party stakeholders to embrace a “one size fits all” approach to social issues. This approach is incompatible with the diverse values and missions of local companies,” says Pastor Caw.

The clergy believe this may have a ripple effect on institutions across Ohio. For example, when the City of New Albany was being considered as one of the finalists for the Intel project, the city gave its first-ever proclamation recognizing LGBTQ Pride month in June of 2021.

“Intel’s reputation is on the line.  Corporate political activism domestically risks alienating employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders. Additionally, corporations should resist lending support to any action that undermines protections for fundamental human rights.  In other words, we are asking Intel to drop the social engineering and focus on manufacturing microchips.”   

Ohio clergy letter to Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger

According to Pastor Walter Moss, one of the clergy co-signers of the letter, “If we do not address the values of this company now, we will be beholden to their values down the road. After the Roe v. Wade decision was overturned, Ohio saw ten abortion mills close. What is alarming is Intel donates more money to Planned Parenthood than any other company in the S&P 500. When it comes to our identity, we must choose the moral high ground and not the silicon valley.”

Arguably the most controversial position Intel has taken is its position towards China where the corporation has third-party suppliers located. The Ohio clergy call Intel’s position “disgraceful.”

“As Intel donated one million dollars during the violent protests of the Summer of 2020 to divisive BLM causes, Intel turned a blind eye to genocide conducted in the region of Xinjiang, China where some of its global supply chain contractors are located,” indicated Reverend El Akuchie, another co-signer.

According to federal reports, crimes against humanity are occurring inside the Xinjiang Province, including imprisonment, torture, rape, forced sterilization, and persecution of religious minorities. In spite of the human trafficking, modern-day slavery and organ harvesting, the clergy are aghast Intel still conducts business in the region. Intel even sponsored the 2021 Winter Olympics in China.

Rendition of proposed Intel mega semiconductor manufacturing plant to be built in New Albany, Ohio. (Photo courtesy of Intel)

The clergy believe Intel’s reputation is on the line.  They say the Tech Giant should resist lending support to any action that undermines protections for fundamental human rights.  The clergy wrote, “In other words, we are asking Intel to drop the social engineering and focus on manufacturing microchips.”   

The clergy continued, “We are asking Intel to respect the dignity of all human beings and the diverse religious and ideological views of their employees, customers, and shareholders.  Practically, this means avoiding charitable giving and public advocacy that drive narrow political agendas corrosive to basic human rights and religious freedom.  All business ties, including with global supply chain partners inside jurisdictions implementing genocide should be severed.  GOD will not be mocked.”

Reverend Akuchie hopes the clergy letter will meet its goal since the Intel CEO was born in nearby Pennsylvania and professes to be a Christian. “We believe Mr. Gelsinger may be just the right person to address our concerns. Perhaps he was brought to his position for such a time as this. As our State Motto says, “With GOD, all things are possible.”

Clergy co-signers are from 18 counties throughout Ohio.  Counties with the most congregations represented include:  Richland, Crawford, Ashland, Wayne, and Trumbull.

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Mark Chapter 8, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Local churches lead worship during Galion Oktoberfest Sept. 29th


GALION — Oktoberfest is the City of Galion’s annual fall festival. It is held on the last weekend of September in Galion’s Uptowne Business District. The three-day event features food vendors, kids’ rides, and live music.

For the second year in a row, Galion Oktoberfest entertainment will feature all Christian music groups on the first night of the three-day festival. Organizers would rather not refer to the stage venue as “entertainment.” as much as they are worship leaders.

Past music at the three-day Galion Oktoberfest. This year is scheduled to begin Thursday, September 29th. (Photo courtesy of Bill Seymour)

“Our schedule consists of different genres,” says Carol Kable, one of the organizers of Gospel Music Stage. “Several of the genres vary from traditional to country to contemporary Christian, bluegrass and rock. What unites it all is Jesus, Yeshua Messiah. They are all making music for Him.”

Beginning at noon, there will be almost two hours of “open-mic,” for individuals, especially local pastors and ministers, who would like to bring sound tracks, or a scripture reading, or offer a prayer on behalf of the nation, in Jesus’ name.

Another one of the organizers drew his inspiration from the history books.

“We began praying and planning this months ago,” Bill Seymour, another one of the other organizers recalls. “It was not until two weeks ago that a friend gave me a copy of Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation 85. It was written a few months after the start of the Civil War. Lincoln appointed the last Thursday in September of 1861, recommending all Americans, especially ‘Minister and teachers of religion of all denominations to unite for a day of ‘public humiliation, fasting and prayer,’ that God would restore the divided nation to its former greatness.”

“If you believe in coincidences, the first night of Oktoberfest, featuring the gospel music stage, is the last Thursday in September. Our nation once again is very divided, so we want to use the platform to help unite the churches to stand in the gap for our country.”

Bill Seymour, organizer of Gospel Music Stage

“Co-incidentally, if you believe in coincidences, the first night of Oktoberfest, featuring the gospel music stage, is the last Thursday in September. Our nation once again is very divided, so we want to use the platform to help unite the churches to stand in the gap for our country,” says Seymour.

Beginning at 2pm, “the Bridge,” musical intercessors from Morrow County will be leading a two hour “Worship Burn,” interspersed with special prayers and declarations for Galion, Crawford County and the United States.

At 4pm, prayer ministers will be reading Lincoln’s Proclamation 85 and other scriptures to bring an atmosphere of hope and celebration for the remainder of the evening. Also, there will be a sounding of shofars. All who can participate with shofars are invited to join.

Scene from 2019 Galion Oktoberbest. (Photo courtesy of

To kick off the evening, “Stones Cry Out,” will bring a lively Christian Rock style worship at 4:30pm. They were a favorite from last year, returning.

Another popular group, returning from last year, at 8pm, is Dale Powers and Friends. Powers, a Richland County native whose music now is centered on Christ, is a founding member of The Ohio Express. Dale and Friends has a strong local following, and depending on which “friends” accompany him that evening, you may hear more or less country, soft rock, or bluegrass.

Other musical groups include Tabernacle of Praise, Set Apart, The Warriors, and Keagan Nicolades.

Kable and Seymour both expressed their appreciation of the Galion Area Ministerial Association (GAMA), which agreed to help cover the cost of the Thursday Christian event.

Prayer ministers from will be available throughout the evening for anyone attending who would like prayer for healing or salvation.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in the Psalms 95, “O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.”

Movie Review: Lifemark is true adoption story that celebrates life (VIDEO)


David’s comfortable world is turned upside down when his birth mother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the eighteen-year-old son she’s only held once. With the encouragement of his adoptive parents, David embarks on a journey of discovery that leads to a staggering truth from his past. From executive producers Kirk Cameron and the Kendrick Brothers—creators of War Room and Fireproof—comes LIFEMARK, inspired by an incredible true story that celebrates the gift of life. (Rated PG-13)

Movie Lifemark comes out in theaters on September 9th. (Photo courtesy of screenshot)

The film is being released two months after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Although the primary theme of Lifemark is adoption, it does reference abortion. One scene takes place at the site of a former abortion clinic.

“The reality of this theme in this issue is that it is a very sensitive topic. It’s become a political battleground in our country,” Stephen Kendrick, the movie’s producer says. “And we are acknowledging both sides, we’re acknowledging the difficult decision to choose to place your baby for adoption, but it is the better decision. And we are also showing the adoptive parents and what a blessing and a joy – and the journey that they have to go through this.

“The reality of this theme is that it is a very sensitive topic. It’s become a political battleground in our country. And we are acknowledging both sides, we are acknowledging the difficult decision to choose to place your baby for adoption, but it is the better decision. And we are also showing the adoptive parents and what a blessing and a joy – and the journey that they have to go through this.”

Stephen Kendrick, Lifemark movie producer

“It is such a beautiful thing when our hearts start beating along with God’s heart in valuing the orphan and caring for them,” Kendrick says. “God is a father to the fatherless, and He places the lonely into families. He created not only the family, but He created adoption.Kendrick said it was important that the film told the story through the eyes of the birth parents and the adoptive parents.

Kendrick comments, “We believe Lifemark will inspire countless people and churches at this pivotal time to get more involved in supporting life and adoption. This movie has something for everyone. It’s inspirational, entertaining, and also life-changing.”

Kirk Cameron, who is also an adoptive father, says the film includes multiple biblical themes. “This movie is pro-family. It’s pro-love. It’s pro-forgiveness. It’s pro-reconciliation and new beginnings,” Cameron says.

Lifemark will be distributed in more than 1,400 theaters, including Cinemark 14 Mansfield Town Center. Fathom is the distributor.

View the Lifemark movie trailer below.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in James Chapter One, “Religion that GOD our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Guest Column: Black leader believes ‘Black lies should matter’


America was hoodwinked. Some of us knew it from the start. Some of us should have known better from the start. The Black Lives Matter movement pretended to be about racial injustice. Mainstream media swooned. Churches centered the propaganda instead of Scripture. And Corporate America groveled at their feet. Seven years and nearly $200 million dollars later, the world has been conned.

Ryan Bomberger (Photo courtesy of Radiance Foundation)

Several years ago, I published my “Top 10 Reasons I Will Never Support the Black Lives Matter Movement.” I received lots of love for it as well as some predictable hate from those who accused me of being a traitor, an “Uncle Tom,” not black enough, and a self-hater. It never ceases to amaze me when people think calling me an “Uncle Tom” is a put-down. To be compared to an individual who gave up his life so that others could be set free is an honor. So, thank you. And I love people regardless of their color. I don’t excuse bad behavior because of someone’s color.

The Black Lives Matter movement isn’t about self-sacrifice. It’s about sacrificing the truth for personal gain. And a lot of it. Just ask Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) co-founder Patrice Cullors, a self-proclaimed “trained Marxist,” about her not-so-secret love of capitalism. Mostly white corporate CEOs lavished her black-led organization with loads of white guilt in the form of a color hucksters love: green. Who knew that BLM actually stood for Buy Large Mansions or Become Loaded Marxists. Cullors, who is “married” to a woman, now owns a reported four homes worth over $3 million, you know, because economic egalitarianism is her goal. Her house-buying “binge” (in white neighborhoods, by the way) started in 2016. Cullors pretended that her massively increased income wasn’t a direct result of her involvement in BLM.

Now, there’s a lawsuit accusing yet another BLMGNF leader — Shalomyah Bowers — of stealing $10 million from the organization. Follow me here. The Black Lives Matter Grassroots coalition filed the lawsuit against the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (the one with all the money). There are only three Board members of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, an organization that received $90 million in donations in 2020 and another $77 million in 2021. Three! And one of them is Shalomyah Bowers. According to the lawsuit, he only made “$2,167,894 million dollars from BLMGNF in less than eight months.” What’s a trained Marxist to do when your shady organization is awash in cash?

“I don’t care what beautiful hue of skin you have. If you’re a crook who steals donated money, you should be in jail. Yeah, the same prisons that the BLM movement wants to abolish. How convenient. How many times do we have to hear the pathetic and racist justifications of BLM leaders? I run a non-profit organization. I’m brown. I don’t complain about the same IRS laws that apply to every non-profit organization. To say that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is corrupt is an understatement.”

Ryan Bomberger, The Radiance Foundation

Who’s to blame? White people, of course. The 3-member Board fired back at the lawsuit, brought on by other black BLM activists, with this classic response: “To the contrary, they would rather take the same steps of our white oppressors and utilize the criminal legal system which is propped up by white supremacy (the same system they say they want to dismantle) to solve movement disputes.”

Black lies matter. In fact, all lies matter. You’re not being oppressed BLM. You’re being held accountable.

Frederick Douglass famously proclaimed on his North Star paper’s masthead: “Right is of no sex. Truth is of no color. God is the Father of us all. And all men are brethren.”

I don’t care what beautiful hue of skin you have. If you’re a crook who steals donated money, you should be in jail. Yeah, the same prisons that the BLM movement wants to abolish. How convenient. How many times do we have to hear the pathetic and racist justifications of BLM leaders? I run a non-profit organization. I’m brown. I don’t complain about the same IRS laws that apply to every non-profit organization. To say that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is corrupt is an understatement. Good luck trying to follow the trails of cash. Even BLM chapters can’t get any transparency. Some of them have been calling for it for years.

BLMGNF Board writes (and I’m trying not to laugh): “Our hearts are broken at this moment because white supremacy is the winner when movement leaders take the approach of publicly ‘calling out’ comrades instead of ‘calling-in.’” Yes, Marxist comrades don’t like to be called out when they give capitalism a bad name by taking millions (they didn’t earn) for personal gain. It’s not “white supremacy” that’s the problem. It’s greed, dishonesty, pride, and jealousy. That’s sin supremacy. Corruption knows no color. It can be carried out by people of any hue, either gender, or any political affiliation.

With all the hyperbole and racist rhetoric that continues to serve as the foundation of the BLM movement, it’s almost like the whole predictable imploding situation of BLM Grassroots versus BLM Global Network Foundation is a case of Black-on-Black crime. The movement swindled the nation and the entire world … even its own grassroots activists. The movement repeatedly failed to distinguish between what was true and what was a lie. It failed to identify between truly systemic (i.e., the inherent racism of the abortion industry) and specific instances (i.e., the exploited and tragic death of Ahmaud Arbery). Now, it seems, BLM leaders cannot distinguish between what money belongs to a public charity (yes, BLMGNF files as a 501c3 entity) and what goes into their personal piggy banks. The IRS is hiring 87,000 more agents, so I’m sure they’ll have time to look into BLMGNF and any questionable grassroots chapters of BLM. (Who am I kidding? Accountability and public scrutiny are soooo racist, obviously.)

Maybe some of that $42 million in BLM assets could help begin to defray the $2 billion worth of destruction BLM’s “mostly peaceful” protests caused to cities (including many minority-owned businesses) across the country.

Sorry, BLM. Look into the mirror. The real oppressor just might be looking back at you.

Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of “Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong.”

FFRF attempt to end chaplain program an epic fail as city officials & clergy unite


MANSFIELD — Last month an atheist group wrote city officials saying police chaplains are “unconstitutional.” This group, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), urged the police chief to end his department’s chaplain program. But after a host of clergymen petitioned the city administration in response, the call to end the chaplain program fell on deaf ears.

In a written response to Frontlines Ohio, City Law Director John Spon wrote, “It is our opinion that our (City of Mansfield’s) voluntary use of an available designated chaplain is lawful and therefore it is our intent to continue with voluntary use of our designated chaplain. At the present time we see no need to respond to Freedom from Religion Foundation’s spurious and unfounded allegation.”

Co-signers of the clergy letter include Pastor Christopher Thomas & Elder Hentry Bradley. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The threatening FFRF letter stemmed from a local newspaper story on Pastor Chad Hayes’ recent appointment as police chaplain of the Mansfield Police Department. Seventy-six clergymen defended the longstanding program with a correspondence to the Mansfield Mayor, Police Chief, and City Law Director.

In the letter to the City Administration, the clergy wrote, “While the FFRF likes to think of itself as a legal authority on the First Amendment, one can observe this is often not the case in a court of law with its frivolous lawsuits against government institutions.  We question the motives of this organization which regularly exhibits hostility towards communities when religious institutions are making great strides in their local community like in Mansfield, Ohio.”

One pastor and co-signer of the letter who also serves as the Mayor of nearby Shelby believes the Freedom from Religion Foundation has its thumb on the scale.

“It is our opinion that our (City of Mansfield’s) voluntary use of an available designated chaplain is lawful and therefore it is our intent to continue with voluntary use of our designated chaplain. At the present time we see no need to respond to Freedom from Religion Foundation’s spurious and unfounded allegation.”

Mansfield Law Director John Spon

“The FFRF is very outspoken about issues surrounding the separation of church and state. However, their silence is deafening when it comes to the Biden Administration allocating hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars for the advocacy of atheism in Africa and Asia.”

Like other communities, the City of Mansfield is not taking any notice of the FFRF threats. The clergy in their letter cited six different communities in recent years that received similar FFRF letters who have still continued their chaplain programs.

Pastor Rich Hurles also signed the clergy letter; he serves as a police chaplain, and is Village Councilman in Plymouth. He believes FFRF is targeting understaffed police departments that remain vulnerable in hostile conditions.

Richland County law enforcement pictured with Pastor Paul Larsen and Chaplain Gary Lambert. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I, like many of the area chaplains I know, serve our police departments on a voluntary basis. The public scrutiny and demands placed upon police officers with ongoing threats of violence leads to extremely high levels of stress on a daily basis. Such stress can do more than affect an officer’s job performance; it can also seep into and damage their personal life. Chaplains are lifelines to provide support and strength to the officer’s and their families.”

The Richand County clergy thanked the City Administration for taking their words to heart.  “Retaining our chaplain services for our safety services is vital for the success of our community,” they wrote. 

Mansfield City Councilman and clergyman, Reverend El Akuchie comments, “City officials always need encouragement and I think the clergy letter let the Mayor and Law Director know the faith community stands behind their decision to preserve the chaplain program. It is common knowledge government chaplaincies have existed even before the First Amendment was enacted. The City of Mansfield will not be bullied by an outside group like the FFRF.”

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Romans 1, “For GOD is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I mention you always in my prayers, asking that somehow by GOD’s will I may now at last succeed in coming to you for I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you.”

Test of time moves needle other way as clergy criticisms of Biden COVID mandate confirmed


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Last Fall, conservatives across the nation were critical of Joe Biden for issuing sweeping executive orders mandating federal employees and contractors to get the COVID shot. Consequently, OSHA rescinded the mandate in January after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 against the Labor Department’s authority to implement such a policy. But the Constitution has not been the only obstacle for the Biden Administration.

Faith leaders from the Buckeye Bible Belt believe requiring experimental COVID-19 shots to combat a virus with an overall 99.74% survival rate is tantamount to what a totalitarian dictator would do. They released on open letter calling the mandate immoral and unethical. This public pressure, along with the release of new data is beginning to move the needle the other way.

Ohio pastors pictured L to R: J.C. Church, Jerry O’Brien, & John Bouquet. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Joe Biden can take his medical advice somewhere else, we are not going to listen to him,” Pastor J.C. Church, a co-signer with one hundred other clergy previously said. “This President and his godless Administration have foot-in-mouth disease for every issue they touch. Since Biden does not have the scientific data nor the trust of the people, he uses fear to try to get compliance. Authoritarians in Marxist governments use this method.”

After OSHA dropped its vaccine mandate last Fall, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) just recently dropped its vaccine-status discrimination, admitting their COVID shots do not prevent anyone from getting or spreading the virus. The admission means there is now no logical reason to treat vaccinated people differently than unvaccinated people when both can readily get and spread the COVID virus.

“Facts really are stubborn things. With the recent observational data we now have, the jury is still out on whether the Biden Administration will keep pushing a false narrative on these experimental COVID shots. It really goes to show that when dealing with the public, honesty is the best policy.”

Pastor J.C. Church

Previously the clergy in their open letter said “We believe GOD-given natural immunity found in the human body can be more effective for many persons than experimental vaccinations that have not been properly clinically tested. We also believe other time-proven methods of treatment blacklisted by your Federal Drug Administration are as effective in combatting COVID.”

Three months following the clergy letter, the CDC revealed that unvaccinated people who recovered from COVID-19 were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected during the COVID Delta surge. In addition, despite medical elites blocking their use on coronavirus patients, 365 studies proving the efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in treating COVID-19 was publicly released following the open letter.

A study found the Pfizer COVID shot can modify DNA within the human genome. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

The Ohio clergy also said the experimental COVID shots could be altering DNA in individuals. One month ago, Swedish researchers published an alarming study showing Pfizer’s experimental mRNA COVID shot can modify DNA within the human genome. The study found the SARS-CoV-2 RNA within the Pfizer shot can reverse-transcribe itself and install itself within the DNA of the human genome within a matter of just six hours following exposure to the shot.

As of July 29, 2022, over 29,981 people were reportedly killed by the COVID experimental jabs according to the Open VAERS website. Over 170,000 hospitalizations have been blamed on the shots.

“Facts really are stubborn things,” Pastor Church says. “With the recent observational data we now have, the jury is still out on whether the Biden Administration will keep pushing a false narrative on these experimental COVID shots. It really goes to show that when dealing with the public, honesty is the best policy.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew 10, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Related articles:

Movie review: [S]ELECTION CODE reveals Deep State involvement in elections either by hook or by crook (VIDEO)


Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that.  You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” (The film is not rated)

What about those who code the vote? What if our leaders aren’t actually being elected by us, but instead… selected?  On August 20th, a new political documentary premieres discussing these very issues.

Gold-Star Mom and County Recorder Tina Peters is prosecuted for taking her stand for election integrity. (Photo courtesy of Screenshot)

[S]ELECTION CODE follows world renown investigative journalist Lara Logan on her most important assignment to date. For over thirty-five years, investigative journalist Lara Logan has been on the front lines of history’s deadliest conflicts. Yet no assignment to date has put her career and life in more danger than this one. Her investigation goes to the heart of the current Information War, revealing yet another facet in the ever-unfolding saga of election fraud, demonstrating the role of the machines in stealing our vote.  

The documentary follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. and also the 2020 general election. Tina’s discovery ignites a chain reaction upending her life. And upending the world.  

You will not be able to unsee what you see. 

We stand at an apex in human history. Are we handing too much power to technology – and those that program it?

Thirty-five year investigative journalist Lara Logan looks into the election integrity of voting machines. (Photo courtesy of Screenshot)

[S]ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It’s about correcting the future.   

Once you see [S]ELECTION CODE you’ll never again let a machine near your vote.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew Five, “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

View the video below of the trailer of the documentary film [S]Election Code. Sign up here to receive news, updates, and a free digital copy of the movie on August 22nd.

Guest Column: The complete Sovietization of the Democrat party


With the wholly illegal and unconstitutional FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago on Monday, in search of documents they have long had access to, there can no longer be any doubt about the full communization of the American left.  

The thorough weaponization and politicization of each of our law enforcement institutions is now undeniable; the left has crossed Caesar’s Rubicon.  The Democrats are so determined to destroy Trump, they are willing to reveal their true colors: They are all Stalinist communists now.  

They’ve just rammed through a nearly $800 billion bill that will obviously exacerbate inflation, as well as transform the IRS into a Gestapo-like agency, armed and dangerous to all Americans but for the very wealthy.  Small businesses that survived the lockdowns will now be stamped out by the higher taxes, audits, and regulations within this destructive bill.  The billions of green agenda requirements in the bill will force us all into energy deficits that will further devastate our already ruined economy and our quality of life.  

That is their goal, their endgame.  “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws,” as Tacitus once said.  

The globalists have captured every Democrat in Congress, every single one of them.  Chances are each and every one of them has been bought…by China.  There is not one of them who has or will put the American people before their own personal power and wealth. 

Every Democrat voted against prohibiting China from buying U.S. farmland.  Every Democrat voted against a ban on selling our strategic oil reserves to China; Biden has nearly emptied our strategic reserves.  Every Democrat voted against a bill stating that pregnancy is unique to biological females.  Every Democrat is on board the for the sexualization of very young children, the authorization of pornography in elementary school libraries and the pharmaceutical and surgical intervention of gender transition even for children under twelve.  Democrat-run states seek to mandate gender-identity education for young children.  Biden has made his support of gender transition abundantly clear.  They all support unrestricted abortion up to and just after birth; they are in favor of infanticide.  

Every Democrat has voted against protecting those who refuse the COVID vaccine.  They voted against stopping the government from monitoring and prosecuting the unvaccinated.  The Democrats approve of the DOJ labeling parents who attend school board meetings as domestic terrorists.  The Democrats all signed onto the entirely Clinton-fabricated Russia hoax.  In short, the American Democrat party is in favor of the destruction of any and all traditional Judeo-Christian American values.  As President Trump remarked the other day, prayer in school is banned but drag queens are de rigeur.  Our newest Supreme Court justice cannot define the word “woman” because she and her ilk insist men can become pregnant.  Our left has gone the way of Orwell’s 1984, of Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon.  Our world is upside down.

While this all began under Barack Obama, the first president to openly display his disdain for America, despite his phenomenal personal success, it escalated throughout the Trump administration among the deep state operatives determined to destroy his presidency and the already weaponized FBI, CIA, and DOJ.  Under Biden, the criminalization of political opponents has become the order of the day.  We are officially a third-world banana republic without any legitimate leadership.  

“Under Biden, the criminalization of political opponents has become the order of the day.  We are officially a third-world banana republic without any legitimate leadership.”  

Patricia M. McCarthy

With the obvious exceptions of the too few good Republicans in Congress ( Jim Jordan, Ron Johnson, Matt Gaetz, MTG, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Thomas Massie, John Kennedy, Tom Cotton), most of them are squishes, RINOs without a spine, Kevin McCarthy in particular.  What has the Republican leadership done to stop the horrific abuse of the January 6 prisoners?  Nothing.  

They should have refused to do any government business until the prisoners were released or at least given respectable legal defense.  What has been done to those people and their families is as unforgiveable as slavery.  That any of those RINOs who voted for Trump’s impeachment, twice, is an unacceptable sign of weakness.  That these Sovietized agencies have been allowed to so misuse their power is not just wrong; it’s well and truly frightening.  We are in 1930s Nazi territory.  Every American should be very afraid of who and what the Democrat party has become.  They have morphed into a fully Stalinist regime in every way. 

Anyone who has watched the House or Senate hearings at which Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, or other representatives of the FBI and DOJ appear, knows how arrogant and disingenuous this crowd is.  They are evasive and smug.  They believe they are in the catbird seat and can do whatever they want, no matter how unconstitutional and illegal.  

But Trump scares them.  His love of America scares them and of course, his popular support among millions of Americans scares them.  He is an outsider who does not play by their corrupt establishment rules; grease their hands and they’ll grease yours..  His honesty about how the country is being run scares them.  As Peter Schweizer has exposed in several books, the most corrupt among them – Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein,  Mitch McConnell, the Clintons, etc. – care only about their own continued wealth and power.  They could not care less about the millions of middle class citizens they are about to put out of business with higher taxes and high gas prices, whom they are about to endanger with calculated food shortages, and who they will surely punish for unacceptable political views, if expressed.  They will go well beyond the censorship we’ve all endured and will penalize any forbidden opinions.

This raid on Mar-A-Lago was pure misguided theater, just as the ridiculous and equally misguided J6 committee is theater.  Thoroughly disconnected from reality, the participating Democrats seem to think all this outrageous posturing is going to change the minds of Trump supporters.  It has not and will not.  Au Contraire.  

We all remember how much better off we were, how much better off the country was, the world was, under President Trump.  No inflation, no wars, energy independence, low unemployment for all groups.  Wages were up, taxes had been reduced.  We were all better off.  If he were still in office, Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine. China would not be surrounding Taiwan.  The border would still be closed and we would not have more than two million unvetted migrants spreading throughout the nation, wreaking havoc on cities unprepared to care for and feed them. How many among them are criminals, sex-traffickers, terrorists, violent gang members, rapists and pedophiles?  Far too many.  Many American lives will be lost to the consequences of Biden’s open border.

The leftists are exuberant at the news of the raid on Trump’s home.  CNN and MSNBC are ecstatic, as if this will bring Trump down, once and for all.  They do not care one bit if it was legal or constitutional.  

Well, they should enjoy the moment because the Biden DOJ and FBI has catastrophically overreached this time. If the absurd COVID restrictions and mandates did not awaken a sleeping giant, this obvious ploy to destroy Trump, again, will.  

It may well shock Biden voters who did not realize he would usher in a Sovietized government.   

John Steinbeck wrote that fear corrupts, the fear of loss of power.  The left is revealing its hapless desperation and fear of a nationalist, populist citizenry that loves their country as founded.   

The Democrat party has revealed its evil tendency toward totalitarianism.  Every American should now be well aware that there are two distinct systems of justice in this country, one for conservatives, quite another for favored leftists. The Clintons, the Pelosis and the Bidens are among the most corrupt political families in American history.  They and all of their partners have used their positions of power to enrich themselves and must be held countable for their many, many crimes against the American people. Our media is corrupt, deservedly known for their fake news in service of the far left.  “All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.” -Frank Herbert.  

Surprise of surprises!  Trump is the least corrupt politician in modern history.

This guest column by Patricia M. McCarthy was first published at American Thinker.

160 Clergy from the Buckeye Bible Belt call for end of abortion, saying ‘it is not healthcare’


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO- With Roe v. Wade overturned, the issue of abortion returns to statehouses. Ohio currently has a Heartbeat Law in place banning abortion at or around six weeks of pregnancy,. While many lives are being saved, a number of faith leaders are telling state lawmakers in a letter that the law is not enough.

“To be clear, abortion is not health care,” says Richland County Pastor LaMont Lindsay, one of the cosigners of a letter sent to Ohio lawmakers.  “Abortion is murder that takes the life of an unborn child and can cause grave physical harm to the mother and emotional harm to both the mother and father.”

108 Lead clergymen hold press conference at the Richland County Courthouse in 2018 to defend law protecting babies with Down Syndrome from selective abortion after a federal judge struck it down . (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In the letter the clergy wrote, “We thank GOD for the recent Supreme Court decision to reverse the 1973 Roe v. Wade court opinion.  Abortion is infanticide and never was a right expressly written in the U.S. Constitution.  This diabolical decision allowed the murder of an unborn child on demand up to birth, led to the untimely deaths of at least sixty-three million unborn children and caused America to be a reproach among the nations.”

The clergymen contend, while the Heartbeat Law is important, moral clarity surrounding the unborn should be strengthened by eliminating legislative loopholes.

The correspondence went on to say, “The ‘Human Life Protection Act’ H.B. 598 and its companion S.B. 123 will effectively ban abortion in the State of Ohio.  As clergy representing one hundred and sixty (160) diverse congregations throughout Ohio Heartland, we believe in human dignity and that life begins at conception. Therefore, we are calling on the General Assembly to swiftly pass the Human Life Protection Act and for the Governor to sign it into law.  By the same token, we expect the Attorney General, County Prosecutors, and Municipal Law Directors to fulfill their duties and enforce this law.”

“This will save the lives of millions of preborn babies and bring great glory to God,” says Pastor Dan Barker of Trumbull County. “That is why I enthusiastically added my signature to this letter to Governor Mike DeWine and the 134th Ohio General Assembly. I encourage all Ohio clergy to do the same.”

“According to the Ohio Department of Health, we have had 1.35 million unborn babies murdered in Ohio since records began in 1976. Ninety-eight percent of those brutal abortions did not include rape or incest. At the same time, our Legislature is considering abolishing capital punishment of convicted murderers. What about the slaughter of these innocent babies’ lives? It is mind-boggling our state can let this continue. We have literally thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Abortion has got to stop.”

Pastor J.C. Church

According to the Human Life Protection Act, “No person shall purposely take the life of a child born by attempted abortion who is alive when removed from the uterus of the pregnant woman.  Whoever violates this section is guilty of abortion manslaughter, a felony of the first degree, punishable by a minimum of four and a maximum of twenty-five years of imprisonment and a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars.”

The Act also allows the state medical board to revoke a physician’s license to practice medicine in Ohio if convicted and allows a woman on whom an abortion was performed to sue the physician. The Act does allow an exception when an abortion is necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.

Historically, clergy in the region have advocated for the lives of unborn babies with Down Syndrome and supported the defunding of Planned Parenthood.  

Mansfield residents march to commemorate 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade court opinion. State Representative Marilyn John pictured in front. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Pastor J.C. Church of Crawford County believes allowing the murder of innocent babies and the possibility of letting convicted murderers in Ohio live is absurd and a serious miscarriage of justice.

“According to the Ohio Department of Health, we have had 1.35 million unborn babies murdered in Ohio since records began in 1976. Ninety-eight percent of those brutal abortions did not include rape or incest. Presently our Legislature is considering abolishing capital punishment of convicted murderers. What about the slaughter of these innocent babies’ lives? It is mind-boggling our state can let this continue. We have literally thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Abortion has got to stop.”

Reverend El Akuchie of Richland County says “Contrary to what some so-called ministers are saying in mainstream media, the Bible does not support the pro-choice position. In fact, Moses and Jesus were survivors during infanticides in their respective generations. God’s Word is very clear on forbidding murder and celebrating life. Each child is created in the image of GOD. The abortion industry aims to destroy this image for financial gain, and in Planned Parenthood’s case they aim to destroy ethnicities of people.”

With the advent of ultrasound technology, the clergymen say science is catching up with what the Bible already stated thousands of years prior: life begins at conception.  The listed clergy co-signers above are from twent-two counties throughout the state. Counties with the most clergy endorsees include: Richland (88), Crawford (16), Ashland (10), Trumbull (10), Wayne (8).

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Genesis 9, “From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man. ‘Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for GOD made man in His own image.”

76 Ohio faith leaders confront Wisconsin atheist group to preserve chaplain program

89 area clergymen call for Day of Prayer for local police & raise $5,000 (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD — An anti-religion group has an axe to grind with government agencies partnering with local religious institutions. Saying ‘government and religion do not mix,’ the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) has a nationwide crusade compelling local governments to believe in their ideology or face legal trouble.

Meanwhile, a group of Ohio clergy happen to believe differently. They say their city is not guilty of any ‘white collar crime.’

Several of the clergy letter co-signers include Elder Moe Hill & Pastor James Spencer. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Ten days ago, the Wisconsin-based group sent an unsolicited letter to Mansfield Police Chief Keith Porch directing the police chaplaincy program be discontinued.  The letter, written by Karen Heineman, also stated “Police chaplaincies are unconstitutional.” FFRF is requesting the Mansfield Police Department to provide secular social workers instead.

The threatening FFRF letter apparently stemmed from a local newspaper story on Pastor Chad Hayes’ recent appointment as police chaplain of the Mansfield Police Department. Seventy-six local clergymen responded with a correspondence of their own sent to the Mansfield Mayor and Law Director.

“Just as we (clergy) would not tell the FFRF who to employ in their organization, they have no business telling our city who they should hire and fire,” says local clergyman Moe Hill, a co-signer of the letter.

In the letter, the Richland County clergy wrote “The FRFF asserts that since Pastor Hayes is a clergyman, he is not qualified to serve law enforcement officers and their families.  It appears the FFRF wants a government employer to discriminate against a job applicant/employee in the workplace by firing him because of his religion, thus violating the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  We believe this would be bad legal advice.”

“The FRFF asserts that since Pastor Hayes is a clergyman, he is not qualified to serve law enforcement officers and their families.  It appears the FFRF wants the government employer to discriminate against a job applicant/employee in the workplace by firing him because of his religion, thus violating the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  We believe this is bad legal advice.”

Ohio clergy letter

According to another clergy co-signer, “It is awfully judgemental on the Freedom from Religion Foundation’s part to question the professionalism of Pastor Hayes based on several alleged comments in the newspaper,” says Pastor James Spencer. “Furthermore, we are skeptical the FFRF is really concerned about the well-being of our nationally-accredited police force considering FFRF’s offices are in Madison, Wisconsin, which voted to defund their police department in 2021.”

Elder Moe Hill knows about the difficulties police officers often face. Hill served twenty-nine years in law enforcement before becoming a clergyman. “When bad things happen as a police officer, you need somebody to make sure you are okay. During my career as a highway patrol officer, the chaplain played a pivotal role in helping officers deal with job stress.

“With law enforcement morale at an all-time low nationally, and with depression, divorce, and suicide plaguing the police profession, as clergymen from seventy-six (76) diverse congregations across Richland County, we believe the City of Mansfield should retain its chaplaincy program in order to adequately support the social and emotional well-being of department personnel,” says Elder Hill. 

Clergy press conference recognizing local law enforcement in 2019. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy are convinced the police chaplain program is in the best interests of the city for retention and recruitment of police officers.  They also believe preserving the police chaplain program is an open and shut case.

The clergy letter pointed out, “If what the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) purports is true, that chaplains are unconstitutional, there would be no chaplains in the country.  Truth be told, police chaplain programs abound throughout the country, even in cities where the FFRF has sent letters questioning their constitutionality.  Police chaplain programs that continue even after receiving frivolous FFRF letters include: Albuquerque, New Mexico, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Montgomery, Alabama, Orlando, Florida, Rochester, New York, and Shreveport, Louisiana, to name a few.”

“There are literally thousands of chaplains in this country. The FFRF letter is not worth the paper it is written on,” says Pastor Spencer. “I am reminded of King Hezekiah in the Bible when he received the threatening letter from King Sennacherib. Hezekiah laid the letter down before the LORD and prayed to GOD that Jerusalem would be delivered from the invading army. GOD defended Jerusalem and Sennacherib returned by the way he came.

“FFRF regularly exhibits hostility towards cities when religious institutions are making great strides in their local communities like in Mansfield, Ohio,” says Spencer. “The FFRF letter should be a badge of honor confirming our faith community is advancing in our city. I think FFRF will go back the way they came.”

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in 2 Kings 19, “Therefore this is what the LORD says concerning the king of Assyria: ‘He will not enter this city or shoot an arrow there. He will not come before it with shield or build a siege ramp against it. By the way that he came he will return; He will not enter this city, declares the LORD. I will defend this city and save it…”

Parents tell Ashland Library Board: “Read our lips: Quit indoctrinating our children!” (SLIDESHOW)

Pastor Dave McNeely speaking to the Ashland Public Library Board of Trustees meeting Thursday night to discuss obscene material and child grooming. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

ASHLAND — Last month, the President of the Library Board of Trustees said she did not believe the placement of pornographic books in the public library’s children section was a big issue since only four people brought the issue to the board’s attention. Problem was, two of the four persons were pastors.

This past week, two hundred people attended the Ashland Public Library Board of Trustees meeting including fifteen area pastors; an overwhelming majority opposing the board’s position. Because of the massive blowback, one hundred and twenty had to stand outside the room in the overflow. The response even drew elected local and state officials.

Two hundred citizens attended a public library board of trustees meeting to hold appointed officials accountable.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Today parents, pastors, and elected officials are showing the library board the issue of child-grooming is not just an issue with a few individuals, this is a community taking a determined stand to protect our vulnerable children,” said Melanie Miller, Executive Director of Ashland Pregnancy Care Center. “Today our children are being indoctrinated by the federal government, and now the local-somebody needs to protect them. Because of their age-inappropriate content, these books need to be moved out of the library’s children section.”

Originally, two parents discovered several controversial books located in the children’s section and brought it to the attention of the Ashland Ministerial Association (AMA). One of the books, entitled “Making a Baby: An inclusive guide to how every family begins” by Rachel Greener, drew their ire.

While ages 5-8 is the book’s listed reading range, AMA President Pastor Dave McNeely spoke to the board how this was misleading. “This book is grooming children for transgenderism and pedophilia.”

“I do not think the Board is listening. It appears our taxpayer-funded library has a campaign to end the innocence of our children. If the Library Board of Trustees chooses not to remove the pornographic books from the shelves, we are requesting they move them to the adult section of the library. Neutrality on this issue is not a viable option. We are not going away.”

Pastor John Bouquet

“The adult section of the library is the place for books with adult level content,” Pastor John Bouquet told the board last month. “’Making Babies’ is the title, but the pictures in the book are obscene. Displaying naked men exposing naked body parts with a child while showering together is just plain wrong.

“I make an appeal to this ruling body: uphold the values of our community.  Allow children to experience innocence and protection in a culture where they are the prize to be caught.”

The Ashland Public Library Board of Trustees is comprised of a seven-member board whose members serve seven-year terms. Their appointment is approved by Ashland City School Board. At the local level, the library receives funding from a one mill tax on properties inside the county.

Last year, three social conservatives were elected to office on the Ashland School Board to comprise the majority. Meanwhile, last fall Library Trustee Mike Zickefoose lost his bid to join the school board. While parents point out the vulnerability of children in relation to pornography, library budgets may also be in danger.

President of the Ashland Ministerial Association, Pastor Dave McNeely spoke at Thursday’s public meeting. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The strategic plan of the Ashland Public Library states, “Libraries are facing tougher, more numerous challenges than ever before. Our funding model is changing as we are moving from a state-funded system to a greater dependence on local funding, and therefore we are more concerned about our voters.”

“Your official titles are ‘trustees,'” McNeely reminded the Board. “A trustee is any type of person that holds the legal title of a person that holds the assets of a beneficiary. As tax-paying citizens of Ashland, we are the beneficiaries. The trustee is granted this legal title thru a trust which is an agreement between two consenting parties. As the board, you have publicly stated ‘the board has no responsibility to protect your kids.’ This is not true- you do have responsibility and we are holding you accountable.”

After the meeting, the library board dodged the issue and took no action for the second consecutive meeting. Many agree government shirking responsibility to its constituents is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

Ashland resident, Pastor Matthew Postosky, commented, “We have to be bold, kind, but firm. I saw the pornographic pictures in the books in the children’s section; they have LGBTQ commentary. I cannot believe something like this would be peddled to children in Ashland, Ohio. This goes against our community values.”

View the slideshow below from Thursday’s July 14th Ashland Public Library Board of Trustees meeting.

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew 18, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world for temptations to sin!”

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