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Ark Encounter and Creation Museum announce free admission to children in 2020 (VIDEO)


ONTARIO –Recently a mainstream media anchorman made inflammatory remarks belittling conservatives and evangelicals alike. According to one Ohio pastor, comments like these do not hold water in the shadow of one of the largest tourist attractions in the region.

NBC News Commentator Chuck Todd is facing a storm of criticism after reading a letter-to-the-editor claiming “religious people who believe in ‘fairy tales’ like Noah’s Ark support President Trump because they ‘want to be lied to.’

Pastor Les Vnasdale (Submitted photo)

Pastor Les Vnasdale of Ontario Cornerstone Grace Brethren believes Todd’s comments about religious people are dwarfed by the region’s Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum.

“I have visited the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter several times. Both of these destinations clearly validate a flood of evidence supporting the Book of Genesis.  The evidence presented there are by some of the brightest men and women in their respective scientific fields.”

According to Pastor Vnasdale, “The Museum has displays which appeal to everyone, from the young to the old.  I highly recommend parents take their children and pastors bring their congregations to visit these two outstanding vacations spots.”

In an effort to persuade more families to visit, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum, will be offering free admission for children ages ten and under in 2020.

Both located in the Greater Cincinnati area, the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum feature “instructive high-tech exhibits, state of the art videos, and an ever-expanding zoo.

“Now more than ever, we need to teach our children the truth about their Creator, His handiwork, and His Word. This free admission for children ten and under will make it easier for families to come time and time again in 2020 to our uplifting attractions.”

Ken Ham
Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis

Well-known apologist and CEO of “Answers and Genesis” Ken Ham wants families to use his attractions to teach children about their creator. “Now more than ever, we need to teach our children the truth about their Creator, His handiwork, and His Word.

“About one-third of the Creation Museum is brand new, including our fantastic Special Effects 4D Theater and new striking exhibits on Biblical authority. And at the Ark, we’re holding many concerts, conferences, and presentations inside the 2,500-seat Answers Center.”

In November, the Stargazer Planetarium upgrade began moving to laser projector technology and will reopen in March 2020. This renovation will feature a dramatic increase in brightness and resolution. New acoustics and a new tilted dome will also be installed for better viewing experiences from every seat.

Entrance of the Creation Museum (Photo courtesy of The Creation Museum)

In addition, the Creation Museum will be adding a new exhibit named Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (from Psalm 139:14). This pro-life display will challenge the culture regarding the abortion issue with the truth from God’s Word. Beautiful three-dimensional models will show the development of a child with fascinating information from anatomist, Dr. David Menton.

“I would be happy to answer any of Chuck Todd’s objections,” says Ken Ham. “Sadly, I doubt Chuck Todd has ever researched the account of the Ark and the Flood and therefore has no understanding of genetics, speciation, and geology concerning fossil layers. It is easy for reporters to sit behind cameras and make mocking statements. Todd’s only research is quoting a letter to the editor from someone without knowing what expertise they have.”

In regards to the Ark Encounter in person, Pastor Vnasdale is amazed at the largest timber-framed structure in the world.

“The Ark is breathtaking and brings the Bible to life; its size astounds me every time I see it.  There is no question a Bible-believer will find his faith strengthened by the Ark Encounter, while an unbeliever visiting will find his skepticism challenged.” 

View the video below to see the enormous size of the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky.

Related article:

Guest Column: Time to End Churches As Gun-Free Zones (AUDIO)


The shooting during the communion service at Freeway Baptist Church in Tarrant County, Texas on the Sunday before New Year’s Day emphatically illustrates one salient cultural truth: it’s long past time for every church in America to arm itself in its own defense. 

While details are still emerging, a man opened fire with a shotgun and took down a communion server and a member of the church security team before he was shot to death by an armed servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. There’s some muscular Christianity for you, right there, Texas-style. 

Bryan Fischer
(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

There were two hundred and forty-two people in the sanctuary at the time of the shooting. Local law enforcement responded inside of two minutes. But by that time the incident was over.  While details have not been released about the amount of ammo the shooter was carrying, many more almost certainly would have died had the church not had its own security force. 

A member of the church security team, Richard White, and a deacon serving communion, Tony Wallace, were shot and killed by this armed intruder. White was drawing his gun when he was hit with the first shotgun blast. Wallace demonstrated the greater love that Jesus spoke of when he laid down his life for his friends. Another member of the security team, Jack Wilson, took down the shooter with one shot. The entirety of the incident took six seconds. As the saying goes, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. 

The shooter, Keith Kinnunen, was a transient who had a police record and was oddly dressed in a fake beard and wig. He had already drawn the attention of the security team who was observing him closely. 

Kinnunen was seated behind Isabel Arreola, her husband, and their 7-year-old daughter. The sense of evil that emanated from the shooter was palpable. Arreola said she could not concentrate with the man sitting right behind her, and that she and her husband decided they would move to the other side of the church after communion. 

“I should have listened to my gut,” Arreola said. “While he was there, I couldn’t sing. I couldn’t pray. There was just something not right about him.” 

Texas passed a law allowing licensed gun owners to bring their weapons into church in the wake of a 2017 church shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs that left 26 people dead and another 20 wounded. In that case, the shooter was not stopped by a parishioner, none of whom were armed, but by a man across the street from the church who heard the shooting, grabbed his AR-15, and neutralized the bad guy. (Don’t let anybody lie to you and tell you that nobody needs an AR-15 for self-defense.) 

This tragedy should immediately end the argument over the permissibility of concealed carry in houses of worship. It’s no longer permissible, it’s now mandatory. 

“It’s important to note that the right of self-defense is rooted in the teaching of Jesus himself…. the disciples’ own lives could be endangered because of their association with him. He, therefore, commanded them, “Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one” (Luke 22:36). You can’t get more legitimacy than that. A legal principle rooted in the teaching of Christ is pretty tough to beat.” 

Bryan Fischer
AFR Radio Host

It’s important to note that the right of self-defense is rooted in the teaching of Jesus himself. He once told his disciples that he would be “numbered with the transgressors,” and that as a result their own lives could be endangered because of their association with him. He, therefore, commanded them, “Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one” (Luke 22:36). You can’t get more legitimacy than that. A legal principle rooted in the teaching of Christ is pretty tough to beat. 

The legal truth of the matter is that, from a strictly constitutional standpoint, a parishioner does not need permission from a state legislature to carry in church because the Founders already gave it to him in the Second Amendment. It’s the only carry permit a man should need. The Second Amendment says that the right to “keep” – that means to own – and to “bear arms” (that means to carry them around) is a right that is so basic it does not belong to the states or even their militias but to the people themselves. It is a right “of the people,” a right so basic that no arm of government – city, county, state, or federal – has the moral authority to take it away. 

Since 1950, 98% of all mass shootings have taken place in gun-free zones like schools, theaters, and yes, churches. 

It will surprise many Americans to learn that there was a time when you would have been breaking the law by NOT packing heat to church. 

A 1631 Virginia law read, “All men that are fitting to bear arms shall bring their pieces to church.” (In fact, a 1623 Virginia law prohibited you from traveling anywhere without being armed.) In 1639, the Newport Colony required that “none shall come to any public meeting without his weapon.” And in 1770, a Georgia law provided that, “for the better security of the inhabitants,” every resident was required “to carry firearms to places of public worship.” 

The reasons for these laws are easy to understand. Certainly, not all Native American tribes were warlike, but enough were for the Founders to include in the Declaration of Independence a statement about “the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.” 

While no one, of course, is saying that those descriptions apply today, they certainly did then. One thing the hostile Indian nations quickly learned was that European settlers were a God-fearing lot, who attended church en masse on Sunday mornings. It wasn’t long before they realized that such settlers were sitting ducks, all together in one place at one time and utterly defenseless. The best time to strike the colonists was anytime between 11 am and noon on Sunday. Thus, for simple self-protection against unprovoked Indian attacks, early Americans were obligated to pack heat to church. 

We’ve had enough sanctuary shootings in the past 15 years, enough pastors and parishioners shot dead in their own places of worship, to clearly, publicly, and legally declare that all Americans have a constitutionally guaranteed right to self-defense, even if they’re sitting in church. 

Jesus taught us that Satan “comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” There’s no better place for the Prince of Darkness to do his hellish work than in a place of worship. The only thing that’ll stop a bad guy with a gun is a Christian guy with a gun. It’s time to armor up, church.

Click on the image below to listen to Bryan Fischer’s Life & Liberty Minute on the importance of having a well-regulated militia.

Bryan Fischer is the talk show host of the radio show “Focal Point,” the home of muscular Christianity, on American Family Radio’s Talk Network.

Madison clergy furnish school classrooms with “In GOD We Trust” posters (VIDEO)


MADISON TOWNSHIP — One school district at a time, framed depictions of the national and state mottoes are going on display in classrooms throughout North Central Ohio. This month Madison Local Schools became the most recent recipient of the displays given by two local clergymen.

Pastor Robert Kurtz of Mansfield Baptist Temple is teaming up with Pastor Dink Porter of the First Church of the Open Bible to reach the next generation. Both pointed to historical figures they learned about in school as inspiration.

Pastor Robert Kurtz with Pastor Dink Porter displaying sample of display.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Our two congregations decided that we wanted to go beyond our church walls and together reach our community,” explained Pastor Porter. “Collectively we have donated two hundred and fifty-two framed displays for every classroom in Madison with “In God We Trust,” and “With God all things are possible.”

The pastor pointed to a quote from Abraham Lincoln as one of the inspirations behind their endeavor: “The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow.”

Pastor Kurtz is proud to have a congregation in the Madison School District.

“I appreciate the opportunity to show our commitment to the community. I am convinced the importance of churches and schools working together is amplified when we consider this quote from Alexis de Tocqueville:

“I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there. . . in her fertile fields and bound less forests, and it was not there. . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

“Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

Alexis de Tocqueville
French Political Scientist

Pastor Kurtz noted that “Both of our congregations want to communicate to the school administrators and faculty in Madison that our congregations want to be a blessing to the schools. This is one small way to communicate this.”

Pastor Porter added, “Our mission statement at Open Bible is to love God, to love others, and to serve the community. These are challenging times for families and young people in particular and we want to give them hope.”

After challenges by atheists in Ohio’s Sixth Circuit Court, both the national motto and the state motto have been upheld in court and deemed constitutional.

Contrary to map, Ohio schools must display motto if donated.
(Map courtesy of Education Commission)

In 2006, Ohio Governor Bob Taft signed into law a bill requiring all public and community schools to display any donated copies of the national motto and state mottos.

According to 3313.801 of the Ohio Revised Code, if a copy of the official motto of the United States of America “In God We Trust” or the official motto of Ohio “With God, All Things Are Possible” is donated to any school district, or if money is donated to the district specifically for the purpose of purchasing such material, the board of education of the school district shall accept the donation and display the motto in an appropriate manner in a classroom, auditorium, or cafeteria of a school building in the district,

In 2018 six states passed laws to prominently display the National Motto at the entrances of their schools. View the video from Fox News below.

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Holy night in Savannah as live nativity draws capacity crowd (SLIDESHOW)


SAVANNAH– While the Star of Bethlehem may not have been over the community Monday night, all eyes were on Savannah as the quaint town of four-hundred hosted a live outdoor nativity with half a thousand in attendance at Savannah Park.

“We have all generations that gather together to sing, listen, and to tell the beautiful Christmas Story again.” says Dana Futrell, coordinator of the community event now in its ninth year.

Hundreds gather together for community effort to commemorate the birth of Jesus in Savannah, Ohio. View slideshow below. (Photos courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The script was inspired by the Gospel of Luke and really brings the Bible to life. This is our way of placing the emphasis of Christmas on the worship of Christ rather than on secular materialism and gift giving.”

Onlookers saw the main thoroughfare lined with candle lights as those gathered at the park were surrounded by a scenic panorama comprised of a a nativity scene consisting of an infant Christ, his parents, wise men, shepherds, an angel, and several farm animals. Several clergy narrators, and a seventy-voice choir also encompassed the perimeter of the audience.

Under the direction of Trevor Garrabrant, the Crestview High School Choir sang renditions of “O Come, O Come Immanuel,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “Breath of Heaven,” “O Holy Night,” “The First Noel,” “Silent Night,” and “Come All Ye Faithful.”

One of the clergy narrators, Reverend John Bouquet commented, “Dana (Futrell) has been a great asset to our community. Her commitment is a vivid reminder of how one person can inspire a community. Clearly tonight demonstrates the message of the manger still changes hearts today. Jesus is very much alive today, working in churches and our community. Our nation needs this message.”

“Clearly tonight demonstrates the message of the manger still changes hearts today. Jesus is very much alive today, working in churches and our community. Our nation needs this message.”

Reverend John Bouquet
Savannah Bethel Baptist

The event was a complete community effort, led by Christ Community Evangelical Free Church, Bethel Baptist Church and Savannah United Methodist and supported by the Savannah Volunteer Fire Department and Savannah Lions Club.

The Mulford family portrayed the holy family, BCU Electric decorated the park, and CW Farm provided the staging.

Local farmers providing the donkeys and lambs were the White, Steward, Bernhard, and Hammon families. After the program children were invited to see the animals. Everyone had a part to play.

The Crestview High School Choir performs in front of a capacity crowd.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“We started this program to bring the community together,” said Dana’s husband, Reverend Michael Futrell, another narrator in the nativity story.

“It is very easy to be busy and to forget to invest in relationships with your neighbors that you share a community with. Our congregation (Christ Community Evangelical Free Church) is now partnering together with Bethel Baptist for Service Saturdays to reach the community with yard work and cleanup, painting, deep cleaning, and beautification.”

The two congregations share a mission to complete service projects for the communities of Savannah and Bailey Lakes and will be conducting a joint mission trip this coming year.

Clergy narrate in the live nativity program. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“We believe that the heart of the church is not just to stay contained in its walls but to take the church to the community,” Pastor Bouquet adds.

Without question it can be said that this Christmas program has not only brought a community together, it has also helped birth a mission.

Related article:

The Bottom Line:

“For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on His shoulders. And He will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty GOD, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Guest Column: Ohio State’s J.K. Dobbins: Running back for life (VIDEO)


When my dad was alive, he would tell me, ‘No matter what, have a smile on your face. No matter how you’re feeling, you’re living, and you should be able to smile.’ These days, Ohio State running back J.K. Dobbins has a lot to smile about. He just moved into second place on the Buckeyes’ all-time rushing list.

He racked up four touchdowns against rival Michigan and was a contender for the Heisman Trophy. But things haven’t always been easy. J.K. had to overcome a lot of obstacles to get where he is — including, Americans found out on national television, just being born.

Tony Perkins (Photo courtesy of Family Research Council)

One of the first things people notice about Mya Dobbins’s son is his grin.

Despite watching his single mom struggle to go to school and provide, despite seeing his father — the man he was closest to in the world — die of a stroke in the Bartlett State Jail, and despite an ankle injury almost costing him a future in football, J.K. stays upbeat.

“I have a positive outlook on life, because I’m still living,” he said last year. No one knew how close the college junior came to not living until when Fox sportscaster Gus Johnson explained that the world wouldn’t be watching this incredible talent if Dobbin’s mother had not chosen life.

Late in the fourth quarter of the Ohio State-Michigan game, after more than eight million viewers had watched Dobbins spring into the end zone, another commentator shook his head in amazement. “What does this kid not do?”

While J.K. was on the sidelines being congratulated, Johnson shared the powerful story of a teenage mom, who was one clinic visit away from making Dobbins a name this country had never heard of. “[J.K.’s] mom, Mya, became pregnant when she was 18 years old,” he started. “She went to the doctor because she was thinking about aborting the baby — but changed her mind. That baby turned out to be that young man, J.K. Dobbins,” he added, “who she calls her ‘miracle baby.'”

The idea that the sports world might never have witnessed his gift for the game was overwhelming to Johnson — and everyone else — in that moment.

It crystallized, in one half-minute of television, what the abortion debate is all about. Maybe that’s why liberals are so upset. When the clip went viral, social media lit up with angry posts about how “inappropriate,” “unnecessary,” and “stigmatizing” the testimony was. Others even called it “disgusting,” demanding that Johnson apologize. For what, most people wanted to know? For rejoicing that a world-class talent wasn’t destroyed in the womb? “Think about how backwards this is,” RedState argued. “[Liberals] think it’s ‘disgusting’ to talk about not aborting someone.”

That’s because, in their minds, abortion is a social good. Something to be celebrated, cheered, and plastered in pink lights across the New York City skyline. “We didn’t need to know all that,” one woman tweeted about the OSU junior. In other words, don’t put a face on it. Don’t remind us what abortion costs us. “Dobbins is a talented player,” one woman agreed, “but let’s just let him be talented… We can’t take choice away from Ohio’s women because of one feel good story about a football player.”

“It isn’t just one feel good story. The world will never know how many millions of stories there would have been if more moms had been told the truth: that their babies had value and purpose and potential — not because of what they could do, but because of who their Creator made them to be. J.K. Dobbins isn’t special because he plays football, he’s special because he was created in the image of God.”

Tony Perkins
President of Family Research Council

But that’s the problem. It isn’t just one feel good story. The world will never know how many millions of stories there would have been if more moms had been told the truth: that their babies had value and purpose and potential — not because of what they could do, but because of who their Creator made them to be. J.K. Dobbins isn’t special because he plays football, he’s special because he was created in the image of God, who had a plan for his life. Just like He had a plan for Andrea BocelliCeline DionTim TebowPope John Paul IISteve Jobs, and so many other survivors we can’t imagine the world without.

“Focus on the game,” one abortion activist insisted. But the problem is, you can’t focus on the game without seeing the players. J.K. was fortunate. But for every baby like him, there are so many others whose lives are ended before they begin. Theirs are the 60 million voices we’ll never hear, performances we’ll never see, and Heisman winners we’ll never meet because of abortion.

If Mya’s story can save just one of them, those twenty-four seconds of live television will mean more than any football legacy ever could.

View the video below from Fox Sports of sports commentator Gus Johnson’s story of J. K. Dobbins storybook beginning.

Originally published in Tony Perkins’ Washington Update, which is written with the aid of Family Research Council senior writers.

Featured image from Twitter account of J.K. Dobbins @Jkdobbins22

Ashland pastors side with Jim Jordan in sounding alarm on Deep State impeachment coup (VIDEO)


ASHLAND — According to Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, the Democrat Party has never accepted the results of the 2016 Presidential elections. He believes liberal Deep State operatives spied on four American citizens using a false dossier and lied to the FISA Court another seventeen times to obtain permission for the wiretaps.

Rep. Jim Jordan
(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

Because of these abuses of power, Rep. Jordan (R-OH) is concerned for the future of the Republic after the partisan-impeachment of President Donald Trump; several Ashland County clergy echo these same sentiments.

Pastor John Bouquet, is a long time pastor and also serves on the Board of Trustees for the American Policy RoundTable, a non-partisan non-profit group helping people rediscover Constitutional principles.

“Rep. Jim Jordan is spot on,” says Pastor Bouquet. “The present leadership in the House has one mission in mind: anarchy. This is the agenda at the heart of the effort toward impeachment. At the highest level of our government is an intentional non-recognition of the elected will of the people.”

A two-year Mueller investigation consisting of nineteen lawyers, forty agents, five hundred warrants, twenty-eight hundred subpoenas was conducted, but no evidence of collusion was uncovered.

Ironically, one of Trump’s accusers Congressman Alcee Hastings (D-FL) the Vice Chairperson of the Rules Committee, was himself impeached and removed from public office before being elected to Congress. He is currently under investigation by the House Ethics Commission.

In light of the impeachment process, Ashland Pastor Mark Abel does not believe the Democrat Leadership can effectively demonstrate to the public that it has the moral authority to operate without prejudice.

Pastor Mark Abel
(Submitted photo)

“Presently the Democrat Leadership has no moral high ground to stand on. The Party has governed opposing life and liberty. They refused to bring up the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act for debate and vote. The Party passed a resolution opposing religious liberty and embracing the non-religious. How can the public trust them with the impeachment process when they don’t even espouse to due process or to the U.S. Constitution?”

Sixteen Democrat members on the House Judiciary Committee along with a host of other House Democrats already publicly supported impeachment before Bob Mueller even testified.

Addressing the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jordan said, “The Democrats are not going to stop not just because they don’t like the President, they don’t like us. They don’t like the sixty-three million people in flyover country who voted for this President. All of those common people in Ohio, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Texas. They dislike us so much that they are willing to weaponize the government.”

“The Democrats are not going to stop not just because they don’t like the President, they don’t like us. They don’t like the sixty-three million people in flyover country who voted for this President. All of those common people in Ohio, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Texas. They dislike us so much that they are willing to weaponize the government.”

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH)

Rep. Jordan illustrated his point by mentioning Congresswoman Maxine Walters (D-CA) inflammatory comments about creating mobs to intimidate conservatives.

“A few years ago, it was the IRS, more recently it was the FBI, and now it is the impeachment power of Congress. Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) released the phone records of the President’s personal lawyer, the phone records of a member of the press and the Chairman released the phone records of a Republican member of Congress.”

Rep. Jordan went on to tell the House Judiciary Committee, “It would be well to remember that what can be done to a President can be done to any of us. This is scary stuff.”

Reverend John Bouquet
(Submitted photo)

Pastor Abel added, “They (House Democrats) simply lack the character, integrity and fundamental ability to discern between what is right and wrong as Isaiah 5:20 expains. They have disgraced themselves and brought shame to our beloved country in this process. Every American who holds this country dear ought to be outraged with them.”

Recently it was discovered that just ten days after President Trump was sworn into office the whistle blower’s attorney stated that “the coup has started and impeachment of the President will follow.”

In response, Pastor Bouquet says “The key issue is about the basic structure of the Constitution and the electoral college. There is a devious agenda to change the way ‘We the People’ elect our Presidents. This is anarchy against the Constitution of the United States and the goal of the Founders to provide an equal voice for all the people in this representative Republic.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Genesis 6:11, “Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of GOD and the Earth was filled with violence.”

View the C-SPAN video below of Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan addressing House Judiciary Committee on the impeachment investigation of President Trump. (5 minutes duration)

Related article:

Nativity scenes take center stage across Buckeye Bible Belt (SLIDESHOW)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO –When secular groups try to silence religious expression during the Christmas season, it is no “silent night” inside the Buckeye Bible Belt. Often times when religious displays are threatened, communities come together in solidarity and religious faith springs to action.

Last year the anti-religious group Freedom for Religion Foundation threatened to file a lawsuit against the City of Dover, Ohio for its nativity scene on city property. After moving the nativity scene to an obscure sight in 2018, the City of Dover has now decided to return the nativity scene back to the public square.

The nativity scene in Mount Gilead has been present for over twenty years. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

One Judge who is no stranger to religious displays on public property, the Honorable James DeWeese, says nativity scenes help place the emphasis of Christmas on the worship of Christ rather than on secular materialism.

“Christmas has been historically one of the most celebrated holidays of the American people. I am grateful for nativity displays. From the beginning, our founders insisted on the importance of the faith of the American people to the future of our nation.  Our first president, George Washington, wrote in his farewell address, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” 

Judge DeWeese was not aware of all the public square nativity scenes in North Central Ohio. These can be seen in: Shelby, Shiloh, Bellville, Crestline, Mount Gilead, and Malabar Farm State Park. A live nativity has also been planned in Savannah. In fact, several new displays have been erected this year.

“Christmas has been historically one of the most celebrated holidays of the American people. I am grateful for nativity displays. From the beginning, our founders insisted on the importance of the faith of the American people to the future of our nation.”

Honorable Judge James DeWeese

The Thomas More Society is co-sponsoring nativity displays on twenty-seven State Capitol grounds around the country including this year, its first at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. The Chicago-based law firm defends and equips Americans to exercise religious faith by private citizens in the public square.

A nativity scene will also be located at the public square in the City of Mansfield this year; the first recorded nativity at Central Park since 1962 according to Sherman Room Librarian Jayson Schlechty of the Mansfield-Richland County Public Library.

According to Mr. Schlechty, “Live nativities and religious dramas were put on by the Mansfield Council of Churches and the Mansfield Retail Merchants Association in 1962 ‘as a meaningful interlude from the commercial aspects of the Christmas season for downtown shoppers.'”

Reverend Paul Lintern, coordinator of the Southside Christian nativity scene display. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Not only have nativity scenes multiplied on public squares, they have multiplied inside churches. A creative display of more than six-hundred nativity sets is open to the public at Southside Christian Church the first three Sundays in December, between 2:00-4:00 PM. Located at 2055 Middle-Bellville in Mansfield, the display includes nativities from forty-eight different nations.

In 2015, the Pines Christian Church, at 6775 State Route 42 outside Mount Gilead, Ohio broke the Guinness World Record for the largest display of nativity scenes with 2,300 unique displays. The Pines Christian Church was built on the site of the former Pines Restaurant owned by Fred Hope, brother of the famous comedian Bob Hope, also a nativity scene enthusiast.

“Christmas’ story of blessing is truly reflected in the nativity displays set up in so many communities throughout our land,” Judge DeWeese commented. Religion still remains a key component of culture for now.

The Bottom Line:

View the slideshow below of nativity scenes throughout North Central Ohio.

See related articles:

County Treasurer redeems himself with purchase of Israeli bonds


MANSFIELD — Richland County clergy thought they could take their County Treasurer’s word to the bank. After reminding him of his obligations, the Treasurer finally put his money where his mouth was.

In 2017, leading clergymen from forty different local congregations wrote a letter requesting County Treasurer Bart Hamilton and the County Investment Advisory Board take a proactive approach to combat the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) Movement opposing Israel by purchasing bonds from the Jewish state. All was well or so the clergy thought.

After changing the county’s thirty-year old investment policy and formally passing a motion to invest in Israeli bonds on November of 2017, Treasurer Bart Hamilton lost interest in the Israeli bond request.

After being called into question by Benjamin Mutti, Coordinator with the Richland Community Prayer Network, Treasurer Hamilton wrote an email on November 6, 2019 to Mutti, saying “I don’t feel that this is a good investment for a small county like Richland.  This investment is designed more for individuals of faith and churches. “

Following a Frontlines Ohio news story uncovering the development, the Treasurer decided to keep his commitment to the clergy.

November 22nd County Treasurer Bart Hamilton wrote Mutti back, reporting: “After meeting with my investment advisors at the County Treasurers Conference last week, I have opened an account with the dealer for Israeli bonds and have placed an order for $200,000 in a two-year note for purchase on December 1st, 2019.”

“After meeting with my investment advisors at the County Treasurers Conference last week, I have opened an account with the dealer for Israeli bonds and have placed an order for $200,000 in a two-year note for purchase on December 1st, 2019.”

Richland County Treasurer Bart Hamilton

The forty clergy who approached Treasurer Hamilton about investing in Israeli bonds believe that money can talk.

The pastors are convinced when the government observes states and counties investing in Israeli bonds, the foreign policy of the American federal government can be influenced in favor of Israel.

In the letter the clergy quoted a Bible verse stating, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be as well.”

This past October, Bonds President & CEO Israel Maimon announced that Israel bond sales in the U.S. crossed the $1 billion mark, making 2019 the seventh consecutive year the $1 billion milestone has been exceeded.

Consequently, over the past three years of the Trump Administration, the U.S. Embassy has finally been moved to Jeruslaem, Israeli sovereignty of the Golan Heights has been recognized, and settlements in Judea and Samaria are no longer considered illegal by the U.S. government.

Mr. Mutti paid a compliment to the County Treasurer.

“We are thankful that Mr. Hamilton has kept his commitment to investing in Israeli Bonds. We appreciate Mr. Hamilton and the Commimssioner Board’s dilligent work to revive our county’s financial status. Without question we expect good yields for Richland County from these bonds and anticipate Washington D.C. will take notice of our local pledge to the Nation of Israel.”

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Knox County clergy call out atheist group for bullying football coach (VIDEO)


HOWARD — A Wisconsin atheist group is threatening another rural high school by attempting to silence the First Amendment rights of a football coach. But a group of area clergy on the field have made an ‘extra point’ saying attempts to prohibit free exercise of religion is premature.

Last week, the Freedom from Religion Foundation sent a letter to East Knox High School claiming it is illegal for public school athletic coaches to participate in students’ prayers because it violates the “Establishment Clause.” While the group’s bark is known to be worse than its bite, the jury is still out with President Trump’s transformation of the federal judiciary underway.

Reverend J. C. Church
(Submitted photo)

Several pastors believe the “Free Exercise Clause” of the First Amendment is finally gaining ground on the establishment clause that has led to the judiciary’s past hostility toward religion.

“I believe our nation is going through a spiritual awakening,” says Pastor J.C. Church of Victory in Truth Ministries. “Elections have consequences and the tide is turning. We need to continue appointing judges for the next generation that interpret the Constitution based on the original intent of our Founding Fathers.”

According to Pastor Aaron Boggs of Fredericktown Freewill Baptist, he says “there is no doubt the Founding Fathers designed the government based on Christian principles that do not prohibit the free exercise of religion.”

FFRF has made its living on the premise of “separation of church and state,” a phrase that does not exist in the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights.

Reverend Aaron Boggs
(Submitted photo)

The group has demonstrated hostility for religion losing several high-profile cases involving the Pledge of Allegience, and the “In GOD We Trust” motto on American currency. In Ohio the FFRF has been highly ineffective, even losing a case in 2013 when it actually opposed the construction of a Holocaust Memorial at the Statehouse.

East Knox Superintendent Steve Larcomb received a letter from the angry group on November 27th regarding the involvement of Varsity Head Football Coach Cody Rees. Larcomb declined to comment on whether the district planned to take action in response to the allegations.

In calling the East Knox coaching staff’s actions “unconstitutional,” FFRF cited several U.S. Supreme Court decisions, including Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe (2000), which ruled student-led prayer over the loudspeaker before football games was unconstitutional.

However, just two weeks ago, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed a lower court decision supporting Cambridge Christian School’s position stating that it was constitutional to pray over the loudspeaker before the kickoff for state high school football games.

Pastor Dave Jones of Millwood Church of Christ commented on the track record and legacy of FFRF.

Reverend Dave Jone
(Photo from church website)

“Since groups like FFRF have declared war on faith-based influence in culture, tragedies like school shootings, suicides and societal drug addiction have not decreased, they have increased. Clearly FFRF does not represent the best interests of East Knox schools, we are in a cultural crisis.”

Church commented,”It is ironic that whenever there is a national calamity or a school shooting, the public instinctively prays for wisdom and protection. This issue on religious freedom is about good and evil.”

Pastor Jones observes “Our community (East Knox) has a strong faith tradition. This is seen in the number of people that pray following the games. It is not a school prayer or even a team prayer because there are so many members of our community on the field to pray. It really is community prayer.”

“Our community (East Knox) has a strong faith tradition. This is seen in the number of people that pray following the games. It is not a school prayer or even a team prayer because there are so many members of our community on the field to pray. It really is community prayer.

Pastor Dave JOnes
Millwood Church of Christ

Boggs says in the last seven high school football games he has attended this season, he has seen student athletes praying on the field after each game.

“Recently I was at a playoff game between Harvest Prep and Newark Catholic where they prayed after the game. What was striking to me was the good sportsmanship and respect for the referees I saw during the game. Looking at the message boards on this story, even atheists are realizing FFRF is going too far trying to impose their form of religion on our school district. “

Pastor Joe Beran of Berlin and Batemantown United Methodist churches makes the point that faith-based people should not be treated as sub-citizens.

Reverend Joe Beran
(Submitted photo)

“We need to ask the question, how is it that the Federal Judiciary allows Congress to have an opening prayer every session, but a high school is forbidden to allow a football coach to pray with his team? What is good for the goose should be good for the gander. There is an inconsistency here. Both of my congregations will be watching closely and praying about this.”

FFRF called for the district to take action before the next state semifinal game, so that coaches would not organize another prayer circle afterwards. For what that was worth, after the game, the East Knox coaching staff participated in the community prayer once again.

View the video below of the state championship-bound Lucas Cubs praying the LORD’s Prayer after their victory in the semi-finals last weekend. The prayer begins at 1:34 into the video.

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The Bottom Line:

Acts 5 says the Sanhedrin called the apostles in and had them flogged. They they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. When the apostles left, they rejoiced because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.”

Banquet unveils new chapter for Richland Pregnancy Services (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Community family centers are not only saving the lives of babies across the nation, they are now changing the culture. Richland Pregnancy Services (RPS) recently announced it is developing key strategic partnerships to execute this very plan.

Amanda Clark, Executive Director of Richland Pregnancy Services recently reported during a fall banquet her vision to have RPS’ short-term parachurch role complimenting local long term community churches.

Keynote speaker Jeffrey Dean with RPS Executive Director Amanda Clark.
(Photo courtesy of Jessica Green)

“What separates our ministry from a social-service agency is that we do not just give out diapers and formula, we also walk with moms and dads the first two years of their parenting journey. We want everything we do to be for God’s glory and mentoring our clients is a big part of this strategy,” Clark told the five hundred in attendance on November 14th.

“What separates our ministry from a social-service agency is that we do not just give out diapers and formula, we also walk with moms and dads the first two years of their parenting journey. We want everything we do to be for God’s glory and mentoring our clients is a big part of this strategy,”

Amanda Clark
Richland Pregnancy Services

In Clark’s report, she discussed new partnerships will launch key outreaches.

RPS will embark on a new partnership with Richland County Juvenile Detention Center to discuss healthy life choices with troubled youth. RPS will also be collaborating with Galion City Health Department to better serve its STD/STI clients that tests positive from its satallite location at Mansfield-OSU. In addition, an association with Little Buckeye Children Museum is in the works to reach out to more fathers in Richland County.

Last but not least, RPS is opening a new satellite office at Ocie Hill Neighborhood Center to complement its primary location at1560 West Fourth Street and its Mansfield-OSU location.

Elected officals attending the Richland Pregnancy Services fall banquet. (Photo courtesy of Amanda Clark)

Elected officials attending the banquet included County Commissioners Marilyn John, Tony Vero, and Darrell Banks, City Councilmen Cliff Mears and David Fallquette, County Prosecutor Gary Bishop, and Township Trustee Bob Entenmann.

Keynote speaker Jeffrey Dean warned the crowd that America is in a spiritual war and that multi=tasking is critical. Dean talked about the account in the Bible of the woman at the well.

“The Samaritan woman went to the well to get water to meet her physical need. She was not looking for Jesus, but she had an encounter with Him and Jesus revealed the truth about her life. In the same way many clients coming to RPS also have an opportunity to meet Jesus while having their immediate physical needs met.”

Keynote speaker Jeffrey Dean. (Photo courtesy of Jessica Green) Click on the image above to view RPS client testimony shown the evening of the banquet.

Dean is a best-selling inspirational speaker, author, and teacher who is devoted to making families strong. Over his twenty-five year career, Jeffrey has spoken to more than 4 million people at churches, universities, prisons and schools. Jeffrey has held positions on the Strategic Stakeholders Committee for the Department of Health and Human Services, the Advisory Board of National Abstinence Clearinghouse and Youth for Christ

According to emcee Scott Saunders from 90.7 FM WVMC, RPS has served 1,300 clients so far this year.

Related article:

The Bottom Line:

Matthew 19 says, “And Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

Guest Column: Why the Pilgrims abandoned common ownership for private property


The first few years of Plymouth colony were fraught with hardship and hunger. Economics had a lot to do with it. Next year at this time, Americans will mark the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower in 1620 and the subsequent founding of the Plymouth colony by English Separatists we know as the Pilgrims. They, of course, became the mothers and fathers of the first Thanksgiving.

The first few years of the settlement were fraught with hardship and hunger. Four centuries later, they also provide us with one of history’s most decisive verdicts on the critical importance of private property. We should never forget that the Plymouth colony was headed straight for oblivion under a communal, socialist plan but saved itself when it embraced something very different.

Lawrence Reed
(Photo courtesy of Foundation of Economic Education)

In the diary of the colony’s first governor, William Bradford, we can read about the settlers’ initial arrangement: Land was held in common. Crops were brought to a common storehouse and distributed equally. For two years, every person had to work for everybody else (the community), not for themselves as individuals or families. Did they live happily ever after in this socialist utopia?

Hardly. The “common property” approach killed off about half the settlers. Governor Bradford recorded in his diary that everybody was happy to claim their equal share of production, but production only shrank. Slackers showed up late for work in the fields, and the hard workers resented it. It’s called “human nature.”

The disincentives of the socialist scheme bred impoverishment and conflict until, facing starvation and extinction, Bradford altered the system. He divided common property into private plots, and the new owners could produce what they wanted and then keep or trade it freely.

Communal socialist failure was transformed into private property/capitalist success, something that’s happened so often historically it’s almost monotonous. The “people over profits” mentality produced fewer people until profit—earned as a result of one’s care for his own property and his desire for improvement—saved the people.

Over the centuries, socialism has crash-landed into lamentable bits and pieces too many times to keep count—no matter what shade of it you pick: central planning, welfare statism, or government ownership of the means of production. Then some measure of free markets and private property turned the wreckage into progress. I know of no instance in history when the reverse was true—that is, when free markets and private property produced a disaster that was cured by socialism. None.

Plymouth Rock (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

A few of the many examples that echo the Pilgrims’ experience include Germany after World War II, Hong Kong after Japanese occupation, New Zealand in the 1980s, Scandinavia in recent decades, and even Lenin’s New Economic Policy of the 1920s.

Two hundred years after the Pilgrims, the Scottish cotton magnate Robert Owen thought he’d give socialism another spin, this time in New Harmony, Indiana. There he established a community he hoped would transcend such “evils” as individualism and self-interest. Everybody would be economically equal in an altruistic, fairy-tale society. It collapsed utterly within just two years, just like all the other “Owenite” communes it briefly inspired. Fortunately, because Owen didn’t have guns and armies to glue it together, people just walked away from New Harmony in disgust. They learned from socialism, even if today’s socialists don’t. You can read all about it in this splendid 1976 article by Melvin D. Barger, “Robert Owen: The Wooly Minded Cotton Spinner.”

Socialism flops even when it’s the “pretend” or “voluntary” variety. Imagine the odds against it succeeding when it’s compulsory! The use of force prolongs the agony but doesn’t breed any less bitterness, resentment, or decline. It magnifies the calamity, in fact.

Consider this as you feast at the Thanksgiving table this week: The people who raised the turkey didn’t do so because they wanted to help you out. The others who grew the cranberries and the yams didn’t go to the trouble and expense out of some altruistic impulse or because of some nebulous “sharing” fantasy.

Sacrificial rituals, even if they make you feel good, rarely bake a bigger pie. Charity is laudable, and I engage in it, too, but it’s not an engine of production or prosperity. For that, you need profit, incentive, and private property.

Sacrificial rituals, even if they make you feel good, rarely bake a bigger pie. Charity is laudable, and I engage in it, too, but it’s not an engine of production or prosperity. For that, you need profit, incentive, and private property.

Lawrence Reed
Foundation of Economic Education

In North Korea and Venezuela, socialist regimes work to see that almost nobody makes a profit or owns a private business. There won’t be anything like widespread Thanksgiving dinners in either country this week, and that’s no coincidence. I wonder if that lesson is still taught in schools these days; polls that suggest young people are attracted to socialism suggest maybe it isn’t.

I’ll be offering gratitude for more than just good food on Thanksgiving Day. I’m going to give a prayerful thanks for private property and the profit motive that has made abundance possible. When God instilled a measure of peaceful, productive self-interest into the human mind, he knew what he was doing.

Lawrence W. Reed is a member of the Foundation of Economic Education (FEE), President Ermeritus, Humphreys Family Senior Fellow, and Ron Manners Ambassador for Global Liberty. FEE’s mission is to inspire, educate, and connect future leaders with the economic, ethical, and legal principles of a free society.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Faith leaders stand behind Trump policy change recognizing Judea & Samaria (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO- In a stinging rebuke of both Barack Obama and the European Union, last week Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy, declaring Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria as “not illegal.” Several Ohio leaders are ecstatic over the Trump Administration’s shift concerning the area known as the “cradle of Jewish civilization.”

“The President’s change in policy is great and sends a strong statement to the world,” says Reverend Jim Garrett, Lead Pastor of Ontario Christian Fellowship.

Pastor Jim Garrett pictured with wife Cheri visiting the Garden Tomb last week.
(Photo courtesy of OCF Facebook)

“Last week we were part of a group touring Jericho inside the West Bank. I believe this new policy has the potential to unify Palestinians with Jews and not alienate them. In my opinion, the big secret mainstream media conceals is the cooperation taking place right now between Jews and Palestinian Christians.”

Israeli leadership is also excited about the reversal in U.S. Middle East policy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not mince words.

“This policy reflects a historical truth that the Jewish people are not foreign colonialists in Judea and Samaria. In fact, we are called Jews because we are the people of Judea.”

“This policy reflects a historical truth – that the Jewish people are not foreign colonialists in Judea and Samaria. In fact, we are called Jews because we are the people of Judea.”

Israeli Prime MInister Benjamin Netanyahu

Conversley, a November European Court of Justice’s verdict requires EU member states to place distinct labels on Jewish-made exports from Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

According to Secretary of State Pompeo, not only are Israeli settlements not illegal, they are arguably more justified than civilian settlements built in other disputed territories.

“The unsupported allegation that Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal was the basis for the 2016 United Nations (U.N.) Security Council Resolution 2334,” stated Pompeo during the announcement.

Following U.N. Resolution 2334, over one hundred north central Ohio clergy sent an apology letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu to reconcile for the U.S. Federal government’s inaptitude.

Pro-Israel organization Christians United for Israel has six million members in the United States and is one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the nation. Its State Director Ed Douglas, of Chardon Ohio, released a statement by CUFI:

“The revocation of the Hansell memorandum is the latest in the Trump administration’s consistent and considerable support for our ally Israel. We are grateful to President Trump for treating Israel like an ally and respecting the will of the Israeli people as expressed by their elected government.

“America’s new position concerning Israel is a one hundred-eighty degree reversal of the Obama administration’s position on the settlements. If the U.S. is to be a loyal and true friend to Israel, we cannot seek to impose our will upon the Jewish state,” Douglas shared.  “We must honor the Jewish state’s sovereign right to make decisions on matters of war and peace, free of international interference.”

Each year CUFI brings hundreds of pastors to Israel on Pastor Leadership Tours. These intensive learning tours turn clergy merely sympathetic to Israel to committed pro-Israeli activists.

View the C-Span video below of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s announcement regarding the Trump Administation’s reversal on foreign policy towards the West Bank.

See related articles:

Ministers join forces with City to distribute turkeys to families


MANSFIELD — While the area has experienced a cornacopia of blessings this past year, blessings are not only meant to be received, but also given say area pastors. Thursday morning clergy from five local churches partnered with City Police and Fire Departments to distribute two hundred turkeys to area households in need.

Mansfield Mayor Timothy Theaker coordinated the endeavor thru help of an anonymous company seeking to bring smiles to families for Thanksgiving. Five pastors distributed twenty turkeys each while personnel from the police and fire departments each distributed fifty.

Pastors picking up turkeys from anonymous donor. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

One of the participating clergy said the turkeys could not have come at a better time.

“We gave out all twenty (turkeys) this past weekend,” said Pastor Dave Guild of Mansfield Foursquare. “I had a veteran randomly call me two hours before I was supposed to pick up the turkeys. He needed meal assistance for the holiday season and I just happended to be able to help him.”

Reverend Guild’s congregation has a food distribution ministry during the summer and fall. Regarding the Mayor’s request for help he commented, “This was a great opportunity for people to think of who they can bless; it causes a chain reaction of people thinking about others. We have a mail carrier in our congregation who knew of someone on his route he could give a turkey to.”

The past two years, Reverend Randy Randy Raynes of Mansfield Fellowship Baptist and Reverend Mark Cobb of Providence Baptist have both participated in the turkey distribution. Raynes says the local faith community has a reputation of being mission oriented and city officials are aware of this.

Pastors pictured L to R: Randy Raynes, Aaron Williams, Dave Guild, and Russell Stanford. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The Richland Community Prayer Network found that not only did area churches provide valuable support ministries to the local community between the years of 2014-2017, our goodwill ambassador churches also supported missions to an astounding ninety-three different nations around the globe. This was during a time period when our area was the seventh most economically-challenged metropolitan region in the nation.”

Lead Pastor Aaron William’s of Maddox Memorial COGIC hosted a community service the night before the turkey distribution to address grief many experience during the holiday season.

“People need healing from grief and food can help draw people together to foster relationships. GOD needs to be the center of those relationships and free turkey meals can certainly be a magnet to reconciliation and deliverance that can take place. It is love in action.”

‘I think there is a benefit of the church working together with the city because there wouldn’t be a church without the city, and there wouldn’t be much of a city without the church. We should be working hand in hand.”

Pastor Russell Stanford
ALl Believers in Christ

Pastor Russell Stanford of All Believers in Christ commented, ‘I think there is a benefit of the church working together with the city because there wouldn’t be a church without the city, and there wouldn’t be much of a city without the church. We should be working hand in hand.”

See related article:

Shelby revival fire comes to fire station for Thanksgiving (SLIDESHOW)


SHELBY– The City of Shelby is not taking anything for granted. One year ago the city opened a new state-of-the-art fire station with a baptism by fire. That day the station was dedicated after a local entrepreneur foot the bill for the entire facility.

Sunday night the community gathered at the station for a Thanksgiving service, this time to count its blessings. Shelby City Fire Chief Mike Thompson says he has never heard of a fire station hosting a community Thanksgiving service before.

Shelby clergy with Fire Dept for prayer service in 2019 (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The City of Shelby has a lot to be thankful for. Grant Milliron paid for this entire fire station. Mr. Milliron is a religious man and he told us the LORD had laid it on his heart to bless the community with this fire station.”

According to the Fire Chief, this year no fatalities associated to fires occurred in Shelby and surrounding Jackson and Sharon Townships.

“In 2018, the department made 1,770 runs and responded to forty-seven fires, including 13 house fires. There were also 1,227 emergency medical service calls,” says Thompson.

In response to the faithful service of the department, a core group of ten pastors from the Shelby Ministerial Association decided to coordinate the Thanksgiving event and bless the fire department staff.

“We decided to give all 27 employees fifty dollar gift certificates to Outback Steakhouse to enjoy with their families,” says Association President, Pastor Kevin Evans.

Sunday evening’s Community Thanksgiving Service. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

During the service, keynote speaker Chaplain Dan Gates described how he keeps a department pager on his person to pray for the fire department whenever they get called to action. With emergencies like the recent floods and this past spring’s tornado, Gates called the firemen “indispensible servants in Shelby.”

“Your sirens signal that help is on the way,” Gates said.

Several songs were sung by those in attendance including “We Gather Together,” and “Give Thanks.”

According to Juvenile Court Judge Steve McKinley, “It was great to participate in tonight’s service celebrating the work of the Shelby Fire Department. Their work in rescuing those in danger provides an image of GOD’s work of redemption.”

Trailblazer Grant Milliron may not have envisioned the fire station he paid for serving as the location of a community Thanksgiving service.

Ironically, it was Milliron who read from Psalms 118 at last year’s dedication: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.” He later emphatically stated “I want everybody to know, this fire station is dedicated to the Heavenly Father-He was the master of this project.”

Businessman Grant Milliron at the November 16, 2018 fire station dedication ceremony.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

That day Milliron explained to the crowd seated in the packed garage bays, “I have four things I try to accomplish each day. First, how can I serve the LORD? Then how can I serve my family? And how can I serve my company? Lastly, how can I serve my community?”

Shelby Mayor Reverend Steve Schag noted that when Grant and GOD get together, great things happen.

Schag commented with tongue in cheek, “We as a people must never forget the phrase ‘Paid in full.'” The audience applauded the pinpoint accuracy of the statement with its spiritual undertones.

One year later the applause was for the fire department and to Heaven.

Chief Thompson adds, “It was great seeing the different church denominations come together tonight. We are grateful for the generous gift by the ministerial association which was not expected. It really was a wonderful evening,”

View the slideshow below

The Bottom Line:

Ephesians 6 says, “In addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

Guest Column: Chick-fil-A orders values to go (AUDIO)


If the last twenty-four hours have proven anything about Chick-fil-A, it’s this: It was never about the chicken. For millions of Americans, there was a much deeper significance behind every decision to pull in the parking lot and walk through those doors. It wasn’t about the menu. It wasn’t even about the service. It was that every time someone ate there, they were making a cultural statement. Chick-fil-A was a business, yes. But it was also a giant rebuttal of everything the bullies stood for. Until it wasn’t.

Tony Perkins (Photo courtesy of Family Research Council)

Maybe that’s why people are in such denial. They don’t want to believe that the place where they felt at home, the place they’d put on a pedestal and invested so much personal capital, betrayed them.

Deep down, I think we all want to explain away Chick-fil-A’s decision. It’s a lot easier than the alternative, which is accepting and grieving the fact that this company — a brave holdout for so many years — is running away from the people and principles that made them who they are.

Pushing that under the rug may feel better in the short-term, but it’s not an option for anyone who understands the long-term implications of waving a white flag on God’s truth. For us, this isn’t a gray area. The decision to desert these groups is a radical departure from biblical teaching.

Now, some of you might argue that walking away from the Salvation Army or Fellowship of Christian Athletes isn’t an endorsement of an LGBT agenda. But it is exactly that. And here’s why. Chick-fil-A didn’t just switch their giving practices, they broadcasted it. They made a conscious choice to draw attention to this very public divorce from two Bible-believing charities. And then, in a calculated move, announced their support was going to an organization that, on its website, openly and proudly supports everything about the LGBT community.

“Their defense is that they haven’t changed anything,” Governor Mike Huckabee told listeners on Tuesday’s “Washington Watch,” but, “I’m just going to be blunt,” he said. “That’s not honest. Because when you turn from Salvation Army and you go to organizations like Covenant House, you’ve made a big statement about who you want your friends to be, who you are willing to affiliate with, and what your priorities are.”

This isn’t about loving and serving the people who identify as LGBT, which the Salvation Army has done — and we’re all called to do. This is about affirming the LGBT identity and the politics that go with it. Those are two very different things. As Christians, we’re called to love — not affirm. God didn’t celebrate our sin, He loved us enough to save us from it. And that’s the difference here.

Romans Chapter Twelve warns us not to “conform to the pattern of this world — but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This kind of capitulation doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a slow and gradual erosion. When Jesus told us to pick up our cross and follow Him, He said “daily.” That’s a struggle for anyone, let alone Christians under constant attack.

Standing for truth in the face of withering criticism isn’t easy, especially not for one of the biggest targets of the Left. I’m sure the executives at Chick-fil-A were sick of being ostracized by the rest of the corporate class. “I would bet money,” Rod Dreher wrote, “that this is not about markets, but about its executive leadership class getting tired of… being stink-eyed by fellow rich and upper middle-class peers…”

But the road to man’s acceptance is always paved with compromise. “Chick-fil-A made a huge mistake thinking they can appease these people,” Huckabee said, “because they can’t. You and I both know — because we’ve been in this battle now for a long time… the Left will never be satisfied until we’re completely out of business. And if Chick-fil-A believes that the Left is now going to start patronizing Chick-fil-A and saying wonderful things about them, they’ve got to be kidding. It’s not going to happen.” Sometimes it takes learning this lesson the hard way: When Christians put the praise of man over the glory of God, they earn neither — and hurt a whole lot of people in the process.

Of course, one of the saddest parts of this is that Chick-fil-A didn’t just compromise their witness. They dragged thousands of godly men and women into the pit with them — owners, employees, and franchisees who never signed up for this. They’re the ones the company abandoned.

“I think a lot of the managers of local Chick-fil-A are also deeply hurt, because these are good people….most of the time they’re very committed Christian people who really buy into the philosophy of Mr. Truett Cathy, the founder who built his business unapologetically on Christian principles….I don’t think Mr. Truett Cathy would have surrendered like this.”

Governor Mike Huckabee

“I think a lot of the managers of local Chick-fil-A are also deeply hurt, because these are good people,” Mike said somberly. “They have to work really hard to be a manager of a Chick-fil-A… They have an opportunity to do well financially if they manage one effectively. But most of the time they’re very committed Christian people who really buy into the philosophy of Mr. Truett Cathy, the founder… who built his business unapologetically on Christian principles. He served everyone and always said, ‘We’ll take any customer, and we’ll treat them with dignity and respect.’ And they’ve done that. But I don’t think he would have surrendered.”

It’s called the narrow road for a reason. Only a few find it, Scripture says. And maybe Chick-fil-A will find it again. As believers, we can pray that management sees the light and returns to the values that inspired us. But it takes courage in this culture to own up to a mistake of this magnitude. Courage I’m not sure the leadership at Chick-fil-A has.

Originally published in Tony Perkins’ Washington Update, which is written with the aid of Family Research Council senior writers.

Listen to Washington Watch below for the show with Governor Mike Huckabee discussing Chick fil-A.


Guest Column: Athletic fields are not ‘End Zone’ of religious liberty (VIDEO)


It should come as no surprise to find religion mixed with sports in America. From Tim Tebow’s famous Bible verse eye paint, to teams huddled in prayer at the 50-yard line after games, American athletes and other members of the sports community routinely live out their faith—before, during, and after games.

One such special moment took place a couple of weeks ago, when two high school players knelt right in the middle of the gridiron to pray.

Jorge Gomez
(Photo courtesy of First Liberty Institute)

After a grueling game in which Sherman High School triumphed over West Mesquite High 56-27, Sherman senior Gage Smith took a knee, locked hands with his opponent Ty Jordan and prayed for his mother, who is battling cancer.

It’s no surprise that a display of sportsmanship and sympathy like this one quickly went viral in the digital world, as it is without a doubt a uniquely touching moment.

Sadly, the enemies of religious freedom oftentimes fail to see the beauty in these emotive expressions of faith. When you survey the national landscape, you’ll increasingly find anti-faith activists and the zealots of the woke cancel culture doing whatever they can to stop student athletes, coaches and sports figures in the community from living out their faith.

They’ve mangled the Constitution’s original intent so badly that for them the football field has somehow become the “end zone” of religious liberty:

  • Recently, the Freedom from Religion Foundation threatened legal action against the coaching staff at Cameron High School in Missouri, just because students voluntarily joined the coaches to huddle at the 50-yard line for post-game prayer.
  • On the west coast, Coach Kennedy was fired from his coaching job at Bremerton High School in Washington because he kneeled in a private, silent prayer on the field after each of his games.
  • At Waldron High School in Arkansas, Pastor Konnor McKay was accused of illegal activity because he was invited by his local community to give a pep talk at a regional summer football camp.
  • For years, First Liberty Institute successfully defended the Kountze cheerleaders in Texas, who were banned by school officials from displaying inspirational Bible verses in their run-through banners.
  • Just last week, First Liberty Institute won a critical victory for Cambridge Christian School in Florida, whose football players were barred by government bureaucrats from praying over the loudspeaker at their state championship game.

But even at a time when our opponents are launching rampant attacks, it’s clear that people are not afraid to put their faith into practice on the field.

On the contrary, we see more and more Americans living it out boldly and openly.

We saw this happen with the two opposing players from Texas who set their rivalry aside to pray together…and we’ve seen more expressions of faith by sports figures all throughout the country:

“Rants like “Just play, don’t pray!” simply don’t score any points. What keeps the playing field level for religious freedom—and for all Americans—is the playbook we call the U.S. Constitution.”

JOrge Gomez
FIrst LIberty Institute

Rants like “Just play, don’t pray!” simply don’t score any points. What keeps the playing field level for religious freedom—and for all Americans—is the playbook we call the U.S. Constitution.

And of course, those who push the anti-religion agenda can’t ignore that First Liberty Institute has a championship legal team of its own. And our winning record speaks for itself.

If you’re ever told not to express your faith on the field, make sure you have First Liberty’s top-notch legal team on your side to defend your rights.

Jorge Gomez is a senior writer and content strategist for First Liberty Institute.

View the video below from “Fox and Friends” regarding Freedom from Religion Foundation’s efforts to censor a pastor from doing a motivational talk to his high school alumnus football team.

Ohio school religious liberties one step closer despite destractors stretching truth (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS – When secular progressives are not in control, the distortion of facts is one of the oldest tricks in their book. Now they are hitting the books once again, this time involving religious freedom of students in public schools.

Last week, the Ohio House of Representatives passed the Student Religious Liberties Act (HB 164), sponsored by Rep. Timothy Ginter, (R-Salem) with a bi-partisan vote of 61-31. Republicans hold a 61-38 majority.

Sponsor Rep. Timothy Ginter
(Photo courtesy of Ohio Legislative Directory)

“Children should feel safe to freely express their Christian beliefs in public schools,” said Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values. “HB 164 ensures all students are not discriminated against in public schools for merely living out their faith.”

After the lopsided vote, a misleading headline by the Cleveland Plain Dealer read: “Ohio lawmakers clear bill allowing students to turn in inaccurate work in name of religion – second anti-science bill in a week.” Several other news sources picked up where the Plain Dealer left off, including WKRCFox News, and the Washington Examiner.

Baer set the record straight after unfounded claims were probagated by mainstream media regarding HB 164.

“The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), along with the House Minority Leadership are trying to persuade people into believing that this bill is ‘anti-science.’ To be blunt, someone making this claim has to be illiterate to believe such a thing.”

“If they had done their own research, they would have seen that ten other states have passed nearly identical bills to HB 164. Even further, there has never been an incident where students were allowed to turn in inaccurate work in the name of religion.”

“If the media, ACLU, or House Democratic Leadership had done their own research, they would have seen that ten other states have passed nearly identical bills to HB 164. There has never been an incident where students were allowed to turn in inaccurate work in the name of religion.”

Aaron Baer
Citizens for Community Values

The Ohio House has passed this bill twice before in previous General Assemblies, and this ‘concern’ has never been raised before last week.

“Anyone who values diversity and religious freedom for all students should support HB 164; we look forward to an honest debate about this bill in the Senate. This attack by liberals on HB 164 just demonstrates the need for this bill to become law in our public schools,” says Baer.

One of the false claims by the Plain Dealer reported HB 164 would allow students to submit inaccurate classwork “in the name of religion.”

According to Baer, if a class is being tested on the Theory of Evolution, all students, regardless of their religious beliefs, must demonstrate an understanding of the Theory of Evolution.

Aaron Baer
(Photo courtesy of CCV)

“Under HB 164, A Christian or Jewish student would still not be allowed to say “my religious texts teach me that the world is 6,000 years old, so I don’t have to answer this question.”

What HB 164 would allow, for example, is if students are assigned to write a book report on any book of their choosing, they cannot be penalized for picking a religious text, as long as they fulfill the requirements of the assignment.

“Some students may pick J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. Other students may choose to write their book report on The Book of Job from the Bible,” Baer points out. “If the student writes the book report in a way that fulfills all the requirements of the assignment, HB 164 ensures that the student who picked the Book of Job cannot be penalized merely for picking a religious text.”

CCV has provided a fact sheet debunking misnomers pedalled by secular opponents of the First Ammendment.

The CCV President went on to say “Speaker of the House Larry Householder (R-Glenford) is continuing to show his strong leadership and care for Ohio’s children and religious freedom. HB 164 comes at a critical time in the culture and protects the right of Christian and non-Christian students alike to freely exercise their faith.”

View the video below by the Liberty Counsel discussing the passage of similiar legislation protecting First Amendment religious freedom for students in Mississippi in 2013.

County Treasurer reneges on promise to clergy involving Israeli bonds (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — State lawmakers have outlawed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction Movement, (BDS) in Ohio, but according to one faith-based Israeli advocate, the Richland County Treasurer’s office needs to get with the program.

Last year, media outlets from Latin America to the Holy Land reported on the pro-Israeli advocacy of Richland County clergy including their county’s investment of Israeli bonds. A closer look reveals the County Treasurer actually divested in Israeli bonds.

“Last week In a written follow-up to my inquiry, Treasurer Bart Hamilton told me his office never invested in Israeli bonds nor did it have an interest in doing so” says Benjamin Mutti of the Richland Community Prayer Network.

Benjamin Mutti at Ohio Statehouse. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

After receiving requests from forty leading clergy and from Baptists for Israel, Democrat Treasurer Bart Hamilton agreed to go thru the lengthy process of updating a thirty-year-old county investment policy with assistance from the County Prosecutor, allowing for foreign investments. Hamilton also researched the prospectus, and eventually recommended the investment of up to $200,000 in Israeli bonds to the County Investment Board in November 2017.

When the motion passed, Hamilton stated he would “let United American United Capital know about the investment after the county policy was approved by the State.” Except Bart Hamilton never did tell the investment management company to invest in the bonds.

Now after a recent revelation, Hamilton said he never intended to invest in Israeli bonds.

“Hamilton’s actions gives the appearance this whole thing was a setup. Apparently he never intended the clergy to follow up on his investment activities. The question is, was he trying to pull the wool over the clergy’s eyes?”

Benjamin Mutti
Richland COmmunity Prayer Network

“Hamilton’s actions gives the appearance this whole thing was a setup ,” says Mutti. “Apparently he never intended the clergy to follow up on his investment activities. The question is, was he trying to pull the wool over the clergy’s eyes?”

The embattled County Treasurer is in the last year of his term. Hamilton ran unopposed in 2016.

On November 6, 2019 Hamilton wrote in an email to Mutti, “I don’t feel that this is a good investment for a small county like Richland.  This investment is designed more for individuals of faith and churches. “

On the other hand, on November 17, 2017 Hamilton wrote Mutti, “… We will need to send the (approved) policy to everyone we invest with for them to read, sign the acknowledgement, and send it back to us.  That will probably take a couple of weeks to get everyone’s forms back…then we can do a trade for the Israeli bonds.  They are available for trades on the 1st and the 15th of each month so we will do it at our earliest available time … ”

For perspective.the yield for Israeli bonds is generally higher than American bonds of the same term.

According to Fitch Ratings, “Israel benefits from high financing flexiblity. It has deep and liquid local markets, good access to international capital markets, an active diaspora bond program, and U.S. government guarantees in the event of market disruption.” In summary, Fitch affirms Israel at A+ with the outlook as “stable.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook at Sar Shalom Center. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to Rabbi William Hallbrook, one of the clergy requesting Richland County investment in Israeli bonds, “This whole thing would go away if he (Hamilton) would just invest in the Israeli bonds like he originally recommended. I think the clergy would be willing to forgive him.”

Additionally, the State of Ohio became the largest holder of Israeli bonds for a government entity in the world when State Treasurer Josh Mandel purchased a record $ 61 million dollars’ worth of Israeli bonds. The State Treasurer’s office underscores the fact that ninety-five state, municipal, and public employee pension funds and treasury funds have invested in Israeli bonds, including: Cuyahoga ,Franklin, and  Summit counties.

For moe information on Israeli bonds, click on the video below.

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