Tag: Artur Pawlowski

Pastor Pawlowski comes to Buckeye Bible Belt for National Day of Prayer: “Ohio is special to my heart..”(SLIDESHOW)(VIDEO)

ASHLAND –Despite attempts by the mockingbird media to derail the Ashland Prayer Breakfast, people lined up early at 6:30 AM on the National Day of Prayer to get into a sold-out Convocation Center. Following breakfast, believers gathered for corporate prayer and a passionate keynote address about preserving religious freedom. With

Ashland to host ‘Breakfast of champions’ in prayer event with message: “Never again bow down to tyranny” (VIDEO)

ASHLAND — You cannot make an omelet without first breaking a few eggs. This coming Thursday one of the largest National Day of Prayer observances in the state will be taking place early in the morning with a heavy-hitting message: about how ‘Freedom’ is more than a word, and how it can