Tag: Apple

Ohio Department of Health & the dangerous cult of neo-segregation

COLUMBUS –More and more, society is judging and separating individuals based by skin color. It’s okay, we are all striving toward “diversity” and “inclusion,” or so we are told. Recently the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) scheduled separate COVID-19 Vaccination Townhalls for African-American Ohioans, Hispanic-Latino Ohioans, Asian-American & Pacific Islander

Guest Column: What happens if ‘social justice’ companies are slaveholders? (VIDEO)

These are strange times. Good guys. Bad guys. Confused guys. Social justice warriors are toppling statues of slaveholders from 300 years ago while winking at modern-day enslavement on a massive scale. I’m talking about the dirty little secret of how companies like Nike, Adidas, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and at least