Tag: 1619 Project

Investigation reveals public school officials using deceptive tactics to promote social justice (VIDEO)

COLUMBUS — Administrators and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) officers across the state of Ohio are revealing that bans on the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) will not stop them. Some employees at Columbus-area schools even revealed to Accuracy in Media’s investigators several of their deceptive tactics for sneaking

104 Clergy back parents’ rights by advocating for Ohio Backpack Bill

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Does the government really know what’s best for kids? In some Ohio public schools, instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic, elementary students are being taught about preferred pronouns and the number of gender identities they can have. Last Fall when informed parents took their concerns to

Ohio Board of Education rescinds social justice resolution as radical members resign

COLUMBUS — Ohio has a rich history in combatting racism and was one of the key states in the Underground Railroad movement. Last summer in a knee-jerk reaction, the Ohio State Board of Education passed a resolution stating there are systemic inequalities in the state among students of different racial

GUEST COLUMN: We still remember the motto: “With GOD all things are possible.”

Twenty-one years ago, a Governor from the Midwest found himself in a tight spot. He had chosen to display the motto from his state on the grounds of the restored Statehouse. Only problem was the ACLU really hated that motto because it flowed from the Book of Matthew. Ohio had

GUEST COLUMN: Celebrating America’s Birthday without the New York Times

When was America born? Was it when Jamestown was settled in 1607? When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620? When the 13 colonies won the War of Independence from Great Britain in 1781? Today, revisionist historians and new progressive models claim that America was born when African slaves arrived