COLUMBUS — When orders from the President and Governor began restricting public gatherings and closing businesses, church leaders were left wondering what this could mean for their church services.
“To help provide clarity to churches across Ohio, we have started weekly conference calls with the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (GOFBCI) and hundreds of church leaders across the state,” says Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values (CCV). “Our Church Relations Director Ruth McNeil is coordinating this weekly briefing through a CCV collaborative project called the Church Ambassador Network.”
Recently President Trump issued guidelines for public gatherings of no more than ten persons to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). This has caught the attention of clergy says Ruth McNeil.
“Because of an overwhelming amount of encouraging feedback for our first statewide conference call for faith leaders, the Church Ambassador Network and GOFBCI Director Michele Reynolds have decided to continue hosting a weekly “Faith Friday” COVID-19 update Call at 10:00 am” says McNeil.
Faith leaders are encouraged to register by clicking on the link register or calling 513.733.5775 for these conference calls. If they were unable to join for the first briefing on March 13th, pastors can view the briefing summary.
During the first call, after Governor DeWine and Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Acton gave critical updates and guidance on how to respond to the COVID-19 situation. Callers were also able to ask questions of GOFBCI Director Michele Reynolds.
“The topic for this week and possibly the next week will continue to focus on updates, guidance and resource links concerning COVID-19/Coronavirus, as well as give opportunity for callers to ask questions of Director Reynolds,” says Ruth McNeil. “We will also take time to continue to pray for our leaders, along with the children, families, and business owners impacted by the Coronavirus.”
Many churches are adapting to the new COVID-19-related restrictions by resorting to strategies like video conferencing with Zoom or Google, live or recorded video streaming on their website, utilizing Facebook live, or conference calls. When warmer weather prevails, services in the parking lot become another option.
Also discussed during the conference call was how churches can respond to the COVID-19 crisis by caring for at-risk senior adults by enlisting them in prayer conference calls, and delivering groceries and meals.
Faith-based organizations are encouraged to prepare for the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak in their communities. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has developed a checklist for religious institutions. Some of these steps include updating an emergency operations plan, identifying space that can be used to separate sick people if needed, and developing an emergency communication plan for distributing timely and accurate information to parishioners.
Church buildings still in use should daily clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, counters, and bathroom fixtures.
The Church Ambassador Network is a non-partisan coalition of Ohio churches influencing culture, impacting communities, and connecting with government officials.
Featured photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
View the video message below by Governor Mike DeWine to faith-based leaders.