NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Some in the faith community are sitting on the fence over whether building a wall on the southern border is morally right . One denomination has actually revolted against the rule of law by declaring themselves a “sanctuary denomination” for illegal immigrants.
Following a recent immigration raid, two North Central Ohio pastors are speaking out about how the Bible justifies goverments securing their borders.
This past fall, forty-six illegal immigrants from ten nations were arrested in Ohio and Michigan by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement . A former County Sheriff -turned-Pastor stands up for the operation and believes national security must be a priority. During his term as Morrow County Sheriff, Steve Brenneman’s department housed illegal immigrants.
“I certainly support the efforts of our border agents.,” says Pastor Brenneman of Awakening Christian Center. “In my experience, I have observed a major drug epidemic originating from across the border. No doubt a security wall can prevent entry of illicit drugs. The illegal detainees we housed had committed serious offenses fueling the addiction crisis and endangering many lives.”
This past Fall Brenneman went to Israel which utilizes several security fences on its borders.
“We saw the effectiveness of the Israeli security fence and military outposts along the West Bank border. They are reporting that Illegal immigration has been reduced by over ninety percent, and that the area has seen less terrorist attacks. Consequently, last year the Israeli tourism industry had its best year.”
Israel is one of a growing list of nations that are constructing security walls along their borders to reduce crime, to lower the threat of infections disease, and curtail human trafficking.
“I believe immigration should be viewed politcally and spiritually,” says Pastor Chad Hayes of Caeserea Baptist outside Mansfield. “From a political perspective, America is a nation of laws, and we should allow persons already applying for citizenship and going thru the screening process to gain entrance first.
Before serving as pastor, Hayes served in the Marines with combat deployment in Iraq.
“Certainly I am sensitive to civilians seeking asylum since many are fleeing countries without religisous freedom. However, this still does not negate our government’s primary responsiblity of preventing terrorists from gaining entrance.”
Both pastors agree the breakdown in national borders is symbolic of the breakdown of moral boundaries in the country.
“When we as a nation are killing babies and promoting sexual immoraity of all kinds, we are crossing a line that GOD never intended us to cross. When we go beyond the boundaries of GOD’s Word, it will spell trouble,” says Hayes.
“GOD is not against building walls. In the Bible GOD instructed Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem as they were coming back from their exhile. If we as a nation respect the boundaries of GOD”s Word, perhaps America will once again be secure and experience His blessings.”
View the Fox News report below discussing how many nations around the world utilize security walls to protect its citizens.
The Bottom Line:
John 10 says, ” “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice.”