Congregation supports schools and police for Hannukah

ONTARIO — Lights shone brightly this week along the Lincoln Highway as the area’s second public menorah lighting occurred at Sar Shalom Center for the observance of the eight-day festival of Hanukah. 

Rabbi William Hallbrook lighting the menorah. (Submitted photo)

The holiday is a celebration of an improbable military victory by the Jewish people in 165 BC and a celebration of the Jewish Temple’s miraculous rededication where a one day’s supply of sacred oil supernaturally lasted eight days.

According to Rabbi William Hallbrook, “Hanukah is about making a strong statement by standing for our community and being a light for the world to see.”

To practice what was preached, the rabbi’s congregation donated one hundred-twenty framed posters to Ontario Schools depicting the national motto: “In GOD we trust” and the state motto: “With GOD all things are possible.”

The posters were presented during the menorah lighting ceremony to Ontario School Board Member Heidi Zimmerman who represented the school district. 

Accompanying the posters, was a packet the congregation provided including background information on a 2006 Ohio law allowing school districts to display the donated posters in classrooms.

Also in the packet was an article discussing 2007 University of British Columbia research finding that “merely thinking about GOD can prompt positive and generous behaviors,” something the congregation hopes to bring to the school district.

” We know in the end, light will ultimately prevail over the darkness.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook
Sar Shalom Center

Speaking of giving, the congregation also recognized local men and women in uniform who sacrificially protect the community daily.  Pizzas were given on behalf of the congregation to the second-shift police officers and dispatchers in commemoration of Hanukah.  

During the ceremony, Hallbrook went on to say that the center candle in the menorah is called the “shamash” candle.

“The shamash candle is the servant candle and it is larger than the other candles.  Scripture tells us that the greatest is the one who serves.  If we really want to be called great in the Kingdom, we must be servant lights in a dark world.”

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