Tag: North Central Ohio

104 Clergy back parents’ rights by advocating for Ohio Backpack Bill

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Does the government really know what’s best for kids? In some Ohio public schools, instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic, elementary students are being taught about preferred pronouns and the number of gender identities they can have. Last Fall when informed parents took their concerns to

91 Ohio clergy rebuke Governor on Super Bowl week for expansion of sports gambling

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — As Ohioans are counting on the Cincinnati Bengals to win Super Bowl LVI, the Ohio Governor and Legislature are counting on Ohioans to lose. Recently Governor Mike DeWine signed a bill into law legalizing sports betting in order to replenish state coffers with additional tax revenue.

Clergy stand for Israel brings rebound to North Central Ohio

MANSFIELD — In January of 2017, Ohio clergy from over one-hundred congregations in North-Central Ohio sent an apology letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the position the Obama Administration took in not defending Israel. The clergy were critical of the Obama Administration which allowed U.N. Resolution 2334 to