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Church Ambassador Network holds weekly Coronavirus briefings for clergy (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — When orders from the President and Governor began restricting public gatherings and closing businesses, church leaders were left wondering what this could mean for their church services.

“To help provide clarity to churches across Ohio, we have started weekly conference calls with the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (GOFBCI) and hundreds of church leaders across the state,” says Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values (CCV). “Our Church Relations Director Ruth McNeil is coordinating this weekly briefing through a CCV collaborative project called the Church Ambassador Network.”

Ruth McNeil
Citizens for Community Values

Recently President Trump issued guidelines for public gatherings of no more than ten persons to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). This has caught the attention of clergy says Ruth McNeil.

“Because of an overwhelming amount of encouraging feedback for our first statewide conference call for faith leaders, the Church Ambassador Network and GOFBCI Director Michele Reynolds have decided to continue hosting a weekly “Faith Friday” COVID-19 update Call at 10:00 am” says McNeil.

Faith leaders are encouraged to register by clicking on the link register or calling 513.733.5775 for these conference calls. If they were unable to join for the first briefing on March 13th, pastors can view the briefing summary.

During the first call, after Governor DeWine and Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Acton gave critical updates and guidance on how to respond to the COVID-19 situation. Callers were also able to ask questions of GOFBCI Director Michele Reynolds.

“The topic for this week and possibly the next week will continue to focus on updates, guidance and resource links concerning COVID-19/Coronavirus, as well as give opportunity for callers to ask questions of Director Reynolds,” says Ruth McNeil.  “We will also take time to continue to pray for our leaders, along with the children, families, and business owners impacted by the Coronavirus.”

“The topic for this week and possibly the next will continue to focus on updates, guidance and resource links concerning COVID-19/Coronavirus, as well as give opportunity for callers to ask questions of Director Reynolds. We will also take time to continue to pray for our leaders, along with the children, families, and business owners impacted by the Coronavirus.”

Ruth McNeil
CCV CHurch Relations Director

Many churches are adapting to the new COVID-19-related restrictions by resorting to strategies like video conferencing with Zoom or Google, live or recorded video streaming on their website, utilizing Facebook live, or conference calls. When warmer weather prevails, services in the parking lot become another option.

Also discussed during the conference call was how churches can respond to the COVID-19 crisis by caring for at-risk senior adults by enlisting them in prayer conference calls, and delivering groceries and meals.

Faith-based organizations are encouraged to prepare for the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak in their communities. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has developed a checklist for religious institutions. Some of these steps include updating an emergency operations plan, identifying space that can be used to separate sick people if needed, and developing an emergency communication plan for distributing timely and accurate information to parishioners. 

Church buildings still in use should daily clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, counters, and bathroom fixtures.

The Church Ambassador Network is a non-partisan coalition of Ohio churches influencing culture, impacting communities, and connecting with government officials.

Featured photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

View the video message below by Governor Mike DeWine to faith-based leaders.

County Commissioners declare Richland as God’s land (VIDEO)

Richland County Board Commissioners declare Richland as "God's land" in 2020 (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD — While many will be following tournament basketball during “March Madness,” there will be another type of double-teaming taking place in churches across Richland County. This ‘full court press’ will be involving lifting up of holy hands to the Almighty in a region on the rebound.

This past month the Richland County Board of Commissioners officially recognized last year’s “March of Prayer”with a proclamation encouraging citizens to participate in this year’s initiative which begins March 1st.

According to Commissioner Darrell Banks, “Forty-seven local Christian churches representing more than twenty-five denominations hosted a nightly prayer service beginning March 1, 2019 that continued until Easter of 2019. The season of prayer included praising GOD and praying for local officials, first-responders, and those afflicted by addictions.”

Clergy attending the Board of Commissioners’ meeting: Paul Lintern, Ray Cochran, Hank Webb, and El Akuchie. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“As Psalm 118:19 declares ‘Swing wide the city gates-the righteous gates! I will walk through and thank GOD!” Commissioner Banks said.

Last year Paul Lintern wrote a book entitled “Mansfield is Godsfield” chronicling what took place during the heightened season of prayer. Published by Isaac’s World Inc., the book is a review of fifty-two days of worship and praise that took place at different church locations throughout north central Ohio.

“I got copy of Paul’s book and it really is interesting how many different congregations were involved last year,” said Commissioner Banks. “As leaders in the community, we certainly need all those prayers. I believe Mansfield is still Godsfield.”

Commissioner Tony Vero pronounced that “The residents in this community are encouraged to proclaim ‘Richland is GOD’s land’ placing ourselves in the care of the One who created us and in whom we place our trust for wisdom and guidance.”

“The residents in this community are encouraged to proclaim ‘Richland is GOD’s land’ placing ourselves in the care of the One who created us and in whom we place our trust for wisdom and guidance. ”

County Commissioner Tony Vero

In a separate meeting, the Mayor of Mansfield, Richland’s county seat, also made a proclamation recognizing Mansfield as the “City of Churches.”

“I Timothy Theaker, Mayor of Mansfield encourage that a March of Prayer be encouraged for churches of all faiths during this month to lift up our community in prayer: its officials, its first-responders, residents, students, business leaders, and faith community.”

Paul Lintern pictured with Reverend El Akuchie in front of “City of Churches” mural. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio) Click on image above and see map legend of the mural created by Timothy McKee.

According to lead facilitator Paul Lintern, coordinators of the March of Prayer initiative have designed a guide of helpful ideas for those congregations hosting a March of Prayer which is scheduled from March 1st thru May 6th.

“We are suggesting congregations consider corporate fasting and Jericho walks around their churches during this time,” said the pastor. A Jericho walk is a reference to the unconventional strategy in Joshua’s famous victory described in the Bible.

For an itinerary of the upcoming scheduled prayer nights, click on March of Prayer calendar or go to Godsfield Facebook page for updates.

Click on the video below to hear Pastor Mark Pierce sing a song written during last year’s pronounced season of prayer.

See related article:

Drop in area foreclosures hits close to home


MANSFIELD- Several years ago Richland County went thru a housing crisis where foreclosures went thru the roof. After leading the state in foreclosures for two consecutive years, a recent housing report now confirms the county is seeing a real estate rebound. One observer who has the title of both Reverend and Realtor makes a unique assessment.

Reverend Rick Lewis
(Photo courtesy of Haring Realty)

In 2001, Reverend Rick Lewis moved to Shelby to serve as Lead Pastor at Shelby Church of GOD. In addition to being a pastor, he became a licensed real estate agent with Haring Realty.

“There is a lot of optimism in the housing market right now,” says the bi-vocational pastor. “We are probably at a twenty-year high. Recently I had a house that I had not listed and it sold before I could even list it.”

Last month a report by Attom Data Solutions listed Mansfield as having the third biggest decline in foreclosures out of forty-three listed Ohio communities between 2018 and 2019. Compared to one year prior, Mansfield foreclosures in 2019 fell 39.3%.

But the pastor’s appraisal of the good news does not come just from profits in the black, they also come from letters in red found in the Bible.

“I also believe there is a heightened awareness of GOD in this hour. Coupled with the optimism in the housing market, all of this ties together. During our staff meetings at Haring, we have a time of prayer and we share testimonies and prayer requests. We include GOD in our business and He has really blessed us in this season.”

REverend Rick Lewis

“I also believe there is a heightened awareness of GOD in this hour. Coupled with the optimism in the housing market, all of this ties together. During our staff meetings at Haring, we have a time of prayer and we share testimonies and prayer requests. We include GOD in our business and He has really blessed us in this season.”

At the beginning of the upswing in 2017, the Richland County Clerk of Courts commented that “foreclosures (in the county) are down significantly.  It’s a huge drop, and I’m not completely sure why.”

It has also not been business as usual for the faith community.

Since 2016, there have been five corporate collaborations of over one hundred clergy to address issues of morality, including last year where in a press conference one hundred-fifty clergy declared 2019 as “The Year of the Bible.” Pastor Lewis was one of those co-signors.

“Clergy from different denominations are joining together on issues where truth has been abandoned,” says Pastor Lewis. “In the same way, government agencies and neighbors are partnering together to take ownership of abandoned properties.”

In 2013, the Richland County Land Bank was established to return properties to productive use, and to clean up blight. Since that time, over 310 dilapidated structures have been demolished and 670 parcels of land have been transferred to landowners who want to take better care of the properties.

“The words ‘a house divided cannot stand’ found in the Bible carries a deep meaning that can inspire us all to be better stewards in our community,” says Reverend Lewis.

The door appears to be closing on recession, and no man’s land is becoming promised land.

See related article:

Guest Column: Coronavirus makes a compelling case for a border wall


The Coronavirus is the only argument we need for building a wall on our southern border. The reason we must have border security is to protect our people from criminals, drugs, and contagious diseases. 

The Coronavirus started in Wuhan, China, perhaps escaping from a bio-weapons lab in that city. The worldwide death total from the virus is now over 550 and counting. There are more than 28,000 cases worldwide, including more than a dozen in the United States. China is quarantining entire cities to contain the virus, cruise ships have been confined to port, and ABC reported this morning that two newborns have been diagnosed with the disease. 

Bryan Fischer
(Photo courtesy of Focal Point)

Travelers in Hong Kong who come from China are automatically quarantined for 14 days and must wear the equivalent of an ankle monitor to make sure they stay put. China itself is running its crematoriums 24 hours a day, seven days a week to incinerate bodies as a preventative measure. 

This is an urgent issue for the United States because of the number of illegal aliens from China who daily cross our southern border. Illegal entries by Chinese nationals are on the rise all across our border with Mexico. The number of Chinese migrants apprehended at the border last year was well over 4,000, and since for every alien who is apprehended, three more make it across undetected, it is likely that 12,000 Chinese nationals illegally entered the United States in 2019. 

This is potentially a health crisis of staggering proportions, and without a secure southern border, we have no way to protect the health of American citizens from this scourge. Illegals are pouring into our country daily and we have no way to screen those illegal aliens for contagious diseases to keep them out of the U.S. 

Ellis Island in New York Harbor was the federal government’s main immigration facility from 1892 to 1954. (Before it became an immigration center, pirates were hung on Ellis Island. The island was subsequently doubled in size, using landfill from the excavation of the subway tunnels in New York.) It admitted 12 million immigrants into the United States, beginning with 17-year-old Annie Moore of Cork, Ireland. Ellis Island closed on November 12, 1954, with the departure of its last detainee, Norwegian merchant seaman Arne Peterssen. 

Ellis Island, New York ((Photo courtesy of Pix-a-bay images)

As a local newspaper put it in biblical terms, “they must come by that door (Ellis Island) into the sheepfold and not by any other way.” Close to forty percent of all current U.S. citizens can trace at least one of their ancestors to Ellis Island. I myself am in that number. 

By 1892, the United States prohibited prostitutes, criminals, “lunatics,” and “idiots” from entering the country. Chinese nationals were excluded for a time beginning in 1882. 

The processing procedure included a series of medical and inspection lines, and about one percent of all immigrants were deported because of what was discovered through these inspections. 

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported on January 5, 1896, under the headline “Precautions Taken To Guard Against The Importation of Contagious Diseases,” that these precautions included a detention house and hospital where immigrants could be held for up to 10 days while thorough health examinations were conducted. 

By federal law, the government was compelled to take care of all immigrants who were sick when they arrived or got sick during their first year on American soil. The facility was also used to treat those with injuries and physical defects that were likely to result in an immigrant becoming a “public charge” (dependent on government welfare), thus indicating that Trump’s recent executive orders on that matter are perfectly consistent with longstanding U.S. immigration policy. 

Photo of immigrants waiting in line. (Photo courtesy of New York Public Library)

Each immigrant was required to undergo three medical exams, the first in his home town, the second at the port of departure, and the third on landing in the United States. 

The nation of origin was carefully documented so that, if immigrants had to be deported due to disease or poverty, the government would know where to send them. Their country of origin had a legal duty to take them back for a full year. 

If an immigrant was suspected of being in violation of immigration law, he had to immediately appear before a board of inquiry consisting of four American officials and was only allowed to land in New York if three of the four judges approved. The board handled 24,000 cases this way in 1895 alone. 

If an immigrant was determined to be a carrier of a contagious disease, or likely to become a public charge, he was immediately returned to the port from which he came to the U.S. This was at the expense of the shipping company that brought them over, certainly an incentive for doing its due diligence at the front end. 

Of the 258,536 immigrants that came through Ellis Island in 1895, less than one percent (2,419) were immediately deported. Another 177 were deported after becoming public charges within their first year. 

“The greatest vigilance,” said the Eagle, “is exercised to protect our country from the importation of the insane (and) those suffering from contagious diseases.” If an immigrant displayed signs of disease, he was quickly removed from the line, taken to an examination room, and then sent to a hospital on Ellis Island for treatment.” 

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle in 1896

“The greatest vigilance,” said the Eagle, “is exercised to protect our country from the importation of the insane (and) those suffering from contagious diseases.” If an immigrant displayed signs of disease, he was quickly removed from the line, taken to an examination room, and then sent to a hospital on Ellis Island for treatment. 

“The majority of immigrants,” writes the Eagle, “are of a healthy, hardy stock, calculated to become excellent citizens and to add to the material prosperity of the country.” Merit-based immigration, it turns out, is not a newfangled idea. 

The minimum requirement we must have for a safe, sane, and healthy immigration policy is preventing contagious diseases from entering the United States. For that, we must have secure borders. 

Bottom line: if we want a healthy America, it’s time to build the wall.

Bryan Fischer is host of the one-hour weekday “Focal Point” program on American Family Radio.

Voter registration for Ohio primary deadline is February 18th


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO– This coming March 17th primary election will determine key candidates running for Federal and State offices. One pastor is pointing out that no one can vote unless they are registered to vote.

Reverend J. C. Church of the Three Cord Alliance says it is the Biblical duty of Christians to vote, especially in the primary. He says if Christians fail to vote in the primary, then they have no right to complain about the selection of candidates in the general election.

Reverend J. C. Church
(Submitted photo)

“In the last Ohio Presidential primary election in 2016, only 3.3 million out of 7.6 million registered voters actually voted. When the general election came around around the corner some complained about the choice of candidates. Bible-minded Christians have got to turn out in the primaries-this is our time that we can pick our candidates, from important local offices all the way to the Oval Office.”

To be eligible to vote for the March 17, 2020 presidential primary election, registration is required, and the deadline to register is February 18th at 9 PM at local boards of elections.

The Evangelical vote helped get Donald Trump elected as President in the 2016 general election.and Ohio evangelicals were a big part of that effort.

To assist evangelical voters, the American Family Association (AFA) has compiled a voter guide for the federal, state legislature, and statewide judicial contested races in Ohio. To access this voter guide, click here.

Last summer Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose reached out to 170,000 Ohioans identified as unregistered, but eligible to vote,  Postcards were mailed to them encouraging them to register.

“Today in our culture, we are seeing perversion on steroids. In November our country will be deciding whether it wants God-less communism, or whether it wants capitalism. Christians have got to put feet to their faith and vote. The next generation is counting on us. ”

Reverend J. C. Church
3 Cord Alliance

Pastor Church comments, “Today in our culture, we are seeing perversion on steroids. In November our country will be deciding whether it wants God-less communism, or whether it wants capitalism. Christians have got to put feet to their faith and vote. The next generation is counting on us. ”

Ohioans eligible to vote can go to an online voter registration system. To register online, an Ohio driver’s license or Ohio identification card number, name, date of birth, address, and last four digits of your Social Security number will be needed.

Persons are qualified to register to vote in Ohio if they meet all the following requirements: must be a citizen of the United States, must be at least eighteen years old on or before the day of the general election, and must be a resident of Ohio for at least thirty days immediately before the election in which they want to vote.

Registered voters can go to the Ohio Secretary of States website to find their poll place or to apply for an absentee ballot. Absentee voting by mail begins on February 19th.

Richland County recognizes Religious Freedom Day (VIDEO) (AUDIO)

Clergy outside Richland County courthouse

MANSFIELD — While religious freedom around the world is skating on thin ice, faith at home is helping people to walk on water.

This week the Richland County Board of Commissioners paid tribute to “Religious Freedom Day” in a proclamation, “calling all Richland County citizens to reflect on the great blessings of our religious freedom and to practice religious tolerance among all who make up the diversity of Richland County’s population.”

The Board presented the proclamation to Reverend Raymond Cochran Jr. and Reverend Hank Webb.

Pictured L to R: Commissioner Vero, Rev. Cochran, Rev. Webb & Commissioner Banks. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)
Click on image to hear audio of the Proclamation being read.

Commissioner Tony Vero cited from the proclamation that “youth involvement in religious communities and groups may protect them against engaging in delinquent behaviors, and youth who participate in religious activity, such as prayer or reading religious content, are less likely to display antisocial behavior.”

Oasis of Love COGIC has spearheaded a neighborhood block party the last four years to reach out to youth and negate teen violence. Its Senior Pastor, Reverend Cochran Jr. believes the practice of Biblical faith is necessary.

“We have to educate ourselves on the First Amendment of freedom of religion. It is a God-given right and no man can take it away. God has given us a platform and it is our responsibility to openly practice our faith for the next generation to see.”

“We have to educate ourselves on the First Amendment of freedom of religion. It is a God-given right and no man can take it away. God has given us a platform and it is our responsibility to openly practice our faith for the next generation to see. ”

Pastor Raymond Cochran Jr.
Oasis of Love COGIC

A lot has happened over this past year for Pastor Cochran Jr. He became Senior Pastor six months ago and he and his wife are celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary.

“We really have a lot to be thankful for in this country,” says Pastor Hank Webb of Belmont Community Church. “While it is under constant assault, the religious freedom we enjoy is unmatched. Without the freedom to practice our faith, there is no doubt our communities would suffer.”

The Board of Commissioners’ proclamation pointed out that “faith-based programs show promise in regards to providing evidence-based research for reducing recidivism in correctional facilities, posing as a cost effective alternative to government-run programs.”

Pastor Webb can attest to the success of faith-based programs. His congregation supports the Starfish Program, which provides funds to enable individuals with life-controlling addiction to participate in the nationally-recognized Teen Challenge Program.

Click on the image above to download the 2020 World Watch List report.

Historically, Religious Freedom Day has been acknowledged by the President of the United States since 1993. This year President Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to prevent government interference in religion.

His Department of Education updated its guidance on “Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Schools.” His State Department also convened two ministerials to advance religious freedom, “to identify concrete ways to combat religious persecution.”

Pastor Webb recalled how his church hosted a Chinese missionary.

“The missionary told us that when he gave Bibles out to the people in China, the Chinese would tear out pages of the Bibles and secretly take them home to read in private. They did this so that the Communist Party could not confiscate the Bibles and throw them in jail.”

“We cannot forget there are people of faith around the world who are risking their lives for what they hold dear,” says Pastor Cochran Jr.

Clergy attending Richland County Board of Commissioners meeting.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

View the video below produced by Open Doors of USA of the annual World Watch List regarding global religious persecution.


Related articles:

Medina family group appeals to Supreme Court against SOGI law (AUDIO)


COLUMBUS — As city officials claim challengers of a new divisive LGBT ordinance are ‘out for the count,’ one pro-family citizens’ group is telling its critics not to ‘count them out.’

Last summer the seven-member Medina City Council legislated their version of morality by passing a sexual orientation/gender identity (SOGI) policy. In response, a pro-family citizens’ group assisted by the Ohio Christian Alliance (OCA) is leading an effort to put a referendum on the ballotl giving citizens a voice on the important issue. After being told their effort in signature-gathering fell short, the group is not backing down.

OCA President Chris Long
(Photo courtesy of OCA)

The “Concerned Citizens for Medina City Committee” (CCMCC) group has decided to file a lawsuit at the Supreme Court.

“Today we are here at the Ohio Supreme Court to secure resolution concerning the voting rights of the citizens of Medina City who wrongfully had their signatures invalidated from the referendum petition on Medina City Ordinance 112-19, “said Chris Long, President of OCA during a press conference Monday.  “When City Council passed this ordinance, the citizens exercised their right to circulate a petition of referendum to place the measure on the ballot for the registered voters to decide.”

The SOGI policy will require students from Medina City Schools to be forced to share restrooms, locker rooms, and showers with students of the opposite biological sex. In addition, biological female students would be forced to compete in sports and for college scholarships with boys who claim to be females.

During the process, CCMCC collected (1,173) referendum petition signatures and submitted them to Medina City Finance Director Keith Dirham on July 31, 2019. The Finance Director held the petitions for ten days, and then forwarded them to the Medina County Board of Elections. The Board of Elections reviewed the petitions and then issued its report that (260) petition signatures had been invalidated, bringing the total valid signatures to (939), forty-four short of what is needed to place the measure on the ballot. 

The Ohio Supreme Court (Photo courtesy of the Ohio Supreme Court)
Click on the image above to listen to radio show regarding Medina
referendum efforts.

However, after CCMCC obtained a public records request of the Board’s findings, it was discovered that fifty-nine signatures had been disqualified for what the board termed “non-matching signatures.” The citizens committee then secured forty-seven sworn affidavits with photocopy ID evidence from petition signers whose signatures had been invalidated, attesting that it indeed was their signature on the referendum petition. 

On November 18th Marie Nauth, a registered elector in the City of Medina and a signer of the referendum petition, submitted the Petition Protest Appeal along with the forty-seven sworn affidavits with proof of identity to the Medina County Board of Elections.  The Medina County Board of Elections took no action in response to the citizens’ request for a hearing.

According to CCMCC’s suit, “Forty-seven voters’ signatures were wrongly invalidated, as well as the other signers of the referendum petition denied their right to the ballot. This is a violation of everything we stand for concerning the integrity of elections. The right of the people’s referendum should not be denied when they have clearly gathered enough signatures.” 

Chris Long wants to see citizens exercise their Constitutional rights as a secular culture mandates a dangerous LGBT agenda.

“It is our hope that the Court will see the injustice of the actions of the Medina County Board of Elections and local county officials who have been insistent on taking no action and tone deaf concerning the fundamental Constitutional right of its citizens to vote.”

Chris Long
Ohio Christian Alliance

“It is our hope that the Court will see the injustice of the actions of the Medina County Board of Elections and local county officials who have been insistent on taking no action and tone deaf concerning the fundamental Constitutional right of its citizens to vote.”

While SOGI laws violate the privacy of others, and limits access to social services by driving out faith-based providers, there is little evidence discrimination is endemic of LGBT individuals. On the flip side, persons who espouse to the biological definition of gender continue to see political harassment added to economic disenfranchisement and ongoing systemic discrimination.

Despite growing pressures, SOGI laws are being defeated around the nation. In 2014 a SOGI law passed by Houston City Council was repealed by a super-majority of the city’s voters in a referendum.

According to the anti-religion organization The Human Rights Campaign, only twenty-three municipalities out of over seven hundred villages and cities inside Ohio have implemented SOGI laws.

See related article:

Every Ohio Catholic Bishop goes on record opposing H.B. 369 SOGI legislation (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — The battle lines are being drawn as Ohio House Bill 369 (H.B. 369) is facing stiff opposition. Last month all six bishops in Ohio sent a letter to the Ohio House of Representatives opposing the measure saying the bill shows contempt for religious conscience.

The pending legislation in the House Civil Justice Committee, seeks to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

(Photo courtesy of Ohio Catholic Conference)

Presently there is no Ohio law excluding LGBT individuals. H.B. 369 would give additional rights to LGBT individuals that biological males and females would not have. Examples include: mandating biological men be allowed in women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers if they claim they identify as women, and forcing women’s homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters to allow biological men who claim to identify as women to bathe and bunk with women.

According to the letter sent by the Catholic Conference of Ohio, the “Catholic Church stands against unjust discrimination. We encourage public policies that will address bullying and hate crimes. However, “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI) non-discrimination legislation such as H.B. 369 would negate and inappropriately redefine reasonable laws that currently protect the rights of conscience and religious liberty.

According to the Ohio Catholic Conference, there are 1.9 million Catholics in Ohio, including three hundred seventy-four Catholic K-12 schools, and ninety-four health care facilities.

“Of major concern is the possibility that certain actions our Church takes regarding behaviors we view as immoral will be perceived and litigated as discriminatory.”

Correspondence by Catholic Conference of Ohio

The letter stated “Of major concern is the possibility that certain actions our Church takes regarding behaviors we view as immoral will be perceived and litigated as discriminatory.”

The letter also cited the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops which stated “Gender identity” laws may seek to force a women’s shelter run by a Catholic agency to allow a male to stay there because he “identifies” as female.

A map of the Ohio Catholic Dioceses.
(Photo courtesy of Ohio Catholic Conference)

This very scenario played out in 2018 when a drunk biological man who identified as a woman was denied access because the faith-based homeless shelter did not want to force vulnerable women to sleep next to a biological man. When slapped with a federal lawsuit, Alliance Defending Freedom successfully defended the Downtown Hope Center, located in Anchorage, Alaska.

In addition, the correspondence by the Catholic Bishops said that H.B. 369 will codify terms into law that are not clearly defined.

Prior to its introduction, H.B. 369 sponsor Rep. Brett Hillyer (R-Uhrichsville), falsely claimed the bill had the support from the National Federation of Independent Business.

View the video link below produced by Alliance Defending Freedom regarding the attempt to force a faith-based homeless shelter in Alaska to permit an inebriated man to sleep with women.

See related articles:

Massive prayer vigil demonstrates city has nerves of steel (SLIDESHOW)(VIDEO)

AK Steel prayer vigil

MANSFIELD — A massive prayer vigil is manufacturing hope for an injured steel mill employee and the entire plant. Galvanized by faith in GOD, cars poured into the north gate of AK Steel Tuesday night, not for a shift change, but rather for a full-scale prayer meeting.

Last week furnace operator Amy Fowler sustained serious injuries from a work accident triggered by an explosion in the plant’s melt shop. At the appeal of several local ministers, the company management and union came together and agreed to hold a prayer vigil on plant property. Concern for Amy, her family, and the steel mill’s future lay heavy on workers’ minds.

Reverend Glenn Phillips leading prayer. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I feel like King Jehoshaphat right now,” exclaimed Chaplain Gary Lambert to the crowd. “The LORD told Jehoshaphat “You will not need to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD.”

The thirty-six year steelworker helped facilitate the candlelight service with several clergy and is the latest shining example of leadership helping shift a region from the Rust Belt to the Bible Belt.

The chaplain believes GOD can do the heavy lifting. “Amy will get better and we are going to keep making steel. This little steel mill is a world-class stainless steel operation,” he told the two hundred and fifty in attendance in the midst of a cold drizzle.

“We believe that the LORD will allow the steel mill to continue to run and that Amy Fowler will be strengthened and restored back to good health. Scriptures tell us that ‘Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

Reverend Larry Hill
Bethel Freewill Baptist

Pastor Larry Hill of Bethel Freewill Baptist shared that he has an area at the steel mill where he passes by and prays everyday. “I call it prayer alley. It is really sobering working at the plant, it can be a dangerous place. We have had a lot of close calls, not only with safety but with keeping this mill running.

“We believe that the LORD will allow this steel mill to continue to run and that Amy Fowler will be strengthened and restored back to good health. Scriptures tell us that ‘Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

Mike Kerscmar, Corporate Vice President of Operations at AK Steel, and Mike Jewel, the President of Local 169 both wished Amy success with her recovery and thanked the first-responders who came to the accident scene.

Community gathers for prayer at AK Steel after accident. For more pictures of the event, view slideshow below. (Photos courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I guess you could call them (first responders) angels,” the AK Steel Vice President commented prior to a rendition of “Amazing Grace” by the Paradise Freewill Baptist choir.

Pastor Hank Webb of Belmont Community Church officiated Mike and Amy Fowler’s marriage last fall. He observed “Amy has a gravity about her that will help her overcome this tragic accident. She and her husband are both great people. They are resilient and tonight we want them to know our community is standing behind them.”

Pastor Glenn Phillips of Hillside First Church of GOD gave the closing benediction for the “family affair.” Pastor Phillips retired from the steel mill and raised a son, Brian, who also worked at the mill and now pastors New Beginnings Freewill Baptist. “We have a big family here tonight and we are praying for you Amy,” he declared.

The Bottom Line:

“He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the LORD’s favor has come, and with it, the day of GOD’s anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning…” Isaiah 61:2-3

Click on the video below by an overhead drone of the prayer vigil produced by Justin Shears of Wonder Video.

See related article:

Local clergy remember Pastor Walt Jordan II (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Reverend Dr. Walt Jordan II has died unexpectedly at age 51. Dr. Walt served as lead pastor of Oasis of Love Church for fifteen years.

Several local clergy responded to the recent news of Dr. Walt’s passing.

Dr. Walt Jordan (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

According to Pastor Mark Cobb of Providence Baptist, Dr. Walt was a true friend and advocate to his church family.

“One of Dr. Walt’s best assets was that he was culturally diversed-he met every ethnic background with the same bundle of love.

“He had a knack for finding the positive in everyone. Without a doubt Pastor Walt believed adamantly in living life to the fullest as he constantly endeavored to strengthen and build up GOD’s people through His Word.”

From time to time Dr. Walt was known to visit Sar Shalom Center on Saturdays to learn about the Jewish foundations of the Biblical faith.

Rabbi William Hallbrook of Sar Shalom Center commented, “Dr. Walt took over his Dad’s role as Senior Pastor of Oasis of Love the same time I came to town. The memories I cherish of Dr. Walt were that he was always larger than life-everyone knew when he walked into the room. His smile brightened up the whole room. Even though there were seasons when I didn’t see Dr. Walt, he always made you feel like he was in your corner.”

Reverend El Akuchie of Richland Community Prayer Network worked with with Dr. Walt on different projects aiming to unify Christians and to pursue transforming revival in Richland County.

“We partnered together for community events like Rejoice Richland County and Project Turn Around to help mobilize churches and break down denominational barriers. He even helped break down generational barriers as he was especially well-loved and respected by the youth. He was always about that.”

“Just this week I was shopping at Furniture Row and had a conversation with one of the workers who knew Dr. Walt. She told me that Dr. Walt frequently came to the store and bought furniture for people in need who could not afford it. Not many people knew this.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook
Sar Shalom Center

Rabbi Hallbrook added, “Just this week I was shopping at Furniture Row and had a conversation with one of the workers who knew Dr. Walt. She told me that Dr. Walt frequently came to the store and bought furniture for people in need who could not afford it. Not many people knew this.”

Reverend El went on to say “Pastor Walt Jordan was a friend, and a brother whose goal in life was to model Jesus to everyone he came in contact with. His smile defused any difficult situation. He was not just a pastor to his congregation, but also a pastor to the community.

“We rejoice with him for crossing the finish line with a royal welcome. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mother Jordan, the family and the Oasis of Love Church.”

A wake for Dr. Walt Jordan will take place at Oasis of Love Church Friday between 6:00-8:00 PM. The funeral service will be Saturday beginning at 2:00 PM. The church is located at 190 Chester Avenue in Mansfield. His obituary can be seen here.

View link below celebrating twenty-seven years of Dr. Walt’s ministry.

See related article:

City officials meet with pastors in upper room and discuss declining crime


MANSFIELD– On Thursday, area clergy got a bird’s eye view of city affairs. Faith leaders from over twenty congregations met at the Mayor’s office on the ninth floor of city hall to discuss current economic and criminal justice trends inside the city.

In addition to Mayor Timothy Theaker, Mansfield Police Department (MPD) Chief Keith Porch, Assistant Chief Dan Petrycki, and Richland County Juvenile Court Judge Steve McKinley were also on hand at the clergy luncheon.

Clergy meet with Mayor Theaker and police officials on the ninth floor at city hall.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Coordinated by the Brown Bag Clergy Group, the meeting included boxed lunches provided by businessman Greg Boyce of Modern Woodmen of America. After the presentation by city officials, several clergy attending the luncheon left with a good taste in their mouths.

“I enjoyed meeting with local faith leaders today and believe it was a very informative,” said Pastor Jason Price of Victory Baptist Church.
“I want to thank the Mayor and the Police Department for taking time to meet with us. It is great to live in a community where the leadership is concerned about honoring God, helping others, and taking action to make our community a better place to live.”

Pastor Jason Price
(Photo submitted)

During the lunch meeting, both Chief Porch and Assistant Chief Petrycki discussed focused crime deterrence. This includes implementing intervention strategies where chronic offenders are brought in and warned by community partners to change their behavior or face heavy consequences.

Both police officials mentioned the importance of participation by faith-based representatives at these call-ins.

Mayor Theaker told the clergy “It really takes the whole community to stop crime before it happens. We respect your contributions to our community.”

According to Chief Porch, Part 1 crimes are required to be reported annually to the FBI. Part 1 crimes include arson, homicide, manslaughter, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny and auto theft. The City of Mansfield saw a 6.5% decrease of Part 1 crime in 2019. The 2019 decline makes it the fifth year in a row that violent crime has declined in the city.

The Police Chief commented “The churches have been phenomenal. We get calls of appreciation and free meals from you guys. Your partnership is very appreciated by the police department. We hope and pray this downward trend in crime will continue.”

Pastor Paul Larson
(Photo courtesy of church website)

“It is encouraging to hear the strategies the law enforcement has implemented to help bring down the crime rate,” Pastor Paul Larson of First English Lutheran interjected. “Without question this impacts quality of life in the city. From our police officers, to our judges, to our firefighters, it is clear they all have a servant’s heart and love the city residents.”

Several other items were brought to the table during the discussion.

When discussing the hardship substance abuse brings to local employers, Mayor Theaker reported that the City does random drug testing on its employees as a deterrent.

Mayor Theaker also encouraged clergy to participate in ride-alongs with law enforcement to better understand actual field conditions officers experience.

As a service to houses of worship, MPD provides ALICE Training presentations to equip church security teams. ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) provides preparation for houses of worship to proactively handle the threat of an aggressive intruder or active-shooter event.

Pastor Mark Pierce
(Photo courtesy of church website)

Pastor Mark Pierce of Church Requel left the luncheon empowered.

“What impressed me the most today was the proactive work by our law enforcement to reduce major crime in Mansfield. Their community partnerships and alternative approaches to criminals is cutting edge. I left today’s luncheon impressed with the professionalism of our safety forces.

“While the motto ‘City of Churches’ originated from the many steeples on Mansfield’s skyline in the 1920s, I believe the same moniker is equally evident in Mansfield today one century later by virtue of its people displaying what the Church should look like on the the ground.”

Pastor Mark Pierce
CHurch Requel

“While the motto “City of Churches originated from the many steeples on Mansfield’s skyline in the 1920s, I believe the same moniker is equally evident in Mansfield today one century later by virtue of its people displaying what the Church should look like on the the ground.

Businessman Greg Boyce (Center) pictured with clergy (L to R) Randy Raynes, El Akuchie & Paul Lintern (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

See related articles:

Local March for Life seeks to knock abortion out cold (SLIDESHOW)


MANSFIELD — Organizers of Sunday’s March for Life held a rally at Central Park Gazebo to commemorate Sanctity of Life Sunday, marking the forty-seventh anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The weather and the pro-life gathering both had something in common: the wind chill and the group’s tolerance for abortion were both zero.

The annual occurrence was sponsored by Protecting Life in Ohio (PLIO) which will also be hosting an upcoming #6Thursdays4Life Campaign starting February 27, 2020.

Shelby City Councilman Nate Martin addresses the March for Life crowd.
(Photo courtesy of Nigel Hardin)

According to Spokesman Greg Jevnikar: “The purpose of this event is to repent for our nation’s unjust abortion laws and for the millions of murders that have occurred. We are praying that more people and churches will join our effort to stop abortion.”

In 2019, abortion was the leading cause of death in the world. Sarah Cleveland, an Ultrasound Technician and Abolitionist encouraged those in attendance to be active in fighting abortion in their daily lives and exhorted them to be more faithful in their duty to rescue. “Pro-life laws currently regulate how, when, and where babies can still be murdered. It is time we demanded abolition. Killing babies is not acceptable. When GOD says ‘Thou shall not murder,’ He means it.”

Another speaker, Amanda Clark, Executive Director of Richland Pregnancy Services (RPS) commented “Some of us are waiting for Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade so that abortion will become illegal again. At RPS, our prayer is that whether abortion is outlawed or not, our hope is abortion becomes unthinkable.”

“If we can overturn abortion in the Church, we can eradicate almost half of the abortions in our country!”

Amanda Clark
RPS Executive Director

According to Amanda Clark, studies show that four in ten women that had abortions were actively attending church on a regular basis. “If we can overturn abortion in the Church, we can eradicate almost half of the abortions in our country!” She mentioned the movement called Making Life Disciples and a support group program called Embrace Grace as key ministries churches can get involved in.

Greg Jevnikar adds “We believe the Supreme Court overturning the Roe v. Wade decision is on the horizon. We need legislators who will have the courage to defy this court decision which was never a law in the first place. We were encouraged to have two candidates with us today running for state office in both the House and Senate.”

Shelby City Councilman Nathan Martin, who is running for State Representative, shared to the crowd about his strong pro-life convictions and his experiences involving miscarriages. “My wife and I never questioned their humanity when they (stillborns) died. We now have six children and recently adopted a new daughter.”

Pro Life advocates begin assembling before march. (Photo courtesy of Nigel Hardin)

Another one of the speakers Cory Branham, a Crestline school teacher, is running for State Senator in the 22nd District. He shared that he was the second child born to a teenage mom. “I am a survivor in a generation where abortion was at its high point. If elected, I intend to make sure abortion ends. The Bible is clear that GOD knit us in our mother’s womb and each baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. “

Opening and closing invocations were given by Pastor Randy Raynes of Mansfield Fellowship Baptist. The Pastor prayed, “We ask you LORD that you would allow this event to be the funeral service for the millions whose lives were taken and whose passing was never mourned. Let this be the memorial for those who were granted no grave and a battle-cry for those cold and calloused in heart.”

Abortions by Richland County citizens have dropped steadily since 2002. In 2018 the number of abortions (112) are almost half of what they were in 2002 (216).

Pre-rally activities for the National March for Life in Washington D.C. are set to begin this week on Wednesday, January 22nd. Last year Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the massive event, becoming the highest ranking official to ever attend.

Pro Life activists stand their ground (Photo courtesy of Nigel Hardin) For more pictures of the event, view slideshow below.

See related article:

The Bottom Line:

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16

Guest Column: President Trump Celebrates Religious Freedom Day in Grant Style (AUDIO)

Clear Fork students gather for "See you at the Pole" prayer gathering (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

A religious test shouldn’t be used for public service, and it shouldn’t be used for public funding either! And thanks to President Trump’s string of announcements Thursday, Christians shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Tony Perkins
Family Research Council

If you tried to keep up with the burst of government regulations, it wasn’t easy. January 16th, 2020 ended up being one of the busiest days for the President’s Cabinet, who were volleying out press releases as fast as the news wires would print them.

By the end of Thursday, nine government agencies would be breaking new ground on First Amendment protections and mopping up major problems from the previous Presidential Administration. By the time the sun went down, Americans  heard about new guidance on school prayer, regulations protecting religious organizations, and a memo from the Office of Management and Budget providing teeth to these policy changes.

Russ Vought, acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), had a front row seat for these new changes and says conservatives, especially evangelicals, have a lot to be thankful for.


In his mind, one of the most significant moves was bringing the federal government in line with the 2017 Supreme Court case Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer. Some of you might remember that case, where a church daycare had applied for money from a state program to rebuild the base of their playground.

The State of Missouri turned the church daycare down, insisting that they could not use public dollars for any “church, section, or denomination of religion.” The majority six Supreme Court Justices disagreed, ruling that the government should treat kids at religious schools the same way they treat everyone else.

That was an important decision, Vought explained, because the government’s been using this excuse for years for a lot more than Christian daycares. So, President Trump has insisted, and rightly so, that it is time to bring every agency in line with that Supreme Court decision.

“A lot of times, you’ll have a state that will receive a good chunk of money and then they will [turn around and] provide funding to other grant recipients,” Vought said. “And it’s important that those religious organizations, where they’re competing, are not barred.”

One of the guidances issued Thursday ensures “that agencies are speaking very clearly to all the states and subgrant recipients to make sure they have these policies in place.

“One of the things that will make people pay attention to these types of laws on the books is the fact that their funding is attached to it. And so we want to make sure that if government entities are going to receive federal funding, religious organizations have the ability to compete for it.”

Russ Vought
Director of the Office of Management and Budget

And here’s the issue,” Vought went on. “It’s often hard to get people moving in the right direction. But one of the things that will make people pay attention to these types of laws on the books is the fact that their funding is attached to it. And so we want to make sure that if government entities are going to receive federal funding, religious organizations have the ability to compete for it.”

President Trump is not trying to give faith-based groups special treatment. He is just asking that they are treated like everybody else. Under President Obama, religious charities and nonprofits were punished just for having convictions. This policy, Vought believes, ought to have a big effect. It’s not just a feel-good announcement. It’s a rule that will actually make a difference in how churches and others are treated.

“And then the other thing that the administration has done in nine different agencies, from the Department of Justice to Department of Housing & Urban Development to the Department of Health & Human Services, is to remove the Obama administration regulations that put red tape on religious organizations by saying, ‘Hey, if you’re coming into a religious organization, you’ve got to provide notice to the people coming through your doors that they can have an alternative provider — which is, quite frankly, offensive.

“Again, we don’t have any issue with secular providers. We just want to make sure that religious organizations can compete without the same red tape being put on them.”

Lastly, the most discussed story from Thursday, is the Trump guidance on school prayer. “Government,” the President insisted, “must never stand between the people and God.” And yet, he went on, “there’s a growing totalitarian impulse on the far Left that seeks to punish, restrict, and even prohibit religious expression. We will not let anyone push God from the public square.”

And to prove it, President Trump unveiled his “right to pray” rule.


When it comes to school prayer, Gateways to Better Education‘s Eric Buehrer told me, “We’re fighting a battle against people who are simply ignorant of what the law says. The challenge is to get this information into the hands of teachers and administrators because they are afraid of being attacked for allowing prayer. But it is allowed.”

This new policy will help administrators and teachers understand what is and isn’t okay. And there is incentive for schools to learn what’s legal under the guidance from the administration- it is linked to federal funding. For once, these districts have to certify that they have no policy against prayer in schools. It’s not just “Oh, yeah. We allow it.” They have to prove it.

This is significant, after a whole generation of young people grew up thinking that public expression of your faith in the classroom, or anywhere is forbidden. “It’s no wonder they become adults who have that same thinking.” For too long, schools have played a role stigmatizing religion and the expression of faith. And while there’s still a lot of work to be done, there’s no denying: this is a big step.

Originally published in Tony Perkins’ Washington Update, which is written with the aid of Family Research Council senior writers.

“2019 Year of the Bible” saw great advances in Buckeye Bible Belt


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO– Biblical faith grabbed headlines for the Buckeye Bible Belt in 2019. Just one day after the newly-elected Governor Mike DeWine was sworn in on nine Bibles, area clergymen from one hundred and fifty congregations held a press conference at BibleWalk Museum to declare the “Year of the Bible.”

Governor taking oath
(Photo courtesy of
Mike DeWine Twitter)

Spokesman Pastor Randy Raynes explained the joint statement was given because “Bible illiteracy is plaguing our politically-correct society, the Bible is being censored by governments and cultural institutions, and that the authority of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures of the Bible are being subverted by some religious circles.”

The proclamation appears to have been a part of a greater movement with statewide implications. In 2019 Governor DeWine established a first-of-its kind Evangelical Advisory Council and signed the Heartbeat Bill into law. With the Governor’s advocacy for pregnancy centers, Ohio saw an all-time low in abortions performed since recording first began.

In fact, after the proclamation, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that the State of Ohio saw influenza thwarted during the flu season in days following the proclamation. Bible reading became contagious later in the summer when a significant increase of Ohio students was reported preparing for the National Bible Bee.

Clergy at “2019 Year of the Bible” proclamation
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The biggest story of the year for Frontlines Ohio in terms of readership involved Knox County clergy coming to the defense of the East Knox varsity football coach for praying with his team after games. According to Pastor J.C. Church, he believes the nation is “going through a spiritual awakening.” With so many people praying with the team after each game, one pastor said it was a weekly “community prayer meeting.”

The second biggest story of the year was in December when Madison clergy donated over two hundred-fifty framed posters with mottos “In GOD We Trust,” and “With GOD all things are possible” for display in every classroom. That same month the area saw an influx of nativity scenes light up public squares including Mansfield, which had its first recorded nativity scene on the square since 1962. Undoubtedly religious displays on public grounds saw an increase due to the 7-2 Supreme Court victory preserving the Bladensburg Peace Cross Memorial.

Clergy honoring police
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Corporate clergy statements abounded later in the year. One hundred clergy in the area made national news in August inviting Chick fil A to build a restaurant in town. The next month clergy from over a hundred congregations encouraged the community to thank the law enforcement for their faithful service. During local elections, Reverend El Akuchie pointed out that “Pastors have a civic duty to not only engage their congregation but also their government.” Twenty-four clergy followed up by endorsing victorious conservative incumbents for Mayor and Council.

Clergy also took the Holy Land to heart. A discovery was made leading to the purchase of Israeli bonds by the Richland County Treasurer, and an Israeli General visited the area. In response to area clergy from four counties confronting the anti-Semitism of Rep. Ilhan Omar, Congressman Troy Balderson authored a request to the Department of Justice to track cases of anti-Semitism.

Clergy at National Day of Prayer
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Prevailing prayer blew into the Ohio heartland like a mighty rushing wind in 2019. In May the National Day of Prayer in Mansfield went viral, commemorating the one-hundred-seventieth anniversary of a historic account of answered prayer when a national epidemic of cholera was brought to a halt. Earlier in the Spring, the month of March came into local churches “like a lion” with a unique “March of Prayer” prayer movement taking place involving forty-seven congregations partnering for corporate daily prayer.

Last but not least, on Palm Sunday an area from Bethlehem to Olivesburg, saw a half-mile wide tornado touch down bringing significant property damage but taking no life. A pastor and his wife were both caught in the tornado but both survived to tell of the miracle of their survival to a national audience.

That is the recap of a whirlwind year in the Buckeye Bible Belt: when clergy proclaimed the power of the LORD’s awesome deeds and declared His greatness.

See related articles:

Evangelicals roll out red carpet for President Trump in visit to Buckeye State (VIDEO)


TOLEDO– After launching an “Evangelicals for Trump”coalition from El Rey Jesus Church in Miami, President Donald Trump visited the Buckeye State on Thursday to kick off his first rally of 2020. The two visits come after a Christianity Today (CT) editorial called for the President’s removal from office. Despite the article, one Mansfield Pastor believes evangelical support for the President is stronger than ever.

Reverend El Akuchie
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

After the President’s Toledo rally, Reverend El Akuchie of the Godsfield House of Prayer stated he believes President Trump remains popular among Ohio evangelicals and could be the most conservative President in a century.

“President Trump has done more for pro life and religious freedom causes than any President in my lifetime. I believe that God has raised him up to restore America back to her divine purpose. The case could be made with all of his accomplishments that he is the most conservative President we have had in a century.”

During President Trump’s tenure, he has transformed the federal judiciary with new judicial appointments adhering to a strict interpretation of the law. The President has reduced federal taxpayer dollars going to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood both domestically and internationally. The President has also defended religious freedom, including ending the enforcement of the Johnson Amendment. In addition, President Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and has promoted Israel’s sovereignty.

Despite these successes and an economy with the lowest unemployment rate in fifty years, including for minorities, the Chief Editor Mark Galli for CT says he thinks the President should be removed from office for violating the Constitution for his negotiations with Ukraine. His editorial did not cite which part of the Constitution was violated nor did it mention that the President is required by law to investigate corruption before giving foreign aid.

According to Reverend Akuchie, “Never-Trumper” evangelicals in this situation are at fault for placing style over substance.

“Their (Never-Trumpers) personal differences regarding the President’s personality cloud their judgement over his Biblical-based policies. To their discredit, these so-called evangelicals become like blind guides, focusing on small things while ignoring larger things. As Jesus said, ‘they strain a gnat and swallow a camel.’ When Hollywood celebrities and media elites praise your opposition to the President, something must be wrong.”

Reverend El Akuchie
Godsfield House of Prayer

“Their personal differences regarding the President’s personality cloud their judgement over his Biblical-based policies. To their discredit, these so-called evangelicals become like blind guides, focusing on small things while ignoring larger things. As Jesus said, ‘they strain a gnat and swallow a camel.’ When Hollywood celebrities and media elites praise your opposition to the President, something must be wrong.”

In response to Galli’s Christianity Today’s editorial, one hundred-seventy evangelical thought leaders sent a letter to CT expressing their dissatisfaction of both the magazine’s choice to run the editorial, and the author’s past criticism it has leveled at Trump evangelical supporters.

Shortly after the letter was sent, CT announced that Galli would be leaving his post.

Evangelicals praying with President Donald Trump
(Photo courtesy of Guillermo Maldonado Instagram account)

“Evangelicals have never had access to the White House like they do now when President Donald Trump came along,” says Reverend Akuchie. “The blessings that have come from his bully pulpit and his power of the pen are countless.”

The pastor warns that for the upcoming election, Christians should be careful about where they get their news from. He also believes the President’s Christian detractors should first take the plank out of their own eye, so that they will see clearly to remove the speck from their brothers’ eyes.

View the video link below of President Donald Trump’s speech in Toldeo, Ohio on January 9th 2020.

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Guest Column: Governors accepting refugees should consider restrictions adhering to Bible and Constitution


The cacophony from the political and religious left over Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban has been not only clanging but irrational and unhinged. Most of them seem on the verge of some kind of mental or emotional breakdown. 

Trump’s travel restrictions halt the refugee program for a time until better vetting procedures can be implemented and halt immigration for a time from countries which are noted hotbeds of Islamic unrest. 

Bryan Fischer
(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

To the degree that there is anything rational about the frenzied opposition to Trump’s directive, it is the accusation that it is un-Christian, unconstitutional and illegal. Such opposition is wrong on all three counts. 

First, the charge that an immigration ban is unbiblical. Because of the immediate and implacable hostility of the people of Ammon and Moab when Israel came out of Egypt, God forbade the nation of Israel to accept any immigrants from either of these people groups to “the tenth generation” (Deut. 23:3). Since a biblical generation is 40 years, this was in essence a permanent ban. 

So the benchmark established by God is this: If a people group manifests an unremitting hostility to another nation, that nation has the moral right to forbid entrance to immigrants from that people group in the interests of its own security and peace. Was God saying that every Ammonite and Moabite was evil beyond redemption? No, but since it was virtually impossible to tell which Ammonites or Moabites Israel needed to worry about and which ones they didn’t, God’s directive was to be careful with them all. 

Immigration exceptions were made for those who were properly and satisfactorily vetted. Ruth, for instance, was a Moabite but was not only allowed to enter Israel but to become a part of the line that led to the Savior of the world. 

It should be noted that Ruth was embraced as an immigrant because of her willingness to reject the religious practices of her native land and completely assimilate to her newly adopted homeland. “Your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:17). 

Second, to the charge that Trump’s directive is unconstitutional. This assertion is categorically and resoundingly false. The Constitution grants to Congress unilateral and unquestioned authority to set whatever immigration restrictions it wishes, according to Article I, Section 9. According to that section of the Constitution, Congress is free to limit “migration” to persons that “it shall think proper to admit.” 

There is, you will note, not even a prohibition against the use of a “religious” test, which is nothing more than an ideological test. First Amendment guarantees apply only to legal American residents, not to people who have never set foot in the United States. 

If Congress thinks it is not “proper to admit” individuals whose religion orders them to “slay the idolaters wherever you find them” (The Islamic Book of Surah 9:5), it is perfectly free to do so. We have denied immigration to Communists since 1952 on the grounds that communist ideology is incompatible with American values. So is the ideology of Islam. 

There is absolutely no constitutional right whatsoever to immigrate to the United States. The U.S., like every other sovereign nation in the world, has the moral right to reserve immigration to those who will be an asset and refuse it to those who won’t. 

“There is absolutely no constitutional right whatsoever to immigrate to the United States. The U.S., like every other sovereign nation in the world, has the moral right to reserve immigration to those who will be an asset and refuse it to those who won’t.” 

Bryan Fischer

Congress restricted immigration to the Chinese for ten years in the late nineteenth century in order to preserve demographic balance. In the 1920’s, Congress established quotas based on national origin to preserve the diverse but harmonious unity we enjoyed. 

Third, as to the charge that Trump’s directive is illegal. As Andy McCarthy reminds us:

“Federal immigration law also includes Section 1182(f) which states: ‘Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

This is the very section of the law that Trump cited in his directive. He applied it specifically to seven countries of particular jihadi unrest and danger: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen. These are countries which have already been designated by the Obama Administration as “countries of concern.” 

It’s worthy of note that this is not exactly a “Muslim ban,” since the directive does not apply to eighty-seven percent of the Muslim world. Even some countries that ought to be on the list like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan are not. 

It should not be forgotten for a moment that President Obama himself banned immigration from Iraq for six months in 2011 for national security reasons. Where were the howls of outrage about religious liberty and Islamophobia back then? And let’s remember that Democrat President Jimmy Carter completely banned immigration from Iran in 1980 during the hostage crisis. Where was the screeching then about the Constitution? The silence of the left was deafening on both occasions. 

McCarthy sums it up this way: “[T]here is no doubt that the executive order temporarily banning entry from specified Muslim-majority countries is both well within President Trump’s constitutional authority and consistent with statutory law.” 

So Trump’s directive is biblical, constitutional, legal and designed to protect America’s security. There is nothing here for American citizens and patriots to dislike and everything to approve. 

Bryan Fischer is host of the one-hour weekday “Focal Point” program on American Family Radio.

Ark Encounter and Creation Museum announce free admission to children in 2020 (VIDEO)


ONTARIO –Recently a mainstream media anchorman made inflammatory remarks belittling conservatives and evangelicals alike. According to one Ohio pastor, comments like these do not hold water in the shadow of one of the largest tourist attractions in the region.

NBC News Commentator Chuck Todd is facing a storm of criticism after reading a letter-to-the-editor claiming “religious people who believe in ‘fairy tales’ like Noah’s Ark support President Trump because they ‘want to be lied to.’

Pastor Les Vnasdale (Submitted photo)

Pastor Les Vnasdale of Ontario Cornerstone Grace Brethren believes Todd’s comments about religious people are dwarfed by the region’s Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum.

“I have visited the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter several times. Both of these destinations clearly validate a flood of evidence supporting the Book of Genesis.  The evidence presented there are by some of the brightest men and women in their respective scientific fields.”

According to Pastor Vnasdale, “The Museum has displays which appeal to everyone, from the young to the old.  I highly recommend parents take their children and pastors bring their congregations to visit these two outstanding vacations spots.”

In an effort to persuade more families to visit, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum, will be offering free admission for children ages ten and under in 2020.

Both located in the Greater Cincinnati area, the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum feature “instructive high-tech exhibits, state of the art videos, and an ever-expanding zoo.

“Now more than ever, we need to teach our children the truth about their Creator, His handiwork, and His Word. This free admission for children ten and under will make it easier for families to come time and time again in 2020 to our uplifting attractions.”

Ken Ham
Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis

Well-known apologist and CEO of “Answers and Genesis” Ken Ham wants families to use his attractions to teach children about their creator. “Now more than ever, we need to teach our children the truth about their Creator, His handiwork, and His Word.

“About one-third of the Creation Museum is brand new, including our fantastic Special Effects 4D Theater and new striking exhibits on Biblical authority. And at the Ark, we’re holding many concerts, conferences, and presentations inside the 2,500-seat Answers Center.”

In November, the Stargazer Planetarium upgrade began moving to laser projector technology and will reopen in March 2020. This renovation will feature a dramatic increase in brightness and resolution. New acoustics and a new tilted dome will also be installed for better viewing experiences from every seat.

Entrance of the Creation Museum (Photo courtesy of The Creation Museum)

In addition, the Creation Museum will be adding a new exhibit named Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (from Psalm 139:14). This pro-life display will challenge the culture regarding the abortion issue with the truth from God’s Word. Beautiful three-dimensional models will show the development of a child with fascinating information from anatomist, Dr. David Menton.

“I would be happy to answer any of Chuck Todd’s objections,” says Ken Ham. “Sadly, I doubt Chuck Todd has ever researched the account of the Ark and the Flood and therefore has no understanding of genetics, speciation, and geology concerning fossil layers. It is easy for reporters to sit behind cameras and make mocking statements. Todd’s only research is quoting a letter to the editor from someone without knowing what expertise they have.”

In regards to the Ark Encounter in person, Pastor Vnasdale is amazed at the largest timber-framed structure in the world.

“The Ark is breathtaking and brings the Bible to life; its size astounds me every time I see it.  There is no question a Bible-believer will find his faith strengthened by the Ark Encounter, while an unbeliever visiting will find his skepticism challenged.” 

View the video below to see the enormous size of the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky.

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Guest Column: Time to End Churches As Gun-Free Zones (AUDIO)


The shooting during the communion service at Freeway Baptist Church in Tarrant County, Texas on the Sunday before New Year’s Day emphatically illustrates one salient cultural truth: it’s long past time for every church in America to arm itself in its own defense. 

While details are still emerging, a man opened fire with a shotgun and took down a communion server and a member of the church security team before he was shot to death by an armed servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. There’s some muscular Christianity for you, right there, Texas-style. 

Bryan Fischer
(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

There were two hundred and forty-two people in the sanctuary at the time of the shooting. Local law enforcement responded inside of two minutes. But by that time the incident was over.  While details have not been released about the amount of ammo the shooter was carrying, many more almost certainly would have died had the church not had its own security force. 

A member of the church security team, Richard White, and a deacon serving communion, Tony Wallace, were shot and killed by this armed intruder. White was drawing his gun when he was hit with the first shotgun blast. Wallace demonstrated the greater love that Jesus spoke of when he laid down his life for his friends. Another member of the security team, Jack Wilson, took down the shooter with one shot. The entirety of the incident took six seconds. As the saying goes, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. 

The shooter, Keith Kinnunen, was a transient who had a police record and was oddly dressed in a fake beard and wig. He had already drawn the attention of the security team who was observing him closely. 

Kinnunen was seated behind Isabel Arreola, her husband, and their 7-year-old daughter. The sense of evil that emanated from the shooter was palpable. Arreola said she could not concentrate with the man sitting right behind her, and that she and her husband decided they would move to the other side of the church after communion. 

“I should have listened to my gut,” Arreola said. “While he was there, I couldn’t sing. I couldn’t pray. There was just something not right about him.” 

Texas passed a law allowing licensed gun owners to bring their weapons into church in the wake of a 2017 church shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs that left 26 people dead and another 20 wounded. In that case, the shooter was not stopped by a parishioner, none of whom were armed, but by a man across the street from the church who heard the shooting, grabbed his AR-15, and neutralized the bad guy. (Don’t let anybody lie to you and tell you that nobody needs an AR-15 for self-defense.) 

This tragedy should immediately end the argument over the permissibility of concealed carry in houses of worship. It’s no longer permissible, it’s now mandatory. 

“It’s important to note that the right of self-defense is rooted in the teaching of Jesus himself…. the disciples’ own lives could be endangered because of their association with him. He, therefore, commanded them, “Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one” (Luke 22:36). You can’t get more legitimacy than that. A legal principle rooted in the teaching of Christ is pretty tough to beat.” 

Bryan Fischer
AFR Radio Host

It’s important to note that the right of self-defense is rooted in the teaching of Jesus himself. He once told his disciples that he would be “numbered with the transgressors,” and that as a result their own lives could be endangered because of their association with him. He, therefore, commanded them, “Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one” (Luke 22:36). You can’t get more legitimacy than that. A legal principle rooted in the teaching of Christ is pretty tough to beat. 

The legal truth of the matter is that, from a strictly constitutional standpoint, a parishioner does not need permission from a state legislature to carry in church because the Founders already gave it to him in the Second Amendment. It’s the only carry permit a man should need. The Second Amendment says that the right to “keep” – that means to own – and to “bear arms” (that means to carry them around) is a right that is so basic it does not belong to the states or even their militias but to the people themselves. It is a right “of the people,” a right so basic that no arm of government – city, county, state, or federal – has the moral authority to take it away. 

Since 1950, 98% of all mass shootings have taken place in gun-free zones like schools, theaters, and yes, churches. 

It will surprise many Americans to learn that there was a time when you would have been breaking the law by NOT packing heat to church. 

A 1631 Virginia law read, “All men that are fitting to bear arms shall bring their pieces to church.” (In fact, a 1623 Virginia law prohibited you from traveling anywhere without being armed.) In 1639, the Newport Colony required that “none shall come to any public meeting without his weapon.” And in 1770, a Georgia law provided that, “for the better security of the inhabitants,” every resident was required “to carry firearms to places of public worship.” 

The reasons for these laws are easy to understand. Certainly, not all Native American tribes were warlike, but enough were for the Founders to include in the Declaration of Independence a statement about “the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.” 

While no one, of course, is saying that those descriptions apply today, they certainly did then. One thing the hostile Indian nations quickly learned was that European settlers were a God-fearing lot, who attended church en masse on Sunday mornings. It wasn’t long before they realized that such settlers were sitting ducks, all together in one place at one time and utterly defenseless. The best time to strike the colonists was anytime between 11 am and noon on Sunday. Thus, for simple self-protection against unprovoked Indian attacks, early Americans were obligated to pack heat to church. 

We’ve had enough sanctuary shootings in the past 15 years, enough pastors and parishioners shot dead in their own places of worship, to clearly, publicly, and legally declare that all Americans have a constitutionally guaranteed right to self-defense, even if they’re sitting in church. 

Jesus taught us that Satan “comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” There’s no better place for the Prince of Darkness to do his hellish work than in a place of worship. The only thing that’ll stop a bad guy with a gun is a Christian guy with a gun. It’s time to armor up, church.

Click on the image below to listen to Bryan Fischer’s Life & Liberty Minute on the importance of having a well-regulated militia.

Bryan Fischer is the talk show host of the radio show “Focal Point,” the home of muscular Christianity, on American Family Radio’s Talk Network.

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