Tag: Mike DeWine

Ohio Judge reinstates FACE Act: “Gender-affirming care carries undeniable risk and permanent outcomes

COLUMBUS — It was poetic justice the ACLU lost a case at the hands of its own hand-picked court. The Ohio SAFE Act, or House Bill 68 was reinstated last week. This common sense law safeguards women’s sports and outlaws puberty blockers and mutilation surgeries for minors. While left-wing activists

Ohio religious leaders to Ohio lawmakers: “Repeal recreational cannabis-period.”

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Even after the passage of Issue 2, Marijuana remains a controversial issue. After religious, business, and civic leaders staunchly opposed ‘recreational’ Marijuana legalization, the election results showed their efforts came up short. With fifty-seven percent of Ohio voters supporting Marijuana, Governor Mike DeWine declared that the

Guest Column: Ohio GOP Decides no funds for abstinence school lessons

Republicans in Ohio hold a super-majority in the state legislature, and yet the recently passed two year budget contains little or nothing for abstinence-until-marriage sex education in Ohio schools. So the admirable efforts of the nine organizations comprising the Ohio Adolescent Health Centers, serving tens of thousands of students each

Ohio clergy say ‘all bets are off’ as predatory sports gambling launches January 1st (VIDEO)

MANSFIELD — Sports betting will be legal in Ohio at the beginning of 2023.  Last January clergy released an open letter to the Ohio Governor saying predatory sports betting on collegiate and professional sports will be a bad bet for Ohio and will lay the foundation for a corrupt banana

GUEST COLUMN: Does Ohio need an Education Emperor?

Ohio parents are stunned to learn that a complete overhaul of Ohio education is being proposed at the Statehouse with rushed hearings and little debate, during the lame duck session of the Ohio General Assembly at the end of 2022. It’s a bill that’s been around for a while but suddenly, it’s everyone’s top priority.

Beyond shadow of a doubt: Ohioans go red on election night as GOP takes Supreme Court & state races

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — The blood red moon early on election day was a foreshadowing of things to come in the Buckeye State as the GOP took key races on election night in the House, Senate, and Supreme Court. With all three conservative justices winning their respective races, the State

Cannabis activists call off 2022 efforts weeks after Clergy “Believe Local” campaign launched (VIDEO)

MANSFIELD — Marijuana legalization will not be on the ballot for this November’s general election in Ohio. The “Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol” (CRMLA) instead said it will delay its legalization campaign until 2023. The announcement comes weeks after clergy from one hundred and ten congregations stated their opposition

45 Clergy back Renacci’s gubernatorial bid to make a more accountable Ohio (VIDEO)

COLUMBUS — Many believe the Republican primary for Governor on May 3rd will be a referendum on Mike DeWine’s handling of the COVID pandemic. Ohio was one of the first states to lockdown and many suffered from harsh state mandates. If some Ohio clergy have their way, the Buckeye State

Key stakeholders give convincing case against legalizing marijuana in Ohio (VIDEO)

COLUMBUS –In 2015, Ohio voters soundly turned down a ballot measure that would have legalized limited use and possession of recreational marijuana in Ohio by a 64-36 margin. However, the issue has not gone away. One coalition is urging lawmakers to consider the errors of other states where recreational marijuana

91 Ohio clergy rebuke Governor on Super Bowl week for expansion of sports gambling

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — As Ohioans are counting on the Cincinnati Bengals to win Super Bowl LVI, the Ohio Governor and Legislature are counting on Ohioans to lose. Recently Governor Mike DeWine signed a bill into law legalizing sports betting in order to replenish state coffers with additional tax revenue.

Ohio General Assembly slaps down DeWine’s runaway COVID-19 powers

COLUMBUS—At a time where suicide and substance abuse is on the rise, last week the Ohio General Assembly overrode Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of a law designed to curb public health officials’ runaway COVID-19 powers. With the Governor’s detractors emphasizing the lockdown’s negative impact on mental health, the recent vote

Josh Mandel reaches conservative celebrity status after being censored by cancel culture

LEBANON– This weekend Solid Rock Church hosted a Patriot America Conference addressing how to take back the country. Organizers discussed how the Constitution was made ‘for such a time is this.’ U.S. Senate hopeful and former State Treasurer Josh Mandel was one of the featured speakers. Mandel is one of

DeWine signs law preventing local & state governments from closing churches

MANSFIELD — Although he never passed such orders, Governor Mike DeWine has been criticized during the COVID-19 pandemic for discouraging churches from holding in-person services. With many conservatives concerned about future government overreach, Republicans in the Legislature put a bill on the Governor’s desk. As a result, DeWine has signed a

Sacred assembly planned at Ashland Freer Field August 23rd (VIDEO)

ASHLAND — With churches around the country facing lockdowns and reverting to online services, local believers in the Buckeye Bible Belt will be exercising their freedom to assemble together…. in the open. This coming Sunday a sacred assembly sponsored by the Ashland County Ministerial Association (ACMA) has been announced, inviting

Ohio Court says health department cannot suspend licenses over masks

SAVANNAH — In the first attempt within Ohio to suspend a business license for an alleged mask violation, an Ohio Court of Common Pleas Thursday admonished its county health department from suspending local restaurants’ food service operations licenses in response to restaurant employees not wearing masks. The 1851 Center for

Black Lives Matter protesters vandalize Statehouse during ‘stand down’ (VIDEO)

COLUMBUS — As demonstrators in the Black Lives Matter movement vandalize buildings and landmarks around the nation, two leaders in the Ohio capital are taking heat for their tepid approach to the violence. For the second time in three weeks, the Ohio Statehouse fell victim to extensive vandalism, as vandals

Governor signs Student Religious Liberties Act into law (VIDEO)

COLUMBUS — Despite efforts by the ACLU, a student religious freedom measure has crossed the finish line. This afternoon Governor Mike DeWine signed the Student Religious Liberties Act, HB 164. Sponsored by Rep. Tim Ginter (R-Salem), the bill protects freedom of religious expression and students’ right to pray in public

Faith leaders applaud President Trump’s “essential” declaration for houses of worship (VIDEO)

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Despite the guaranteed freedom of religion, city and state governments across the nation are still showing hostility towards people of faith during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently local clergy across the Buckeye Bible Belt gave their approval of President Donald Trump’s recent declaration incorporated with new guidance