Tag: First Liberty Institute

Is Supreme Court victory for football coach on prayer a game-changer? (VIDEO)

ASHLAND –This past week the Supreme Court sided 6-3 with a high school football coach fired for praying on the field after games. The case surrounds Coach Joseph Kennedy and Bremerton School District in the State of Washington. Kennedy, a devout Christian, was fired from his role as varsity assistant coach after he

Guest Column: Athletic fields are not ‘End Zone’ of religious liberty (VIDEO)

It should come as no surprise to find religion mixed with sports in America. From Tim Tebow’s famous Bible verse eye paint, to teams huddled in prayer at the 50-yard line after games, American athletes and other members of the sports community routinely live out their faith—before, during, and after

Leaders applaud landmark Supreme Court decision preserving Peace Cross Memorial (VIDEO)

MANSFIELD — Ohio faith leaders are applauding the recent Supreme Court decision preserving the Bladensburg Peace Cross in Maryland by a convincing 7-2 margin. One pastor who has a twenty-five foot cross at his church beside state highway believes this Supreme Court decision could help the judicial system to get