Month: April 2021

Despite Beltway disbelief, area National Day of Prayer still set for May 6th (SLIDESHOW)

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — For the first time in seventy years, there will be no public prayer service at the United States Capitol Building on the National Day of Prayer (NDOP). As the federal government inches closer to a totalitarian state, the separation between Washington D.C. and the rest of

72 Ohio clergy give ‘vote of no confidence’ to Dominion voting machines

MANSFIELD — A group of clergy are concerned about the integrity of future elections and skeptical their current election machine vendor can be a good-faith partner in votes to come. After the vendor acquired a negative track record in other state elections across the country, the clergy are calling for

Planned Parenthood finally admits its racist and eugenic ties…but continues same policies (VIDEO)

MANSFIELD — After decades of denial, America’s largest abortion provider admitted that its founder was a white supremist and eugenics advocate. Planned Parenthood finally ‘came clean’ after their admission except for one important detail, Planned Parenthood still targets babies in minority populations. The organization recently wrote in a New York

Faith leaders oppose removing protections for police officers

MANSFIELD — On a largely party-line vote, the U.S. House of Representatives approved H.R.1280, a massive overhaul of American policing that would make it easier to sue police officers. If the bill becomes law, one of its provisions would abolish “qualified immunity” for all local, state, and federal law enforcement officers.  According to

Ashland pastor says Canadian tyranny another example of how gov’t will never control Church (VIDEO)

SAVANNAH — At least one church has gone underground in Alberta, Canada, after the government closed the church to prevent congregants from attending services. In what is believed to be a first for the western world, the government triple-fenced the church, locked out its members, and imprisoned its pastor at

Ohio clergy celebrate Appeals Court reversal of Black decision on babies with Down Syndrome (VIDEO)

MANSFIELD — In an earth-shaking court decision, the second-highest court in the land upheld an Ohio law banning abortions from a prenatal Down Syndrome diagnosis. This decision strikes down a previous Federal Judge’s decision who said Roe v. Wade was the ‘law of the land.’ Due to his Planned Parenthood

Ohio General Assembly slaps down DeWine’s runaway COVID-19 powers

COLUMBUS—At a time where suicide and substance abuse is on the rise, last week the Ohio General Assembly overrode Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of a law designed to curb public health officials’ runaway COVID-19 powers. With the Governor’s detractors emphasizing the lockdown’s negative impact on mental health, the recent vote