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Handwriting is on the wall for nation if borders not secured say clergy (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Some in the faith community are sitting on the fence over whether building a wall on the southern border is morally right . One denomination has actually revolted against the rule of law by declaring themselves a “sanctuary denomination” for illegal immigrants.

Following a recent immigration raid, two North Central Ohio pastors are speaking out about how the Bible justifies goverments securing their borders.

This past fall, forty-six illegal immigrants from ten nations were arrested in Ohio and Michigan by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement . A former County Sheriff -turned-Pastor stands up for the operation and believes national security must be a priority. During his term as Morrow County Sheriff, Steve Brenneman’s department housed illegal immigrants.

Rev. Steve Brennemen beside the American Embassy in Jerusalem. The Mount Gilead Pastor was in Israel this past Fall. (Photo courtesy of Steve Brennemen)

“I certainly support the efforts of our border agents.,” says Pastor Brenneman of Awakening Christian Center. “In my experience, I have observed a major drug epidemic originating from across the border. No doubt a security wall can prevent entry of illicit drugs. The illegal detainees we housed had committed serious offenses fueling the addiction crisis and endangering many lives.”

This past Fall Brenneman went to Israel which utilizes several security fences on its borders.

“We saw the effectiveness of the Israeli security fence and military outposts along the West Bank border. They are reporting that Illegal immigration has been reduced by over ninety percent, and that the area has seen less terrorist attacks. Consequently, last year the Israeli tourism industry had its best year.”

Israel is one of a growing list of nations that are constructing security walls along their borders to reduce crime, to lower the threat of infections disease, and curtail human trafficking.

Mansfield area Pastor Chad Hayes pictured in front of his portrait as a U.S. Marine.
(Photo courtesy of Chad Hayes)

“I believe immigration should be viewed politcally and spiritually,” says Pastor Chad Hayes of Caeserea Baptist outside Mansfield. “From a political perspective, America is a nation of laws, and we should allow persons already applying for citizenship and going thru the screening process to gain entrance first.

Before serving as pastor, Hayes served in the Marines with combat deployment in Iraq.

“Certainly I am sensitive to civilians seeking asylum since many are fleeing countries without religisous freedom. However, this still does not negate our government’s primary responsiblity of preventing terrorists from gaining entrance.”

“When we as a nation are killing babies and promoting sexual immorality of all kinds, we are crossing a line that GOD never intended us to cross. When we go beyond the boundaries of GOD’s Word, it will spell trouble for our nation. ”

REverend Chad Hayes
Caeserea Baptist

Both pastors agree the breakdown in national borders is symbolic of the breakdown of moral boundaries in the country.

“When we as a nation are killing babies and promoting sexual immoraity of all kinds, we are crossing a line that GOD never intended us to cross. When we go beyond the boundaries of GOD’s Word, it will spell trouble,” says Hayes.

“GOD is not against building walls. In the Bible GOD instructed Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem as they were coming back from their exhile. If we as a nation respect the boundaries of GOD”s Word, perhaps America will once again be secure and experience His blessings.”

View the Fox News report below discussing how many nations around the world utilize security walls to protect its citizens.

The Bottom Line:

John 10 says, ” “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice.”

Israeli war hero coming to speak in Ontario Nov. 9th (VIDEO)


ONTARIO — A highly-decorated Israeli war hero from the 1973 Yom Kippur War will be coming next week to North Central Ohio to share his experiences on persevering leadership.

Retired Major General Eyal Ben-Reuven will be the featured speaker at a “Stand for Israel” event set for this coming Saturday evening, 7 pm on November 9th. The free event is open to the public and will take place at the Sar Shalom Center at 2510 West Fourth Street in Ontario; doors will open at 6:30 PM. During the event, a free will offering will be given to the Israeli Leadership Institute.

Major General Eyal Ben-Reuven
(Photo courtesy of main.knesset.gov.il)

North Central Ohio has received international prominence for it support of the Israeli nation. Last year the featured speaker was the Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, Mr. Hilik Bar.

Ben-Reuven was elected to the Knesset serving as a legislator for one term (2015-2019).

In a message to Frontlines Ohio, Ben Reuven commented, “As tension grows with Iran building its presence closer and closer to Israeli borders, I find great encouragement in the love and support of Israel’s friends in North Central Ohio.”

During his 35-year career in the Israeli Defense Forces, IDF, Eyal Ben-Reuven served as commander of various fighting units, rising to the position of Chief of Staff of the Field Corps of the Israeli military. During the Yom Kippur War, Ben-Reuven became known as one of Israel’s greatest examples of bravery and courage.

“As tension grows with Iran building its presence closer and closer to Israeli borders, I find great encouragement in the love and support of Israel’s friends in North Central Ohio.”

Israeli Major General (Retired)
Eyal Ben-Reuven

Ben-Reuven’s platoon was completely wiped out after a surprise attack leaving him the only survivor. Surrounded by more than four hundred Egyptian Commando fighters and under complete darkness, he managed to find his way out of the battlefield. During his retreat, he rescued a severely wounded Israeli soldier, carrying him for miles to an Israeli outpost.

Founder of the Israeli Leadership Institute, Eeki Elner speaking in Ontario last year.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Ben-Reuven accepted the invitation to join The Israel Leadership Institute (ILI) becoming one of its leading instructors. Accompanying Ben Reuven will be Eeki Elner, Founder of the ILI.

This past Friday Elner witnessed a rocket attack by the Islamic Jihad on Sderot, Israel, Elner’s hometown and location of the ILI.

“We continue to stand against enemies that want to annihilate Israel,” said Elner to Frontlines Ohio. “We are stronger when we know that you (Ohioans) stand with us. I invite all who have a warm spot for Israel in their hearts and love for GOD to join us for this event on November 9th.”

Ben Reuven will also be speaking the next morning on November 10th in Bucyrus, Ohio at Victory in Truth Ministries and the evening in Hamilton, Ohio at Princeton Pike Church of GOD.

Supporting Israel is a great deal for the United States and the morally-right thing to do. Watch U.S. Air Force General Chuck Wald of Prager University in the video below discuss why this is in the best interests of America.

See related article:

24 clergy endorse conservative Mansfield candidates for city offices (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — In a new season where federal agencies are not hostile to religious freedom, an opportunistic group of religious leaders are supporting four candidates in key mayoral and council races. Local clergy are saying that the future of the City of Mansfield is hanging in the balance with November 5th elections just around the corner.

Reverend El Akuchie, Coordinator of the Richland Community Prayer Network, along with a group of pastors say that clergy are not only responsible for their congregations, they are also responsible for their community.

Mansfield Mayor Timothy Theaker (center) with two endorsing clergy: (L to R) Rev. Finnegan and Rev. Allen in Spring 2019 press conference.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The Bible clearly shows that believers have a dual-citizenship in Heaven and on Earth. We are to render under Caesar what is Caesar’s and render unto GOD’s what is GOD’s. Therefore pastors not only have an obligation to their congregations, they also have a civic duty to engage their government. As stewards of our community, we are encouraging believers to show up at the polls this coming Tuesday and vote Biblical values.”

In a joint-statement released to Frontlines Ohio, twenty-four pastors are publicly endorsing four conservative candidates running for office.

“We believe Mayor Timothy Theaker, both Councilmen Cliff Mears and David Falquette, and Gerald Strouth, are all qualified candidates in their respective races. If elected as city officials, it is our opinion these four will best represent faith, family, and freedom, based on their responses to the Frontlines Ohio candidate survey.”

“We believe Mayor Timothy Theaker, both Councilmen Cliff Mears and David Falquette, and Gerald Strouth, are all qualified candidates in their respective races. If elected as city officials, it is our opinion these four will best represent faith, family, and freedom, based on their responses to the Frontlines Ohio candidate survey.”

Clergy joint statement

The incumbent Theaker is running for his last term as Mayor. Councilman Mears is running for City Council President, and Councilman Falquette for Councilman-at-Large. Strouth is running for the first time for Fourth Ward City Councilman.

Pastors in north central Ohio have taken an active role on election issues recently. Twenty-four Richland County pastors endorsed a conservative candidate in the 2016 Ohio Presidential Primary. Last year several clergy publicly supported a police-fire department levy renewal.

Last month area pastors recognized the efforts of law enforcement. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Since 2008, a Christian-based law firm, the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), has been encouraging pastors to engage critically-important political issues from the pulpit, including elections. Pulpit Freedom Sunday was a movement started by ADF with the goal of having the Johnson Amendment declared unconstitutional, thereby removing the ability of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to censor what a pastor can say from the pulpit.

Thousands of sermons addressing political issues and candidates were recorded by churches and sent to the IRS with the intent that the IRS would respond by stripping a church of its tax-exempt status. The IRS never did challenge a congregation since it knew it was a gross violation of the First Amendment. In 2017, President Donald Trump issued an executive order to temporarily halt the Johnson Amendment from being enforced.

View the Family Research Council video below to learn more about the Johnson Amendment and religious freedom in the pulpit.

The Bottom Line:

Frontlines Ohio endorses incumbent Tim Theaker for Mansfield Mayor


MANSFIELD — Voters will be deciding Tuesday, November 5th who the next Mayor of Mansfield will be. Citizens will get a chance to confirm their support of Mayor Tim Theaker’s management in getting the city out of fiscal emergency, or they will take a chance on new leadership. The editorial board of Frontlines Ohio is convinced on which direction it thinks the city should take.

Tim Theaker says he “goes to work every day to make Mansfield a better place for all of the city, where people want to live, work, worship, play, and raise a family.”  Accruing a rainy day fund for the city, being frugal with taxpayer dollars, and cutting government red tape is helping do just that.

Mayor Tim Theaker (pictured in center) during ribbon-cutting of new local church.’
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Over Theaker’s eight years as Mayor, the city has had urban blight reduced with eight-hundred of the 2,500 vacant buildings in the city demolished. Land ownership has been enhanced with a new land bank.

During Theaker’s tenure, local economic conditions appear to be on the upswing. Unemployment in the Mansfield metropolitan area has  dropped from 14.4% in January 2010 to 4.4% in August 2019. Mansfield is also very affordable, with a cost of living 7.5% lower than the national average. And the real median family income in Mansfield has skyrocketed (+12.31%) outpacing national (+8.17%) and state (+7.84%) growth incomes over the last three years.

Mayor Tim Theaker (seated far right) meeting with local religious leaders.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The case could be made that Tim Theaker has worked more closely with the faith community than any mayor in the two-hundred year history of the City. He has partnered with the faith community, issuing formal proclamations for Pornography Awareness Week, Gambling Awareness Month, Religious Freedom Day, Global Forgiveness Day, Clergy Appreciation Month, and National Day of Prayer. If there is a faith-based cause, Theaker’s door has been open.

The case could be made that Tim Theaker has worked more closely with the faith community than any mayor in the two-hundred year history of the City.

During Theaker’s term, police and fire departments for the first time had the national motto “In GOD we trust” displayed on their vehicles. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why the Safety Services levy was able to secure clergy support and win handily last spring.

Mayor Tim Theaker with faith leaders and Safety Services Director at recent clergy press conference. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

With clergy and police on the same page under Theaker’s administration, Police Chief Ken Coontz last year cited crime rates dropping for the third year in a row. He also reported unprecedented church involvement in civic involvement for the last several years. With the City of Mansfield on a rebound, Frontlines Ohio believes the city will be in better hands with Tim Theaker as its next mayor.

See related articles:


Ohio pastors call on Legislature to censure liberal federal judge (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — A recent decision by a Federal Court of Appeals upholding a ban on a law has spurred a group of clergy into action. Ohio faith leaders are saying a federal judge is ‘out of bounds’ and calling for him to be censured for striking down a pro-life law.

Last year Judge Timothy Black struck down an Ohio law (H.B. 214) that was trying to prevent discrimination against those with disabilities by preventing abortion of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Black said the court case Roe v. Wade calls “the right to abortion as ‘absolute’ and therefore entitles a woman to obtain an abortion ‘for whatever reasons she alone chooses.’”

The State of Ohio appealed the injunction but lost again to a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled, 2-1

In response to Black’s lower court decision, Reverend J.C. Church and over one hundred clergy from north central Ohio held a press conference opposing judicial tyranny. After the State lost its recent appeal, the pastors are going one step further.

“These federal court opinions are a miscarriage of justice; we are living in dark times,” says Reverend Church. “Judge Timothy Black has a lack of compassion for babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome. He is part of the culture of dictatorship.”

Reverend John Bouquet speaking at clergy press conference outside Richland County Courthouse. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Reverend John Bouquet went further.

“When the Legislature and the electorate are upended by the Federal Courts, then a judge becomes a maker of the Law instead of a protector.  Judge Timothy Black is another example of a Judicial legislator. We in the pastoral community call upon the Ohio Legislature to censure Judge Black.” 

In a draft formal letter of censure sent to the Ohio Senate President and Speaker of the House, the clergy point out that Black worked as the Director of Cincinnati’s Planned Parenthood Association from 1986 to 1989, and also served as its President in 1988.

“There is no question that Black had a conflict of interest when he struck down H.B. 214,” says Church. “In his very own words Black recused himself in 2014 in a previous Planned Parenthood case because he said “perception is as important as the reality.” Yet no one has called him on the carpet for his injunction on the pro-life H.B. 214.”

“There is no question that Black had a conflict of interest when he struck down H.B. 214. In his very own words Black recused himself in 2014 in a previous Planned Parenthood case because he said “perception is as important as the reality.” Yet no one has called him on the carpet for his injunction on the pro-life H.B. 214.”

According to 28 U.S. Code § 455, any judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding when he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or when in private practice he served as lawyer in the matter in controversy.

The clergy’s draft censure letter points out babies diagnosed with Down syndrome during pregnancy are disproportionately aborted with close to one hundred -percent of mothers in Iceland receiving a positive test for Down syndrome terminating their pregnancy after receiving a positive test for Down syndrome, The same thing is happening in France, Denmark, and the United Kingdom.

On Black’s mishandling of the Roe v. Wade case, the clergy wrote “in light of Judge Black’s contested ruling, Black demonstrated an appearance of bias by refusing to consider in his opinion three-hundred cases where the United States Supreme Court overruled itself.”

Pastor Bouquet commented on the double standard.

“Proverbs 28:4 says ‘Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the Law strive against them.” 

In another contested 2014 case, Rep. John Becker (R-Union Township) called for Black’s impeachment saying ” The federal government has an ever growing propensity to violate state sovereignty. He (Black) persists in allowing his personal political bias to supersede jurisprudence.”

Rep. Becker told Frontlines Ohio, “Judge Black is a symptom of a larger problem. The framers of the Constitution granted federal judges with lifetime appointments subject to impeachment. Because of Congress’ failure to police the federal judiciary, they have since become the legislating and policy making tribunal of the United States. “

A spokesman for Republican Attorney General Dave Yost said the state will ask the full 6th Circuit to review the case. A large majority of the 6th Circuit court’s members were appointed by Republican presidents, but Friday’s majority consisted of Democratic appointees.

View the clergy press conference at the Richland County Courthouse below.

Article updated October 28, 2019

Related article:

Frontlines Ohio candidate survey results for key Mansfield city races (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — As November 5th’s local elections draw near, Christian’s are reminded of their sacred responsibility to vote their Biblical values.

Candidates running for Mansfield Mayor and Mansfield City Council were each asked a list of questions by Frontlines Ohio regarding a variety of topics they could encounter if elected to office.

Candidates were twice sent the survey via email-the last time on September 22nd, allowing them the opportunity to complete the survey electronically. The survey was also sent via certified mail with a self-addressed envelope to return their responses. Some candidates failed to respond before the deadline.

For the mayoral race, two-term incumbent Mayor Tim Theaker (R) of 685 WoodHill Road will be running against Councilman-at-Large Don Bryant (D). Theaker did respond.

In the survey, Theaker stated he opposes the expansion of gambling as a revenue source. He also opposes reducing criminal penalties for drug use and drug possession and opposes the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.

In regards to the Second Amendment, Theaker does not support additional laws restricting gun ownership with city limits.

Mayor Timothy Theaker
(Photo courtesy of candidate’s Facebook account)

In the survey, Theaker said he opposes banning conversion therapy and opposes implementing sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) laws within city limits.

Theaker supports the idea that the government should accommodate religious expression on public property and would oppose legislation designating Mansfield as a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants.

Cliff Mears (R) of 641 Bigelow Road, will be running against Aurelio Diaz (D) for City Council President. The Councilman-at-Large is in the middle of his second term while Diaz has never been elected to office.

Mears opposes the expansion of gambling as a revenue source, and supports defunding taxpayer monies from Planned Parenthood. Mears also opposes reducing criminal penalties for drug use and drug possession and also opposes the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.

In regards to the Second Amendment, Mears does not support additional laws restricting gun ownership with city limits.

Councilman Cliff Mears
(Photo courtesy of candidate’s Facebook account)

He also supports the idea that the government should accommodate religious expression on public property and would oppose legislation designating Mansfield as a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants.

In response to the Frontlines Ohio election survey, Candidate Jason Crundwell, who is running for Second Ward stated he would not participate in the survey and that he follows the practice of “separation of church and state.”

First Ward Councilman David Falquette (R) of 567 Birchlawn Boulevard will be running against Phil Scott (D) for the Councilman-at-Large seat vacated by Don Bryant. Falquette is in the middle of his first term after being elected in 2017.

Falquette said he opposes the expansion of gambling as a revenue source and supports defunding taxpayer monies from Planned Parenthood. He also opposes reducing criminal penalties for drug use and drug possession and opposes the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.

In regards to the Second Amendment, Falquette said he does not support additional laws restricting gun ownership with city limits.

Councilman David Falquette
(Photo courtesy of candidate’s Facebook account)

Falquette said he supports the idea that the government should accommodate religious expression on public property and would oppose legislation designating Mansfield as a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants.

Gerald Strouth (R) of 516 Bryden Road is running for the Fourth Ward as a write-in candidate. He is employed as an Emergency Medical Technician at Mansfield Ambulance Service. This is his first time as candidate for elected office.

Strouth’s name will not appear on the ballot, meaning a voter will have to write Strouth’s name in to cast a vote for him. He will be running against candidate Brenda Collins-Vaughn and Alomar Davenport (D).

In the survey, Strouth stated that he opposes the expansion of gambling as a revenue source and supports defunding taxpayer monies from Planned Parenthood. He also opposes reducing criminal penalties for drug use and drug possession and opposes the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.

In regards to the Second Amendment, Strouth does not support additional laws restricting gun ownership with city limits.

Gerald Strouth
(Photo courtesy of candidate’s Facebook account)

In the survey, Strouth supports banning conversion therapy but opposes implementing sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) laws within city limits.

Strouth supports the idea that the government should accommodate religious expression on public property and would oppose legislation designating Mansfield as a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants.

All the other City of Mansfield candidates running for elected office failed to submit their survey results in time before the posting of this article.

Officials are hoping for a good voter turnout; in the 2015 elections, voter turnout in Richland County was 46%. Voters can find their polling location or vote by absentee ballot. For a list of the candidates and issues click here.

View the video below produced by the Family Research Council. Christians need to vote Biblical values; one Mansfield City Council race in 2015 was decided by as little as 117 votes.

Tax-exempt threats on churches persist despite FFRF’s church parsonage defeat (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — From nearly every angle, religious values are under assault. Recently Democratic Presidential Candidate Beto O’Rourke at a town hall threatened to take away the tax-exempt status of churches who do not follow liberal progressive orthodoxy.

Previously, in 2011 the atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sued the IRS to eliminate the tax exemption for housing allowances, putting faith-based congregations at risk. Their efforts failed in a court decision this year.

Pastor Ron Puff
(Submitted photo)

Pastor Ron Puff of Pleasant Valley Baptist lives in a parsonage provided by his congregation. “In my opinion, O’Rourke’s comments are connected with this FFRF lawsuit-it really is the same issue. Liberal progressives are shooting arrows in our direction from all sides; they want to dismantle the Constitution and the Freedom of Religion piece by piece to create a domino effect.”

Reverend J.C. Church of Victory in Truth Ministries in Bucyrus agrees with Puff.

“O’Rourke may have said it at the town hall (revoking tax exempt status), but the rest of the Democrat Party was thinking it.

“In regards to the FFRF lawsuit, some small churches do not have enough people to support a full-time clergy salary so the congregation provides a parsonage or a housing allowance as a benefit. There is no question religious institutions positively impact the community. This benefit simply helps congregations to provide for their pastor.”

According to Puff, “If the tax exemption for our parsonage was eliminated, it would harm the congregation; we are a small rural church. Our church relies on giving by our congregants.”

Fortunately on March 15, 2019, a three-judge panel from the Seventh Circuit Federal Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the parsonage allowance is constitutional, stating it “is simply one of many per se rules” that “allow hundreds of thousands of employees (including ministers) to receive tax-exempt housing every year.” The decision also said it is consistent with the nation’s “lengthy tradition of tax exemptions for religion, particularly for church-owned properties.”

Current tax policy already lightens the tax burden of the taxpayers who receive ordinary lodging and housing allowances like hotel managers, commercial fishermen, military and peace corps.

“If the issue was about constitutionality, then the FFRF would go after tax abatements given to large corporations. What is the difference? The difference is religion. The FFRF fears the potential influence that churches hold. Ultimately I believe the FFRF is demonstrating a form of religious bigotry.”

Reverend Ron Puff
Pleasant Valley Baptist

Puff comments, “If the issue was about constitutionality, then the FFRF would go after tax abatements given to large corporations. What is the difference? The difference is religion. The FFRF fears the potential influence that churches hold. Ultimately I believe the FFRF is demonstrating a form of religious bigotry.”

In June 2019, FFRF decided not to appeal the Seventh Circuit’s decision, definitively securing a victory for the parsonage allowance and houses of worship across the country.

Reverend J. C. Church
(Submitted photo)

Church says the decisive defeat in the Seventh District last Spring is an embarrassment for the Wisconsin-based FFRF.

“With the recent transformation of the federal judiciary, FFRF doesn’t even appear to have a home-field advantage in their own appellate jurisdiction anymore.”

See the video below pertaining to the parsonage allowance case successfully defended in court by Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a non-profit, public-interest legal and educational institute with a mission to protect the free expression of all faiths. 

Related article:

Ohio clergy to NY media outlet: ‘Who made you judge over us?’


Article updated October 19,2019

MANSFIELD — A New York-based media outlet has compiled a list of the “Fifty Most Miserable Cities” in the nation, drawing the ire of Ohio faith leaders. According to Business Insider, Mansfield, Ohio is ranked as the forty-third most miserable city in the country based on its recent analysis of census data. But North Central Ohio clergy say the invalid rankings are comparing apples to oranges.

Two pastors openly question how a media outlet can make scathing attacks against the city without even setting foot inside it. Ironically, two prominent cities appear to be missing from the list.

Reverend El Akuchie pictured in the center at a 2019 clergy press conference supporting the police. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I had never heard of Business Insider until they decided to smear my hometown,” says Reverend El Akuchie of the Richland Community Prayer Network. “It is interesting that Business Insider has two offices in the U.S., its headquarters in New York City, and its other office in San Francisco. Both were left off the Top 50 list. In fact, San Francisco is not included in the list of cities that were judged.”

“Scripture tells us, ‘Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you,” says Akuchie. “‘And why do you look a the speck in your brother’s eye but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”

According to Business Insider, “Mansfield used to have lots of industrial work, with people making things like steel, machinery, and stoves, but that dried up in the 1970s and 1980s. More recently, in 2010, a GM factory closed its doors, leading to more job losses.”

In 2014, the City of Mansfield was released from fiscal emergency. Mayor Timothy Theaker’s office provided Frontlines Ohio a list of new private economic investments and expansions that are ongoing in 2019.

“Our community does not dwell on the past from three decades ago. The case could be made that Business Insider is covering up morally-bankrupt policies of other metropolitan areas by critiquing Mansfield, Ohio which is known for its social-conservatism. This outlet is trying to put Mansfield into a box and their narrative does not work.”

Reverend El Akuchie
Richland Community Prayer Network

Reverend Akuchie comments, “Our community does not dwell on the past from three decades ago. The case could be made that Business Insider is covering up morally-bankrupt policies of other metropolitan areas by critiquing Mansfield, Ohio which is known for its social-conservatism. This outlet is trying to put Mansfield into a box and their narrative does not work.”

Mansfield Fellowship Pastor Randy Raynes believes Mansfield’s ranking is unfair and inaccurate.

“Business Insider says that ‘Mansfield has had a surge in crime, and between 2012-2017 violent crimes rose by 37%.’ To be fair to the truth, Mansfield Police Chief Ken Coontz in 2018 reported to City Council three consecutive years of a decline in violent crimes and also stated ‘Mansfield had unprecedented church involvement for several years.”

Reverend Raynes believes, “Everything positive in a community originates from an adherence to GOD’s Word. Righteousness exalts a nation while sin is a reproach to any people. When the wicked bear rule, it produces misery, but GOD created Christianity to overcome misery.”

Reverend Randy Raynes speaking at clergy “2019 Year of the Bible” press conference (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Raynes says Mansfield and New York City morals are the polar opposite.

“Anti-GOD policies cannot have moral results. The law enforcement in New York City goes unsupported by city administration, marijuana has been decriminalized by its elected officials, infanticide is celebrated by its Legislature, and businesses supporting family values like Chick fil-A are boycotted by the New York City Mayor.

“In a stark contrast, clergy in Mansfield recently held a press conference honoring law enforcement, faith leaders have gone on record supporting prohibition of marijuana, pastors have defended the life of newborns, and local ministers invited Chick fil-A to come establish business in town.”

Both clergy cite that unemployment in the Mansfield metropolitan area dropped from 14.4% in January 2010 to 4.4% in August 2019. Mansfield is also very affordable, with a cost of living 7.5% lower than the national average. And the real median family income in Mansfield has skyrocketed (+12.31%) outpacing national (+8.17%) and state (+7.84%) growth incomes over the last three years.

The real story does not end there.

Business Insider’s CEO and Editorial Director is Manhattan-native Henry Blodget. Due to his violations of securities laws and civil trial conviction, Blodget has been permanently banned from involvement in the securities industry. Blodget publicly called stocks “junk” while secretly investing in them.

Akuchie says Blodget’s history begs the question. “It seems that Mr. Blodget is still continuing to pull the wool over people’s eyes, but this time in the marketplace of ideas. With Blodget’s past corruption, perhaps he privately believes Mansfield is a treasure,” Akuchie says grinning.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in John Chapter One, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?’ Nathanael asked. ‘Come and see,’ said Phillip.”

Related article:

Lukewarm Republican mistakenly claims support for bill opposing family values


COLUMBUS — This week a self-styled “constitutional conservative” has teamed up with a Democrat to sponsor House Bill 369, a state version of the so called “Equality Act.” He claims he has widespread support before officially introducing the bill, but one public policy group says “not so fast.”

Freshman State Rep. Brett Hillyer (R-Urichsville) has joined Michael Skindell (D-Lakewood) to sponsor a companion bill to the “Ohio Fairness Act,” or Senate Bill 11 (SB 11). Together, they sent out a request letter on Tuesday to other State Representative colleagues for recruitment as co-sponsors.

Aaron Baer (Photo courtesy of CCV)

The letter, co-authored by Hillyer, names six organizations that support the House version of the “Fairness Act,” including National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). However, after further review, it appears that Hillyer may have put the cart before the horse.

“Contrary to Representative Hillyer’s assertions, the NFIB confirmed to social conservative groups they are not a proponent of the “Ohio Fairness Act,”– they are neutral,” says Aaron Baer, President of Citizens For Community Values (CCV).

Already proposed in the Senate, the “Ohio Fairness Act” is operating under the guise that it will prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, (SOGI law) and would add mediation as an informal method that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission may use.

“Stopping the Fairness Act is CCV’s top priority – it is the single greatest threat to religious freedom, parental rights, and the safety and privacy of women and children. This bill will even require public schools to teach LGBT curriculum . There is no tweaking this disastrous bill,” says Baer.

“Stopping the Fairness Act is CCV’s top priority – it is the single greatest threat to religious freedom, parental rights, and the safety and privacy of women and children. This bill will even require public schools to teach LGBT curriculum. There is no tweaking this disastrous bill.”

Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values

While LGBT activists claim that the Ohio Fairness act would be good for the economy, Aaron Baer says there is no evidence to support their claims.

“Seventy-percent of the top economic-friendly states do not have SOGI laws while a whopping fifty-percent of the bottom states do have SOGI laws in place. SOGI laws have a history of forcing businesses to violate their moral and religious convictions. “

But that is not all. Reverend Tim Throckmorton, Midwest Director of Ministry for the Family Research Council says “Not only does the “Fairness Act create a hostile environment towards religious freedom and parents, the arbitrary re-definitions of gender proposed by the Act would jeopardize women’s security in public accommodations like restrooms, and effectively end women’s sports altogether.

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Family radio personality coming to Bucyrus to promote book on fatherhood


BUCYRUS– Bryan Fischer, host of “Focal Point” on American Family Radio will be coming to north central Ohio to discuss his new book: “The Boy to Man Book: Preparing Your Son for Manhood.”

Hundreds of thousands of fathers across America are aware of their responsibility to bring their sons up in the ‘nurture and admonition of the LORD,’ but they are not quite sure how to do it.

This book may be just what fathers are looking for. It is a book designed for fathers to read with their 12-year-old sons to introduce them to the rich wisdom about manhood from the book of Proverbs.

“‘The Boy to Man Book’ is predicated on the idea of the Bar Mitzvah when a boy becomes a ‘son of the law.’ Jewish society in essence says, ‘From this time forward, we are treating you like a man. We expect you to behave like a man who is mature, righteous, and a model for others to follow.’ And I believe the Jewish tradition is definitely onto something.”

Bryan Fischer
Host of AMerican family Radio’s Focal Point

According to Fischer, “‘The Boy to Man Book’ is predicated on the idea of the Bar Mitzvah when a boy becomes a ‘son of the law,’ said Fischer. “Jewish society in essence says, ‘From this time forward, we are treating you like a man. We expect you to behave like a man who is mature, righteous, and a model for others to follow.’ And I believe the Jewish tradition is definitely onto something.”

Through Fischer’s book, fathers can introduce their sons to the truths about God, about friendship, speech, anger, work, money, pornography, dating, and how to recognize the woman they are to marry. 

Fischer adds, “Each chapter closes with a prayer that each father can pray over his son, so that he can pray the eternal wisdom of Solomon into the very life of his son. This may be just the tool dads need to help their young sons grow from boyhood to manhood.” 

First Alliance Church at 1955 Hopley Avenue in Bucyrus, Ohio 44820

This weekend Fischer will be speaking at First Alliance Church at 1955 Hopley Avenue in Bucyrus, Ohio. He will speak on Friday, October 12th at 6:00 PM and on Sunday, October 13th at 9:30 and 10:30 AM.

Pastor William Strader Jr. serves as Senior Pastor at Bucyrus First Alliance.

“We are really excited to have Bryan Fischer come, I have listened to Bryan’s radio show on American Family Radio (AFR) for years,” says Strader. “He is a gifted communicator who is capable of bringing a Biblical viewpoint to any contemporary issue of our time. This weekend his message will be focusing on men passing on good values to their sons.”

In all, AFR has over 180 radio stations across the country and is based in Tupelo, Mississippi. The local station carrying AFR programming is 88.3 WAUI-FM based in Shelby, Ohio. The station is also available online.

According to Pastor Strader, men attending the Friday night banquet must register; however, registration is free. To register, the church can be reached at 419.562.2069. Autographed copies of the book will be available for only $10.

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Area baptisms in Ohio waterways provide watershed moments (VIDEO)


RICHLAND COUNTY — The late summer found many local believers testing the waters with their congregations. While a common spiritual ritual for generations, many have found that baptism has not watered down their faith one bit.

“My grandfather was baptized in Brubaker Creek during the 1950s,” says Pastor Hank Webb of Belmont Community Church. “Both my parents were also baptized here in 1992, and I also baptized my son at this same spot.”

Pictured: Pastor Hank Webb on far left with members of Belmont Community Church.
(Photo courtesy of Nita Moore)

Webb’s congregation held a baptism service last month at Brubaker Creek as hymns were sung by observers along the creek side. According to Webb, several churches regularly come to Brubaker Creek for baptisms.

“One time a Pentecostal church was at Brubaker Creek while we were there; another time a Freewill Baptist congregation was holding a baptism service while we were holding ours. We ended up combining our service with theirs,” Webb recalls.

“It really was a special moment to see one hundred people together not knowing which church each believer belonged to, we were just one church under the Banner of Christ.”

Map depicting the waterways of the State of Ohio.

Reverend Webb adds, “I tell my congregation, GOD will have compassion on us and cast all our sins to the depths of the sea. Then I tell them that the Brubaker Creek goes to the Black Fork, the Black Fork to the Mohican River, the Mohican River to the Muskingum, the Muskingum to the Ohio, the Ohio River to the Mississippi River, and then the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. That is how far in a sense that GOD takes away our sin.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook of Sar Shalom Center says that the “mikvah” Hebrew for baptism, has been a Jewish ritual for thousands of years.

“Our tradition believes the “mikvah” does not save anyone, but it does help the person to walk closer to the Messiah. The Scripture talks about baptisms in the plural: leaving elementary teachings of Messiah which includes doctrine of mikvahs (baptisms) and maturing in the faith (Hebrews 6). From the Jewish perspective, it is picture of the person leaving death and coming up out of the water to new life.”

This year’s mikvah was not uncharted waters for Sar Shalom, they have held an annual mikvah at Pleasant Hill Lake since 2009 prior to the high Holy Days.

“I would say that it is a spiritually active season on the Jewish calendar right now,” says the Rabbi. “We are rededicating our lives in preparation for the high Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Succoth.”

Pastor Terry Garrett of Lexington Fusion Church had his congregation’s baptism this summer near Gatton Rocks on the Clear Fork River. The location is just west of Swank’s Claim, site of Ohio’s largest gold prospector’s claim.

Reverend Garrett believes baptism is of Biblical importance and should be pursued by new believers.

“The encounter between Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch is a great representation of how GOD will use a person the minute after they publicly proclaim Jesus in their baptism. GOD is saying to us that ‘I will blow your mind on how I will use you when your publicly confess me.”

Pastor Terry Garrett
Lexington Fusion Church

“The encounter between Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch is a great representation of how GOD will use a person the minute after they publicly proclaim Jesus in their baptism. GOD is saying to us that ‘I will blow your mind on how I will use you when your publicly confess me.”

Click on the video below of Fusion Church’s baptism service in August 2019.

Ohio Heartland Zionism showcased at Statehouse in support of Jerusalem (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — The Ohio House may become the first state legislative body in the entire nation to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli state. If the House resolution is passed, north central Ohio-with its close-knit Israeli friendship, will have played a key role in helping it cross the finish line.

Several proponents of HCR 11 gave testimony at the Statehouse before the House Federalism Committee on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

Pictured L to R: Amie Mutti, Benjamin Mutti, & State Representative Candice Keller.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The close friendship Ohio has with Israel, as illustrated by North Central Ohioans is unmistakable and indisputable,” says Benjamin Mutti of the Richland Community Prayer Network.

Mutti mentioned how the area was featured in an Israeli article entitled: “Does Rural Ohio Lead the World in Love for Israel?” He went on to provide a bird’s eye view of the staunch support and rampant activism seen in the 2nd and 70th State Districts.

“In 2017, clergy from one hundred and three congregations sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu apologizing for the Obama Administration’s refusal to veto a United Nations Resolution 2334 calling the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria an “international crime.”

“Months later, grassroot demonstrations in support of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital took place at city squares across the North Central Ohio,” Mutti said. “Nearly nine months before President Trump’s official recognition of Jerusalem, the demonstrators held signs reading “Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel” and “We stand with Israel.”

In addition, leading clergymen from forty-two Richland County congregations persuaded the Richland County Treasurer and Commissioner Board to invest in Israeli bonds.  The investment of $200,000 in Israeli bonds was made as an expression of solidarity with Israel and as a practical way to combat the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement.

The bond purchase was in lockstep with the counties of Cuyahoga, Summit, and the Ohio state government, the largest holder of Israeli bonds for a government entity in the world.

Sponsors of HCR 11 include State Representatives Candice Keller (R-Middletown) and Darrell Kick (R- Loudonville). The symbolic measure is also co-sponsored by twelve other representatives including Mark Romanchuk (R-Ontario).

“What happened in this testimony today is important for Ohio. People do not understand the blessings we will have as Ohioans if we recognize Jerusalem as the capital. I look forward to seeing this resolution passing and being presented to the Israeli Knesset in the coming months.”

State Representative & Sponsor Candice Keller (R-Middletown)

According to Representative Keller, “What happened in this testimony today is important for Ohio. People do not understand the blessings we will have as Ohioans if we recognize Jerusalem as the capital. I look forward to seeing this resolution passing and being presented to the Israeli Knesset in the coming months.”

Other advocates for the HCR 11 gave testimony supporting the recognition.

Terry Conant representing Christians United for Israel (CUFI) endorsed an Ohio recognition of Jerusalem. “With President Trump’s declaration, finally a shameful double standard is no longer being applied to Jerusalem by its closest ally. We should do the same in Ohio.” CUFI has over 100,000 members throughout the state.

Rabbi Michael Wolf of Beth Messiah Synagogue in Loveland, Ohio also spoke. “With America recognizing Jerusalem as capital, it is only right that Ohio also recognize Jerusalem. I encourage the passage of House Concurrent Resolution as presented today.”  

If the ninety-nine member Ohio Legislature approves the resolution, Ohio will become the first state legislature in the nation to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Statehouse testimony given on Sept. 11, 2019 supporting House Concurrent Resolution 11 “Recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel.”
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In January 2019 the Florida Cabinet recognized Jerusalem as the eternal and undivided capital of Israel. The Cabinet is composed of four elected officials: the Governor, the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Agriculture, and the Chief Financial Officer.

Click on the image below to link to video of Benjamin Mutti’s testimony beginning at 46:52.

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As Planned Parenthood loses grip on Ohio, will Mansfield clinic be next to close? (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — The nation’s leading abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, appears to be abandoning Ohio after a string of defeats leaving its operations crippled in the Buckeye State. Over the last nine years, the Ohio Legislature has enacted twenty-two pro-life initiatives, half of the state’s abortion facilities have closed, and the number of abortions in the state have fallen by over twenty-five percent.

This past September 20th, two Cincinnati-area Planned Parenthood clinics closed in Springdale and Western Hills. While neither location performed abortions, Cincinnati has only five Planned Parenthood centers remaining.

Reverend Clyde Kerby of Ministries of Hope and Healing has his congregation hold weekly prayer vigils at the Mansfield Planned Parenthood. Kerby weighed in on the developments.

“Last year our congregation joined ongoing efforts to be present onsite. GOD’s desire is for the lives of no babies to be taken. However, if there is no one to stand and speak up for these innocent children, the murdering will continue. The Bible says ‘Our weapons are not carnal but spiritual.’ GOD expects us to get involved.”

Kerby adds, “With the passage of the Heartbeat Law in the Spring and the abortion industry’s setbacks this summer, it won’t be long before the Mansfield Planned Parenthood closes its doors.”

“With the passage of the Heartbeat Law in the Spring and the abortion industry’s setbacks this summer, it won’t be long before the Mansfield Planned Parenthood closes its doors.”

Reverend Clyde Kerby, Hope & Deliverance Ministries

Overall in Ohio, it has been a summer to forget for Planned Parenthood.

On June 7th, Tia Parks walked into the largest abortion mill in the state: the Painesville Reproductive Health at Family Planning Association, to have her twin babies aborted. The following day Parks died of complications from the abortion. Both twins were aborted.

According to a press release by Cleveland Right to Life, Mitchell William Reider is the abortionist believed responsible for the abortion procedure. The autopsy report states that Parks died as a result of bleeding in the abdominal cavity from a ruptured Fallopian tube due to a heterotopic gestation.

In addition, on August 19th, Planned Parenthood announced it was pulling out of the Title X program due to the Trump administration’s prohibition of Title X family-planning funds going to clinics performing or referring abortions.

On September 18th Toledo’s last abortion mill, Capitol Care Network of Toledo, surrendered its ambulatory surgical facility license and will no longer perform surgical abortions.

Over the last several years, the non-profit Planned Parenthood has been criticized for providing abortion, for its exorbitant management salaries and its exclusive advocacy of the Democrat Party while receiving $500 million in taxpayer dollars annually. In many cases, that criticism has turned into activism.

In the meantime, the local pro-life movement will continue to double its efforts to see the statewide trend manifest itself in Mansfield.

A National Life Chain prayer demonstration will be taking place on Sunday, October 6th between 2:00-3:00 PM at the corner of Lexington Springmill Road and West Fourth Street in Ontario. Coordinator Greg Jevikar can be reached at 419.468.4679 for more details.

View the following video on Planned Parenthood produced by Alliance Defending Freedom.

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Area students hold prayer rallies in several school districts (VIDEO)

Clear Fork students gather for "See you at the Pole" prayer gathering (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

RICHLAND COUNTY — At a time when the nation’s legal system has demonstrated a history of hostility towards students unwilling to compromise their Biblical faith, students throughout the area showed their resolve Wednesday joining in the faith-based “See You at the Pole” (SYATP) prayer movement occurring on school campuses across the nation.

“The First Amendment guarantees students the right to pray individually or in groups on school grounds during any non-instructional time,” said Matt Staver in a press release from the Liberty Counsel.

Lexington Jr. High students gather around flagpole Wednesday morning for prayer.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“All students may express their opinions verbally or in writing before or after school, in between classes, during the lunch hour or on the playing field, according to federal guidelines listed on our Liberty Counsel website.” Staver added, “These young people provide an incredible example that all people should follow.”

Several local students from the Lexington Junior High chimed in.

“Prayer is needed in school because during the year students can lose sight of how we are to live,” said eighth-grader Ruby Bodjanac. “SYATP is a chance for all of the student body to come together and pray. When we pray together, it brings a sense of community. It really is a great way to start the day.”

Elyona Weaver, another Lexington eighth grader, asserted “I think prayer is needed in school. ‘See You at the Pole’ involves students in schools praying everywhere across our land. Our GOD hears us all-He doesn’t miss one prayer. In my opinion, public prayer in school helps students have a mindset directed towards GOD where we can acknowledge Him as our Creator.”

“‘See You at the Pole’ involves students in schools praying everywhere across our land. Our GOD hears us all-He doesn’t miss one prayer. In my opinion, public prayer in school can help students have a mindset directed towards GOD where we can acknowledge Him as our Creator.”

Elyona Weaver, Lexington eighth grader

Youth Pastors Matthew Spiegel of Berean Baptist and Josh Richardson of Lexington Church of Christ Youth also participated with several parents. Interestingly, Richardson participated in SYATP as a high school student. Both Spiegel and Richardson agreed it was a great opportunity to support their students.

“I was great to see our students stand up for their faith,” said Spiegel. “This is another opportunity we have to connect with them. We see them Sunday mornings for church and for youth group on Wednesday nights. But we can also meet with our students on campus for Friday night football games and for lunch.”

Clear Fork high schoolers praying during See You At The Pole.
(Photo courtesy of Matt Merendino)

At Clear Fork High School, there were over sixty students, staff and adults who participated in SYATP on Wednesday. They prayed for the school administration, the teaching staff, the student body and the nation.

Clear Fork Alliance Youth Pastor Matt Merendino and administrator of Unite the Valley commented, “It really was a banner day for us. SYATP has been a long standing tradition at Clear Fork High School for twenty-five years. The students are accustomed to exercising their constitutional right to pray.”

Earlier this month, an Alabama school was told by the atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation they were violating federal law by praying over the loudspeaker before the game. In response, the Opelika School District told school principals they would only have a “moment of silence” before games.

The Opelika students, however, also responded to the complaint. Prior to the September 13th kickoff before the game, an entire group of students in the stands recited the Lord’s Prayer together. The student body made it clear they were not intimidated by the threats.

View the video below of the Opelika student body praying in unison.

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101 Clergy salute law enforcement, encouraging area to thank police (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — With tensions around the country regarding law enforcement along the border and in the mainland, over one hundred clergy across Richland County, Ohio honored local police officers Thursday morning for their dedicated service.

The area clergymen held a press conference from Mansfield Mayor Timothy Theaker’s ninth floor conference room reading from a joint statement drafted by the Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN) and endorsed by the pastors.

Area clergy pictured with local law enforcement from L to R: Rev. Puff, Ontario Officer Scott Dawson, Deputy Lt. James Nicholson, Rev. Akuchie, Mansfield Asst Police Chief Dan Petrycki, Highway Patrol Commander Amy Ivy, Rev. Hill, Sheriff’s Major Joe Masi, Mansfield Chief Keith Porch, and Captain Dan Noblet. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“As representatives of the local faith community, we would like to express our gratitude for our police officers by promoting “Thank a Police Officer Day” which is this coming Saturday, September 21st,” said Reverend El Akuchie, RCPN Coordinator and Pastor of Godsfield House of Prayer. “This statement is in the spirit of Hebrews 10:24 which states: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

Leading the press conference were Akuchie, Reverend Ron Puff of Pleasant Valley Baptist and Reverend Moe Hill of Grace Evangelical Free Church.

Both of the pastors who read the clergy joint statement have law enforcement backgrounds.  Hill retired from the Highway Patrol three years ago and Puff assists the Mansfield Police Department as auxiliary and helps with the Explorer program.

“The law enforcement plays a valuable role in our society.  Our brave men and women keep vigilant watch at all hours and risk their lives on behalf of the safety of others,” said Reverend Puff. 

“There is no question that as moral decay increases in our society, the workload of our police personnel and the danger associated with their job duties has intensified exponentially.  As representatives of the faith community, we regret in recent times the contempt police officers have received nationwide for doing their jobs.”

Reverend Ron Puff
Pleasant Valley Baptist

“There is no question that as moral decay increases in our society, the workload of our police personnel and the danger associated with their job duties has intensified exponentially.  As representatives of the faith community, we regret in recent times the contempt police officers have received nationwide for doing their jobs.”

Elder Hill read a passage from the Bible saying, “We beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the LORD, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves.”

The joint statement will be sent to the Police Chiefs of Mansfield, Shelby, Ontario, Lexington, Plymouth, Bellville, Butler, the Sheriff of Richland County, the Commander of the Mansfield Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol, the Attorney General of Ohio, and the Attorney General of the United States. 

Several local restaurants have taken the clergy’s advice to heart.

Mansfield Police Chief Porch with Reverend Moe Hill. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The Reindeer Grill located at 10 South Park Street in Mansfield, and V & M Restaurant which has two locations at 1120 Lexington Avenue in Mansfield and 104 Main Street in Bellville will be providing free meals to law enforcement in uniform this coming Saturday, September 21st.

“Echoing another pastor’s sentiments, it is good to let the law enforcement know that we support them and are behind them rather than they behind us,” joked Akuchie tongue in cheek.

Law enforcement agencies present at the press conference included the Richland County Sheriff’s Department, the Mansfield Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol, the Mansfield Police Department, and the Ontario Police Department.

View slideshow below of clergy press conference at Mansfield Mayor’s Conference Room.

Click on link below to view the clergy press conference in its entirety.

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The Bottom Line:

Psalms 144 says, “Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge.”

Guest Column: What triggers gun violence, lack of gun control or lack of morality? (VIDEO)


Increasingly, few if any genuinely safe places exist as a refuge from armed, angry, addicted young men pumped up on violent video games and suffering from the absence of a moral core. Schools, churches, shopping centers, businesses, and almost every place people gather have become targets for deranged individuals who are set on perpetrating evil and in possession of lethal weapons. At what point will we have the courage to acknowledge that our nation has a problem?

Tony Perkins (Photo courtesy of Family Research Council)

As a former police officer, this perspective on gun violence is not an academic approach. I’ve encountered armed suspects and dealt with gun-related violence. I’ve lost friends, gunned down in the line of duty. I have a full appreciation of the stress that families of law enforcement officers endure each day as their father, mother, son, or daughter head out to protect their neighbors and communities.

As president of the Family Research Council, I also saw gun violence from another perspective – as a target of hate. Our organization in Washington D.C. was attacked by a now convicted, domestic terrorist. Inspired by a leftist organization, Floyd Lee Corkins came into our offices with 100 rounds of ammunition and began firing, critically wounding one of our team members.

Yet the growing frequency and scale of such armed atrocities are symptomatic of a much deeper crisis, fomenting for decades. It is dishonest and self-serving of politicians who claim that this crisis is the result of statements made by President Donald Trump about securing our southern border. How would they explain the mass shootings that took place in Orlando, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino or Aurora during the Obama administration?

While policies may have an impact on this issue, unfortunately the debate never gets beyond the stalemate over “gun control.” Though an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment, I am willing to talk about laws regarding the ownership and use of guns by those who should not have them. But the missing component to this discussion playing on an endless political loop is the impact of the moral vacuum created by eliminating values, faith and civility from the public square.

Restricting the implements of violence while ignoring the causes is futile. Our nation’s capital, with some of the most restrictive gun-ownership laws in the country, clearly illustrates this point. Washington has a gun murder rate of 18 per 100,000, and the city’s gun-control laws did not protect our organization. Nationwide, as many as 80 percent of gun-related crime involves illegal guns.

And do laws blocking gun ownership stop murder? The United Kingdom, which already has strict laws on the ownership of guns, began restricting the sale and possession of knives over three inches long after a rash of episodes of knife violence last year. The focus on tools still misses the greater problem.

A deadly game with life-and-death stakes plays out in all cultures when violent people choose to act against their fellow citizens. Rock, paper, scissors, machete, rope, knife, gun – the instruments chosen are secondary to the reasons people strike out.

As Jesus observed in Matthew 15:19, from the human heart comes murder. To talk about the “why” and not just the “how,” requires we go beyond external, environmental factors to focus on the internal aspect of morality.  And we can’t have an honest discussion about morality without including religion.

Our nation’s founders understood the importance of faith and morality working hand in hand in our republic to restrain the worst of our human nature. George Washington in his farewell address at the end of his second term as president included several pieces of advice for preserving America’s prosperity, security and happiness.

He observed: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

Washington was not alone in this conviction. John Adams, the second president of the United States, recognized the limitations of our laws. In speaking to the Massachusetts militia, Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Some will be quick to say that nearly 250 years later, America has moved beyond the faith that inspired nation builders. That is a tragedy. Today our culture increasingly marginalizes public faith and religion, pushing it from the public square. But in the process, we’ve lost public morality, common decency and virtue, which are essential to freedom.

“To achieve security for our families and communities while preserving the freedom that has made America great, we have only one option: Restore morality by renewing our commitment to the free exercise of religion. In other words, we should protect, not prevent, religious freedom.”

Tony Perkins
Family Research Council

To achieve security for our families and communities while preserving the freedom that has made America great, we have only one option: Restore morality by renewing our commitment to the free exercise of religion. In other words, we should protect, not prevent, religious freedom.

Our baser nature clearly is not changed by passing more laws. The promises of security through more government restrictions will only serve to erode our freedoms while providing little protection. Rather, the solution to the gun violence plaguing our nation will be found in a willingness to recognize, as did the Founders, that as a people we are dependent upon and accountable to an omniscient God.  It is only from such an understanding that morality and public virtue become commonplace, which is essential for freedom.

As Americans, we must carefully consider the path we take in addressing this present and growing crisis. New gun laws never achieve what a commitment to the Golden Rule can accomplish. America will be safer if all of us do unto others as we want them to do unto us.

View the video below for Tony Perkins take on gun violence.

Tony Perkins is President of Family Research Council. This article appeared on FoxNews.com on August 25, 2019.

Pastor ‘going against the grain’ with one foot in Bucyrus, other in D.C. (PHOTO GALLERY) (VIDEO)


BUCYRUS — At a time when the nation appears to have lost its moral compass, one rural congregation surrounded by cornfields is impacting the pulpits of the entire nation. Its pastor is encouraging other faith leaders to go against the grain using Biblical truth to confront a culture that has gone haywire.

Last month Reverend J.C. Church of Victory in Truth Ministries (VITM), held a “Stand Your Ground Conference” with over 280 pastors from fourteen different states attending. Other high-profile speakers at the conference included: Bishop Harry Jackson, Pastor Rod Parsley, and Pastor Lyndon Allen of Christians United for Israel.

Victory in Truth Ministries (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)
Click on image above to access more pictures from Frontlines Ohio Facebook of the 2019 Stand Your Ground Conference.

According to one of the conference attenders, Pastor Randy Raynes of Mansfield Fellowship Baptist, “I met a number pastors from different ministries. It was good to have that personal touch and be reminded that we are not alone in the fight for the soul of this nation. My wife and I took advantage of the free motel room accommodations. They (VITM) did everything to make us feel comfortable.”

Clergy throughout the nation attended with one attending pastor given a free trip to Israel, and several others receiving certificates for a three-night stay at the Eagles Landing. Pastor Brian Hall of Ontario Abundant Tabernacle was a first-time attender to this year’s conference.

“This was my first time at a Stand Your Ground Conference. I made several new pastor friends. I had just been studying from the Book of Nehemiah when Pastor J.C. spoke about pastors being watchmen on the walls of our culture.”

Pastor J.C. Church on radio show “Washington Watch” hosted by Tony Perkins. (Photo courtesy of VITM)

In addition to the Stand Your Ground Conference, VITM also allows Pastor Church to mentor pastors nationwide. This second ministry, 3 Cord Alliance, helps equip churches and ministries to engage the culture and empower leadership for the purpose of community transformation.

Thru 3 Cord Alliance, Pastor Church serves as the National Director of Ministry Engagement for the Washington D.C. based Family Research Council, networking churches to answer the call on moral issues thru the Watchman on the Wall initiative.

“Ohio has the best pastor network in the nation,” says Pastor Church. “We are seeing the Church moving from influence to power. Our state’s governor, Mike DeWine has a Governor’s Evangelical Advisory Council. According to historian David Barton, it is the only one of its kind in the nation.”

“We need to think generationally. The No. 1 thing anybody can give their children and grandchildren is the Supreme Christ. But the second greatest thing we can give them is the Supreme Court. By doing so we can build a firewall for our children and grandchildren to give them more time to rebuild our culture and nation.”

Pastor J.C. Church
Victory in Truth Ministries

In regards to the plight of the nation, Church says “We need to think generationally. The No. 1 thing anybody can give their children and grandchildren is the Supreme Christ. But the second greatest thing we can give them is the Supreme Court. By doing so we can build a firewall for our children and grandchildren to give them time to rebuild the culture and nation.”

On September 21st 2016, then-Presidential Candidate Donald Trump announced at an Ohio church he had compiled a list of twenty candidates he would appoint as judicial nominees. The President’s announcement was given to seven hundred faith leaders at Pastor Darrell Scott‘s New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

While President Trump has transformed the federal judiciary during his presidency, his influence has impacted other parts of the government as well. During his administration, President Trump has implemented a first of its kind policy requiring a chaplain for every federal department under his authority.  

According to Pastor Church, “From a religious freedom perspective, we have to look at what condition this nation would have been in if Trump was not elected to office. Our culture would be that much more worse off. We are really seeing the wheat being separated from the chaff. On behalf of my grandchildren, I cannot retreat.”

View the video below on Christian Television Network’s “Contending for the Faith” show interviewing Congresswoman Michele Bachmann & Pastor JC Church.

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Article updated to include video produced two months after publication.

Mansfield Baptist Temple holds service honoring law enforcement (Photo Gallery)


MANSFIELD — An impressive showing of law enforcement and first responders attended a local church’s service on Sunday honoring unsung heroes.

Reverend Robert Kurtz of Mansfield Baptist Temple had his congregation recognize the dedicated service of first responders, law enforcement, and elected officials in a “Local Heroes Celebration Service.” The church has held the celebration service for several years.

“I want to thank Pastor Kurtz and his congregation for letting me participate in the service today,” said Mansfield Mayor Timothy Theaker. “Our safety forces do so much for our community and it is wonderful to see them appreciated and recognized for their work. It is well deserved.”

Click on image above to connect to photo album from Front Lines Ohio Facebook page.

Theaker was one of several elected officials on hand to give awards to those in the safety forces.

Letters of commendation were given by Senate President Larry Obhof and State Representative Mark Romanchuk to Sheriff Steve Sheldon, Police Captain Douglas Noblet Jr., Madison Township Fire Chief Ron Luttrell, and Ohio Highway Patrol Mansfield Post Lieutenant Amy Ivy.

During his sermon, Reverend Kurtz mentioned that he has rode along with local law enforcement to get a better perspective of the experiences a police officer routinely faces.

“I have not been in your shoes. I only have a little bit of an understanding of how you (first responders) have to assist people in your jobs. In some cases you have to resuscitate people and in other situations you see violence. However, there is one person I do know who has seen it all and has been with you in every situation and that is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living GOD. He is your rescue.”

“I have not been in your shoes. I only have a little bit of an understanding of how you (first responders) have to assist people in your jobs. In some cases you have to resuscitate people and in other situations you see violence. However, there is one person I do know who has seen it all and has been with you in every situation and that is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living GOD. He is your rescue.”

Reverend Robert Kurtz
Mansfield Baptist Temple

Kurtz went on to share how last year he went skydiving with his son.

“Dropping at 120 miles per hour out of a plane, I had forgotten to pull my rip chord at the assigned altitude to trigger my parachute. I later found out that one of my guides intervened and pulled the cord for me and my parachute ejected. It goes to show we all need rescued in life and Christ is that rescue.”

Earlier in the service, one State Highway Patrol officer shared a testimony about the inmate escape from last year and how GOD intervened in the event. He regularly attends Mansfield Baptist Temple.

State Highway Patrol officer shares testimony. (Photo courtesy of Front Lines Ohio)

Solo renditions of “Rescue” and “Wanted were sung by church members Grace Custer and Pastor Eric Humble.

Other elected officials attending the service included County Commissioners: Marilyn John, Tony Vero, and Darrell Banks, and County Common Pleas Judges Brent Robinson and Phil Naumoff.

Juvenile Court Judge Steve McKinley who gave the closing dedication prayer commented, “It was really a special time today to be with those who are dedicated to the work of rescuing, protecting, and governing. I am thankful for Pastor Kurtz and his congregation for providing a tangible way by which to recognize these heroes. We truly have a lot to be thankful for in this community.”

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