RICHLAND COUNTY, OHIO — This past month community-wide events for the National Day of Prayer occurred across the county on the first Thursday in May. The theme Bible verse this year was from Isaiah 58:1 “Shout it aloud, do not hold back, raise your voice like a shofar.” A synopsis of each of these events follows…..
BELLVILLE– Held in downtown Bellville at the Gazebo, the chilly evening gathering included a special flag ceremony by Trail Life Scouts, the new family-friendly alternative to the Boy Scouts. Reverend Bill Henderson emceed the local observance in The Valley, and Reverend Doug Pretorius spoke on the last prayer of Jesus from John Chapter 17. A beautiful violin soloist captivated the crowd before the intercessors went into small groups to pray for the nation. The Bellville Mayor of Darrell Banks attended, along with five area pastors.

(Submitted photo)
LUCAS–A National Day of Prayer observance was held at the newly opened Lucas Community Center in Cub Country on Thursday night. Prayers were made by several leaders including Reverend David Aune and Reverend David Root. A team of skillful musicians led by Reverend Dallas Waggle played several praise songs between prayers. A proclamation from the Village Mayor’s office was read commemorating the National Day of Prayer. The event helped christen the new community center which is also home base to a prayer house ministry and Lucas Area Food Pantry, both ministries of the Lucas Area Ministerial Association.
MADISON— The East Mansfield Ministerial Association coordinated a community prayer vigil at noon on the National Day of Prayer. The meeting was held at the Big Lots parking lot on busy Ashland Road. Township folks gathered along with several officials to petition the Lord of Hosts for his guidance for the nation.
MANSFIELD — On Thursday at noon at the Mansfield Central Park Gazebo, citizens gathered for prayers for the nation. With WVMC radio personality Scott Saunders as the emcee, Mayor Timothy Theaker and Commissioner Gary Utt read a proclamation commemorating the area tradition. Fifteen elected officials in all attended including two county commissioners, mayors of Mansfield, Ontario, Bellville, two council members, a township trustee, finance director, recorder, sheriff and four judges. Participants included the IMAGE Mansfield Christian youth choir, a community band, and six pastors who prayed for the nation, safety forces, schools and local leaders. Reverend Thomas Hunt, the keynote speaker, spoke about how the Heavenly Father actively blesses us in our lives when we invite Him. The assembly at the county seat was well attended and coordinated by the Richland Community Prayer Network.
SHELBY –A host of people gathered together at the Black fork Commons in downtown Shelby to recognize the National Day of Prayer. The assembly was coordinated by the Shelby Ministerial Association with Reverend George Johnson as the emcee. Five pastors led prayer with participants praying for families, schools, city leaders and the nation. Reverend Steve Schag, Mayor of Shelby, attended along with a total of twelve pastors; the youth choir from Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Parish also sang a memorable song. Participants were of one spirit when they ended with the LORD’s Prayer and sang in unison “GOD bless America.”
The Bottom Line:
The Bible says in Isaiah Fifty-Eight, ““Shout it aloud, do not hold back, raise your voice like a shofar.”