Tag: Judge Steve McKinley

City officials meet with pastors in upper room and discuss declining crime

MANSFIELD– On Thursday, area clergy got a bird’s eye view of city affairs. Faith leaders from over twenty congregations met at the Mayor’s office on the ninth floor of city hall to discuss current economic and criminal justice trends inside the city. In addition to Mayor Timothy Theaker, Mansfield Police

Shelby revival fire comes to fire station for Thanksgiving (SLIDESHOW)

SHELBY– The City of Shelby is not taking anything for granted. One year ago the city opened a new state-of-the-art fire station with a baptism by fire. That day the station was dedicated after a local entrepreneur foot the bill for the entire facility. Sunday night the community gathered at

Mansfield Baptist Temple holds service honoring law enforcement (Photo Gallery)

MANSFIELD — An impressive showing of law enforcement and first responders attended a local church’s service on Sunday honoring unsung heroes. Reverend Robert Kurtz of Mansfield Baptist Temple had his congregation recognize the dedicated service of first responders, law enforcement, and elected officials in a “Local Heroes Celebration Service.” The