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142 Clergymen encourage Ohioans to VOTE NO for Marijuana Issue 2: ‘Don’t let Buckeye State get lost in weeds’ (VIDEO) (SLIDESHOW)

Clergymen representing 142 congregations are warning Ohioans to VOTE NO on Issue 2 to prevent legalization of Recreational Marijuana. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD –Four pastors with law enforcement backgrounds are warning that Recreational Marijuana is addictive, habit-forming, and will adversely impact self-control. Not only will legalizing the psychoactive drug make it easier for organized crime to operate, a large group of faith leaders say there will be even greater repercussions to the culture if Issue 2 passes.

“As key stakeholders representing one hundred forty-two diverse congregations from twenty counties, we support vibrant communities, and believe legalization of Recreational Marijuana will radically disrupt the health and safety of our culture,” says Elder Moe Hill, former highway patrolman now faith leader.

Elder Moe Hill encourages Ohioans to VOTE NO on Issue 2 to prevent legalization of Recreational Marijuana. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“As the general public becomes desensitized to drug abuse, the next generation ultimately will become desensitized to right and wrong.  GOD has provided many helpful medicines which come from trees and plants, but the Bible plainly states there was one tree in the Garden which was forbidden to eat from.  In other words, there are natural products that can be toxic, including Marijuana” Elder Hill said at a press conference. 

According to an open letter signed by lead clergymen from around the state, the rap sheet on cannabis is long.  “For over fifty-years the federal government has classified Marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance because of its high potential for abuse. Whether it is flying a plane, driving a car, or navigating life, Marijuana decimates a person’s self-control.  It cognitively impairs its users by reducing reaction time, decreasing the ability to focus, and increasing risk-taking behavior.  And if that is not enough, this illicit drug, which is more potent than ever, alters the user’s mind and is associated with Schizophrenia and insomnia,” the clergy said.

Pastor Joseph Yerger added, “As the Bible says in Proverbs 25, ‘Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.” 

“We support vibrant communities, and believe legalization of Recreational Marijuana will radically disrupt the health and safety of our culture. In 2015, Ohioans overwhelmingly opposed the legalization of Recreational Marijuana.  Now this Fall on Tuesday November 7th, we encourage Ohioans to do the same and “VOTE NO” on Issue 2. Do not let the Buckeye State get lost in the weeds.”

Elder Moe Hill

One Morrow County Sheriff’s Deputy almost lost his life in 2010 when uncovering a clandestine Marijuana-growing operation.  Irrationally guarding his 1,700 Marijuana plants, a psychotic landowner shot Detective Brandon Moore four times.  Shane Roush was later convicted for attempted murder and felonious assault.

Pastor Steve Brenneman commented, “Issue 2 is bad for Ohio. I was Sheriff when Deputy Brandon Moore was shot and I was at the scene. With thirty-four years in law enforcement, eleven as Sheriff, I have seen first hand the devastating effects of Marijuana and how it has torn families apart. Marijuana will not release people from the problems of life, it will add to them. The only thing that will release depressed people from their problems is Jesus Christ.”

The clergy also cited in their open letter a recent case where one Cuyahoga County teenager, smoking Marijuana, intentionally drove her car 100 mph into a wall, killing her boyfriend and acquaintance.  She was convicted of four counts of murder this past summer.

Pastor Robert Kurtz says not only does Marijuana negatively impact the judgement of its users, it also adversely impacts the executive functions of the brain, decreasing reaction time.

Pastor Steve Brenneman shares about his experience combatting Marijauna as Morrow County Sheriff. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The American Automobile Association took ten years of data from Washington State which legalized Recreational Marijuana in 2012.  They found the percentage of THC-Positive drivers doubled after recreational use was legalized, and fatal crashes involving drivers who tested positive for Marijuana also increased two-fold.”

The Ohio faith community has consistently led the way in providing drug treatment ministries and opposing the use of Marijuana.  In 2017, Richland County clergymen representing seventy congregations successfully prevented the harvesting and dispensing of Marijuana. In 2022, lead clergymen representing one-hundred-ten congregations from nine different counties publicly opposed the state legalization of Recreational Marijuana.

Listed clergy co-signers have congregations located in 20 counties throughout Ohio.  Counties with the most congregations represented included: Richland (82), Ashland (9), Crawford (9), Trumbull (9), Wayne (7), Huron (4), Stark (4), Knox (3), Morrow (3).

“In 2015, Ohioans overwhelmingly opposed the legalization of Recreational Marijuana,” says Elder Hill. “Now this Fall on Tuesday, November 7th, we encourage Ohioans to do the same and “VOTE NO” on Issue 2. Do not let the Buckeye State get lost in the weeds.”

The Bottom Line:

“The Bible says in Luke Chapter Six, “Every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.”

View the slideshow below from Frontlines Ohio of the clergy press conference from Wednesday, October 4th opposing Issue 2 Recreational Marijuana.

View the video below from Frontlines Ohio of the clergy press conference from Wednesday, October 4th opposing Issue 2 Recreational Marijuana. (Video 22 min.)

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Ohio churches disenfranchised by lack of federal enforcement of FACE Act (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Department of Justice (DOJ) will work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom. When it comes to religious freedom, the DOJ appears to be asleep at the wheel and faith leaders are making a round trip.

Several clergy representing over one hundred congregations gave Congressman Jim Jordan a prayer proclamation last month stating they pray GOD will help the Judiciary Committee Chairman bring accountability to a weaponized Justice Department. They cited out of 125 cases of pro-abortion terrorism on churches and pregnancy resource centers, the DOJ has produced only 4 indictments from these incidents. The cases continue to mount.

Several North Central Ohio clergy met with Rep. Jim Jordan in August to voice concerns over the two- tiered system of justice, including misapplication of the FACE Act. Two area churches have been vandalized with perpetrators receiving no federal charges. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Eleven days following the meeting with Congressman Jim Jordan, a Shelby church in Richland County was vandalized to the tune of nearly $12,000 in damages. While the attack on the church has been publicized and is a federal offense, no suspect has been charged, and a federal investigation has yet to be initiated.

In 1994, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act was enacted to protect both reproductive health services and houses of religious worship equally.  Richland County Prosecutor Jodie Schumacher says the FACE Act law appears to be ambiguous.

“It is sad that we have these circumstances (vandalism at houses of worship). It seems any person with knowledge could begin or initiate a conversation with a federal investigative agency; typically it usually involves an aggrieved party reaching out.”

“However, in this instance 18 USC 247(g) states ‘no prosecution of any offense described in this section shall be undertaken by the United States except upon the certification in writing of the Attorney General or his designee that in his judgment a prosecution by the United States is in the public interest and necessary to secure substantial justice.’   Based on this provision, I am not certain where to point houses of worship, other than in the direction of their respective federal legislative representative.”    

“After the vandalism incident last month, our young people have been raising the roof during our nightly revival services. We have seen at least thirteen people commit their lives to Christ and yesterday we had some more baptisms. It seems that as more crimes are committed against churches, the more relevant the Body of Christ becomes in reaching the next generation.”

Pastor Hank Webb

18 U.S. Code § 247 refers to Damage to religious property and the obstruction of persons in the free exercise of religious beliefs. The law says, ‘Whoever intentionally defaces, damages, or destroys any religious real property, because of the religious character of that property, or attempts to do so; or intentionally obstructs, by force or threat of force, including by threat of force against religious real property, or any person in that person’s free exercise of religious beliefs, shall be punished.

The federal law also says, “if damage to or destruction of property results from the acts committed in violation of this section, exceeds $5,000, a fine in accordance with this title, imprisonment can occur for not more than three years.”

Belmont 96 Church in Shelby was not the only house of worship that has been vandalized with damages exceeding $5,000. Christ the King Church in nearby Knox County sustained extensive damages in an incident the Wednesday prior to Resurrection Day in 2022.

According to a Family Research Council report, Ohio has had the second most acts of hostility towards churches for the first quarter of 2023. (Graphic courtesy of FRC)

Pastor Lucian Baker’s Fredericktown church was attacked by a South Carolina man just days before the church’s biggest Sunday of the year. Gary T. Jackson, age 34, walked two days to get to the church and did $53,000 worth of damages. He was only charged with a fifth degree felony and served 320 days in jail with a $1,320 fine. Though the incident was sixteen months ago, the church has never been contacted by the FBI or Justice Department. Church surveillance cameras caught footage of the man and local news carried the story.

Both clergymen are chaplains with the Sheriff’s Department, both have an armed volunteer security team, and both are co-signers of the prayer proclamation for Rep. Jim Jordan. Neither have been contacted by the FBI or Justice Department after federal offenses against their church buildings occurred.

Pastor Hank Webb of Belmont 96 Church maintains the Church consists of people and not bricks and mortar. “After the vandalism incident last month, our young people have been raising the roof during our nightly revival services. We have seen at least thirteen people commit their lives to Christ and yesterday we had some more baptisms. It seems as more crimes are committed against churches, the more relevant the Body of Christ becomes in reaching the next generation.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Psalm Twenty, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember and trust in the Name of the LORD our God. They have bowed down and fallen, but we have risen and stood upright.”

View the video below of the Ohio clergy meeting with Rep. Jim Jordan

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80 clergy tell Ohio board of elections that voting looks good on paper


MANSFIELD — While sixty-six of the eighty-three poll locations in Richland County are located at churches, some faith leaders do not like voting machines, nor do they care for electronic tabulators. Federal cybersecurity officials have verified there are software vulnerabilities in certain ballot-marking devices. The clergy say the chief problem is machines know how to ‘push their buttons’ ….literally.

Following special elections, a group of faith leaders sent a letter to the Board of Elections thanking them for using paper ballots as the primary method of voting.

In 2021, seventy-two lead clergymen gave Dominion Voting Systems a ‘vote of no confidence’ as an election machine vendor. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Pastor Chad Hayes, one of the clergy co-signers, commented, “It is our understanding the Board of Election Directors recommended using paper ballots as the primary voting method for the August 8th Special Election, allocating nearly twenty-thousand paper ballots.  With a 37% voter turnout, we believe the special election went smoothly and efficiently.”

The pastor went on to say, “As lead clergymen from eighty congregations, we do not pretend to be experts in cybersecurity or voting technology.  However, when issues of morality and election integrity are at play, we get involved.”

The clergy wrote in the letter, “This past summer the courts finally unsealed a report from twelve months ago by cybersecurity analyst J. Alex Halderman.  The report confirmed votes can be altered in Dominion ICX voting machines by malware and that Dominion software can be hacked.   Even federal cybersecurity officials have verified there are software vulnerabilities in certain ballot-marking devices made by Dominion Voting Systems.  In fact, the vendor’s own employees have expressed serious concerns about the security of their own machines.”

We believe since the Board of Election appears to have paper ballot voting ‘down to a science,’ it would be wise and prudent to utilize paper ballots as the primary voting method and to utilize hand counting for all future elections.

Pastor Les Farley

The clergy noted that voter fraud exists in all forms, whether with voting machines or paper ballots.  The point can be made, paper ballots counted locally by hand presents less opportunity for fraud.

“We believe since the Board of Election appears to have paper ballot voting ‘down to a science,” says Pastor Les Farley, another clergy co-signer. “It would be wise and prudent to utilize paper ballots as the primary voting method and to utilize hand counting for all future elections.” 

A growing number of jurisdictions have recently replaced electronic voting machines with paper ballots.  Several of these include: Osage County, Missouri, Shasta County, California, Nye County, Nevada, Cleburne County, Arkansas, and Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska.

The clergy continue to believe relying on electronic tabulators and voting machines is opening Pandora’s Box. In 2021, seventy-two clergy wrote they did not trust election machines due to misleading claims by the election machine vendor about the security, neutrality, and transparency of its services.

Pastor Les Farley commented, “Either by hook or by crook, domestic and foreign actors are targeting our elections. We need to be wise about using any electronic system, especially considering the U.S. government agencies have already been hacked at least seven times in 2023 alone. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 2:13, “Then I saw that wisdom surpasses foolishness as light surpasses darkness.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Galatians Chapter Six, “Do not be deceived: GOD is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”

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Guest Column: Ohio GOP Decides no funds for abstinence school lessons


Republicans in Ohio hold a super-majority in the state legislature, and yet the recently passed two year budget contains little or nothing for abstinence-until-marriage sex education in Ohio schools.

So the admirable efforts of the nine organizations comprising the Ohio Adolescent Health Centers, serving tens of thousands of students each year (over 500,000 since 2016) will be severely curtailed unless Republicans can find a way to come up with the funding these groups were counting on.

The last time abstinence programs suffered such a drastic cut was under Democrat Governor Ted Strickland. Are we now Republicrats?

There’s a lot of finger pointing about how this fell through the cracks. It certainly was not a priority of the Ohio House under the leadership of Speaker Jason Stephens. Pro-abortion Democrats like minority leader Allison Russo are surely cheering.

But fall through the cracks it did. The final version of the budget went through the Senate Finance Committee, chaired by Senator Matt Dolan, who is running for U.S. Senate. Does chairman Dolan not understand this is a huge priority of parents in Ohio? Is he that out of touch? He might be reminded that Ohio Revised Code 3313.6011 requires authentically abstinence-focused sex education (not phony condom-centered, hook-up advocating “we mention the word abstinence once” programs).

Not only should abstinence have been funded at the levels of previous years, these efforts should be granted a sizeable increase. The forces of Planned Parenthood and the “LGBTQ” sexual radicals desperate to get in front of our children (the earlier the better) need to be stopped in their tracks.

Despite the Ohio Revised Code requirement, numerous Ohio school districts ignore the law and present obscene, pro-abortion lessons to students every year and even try to pretend these teach “abstinence.” Here’s an example: Columbus City Schools has a Planned Parenthood program called “Get Real” in 12 middle schools, funded through the federal government via Nationwide Children’s Hospital. These lessons present a false, high-risk message promoting gender so-called “change” and support homosexual and bisexual behaviors in great detail.

“A department devoted to abstinence education existed under former Governor George Voinovich in the Ohio Department of Health. So now, Governor Mike DeWine has the authority to establish this function again, assigning undesignated funds in the new Department of Education and Workforce. And Lt. Governor Jon Husted, who wants to be the next governor, could also take up this worthy cause and secure funding.”

Linda Harvey

Again, these lessons are given to middle schoolers. Yet Columbus City claims to be “compliant” under the recently required sex education audit of the Ohio Department of Education. (See our review of these findings HERE).

Ohio children deserve a clear, uncompromised abstinence message in their schools, along with the strong values- centered lessons that the Ohio sexual risk avoidance (abstinence) programs also deliver: knowledge about the option of adoption, responsible information about substance abuse, bullying, dating violence, human trafficking, etc.

There is a solution: create a dedicated department in the governor’s office, where education administration now resides (another result of the budget bill). This is totally possible because it’s been done before in Ohio. A department devoted to abstinence education existed under former Governor George Voinovich in the Ohio Department of Health. So now, Governor Mike DeWine has the authority to establish this function again, assigning undesignated funds in the new Department of Education and Workforce. And Lt. Governor Jon Husted, who wants to be the next governor, could also take up this worthy cause and secure funding.

Will they? Will the teachers in these programs be forced to seek employment elsewhere, and then Ohio schools lose their valuable experience while funding is found—if it is? The budget contains over $8 billion annually for Ohio K-12 education. Surely there are funds that could be allocated to help children understand the value of sexual abstinence.

At least $3 million a year needs to be allocated to these programs to serve just over 50,000 students a year.Actually, much more than that is needed. Many Ohio children never hear the positive message that, yes, you can wait until you are married for a sexual relationship, that “hook-ups” are never “safer sex.” They should learn instead that waiting until marriage is most often associated with other positive academic and life outcomes.

Can’t we do this for our children?

Linda Harvey is President of Mission America, a Christian pro-family organization that tracks current cultural issues. She has a weekly e-newsletter and an Ohio-wide radio show on the Salem Network station in Columbus, OH, 880 AM WRFD.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Second Timothy, “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the LORD out of a pure heart.”

109 Ohio clergy pray for Jim Jordan as he resurrects ‘Church Committee’ to investigate federal agencies (VIDEO) (SLIDESHOW)


MANSFIELD — It’s not often clergy are excited about church committees, but this might be different. In 1975, a U.S. Senate select committee known as the “Church Committee” obtained the most comprehensive public disclosure of federal intelligence corruption in American history. One group of faith leaders is hopeful a new ‘Church Committee’ of the same magnitude can be resurrected, bringing accountability and transparency to federal intelligence agencies that have gone rogue.

Congress has gone home for summer recess, and Ohio clergy took time to meet with the Chairperson of the “Weaponization of Government” House Select Committee. The faith leaders are advising him that as he wrestles with spiritual powers on Capital Hill, he should ‘leave it all on the mat, to never back down, and to never lose the faith.’

Reverend El Akuchie, Pastor J.C. Church, & Pastor John Bouquet met with Congressman Jim Jordan Wednesday. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“As leading clergymen from one hundred-nine diverse multi-denominational congregations across the Buckeye Bible Belt, we are calling Ohioans to publicly repent for the sins of our nation,” says Pastor John Bouquet, one of the faith leaders calling for prayer for Congressman Jim Jordan.  “We believe ALMIGHTY GOD has selected Jim Jordan as His instrument of justice and righteousness (Amos 5:24) to confront the hidden works of evil.”

The clergymen gave a corporate call to prayer Wednesday at the Congressman’s District Office asserting that federal agencies have been weaponized to go against the very people they are supposed to represent.

“The Department of Justice has smeared parents as domestic terrorists, criminalized their speech, and unlawfully marshaled federal law enforcement resources to silence parents and other private citizens,” says Pastor John Bouquet. “We are seeing a weaponized federal government targeting anyone who expresses their disapproval of public school policies and curricula ranging from oppressive COVID-19 mask rules and divisive Critical Race Theory, to radical gender ideology.”

“There is a Uni-party inside Washington D.C. hellbent in demonizing Christians and patriots who believe in the founding Biblical principles of our country. Our prayer is Jim Jordan changes Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. does not change Jim Jordan.”

Pastor J.C. Church

In the prayer proclamation, the clergy wrote, “Since the fraudulent leaking of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling which overturned the right to the abortion of unborn babies on May 2, 2022, (Dobbs v. Jackson), there have been militant groups publicly advocating violence towards Supreme Court Justices, pregnancy centers, and churches, resulting in at least 125 cases of pro-abortion terrorism on churches and pregnancy resource centers in twenty-six states as of January 2, 2023. The Department of Justice has produced a meager four indictments from these incidents.”

Reverend El Akuchie, another clergy co-signer of the proclamation comments, “It is evident the Biden Administration has a vengeance for those who defend the ways of GOD. This is a spiritual war and their enemy is really GOD. The irony is, GOD is using a wrestling champion to embody the spiritual struggle within our nation.”

“The Bible says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places,”

Rep. Jordan appreciated the comparison between his wrestling career and the spiritual battle in Washington D.C. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Pastor J.C. Church says the purpose of the proclamation is to “Call Ohioans to a season of corporate prayer, and to petition the HEAVENLY FATHER to bless and sustain Congressman Jim Jordan. As our nation is on the brink of federal government tyranny, we agree to pray for him and his committee that they would have supernatural strength and fortitude to expose the two-tiered system of justice and to bring accountability and transparency to agencies that have been weaponized against the very people they are supposed to protect.”

Pastor Church adds, “A distinction should be made that the Congressman was a champion in collegiate wrestling and not professional wrestling where the fighting is fake. As the mainstream media reports on the supposed battle between the two political parties, there is a Uni-party inside Washington D.C. hellbent in demonizing Christians and patriots who believe in the founding Biblical principles of our country. Our prayer is Jim Jordan changes Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. does not change Jim Jordan.”

The listed clergy co-signers are from 14 counties throughout Ohio. Counties with the most congregations represented include: Richland (68), Crawford (10), Ashland (7), Trumbull (5), Wayne (5), Morrow (4), Knox (3), Huron (1), Lorain (1), Lucas (1), Marion (1), Portage (1), Stark (1), & Warren (1).

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Genesis 6:12, “GOD looked on the Earth, and behold, it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the Earth.

View video below of clergymen meeting with Congressman Jim Jordan to discuss the weaponization of the federal government against parents & citizens. (9 min.)

View slideshow below of clergymen meeting with Congressman Jim Jordan to discuss the weaponization of the federal government against parents & citizens.

Related articles:

Federal charges brought against BGSU college student for vandalizing pregnancy center (VIDEO)


BOWLING GREEN — Federal charges have been filed against a twenty-year-old college student in Ohio for allegedly vandalizing a pro-life pregnancy center in April with graffiti that included the pro-abortion group “Jane’s Revenge.”

A student at Bowling Green State University, Whitney Durant, was charged with a misdemeanor under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Northern District of Ohio said.

Falcons for Life, which is the BGSU chapter of Students for Life came to clean up the vandalism all within hours of the discovery of the damage. (Photo courtesy of Rochelle Sikora)

“Durant intentionally damaged the property of HerChoice, a pregnancy care center located in Bowling Green, Ohio, by defacing the clinic’s building with spray paint because the clinic provides reproductive health services,” according to the U.S. attorney’s office said.

The act of vandalism of Bowling Green Pregnancy Center, also known as HerChoice, located near Bowling Green State University, featured the words “Liars,” “Fake clinic,” “Jane’s Revenge,” “Fund abortion,” and “Abort God,” written in blue paint across the clinic on April 15th.

The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, known as the FACE Act, prohibits “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.”

“This vile attack is part of a nationwide movement to intimidate, threaten, and terrorize pregnancy centers. These tactics are not only anti-American, they are based on misconceptions, misinformation, and outright lies.”

Rochelle Sikora, Executive Director of HerChoice

Jane’s Revenge has been credited for more than a hundred attacks of vandalism and destruction at pregnancy help centers, pro-life organizations, and churches across the U.S. since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

Medical services HerChoice provides include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, STI testing, nurse visits, pregnancy options education, birth and parenting classes, a Baby Boutique, and Post-abortion support.

Since 1985, the pregnancy center has offered help, hope, and healing to women facing unplanned pregnancies. For over a decade, Her Choice has provided free medical services to the Bowling Green community, saving the lives of the unborn, and changing the lives of the women.

Durant, who last year asked Facebook followers to donate to the pro-abortion lobby group NARAL Pro-Choice America for her birthday, pleaded not guilty to the federal charge. If convicted, Durant, could spend a maximum of one-year in prison.

View the video below by WTOL Channel 11 News (Duration 0:27 seconds)

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Genesis Chapter Fifty, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

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Movie Review: Sound of Freedom brings home message: GOD’s children are not for sale (VIDEO)


After rescuing a boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death. (Rated PG-13)

Sound of Freedom is a true story film that exposes the darkness of child trafficking. A federal agent saves a boy from traffickers, but his sister is still captive. He embarks on a dangerous mission, risking his life to free her from a fate worse than death.

Jim Caviezel stars in the movie “The Sound of Freedom” which was blacklisted by Disney and yet still became an unlikely box office hit. (Photo courtesy of Angel Studios)

While working for the government, Tim Ballard saw how much more was needed in the fight against child trafficking and exploitation across the world. In 2013, he and a team of former government operatives left the security of their careers to accomplish the work of empowering rescuing children by founding a private foundation – Operation Underground Railroad. Sound of Freedom is based on some of the first operations.

The Sound of Freedom focuses on a high-stakes drama, showing Ballard (played by The Passion of the Christ’s Jim Caviezel) and his partners working with local government officials in South America to lure pimps and pedophiles and rescue the children in their clutches before it’s too late.

Human trafficking is the second most profitable illegal industry in the U.S., second only to the drug trade. There is an estimated 49.6 million people in human trafficking, of which 27.6 million are in forced labor or sex trafficking.

The movie does not hide from its faith-based roots. The refrain, “God’s children are not for sale,” reminds us that the rights and dignity of human beings derive from GOD.

The film has been the talk of the town due to the controversy surrounding it. The film’s distributor, Angel Studios, announced Sound of Freedom’s theatrical release comes more than five years after the film’s completion.

Even though the film only just hit cinemas July Fourth, development on the script started all the way back in 2015. It was shot three years later, during which time a distribution deal was made with the 20th Century Fox movie studio.

But when the Disney-Fox merger went ahead, Disney shelved the project. What ensued was an alleged battle for the filmmakers to set Sound of Freedom free. 

Jim Caviezel stars in the movie “The Sound of Freedom” which was blacklisted by Disney and yet still became an unlikely box office hit. (Photo courtesy of Angel Studios)

According to Angel Studios CEO and Co-Founder Neal Harmon, the film’s director spent over a year before Disney released the rights to the film. After that, COVID hit, and another three years passed.

Sound of Freedom shocked the box office on on its opening weekend with its No. 1 opening day finish, beating Disney’s latest Indiana Jones film.

Actor Jim Caviezel comments, “Schindler’s List was a very powerful weapon, but it came fifty years too late. This film (Sound of Freedom) is now, this is exposing it now during that time. And I believe that is probably why it is easier to get an actor to do a movie fifty years later. There’s no controversy.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Mark Chapter Nine, “If anyone causes one of these little one-those who believe in me- to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”

View the video trailer for the “Sound of Freedom,” produced by Angel Studios below (2:37 min)

124 Ohio clergymen say ‘Vote Yes’ on Issue 1 to safeguard Constitution (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO – Next month special elections will be coming to the Buckeye State as a prelude to this Fall when voters decide whether the abortion of babies is a constitutional right. In a Post-Roe era, social conservatives in the bellwether state are laying the groundwork to defeat radical Anti-Life efforts to re-write the state’s Constitution.

In Issue 1, Ohioans will vote August 8th whether to raise the approval threshold to amend the Ohio State Constitution to 60% of the vote instead of the current fifty-percent plus one. Issue 1 will also require any initiative petition proposing to amend Ohio’s Constitution be signed by at least 5% of the electors of every county instead of in just half of Ohio’s counties. Faith leaders are encouraging their congregations to vote “Yes” for Issue 1.

Ohioans will decide Tuesday, August 8th whether to raise bar to amend State Constitution. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“As lead clergymen representing 124 diverse congregations, we believe the bar should be raised if a special interest group wants to amend the charter of our state,” says Pastor Bruce Philippi, one the clergy co-signers.  “This coming November 2023 election, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU will propose enshrining the murder of unborn babies into the Ohio Constitution and also enshrining underage minors to obtain gender-changing hormones and/or to mutilate their bodies thru surgery without parental consent. It will not stop there. In future election cycles, amendments to legalize the gateway drug marijuana, and the repeal of election integrity laws are also expected.  Our firm conviction is that now is the time to safeguard our vulnerable State’s fundamental principles. ”

The clergy wrote in their open letter, “Unlike the U.S. Constitution, our Ohio Constitution can easily be changed.  This bare minimum threshold of fifty-percent plus one vote encourages the Secular Left to constantly bring defeated issues back before voters with more financial backing until they eventually pass.  For comparison, the U.S. Constitution requires a two-thirds vote in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, as well as 75% of state legislatures to formally ratify an amendment.”

According to the National Archives Foundation, of the more than 11,000 proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution throughout the nation’s two centuries of existence, only 27 constitutional amendments have been ratified.  In contrast, the Ohio Constitution has been amended an astronomical 172 times.”

“Article 1 Section 7 of the Ohio Constitution states religion, morality, and knowledge, are essential to good government.  As the abortion industry tries to transform our Ohio Constitution into an erasable white board, may Ohio voters raise the bar on August 8th to protect our Constitution and preserve our rich heritage.  Vote Yes for Issue 1.” 

Open letter signed by 124 Ohio clergymen across 17 counties

Elder James DeWeese, a former common pleas court judge, included his name with the other clergymen. He comments, “Amending the Ohio Constitution to add a right to abortion or any other absolute right automatically overturns any legislation to the contrary. Consequently, the Heartbeat Bill which took so much effort to pass and any other parental notification regarding abortion would be thrown aside by such a ballot amendment in November. Our Constitution ought not to be so easily amended. The idea that Issue 1 undermines ‘one person, one vote’ is deceptive. Issue 1 has nothing to do with voting rights; nothing changes how votes are counted.”

The open letter referenced Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, who said government has been instituted, “because the passions of men will not conform to the dictate of reason and justice without constraint.”  

“Proverbs 19 says ‘The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.'” says Pastor Walter Moss, a Pro-Life activist and another of the letter’s clergy co-signers.  “Changing the State Constitution should be a slow process that moderates the intense passions of people in order to provide long-term stability to our system. In other words, the bedrock document our state’s laws are based on should not change at a whim’s notice.” 

Several of the clergy co-signers also advocated for election integrity.  (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)
Several of the clergy co-signers of the Issue 1 open letter also advocated for election integrity in 2021. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

After the 2008 Great Recession hit and Ohio was struck with a $900 billion state budget deficit, voters the following year approved a constitutional amendment by a slim 53-47% margin. In a knee-jerk reaction, voters gave two predatory businesses a casino monopoly. Previously four state constitution casino initiatives had been defeated. 

The clergy wrote, “Article 1 Section 7 of the Ohio Constitution states religion, morality, and knowledge, are essential to good government.  As the abortion industry tries to transform our Ohio Constitution into an erasable white board, may Ohio voters raise the bar on August 8th to protect our Constitution and preserve our rich heritage.  Vote Yes for Issue 1.” 

“If a 60% threshold is good enough for the Ohio Democrat Party to amend their party constitution (Article 4, Section 1), than I think a sixty-percent threshold should be good for the Ohio State Constitution,” Pastor Philippi remarked.

Listed clergy co-signers have congregations located in (17) counties throughout Ohio:  Richland (73), Crawford (10), Trumbull (9), Knox (6), Ashland (5), Morrow (4), Wayne (4), Stark (3), Mahoning (2), Coshocton (1), Huron (1), Licking (1), Lorain (1), Marion (1), Medina (1), Portage (1), & Warren (1).

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 19, “It is not good for a soul to be without knowledge.  He who sins hastens with his feet. The foolishness of a man twists his way, and his heart frets against the Lord.”

View video (30 second duration) below produced by Protect Women Ohio, a coalition of concerned family and life leaders, parents, medical experts, and faith leaders in Ohio:

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More options for students as Mansfield Christian stands to gain from House Bill 33 (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Effective July 4th, House Bill 33 establishes operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025, ending on June 30th, 2025. Senator Mark Romanchuk was one of the sixteen state senators to sponsor the Bill. The impact of House Bill 33 is already being felt in Mansfield. 

“This is a major victory for families in Ohio,” says Dr. Cy Smith MCS Superintendent. “Finally, after decades of lobbying, every student in Ohio will be eligible for a scholarship to attend the school of their choice.

Dr. Cy Smith of Mansfield Christian Schools. (Photo courtesy of Mansfield Christian)

This has been made available because of the passage of H.B. 33, new legislation, which has expanded the voucher program. Students can attend any private school regardless of their location. Every family will qualify for a scholarship.

“Regardless of where you live, your family income, or the report card of the local school district. Sending your children to a private school is now an option for everyone. We are so thankful to our legislators, both locally and statewide, who supported this bill and diligently worked with us to make this happen.”

The expansion will allow parents to finally access the best educational fit for their child, Smith said. This is a pivotal opportunity that has come at the perfect time for those interested in private education. The state budget goes into effect immediately, so all students are eligible for a scholarship this upcoming school year.

“We anticipate that for Christian families in our area who have been unable to access Mansfield Christian because of financial commitments, choosing an education that aligns with their Christian values will be a high priority this fall,” school officials noted in a press release.

“Regardless of where you live, your family income, or the report card of the local school district. Sending your children to a private school is now an option for everyone. We are so thankful to our legislators, both locally and statewide, who supported this bill and diligently worked with us to make this happen.”

Dr. Cy Smith, Superintendent of Mansfield Christian School

“Christian families have tremendous concerns about what their children are learning in school and without the cost barrier, we anticipate that many parents will investigate a well-established, high-quality, private school like Mansfield Christian for their children.”

The scholarship amount varies on a sliding scale. Everyone receives some level of funding which is a big win for all families. Families with income at or below 450% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or a family of four with a total household income of $135,000 is eligible for the maximum amount. Families with incomes above the 450% qualify at a prorated amount.

Tuition at Mansfield Christian is just below the voucher amount in the high school and just above the voucher amount in grades K-8. Whether it is a family that has sacrificed for years to make Christian education a reality, or a family new to Christian education, this guaranteed financial help is an incredible blessing for everyone and is essentially an answer to prayer for so many, school officials stated.

“We are anxious to meet families that are aligned with our mission and prioritize the biblical worldview.”

Limited openings are available. Interested families should contact the Admission’s Director, Stacy Craner, at 419-756-5651 ext 239 or craner.stacy@mcsflames.org. To begin the application process as soon as possible visit www.mcsflames.org and click “Apply Now.”

Mansfield Christian School was founded in 1961 to partner with Christian families and their churches to educate their children. The school’s academics are rooted in a biblical worldview that equips students to pursue excellence in everything and to live and serve as spiritually mature followers of Christ.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 22, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

View the video below of a virtual tour of the Mansfield Christian Campus. (Duration 6 minutes)

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Lexington ‘taken to school’ over ritual that compelled students to make idols in class


LEXINGTON — Education or indoctrination? The culture war continues to heat up in the classroom. In school, students are always learning new things by heart, and in some cases without the parents’ consent. This past spring, parents attended a Lexington School Board meeting complaining their son was instructed to participate in a religious ritual during school hours. 

Images of kachina dolls. (Photo courtesy of Jesse Walter Fewkes, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

“On the week of February 13th, 2023, our eleven-year-old son was instructed by his fifth-grade teacher during Social Studies class to make a kachina doll,” Amie Mutti told the Lexington School Board.  “This is no ordinary doll.  These dolls were used by Native Americans as sacred idols.”

According to a handout given to the students, ‘kachina dolls are a likeness of Hopi spirits and each Hopi spirit is thought to have special powers, like healing the sick, providing rain for crops, protecting children, and carrying dreams to heaven.’  Mutti compared her son’s classroom experience to a teacher instructing students to pray the rosary during class.

“In other words, the children were told by the teacher to make a kachina doll, give their doll a name, and to write about what special powers their doll had,” says Mutti. “To go further, the lesson plan states, ‘These dolls were used in ceremonies to teach children about the beliefs of the tribe and the gods. Clearly they are not toys.”

John Monaghan, Senior Litigation Counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) stepped in to the fray by writing a letter to the Lexington School Board.  “The law does not support the School’s compulsion of student’s speech under these circumstances,” Monaghan wrote. “Accordingly, the School’s decision presents a matter of great constitutional concern to the ACLJ. The instruction to make the doll interferes with the Mutti son’s First Amendment rights as a student.”

“Parents were never notified beforehand about this in-class project,” Mutti went on to say. “Students were never given the opportunity to opt out of the project. In our faith tradition, the Scriptures say not to make any graven image or likeness of anything in heaven above or earth below. Not only are we not to make idols, our faith tradition says we are not to bring idols into our homes. After the students completed their project, they were told by the teacher to take their dolls home.”

“Our faith community adheres to a Hebrew phrase, ‘Ein keloheinu,’ that states, ‘There is no god like our GOD.’ So you can see when innocent children are coerced to create dolls made in the likeness of spirits, this is in direct conflict with our Biblical faith tradition. This pagan ritual is an attack on our faith and has no place in public schools.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook, Ontario Sar Shalom Center

According to 3313.601 of the Ohio Revised Code, “No pupil shall be required to participate if contrary to religious convictions of either the pupil or the pupil’s parent/guardian.”  Additionally, “No board of education of a school district shall adopt any policy or rule respecting or promoting an establishment of religion.”   

In January 2022, parents sued the State of California and were successful in permanently removing the “In Lak Ech Affirmation” from state curriculum.  This state mandate previously allowed public schools to force students in Ethnic Studies to chant to the Aztec deity of human sacrifice named “Tezcatlipoca” to help students become “warriors for social justice.” This same deity is also connected to cannibalism.

Mutti has already spoken to the Lexington School Board before. “This is the fourth time we have had issues; the problem is systemic. Whether it was a teacher requiring my third-grade son during class to bow to the ‘sun god’ and use ‘devotional praying hands’ in front of his heart, or whether it was another teacher ridiculing my sixth-grade son for not participating in classroom yoga, all this has been during Mr. Secrist’s watch, who was Assistant Superintendent at the time.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook of Ontario Sar Shalom Center. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Some people are scratching their heads concerning Secrist’s family background. Secrist’s wife is a certified yoga instructor employed by a local elementary school outside the district to teach yoga. She self-identifies as “The Catholic Yogi” and is also affiliated with Mind, Body, Align, a business which holds seminars training educators to incorporate Eastern Religion and Social Emotional Learning in the classroom.

In 2020, Rabbi William Hallbrook, along with clergymen representing over one hundred congregations, put forty school districts on notice after reports were confirmed several schools were incorporating Eastern Religion into classroom activities. “There is no room for classroom indoctrination; we even had an atheist publication out of Chicago agree with our position. I like the previous Superintendent’s response (Mike Ziegelhofer) when we brought this infringement to his attention. He addressed the issue swiftly.”

The Ontario Sar Shalom Center Rabbi commented, “The Mutti family is very active in our congregation. Our faith community adheres to a Hebrew phrase, ‘Ein keloheinu,’ that states, ‘there is no god like our GOD.’ So you can see when innocent children are coerced to create dolls made in the likeness of spirits, this is in direct conflict with our Biblical faith tradition. This pagan ritual is an attack on our faith and has no place in public schools.”

With a prominent First Amendment law firm sending a correspondence to School Administration and a formal complaint made with the School Board, the student’s parents have received nothing back in writing from the School Superintendent. Apparently parents are at the bottom of his totem pole.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Deuteronomy Chapter Seven, “The images of their gods you are to burn in the fire…Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction.”

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Guest Column: American universities are overlooked in Cold War with China


America’s national security depends on the quality of our education system, particularly our universities. Across America, our universities are developing innovations that will preserve our prosperity and national power. However, as we grapple with the multi-faceted China challenge, they also represent a huge area of vulnerability, which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been quick to exploit.

Regent University Dean Michele Bachmann

In a 2019 report, the State Department showed evidence of a systematic CCP campaign directed at U.S. universities, designed to “threaten academic freedom, misuse access to world-class institutions, and seize research to enhance the PRC (Peoples’ Republic of China) military.” While policy-makers have rightly focused on the threat from CCP-FUNDED Confucius Institutes, PRC influence on our universities is both broader and deeper.

For example, according to the State Department, since the 1970s, the CCP has used Chinese Students and Scholars Associations “to monitor Chinese students and mobilize them against views that dissent from the CCP’s stance. That directive has not changed.” Other forms of CCP influence on universities include: direct university-to-university partnerships; suborning scholars to bring valuable, federally-funded research back to China; and direct CCP grants to U.S. universities. The top 10 list of recipients of CCP funding is a who’s who of elite schools, from Harvard at 138.77 million to Arizona State at 44.12 million.

As the U.S. pursues vital national security research, these extensive CCP ties complicate our efforts. Arizona State is an illustrative example. In congressional remarks on March 28, Senator Mark Kelly strongly argued that the new Irregular Warfare Center, designed to combat unconventional threats from China, Russia and other peer competitors, should be hosted at Arizona State. In his words: “It is clear to me that it is time to move forward with Arizona State University and ensure that the IW Center can deliver on its promise for DOD and the nation.”

While ASU closed down its Confucius Center under DOD pressure, it: ranks number 10 in the nation in grants from CCP sources; retains extensive ties with several Chinese universities; touts its ability to place Chinese nationals into highly influential careers; and has an active Chinese Students and Scholars Association. To be sure, ASU is far from abnormal.

In a 2019 report, the State Department showed evidence of a systematic CCP campaign directed at U.S. universities, designed to “threaten academic freedom, misuse access to world-class institutions, and seize research to enhance the PRC (Peoples’ Republic of China) military.” While policy-
makers have rightly focused on the threat from CCP-FUNDED Confucius Institutes, PRC influence on our universities is both broader and deeper.

Regent Dean Michele Bachmann

Even many universities in the nation’s capital, such as George Washington University, have equally extensive ties. Still, this example highlights the complex challenge CCP influence on our universities poses for national security. On one hand, organizations like the Irregular Warfare Center will need university partnerships to accomplish their mission to keep America safe. On the other hand, widespread, systematic and malign CCP penetration of universities makes it much harder to ensure a high level of security for this vital national security effort.

Four immediate steps can be taken to address this security risk. First, the House Select Committee on China should prioritize investigation of CCP influence on universities. The State Department and FBI have released helpful documents, but a one-stop congressional report, along with a public hearing, would spot-light this vitally important issue.

Second, the federal government should thoroughly assess its university partnerships, with particular attention to protecting vital national security research from falling into the hands of the PRC.

Third, state governments should discontinue any relationships with the PRC or its affiliates that might unduly influence state university systems and K through 12 education. Under Governor Youngkin, Virginia has taken steps to distance itself from PRC influence, from a TikTok ban for government phones to the Governor’s recent opening of a trade office with Taiwan. Ensuring that our educational institutions are free of CCP influence is a logical next step.

Finally, our university administrators must step up to the plate. Many of the threats we face in the academic arena would be neutralized if American universities spent half as much time and effort on combating CCP influence operations on their campuses as they do promoting woke ideology through their diversity, equity and inclusion offices.

America’s world-class universities are the envy of the world, and can and should be the engines of our success in countering the China challenge. By protecting them against malign CCP influence, we can ensure that this promise is realized, and preserve a legacy of freedom, prosperity and national competitiveness for the next generation.

Michele Bachmann as the Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University. She was formerly U.S. Congresswoman representing Minnesota’s Sixth District.

135 Ohio clergy call for state recognition of Jerusalem as ‘Eternal Capital of Israel’ (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

In 2023, Pastor Russell Stanford, along with 135 lead clergy, call on Ohio lawmakers to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel Capital. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

SHILOH — One would think they were walking in the streets of the Holy Land as clergy gathered on Thursday morning at Village Hall to discuss the City of Jerusalem. At a time when an astronomical increase in anti-Semitism is seen around the world, a conjunction between the State of Ohio and the Star of David could be traced over the Buckeye Bible Belt on May 18th, Jerusalem Day.

Previous attempts have been made to make Ohio the first state in the nation to have their legislative body recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli Capital. However, clergymen are now jumping on board issuing a joint statement Thursday.

Pastor Dr. Ricky Branham calls on Ohio lawmakers to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“With the OSU Student Senate unwisely passing its first-ever Israel divestment resolution recently, we as faith leaders representing one-hundred-thirty-five diverse congregations in the Buckeye State are responding and calling on the 135th Ohio General Assembly to pass a concurrent resolution recognizing Jerusalem as the undivided, eternal Capital of Israel,” Pastor Russ Smith said.

“As the words of Psalm 137 ring out to this day, ‘If I forget you, O Jerusalem, Let my right hand forget its skill!”

The clergy believe the current Administration and federal government agencies are positioning the United States in opposition against Israeli sovereignty.

Elder Roger Eggeman commented Thursday, “With the Biden Administration interfering in Israeli elections and domestic policy, and dispatching the FBI to conduct an ill-conceived investigation of the Israeli Defense Forces, the Nation of Israel must be forewarned: the actions by the Biden Administration indicate America is no longer a trustworthy ally.  The Star of David is not ‘another star on the American flag.’ It is Israel’s moral right to self-governance; the GOD of Abraham has promised He will be their shield.”

“We applaud our local officials for recognizing the 75th anniversary of the rebirth of the nation of Israel.  As their official proclamations indicate, Israel continues to be a present-day miracle.  It is our hope our state lawmakers go further to acknowledge Israeli sovereignty.”

Pastor Dr. Ricky Branham

Pastor Russell Stanford added, “Despite the current boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, and constant barrage of United Nation condemnations, there is no denying this tiny nation of Israel, made up of only eight thousand square miles has become one of the world’s top innovators in medicine, technology, agriculture and cybersecurity.” 

“As the United Nations’ General Assembly commemorates Israel’s Independence Day by calling it “a catastrophe,” and as the U.N. votes to take Israel to International Court for its so-called occupation of its own sovereign land, may Israel be reminded that whoever sows injustice will reap calamity.” 

The clergymen quoted the Bible saying, “Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”

Shiloh Mayor Rick Reeder gives history of ties between his community and Shiloh, Israel. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy also pointed out that the 130th Ohio General Assembly formally declared ten-years prior, “Israel has been granted its lands under and through the oldest recorded deed, the Old Testament, a tome of Scripture held sacred and revered by Jews and Christians.”

Listed clergy co-signers of the joint statement have congregations located in (15) counties throughout Ohio. Counties with the most congregations represented include: Richland (82), Crawford (9), Ashland (8), Trumbull (8), Knox (5), Wayne (5), Huron (4), Morrow (4), Stark (3), Warren (2), Licking (1), Lorain (1), Mahoning (1), Marion (1), & Portage (1).

This week, nine mayors and three Boards of County Commissioners gave formal acknowledgement of Israel. Mayors from Mansfield, Ashland, Bucyrus, Shelby, Ontario, Butler, Shiloh, Crestline, and Chesterville gave proclamations recognizing the seventy-fifth anniversary of the rebirth of the modern State of Israel. County Commissioners from Ashland, Morrow, and Richland Counties also followed suit.

“We applaud our local officials for recognizing the 75th anniversary of the rebirth of the nation of Israel,” said Dr. Ricky Branham.  “As their official proclamations indicate, Israel continues to be a present-day miracle.  It is our hope our state lawmakers go further to acknowledge Israeli sovereignty.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Isaiah Chapter Sixty-two, “I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, and give him no rest, till He establishes, and makes Jerusalem a praise in all the earth.”

View slideshow below of the clergy press conference that took place outside Shiloh Village Hall on Jerusalem Day.

View video below of clergy press conference produced by Frontlines Ohio. (Duration 24 minutes)

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Multitude of North Central Ohio officials recognize anniversary of rebirth of Israel (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

Shiloh Mayor Rick Reeder with Israel proclamation.

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — The Nation of Israel has an exceptional history that has withstood the test of time. Why would millions of people from around the world leave their homes to come to a desert wasteland to live? How do these people manage to turn a land more than eighty-percent desert into one of the largest food and flower exporters in the world? Why do incredible achievements in science, medicine, and new technologies occur in Israel in greater concentration than anywhere else?

A consensus of leaders in the Ohio region: nine mayors and three Boards of County Commissioners, all share common ground recognizing the achievements and rebirth of Israel. Mayors from Mansfield, Ashland, Bucyrus, Shelby, Ontario, Butler, Shiloh, Crestline, and Chesterville recently gave proclamations recognizing the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel. County Commissioners from Ashland, Morrow, and Richland Counties also followed suit.

Commissioner Cliff Mears representing the Richland County Board of Commissioners with Israel proclamation.

“Since its establishment seventy-five years ago, the modern State of Israel has rebuilt a nation, forged a new and dynamic society, and created a thriving economic, political, cultural, and intellectual life for its people despite the heavy costs of war, terrorism, and unjustified diplomatic and economic boycotts against the people of Israel,” says Shiloh Mayor Rick Reeder.

In 1997, the Village of Shiloh formed a sister-city partnership with Shiloh, Israel, and in 2008, Israeli dairy experts visited a nearby Mennonite farmer Floyd Zimmerman in northern Richland County as part of an Ohio-Israeli Agricultural Initiative sponsored by the Negev Foundation according to Reeder.

For seven decades, the United States and Israel have maintained a special relationship based on shared democratic values, common strategic interests, and moral bonds of friendship and mutual respect

Local officials noted that Israel regularly sends humanitarian aid, search and rescue teams, mobile hospitals, and other emergency supplies to help victims of disasters around the world. Israel has also absorbed millions of Jews from other countries and fully integrated these immigrants into Israeli society.

“Both Israel and Ohio are prosperous states comprised of immigrants, with representative-democratic forms of government, sharing exceptional histories, with Israel known as a high-tech startup superpower, and both Israel and Ohio sharing common bonds in agriculture, life sciences, and aerospace.”

Morrow County Commissioner Jon Mason

“The desire of the Jewish people to establish an independent modern State of Israel is an outgrowth of the historic kingdom of Israel established in the land of Israel three thousand years ago, with the City of Jerusalem as its capital,” the Morrow County Commissioner Board wrote.

Morrow Commissioner Jon Mason added, “Israel and Ohio are prosperous states comprised of immigrants, with representative-democratic forms of government, sharing exceptional histories, with Israel known as a high-tech startup superpower, and both Israel and Ohio sharing common bonds in agriculture, life sciences, and aerospace.”

In 2016, Ohio became the fourteenth state in the nation to pass anti-BDS legislation and continues to be one of the top holders of Israeli bonds for any governmental entity in the world.

Morrow County Commissioners: Tim Siegfried, Jon Mason, & Tim Abraham with Israel proclamation.

The Richland County Board of Commissioners pointed out in their proclamation that their board in 2017 authorized the investment of $200,000 in taxpayer dollars for Israeli bonds at the request of leading clergymen from forty congregations. Additionally, in 2021 the Israeli Prime Minister personally thanked thirty-three area clergymen for their commitment to invest in Israeli bonds. Since that time, Richland County has increased its investment in Israel bonds to a total of $900,000.

Ontario Mayor Randy Hutchinson mentioned that Hilik Bar, the Israeli Knesset Deputy Speaker, became the first foreign parliamentarian to address the Ohio State Legislature and was given the “Key to the State of Ohio” in 2015; an honor only three others have received. “Later in 2018, the Deputy Speaker visited Ontario, Ohio to thank the area for its support of Israel, resulting in the North Central Ohio region receiving recognition from Israeli media with headline: ‘Does Rural Ohio Lead the World in Love of Israel?’ the Ontario Mayor said.

Copies of the area proclamations will be sent to the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. and transmitted to authorities in the State of Israel. This coming Thursday, a clergy press conference has been scheduled by the faith community. Clergymen from over one hundred congregations are expected to make a joint statement on Jerusalem.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says Second Chronicles Thirty-Six, “In the first year of Cyrus King of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus King of Persia to make a proclamation through his realm and also to put it in writing…”

View the slideshow below of government officials at the municipal and county levels recognizing the rebirth of modern Israel.

View the video below entitled “Against all Odds” produced by William McKay, American Trademark Pictures. This documentary film recounts numerous incidents in the history of modern Israel where miraculous outcomes confound even the skeptic.

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2023 Ashland National Day of Prayer a family affair (SLIDESHOW)

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller pictured with his wife State Rep. Melanie Miller (Photo courtesy of Jimmi Delay)

ASHLAND — It can be said this year the forty-second annual Ashland County Prayer Breakfast was focused on the family. Almost six hundred people met at Ashland University’s Convocation Center in the six o’clock hour put on by the Ashland County Ministerial Association.

The keynote speaker, Danae Dobson, said the nation is in need of a revival and encouraged everyone to remain in prayer regarding “the woke ideology seeping into the educational system, and indoctrinating our precious kids.” Danae Dobson is the daughter of Psychologist James Dobson, Founder of Focus on the Family, Family Research Council and Family Talk.

On Thursday, keynote speaker Danae Dobson spoke at the Ashland County Prayer Breakfast; she has authored twenty-four books. (Photo courtesy of Jimmi Delay)

Danae’s mother, Shirley Dobson, served as Chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer (NDOP) Task Force between 1991-2016.

“Sixty-four million babies have been aborted. We have removed God from the public square and prayer from public schools. And the Supreme Court changing the definition of marriage, which, God himself ordained as between one man and one woman,” Dobson said.  “Our nation is in peril and it seems to be worsening with each day.”

“Our nation is in peril and it seems to be worsening with each day.
Even so, we must remain consistent and pray for this nation and our leaders.”

Danae Dobson, book author & keynote speaker

After Dobson’s address, nine people led prayers for military veterans, national and state leaders, local elected officials, social service workers, law enforcement officials, education leaders and clergy.

A number of dignitaries attended, including Ashland Mayor Matt Miller, his wife State Representative Melanie Miller, and Ashland County Commissioner Jim Justice.

This past March, NDOP Chairman John Bouquet and his wife visited the Asbury Revival in Wilmore Kentucky where ongoing prayer occurred among college students. “We met people from both the East Coast and West Coast that were praying with radical humility and participating in authentic worship into the early morning hours.”

Ashland County Prayer Breakfast continues to be one of the largest NDOP observances in the state. The pastor hopes to see the same unity in believers at Ashland University. There was certainly solidarity at the crack of dawn Thursday morning.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in James Chapter Five, “Pray fervently in righteousness and avail much.”

View the slideshow below of the 42nd Ashland Prayer Breakfast commemorating the National Day of Prayer. (Photos provided by Jimmi Delay Photography)

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Believers take the streets in Mansfield for National Day of Prayer (SLIDESHOW)


MANSFIELD — There were no cases of ‘road rage’ in downtown Mansfield early Thursday evening. Local congregations are circling their wagons and coming together to pray for the welfare of their nation; while they still have one. Believing that GOD is not asleep at the wheel, the faithful are convinced adversity is actually unifying the Body of Christ.

At least seventeen area churches participated in Thursday’s National Day of Prayer march. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“It was really a great night tonight to have so many churches meet together with one purpose,” says one of the event coordinators Amanda Nichols. “This evening’s downtown march was the culmination of a vision given twenty years ago. The Bible tells us to wait patiently saying, to ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets. That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

The march began at the five-way light where Marion Avenue meets Park Avenue West, and ended at Central Park Gazebo. Mansfield Police Department provided security and traffic control. Total distance of the parade was three quarters of a mile.

“This evening’s downtown march was the culmination of a vision given twenty years ago. The Bible tells us to wait patiently saying, to ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets. That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Amanda Nichols, Ark Empowerment Center

Mansfield City Council President David Falquette gave a proclamation recognizing National Day of Prayer, and Ashland County Commissioner Jim Justice briefly spoke.

“It is fitting and proper to give thanks to GOD by observing this day in Mansfield when all may acknowledge their blessings and express gratitude for them, while recognizing the need for strengthening religious and moral values in our City,” said Council President Falquette.

Mansfield City Council President David Falquette reads city proclamation. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In addition to Mansfield Police Chief Keith Porch, Common Pleas Court Judge Steve McKinley, Lexington Mayor Brian White and Mansfield City Council members Aurelio Diaz, Kim Moton, and Reverend El Akuchie were in attendance.

Pastor Mark Pierce led those in attendance in the “Godsfield Anthem.” Leading prayer for different arenas of society included clergy: Aaron Williams, Mark Meyer, Lori Mabiala, Joe Nichols, and Larry Rawls. John Allen, Amanda Nichols and Donna Akuchie also prayed.

Over 700 participated in the NDOP march. At the end of the march, many remained for prayer vigil at Central Park Gazebo (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Elder Roger Eggeman closed the NDOP vigil with the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew for participants. Scottish bagpipes followed the benediction.

According to Pastor and City Councilman Reverend Akuchie, the Mansfield faith community has a reputation of engaging societal problems, like the recent spree of crime. “I believe praying with one heart and one purpose gets the Heavenly Father’s attention. Having something like this tonight is one way to make our streets safer.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in James Chapter Five, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

View slideshow below of 2023 NDOP march in downtown Mansfield.

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National Day of Prayer March set for May 4th

Area residents march to commemorate 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade court opinion. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD — Local believers in the the Body of Christ will be putting their faith to their feet this coming Thursday. Instead of a traditional lunch time meeting for prayer for the observance of the National Day of Prayer, attendees will be ‘walking in faith’ in a prayer march. Churches will be marching, dancing, floating, and praising their way to the Mansfield Square.

The parade steps off at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 4th at the five-way light where Marion Ave. meets Park Avenue West, east of the “miracle mile.” Parade participants who have registered will assemble an hour beforehand. As the marchers reach their destination at Mansfield Central Park, a worship time at the Gazebo on the Square will follow.

“Imagine what can happen when we all lift Jesus up in the streets. How that will impact our community,” says Pastor Paul Lintern of Godsfield. “If your not involved yet I encourage you to get involved. Line the streets with your family and congregations. Let’s praise the Lord together.”

Pastor Lintern helped coordinate the March of Prayer meetings involving area churches this past spring.

The parade will be three quarters of a mile long from the start of the parade to the destination Mansfield Central Park. Mansfield Police Department will be providing security and traffic control.

“Imagine what can happen when we all lift Jesus up in the streets. How that will impact our community. If you are not involved yet I encourage you to get involved. Line the streets with your family and congregations. Let’s praise the Lord together.”

Pastor Paul Lintern

Participants are encouraged to contact Reverend El Akuchie of the Richland Community Prayer Network at 419-571-2790 or Amanda Nichols of Project One at anicholsprojectone@gmail.com

Line-up and festivities will began at 5:30 PM at 2 Marion Avenue (Saint Luke’s Point of Grace), With the parade starting at 6:30pm headed down Park Avenue to the Central Park Gazebo where we will continue with worship and prayer. Organizers are encouraging marchers fom local congregations in the Body of Christ to pass out treats and Bibles to the crowd on the route.

Scott Saunders will be emceeing the gathering at the Gazebo and several elected officials will be giving proclamations. In addition, select faith leaders will be leading prayer for the community and music will be provided by Ontario Potter’s House.

The National Day of Prayer (NDOP) is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry Truman. It is estimated that over two million people attended more than thirty thousand observances at state capitols, county courthouses, and city halls last year.

This year’s Mansfield National Day of Prayer observance is sponsored by the Richland Community Prayer Network, Godsfield, and Project One.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in James Chapter Five, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

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Guest Column: Know Your Rights: Parents Have Rights Regarding the Education of Their Children


Remember in the not-so-distant past when kids went to school to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic? As parents across the country shockingly discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic, these foundational skills are no longer a priority in many public schools. Instead, some teachers have been using classroom time to indoctrinate, not teach, our precious youth.

As a result of these troubling public school trends, parents are now much more engaged in their local school board meetings. This is so despite the way in which these concerned parents have been wrongfully portrayed. In a September 29, 2021, National School Boards Association (NSBA) letter to President Biden, for example, the NSBA shamefully compared parents who shared their concerns at school board meetings to domestic terrorists. And on October 4, 2021, the United States Department of Justice issued a similarly offensive memo.

Marshall Goldman, ACLJ Legal counsel

We as parents must not be intimidated by these outrageous tactics. Generally speaking, public school board meetings are viewed as limited public forums. This means that “the state may restrict expression so long as the restriction (a) does not discriminate against speech on the basis of viewpoint and (b) is reasonable in light of the purpose served by the forum.” McBreairty v. Sch. Bd. of RSU22, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 128353, at *16 (D. Md. July 20, 2022) (emphasis added) (internal citation omitted). 

In McBreairty, for example, Mr. McBreairty spoke at several school board meetings because he was concerned about numerous school-related issues, including inappropriate books in the school library. Id. at *5. Following his school board appearances, Mr. McBreairty received a letter from the school board counsel explaining that he was temporarily prohibited from entering school property for purposes of attending any school-related meeting or function. Id. at *9. In response, Mr. McBreairty filed a complaint “along with his emergency motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction.” Id. at *11. Here, the district court ruled in Mr. McBreairty’s favor and determined, in part, that he had a “fair likelihood of success on his as-applied challenge that the School Board’s restrictions violate[d] his First Amendment right to free speech.” Id. at *28-29. Although this ruling is just one initial step in the litigation process, it demonstrates that parents do have a voice and cannot be silenced merely because of their particular viewpoint.

Importantly, the ACLJ has written a legal memo which provides a general overview of parental rights in education. In fact, the ACLJ has been involved in this area of law for decades and has handled many cases involving public school-related constitutional matters.

In this regard, our memo notes that the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed, almost a century ago, that parents have a fundamental liberty interest in the care, upbringing, control, and education of their children. The Court later emphasized this in Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, 232 (1972): “The history and culture of Western civilization reflects a strong tradition of parental concern for the nurture and upbringing of their children.”

the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed, almost a century ago, that parents have a fundamental liberty interest in the care, upbringing, control, and education of their children. The Court later emphasized this in Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, 232 (1972): “The history and culture of Western civilization reflects a strong tradition of parental concern for the nurture and upbringing of their children.”

Marshall Goldman, ACLJ Legal counsel

Despite these bedrock principles, we point out in our memo: There has been a century long battle between parents’ right to direct their child’s upbringing and education, and public schools’ right to determine curricula in the best interest of the children they serve. While today’s parents still have a fundamental right to the “custody, care, and nurture of their child,” the courts have increasingly upheld that it is the schools’, not the parents’, right and responsibility to determine curricula and other school matters.

This essentially means that parents can choose the school in which to enroll their children, but once public school is selected, parents have very little say in curricular decisions. In Swanson v. Guthrie Indep. Sch. Dist., 135 F.3d 694, 699 (10th Cir. 1998), the court, for example, stated that, “parents simply do not have a constitutional right to control each and every aspect of their children’s education and oust the state’s authority over that subject.”

We further explain that: A school’s choice of curriculum does not violate parental rights despite parental objections if the curriculum is reasonably related to a legitimate educational purpose. . . . Rather, details such as the school curriculum, school hours, discipline, exam schedules, the hiring and dismissal of teachers, the availability of extracurricular activities, school dress codes, and so forth, are generally under the control of state and local authorities.

We also point out that court decisions “addressing religious liberty challenges to public school curriculum materials have been unfavorable where the parents claim that the materials violate their religious beliefs.” For example, in Parker v. Hurley, 514 F.3d 87 (1st Cir. 2008), the court wrote, “[p]ublic schools are not obliged to shield individual students from ideas which potentially are religiously offensive, particularly when the school imposes no requirement that the student agree with or affirm those ideas.”

Despite such rulings, we note in our memo that, where students are coerced “into verbally affirming the truth of something that violates the student’s religious convictions, a First Amendment claim may be successful.” In Wood v. Bd. of Educ., No. GJH-16-00239, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 136512 (D. Md. Sep. 30, 2016), for example, the court held that the Plaintiff stated a First Amendment claim where she alleged that the school required her daughter to profess the five pillars of Islam and to write out faith statements of the religion.

We also explain the greater the coercion on students to profess beliefs that violate the student’s conscience, the greater the likelihood that the offending school requirement could be successfully challenged in court. By contrast, situations involving mere exposure to offensive materials would be better handled by initiating and maintaining an open dialogue with school administrators on the issue.

We also briefly discuss the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, which is a federal law, and which reinforces the parental right to know and be informed about their children’s education by giving parents the authority to inspect all instructional material.

We conclude by noting that parents currently have no constitutional right to remove their child from objectionable classes, even if the parents’ objections stem from their religious beliefs. However, many states have enacted “opt-out” laws that permit parents to remove their children from various kinds of public school classes.

Please also keep in mind that parents can serve as grassroots catalysts for educational reform and should consider running for school board and becoming involved in school policy decision-making. After all, every parent has a constitutional right to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” and therefore active participation and even zealous advocacy before school boards is not only allowed but encouraged in our constitutional republic. We must stay engaged for the sake of our children.

Marshall H. Goldman serves as Senior Litigation Counsel with the American Center for Law and Justice where he works on both domestic and international matters. We are dedicated to defending your constitutional rights and have been providing assistance and legal representation, at no cost or charge, for decades. If your rights are being violated in this area, please contact us at ACLJ.org/HELP.

Ohio clergy warn proposed abortion amendment will take state back to ‘Dark Ages’ (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — This week the Ohio Ballot Board cleared ballot language to allow Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom to begin collecting signatures to place an amendment on the November 2023 ballot. The constitutional amendment would endanger the health and well-being of both women and children, and would remove any requirements for abortion mills that normal healthcare facilities would have to follow.

Pastor Walter Moss, President-Elect of the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio (RLACO) says the amendment has nothing to do with healthcare. “Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world. We look forward to exposing the dangers of this radical amendment being pushed on Ohio by fringe groups like Planned Parenthood and ACLU. If passed, this amendment would wipe out thirty years of important pro-life laws including the Heartbeat Law and Down Syndrome Abortion Ban.”

Pastor Walter Moss (pictured left), has written a booklet entitled “Why I am a black pro-life pastor.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Under Ohio law, anti-life groups must collect four hundred-fourteen thousand signatures statewide, or ten percent of the votes in the last governor’s race across at least forty-four of Ohio’s eighty-eight counties. The deadline for the amendment to make the Nov. 7th ballot is July 5th.

The proposed constitutional amendment would not only allow anti-lifers to embed abortion into the state constitution, it would also deny parents the right to any intervention on behalf of their children that would discourage their child from obtaining any medical procedure involving the human reproductive system, from abortion to sex-change surgery.

“This proposed amendment would strike down parental notification laws for abortion,” says the Stark County Pastor. “I am also very concerned basic health and safety protections for women would also be wiped out. This amendment would make Ohio home to painful late term abortions right up until the ninth month of pregnancy.”

The approved amendment language would amend Article 1 Section 22 of the Ohio Constitution and say “Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on: contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one’s own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion,” and “the State shall not directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against an individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or a a person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right.”

“Since anti-life activists do not control any of the three branches of government in Ohio, they are hoping to do what Michigan did by changing the state constitution. If Ohioans allow this amendment to become enshrined into the state constitution, their elected representatives in Columbus will be powerless to pass any statute that would undo the damage. GOD’s people cannot fall asleep at the wheel, we cannot sit this one out.”

Pastor J.C. Church

Pastor Moss’ RLACO will be hosting town halls for churches and civic groups to encourage Ohioans to speak up, speak out, and be visible in opposition of this abortion amendment. This week Protect Women Ohio, a coalition of concerned family leaders, parents, medical experts, and faith leaders from Ohio, began an advertising campaign on the abortion amendment.

It is assured the proposed amendment will meet resistance from faith leaders. Following the Dobbs v. Jackson U.S. Supreme Court decision, one hundred-sixty lead clergy from twenty-two counties in Ohio called for a complete ban on abortion saying, “moral clarity surrounding the unborn should be strengthened by eliminating legislative loopholes.” Historically, clergy in the region have advocated for the lives of unborn babies with Down Syndrome and supported the defunding of Planned Parenthood. Over one hundred clergy this past fall endorsed pro-life candidates running for State Supreme Court; all three candidates won.

“Since anti-life activists do not control any of the three branches of government in Ohio, they are hoping to do what Michigan did by changing the state constitution,” says Pastor J.C. Church. “If Ohioans allow this amendment to become enshrined into the state constitution, their elected representatives in Columbus will be powerless to pass any statute that would undo the damage. GOD’s people cannot fall asleep at the wheel, we cannot sit this one out.”

2023 March for Life in Bucyrus, Ohio . (Photo courtesy of Greg Jevnikar)

“The abortion industry profits off organ harvesting and is aiding and abetting sex trafficking. This year alone, nearly one million preborn children nationally will suffer gruesome deaths by dismemberment, lethal injection, or denial of the nutrients they need to live. The abortion industry exploits the broken bodies of these children, and vulnerable women and girls for power and profit.”

Both clergymen agree, with ultrasound technology and undercover investigations, the anti-life agenda has been exposed and is more concerned about money than about its public image.

According to Pastor Church, a Crawford County Pastor, “Planned Parenthood’s insatiable lust for money knows no boundaries. They do not care if our state goes backwards in time with this proposed amendment to the Dark Ages. This barbaric amendment will make Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors look like child’s play. Unfortunately, I have to tell my grand babies that ‘Yes, there are such things as monsters in this world.’ This election is all hands on deck. This is a matter of good versus evil.”

On November 7th, Ohio families can only hope this story has a good ending.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Jeremiah Chapter Three, “Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you…and I will give you pastors according to my heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”

View video advertisement produced by Protect Women Ohio below addressing the Ohio abortion amendment. Protect Women Ohio is a coalition of concerned family leaders, parents, medical experts, and faith leaders in Ohio. (Duration 30 sec.)

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