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Cuyahoga County taken to court over its discrimination against Christian (VIDEO)


CLEVELAND – After passing a sexual orientation and gender identity ordinance in 2018, Cuyahoga County bureaucrats are now in the business of establishing its own theocracy. Citizens with diverse religious viewpoints inside the County are now punished and face punitive damages.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys representing a Cleveland minister and wedding business owner filed suit in federal court Wednesday to challenge a Cuyahoga County law that forces her to use her ministry and business to officiate and compose homilies, vows, and prayers for same-sex weddings against her will.

Cuyahoga County also forbids Kristi Stokes and her business, Covenant Weddings, from publicly explaining on her own website and social media sites the religious reasons why she only celebrates weddings between one man and one woman. Cuyahoga County considers such communications to be unlawful “discrimination” based on sexual orientation. The draconian law threatens fines of $1,000-$5,000 per violation, and the threat of investigation and expensive legal fees.

“No one should be forced to officiate ceremonies that conflict with their religious beliefs. Because of Cuyahoga County’s law, Kristi faces an impossible choice: disobey the law, defy her own faith, or ditch her business. Many different religions and countless people of good will believe that weddings are sacred ceremonies between one man and one woman.”

Kate Anderson
ADF Senior Counsel

“No one should be forced to officiate ceremonies that conflict with their religious beliefs,” said ADF Senior Counsel Kate Anderson. “Because of Cuyahoga County’s law, Kristi faces an impossible choice: disobey the law, defy her own faith, or ditch her business. Many different religions and countless people of good will believe that weddings are sacred ceremonies between one man and one woman. No matter one’s views on marriage, we all lose when bureaucrats can force citizens to participate in religious ceremonies they oppose, speak messages they disagree with, and stay silent about beliefs they hold dear.”

Last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit and the Arizona Supreme Court ruled in favor of filmmakers and artists who brought similar challenges against laws like Cuyahoga County’s. ADF attorneys are asking the court to halt enforcement of the law against Stokes and her business while her lawsuit proceeds.

Kristi Stokes (Photo courtesy of ADF)

“Since a young age, I’ve dedicated my life to ministry, and today I love serving my community by officiating and writing for weddings,” said Stokes. “My religious beliefs influence every aspect of my life, and I can’t simply put my religious identity into separate personal and professional boxes. If you’re looking for someone to officiate your wedding, and you’re hoping to incorporate a cannabis theme or write prayers to celebrate an open marriage, I’m not your girl. Northeast Ohio is home to many diverse viewpoints, and I’m simply asking that my county also respect me, my business, and my freedoms as an American citizen instead of forcing me to write or speak messages that contradict my beliefs.”

Mary Louise Madigan, a spokeswoman for Cuyahoga County, said that once attorneys receive service of the lawsuit, they will review it and “vigorously defend it.”

ADF attorneys filed the complaint and motion for preliminary injunction in the case, Covenant Weddings LLC v. Cuyahoga County, with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. The complaint explains how the county’s law violates various provisions of the U.S. Constitution, including the First Amendment’s Free Speech and Free Exercise Clauses by infringing her freedom to create expression and participate in ceremonies consistent with her religious beliefs.

The complaint also notes that there are more than 70 wedding officiants in and near Cleveland and more than 150 wedding officiants in Ohio who will officiate same-sex weddings. 

View the video below of the services Alliance Defending Freedom provides.

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Ohio State School Board takes heat for passing divisive anti-racism resolution (AUDIO)


COLUMBUS — Critics are giving the Ohio State Board of Education failing grades after the apolitical body hastily approved a divisive resolution last week without doing their homework. The measure on systemic racism was debated and voted on the same night and was an indication the board was more interested in social justice rather than social studies.

“This resolution truly is a radical’s dream and will open the door to all the far-left causes,” says radio host Linda Harvey of the pro-family Mission America. “Any objections to the resolution was considered racist so the majority quickly passed it.”

Radio Show Host Linda Harvey
(Photo courtesy of Mission America)

The State Board approved the measure by a 12-5 margin. Instead of uniting students during national crisis, the resolution alienates students by directing the Department of Education to review every Ohio school lesson and program for white privilege, hate speech, white supremacy and systemic racism.

Harvey is convinced this resolution is part of a coordinated effort to scrub American exceptionalism from school curriculum. She alluded to Mayor Timothy Ginther removing the Christopher Columbus statue from Columbus City Hall.

“This (new policy) will become an invitation for: unfair accusations, re-writing American history, new speech codes, unjust quotas in sports, and leniency in disciplinary policies. It is actually reverse racism. Even worse than that, it allows any person who is offended, no matter how unsubstantiated there claims are, to dictate what becomes truth and what is declared to be racist.”

“This is what countries do when they are being overtaken by Marxists.” says Harvey. “Never mind in America, some of the ruling class today are wealthy blacks and other minorities who are celebrities, sports figures, musicians and politicians. This is not about racial harmony but about some fringe groups with an axe to grind. Many elements of western civilization and traditional Christianity undoubtedly will be considered by some as racist.””

Linda Harvey
Founder of Mission America

The resolution “strongly recommends all Ohio school districts begin a reflection and internal examination of their own involving teachers, parents, students and community to review curriculum; hiring practices; discipline strategies, suspension and expulsions; classroom resources including textbooks; and professional development.”

Opponents point out the resolution is politically-based and not evidence-based. They claim its framers cut corners by providing no references nor any definitions. They also ask who will decide what is hate speech and what is white privilege?

“I wanted the resolution to be referred to a committee to justify and research assertions made in the resolution, says Board Member Lisa Woods of Medina. Woods represents District 5 located in North Central Ohio.

Board Member Woods wanted the resolution to be referred to a committee “to justify and research assertions made in the resolution. Getting it right is more important than rushing to judgment. It is important that conclusions are supported by fact.”

“Terms such as ‘hate speech,’ ‘white supremacy’ and ‘implicit bias’ … these are serious but unproven accusations,” Woods went on to say. “Ohio has never had a system of racism … we are enlightened.”

Linda Harvey is not remaining silent. In response to the vote, the radio host has drafted a petition for Ohioans to sign who oppose the fault-finding resolution.

Efforts to pass the polarizing resolution were spearheaded by the National Education Association which supports the Marxist Black Lives Matter network. State Board Members Laura Kohler and Linda Haycock were two of the board members who voted in favor. Opponents say this will only fuel the fire for more violence.

“This is what countries do when they are being overtaken by Marxists.” says Harvey. “Never mind in America, some of the ruling class today are wealthy blacks and other minorities who are celebrities, sports figures, musicians and politicians. This is not about racial harmony but about some fringe groups with an axe to grind. Many elements of western civilization and traditional Christianity undoubtedly will be considered by some as racist.”

Click on the image below to hear Linda Harvey’s “Mission America” Christian commentary in the culture broadcast on WRFD 880 AM and 104.5 FM in its entirety from July 22, 2020.

Article updated July 24, 2020

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Guest Column: What happens if ‘social justice’ companies are slaveholders? (VIDEO)


These are strange times. Good guys. Bad guys. Confused guys. Social justice warriors are toppling statues of slaveholders from 300 years ago while winking at modern-day enslavement on a massive scale.

I’m talking about the dirty little secret of how companies like Nike, Adidas, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and at least 83 other multinational corporations have been linked to forced labor by Uyghurs in factories across China.

Joseph Farah
(Photo courtesy of Facebook/Joseph Farah)

The report back in March by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute estimates that more than 80,000 Uyghurs, Chinese Muslims, were transferred to work in factories across China between 2017 and 2019.

It has escaped the attention of most people in the West that the likes of Nike, Colin Kaepernick, the Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and even Google are on the wrong side of this contemporary social justice issue.

But it was hard to miss the irony. Forced-labor brokers have advertised to these companies their willingness to exploit the Uyghurs, boasting the “advantages” of taking workers as young as 16, including “semi-military style management, [that they] can withstand hardship, no loss of personnel. Minimum order 100 workers.”

On June 17, President Donald Trump signed into law the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020, which aims to punish China for its barbaric treatment of the ethnic minority. It was passed almost unanimously by the House and Senate.

The law gives the Trump administration 180 days to identify Chinese officials responsible for human-rights abuses and would level sanctions on those alleged to have roles in the mass surveillance and detention.

More than 80,000 Uyghurs, were transferred to work in factories across China between 2017-2019. (Photo Courtesy of Channel 4 News, UK)

But what about the corporate responsibility of Nike, Adidas, Apple, Microsoft and Google? It’s rather vague.

“The Act holds accountable perpetrators of human-rights violations and abuses such as the systematic use of indoctrination camps, forced labor, and intrusive surveillance to eradicate the ethnic identity and religious beliefs of Uyghur and other minorities in China,” Trump said in a statement.

It’s all on China rather than on the multinationals. And that’s the pity of the Trump plan as far as it goes.

There is one unspeakable civil rights holocaust talking place in the world today – and I’m not speaking of anything Americans are currently protesting.

“There also have been allegations of Uyghurs and others in religious minorities being the victims of organ harvesting. Recently, the Associated Press reported that Uyghur women are forcibly sterilized and given unwanted abortions as part of the Chinese Communist Party’s campaign to keep the Muslim minorities’ birth rate down.”

Joseph Farah
WND Founder and CEO

There also have been allegations of Uyghurs and others in religious minorities being the victims of organ harvesting. Recently, the Associated Press reported that Uyghur women are forcibly sterilized and given unwanted abortions as part of the Chinese Communist Party’s campaign to keep the Muslim minorities’ birth rate down.

The majority of Uyghurs live in detention camps – a nice way of saying concentration camps or “re-education camps.” Those least fortunate get to spend their days making sneakers and sportswear for consumers in the West.

(Photo Courtesy of Channel 4 News, UK)

This is not an exaggeration. Yet there is hardly a tear being shed for them. They have not been the source of protests within the United States. No one has “taken a knee” for them – most especially other Muslims.

Yet, I will say a prayer tonight for these lonely, isolated people. And proclaim loudly, “Uyghur Lives Matter.”

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND. He has written more than a dozen books, his latest “The Gospel in Every Book in the Old Testament.”

View the latest footage produced by Channel 4 News of the UK of the busing of Uyghurs for forced labor below.

Black pastors still disagree with premise of racism resolution (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Due to firm opposition, activists are now stepping back their verbiage and modifying a resolution (Bill #20-123) to get consensus from City Council. The changes come after recent fraudulent claims of support from the faith community.

After originally declaring systemic racism as a public health emergency, the revised resolution now expresses only a “strong belief” systemic racism against persons of color, causes social problems and health disparities in persons of color. No matter the changes, the resolution is still facing stiff criticism from the black faith community.

Reverend El Akuchie
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Reverend El Akuchie is Pastor at Godsfield House of Prayer and Executive Director of the Richland Community Prayer Network. He believes the resolution is not needed locally and is only part of the national Black Lives Matter (BLM) political movement.

“To state systemic racism is causing disparate health outcomes is not being honest. The Minority Health Fair has been an outreach going on for many years. The local health department also conducted a health survey which many chose not to participate in. After all the changes and revisions, the bill still does not define systemic racism nor provide local examples of systemic racism.”

For example, the resolution states systemic racism “causes” high rates of homelessness in communities of color. With a total of sixty-five persons recorded in Richland County as homeless, no cases were cited in the resolution of persons of color forced out of their homes because they were black. This would be a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Elder Moe Hill
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

While supporters of Bill #20-123 claim the resolution has nothing to do with defunding the police, Elder Moe Hill of Grace Evangelical Free Church questions why this is not explicitly stated in the resolution.

“I do not want any part of this resolution if it leads to defunding the police. I adamantly oppose that.”

According to Elder Hill, “The root cause of racism is sin not skin. Society will continue having these issues until we finally seek Bible-based solutions. They (BLM) are tearing down God-ordained institutions like the family, the church, and the government and it is not for the betterment of the nation.”

Pastor Floyd Allen of Philippian Community Church believes many of the social problems and health disparities are linked to the breakdown of the family, more specifically the lack of participation of fathers. This is in direct contrast with the pro-LGBT Black Lives Matter movement which has publicly committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.

“Marriage is the greatest weapon against child-poverty,” says Pastor Allen. “Ephesians 6:2-4 says to ‘Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with a promise; That it may be well with thee, and that thou may live long on the earth.’ In other words, it takes a father and mother to help bring success to a child.”

Studies indicate children from single-parent homes can be twice as likely to have emotional and behavioral problems as are children living with both parents. Children living in single-parent families also have lower math and science scores than children in two-parent families. In addition, married persons have the lowest incidences of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

Pastor Floyd Allen
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Just because a negative outcome exists does not mean it is correlated to race,” Reverend Akuchie points out. “White Americans have higher suicide rates and higher rates of cystic fibrosis and is that because of racism against whites? The resolution cites statistics and leaps to conclusions about adverse social and health outcomes. The only leap I am willing to take is a leap of faith in God’s Word. This issue is spiritual and deals with the heart, period.”

Pastor Allen adds, “‘I am reminded of the Scripture that says ‘Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of Hosts.’ This is what the LORD would want our nation to do.”

View the video below produced by the Heritage Foundation discussing how the family is the building block of civilization.

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Local pastor responds to BLM rioters destroying car belonging to disabled man (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Many are stunned after angry Black Lives Matters (BLM) rioters demolished a car belonging to a disabled motorist during the Columbus demonstrations. In response, a bi-vocational pastor who also serves as a bus driver believes the nation is on the road to ruin if it does not change its course and get back on track.

Rioters damaging Eldon Hawkin’s car on May 31st.
(Photo courtesy of Twitter/Conservative Tribune)

May 31st, a local motorist suffering from cerebral palsy was driving to get flowers and dinner when he unknowingly drove onto Broad and High Streets where rioting was taking place. Things went downhill after that.

“It scared the life out of me. I thought they were going to kill me,” said Eldon Hawkins, age 58 who accidentally backed into a bicyclist. The protesters began ruthlessly destroying his car and painting over it. Hawkin’s church helped raise money to repair the $8,000 worth of damage done to his car by the angry mob.

Pastor Dave Guild
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“My heart went out to this man when I saw the video.  As someone who drives professionally, I know that even the best drivers can become disoriented during stressful events,” says Pastor Dave Guild of the Mansfield Foursquare Church.

“This was a tragic incident.  We need to have honest, sincere conversations about the sin of racism.  But having said that, the conversation must be involve peace not hate and destruction.”

At least once a month Pastor Guild’s church is where the rubber meets the road. His congregation speaks with its actions bringing a different message to the surrounding neighborhood.

“People want to know what they can do to address the violence we see in society. Our fellowship of believers has chosen to be a light in the community by serving our neighborhood. We return evil with good.”

Pastor Dave GUild
Mansfield Foursquare Church

Mansfield Foursquare has a free food distribution every second Saturday between 10:00-12:00 PM in their parking lot.  Last week Pastor Guild’s congregation was able to give food to 193 families representing almost 600 people.

“People want to know what they can do to address the violence we see in society. Our fellowship of believers has chosen to be a light in the community by serving our neighborhood. We return evil with good.”

Click on the image above of Eldon Hawkins with his damaged car and BLM’ spray-painted on the car’s hood.

According to Pastor Guild, “Racism at its root is a spiritual problem.  We can attempt to educate and legislate it away, but it will still remain.  We try to put a secular band-aid on a spiritual wound, and wonder why it won’t stick, and why the wound won’t heal.  Healing will only take place when we, as individuals, come to the cross, turn from our sin, and seek the face of the One True Redeemer, Jesus Christ. And that is through relationship.”

Relationship is a two-way street, if only people in the country knew this.

The Columbus Police are asking anyone with information about the incident involving Mr. Hawkins on May 31st to contact Detective Nace at 614-645-2119 or email snace@columbuspolice.org or Central Ohio Crime Stoppers at 614-461-8477.

Movie Review on “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words” (VIDEO)


This documentary film tells the story of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, from childhood until the present day, as narrated by Thomas himself. Although Clarence Thomas remains a controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious Senate confirmation battle with Anita Hill. (Rated PG-13)

Unscripted and without narration, the documentary takes the viewer through this complex and often painful life, dealing with race, faith, power, jurisprudence, and personal resilience.

With unprecedented access, the producers interviewed Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Virginia, for over thirty hours, over many months. Justice Thomas tells his entire life’s story, looking directly at the camera, speaking frankly to the audience. The documentary proceeds chronologically, combining Justice Thomas’ first person account with a rich array of historical archive material, period and original music, personal photos, and evocative recreations.

The film covers much of Thomas’ young adult years, when he considered himself “radical to left” in his political philosophy to when he became a conservative stalwart sitting on the bench of the nation’s highest court defending the original intent of the U.S. Constitution.

The film covers much of Thomas’ young adult years, when he considered himself “radical to left” in his political philosophy to when he became a conservative stalwart sitting on the bench of the nation’s highest court defending the original intent of the U.S. Constitution.

The informative movie is rated PG-13 for thematic elements and includes some sexual references. The film replays a few minutes of the sexually explicit Senate testimony from 1991. Some language involves Thomas quoting other people. 

Check out Crosswalk.com for another Christian movie review of this film.

Limited DVD sales will be available in late July 2020, followed by streaming in Fall 2020. Sign up for the movie’s newsletter for updates on how to purchase for educational or organizational use,

The film was shown this past May on PBS and had a limited theatrical run between January 31 – March 15 2020.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew Five, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.”

View the movie trailer below. (2:10 min)

Systemic racism activist caught red-handed misrepresenting faith community


MANSFIELD — After facing push back, a resolution declaring systemic racism as a public health crisis scheduled for council vote on its first reading has been rescheduled to mid-July. Some questioned its motivation, now some question its support.

Critics of Bill #123 believe it could be used to defund the Mansfield Police Department and re-write local school curriculums for history in support of a progressive agenda. Just recently it was discovered proponents of Bill #123 sought its passage by whatever means necessary, whether by hook or by crook.

Mansfield Municipal Building (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Chief proponent of Bill #123, Dr. Donna Hight, has agreed to redact a list of endorsees from City Council record after multiple faith leaders asserted she had falsified their congregations’ names as consignors. Several area clergy are not happy and believe the letter given to City Council was bending the truth.

Pastor Russell Stanford
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“This letter should be considered fraudulent,” wrote Pastor Russell Stanford of All Believers in Christ Church. “I am the statutory agent for the aforementioned church, and I assure you that neither I nor any other authorized member gave permission to add the church’s name to this letter-nor do we support this proposed resolution (Bill #123),” Pastor Stanford said in a correspondence to City Council.

Pastor Stanford believes racism will “exist till the end of time” and that the resolution does little to address racism spiritually as sin. Nor does it mention the “redeemer of mankind, Jesus Christ.”

Pastor Paul Lintern, another clergyman whose name was erroneously included, also wrote a letter to City Council.

“I was not aware I was listed among those supporting the (systemic racism) proposal. While I am a member of the Mansfield Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (MIMA), the organization should not presume unanimous support from its members and the congregations they represent.

Pastor Paul Lintern
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I am not in favor of this proposal nor the idea of it being a health issue.  Racism is an illness, and the result of sin. Our nation’s laws have legally eliminated systematic racism. That which still exists comes from the hearts and minds of people who do not live in the grace of God.

“I am not colorblind,” says Pastor Lintern. “I see every skin color for what it is, as I do every eye color, hair color, even fingernail color.  I am happy to identify people by their characteristics, but constantly resist categorizing them until they do it for me, by their own description.  God created three races — plant, animal and human — and those are the only distinctions I am willing to make in race. 

“This letter should be considered fraudulent. I am the statutory agent for the aforementioned church, and I assure you that neither I nor any other authorized member gave permission to add the church’s name to this letter-nor do we support this proposed resolution (Bill #123).”

Pastor Russell Stanford
All Believers in Christ Church

Pastor Lintern is behind efforts to propose the construction of a new Ocie HIll Community Center as an outreach to Mansfield’s north side.

Pastor Lintern concluded by saying, “Concentrate on loving the hearts that are broken and hard and pray for the spirit of love and hope to soften and heal.  The racism we abhor will be eradicated one heart at the time. And once racism is no longer politically profitable, it will be seen no more.”

Pastor Henry Bradley
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

While all twenty listed congregations have not been contacted, there is at least one other clergyman that would like to set the record straight.

Pastor Henry Bradley’s church, New Community Temple COGIC, was also included in the list of Bill #123’s alleged supporters. Pastor Bradley was reached by phone and he stated he was not aware his church’s name was included as an endorsee. He stated he never authorized the use of his church’s name and said he “did not support Bill #123.”

Consequently, some clergy are calling into question the legality of the ‘presumed support’ for legislation on so-called systemic racism.

Pastor Stanford comments, “It should be illegal to add the names of persons or entities to any government document without first getting their permission to do so.”

See related articles:

Roberts and Gorsuch ‘play devil’s advocate’ say North Central Ohio clergy (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO –Earlier this month social conservatives did a double take as two Supreme Court Justices dropped a bombshell by joining their liberal counterparts and redefining the 1964 workplace sex discrimination law to cover “transgender” people.

In a divided 6-3 opinion, Justices Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts along with four liberal Justices ruled against a business and its right to manage its operation. The issue in dispute involved a Michigan funeral home which declined an employee’s request to violate its sex-specific dress code by dressing as the opposite sex when meeting with grieving family members.

Pastor J.C. Church
(Photo courtesy of VITM)

Local faith leaders are convinced the repercussions of this shocking court opinion will be a “supreme disaster” and open up a bigger can of worms.

“LGBT activists failed to achieve their goals through the democratic process so they bypassed the legislative process and obtained their goal thru judicial fiat,” says Pastor J.C. Church of Victory in Truth Ministries.

“Federal judges are bending the meaning of words to suit their personal preference. As a result, this decision will bring havoc to gender-specific bathrooms, school rules and K-12 school curricula. How can anyone trust a grown man when he doesn’t even know what the word “sex” means?”

Trump-appointee Neil Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion creating the new policy.

“Is this the best we can come up with?” asks Pastor Church. “We should revisit how the President chooses his judicial nominees. We were told the Federalist Society vetted Neil Gorsuch, that he was strong on religious liberty, and was considered an originalist who interprets based on original text. We were wrong.”

“When the Court usurps the role of Congress, as it does today, the public understandably becomes confused about who the policy makers really are in our system of separated powers, and inevitably becomes cynical about the oft-repeated aspiration that judges base their decisions on law rather than on personal preference.”

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote a dissenting opinion against the majority writing “When the Court usurps the role of Congress, as it does today, the public understandably becomes confused about who the policy makers really are in our system of separated powers, and inevitably becomes cynical about the oft-repeated aspiration that judges base their decisions on law rather than on personal preference.”

Pastor John Bouquet
(Photo courtesy of Bethel Baptist)

Pastor John Bouquet of Savannah Bethel Baptist believes Christians cannot trust the courts to stand for justice and righteousness. “These judges follow case law instead of constitutional law. This month Judge Roberts also sided with the liberal wing opposing the First Amendment rights of churches to peaceably assemble.

“These justices know full well the magnitude of the dysfunction their “new legislation” will be bringing to shelters for battered women, sports leagues for girls, and the redefined social status of women. Consequently, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has been effectively nullified.” Pastor Bouquet added, “Their majority opinion even admits their court opinion will be creating more chaos by setting in motion more litigation.”

Pastor Robert Kurtz of Mansfield Baptist Temple points out that twenty-nine states who did not recognize sexual orientation and gender identity in their laws will now be forced to comply.

Pastor Robert Kurtz
(Photo courtesy of MBT)

“This decision cuts off the right of individual states who have diverse convictions on fairness and freedom. When society attempts to define standards apart from Divine law, it creates confusion and dysfunction. Little thought is required to understand that religious freedoms, parents’ rights, and even campus speech, will be decimated by such a ruling.

“The mindset presented in this ruling illustrates the depravity of man apart from GOD,” says Pastor Kurtz. “GOD gave us this warning for when we ignore Him: ‘professing themselves to be wise they became fools.”

All three clergy agree biology is not bigotry; they believe that all people may be equal, but men and women are not the same.

View the Alliance Defending Freedom video below on the Michigan funeral parlor involved in the Supreme Court decision Bostock v. Clayton County.

See related articles:

Guest Column: The message YouTube does not want you to hear on transgenderism (VIDEO)


Walt Heyer lived as a woman for eight years. He lived with childhood trauma that caused him to believe he was born in the wrong body. This belief drove him to “sex-reassignment” surgery, which permanently scarred his body. It drove him to part ways with many family members and friends and to take on the identity of a woman named “Laura.”

(Photo courtesy of Same Sex Regret.com)

You could say that Walt knows a thing or two about what it’s like to identify as transgender. He has a website called sexchangeregret.com.

And yet, YouTube took down a Heritage foundation video that Walt Heyer appeared in, saying that his message was demeaning to people who identify as transgender.

Last October, Walt appeared on a panel called a “Summit on Protecting Children from Sexualization” at the Heritage Foundation.

On the panel, Walt described his experience struggling with his identity and attempting to live as the opposite sex. He described how, when he was a child, his grandmother would dress him in girls’ clothing. This, compounded by sexual abuse, caused Walt to believe he was born in the wrong body.

Because of this deeply painful experience, Walt shared an important message: Putting children with gender dysphoria on the path to hormones, puberty blockers, and even life-altering surgery is dangerous. As he said:

“I stand before you with a mutilated body, with a life that was destroyed in many ways, redeemed by Christ certainly, but destroyed because I was affirmed and told how cute I look, how wonderful it was. And I went to a gender therapist who said, ‘All you need to do is have hormones and reassignment surgery.’

Walt Heyer
Former transgender

“I stand before you with a mutilated body, with a life that was destroyed in many ways, redeemed by Christ certainly, but destroyed because I was affirmed and told how cute I look, how wonderful it was. And I went to a gender therapist who said, ‘All you need to do is have hormones and reassignment surgery.’

According to the Federalist, YouTube said Walt’s words violated their hate speech policy, which “prohibits videos which assert that someone’s sexuality or gender identity is a disease or mental illness.” YouTube also said that Walt Heyer’s view that people are “not born transgender” was unacceptable for its platform.

For these reasons, YouTube took down the video.

This is censorship plain and simple. YouTube promises to be a place where people can share their views, while actively preventing Walt from sharing his story. But Walt’s experience is valid and worth sharing. If YouTube genuinely wants to be a marketplace of ideas, then it should not censor views it doesn’t like.

But it goes beyond that. Protecting dissent is a uniquely American tradition. As the U.S. Supreme Court has said, the “freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.”

An honest and open conversation on gender dysphoria and transgenderism is greatly needed in our society today. But this won’t happen if platforms like YouTube continue to censor people like Walt just because they hold a particular view.

Maureen Collins is a Web Writer at Alliance Defending Freedom. Maureen has a passion for writing, and her work has appeared on The Federalist and MRCTV.org. Before joining ADF, Maureen worked in conservative think tanks including The Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation.

VIew the updated video with Walt Heyer below.

After pandemic, BibleWalk re-opens doors with new majestic tour (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — As many are trying to make sense of dramatic world events rapidly occurring, one popular visitor destination in the Buckeye Bible Belt is re-opening its doors and making an expansion of ‘Biblical proportions.’

After temporarily closing its doors during the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown, BibleWalk has announced it is unveiling its newest tour, entitled “The Kingdom of God.” This latest exhibit tour joins five other tours at the attraction, which annually attracts forty-thousand visitors and is Ohio’s only life-size wax museum.

BibleWalk marquee (Photo courtesy of Joji Abraham)

“The primary message of God’s Word is about a King and His Kingdom,” says Julia Mott-Hardin, Director of BibleWalk. “God once placed man in the Garden of Eden, because of the blood of Jesus the Garden of Eden has now been placed within man – ‘For behold the Kingdom of God is within you.’

Other exhibit tours include: The Life of Christ, Miracles of the Old Testament, The Heart of the Reformation, The Museum of Christian Martyrs and Amazing Grace – The Journeys of Paul.

According to Mott-Hardin, a key message of GOD’s Word is about the King of Kings, His Kingdom, and the restoration of His kingdom to Earth. This thirty minute tour  will take an in-depth look involving several scenes with Jesus and Nicodemus, Jesus and Pilate, and the Parable of the Sower.

BibleWalk is a world-renowned life-size wax museum featuring 100 scenes and over 325 wax figures. Each scene is complemented by individual wall murals, authentic costuming and is also underscored by original music and narration. BibleWalk – God’s Word in wax, alive with God’s Holy Spirit.

This new self-guided tour will be at a cost of $5.50 for adults, $5.25 for seniors and $4.25 for students. Due to the financial impact of COVID-19, the museum is pleased to extend a 10% discount on admission prices in addition to free tours for children 10 and under. Normal hours are Wednesday thru Saturday between 10:00am – 4:00pm.

BibleWalk also houses eight one-of-a-kind exhibits: The Walk of Parables, American Votive Folk-Art, Wood-Carvings, Emmanuel Word Pictures, Rare Bible Collection, Christian Art Gallery, Elfred Lee’s painting – The Invitation and three Animated Scenes.

The bird’s eye view of the “Walk of the Parables at BibleWalk
(Photo courtesy of Eric Fatka)

BibleWalk will be adding their ninth exhibit in winter of 2020 with over two hundred Bibles in all different languages from around the world.

BibleWalk is an outreach ministry of Diamond Hills Cathedral located at 500 Tingley Avenue.

BibleWalk first opened its doors August 15, 1987. At that time BibleWalk, also known as “The Living Bible Museum,” consisted of museum quality fiberglass figures consisting of 19 scenes. Today, BibleWalk has grown into 100 scenes and over 325 wax figures.

Local clergy at a 2019 “year of the Bible” press conference at BibleWalk
Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Last year BibleWalk hosted a local clergy press conference where pastors from one hundred-fifty congregations in North Central Ohio declared 2019 as the “Year of the Bible.”

Visit the museum’s Facebook here for further information. View the video link below of BibleWalk Museum.

Related article:

Black Lives Matter protesters vandalize Statehouse during ‘stand down’ (VIDEO)

Ohio state motto at Statehouse Rotunda (Photo courtesy of screenshot)

COLUMBUS — As demonstrators in the Black Lives Matter movement vandalize buildings and landmarks around the nation, two leaders in the Ohio capital are taking heat for their tepid approach to the violence.

For the second time in three weeks, the Ohio Statehouse fell victim to extensive vandalism, as vandals in broad daylight defaced much of the Statehouse grounds including the Ohio State Motto emblem. One Constitutional advocate is not happy and believes the Mayor of Columbus and the Governor of Ohio should show stronger leadership.

Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio

in 2012, Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance (OCA) helped get a Constitutional studies program approved for Ohio classrooms. Long believes the handwriting is on the wall for Judeo-Christian values if elected officials watch and standby.

“This is painful witnessing the defacing of our seat of government. In the one hundred and sixty-three years of the existence of the Ohio Statehouse, this level of vandalism has never occurred. We are a nation of laws, and what is being displayed before the people of Ohio at this time is a breakdown of law and order.”

Chris Long
(Photo courtesty of OCA)

Long questions why Democrat Mayor Andrew Ginther is telling police to “stand down” as anarchists pillage the Capital grounds. An audio recording of a 9-1-1 call involving a Columbus Police Department (CPD) dispatch reveals the CPD was aware of the protest but was told to stand down by the Mayor.

Meanwhile, a group of vandals rushed the Statehouse defacing the Capital and memorials with graffiti and red paint. According to the spokesperson for the State Highway Patrol, a criminal investigation was underway, but as of late Friday afternoon no arrests had been made.

House Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford) is threatening to cut state funding to the City of Columbus after the incident. The Speaker was also critical of the Republican Governor Mike DeWine for his lack of protection of the Statehouse grounds.

“We are calling on Governor DeWine to take action. It is your duty Mr. Governor, to protect the “People’s House” and seat of our state government. You have at your command two policing authorities: The State Highway Patrol and the Ohio National Guard. As you have often said in your daily press briefings, the buck stops with you.  We as people of faith will continue to pray for peace and civility to prevail throughout our state and nation.”

Chris Long
Ohio Christian Alliance

In a OCA press release, Long declared, “We are calling on Governor DeWine to take action. It is your duty Mr. Governor, to protect the “People’s House” and seat of our state government. You have at your command two policing authorities: The State Highway Patrol and the Ohio National Guard. As you have often said in your daily press briefings, the buck stops with you.  We as people of faith will continue to pray for peace and civility to prevail throughout our state and nation.”

To add insult to injury, Mayor Ginther and officials at Columbus State Community College said they will be removing statues of the explorer Christopher Columbus from the college and other public spaces.

As the BLM movement attempts to “dismantle the western-prescribed nuclear family, the state could very well be headed for…. uncharted waters.

View the video below produced by Wallbuilders discussing the significant contributions of Christopher Columbus.

Article updated July 12, 2020

Praying Ohio clergy believe pandemic decline just what the doctor ordered (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Earlier this month, media reported Ohio’s COVID-19 cases had declined and that “it was impossible to say for sure what was contributing to the plateau.” Despite six weeks of reopening the state’s economy, media noted other states were seeing a surge in COVID-19, while Ohio was not. Several area clergy believe this decline in COVID-19 cases was not by random chance.

Reverend Paul Lintern serves as Pastor of both Oakland Luthern Church and Southside Christian Church. The pastor also helped coordinate a clergy press conference that drew national attention and a prayer initiative that coincided with a call to prayer.

Pastor Jody Odom praying with Pastor Paul Lintern behind.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“On March 25th, we had clergymen representing one hundred and twenty congregations in North Central Ohio that held a press conference standing in solidarity during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our group proclaimed our trust in Psalm 91 and that ‘only the Most High GOD would be our refuge and fortress delivering us from the perilous pestilence.”

And deliver from the perilous pestilence the LORD has.

The number of weekly COVID-19 cases for the week ending June 8th was the lowest since the second week of April. The number of currently hospitalized patients went from an estimated 1,067 to 513. And the percent of tests returning positive results each day has dropped from 10.7% to 3.2%.

Interestingly, during the zenith of the clergy’s season of prayer and fasting between April 5th- April 16th, state health officials dramatically changed their projections from a peak of ten thousand new cases in Ohio per day to a significantly lower one thousand-six hundred cases. Projected deaths also were dramatically decreased to less than half of originally forecasted.

According to Pastor Lintern, local intercessors continued to meet thru the pandemic for sixty-seven days.

“While other communities may not discuss what happens after their prayers, I believe our faith community is the exception,” says Pastor Jody Odom of Ambassadors for Christ. “We pray and watch what GOD does, and then we thank Him. We believe GOD is still not done yet in Ohio.

Reverend Odom continued, “Our acknowledgement of GOD perpetuates our relationship with Him. Psalm 136 recites key moments in Israel’s history and ends each miraculous event with the refrain: “His love endures forever.” I believe the refrain reminds GOD’s people that their experiences are not just random historical events and that each moment is orchestrated by GOD.”

“Our acknowledgement of GOD perpetuates our relationship with Him. Psalm 136 recites key moments in Israel’s history and ends each miraculous event with the refrain: ‘His love endures forever.’ I believe the refrain reminds GOD’s people that their experiences are not just random historical events and that each moment is orchestrated by GOD.”

Pastor Jody Odom
AMbassadors for Christ

Last year during a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving held by area clergy, both the Mansfield Mayor and Richland County Board of Commissioners publicly acknowledged Divine intervention curtailing the cholera pandemic in August of 1849 after national corporate prayer and fasting. Little did anyone know that the moment would become a precursor for things to come.

Pastor Odom comments, “We always want to thank Almighty GOD for every good and perfect thing in our community because it ultimately comes from GOD. Just like Moses, we need to lift our arms up so that God’s people can prevail over the enemy (COVID-19).”

View the clergy press conference below calling for prayer and fasting during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

“So Aaron did as Moses said, and ran into the midst of the assembly. The plague had already started among the people, but Aaron offered the incense and made atonement for them. He stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped” Numbers 16:47-48

Governor signs Student Religious Liberties Act into law (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — Despite efforts by the ACLU, a student religious freedom measure has crossed the finish line.

This afternoon Governor Mike DeWine signed the Student Religious Liberties Act, HB 164. Sponsored by Rep. Tim Ginter (R-Salem), the bill protects freedom of religious expression and students’ right to pray in public schools.

Rep. Timothy Ginter
(Photo courtesy of Ohio Government)

Rep. Ginter pointed out the bill was necessary. “We were seeing increased pressure on our schools from groups biased against Ohio students’ religious freedoms. Many school officials are confused, and frankly intimidated by the threat of litigation from these well-funded groups.”

During committee hearings for the bill, students testified that their high school clubs were being treated differently from secular groups, such as not being included in the school yearbook and not being given the same access to facilities for meetings.

“No student should have to hide their faith just because they enter a public school, says Aaron Baer, President of the Citizens for Community Values. (CCV) “The Student Religious Liberties Act is carefully crafted to ensure school administrators do not unfairly penalize students of all faiths, or even students of no faith.”

The new law clarifies that students can pray, wear religious clothing, meet on school grounds, and express their faith in school, so long as their expressions are not disruptive. The law will also abolish any restrictions on students from engaging in religious expression in completion of homework, artwork or other assignments.

“No student should have to hide their faith just because they enter a public school. The Student Religious Liberties Act is carefully crafted to ensure school administrators do not unfairly penalize students of all faiths, or even students of no faith.”


“The ACLU and atheist organizations may have tried to stop this bill to prevent Christian, Jewish, Muslim and non-religious students from having fundamental protections, Ohio lawmakers stood up for the First Amendment and sent a clear message that the Buckeye State respects the diversity of viewpoints.

“It should not be controversial to stand for religious freedom. That is why we are grateful to Governor Mike DeWine for signing this bill, and to Senate President Larry Obhof and Speaker Larry Householder for giving this essential legislation fair consideration.”


The CCV policy team joined Senate President Larry Obhof as he signed the bill to transmit it to Governor DeWine. (Photo courtesy of CCV)

Rep. Ginter got an “A” for effort in the latest legislation.

Mr. Baer added, “Like many pieces of legislation, it takes a great amount of perseverance to get the job done. Rep. Tim Ginter, the bill’s sponsor, has faithfully pressed this legislation forward for the last three General Assemblies. Through roadblocks and attacks, Rep. Ginter was a steady hand to get this legislation done. Ohio families and students of faith are better protected today because of his steady hand!”

The victory for religious conservatives in Ohio comes off the heels of the Heartbeat Bill which passed last year.

View the video below to learn more about the mission of Citizens for Community Values.

See related article:

RCPN releases statement on Mansfield resolution involving racism (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — City Council will be voting on a draft resolution Tuesday night declaring racism as a public health crisis. The resolution (Bill 123) comes in the wake of the George Floyd murder case that has engulfed the nation in civil unrest. One group not supporting the measure says the resolution falls short in combating the problem of racism and could set the wheels in motion to defunding the police department.

“As a mental health therapist for many years, racism is not and never has been a mental health problem,”says Reverend El Akuchie, Executive Director of the Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN). “Racism is a spiritual problem of the heart. Racism, prejudice, or bigotry are not listed as mental health conditions in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Currently there is no support for including extreme racism under any diagnostic category.”

RCPN is a Bible-based catalyst ministry that partners with local clergy to bring moral clarity. The group believes the Bill 123 is part of the same movement calling for the defunding of police departments across the nation and will be the likely next step if the measure passes.

Reverend El Akuchie, (pictured on right) with several clergy for a press conference at city hall.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Cities across the nation are declaring racism as a public health emergency and then singling police departments out as the culprit,” says the Pastor. “While this may leave law enforcement as the budget casualty, the neighborhoods and businesses will become the real victims.”

The cities of Minneapolis and Boston recently declared public health emergencies and are defunding their police departments. In addition, city school districts in Denver, Portland, and Seattle are terminating ties with their police departments; each declared racism as a public health emergency.

The Prayer Network also says true systematic racism-the targeted abortion of black babies, should be declared as the real public health emergency. Planned Parenthood has been called out with seventy-nine percent of its abortion facilities located in minority neighborhoods. According to the Ohio Department of Health, 8,204 black babies were aborted in 2018.

Reverend Akuchie points out, “Why does one person group (blacks) which represents thirteen percent of Ohio’s population account for forty percent of the state’s abortion number? Bill 123 does not mention this travesty.”

“Bill 123 names racism as the root cause for all these social problems without listing any footnoted references. There are no local examples of racism listed and there is no evidence presented demonstrating a relationship between these issues and racism. How can a governing body positively support a resolution when it leaves more questions than answers?”

Reverend El Akuchie
Richland Community Prayer Network

The bill states there is a need to “lift collective voices to improve the lives of people of color living in Mansfield and Richland County, and that racism, not race causes disproportionately high rates of homelessness, incarceration, poor education, health issues, including mental health, and economic hardship for African Americans particularly.”

Reverend Akuchie asks, “Bill 123 names racism as the root cause for all these social problems without listing any footnoted references. There are no local examples of racism listed and there is no evidence presented demonstrating a relationship between these issues and racism. How can a governing body positively support a resolution when it leaves more questions than answers?”

Click on the video below by the American Center for Law and Justice addressing the funding of the police versus Planned Parenthood during the national conversation on systematic racism.

See related articles:

Ohio Pastor tells Congress defunding police has proven to be epic failure (VIDEO)


CLEVELAND — A Cleveland Heights pastor provided testimony this week before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee in a hearing on U.S. policing practices and law enforcement accountability.

Reverend Darrell Scott, Pastor of the urban New Spirit Revival Center gave his candid assessment.

Reverend Darrell Scott
(Photo courtesy of Twitter)

“The prospect of defunding and/or dismantling of police forces across the country is one of the most unwise, irresponsible proposals by American politicians in our nation’s history. It is nothing short of the politicizing of current social events, a reactionary measure that can result in short and long term damage to American society. … The criminal element in and of society would enjoy nothing better than a reduction in police presence and power.”

Pastor Scott cautioned that the absence of law enforcement would potentially trigger a “rise in acts of domestic terrorism, mob rule, neighborhood intimidation and oppression, and vigilante-ism.”

“The prospect of defunding and/or the dismantling of police forces across the country is one of the most unwise, irresponsible proposals by American politicians in our nation’s history. It is nothing short of the politicizing of current social events, a reactionary measure that can result in short and long term damage to American society. The criminal element in and of society would enjoy nothing better than a reduction in police presence and power.”

Reverend Darrell Scott
New Spirit Revival Center

Reverend Scott shared that he has been racially profiled by police, has given the “talk” to his grandson on how to properly behave when pulled over by police, and how he was “roughed up” at age 13 by police in his first personal encounter with law enforcement.

“I could have easily been George Floyd,” said the pastor. “However, I do not recommend throwing the baby out with the bathwater by labeling all police officers as bad cops simply because of the bad actions of a rogue segment of those whose job is supposed to protect and serve American citizens.”

Reverend Scott called Cleveland, Ohio a “prime example” of the failure of police defunding when in 2004 the City of Cleveland slashed its budget for its police force by 31% and laid off hundreds of officers.

“Two hundred and eighty-five police officers were laid off in 2004. Law enforcement divisions like the Narcotics Unit, the SWAT, the Auto-theft Unit, the Mounted Unit, Aviation Unit, the DARE program, and community policing were all cut. We have seen the police response times increase. Murders have increased by 55% compared to the same time last year and drug-related car accidents are the highest they have been. Cleveland has had a higher rate of murder than Chicago per 1,000 residents. In short, defunding police has already happened in Cleveland and is an epic failure.”

Last month Pastor Darrell Scott praised President Trump’s relationship with the black community during a roundtable event, dubbing him the most pro-black President he’s seen in his lifetime.

Pastor Darrell Scott with President Donald Trump (Photo courtesy of Twitter)

“I’ve lived under twelve presidential administrations,” Pastor Scott said. “I was born during Eisenhower’s administration. This President has been the most pro-black President in my lifetime. When I say ‘pro,’ I am saying ‘pro’ as in proactive. He has been proactive rather than reactive to issues concerning minorities; more than any other President in my lifetime.”

In 2019, black unemployment in the United States fell to the lowest annual level ever last year, averaging 6.1 percent.

Scott served as a member of Trump’s Presidential transition team and helped launch the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, which aims to mobilize minority voters to support Trump and provide them a voice in his campaign.

Click on the PBS video below to view Pastor Darrell Scott’s testimony before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

See related articles:

Faith leaders applaud President Trump’s “essential” declaration for houses of worship (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Despite the guaranteed freedom of religion, city and state governments across the nation are still showing hostility towards people of faith during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently local clergy across the Buckeye Bible Belt gave their approval of President Donald Trump’s recent declaration incorporated with new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Last month President Trump identified houses of worship including churches and synogogues as places that provide essential services.

Clergy from 120 congregations in North Central Ohio called for a season of prayer & fasting in March. Vital stats indicate Ohio has now flattened the curve on Coronavirus cases. (Photo courtesy of Nigel Hardin)

The President stated, “Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion centers as essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship; but that’s not right. So I am correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow churches and houses of worship to open up right now. These are places that hold our society together and keep our people united. In America we need more prayer, not less.”

Just one day prior to the President’s declaration, Pastor J.C. Church of Victory in Truth Ministries was with the President on a group conference call.

Reverend J. C. Church

According to the Bucyrus Pastor, “The President has made it loud and clear that religious freedom is a priority in his Administration. He understands how vital the Church is to society. In Ohio, Governor DeWine has gone to the church to combat the Opioid crisis, the mental health crisis, and the poverty crisis. When there is disaster, churches are there to pick up the pieces.”

Reverend Steve Schag

Pastor Steve Schag of Shelby Calvary Baptist adds, “With all the talk of the preservation of the health and well-being of individuals, how can we not speak to the preservation of the spiritual health and well-being of our nation? The President is correct. The “free-exercise” of our religion should not be throttled by governmental authorities which Romans Chapter 13 says are themselves “ordained of GOD.”

“Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion centers as essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship; but that’s not right. So I am correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow churches and houses of worship to open up right now. These are places that hold our society together and keep our people united. In America we need more prayer, not less.”

President Donald Trump

Pastor John Bouquet of Savannah Bethel Baptist outside Ashland agrees with both clergy.

Reverend John Bouquet

“To promote the well-being of body, soul, and mind, it is essential for churches to publicly congregate in person. The point could be made that as it is essential for the human soul that people worship, it is essential for the community that congregations provide ministry.

“Church and congregational worship have always been essential. The sad reality is that some in government cannot not see that. Therefore they choose to restrict the very people that provide some of the greatest resources for community stability.”

Rabbi William Halbrook of Sar Shalom Center in Ontario comments “I think Governor DeWine knew he could not constitutionally shut down the churches, but he strongly suggested that we not meet. Hebrews 10:25 talks about “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook

“But the passage also goes on to say ‘exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.’ I believe these days are the last days of the Messiah’s return. As a faith leader, I appreciate the President’s strong statement, but there may come a time when people of faith may have to choose between obeying man or obeying GOD.”

Reverend El Akuchie summarizes the local clergy’s approval of the Trump declaration.

Reverend El Akuchie

“I can’t think of a President who has done more for religious freedom in this country than Donald Trump. GOD really broke the mold when He created Mr. Trump. I am not sure any human being saw this coming after the 2016 elections,” said the pastor of Godsfield House of Prayer.

“We should expect the unexpected when it comes to GOD’s purposes and plans.”

View the Fox News video below of President Trump’s declaration on houses of worship.

See related article:

Guest Column: Black leader explains why he will not join the Black Lives Movement (VIDEO)


Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed (including cops) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd’s horrific death. What about the black lives killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?

Ryan Scott Bomberger
(Photo courtesy of Radiance Foundation)

“Well, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the #BlackLivesMatter movement,” I’m told. Really? Let’s apply that same logic to another example. I’ve been repeatedly approached to partner with New Black Panthers in anti-abortion billboard campaigns. We agree on the violent injustice of abortion, and that’s it. Our worldviews are diametrically opposed. But, but, but they believe unborn lives matterThat doesn’t matter. Their mission is not my mission. I cover all of this in-depth in my new podcast, Life Has Purpose

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter. But Truth matters. As a Christian, the Church should be leading on these issues instead of sheepishly following a deceptive movement hostile to the Gospel.

The original BLM founders, the #BlackLivesMatter Foundation (BLMF), created it to radically shift culture. The far-left Ford Foundation, the world’s largest population control organization, vowed in 2016 to raise $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives(MFBL)—a nationwide coalition of BLM groups (including BLMF). MFBL released a shocking manifesto of policy positions that are deeply political and deeply disturbing. 

Drawing mostly from those positions, here are the top ten reasons why I will never support the #BlackLivesMatter movement. 

The premise isn’t true. I hate racism. And I hate when it’s used as a political weapon. According to the FBI’s latest homicide statistics, I’m eleven times more likely to be killed by someone of my own brown complexion than a white person. Also, a comprehensive 2019 study concluded: “White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers.” Every loss of life is tragic, but Washington Post’s database on police-involved deaths puts things into further context. In 2020, among those killed were (all males): two Native Americans, nine Asians, forty-six Hispanics, seventy-six blacks, (149) unlabeled individuals and (149) whites (whose deaths don’t get reported by national mainstream media). Only nine black individuals were actually unarmed.

“I hate racism. And I hate when it’s used as a political weapon. According to the FBI’s latest homicide statistics, I’m eleven times more likely to be killed by someone of my own brown complexion than a white person. Also, a comprehensive 2019 study concluded: “White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers.”

Ryan Scott Bomberger

There is no goal of forgiveness or reconciliation. None. It’s never mentioned on their sites. You can’t talk about the sins of the past and expect to move forward if there is no intention of forgiveness. I’m tired of the deeply prejudiced oppressed/oppressor critical race theory paradigm. It’s not Gospel-centered. This should, immediately, be a deal-breaker for Christians.

It’s all about Black Power. It’s plastered all over the MFBL website.BLMF founders explain their “herstory”: “It became clear that we needed to continue organizing and building Black power across the country.” I don’t promote a colorblind society; I love all of our diverse hues of skin. But I’m so much more than my pigmentation. Martin Luther King promoted “God’s power and human power.” I’m with him.

They heavily promote homosexuality and transgenderism. “We foster a queer-affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.” I’m not embracing confusion. Loving every human being is not the same as loving every human doing.

They completely ignore fatherhood. From BLMF: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” Well, every “village” that has fatherless families is a village that suffers higher crime rates, higher drug usage, higher abortion rates, higher drop-out rates, higher poverty rates, and so much more. #DadsMatter.

They demand reparations. Ok. Sooooo, I guess the white half of me will have to pay the black half of me? If progressives want to push reparations, start with the Party of Slavery and Jim Crow—the Democrat Party! Let them ante up. But the #BlackLivesMatter movement bizarrely demands“Reparations for…full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education…retroactive forgiveness of student loans, and support for lifetime learning programs.” Uhhh, good luck with that. 

They want to abolish prisons and police forces. And…cue utter chaos. MFBL asserts“We believe that prisons, police and all other institutions that inflict violence on Black people must be abolished…” Defund and remove the police have been rallying cries. That would be anarchy in any community. I advocate some needed police reforms and better community/police relations, but this is just foolishness. 

They are anti-capitalism. Oh the irony of this declaration made by a movement that is the result of capitalism: “We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.” The videos that make us aware of police brutality are captured on phones that are a result of capitalism. The best way to elevate people out of material poverty? Capitalism. This system is why the United States is the most charitable nation. 

Colin Kaepernick supports it. A “bi-racial” adoptee, Kaepernick is now obsessed with his “blackness.” He idolizes the late murderous Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and worships Malcolm X (just see his social media feeds). Malcolm X was anti-integration, pro-violence and a member of the virulently racist Nation of Islam (who forced him out). Kaepernick makes millions from Nike—a company whose entire Executive Leadership Team is white (isn’t this white supremacy???)—that makes its shoes in the most murderous regime in the world. Kaepernick, of course, is completely silent on that. But you know, #SocialJusticeWarrior.

Apparently, not all black lives matter. Pro-abortion BLMF declared: “We deserve and thus we demand reproductive justice [aka abortion] that gives us autonomy over our bodies and our identities while ensuring that our children and families are supported, safe, and able to thrive.” Aborted children don’t thrive. BLM groups announced “solidarity” with “reproductive justice” groups back in February 2015. You cannot simultaneously fight violence while celebrating it.

Ryan Scott Bomberger founded the Radiance Foundation and is a broadcast media designer, producer columnist and international public speaker. Recently Ryan authored the book: “Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong.” His recent podcast on Black Lives Matter can be heard

Guest Column: Ransacking the rule of law in America (AUDIO)


When the mobs picked up guns and baseball bats and headed back into the streets last night, it was no longer about George Floyd. The chaos that’s erupting at dark has stopped telling his story — and started telling ours as a lost and desperate country. “It’s okay to be angry,” George’s brother said. But the man in whose name policemen are being shot, cities are being burned, and businesses are being destroyed would have never wanted this. He was “about peace.” And if the rioters cared about justice, they would be too.

Tony Perkins
(Photo courtesy of FRC)

But as dawn broke, even more cities had been brought to their knees by raging crowds that left officers in critical condition and communities beyond ruin. Despite curfews, low-flying military helicopters, and the deployment of the National Guard, hordes of crowds bent on violence hurled whatever they could find — rocks, fireworks, bricks — at teams in riot gear, torching cars and buildings along the way. As President Trump said earlier in the day, “These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror. The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God.”

Like most Americans, the Floyd family has looked on with horror. “If his own family and blood are trying to deal with it and be positive about it, and go another route to seek justice,” Terrance Floyd insisted on ABC, “then why are you out here tearing up your community?” Floyd’s girlfriend also tried, emotionally telling them that “Waking up this morning to see Minneapolis on fire would be something that would devastate [him]. He loved the city.” Even Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s daughter, Bernice, tried to break through the madness. Peaceful protests “did not fail my father.” And, President Trump insisted, they will not fail us now.

“America is founded upon the rule of law,” he reminded the country. “It is the foundation of our prosperity, our freedom, and our very way of life. But where there is no law, there is no opportunity. Where there is no justice, there is no liberty. Where there is no safety, there is no future. We must never give in to anger or hatred. If malice or violence reigns, then none of us is free.” If state leaders refuse to realize that and act, he will. “If a city or a state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.”

“”These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror. The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God.”

President Donald Trump

To the anarchists, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa, and others, the message was simple: America won’t tolerate more. It’s time, former Cincinnati mayor Ken Blackwell said, “for local leaders to harness peoples’ grief and anger and channel it in a constructive direction.” Mayors, he insisted, “are the ones whose leadership matters the most right now… If they sit on the sidelines or if they fiddle [in fear] while their cities burn, they create a context where this sort of lawlessness is this accepted. And if you cower to lawlessness or you turn a blind eye… what you’re going to get is more of it.” And that, he warned, will rip apart the fabric of the community. In the end, Ken promised, that “will do more harm to [America] than COVID-19.”

Unfortunately, Americans have already seen what comes from a wasteland of leadership in places like Minneapolis, where Mayor Jacob Frey (D) stepped back and fueled the lawlessness by refusing to contain it. And quite frankly, he bears a lot of the responsibility for what’s spreading across the nation. He put his hands up and turned his city over to the agitators — giving leaders in other communities the license and excuse to do the same. Now look at the mess America’s in. Our law enforcers are literally engaged in hand-to-hand combat on U.S. streets. “What he did,” Ken agreed, “was actually tantamount to a dog whistle to terrorists and lawless thugs to terrorize his city.”

President Trump is taking the issue seriously, because he understands, as Ken said, “Those of us in positions of authority or influence have a duty to restore and unite for justice. Chaos and mindless destruction will destroy our communities.”

And for change to ever take root, there are deeper problems at work in this country that have to be addressed. Mob violence and police brutality spring from the same fountain: moral bankruptcy. As I explain in the Washington Times, the abuse of power, disregard for human life, and uncontrolled rage were witnessing in cities across our country, all flow from a society that is rapidly losing a sense of right and wrong, of transcendent truth. If there is an upside to this, it might be that in the quiet of our hearts, we’ll finally realize that goodness, truth, and beauty only comes from God. He’s the One who delivers hope — and in the midst of this crisis — the One who delivers healing.

Originally published in Tony Perkins’ Washington Update.

Listen to the audio below of a radio interview by Tony Perkins with former Mayor of Cincinnati Ken Blackwell discussing recent national civil unrest.

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