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Regional coverage of 2016 National Day of Prayer in Richland County


RICHLAND COUNTY, OHIO — This past month community-wide events for the National Day of Prayer occurred across the county on the first Thursday in May.  The theme Bible verse this year was from Isaiah 58:1 “Shout it aloud, do not hold back, raise your voice like a shofar.”  A synopsis of each of these events follows…..

BELLVILLE– Held in downtown Bellville at the Gazebo, the chilly evening gathering included a special flag ceremony by Trail Life Scouts, the new family-friendly alternative to the Boy Scouts.  Reverend Bill Henderson emceed the local observance in The Valley, and Reverend Doug Pretorius spoke on the last prayer of Jesus from John Chapter 17.  A beautiful violin soloist captivated the crowd before the intercessors went into small groups to pray for the nation.  The Bellville Mayor of Darrell Banks attended, along with five area pastors.

Reverend El Akuchie prays during 2016 Mansfield National Day of Prayer
(Submitted photo)

LUCAS–A National Day of Prayer observance was held at the newly opened Lucas Community Center in Cub Country on Thursday night.  Prayers were made by several leaders including Reverend David Aune and Reverend David Root. A team of skillful musicians led by Reverend Dallas Waggle played several praise songs between prayers. A proclamation from the Village Mayor’s office was read commemorating the National Day of Prayer.  The event helped christen the new community center which is also home base to a prayer house ministry and Lucas Area Food Pantry, both ministries of the Lucas Area Ministerial Association.

MADISON— The East Mansfield Ministerial Association coordinated a community prayer vigil at noon on the National Day of Prayer.  The meeting was  held at the Big Lots parking lot on busy Ashland Road.   Township folks gathered along with several officials to petition the Lord of Hosts for his guidance for the nation.

MANSFIELD — On Thursday at noon at the Mansfield Central Park Gazebo, citizens gathered for prayers for the nation.  With WVMC radio personality Scott Saunders as the emcee, Mayor Timothy Theaker and  Commissioner Gary Utt read a proclamation commemorating the area tradition.   Fifteen elected officials in all attended including two county commissioners, mayors of Mansfield, Ontario, Bellville, two council members, a township trustee, finance director, recorder, sheriff and four judges.  Participants included the IMAGE Mansfield Christian youth choir, a community band, and six pastors who prayed for the nation, safety forces, schools and local leaders.    Reverend Thomas Hunt, the keynote speaker, spoke about how the Heavenly Father actively blesses us in our lives when we invite Him. The assembly at the county seat was well attended and coordinated by the Richland Community Prayer Network. 

SHELBY –A host of people gathered together at the Black fork Commons in downtown Shelby to recognize the National Day of Prayer.  The assembly was coordinated by the Shelby Ministerial Association with Reverend George Johnson as the emcee.  Five pastors led prayer with participants praying for families, schools, city leaders and the nation.   Reverend Steve Schag, Mayor of Shelby, attended along with a total of twelve pastors; the youth choir from Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Parish also sang a memorable song.   Participants were of one spirit when they ended with the LORD’s Prayer and sang in unison “GOD bless America.”

36 area clergy tell local business psychic reading is ‘consumer fraud’


Editor’s note: This article is part of our “Time Capsule Series” that includes a cache of past stories that previously were not told.

LEXINGTON –Area clergy are warning a business about its nefarious activities and hoping the local fruit farm bears good fruit and not bad fruit. Three days before a psychic reading event is to occur at the Blueberry Patch, lead clergymen from thirty-six local congregations are alerting the business that a questionable program on Friday evening is immoral and may be associated with consumer fraud.

According to a clergy letter sent to the owners of the Blueberry Patch, the event at the 1285 Hanley Road West business has its detractors.

“Recently it has come to our attention that your business has been advertising on your signs and your coming events calendar inviting the public to an event on January 8, 2016 which includes a psychic reader,” the clergy wrote. “A handout disseminated to customers and displayed on your Blueberry Patch website reads that psychic Jen Lopez will conduct readings using astrology and numerology, that she will be accurate, and that fifteen minute readings will cost fifteen dollars.”

“As a business owner, you are free to run the Blueberry Patch however you would like. All things considered, your practices may not gain the approval of many of your customers and loyal patrons,” the clergymen said.

The Blueberry Patch is a fruit farm with a nursery and a greenhouse, offers twenty-seven different varieties of berries; and is also the largest blueberry farm in the state. It also plays a prominent role in the annual Blueberry Festival in the Village of Lexington. Faith leaders believe this upcoming psychic event should be cancelled due to is association with deviant behavior that is not in harmony with the identity of the community.

“As chaplains of this community, we strongly believe the upcoming psychic event is associated with deviant behavior, is not in harmony with the identity of our community, and will tarnish the reputation of the Blueberry Patch and therefore advise that the event be cancelled.”

Clergy letter signed by 36 Lead clergy

The clergy say the business should consider the Bible-based heritage of its clientele. They cite a 2006 study on churches in Richland County finding that nearly 47,000 people in Richland County belonged to a Bible-based congregation. The Richland Community Prayer Network, which conducted this study, states there are at least two hundred-thirty Bible believing congregations in Richland County, not counting home churches.

The letter also said that clergy in the past have publicly addressed the issue of divination and the dangers it poses, mentioning the public outcry over a fortune teller Lisa Williams that came to the Renaissance Theater in 2008. Theater CEO Terri Bergman was fired nine months later reportedly for dwindling ticket sales at the theater. Bad business is not all the clergy spoke of.

“As (36) thirty-six spiritual leaders of this area, we are convinced hosting a psychic reading will jeopardize the good standing of your business, endanger the financial well-being of the fruit farm and imperil the individuals attending your psychic event. Psychic reading is fraudulent and can involve financial scams of unsuspecting persons.”

In 2014, a Los Angeles private investigator in court was able to help psychic fraud victims recover over two million dollars. The victims were told they had to pay cash in order to ‘remove a curse placed on them.’ The psychic was sentenced to between five and fifteen years in jail and ordered to pay restitution. The same year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an arrest warrant was issued for a psychic who convinced a lady she needed to withdraw all her money from the bank to be blessed. The psychic ended up with twenty thousand dollars.

At debate is whether consumer fraud found in the Ohio Revised Code Section 1345.02 pertains to psychic reading. The clergy believe event attendees could hold the Blueberry Patch liable if they have to pay to ward off similar hexes.

The clergy concluded by saying, “Members of our local congregations are very familiar with the teaching in the Bible about good fruit and bad fruit. Jesus told his followers that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit and a good tree cannot bear bad fruit (Matthew 7:18). Our hope is that your fruit farm bears good fruit and fruit that remains. With that being said, it is our moral responsibility to warn you so that you take steps to have as bountiful of a harvest as you had in 2015.”

Copies of the letter were also given to the Washington Township Board of Trustees, Mayor of the Village of Lexington, and the President of the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Leviticus Chapter Nineteen, “Do not turn to mediums or necromancers, do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them. I am the LORD your GOD.”

Related articles:

Mansfield City Council goes on record opposing Issue 3 marijuana issue


MANSFIELD — On October 19th, Mansfield City Council voted to pass a non-binding resolution proposed by the Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN) to officially oppose State Issue #3, thereby opposing the effort for the upcoming Fall election to legalize the use of marijuana in Ohio .  

The resolution easily passed 6-2 with Councilmen Don Bryant and Butch Jefferson opposing.

Mansfield City Hall (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The resolution stated that the legalization of marijuana will circumvent efforts by local law enforcement, prevention agencies like Capable Action Capable Youth (CACY), and other faith-based drug treatment ministries provided by local congregations.

Also cited was a 2011 study finding that “crash risk appears to increase progressively with dose and frequency of marijuana use,” and that the study found that “drivers who test positive for marijuana or self-report using marijuana are more than twice as likely as other drivers to be involved in motor vehicle crashes.”

“I would like to thank City Council and the Administration for your tireless efforts in helping curtail the drug addiction tragedy that is striking our land,” Benjamin Mutti of RCPN said to City Council On Monday night. Mutti was also accompanied by Reverend El Akuchie.

“Legalizing this illicit drug (marijuana) in Ohio would be a triple threat to the health, safety, and morality of our great state.  We don’t need anymore ‘second hand smoke’ to cloud our children s’ future.

Reverend El Akuchie, Richland Community Prayer Network

Akuchie commented, “Marijuana is even more poisonous than when it was first outlawed nearly one hundred years ago.  Legalizing this illicit drug in Ohio would be a triple threat to the health, safety, and morality of our great state.  We don’t need anymore ‘second hand smoke’ to cloud our children s’ future.  Three is a crowd.  Vote no on Issue 3.”

RCPN believes that the united voices of the City Council of the county seat,  along with the local law enforcement,in the region demonstrate a formidable opposition to Issue 3. 

Most recently RCPN coordinated a countywide prayer movement of pastors representing sixty-six local congregations this past summer, and also spearheaded an effort to persuade the County Commissioners to support the defunding of Planned Parenthood with forty-three area clergy.  

Editor’s note: Issue 3 was defeated by Ohio voters in the 2015 elections.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in First Peter Chapter Five, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

Commissioner Board turns down clergy resolution to defund Planned Parenthood (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Despite recent revelations on Planned Parenthood selling baby parts on the black market, the Richland County Board of Commissioners declined to hold a hearing to consider supporting a non-binding resolution proposed by leading clergy from forty-three area congregations.

Earlier this summer, allegations surfaced regarding Planned Parenthood‘s operation after the release of a series of undercover videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress.

Reverend El Akuchie
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Evidence about Planned Parenthood depicted in these videos is profoundly evil and nefarious,” says Reverend El Akuchie of the Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN).

The Commissioner Board, consisting of Gary Utt, Timothy Wert, and Marilyn John, stated that the issue does not pertain to their direct management and therefore will not schedule a hearing with the pastors. Ironically, the Board of Commissioners passed a non-binding resolution at the request of the Ohio Secretary of State pertaining to election practices. 

Richland County citizens fund Planned Parenthood thru federal and state taxes despite the organization being independently wealthy with nearly one billion dollars of net assets, Recently the Federal Government awarded Planned Parenthood with one million dollars in grants despite ongoing criminal Congressional investigations.

“As citizens of this county, we should not be funding Planned Parenthood which pours its lobbying interests into one political party,” says Reverend Akuchie. “Abortion happens to be one of the leading causes of death for African Americans since 1973, and selling human body parts which these videos reveal is a violation of federal law.”

County Commissioner Marilyn John said she would write a letter to legislators supporting the defunding of Planned Parenthood .

“Make no mistake, protecting and preserving life is everyone’s business and the local Body of Christ has volunteered to not remain silent in protecting the next generation…even when it is not politically expedient.”

Reverend El Akuchie
Richland Community Prayer Network

In response to the Board of Commissioner’s dismissal of the issue, Akuchie responded: “We believe that the old axiom rings true today that “evil prevails when good people remain silent.” It is our conviction that society is looking for strong leadership and that saving and preserving life should be the business of every human being. Make no mistake, protecting and preserving life is everyone’s business and the local Body of Christ has volunteered to not remain silent in protecting the next generation…even when it is not politically expedient.”

The proposed non-binding resolution was three-fold: advising the U.S. Congress to add an amendment in the 2015 Budget Bill to end forced taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, advising the Ohio State Legislature to present legislation to be signed by the Governor to discontinue forced taxpayer funding to the Planned Parenthood organization, and lastly, supporting criminal investigation and prosecution of those individuals who have broken existing laws.

RCPN’s draft resolution also stated that ending forced taxpayer funding on Planned Parenthood would not cause low-income women to go without health care since there are 13,540 health clinics across the country, versus 665 Planned Parenthood locations. The clergy suggested that if federal funding from Planned Parenthood is eliminated, than that money could go towards health care providers that already better serve women .

Just one month earlier, over one hundred pro life advocates held a prayer vigil at the local Park Avenue Planned Parenthood as part of a large movement where gatherings were taking place in more than three hundred cities supporting the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

The Bottom Line:

View the video produced by the Center for Medical Progress below. (Editor’s note: images on video may be disturbing)

Local religious leaders warn that freedoms are in jeopardy (SLIDESHOW)


MANSFIELD — Last week local clergy met with the Richland County Board of Commissioners to discuss the importance of religious freedom. Faith leaders made the point if they are not free to practice their religion, the community will suffer. The presentation was to commemorate January 16th, 2014 as Religious Freedom Day.

The Board of Commissioners met with Reverend Jerry Laudermilk of Ontario Abundant Life Tabernacle, Reverend Eric Byrom of Mansfield Grace Fellowship, Reverend Andy Jones of Mansfield First English Lutheran, Reverend Bill Henderson of Bellville First Baptist, Reverend David Asp of the Shelby Ministerial Association, and Benjamin Mutti of the Richland Community Prayer Network to discuss the first freedom listed in the Bill of Rights.

Pastor Eric Byrom discusses church missions with Richland County Board of Commissioners. (Photo courtesy of Bud Motter)

According to the clergy, it is alarming that the federal government is prohibiting the free exercise of religion, most notably religions that espouse to the belief in the Bible.

The ministers cited a survey by the Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council entitled “Undeniable,” which lists 1,200 court cases where religious freedoms are being dismantled in America.

“In fact, this trend is being seen throughout the globe,” said Pastor Byrom, referring to a map displayed tracking religious persecution worldwide.

The group pointed out that persecution is taking place despite the valuable service that congregations provide to the local community.

“They (local missionaries) actually pose as goodwill ambassadors, giving our county a good reputation.”

Timothy Wert, county commissioner

Mutti discussed with the Commissioner Board a pilot study by a Pennsylvania researcher demonstrating that monetary values of the benefits/services that religious congregations provide can be calculated.

“While quantifying the financial value of a congregation is helpful for policy makers, the benefits of local congregation practicing its Biblical religion on the grand scale are much more comprehensive.”

The Commissioners pointed out that the churches in downtown Mansfield are anchors in their neighborhoods, keeping their properties well-maintained and providing charity to the residents.

Commissioner Timothy Wert noted that many missionaries from the local churches have helped with relief efforts like in the cases of Hurricane Katrina and the Haiti earthquake disaster.

“They actually pose as goodwill ambassadors, giving our county a good reputation.”

Recently a bill reinforcing religious freedom was introduced in the Ohio Legislature.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in James Chapter 1, “Pure religion and undefiled before GOD and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

Guest Column: 2012 Religious Freedom is under attack


Religious Freedom Day is a time for reflection on the first freedom guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Each January 16th is an important time for policy-makers to recommit to protecting the ability of citizens to maintain their religious identity and to freely express their religious convictions.

Reverend El Akuchie 

As Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and render unto GOD what is GOD’s (Matthew 22:21).

All citizens have the GOD-given right to express their personal faith in the manner they choose. The Founding Fathers believed that a government not willing to respect citizens’ religious freedoms would be unlikely to respect other freedoms. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights is the freedom OF religion and not freedom FROM religion.

This freedom is what makes our country exceptional. According to report by Open Doors Ministry, at least 176,000 Christians in the world were martyred for their faith in 2009.

Observing Religious Freedom Day can draw our attention to the valuable contributions that religious groups make to society. For example, churches are essential in cultivating the virtuous habits necessary for self-government, tackle social problems, and care for the needy.

Consequently, the religious adherents are not the only individuals adversely affected when religious freedoms are undermined, those who are served by these ministries lose out too.

Consider these recent incidents attacking religious freedoms:

In April 2009, a Homeland Security report linked evangelical Christians with domestic terrorists. It further warned law enforcement to watch out for individuals with “radical” ideologies based on Christian views , such as opposing illegal immigration, abortion, and federal taxes. An official with the Missouri Highway Patrol criticized the report, assuring that such reports no longer will be issued.

All citizens have the GOD-given right to express their personal faith in the manner they choose. The Founding Fathers believed that a government not willing to respect citizens’ religious freedoms would be unlikely to respect other freedoms.

Reverend El Akuchie

In May 2009, the U.S. military incinerated hundreds of Bibles that were bound for Afghanistan. Rather than returning the Bibles to their original donors, the Bibles were destroyed since Afghanistan condemns the practice of Christianity and Judaism.

In May 2010, law enforcement prohibited an Arizona teacher, her students, and several adults from quietly praying outside the U.S. Supreme Court building. The group was taking an educational tour of the Supreme Court complex, standing to the side at the bottom of the steps, and quietly bowing their heads in prayer. Law enforcement stated that “parades and processions on the Supreme Court grounds were strictly prohibited.”

In September 2011, the Walter Reed Military Hospital implemented a new policy prohibiting religious material and artifacts, specifically Bibles, from being brought in to hospitalized soldiers. This directive even pertained to military chaplains. Ironically, the facility is named after Walter Reed who was the son of a Methodist minister and a devout Christian himself.

While this directive was eventually rescinded due to public outcry, our leaders are making a grave mistake if they try to remove the inalienable right of religion in this country.

Reverend El Akuchie is pastor at Godsfield House of Prayer and Executive Director of the Richland Community Prayer Network.

Engaged local clergy oppose 2012 county fair beer garden


MANSFIELD — A controversy is brewing over a beer garden during the county fair. Several area clergy with drug treatment ministries attended the Richland County Agricultural Society Board’s November meeting to bring a grievance regarding the last year’s beer garden for the Richland County Fair.

The 2011 beer garden drew national attention, and was the first time alcohol has been served in 160 years of the family-friendly county fair. Despite initial reports by the Fair President, a clergy group led by Richland Community Family Coalition Spokesman Benjamin Mutti, presented the Board a report detailing the beer garden’s failure to meet publicly-stated goals.

Local clergy who attending Richland County Fair Board meeting, Pictured L to R): Rich Cloyed, Doug Tackett, Rick Lewis, John Harris & Steve Schag. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to Mutti, “the introduction of a fair beer garden is counter-productive, working against our collective efforts in minimizing the local epidemic of alcohol and substance abuse, and should therefore be permanently cancelled.”

In an interview with WMFD TV-68, Fair Board Manager Dean Wells listed three conditions, that would invariably cancel the beer garden. These included an unsuitable fair beer garden profit (below $10,000), underage consumption, and drunk driving.

Despite claims the beer garden had a net profit of $6,000 and brought increased attendance, the Fair Board President Donna Seibart admitted in response to information requests that “the number of tickets sold, are not recorded.”

In addition, the clergy report reveals that the $6,000 figure did not include additional security costs and by clergies’ estimates, actually lost $181. This statistic is based on records given by the Fair Board.

“The introduction of a fair beer garden is counter-productive, working against our collective efforts in minimizing the local epidemic of alcohol and substance abuse, and should therefore be permanently cancelled.”

Benjamin Mutti, Richland Community family coalition

Pastors attending the Fair Board meeting included: Rich Cloyet, Shelby First Church of GOD, Reverend Doug Tackett of Taylortown Community Church, Reverend Rick Lewis of Shelby Church of God, Reverend John Harris of Lexington Armor bearer’s Ministries, and Reverend Steve Schag of Shelby.

The event originally drew controversy when the Richland Community Family Coalition held a press conference on the Fairgrounds with several pastors and a spokesperson with the Mothers Against Drunk Driving several days prior to the opening day of the Fair.

The Fair Board’s decision to have a beer garden during fair week resulted in several entities passing resolutions objecting to the beer garden. Those governing bodies included: Mansfield City Council, Madison Twp. Trustee Board, Springfield Twp. Trustee Board, Washington Twp. Trustee Board, Mansfield Christian School Board, and the Temple Christian School Board.

The Crestview Ministerial Association also publicly opposed the 2011 beer garden.

Seven area businesses terminated their sponsorship of the 2012 Fair because of the inclusion of the beer garden in 2011 . On the flip side, local businessmen also offered money to the Fair Board of Directors as incentive for not having a fair beer garden.

One example the clergy brought to the Fair Board was of a commercial business trying to mix alcohol and families was the national restaurant chain Chuck E. Cheese. The combination was analyzed in a Wall Street Journal report where documented cases of violence have plagued restaurants in the chain in recent years.

The clergy quoted the Bible in their report warning about the affiliation of alcohol abuse and violence saying: “Who has woe? Who has sorrow or redness of eyes? Who has contentions or wounds without cause? Those who linger long at the wine…it will bite like a serpent, your eyes will see strange things… you shall say ‘when shall I awake that I may seek another drink?”

Editor’s note: the The Richland County Agricultural Society announced the discontinuation of the beer garden for 2012 at the clergy’s request.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 23, “Who has woe? Who has sorrow or redness of eyes? Who has contentions or wounds without cause? Those who linger long at the wine…it will bite like a serpent, your eyes will see strange things… you shall say ‘when shall I awake that I may seek another drink?”

At request of 72 clergy, Health Chief says ties with syringe exchange will end


MANSFIELD — Pastors have been on pins and needles after the local health department donated leftover needles to an Ohio syringe exchange program. However, last week the Health Commissioner put their concerns to rest.

Health Commissioner Stan Saalman responded to a clergy letter sent by seventy-two Richland County clergy expressing their concern over the health department’s delivery of two hundred needles to the Portsmouth area. The syringes were leftover from a supply of needles from the H1N1 flu vaccination program and sent last February.

“There is not much of a chance that the Health District (Richland County) would contemplate a donation or needle exchange program in the near future.” said Health Commissioner Stan Saalman in a response letter to Reverend El Akuchie, one of the clergy letter’s cosigners. “I do not expect this (needle exchange program) to happen.”

The group of clergy stated in the letter they believed it was morally wrong to donate needles to a syringe exchange program because it contributed to the mortality of addicted persons, sanctioned destructive behaviors, and was one step towards condoning substance abuse.

“According to a local study, it is believed there are at least 47,000 to 48,000 people who attend a Bible-believing church each weekend in Richland County,” said Reverend Akuchie, one of the clergy co-signers. “As allied pastors of these congregations, we believe government exists because the GOD of the Bible has appointed it.  And that appointed government is established with the mandate to reward good behavior and to punish evil behavior. Giving free needles to addicts rewards bad behavior.”

“According to a local study, it is believed there are at least 47,000 to 48,000 people who attend a Bible-believing church each weekend in Richland County. As allied pastors of these congregations, we believe government exists because the GOD of the Bible has appointed it.  And that appointed government is established with the mandate to reward good behavior and to punish evil behavior. Giving free needles to addicts rewards bad behavior.”

Reverend El Akuchie, Richland Community Family Coalition

In the correspondence, the area ministers cited a review conducted by the New Jersey Family Policy Council of hundreds of reports on syringe exchange programs finding very few programs with credible measures for effectiveness in preventing HIV transmission among injection drug users.

“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,” Akuchie adds. “Participating in a ‘necessary evil’ by handing out drug paraphernalia to reduce bloodborne pathogens will not yield good results. Reports suggesting otherwise are not peer-reviewed and data unreliable.”

Since no public health emergency was declared, the clergy even pointed out the health department could possibly be subject to the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 2925.14 (C) (2) for dealing drug paraphernalia, a second degree misdemeanor.

The clergy letter concluded that “Biblical faith can be injected into everyday life” and recommended faith-based drug treatment centers like Teen Challenge as a reliable alternative to needle exchanges.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew 7, “Every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.”

Upperclassmen present “In GOD we trust” posters to Lex School Board

Ohio state motto at Statehouse Rotunda (Photo courtesy of screenshot)

LEXINGTON — Several students representing a Christian student group, teamed with a local businessman and pastor, presented framed posters that acknowledge GOD to the Lexington School Board last week.  The collaboration believes that the philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.

The posters depict the national motto: “In GOD we trust,” and the state motto: “With GOD all things are possible,” and will be displayed in every classroom in the public school district thanks to a collaboration between Scott Sharrock and several congregations.

Pictured from L to R: Scott Sharrock, Adam Lieb, Savvanah Mattone, and Reverend John Harris (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Framed copies of the poster were donated on behalf of the local churches in the greater Lexington area.

According to senior Adam Lieb, a 2007 study conducted by researchers from the University of British Columbia found that merely thinking about GOD can prompt cooperative actions and generous behavior.

Junior Savannah Mattone emphasized that “the student body can benefit from being reminded that GOD is the Chief Cornerstone and the stability of our times.” 

Both students are active with the Crusaders student group, which has been in existence since 1993 and meets weekly to pray for their school.  The group’s past activities have included ministry to local nursing homes, raising funds for those starving around the world, and involvement with the “Meet you at the pole” prayer initiative. 

“There has been an increase in corporate prayer by area churches for the school district and the local churches are now seeing the need to play an increased role in the local schools.”

Reverend John Harris
Lexington Covenant Church

Reverend Harris of Covenant Church who represented several local congregations commented that recently there has been “an increase in corporate prayer by area churches for the school district and that the churches are now seeing the need to play an increased role in the local schools.”

Along the same lines, Scott Sharrock pointed out that the display of the posters could have as far-reaching impact as helping troubled youth consider eternity, preventing another Columbine tragedy.

The group also pointed out that the Ohio Constitution states that “Religion, morality and knowledge, being essentially necessary to the good government, and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of instruction shall forever be encouraged by legislative provision.”

In 2006, the Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 184 signed by Governor Robert Taft, requiring Ohio school districts that receive framed donated copies of the National and Ohio State motto posters to display them in classrooms. 

Guest Column: Unmasking Halloween tradition


Have you ever worked your fingers to the bone for something and not seen the results you were hoping for? Have you ever prayed for genuine change in the community and feel like there is little to show for your efforts?

According to the Bible, GOD instructed the Israelites to pray for the peace and prosperity of the community He placed them in, because if it prospered, they too prospered.

Reverend El Akuchie
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Unequivocally, our destinies are connected with the status of our community. Having said that, GOD is very interested in the traditions we hold dear; looks at what we celebrate individually and corporately. So as children of the light, do we celebrate the light or the dark?

The LORD Almighty says this in Haggai 1 : “You have sown much, but harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied. You drink, but you never have your fill. You put on your clothing, but no one is warm enough. And he who earns, earns wages to put into a purse with holes.”

When it comes to fall traditions, as the people of GOD, we need to “consider our ways.”

Halloween is one tradition in our culture that continues to raise concern. In 1975, Richland County Commissioner Freeman Swank and the mayors of Mansfield, Ontario, and Lexington together made a joint statement declaring that there would no longer be trick or treat activities due to the concerns of increased vandalism, disturbing the peace, and child safety.

Interestingly, Halloween originated from a Celtic pagan festival named Samhain (pronounced Sam-ween), where disguised druids ordered people to start a sacred bonfire to burn animals, crops, and even human beings as sacrifices. This was done to honor Samhain, the “lord of death.” This tradition has been carried over today as Halloween and is considered a high holiday in paganism.

Researcher George Otis Jr. points out that spiritual strongholds can be sustained across generations. “Religious festivals are many times deeply rooted in history and can afford the successive generations the opportunity to consciously ratify the choices that were made by their ancestors. For participants, it gives them the chance to identify with their forefathers with cultural points of origin; it’s like a generational baton pass.”

Some young people raised in this tradition continue to hold this festival dear. The Halloween party in Athens at Ohio University attracts 20,000 people annually. This past Halloween, 182 were arrested for underage consumption; 45 were taken to the hospital for over-indulgence of alcohol, and thousands of taxpayer dollars were spent on additional officers for police patrol. This same dilemma took place at Kent State where 105 were arrested during Halloween Weekend.

In fact, drunk driving over Halloween has surpassed drunk driving on New Year’s Eve. On Halloween night in 2008, 58 percent of all highway fatalities involving a driver or a motorcyclist were alcohol-related, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

“With the recent proliferation of ‘haunted attractions’ in our community, it would be very wise to not sweep this issue under the rug. Make no mistake, our city must not be a “ghost town. We must continue to seek those things which attract the presence of the Living GOD.

Reverend El Akukchie, Godsfield House of Prayer

No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is known by its own fruit, and Halloween is known by death.

The city of Detroit had a tradition the night before Halloween as abandoned buildings were set fire. Nicknamed the “Devil’s Night,” 800 fire were started in 1984 during a 48 hour period. On the last three days of October in 2007, at least 147 fires occurred.

According to the Columbus Dispatch this past Fall 2009, a haunted house in Pataskala, Ohio showed a scene of a man pulling a trigger, and committing suicide; this did not bode well with the local suicide prevention services.

Can we honestly in good faith say that observing the festival of Halloween is harmless to our society ? GODS’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.

With the recent proliferation of “haunted attractions” in our community, it would be very wise to not sweep this issue under the rug. Make no mistake, our city must not be a “ghost town. We must continue to seek those things which attract the presence of the Living GOD.

Reverend El Akuchie is Pastor at Godsfield House of Prayer and Executive Director of Richland Community Prayer Network.

Guest Column: Slot machines, an “immaculate deception”


The year was 1964, the Minnesota Vikings and their stingy defense were battling the San Francisco 49ers in a National Football League showdown. In a dramatic turn of events, Hall of Fame defensive end Jim Marshall ran 66 yards downfield after recovering a fumble from the opposing quarterback. The jubilant player threw the ball into the stands to celebrate what he thought was a touchdown. But after further review, it was discovered that he ran the wrong way! He ran into his own end zone, scoring a safety for the other team!

Benjamin Mutti 
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In another colossal miscue, this one of far-reaching importance, Democrat Governor Ted Strickland and Republican Senate President Bill Harris appeared to have scored big for Ohioans by balancing the state budget, except they made one mistake: they ran the wrong way!

In a “reverse” of his position, the Reverend Strickland used his executive order to authorize casino gambling at Ohio’s horse race tracks. The State Legislature, with Harris’ consent, agreed to support Strickland and redefine the lottery to involve slot machines. They both claim the gambling proposal will generate a guaranteed $933 million to help fill the $3.2 billion budget shortfall.

On the other hand, Ohio voters overwhelmingly rejected casino gambling attempts in 1990, 1999, 2006, and 2008. And according to the legislators, the original authors of the 1972 Ohio Lottery referendum, they never intended the lottery to include slot machines.

In 2008, local clergy representing 82 congregations held a press conference outside Mansfield City Hall opposing a state casino measure which was eventually struck down.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The Racing Commission admits “No court in Ohio has defined lotteries to include slot machines.” Article 15, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution prohibits lotteries unless such lotteries are conducted by an agency of the state and the proceeds are allocated to education.

In this “false start,” Strickland is supplying slot machine revenue to the state’s general fund.

And who will oversee these slot machines? The Director of the Ohio Lottery Commission, Mr. Mike Dolan, who this past winter was given a verbal warning for a traffic violation while driving near Mansfield. Innocent enough, until you find out that two days later, one hundred promotional lottery tickets arrived at Mansfield’s Ohio Highway Patrol post, along with a “thank you” note from the Director using government stationary. Dolan was later flagged for what the State Inspector General deemed as improper and unprofessional conduct.”

Despite what Strickland and Harris say about their dislike for gambling, they reneged on their promises to appeal to the voters after last fall’s resounding casino rejection by Ohioans. In the budget process, Ohioans were told that everything was “on the table.” Except for each of the three House plans and the Senate plan that balanced the budget. They were conveniently hidden from view. Strickland and Harris stated they had no other choice but to include slot machines in the budget. Apparently the godfathers of gambling gave our “leaders” an offer they could not refuse.

Nevertheless, with gambling there are no guarantees. If you are keeping stats, according to the Lottery Commission, Strickland’s Keno game is generating only 33% of the projected revenue as Ohioans empty their pockets. Like a compulsive gambler, Strickland now thinks slot machines can fill the void in the state budget that Keno could not.

A closer look shows the gambling industry is failing.

Does the presence of casinos increase crime or not? Independent economists David B. Mustard and Earl L. Grinois found that answer.

The Associated Press reported that Nevada casinos saw profits in 2008 plummet by 66%. The fact of the matter is, if gambling really is a viable solution, every state would be using it as a revenue generator. As we see with our current leaders, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Predatory gambling, with its social costs is a money vacuum and it takes lives with it.

Despite what Strickland and Harris would have Ohioans believe, the budget victory they stole form the voters is not certain. It if is, chalk up a victory to the mafia, the politicians, addiction services, divorce courts and bankruptcy attorneys.

Make no mistake, a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

Thankfully, the Ohio Roundtable, the Ohio Council of Churches, and the United Methodist denomination have “blown the whistle.” Perhaps it will be a replay of 2002 when Roundtable prevented Governor Bob Taft from trying the same trick in 2002 when it sued Taft and won.

Strickand could just very well “go all the way” to the Ohio Supreme Court. And that is where the Court, just like in 2002, may whistle the play “dead” and tell the Governor to bring his budget plan back-this time, for stepping “out of bounds.”

Benjamin Mutti is Spokesman for the Richland Community Family Coalition

Editor’s note: Mike Dolan stepped down from his state post two days after this article was previously published in the Mansfield News Journal on August 2, 2009  The resignation occurred four months after the Mansfield Highway Patrol incident.

Guest Column: Reservations about the Renaissance


In November 2008, the subject of the occult, widely considered a radioactive issue in Richland County, went from folklore to the front page when the Renaissance Theater began featuring psychic mediums to “better connect with the community.” On November 23rd, the theater showcased medium and clairvoyant Lisa Williams talking to dead people. Two weeks before that, the theater advertised it would have psychic readings available to accompany a women’s comedy act.

Benjamin Mutti 
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Not everyone sang the praises of the theater’s new programming venue. Disenchanted residents contacted corporate sponsors, along with the theater front office and the theater board to voice their displeasure. Prayer vigils were also held outside the theater during the events.

“This view (disagreeing with the choice of programming) does not come from the fringe of society,” said Reverend El Akuchie of the Richland Community Prayer Network, which conducted a 2006 church census study. “Nearly 48,000 people in the county are members of a Bible-believing church.” Akuchie overcame a family heritage steeped in witchcraft in Nigeria before converting to Christ as a youth.

It is no surprise Christian church leaders would differ with the Renaissance regarding the seance. This stance is historically consistent with other local chronicled episodes on this subject. In 1999, pastors publicly spoke out in opposition to movies about the occult. Similarly in 2001, clergy warned against talking to the dead in a local news report on the supernatural.

So why did the Renaissance choose this controversial act? Theater management’s alibi is that it is providing diverse “entertainment” for everyone. Unfortunately diversity in 1979 is what closed the theater when it began featuring X-rated movies and the community took action.

Ronn Koerper, Executive Director of the Schine Theater in Norwalk, Ohio for 32 years, commented “With that kind of programming (at Renaissance,) you will lose support from your churches, like when the Sandusky State Theater closed down several years ago.” After 43 years, Koerper still leads a nine-county arts organization today.

Reverend David Pound of Berean Baptist Church, located on Mansfield’s south side, unashamedly adheres to what the Bible states about consulting mediums, which it calls detestable. “Whether the medium means well, is attempting to defraud people, or is unsuspectingly being used by nefarious spirits, this type of activity does not offer genuine hope to hurting people.”

According to Reverend Merle Stewart of the Bethesda Fellowship, located on Mansfield’s north side, the theater does not realize the spiritual implications it is bringing to the city. “The Renaissance was always about high-caliber art. This is not good judgement; they do not know what they are trifling with.”

“Whether the medium means well, is attempting to defraud people, or is unsuspectingly being used by nefarious spirits, this type of activity does not offer genuine hope to hurting people.”

Reverend David Pound, Berean baptist

Last October, a young man broke the door open of Stewart’s church wanting to be delivered of demons. He later told Stewart that “demons were driving him insane and that he had invited this condition upon himself.” Police responded to the break in.

To paraphrase William Thompson, “Western culture has nearly lost all ability to recognize the reality of the spiritual dimension. We are like flies crawling across the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel; we cannot see what angels and gods lie underneath the threshold of our perceptions.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook of the Sar Shalom Messianic Congregation points out that there is a supernatural element to following the GOD of the Bible. “It comes from knowing the GOD of Israel and walking with him in the light of His Word; signs and wonders will follow the believer. I’ve seen supernatural miracles happen in my family, in our congregation, and in the community.”

Indeed, on August 21, 2007, the night after the one-hundred year flood hit Richland County, a potential 2 to 3 inches of rain was forecasted for the area. Persons from several local church congregations met outdoors to pray near Apple Hill, the highest elevation in the county. The group recorded the Doppler radar time frames showing the flash flood vanish between Findlay and Mansfield simultaneously as the prayer meeting ensued. A presentation on the documented event was later given to local government officials.

Going back to 1901, the Mansfield Daily Shield reported that Hattie Patterson heeded to GOD’s command in a dream to withdrawal her savings, just several days before the Sturges Bank failure. Who needs a financial bailout with guidance like that!

All four clergy agree the use of mediums, tarot cards, horoscopes, Ouija boards, witching water wells, reading palms, taking to the dead, and the practice of Cabbalism, Reiki and reflexology, are forms of witchcraft.

In short, Renaissance officials last spring asked the public for input on ways they could improve theater services to our community. Hopefully the board is taking notice and is considering towards turning the lights back on. Ultimately, the Renaissance can choose whatever programming it pleases; consequently, it may be opening Pandora’s box, something it may have never bargained for.

Benjamin Mutti is a spokesman for the Richland Community Family Coalition.

Guest Column: Ten Commandments are ACLU’s worst nightmare


In a a nation that espouses the motto “Liberty and justice for all,” is our nation really ready for the consequences should the Ten Commandments suddenly become unprotected speech?

Reverend El Akuchie, (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Fortunately the Federal Court of Northern Ohio the summer of 2008 ruled in favor of the display of a form of the Ten Commandments in a courtroom in Richland County. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) challenged Judge James DeWeese for his current display. Judge Kathleen O’Malley ruled in favor of DeWeese, stating, “The court finds the ACLU’s arguments unpersuasive because it overlooks the realities of the particular litigation previously before court and of civil litigation generally.”

Interestingly, earlier in the Spring of 2008, the Sixth District Court of Appeals stated in a decision, “The ACLU’s mantra of church and state separation has become tiresome.”

We have to keep in mind that the First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech.”

Judge DeWeese is neither establishing a national religion nor a member of Congress; therefore he is not capable of making law. If the ACLU goes unchecked, it will continue to overlook the factual basis of our nation’s history and exploit our society’s lack of regard for who our Founding Fathers were.

The Ten Commandments play a prominent part in U.S. jurisprudence. Over the head of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is a carved marble relief containing a tablet on which are the Ten Commandments.

Twelve of the thirteen original States included the Ten Commandments as civil law in their respective state constitutions. Interesting that these same fledgling states were able to defeat the tyranny of the world’s lone superpower where the sun never set (The British Empire).

John Jay, our nation’s first Supreme Court Chief Justice wrote: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

“Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It’s impossible that it should be otherwise; and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian.”

THe U. S. Supreme court in trinity v. the United states, 1892

Nearly a century later, the Supreme Court ruled in 1892 in Trinity v. The United States, “Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It’s impossible that it should be otherwise; and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian.”

In the Trinity v. The United States court case, the Court gave eighty-seven historical precedences to validate its decision.

Furthermore, 1983 was declared as the “Year of the Bible” in a joint Congressional resolution signed by President Ronald Reagan which called the Bible “the Word of GOD” and that “renewing our knowledge of and faith in GOD through the Holy Scriptures can strengthen us as a nation and people.”

There is something that can be said of our Constitution which has lasted an unprecedented 221 years. During this time, France has had 15 different governments. Since 1822, Brazil has had 7 different governments, since 1921, Poland has had 6 different governments and since 1918, Russia has had 4 different governments.

Being born and raised in Nigeria, I naturally keep my ear to the ground on issues pertaining to religious liberty. Make no mistake, there has been no greater religious liberty observed than when a government embraces the Christian-Judaic tradition.

While some support the notion that taking Judge DeWeese’s commentary of the Ten Commandments down brings greater religious liberty, this attempt is ultimately censorship.

If our federal government continues on its kamikaze course towards the censoring of the Ten Commandments displays on public grounds, it will be like spitting against the wind.

Reverend El Akuchie is Coordinator of the Richland Community Prayer Network.

82 local pastors oppose state casino gambling issue


MANSFIELD — After successfully preventing local gambling venues from coming to town in recent years, ‘all bets are off’ as a group of Richland County pastors are now speaking out against a state gambling proposal.

A group of clergy representing eighty-two churches publicly announced their opposition to State Issue 6. The proposal would amend the state constitution and legalize a gambling casino in Clinton County.

Held outside Mansfield City Hall, the press conference was organized by the Richland Community Family Coalition, and consisted of several clergy spokesmen: Reverend Doug Lewis of Main Street United Methodist Church, Reverend Steve Burggraf of the First Alliance Church, and Reverend El Akuchie of Godsfield House of Prayer.

Reverend Lewis believes that casinos target the poor. “The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. It is the LORD who gives a person the ability to produce wealth. On the flip side, gambling rewards persons who are idle. As Jesus stated, “You cannot serve both GOD and money.”

Reverend Burggraf said that newfound wealth quickly turns to financial and emotional loss. “Gambling has three phases: winning, losing, and desperation. The effects will be felt by surrounding family members, and ultimately the community.”

Pictured from L to R: Reverend Akuchie, Reverend Troy Diersings, Carl Hastings, & Benjamin Mutti. (Photo courtesy of Ruthie Akuchie)

Reverend Akuchie stated: “In light of the global financial crisis, now more than ever wisdom is needed. On behalf of faith leaders from eighty-two area congregations, we clearly believe casino gambling will create more problems than what it will solve.

“While this issue legalizes only one casino, loopholes reveal the possibility of additional casinos associated with Native American tribes who already partner with the proposed operator. Clearly the devil is in the details. Should Issue 6 be approved by Ohio voters, it would indeed lead to a new chapter in Ohio’s history: Chapter 13-bankruptcy.”

“While this issue legalizes only one casino, loopholes reveal the possibility of additional casinos associated with Native American tribes who already partner with the proposed operator. Clearly the devil is in the details. Should Issue 6 be approved by Ohio voters, it would indeed lead to a new chapter in Ohio’s history: Chapter 13-bankruptcy.”

Reverend El Akuchie, Godsfield House of Prayer

Media packets were given to attending members of the media. The packets included a brief history of recent local resistance to gambling. The clergy also provided case studies associating gambling with crime, suicide and domestic violence.

A former casino operator has proposed a casino be built in southwestern Ohio. Lyle Berman, the ring-leader, hopes to bring gambling to Ohio to tap into a less competitive market. He previously owned a casino in Las Vegas that went bankrupt.

Two years ago the faith community successfully put a stop to efforts to bring off-track betting to Mansfield and also Madison Township. Mansfield City Council voted 5-3 against a betting parlor from coming to Chris’ Cafe on West Fourth Street.

Thistledown, the applicant for both proposals eventually backed out of the Madison Township venue after announcing it was struggling financially.

Editor’s note: Issue 6 was defeated, becoming the fourth gambling related ballot measure to be defeated by Ohio voters since 1990.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs Chapter One, “Wisdom calls aloud in the street. She raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out in the gateways of the city she makes her speech.”

BICENTENNIEL SPECIAL: Faith of our Fathers

Mansfield City seal

MANSFIELD — The search for lost civilizations intrigues many people in our day and age. Local settlements like Newville, Greentown, Newcastle, and Millsboro were founded only never to be heard from again. Coincidentally, Mansfield Ohio is celebrating its bicentennial this summer.

This following relic story investigates the role verifying that Christianity provided a redemptive role in preserving Mansfield as a landmark.

The Streetscape Collaboration (1977-1981 A.D.)

Downtown Mansfield was fast becoming a downcast and desolate area. With the exodus of major industrial powerhouses leaving the urban flats, blight was extending into the nearby central business district. Windows of buildings were being boarded up and graffiti replacing business signs on storefronts.

In a show at the Renaissance Theater, legendary comedian Bill Cosby ridiculed the appearance of the city for its lack of life. General consensus was the downtown needed revitalization, but the agreement stopped there.

Downtown Mansfield with First English Lutheran and St. Peter’s Catholic Church. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Up to forty different revitalization plans were presented to the public within a ten-year span. Due to dissension among major city players, a stalemate ensued and the plans forgotten.

But a select few decided to set the wheels in motion. Most notably, three clergymen from downtown churches: Pastor Jerry Schmallenberger of First English Lutheran, Monsignor Edward Dunn of St. Peter’s Catholic Church, and Pastor Robert Baker of First United Methodist. City Economic Director Richard Prater also partnered with the clergymen.

“It was an ecumenical cooperation that expanded beyond personal theologies and agendas. Our goal was to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood. We as the Church, have a responsibility to be good stewards in our city; to bring GOD’s will on earth as it is in heaven.”

Reverend Jerry schmallenberger
Monsignor Edward Dunn (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In 1977, the pastors helped form a coalition of downtown tenants and merchants supporting a Lima, Ohio model including a landscaping and infrastructure improvement.

“When the three of us (local clergymen) wanted something from City Council, we would all dress in clerics’ attire and sit together in the front row,” recalls Reverend Schmallenberger. “We went door to door to all the bars and businesses getting them to sign a commitment to the restoration plan. It was quite a spectacle as we canvassed and cajoled each owner!”

The $2.2 million project was completed in 1981 and encompassed a nine-block area with the centerpiece being Central Park.

Most agreed the pastors were the torch bearers of the petition drive. Signatures had to be obtained from downtown business owners and attorneys who represented downtown land trusts from as far as Cleveland and Pennsylvania.

“It was an ecumenical cooperation that expanded beyond personal theologies and agendas,” says Schmallenberger. “Our goal was to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood. We as the Church, have a responsibility to be good stewards in our city; to bring GOD’s will on earth as it is in heaven.”

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