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Mansfield has first public menorah lighting


MANSFIELD — A baptism of fire occurred Tuesday night on the city’s south side involving a menorah and the first night of Hanukah.

According to Rabbi William Hallbrook of Sar Shalom Messianic, the trailblazing congregation’s menorah lighting is believed to be the first occurrence in the area on record. During the event the Rabbi spoke about the struggle between light and darkness.

Pictured from L to R: Trustee Bob Entenmann, Rabbi William Hallbrook, Patrolman Sgt Jason Muirfield
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“We are supposed to be like the menorah bringing light to a dark world,” the Rabbi said. “The Messiah instructed his people they are to be the Light of the world.”

To mark the eight-day long occasion, the gathering included hot chocolate and deserts inside the synogogue. With a candy coating of snow outside, the gathering of eighty caught wind of the significance of the menorah lamp.

In addition the congregation took time to honor several local government officials in attendance. Gift baskets were presented to Sgt. Jason Muirfield from the nearby Mansfield Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol, Washington Township Trustee Bob Entenmann, City Councilman Cliff Mears, and Mansfield Police Officer Alan Edwards. The baskets were for their department staff.

“We wanted to bless our public safety and law enforcement personnel who help keep our roads clear and safe. This gift is a small token of our appreciation we have for them.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook
Sar Shalom Messianic

“We wanted to bless our public safety and law enforcement personnel who help keep our roads clear and safe,” Rabbi Hallbrook said. “This gift is a small token of our appreciation we have for them.”

According to the Hanukkah tradition, when the Jewish religion was outlawed, a priest and his sons led a rebellion and defeated the heavy-handed Syrian-Greek Empire, liberating their people and their temple. Not only do Jews celebrate religious freedom, they also celebrate the miracle that occurred when the light shone miraculously in the Temple for eight days with only one day’s worth of oil to fuel the sacred menorah.

Comprised of both Jew and Gentile, the local congregation is located at 1650 S. Main Street and has been in the Mansfield area since 2005.

The Bottom Line:

Clergy sound off on Trump’s historic Jerusalem recognition declaration (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Nearly seventy years after Israel was voted into existence, President Donald Trump has gone against the international community and fulfilled an ancient prophecy.

On December 6th, 2017 the President released the Jerusalem Declaration decreeing: “Consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, I am directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”

Local advocates for Israel pictured at Bellville Gazebo in March 2017. Several of these rallies also took place in Mansfield, Lexington, & Loudonville.
(Photo courtesy of Neal Costick)

Since Congress passed a resolution in 1995 to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Donald Trump is the first U.S. President to keep his promise to move the U.S. Embassy to the Jewish capital.

The declaration comes seventy years after the U.S. recognized Israel as a nation by President Harry Truman, and fifty years after Israel took sovereignty over the City of Jerusalem in the Six Days War. Some believe the fifty years is symbolic of the Year of Jubilee where Jerusalem returns as Israel’s capital and fulfills prophecy

North Central Ohio leaders have gone on record supporting the world’s only Jewish state. Shortly after President Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, several prominent area clergy gave their public approval of the historic change in U.S. policy.

Reverend J. C. Church, Bucyrus Victory in Truth Ministries 

Reverend J.C. Church

“We support this long overdue decision.  Our faith calls for our support of Israel.  Our friendship calls for us to stand with Israel.  Our destinies are intertwined together for eternity.  This meaningful move confirms our commitment, love, support and partnership with our dearest ally in the Middle East.

Reverend Robert Kurtz Mansfield Baptist Temple:

Reverend Robert Kurtz

 “The Bible is very clear that God will bless those who bless Israel.  If God blesses individuals, He will also bless nations that do likewise. 

Reverend El Akuchie, Godsfield House of Prayer:

Reverend El Akuchie

“This recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is an exclamation point to the infamous U.N. Resolution 2334 from last year.  The Nation of Israel is sovereign and has the right to name its capital just like any other nation.  With the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the Prime Minister’s residence all in Jerusalem it is only proper for American diplomats to be in the Holy City.  The faith community in Richland County has spoken loud and clear of its support for Israel sovereignty and international intimidation is not acceptable.”

Last January leading clergymen of over one hundred congregations in the area sent a letter to the Israeli Prime Minister apologizing for the position of the federal government took regarding  U.N. Resolution 2334. This resolution called Israel’s occupation of lands in Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem an “international crime.” 

View video produced by Fox News below to watch President Donald Trump’s announcement to officially move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

Related article:

Local clergy say new study shows attending church can be antidotal


MANSFIELD — Regularly attending worship services at a church or a synagogue may actually be a blessing in disguise.   This is according to a recent study done by Vanderbilt University this past summer. 

Associate Professor of Medicine, Health, and Society, Mr. Marino Bruce of Vanderbilt University found in a study that attending religious meetings where groups of people gather to worship can improve health, especially for age groups between 40-65 years.  This age group reduced their risk for mortality by fifty percent while those who did not attend a worship service were twice as likely to die prematurely. 

Pastors DeWayne Smith & Larry Hulver (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The study included 5,000 persons of varying socio-economic status and concluded that spiritual health appears to matter in respect to biological outcomes.  Two contributing factors evaluated in the study included: compassion for others and being a part of a purpose greater than one’s self.   

The study’s findings struck a chord with several area pastors who were not surprised.

Reverend DeWayne Smith from Main Street Methodist commented, “If we leave our health care issues up to Washington DC, the problem will not be solved.  I strongly believe we should focus on community inside the church as this study suggests.  This study does not surprise me, what does surprise me is that to some, this is a new revelation. 

“We have a big contingent of parishioners that are leading strong and active lives through their golden years due in part, I believe, to their committed involvement in a faith community.” 

Reverend Larry Hulver of the New Liberty Baptist Church, located at 2705 Lexington Avenue put it pure and simple: “The Bible knows about healthy living, inside and out.  Worshipping our Creator is not a mundane thing, it really is sacred, and science is coming full circle with what the Bible has already said.”

“Sometimes I feel that government officials and health professionals err on the secular side by favoring policies that do not correspond with faith to avoid the appearance of partiality to religion.   Sadly it seems they nurse a grudge and would rather have premature death as the status quo in spite of what the Bible says and what empirical data is now suggesting.”

reverend dewayne smith, main street united methodist

Hulver added, “Our Heavenly Father never desires persons to live outside a community.  As a faith community, our congregation gives encouragement and strength thru Christ.  We bear one another’s burdens, and we find spiritual and emotional longevity through the comfort of others.  Without a shadow of a doubt, I believe that there is a correlation between being involved in a local community of believers and physical, mental, and spiritual health.   

Reverend Smith whose congregation holds worship services at 230 South Main Street pointed out, “Sometimes I feel that government officials and health professionals err on the secular side by favoring policies that do not correspond with faith to avoid the appearance of partiality to religion.   Sadly it seems they nurse a grudge and would rather have premature death as the status quo in spite of what the Bible says and what empirical data is now suggesting.”

Last year, twenty-seven leading clergymen throughout Richland County sent a letter to local health care stakeholders on National Family Health History Day, which is recognized every Thanksgiving Day.  The letter made mention of a 2016 Harvard study of seventy-five thousand nurses over a twenty year period showing a correlation between worship service attendance and disease prevention. 

Both clergy agree something can be said about holistic health and holiness. Now according to research, when people attend worship services, they really do get a clean bill of health.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Colossians Chapter Three, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to GOD.”

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40 clergy see immediate returns after Richland County invests in Israeli bonds (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — In light of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) Movement targeting Israel, the local faith community successfully lobbied Richland County officials to invest in Israeli bonds.

Forty area clergy, along with the Baptist for Israel Institute persuaded County Treasurer Bart Hamilton and the Richland County Commissioner Board into purchasing $200,000 Israeli bonds. In its November meeting, the County Investment Board announced the new investment utilizing county taxpayer funds.

“This sends a clear message that the State of Ohio is willing to stand with Israel to conduct business without bigotry and willing to stand with the world’s only Jewish state to resist terrorism and hate,” said Reverend El Akuchie of the Richland Community Prayer Network.

In separate correspondences, both the clergy and the Baptists for Israel Institute observed that Israeli bonds “have a successful track record, and are investment grade securities currently yielding between sixty and one hundred and seventeen percent of US treasuries of like term as of April 3rd 2017.”

According to Loretta Hite of the Baptists for Israel Institute, she believes “the investment of Israeli Bonds can be a welcome addition to the diverse portfolio of Richland County investments.”

Based in Ontario, Ohio, the Baptists for Israel Institute encourages students to grow in their love for the land & people of Israel through education and experience, coordinating work/study programs at a kibbutz beside the Sea of Galilee.

One year earlier, the Ohio Legislature passed the bipartisan House Bill 476 authorizing county treasurers and the Treasurer of Ohio to increase their investments in debt interests of foreign countries from 1% of their portfolios to 2 %.

This new law enabled the State of Ohio to become the largest holder of Israeli bonds for a government entity in the world. Following the passage of H.B. 476, State Treasurer Josh Mandel purchased a record $ 61 million dollars’ worth of Israeli bonds. His office underscores the fact that nearly eighty municipal retirement portfolios already invest in Israeli bonds, including Cuyahoga and Summit counties.

This new law enabled the State of Ohio to become the largest holder of Israeli bonds for a government entity in the world. Following the passage of H.B. 476, State Treasurer Josh Mandel purchased a record $ 61 million dollars’ worth of Israeli bonds.

In the correspondence, the clergy point out the the purchase of Israeli bonds can impact the foreign policy of the American government. They pointed out that when the federal government sees states and counties investing in Israeli bonds, it is more apt to protect its financial interests.

In the letter, the clergy wrote, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be as well.”

During the same meeting, Treasurer Bart Hamilton announced Richland County would update the twenty-five year old investment policy. The Board of Commissioners also learned they would also recover half a million dollars in unexpected revenue to alleviate a budget shortfall.

Individuals and congregations can invest in Israeli bonds online by clicking here.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Mathew Chapter Six, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

View the video below of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussing the success of Israeli Bonds.

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Leaders across region warn of addictive dangers of pornography


MANSFIELD –The week of Oct. 29 through Nov. 4, 2017 has been designated as “Pornography Awareness Week” by government officials across the state, county, municipal, and township levels throughout Richland County, Ohio. Last year, eight of the nine municipalities in the county in concert with the “White Ribbon Against Pornography” campaign, raised awareness to the public on the harms from pornography.

“The naked truth is that pornography is devastating lives, destroying relationships, and breaking up marriages,” says Benjamin Mutti of the Richland Community Family Coalition. “Nearly every American family has seen its impact.”

Pictured: Reverend El Akuchie, Mayor Timothy Theaker, Donna Akuchie & Benjamin Mutti (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In a landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling, the Court did not interpret the freedom of speech to include obscenity and considered obscenity to be outside the protection of the First Amendment.

Last year, the following government entities gave formal proclamations on pornography awareness: the Richland County Board of Commissioners, the four township trustee boards of Madison, Washington, Springfield, and Bloomingrove, and eight of the nine municipalities throughout Richland County (excluding Bellville).

This past spring fourteen clergy sent a letter to METRICH regarding suspected human trafficking at a local massage parlor. With the assistance of local law enforcement, the business was shut down.

Attorney Laura Lederer, a founder of America’s anti-trafficking movement, warned, “We should not say that pornography leads to sex trafficking; pornography is sex trafficking.”

“It is no small matter that this past spring of 2017, fourteen clergy sent a letter to METRICH regarding suspected human trafficking at a local massage parlor. With the assistance of local law enforcement, the business was shut down.”

Benjamin Mutti, Richland Community Family Coalition

Social scientists across the board warn that regularly viewing pornographic images could adversely alter the brain. Their research suggests that pornography’s intense stimulation of the brain brings about significant changes to the brain similar to drug addiction.

While Americans find pornography “morally unacceptable” by a two-to-one margin in a 2016 Gallup poll, the eye catching reality is that the pornographic industry annually makes more money than the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, and Major League Baseball combined.

Due to excessive social costs, the five states of Utah, South Dakota, Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas have officially declared pornography a dangerous epidemic and a public health crisis. In fact, one of the two major political parties has also declared pornography a “public health crisis “in its party platform. 

Public requests have caused a ripple effect, with corporate giants like McDonalds, Starbucks and Hilton Hotels now blocking pornography from their WiFi networks and video on demand.

According to Mutti, “It bears worth repeating that the eye is the lamp of the body, if the eyes are healthy, the whole body will be full of light. While pornography tries to pull individuals thru a maze of unfulfilled expectations, with a moral compass and persevering leadership, there is light at the end of tunnel.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Job 31, “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.”

Related articles:

The “City of Churches” acknowledges Clergy Appreciation Month


MANSFIELD — In October 2017, Mansfield Mayor Timothy Theaker presented a formal proclamation to two local clergy: Reverend Henry Bradley of the New Community Temple COGIC and Reverend Chris Thomas, of Diamond Hills Baptist. 

The proclamation recognized the unique service provided by clergy and their families and how-they safeguard the spiritual well-being of the members of their congregations and reach out to the surrounding community.

Pictured L to R: Mayor Timothy Theaker, Reverend Henry Bradley, and Reverend Chris Thomas (Submitted photo)

Mayor Theaker encouraged the citizens of Mansfield, Ohio in the month of October to “show their appreciation and support for the clergy, religious workers, and missionaries whose efforts make this community a better place in which to live.”

Serving for over twenty-five years as pastor of Diamond Hills Baptist, The Reverend Chris Thomas, has an “Operation Jabez” prayer ministry focusing on the needs of the Diamond Hills neighborhood.  Located at 647 South Diamond Street, his congregation has an annual “Free Stuff Day” with donations of free clothing and household items for the community. The church also implements a “Stuff the Van with School Supplies Initiative” with supplies distributed to Mansfield area schools. Just last month, Reverend Thomas’ congregation provided meals to over fifty families. To provide positive social options for the public, the church is holding an upcoming car and craft show this month. 

Being a craftsman in carpentry, the Reverend Henry Bradley literally had a hand in physically and spiritually building his New Community Temple COGIC thirty-nine years ago.  Reaching his community by hosting public health screenings, stocking a food pantry, and preparing Thanksgiving meals for the public, the Reverend Bradley encourages his congregation located at 338 Harker Street to “Follow me as I follow Christ.”  He aspires to make his church a place “where everybody is somebody.”  The congregation also regularly hosts locally-produced dramas open to the public. Just recently Bradley was appointed to serve as superintendent overseeing eight COGIC churches in the Mansfield district.

Mayor Theaker pointed out that historically, local clergy have led the community to prayer during tragedy; and, have been vigilant to prevent social vices from influencing society. 

In his presentation, Mayor Theaker pointed out that historically, local clergy have led the community to prayer during tragedy; and, have been vigilant to prevent social vices from influencing society.  In 1981, local clergymen were instrumental in persuading the public to pursue the two million dollar, nine-block “Streetscape” revitalization effort in downtown Mansfield. 

The proclamation stated that “during the Founding Era, patriotic American clergy preached sermons on principles of government laying the intellectual basis for American Independence, proclaiming liberty, resisting tyranny, and opposing any encroachments on God-given rights and freedoms and subsequently received the name “The Black Robe Brigade” from the British who saw the American pulpit as largely responsible for American independence.”

In addition, the loss of four chaplains during World War II was acknowledged, who after leading other sailors to safety, stayed on the sinking USAT Dorchester, locking their arms together in prayer and sacrificing their lives so that others could live as the torpedoed ship slipped beneath the waves.

Locally, Richland County Chaplain Corps was formed in 2002 and serves all nine municipal police departments and thirteen fire departments in the county. 

The Bottom Line:

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5, “Now we ask you brothers, to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the LORD and admonish you.”

Guest Column: A tribute to Pastor Tom Hunt


These coming days, Mansfield will be bidding farewell to one of the most mild-mannered, winsome, and upstanding citizens in the city: the Reverend Thomas Hunt.

Benjamin Mutti
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In just a short time, Pastor Hunt and his beloved wife will be moving to the Deep South to be more accessible to family and next door to warmer temperatures.

In my pause for reflection, this lead pastor of Providence Baptist who the City of Mansfield will be honoring was truly a “chip of the old block” from his mentor the late Reverend Verdell Larsen.

Pastor Hunt’s habit for “crossing the aisle” was really: right up his alley. Tom always had a heart for reconciliation which would later gain him great favor with those in his community.

At the time when some believed Sunday morning was “Our most segregated hour,” Reverend Hunt became one of the most sought out urban pastors with churches on the south side of town. Many times Pastor Hunt’s congregation held joint services or partnered with other local congregations to bring racial and denominational reconciliation.

When the flood that devastated Mansfield’s north side occurred, it wasn’t just the Black Fork that was knocking on Providence Baptist’s doorstep: it was also many others in the community that Pastor Hunt touched that came to help.

Through all of that (building repairs), Pastor Hunt’s congregation rose to the occasion, and became stronger. In fact, his congregation never borrowed money during that flood fiasco!

And speaking of rainy days, when the rubber met the road, it was Pastor Tom Hunt, a retired GM employee, who helped lead eighty three area pastors for a countywide day of prayer and repentance after General Motors shut its doors.

While some said our community could never survive without General Motors, Tom Hunt proved otherwise.

“Keep fighting, get involved with your community.”

Reverend Thomas Hunt, Providence Baptist

“Keep fighting, get involved with your community,” Pastor Hunt says.

In an unusual way, Pastor Tom’s field of vision went beyond just the four walls of his church.

Serving with the Lexington Sports Boosters, Tom helped get the ball rolling for an all-weather track at Lexington High School. Serving on the boards of: Youth for Christ, Children’s Services, Foundation Academy, North Central State College, North End Community improvement Collaboration and Community Action Program most assuredly made it hard to keep up with him.

(Pictured L to R) Kim Maurer, Thomas Hunt, Nate Meiers, El Akuchie, & Benjamin Mutti 
(Photo courtesy of RCPN)

But when we did catch up with him, many of us found a gentle man that didn’t like the limelight, who desired to serve others, and became a great role model for all of us.

”I’m not retiring, I am only re-tooling,” says Pastor Hunt.

Success Pastor Tom as you change gears, you will be sorely missed; I am glad our paths crossed. Thank you for leading all of us to the Cross.

Benjamin Mutti is Coordinator with Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN) and a faith-based advocate for the advancement of family values in culture.

Economic leader says local clergy prevented cannabis company from coming to Ontario


ONTARIO — Over seventy clergymen sent a joint statement to elected officials across Richland County voicing their opposition to the marijuana industry coming to the area. According to one economic development leader, the clergy letter was the ‘nail in the coffin’ for any potential cannabis company coming to the City of Ontario. City Council President Larry Collins, a former pastor, made the tie-breaking vote to prevent the sale and harvest of marijuana from coming to the city.

According to Barrett Thomas, the Richland County Director of Economic Development, the economic project would have been approximately a $13 million investment, and the 45,000 square-foot facility was expected to employ 33 people with a $1.6 million payroll. “One of the things they (marijuana companies) knew they needed to have was community support,” Thomas said “We did not land that deal.”

Reverend El Akuchie and Pastor Randy Raynes were two co-signers of the clergy letter opposing marijuana. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The clergy letter was kind of the death note,” Thomas said. “The clergy’s reasons for not supporting the marijuana company’s proposal were that they did not want medical marijuana to come to the area at all.”

Ontario Councilman Mark Weidemyre was the main proponent for the Ontario proposal and claimed the proposed facility would be “more secure than Fort Knox.”

The Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN) Coordinator Benjamin Mutti said the clergy did not buy into the idea. The clergy, along with the School Superintendent, CACY Director, and a number of citizen letters were sent to Ontario City Council voicing their concerns about the business proposal. “The City Council heard our case and acted accordingly,” says Mutti. “Despite the exaggeration by the proponents pushing the plan, everyone was convinced illegal diversion will take place at a facility like the one presented. This is about family values and preventing additional substance abuse.”

“The clergy letter was kind of the death note. Their (clergy) reasons for not supporting the marijuana company’s proposal were they did not want medical marijuana to come to the area at all.”

Barrett Thomas, Richland County Economic Development Director

Despite a 2015 state referendum defeating the legalizing of marijuana, Governor John Kasich signed House Bill 523 in June 2016, making Ohio the 26th state to legalize marijuana for medicinal use. Legislative authority is given to local government since marijuana is a Schedule I controlled substance and considered to have a high potential for abuse. Some say the legislation overruled the will of the people.

“As clergy representing seventy diverse congregations, we oppose the harvesting and sale of marijuana in municipalities and townships within Richland County and urge Councils and Trustee Boards to prohibit this industry in their jurisdictions,” the clergy wrote.

The letter sent by the clergymen opposed the harvesting and sale of medical marijuana in municipalities and townships within Richland County. The clergy listed their opposition to marijuana based on the following determining factors: addictive nature of marijuana, adverse health effects of marijuana, affiliation between crime and marijuana, inevitable illegal diversion of marijuana that will occur, and dangerous message that will be sent to impressionable youth.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in the Book of Proverbs, “The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, But the mouth of fools spouts folly.”

See related articles:

Rain does not stop 2017 National Day of Prayer


MANSFIELD — Due to rainy weather, the countywide observance of the National Day of Prayer was held indoors on the Mansfield Square at the All Believers in Christ Church located at 23 North Main Street.

Sponsored by the Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN), and emceed by Scott Saunders of WVMC, the assembly included the talented IMAGE high school choir who sang a rendition of “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.” The choir is from Mansfield Christian and is directed by Ms. Heidi Zentz.

Attending elected officials received an “In God We Trust” framed poster.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Corporate prayer from the one hundred thirty in attendance were led by area clergy: Reverend Russell Stanford, Reverend James Spencer, Reverend Nate Meiers, Reverend Dave Guild, and Reverend El Akuchie.

Additional music was provided by Bill Jacquin and Reverend Laudermilk.

The keynote speaker, Reverend Randy Raynes of Mansfield Fellowship Baptist, preached that when bringing repentance and revival, GOD is looking for men who will not bow, bend nor break to the world. Raynes emphasized that the LORD wants prayer intercessors that are compassionate and have conviction.

Pastor Randy Raynes (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Area pastors from at least 22 congregations and eleven elected officials attended. As a gift from local clergy, each official was given a framed poster with the mottos: “In GOD we trust,” and “With GOD all things are possible.”

The Richland County Commissioner Board and the Mayor of Mansfield also gave proclamations.

Other local observances of the National Day of Prayer occurred throughout Richland County on May 4th, with events in Butler, East Mansfield, Bellville, Lucas, Lexington, and Shelby. For more information, visit: www.nationaldayofprayer.org

The theme Bible verse of this year’s events was from Daniel 9:19 which reads: “O LORD, listen, forgive, and for Your sake, hear and act!.”

Community observes Holocaust Remembrance Day


MANSFIELD — Tuesday, April 25th, Holocaust Remembrance Day was observed during a community gathering at Sar Shalom Messianic Congregation on 1650 South Main Street.

The Holocaust was a genocide in which some six million European Jews were killed by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and World War II collaborators. The victims included 1.5 million children, and represented about two-thirds of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe.

Amie Mutti, standing with her husband, shares testimony about encounter.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Rabbi William Halbrook spoke about “Where was GOD when the Holocaust took place?” Halbrook explained that the GOD of Jacob, was in the midst of His people and that He turned the tragedy of the Holocaust into a triumph with the reestablishment of the State of Israel shortly thereafter.

Amie Mutti spoke about a recent local anti-Semitic encounter she had less than twenty-four hours after she and her family attended a Holocaust Survivor presentation at the Richland County Public Library.

“Holocaust Remembrance Day is not about Jewish people forgetting the Holocaust, it’s about non-Jews remembering the Holocaust and agreeing to take a stand that it (Holocaust) will never happen again.”

Amie Mutti

Following Mutti’s testimony, Mansfield City Councilman Cliff Mears shared about his humbling experience visiting Dachau concentration camp in Germany.  Mears also gave a proclamation on behalf of the City of Mansfield honoring the occasion.  The proclamation made special note of the strong ties the State of Ohio and more specifically, Richland County has with Israel.

Mansfield Councilman-at-large Cliff Mears reads proclamation. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The proclamation pointed out that last December Ohio became the fourteenth state to pass legislation, which prohibits the state from contracting with companies that engage in boycotts of Israel, including firms located outside the state.

This past January 2017, over one hundred leading clergymen from north central Ohio sent a letter of apology to the Prime Minister of Israel for the role the U.S. federal government took in allowing the passage of United Nations Resolution 2334 which opposes Israel’s right to its own sovereign territory.

Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, is observed as Israel’s day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national memorial day. The first official commemorations took place in 1951.  

The Bottom Line:

Clergy report resistance to restroom mandate brought shower of blessings


MANSFIELD — The Bible is coming to life in North Central Ohio as area clergy believe they must obey GOD rather than Caesar.

This past July, leading clergymen from over one hundred congregations in Richland County sent a letter to all nine school districts in the county requesting they defy the Obama restroom mandate. The mandate threatens to withhold funding to school districts that do not allow students access to restrooms, locker rooms and showers of their choice.

Area clergy sending letter to schools included: Reverend El Akuchie, Pastor Jerry Laudermilk, & Pastor Thomas Hunt. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Garnering national attention from the incident, the clergy now report this act of civil disobedience brought blessings of Biblical proportions to their area the following month.

“The Heavenly Father promised Israel in the Bible that when they obeyed His commands, He would bless them,” says Pastor Randy Raynes. “Deuteronomy 28 lists these blessings: the protection of the fruit of their womb, safe transportation, rain for their crops, blessing on livestock, and on and on. While GOD is not obligated to bless our land, it is out of His mercy He can bless our land. Our area has seen just that; seeing is believing.”

According to a report by the Richland Community Prayer Network, the following month after the clergy sent the letter of civil disobedience to school officials, the county experienced no infant mortalities and no traffic mortalities in the summer vacation month of August, notable for a county where there are approximately almost sixteen hundred miles of roads with two hundred-sixty miles being highway.

“The Heavenly Father promised Israel in the Bible that when they obeyed His commands, He would bless them,” says Pastor Randy Raynes. “Deuteronomy 28 lists these blessings: the protection of the fruit of their womb, safe transportation, rain for their crops, blessing on livestock, and on and on. While GOD is not obligated to bless our land, it is out of His mercy He can bless our land. Our area has seen just that; seeing is believing.”

Pastor Randy Raynes

Not only did Richland County see a good month of public health and safety following their letter, the report found a noticeable change in local commerce. Two out of the three local witchcraft businesses shut their doors in August. The clergy contend that not only is witchcraft associated with idolatry, it can be connected to consumer fraud.

On the agriculture front, with the county experiencing moderate drought conditions throughout the summer, three and a half inches of rain came in the hot month of August at just the right time.

While August 2016 was the second-hottest August on record, milk productivity countywide still increased by an astounding forty-three percent from the previous August according to state numbers. In addition, swarms of bees abounded for a bee population still stinging from the colony collapse disorder, with one prominent beekeeper declaring the summer of 2016 as “the best bee season in a decade.”

Area pastors report ecological shower of blessings in 2016 when they call for civil disobedience to Obama restroom mandate (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

One local farmer on Adario Road reported “In seventy-four years of farming, I have never had eighty bushels of soybeans an acre like I did in 2016!” Another area farmer on Rome Greenwich Road proudly boasted of having five cuts of hay in 2016.

“You don’t have to change everything for everything to change,” comments Pastor Eric Byrom, one of the clergy letter co-signers.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 28, “If you fully obey the LORD your GOD and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your GOD will set you high above all the nations on earth.  All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.”

See related article:

Clergy tip assists police in closing clandestine brothel


MANSFIELD — An ordinary middle-of-the-road storefront turned out to be more than meets the eye. Police reported they raided a massage parlor Wednesday afternoon at 1504 W. Fourth Street due to complaints of suspected prostitution and sexually-related activity at the business. It appears not only are the police on the beat, local clergy on duty as well.

The business in question is Tuina Studio, according to a news release from the METRICH Enforcement Unit. A group of area pastors worked with law enforcement officials regarding complaints at the business.

Massage parlor at 1504 West Fourth Street raided by police. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to the news release, “The search warrant was the result of a lengthy, ongoing investigation in reference to allegations of suspected prostitution and sexual related activity at the Tuina Studio, which is a massage parlor. A group of area pastors worked with law enforcement regarding the complaints at the business. As of now, the Tunia Studio is closed for business and the business was issued an eviction order by the property manager.

Fourteen pastors sent a letter to Mansfield Police Chief Ken Coontz and METRICH Commander Lieutenant Joe Petrycki stating: “While we are not certain human trafficking or any criminal activity is occurring at this business, we would greatly appreciate if our local law enforcement could investigate this situation.”

The clergy received reports that there were purportedly women living at the massage business and that a number of male customers frequent the business throughout the day and night hours. The clergy letter also stated that Asian women were allegedly involved.

“According to a report we received, there are purportedly women living at this massage business and a number of male customers that frequent this business throughout the day and night hours; allegedly Asian women are involved. In addition, high security measures exist at the location.”

Clergy letter written to Police

The letter stated, “According to a report we received, there are purportedly women living at this massage business and a number of male customers that frequent this business throughout the day and night hours; allegedly Asian women are involved. In addition, high security measures exist at the location.”

According to Lieutenant Petrycki, the business was issued an eviction order by the property manager.

“Detectives reported they seized an assortment of potential evidence. METRICH was assisted by Mansfield police and the local office of the FBI. METRICH and the FBI will follow up to identify any possible connections to human trafficking.”

Lieutenant Petrycki further stated that individuals with any additional information regarding Tuina Studio can call METRICH at 419-755-9728 or the Crime Tip Hotline at 419-52-CRIME (419-522-7463).

Editor’s Note: This Mansfield raid exposed a criminal network with a similar raid two months later on a business by the same name in Lancaster, Ohio.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Leviticus Nineteen, “Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, let the land fall into prostitution and the land become full of depravity.”

Related article:

70 Richland clergy call for local prohibition of “medical” marijuana


ONTARIO — As the push to bring Marijuana dispensaries and cultivation sites comes to Richland County, area clergy went on the record pointing to policymakers that supposed benefits from the industry are really ‘smoke and mirrors.’

Recently a joint statement representing clergy from seventy different congregations inside Richland County was submitted to Ontario City Council. The letter called for the prohibition of Marijuana facilities inside city limits that involve the harvesting and commercial sale of the Schedule I drug.  

The letter cited the addictive nature of the drug, its adverse health effects, its affiliation with crime, the inevitability of the illegal diversion, and recent malpractice cases of Ohio physicians trafficking drugs.

According to Benjamin Mutti, Spokesman for the Richland Community Family Coalition, township trustee boards and municipal councils have the authority under state law (H.B. 523) to prohibit or restrict these facilities.

“Because of the addictive nature, the adverse side effects, and its affiliation  with violent crime,  “medical” Marijuana is not the wonder drug some make it to be… While Colorado has legalized medical and recreation Marijuana, seventy-percent of that state’s communities have outright banned the commercial sale of this harmful drug.”

Benjamin Mutti
Richland Community Family Coalition

“Because of the addictive nature, the adverse side effects, and its affiliation with violent crime,  “medical” Marijuana is not the wonder drug some make it to be.  For this reason, our local government has been given authority to prevent the Marijuana industry from coming through our doors.  While Colorado has legalized medical and recreation Marijuana, seventy-percent of that state’s communities have outright banned the commercial sale of this harmful drug.”  

Clergy believe nothing could be further from the truth when medical experts assert that Marijuana will ease the Opioid addiction epidemic.  The clergy letter stated the claim brings to mind the ‘wonder drugs” of Suboxone and Methadone which were both advertised as the answer to treating painkiller addiction, only to become addicted and abused drugs in their own right. 

The clergy believe Marijuana will be no different. 

The clergy wrote in their letter, “Ironically, while the federal government has eased its penalties for illicit drug offenses, it has on the other hand escalated its restriction of religious freedoms, in many cases outlawing religious acknowledgement and religious expression.”

Area clergy pictured who submitted a policy letter to Ontario City Council opposing marijuana. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to Reverend El Akuchie, one of the co-signers of the clergy letter, he believes the illicit drug industry is using “medical” Marijuana as a steppingstone to recreational marijuana.  

“Ohioans voted overwhelmingly by a 2 to 1 margin to prevent marijuana from being legalized in 2015.  Why would we want to promote a drug and add to the substance abuse addiction crisis? Scripture says ‘All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient, all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” 

He went on to say, “The pastors have spoken: our families need hope, not another drug.”  

See related article:

The Bottom Line:

1 Peter 1 says, “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

103 Ohio clergy send apology letter to Israeli Prime Minister


MANSFIELD – Clergy from North Central Ohio sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologizing for the Obama administration’s refusal to veto a United Nations’ resolution concerning Israel’s claims to the West Bank lands.

On Dec. 23rd, the United States allowed the United Nations Security Council to vote in favor of United Nations Resolution 2334. The resolutions states Israel’s claims to West Bank territory including East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the Golan Heights, have no legal validity. The Security Council vote was 14-0 with the U.S. abstaining.

The clergy correspondence was presented in the Israeli Knesset to Parliament member Yehuda Glick by Ohio resident John Fehl. (Photo courtesy of John Fehl)

“This clergy correspondence was written to draw a line in the sand,” says Benjamin Mutti, Coordinator of the Richland Community Prayer Network. “While this anti-Semitic dictate opposes Israel’s right to the Promised Land, the North Central Ohio faith community stands apologetically with Israel. We will not give up any ground on this issue.”

“We want to formally apologize to you, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the citizens of Israel for the shameful actions of the Obama Administration and his State Department that have jeopardized the security of Israel and betrayed its trust,” the letter stated.

Mutti said one hundred and three area clergy were cosigners of the letter.

“Area pastors believe this letter can help facilitate the reconciliation process between not only the nations of Israel and America, but also between the God of Israel and America.”

Benjamin Mutti
Richland community prayer network

Area pastors believe this letter can “help facilitate the reconciliation process between not only the nations of Israel and America, but also between the God of Israel and America.” They hope the Trump Administration will take a stronger stand supporting Israel, Mutti said.

The clergy correspondence was sent by certified mail and also hand-delivered to MK Yehuda Glick by Ohio residents John and Barb Fehl at the Israeli Knesset.

Pictured: Benjamin & Amie Mutti with John & Barb Fehl. (Photo courtesy of Sheri Trusty)

According to Fehl, who lives in Huron County, a friend had sent him the letter and his wife “miraculously” found the letter on their coffee table just one day before his departure to Israel.

“My wife and I discovered at that moment why we were going to Israel; GOD had given us a mission. I had never spoken to Mr. Mutti before but I contacted him the day before our flight and he was ecstatic that we would deliver the letter in person,” recalls Fehl.

From there the Fehl’s met Knesset Member Glick, a staunch Zionist activist and elected official, and gave the letter to an emotional Glick in front of the tour group.

The letter closed by saying, “For Zion’s sake, we will not remain silent, for Jerusalem’s sake we will not remain quiet. May the prime minister always know that his country will always have friends in North Central Ohio.”

Article updated March 13, 2017

Health officials briefed by 27 clergy on link between church attendance & improved health


MANSFIELD — Last week to commemorate the 2016 National Family Health History Day, twenty-seven area pastors from Richland County, Ohio sent a correspondence to health care stakeholders in North Central Ohio regarding a case study involving disease prevention.  The twenty-year study, conducted by Harvard University, concluded that an effective way to prevent disease is by attending religious service.

Mansfield skyline of churches at dawn. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The pastor correspondence stated, “As pastors of twenty-seven local congregations, we agree there is something that can be said about the connection between spirituality and health.  Without a doubt spiritual issues like anger, unforgiveness, and anxiety to name a few, can manifest into medical realities like suicide, depression, ulcers, and hypertension. Interestingly, the Bible documents at least thirty-one individual healing accounts performed by Christ.” 

The clergy letter referenced a study of 75,000 nurses found that those who attended religious services once per week or more had decreased risk of both cardiovascular mortality (27%) and cancer mortality (21%).

According to the senior author of the study, Mr. Tyler VanderWeele, professor of epidemiology at Harvard,  “Part of the benefit seems to be that attending religious services increases social support, discourages smoking, decreases depression, and helps people develop a more optimistic or hopeful outlook on life.”

One of the signers of the clergy letter, Reverend Chris Thomas of Diamond Hills Baptist, commented “With the study coming from a secular source, it certainly adds credibility to the study’s findings.”

“Without a doubt spiritual issues like anger, unforgiveness, and anxiety to name a few, can manifest into medical realities like suicide, depression, ulcers, and hypertension. Interestingly, the Bible documents at least thirty-one individual healing accounts performed by Christ.”

Clergy correspondence to health officials

The letter below was sent to: President Jerome Morasko, Avita Health; President Jean Halpin, Ohio Health; Executive Director Pam Crank, Richland Pregnancy Services; Health Commissioner Martin Tremmel, Richland Public Health; Health Commissioner Dr. Ajay Chawla, Shelby Health Department; and CEO Jared Pollick, Third Street Clinic.

Richland County Health Commissioner Martin Tremmel thanked the clergy for reaching out to him regarding disease prevention.

“It is both interesting and helpful to know this study and its findings were supported through the National Institute for Health. I applaud your collective efforts to assist us with improving the public’s health by protecting our citizens by promoting healthy lifestyles,” Tremmel said.

Pastor Thomas hopes the letter will lead to increased collaboration between local churches and the health community. “While we believe healing is for today, we also believe that disease prevention is for today,” the twenty-seven pastors wrote. “Please prayerfully consider this case study and how this information may be applied.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Exodus Chapter Twenty-Three, “You shall serve the LORD your GOD, and He will bless your bread and your water, and He will take sickness away from among you.”

See related article:

102 Ohio clergy advise local schools to defy Obama restroom mandate


MANSFIELD — Under a less than modest mandate, female students may soon see adolescent boys staring at them in their restroom mirrors at school.

To combat political correctness gone amuck, the local faith community is telling school officials to stall. Clergy representing over one hundred diverse congregations recently sent a letter to all school superintendents inside Richland County calling on the districts to disobey a federal government mandate requiring schools to allow students into restrooms of the opposite gender.

In 2016 Rev. El leads group of 102 clergy advocating for biological gender in school restrooms (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I wanted to be included in this clergy correspondence because from my point of view, the Bible tells us the LORD made man in his image, says Pastor Thomas Hunt. “GOD made both male and female, Trying to be politically correct blurs the lines.”

The correspondence stated “There is no authority except from GOD, and since governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever government becomes destructive of these ends; it is the right of the people to alter it.”

The letter was in response to a U.S. Department of Education memorandum sent to school districts and universities across the nation informing them that they may be subject to lawsuit and the withdrawal of federal funding in the event their institution does not include gender identity alongside biological sex. This is a new interpretation of Title IX of the Education Amendments passed by Congress in 1972.  

“After forty-four years this law has been in effect, the federal government now claims that the original framers of the law intended to allow transgender persons to choose whichever restroom they prefer at any given time,” the clergy said.

“It bears worth mentioning that no persons are presently being denied access to a restroom since there is already equal access  provided to all on the basis of biological sex.”

Area Clergy letter to Richland County school officials

The clergy point out the federal guidance does not apply to just bathrooms, but also to locker rooms, showers, dormitory housing, and overnight hotels for field trips.  They also said no persons are presently being denied access to a restroom since there is already equal access  provided to all on the basis of biological sex.

The pastors asserted the “Department of Education lacks authority to unilaterally redefine sex. They also said the radical mandate jeopardizes the privacy and safety of vulnerable and women and children, defies objectivity and logic, exploits low income and disabled students by aborting funds for school meals, eliminates funding for students with disabilities, and triggers intolerance with people of religious conviction and/or differing opinion.

In response to the area clergy, State Rep. Mark Romanchuk commented, “It’s a shame the federal government has to threaten states to comply by taking away funding-that’s a problem,” Romanchuk went on to say he thinks the transgender bathroom policy is “bad.”

The clergy remain resolute in their position. “When it comes to following man’s law or GOD’s law, I’m going to follow GOD’s,” Reverend Hunt said.

The Bottom Line:

Jesus in Matthew Chapter Nineteen says, “Have not you read that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’

24 Richland County clergy endorse Ted Cruz for 2016 presidential primary


MANSFIELD – Twenty-four pastors in Richland County endorsed Texas Senator Ted Cruz as their choice as president, days before Ohio’s primary election.

Amie Mutti, Richland County chairperson for the Cruz Grassroots Effort, said the endorsement was part of a larger campaign in which clergymen from across the county wrote a letter citing Cruz’ accomplishments in protecting religious freedoms.

U.S. Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz at a rally in Columbus, Ohio (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Ted Cruz’s record as an outsider to Washington politics and his conviction of limited government found in the U.S. Constitution resonates with both families and the faith community,” Mutti said. “Judging by the debates and media reports on the candidates’ records, ethics and morality will play a big part in choosing the winner of Ohio’s primary.”

Items noted in the clergy letter highlighted Cruz’s legal experience winning several cases at the Supreme Court and federal court levels, including his defense of the Ten Commandments and a moment of silence for Texas students.

“Judging by the debates and media reports on the candidates’ records, ethics and morality will play a big part in choosing the winner of Ohio’s primary.”

Amie Mutti, chairperson for the
Cruz Grassroots Effort

The clergy letter also mentioned that Ted Cruz galvanized national support for Houston pastors who had been subpoenaed by the City of Houston and forced to turn in their sermons for their opposition to legislation opposing gender identity restrooms.

“People are disenchanted over the crude behavior by some of the candidates in the presidential race and rightfully so,” the Rev. James Spencer said.  “A number of pastors in Richland County believe that because Sen. Ted Cruz has a proven track record of protecting faith, family, and freedom, he is the best candidate for the job.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Exodus 18, “Look for able men from all the people, men who fear GOD, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.”

Regional coverage of 2016 National Day of Prayer in Richland County


RICHLAND COUNTY, OHIO — This past month community-wide events for the National Day of Prayer occurred across the county on the first Thursday in May.  The theme Bible verse this year was from Isaiah 58:1 “Shout it aloud, do not hold back, raise your voice like a shofar.”  A synopsis of each of these events follows…..

BELLVILLE– Held in downtown Bellville at the Gazebo, the chilly evening gathering included a special flag ceremony by Trail Life Scouts, the new family-friendly alternative to the Boy Scouts.  Reverend Bill Henderson emceed the local observance in The Valley, and Reverend Doug Pretorius spoke on the last prayer of Jesus from John Chapter 17.  A beautiful violin soloist captivated the crowd before the intercessors went into small groups to pray for the nation.  The Bellville Mayor of Darrell Banks attended, along with five area pastors.

Reverend El Akuchie prays during 2016 Mansfield National Day of Prayer
(Submitted photo)

LUCAS–A National Day of Prayer observance was held at the newly opened Lucas Community Center in Cub Country on Thursday night.  Prayers were made by several leaders including Reverend David Aune and Reverend David Root. A team of skillful musicians led by Reverend Dallas Waggle played several praise songs between prayers. A proclamation from the Village Mayor’s office was read commemorating the National Day of Prayer.  The event helped christen the new community center which is also home base to a prayer house ministry and Lucas Area Food Pantry, both ministries of the Lucas Area Ministerial Association.

MADISON— The East Mansfield Ministerial Association coordinated a community prayer vigil at noon on the National Day of Prayer.  The meeting was  held at the Big Lots parking lot on busy Ashland Road.   Township folks gathered along with several officials to petition the Lord of Hosts for his guidance for the nation.

MANSFIELD — On Thursday at noon at the Mansfield Central Park Gazebo, citizens gathered for prayers for the nation.  With WVMC radio personality Scott Saunders as the emcee, Mayor Timothy Theaker and  Commissioner Gary Utt read a proclamation commemorating the area tradition.   Fifteen elected officials in all attended including two county commissioners, mayors of Mansfield, Ontario, Bellville, two council members, a township trustee, finance director, recorder, sheriff and four judges.  Participants included the IMAGE Mansfield Christian youth choir, a community band, and six pastors who prayed for the nation, safety forces, schools and local leaders.    Reverend Thomas Hunt, the keynote speaker, spoke about how the Heavenly Father actively blesses us in our lives when we invite Him. The assembly at the county seat was well attended and coordinated by the Richland Community Prayer Network. 

SHELBY –A host of people gathered together at the Black fork Commons in downtown Shelby to recognize the National Day of Prayer.  The assembly was coordinated by the Shelby Ministerial Association with Reverend George Johnson as the emcee.  Five pastors led prayer with participants praying for families, schools, city leaders and the nation.   Reverend Steve Schag, Mayor of Shelby, attended along with a total of twelve pastors; the youth choir from Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Parish also sang a memorable song.   Participants were of one spirit when they ended with the LORD’s Prayer and sang in unison “GOD bless America.”

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