Day: March 26, 2022

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Buckeye State ranks 19th most sinful state in 2022 study (VIDEO)

SHELBY — A study released by WalletHub gauging the “sinfulness” of a state revealed which states were sinful and which ones were not. The WalletHub study “2022’s Most Sinful States In America” compared the fifty states based on seven sinful categories, which included: anger, greed, hatred, jealousy, laziness, lust, and

Guest Column: Disney Dwarfed by Goofy Transgender Push (VIDEO)

Disney has created some iconic villains over the years, but they’ve crossed the line with their latest: Texas. In news no one can believe, the company synonymous with children has decided to pick a fight with a state protecting them. The announcement, which came Monday, is just the latest stop on