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110 Ohio clergy promote “Believe Local” campaign combating marijuana & drug decriminalization (SLIDESHOW)(VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Faith leaders across the Buckeye Bible Belt say there are coordinated efforts to decriminalize illicit drug use and corrupt society. In an open letter dated April 20th to area mayors and local chambers of commerce, local clergy held a press conference announcing a new campaign promoting local community standards in a grassroots effort to stop the legalization of marijuana.

The clergymen believe their campaign will be a defining moment for their region.

Pastor Joe Nichols speaks at clergy press conference promoting “Believe Local” campaign to preserve vibrant communities. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“We support vibrant communities and encourage policymakers to “Believe Local,” Mansfield Pastor Joe Nichols said during the press conference. “Therefore, based on local community standards reflected in its history and leadership, and as clergymen representing one hundred and ten (110) congregations across North Central Ohio, we believe the legalization of recreational marijuana and the relaxation of drug enforcement laws like syringe exchange programs and designated outdoor refreshment areas disrupt health and safety and are morally wrong.”

During the briefing, Pastor Chad Hayes sounded the alarm on the substance abuse crisis. Hayes leads a faith-based RU Recovery drug treatment ministry to battle drug addiction.

“The stabilizing Judeo-Christian foundations of our society are under assault. With a skyrocketing Opioid Crisis and the implementation of drug-legalization policies, our vibrant communities are being threatened.  As the Bible says in the Book of Psalms, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Pastor Hayes asked.

“We support vibrant communities and encourage policymakers to ‘Believe Local.’ Therefore, based on local community standards reflected in its history and leadership, and as clergymen representing one hundred and ten (110) congregations across North Central Ohio, we believe the legalization of recreational marijuana and the relaxation of drug enforcement laws like syringe exchange programs and designated outdoor refreshment areas disrupt health and safety and are morally wrong.”

Pastor Joe Nichols in Clergy letter sent to north cental ohio economic leaders

The clergymen wrote that results from states who have already legalized the Schedule 1 narcotic: marijuana, have shown negative impacts on brain development in youth, increases in road deaths, surges in chronic absenteeism, and the fortification of the black market. Historically, the faith community has wanted none of the impacts marijuana brings to the table.

Mansfield Pastor Bobby Edwards stated, “As key stakeholders with numerous drug treatment ministries, we believe the legalization of marijuana, and the ratification of syringe exchange programs and DORA zones do not meet local community standards.  There is no question the faith community has historically been unified with one voice in opposing the legalization of marijuana, thwarting syringe exchange programs, and countering beer gardens on public property. After all, several area police departments display the words “In GOD we trust” on their patrol vehicles.”

Pastors Joe Nichols and Bobby Edwards both have churches centrally located in urban settings that minister to broken families dealing with substance abuse.

Pastor Chad Hayes (left) reads clergy letter dated April 20th, 2022 representing 110 area congregations announcing opposition to marijuana. Clergymen Bobby Edwards and Ricky Branham look on. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy wrote in their letter that the region’s local community standards are based on Judeo-Christian values.  “Many can still remember when national headlines of lead clergymen from one hundred-fifty local congregations across North Central Ohio declared 2019 as the “Year of the Bible.” Following this declaration at BibleWalk Museum, various elected leaders representing the region have publicly validated these values.” 

Pastor Dr. Ricky Branham commented, “We (clergy) partner with Mayor Theaker as he works to ‘make Mansfield the best city in which to live, work, worship and raise a family.’  We agree with the Ontario City Council President Gallo who said ‘Ontario is a faith-based community.’  We support Mayor Miller as he ‘gives the City of Ashland to the LORD Jesus Christ.’ And we join the Board of Commissioners in proclaiming ‘Richland County as ‘God’s Land.’ These are just several public statements reiterating this theme.

Pastor Ricky Branham is a former Executive Director of the Willard Chamber of Commerce and City Councilman.

Pastor Branham added, “just as the “Buy Local” campaign has been ongoing to promote local businesses, local houses of worship are encouraging our economic and civic leaders to “Believe Local” to preserve a vibrant future for our region by adhering to our local community standards.  This can be done by safeguarding our communities from the harmful effects of marijuana and the softening of drug enforcement laws like syringe exchange programs and DORA zones. In the words of our state motto, “With GOD all things are possible.”

The listed clergymen endorsees are from congregations located in 9 counties throughout the state. Counties represented in the letter include: Richland (74), Crawford (11), Ashland (7), Wayne (5), Knox (4), Morrow (4), Huron (3), Coshocton (1), and Stark (1).

View the 17 minute clergy press conference below.

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Ohio Legislature considers putting Canada on religious liberty watch list


COLUMBUS — Ohio legislators have taken note of the abuses of religious liberty with one of its trading partners. The Ohio House of Representatives have introduced a resolution calling out Canada for its religious persecution of clergy during the pandemic. They are urging the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) “to consider adding Canada to the Special Watch List of countries where the government engages in violations of religious freedom.”

The six-page resolution (H.R. 194) was introduced by Republican State Reps. Reggie Stoltzfus and Timothy Ginter, and was co-sponsored by eleven of their Republican fellow representatives.  The resolution mentions the history of religious freedom that Canada, the United States, and the state of Ohio share, but condemns the actions of Canadian authorities who arrested, fined, and jailed clergy members during COVID crackdowns. 

Manitoba pastor arrested for holding outdoor church service that exceeded the provincial limit of five people.
(Pastor Henry Hildebrandt/YouTube)

“The Northwest Ordinance stated in its first article, ‘No person demeaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner, shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments in the said territory.,’ the resolution reads.

“We, the members of the House of Representatives of the 134th General Assembly of the State of Ohio, have taken note of the abuses of religious liberty that have gone on throughout the Provinces of Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Since the pandemic, Canadian authorities have targeted churches throughout the country, arresting and jailing pastors, levying large fines against congregations, and shuttering houses of worship. The proposal also provides a list of several examples of this abuse. 

Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Calgary, has been arrested on multiple occasions by authorities for holding church worship gatherings despite the mandates. Pawlowski, was arrested after telling protesters in the trucker convoy at the U.S.-Canada border to “hold the line” for freedom.  He was charged with mischief and interrupting the operation of essential infrastructure.

“We, the members of the House of Representatives of the 134th General Assembly of the State of Ohio, have taken note of the abuses of religious liberty that have gone on throughout the Provinces of Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Ohio House Resolution 194

Pawlowski has been arrested five times over the last two years while protesting COVID mandates. He was also the first person to be arrested under Alberta’s Critical Infrastructure Defense Act, which allows law enforcement to arrest a perceived offender without a warrant. 

H.R. 194 also mentioned Pastor James Coates of Edmonton who was the first Canadian clergyman to be jailed for keeping his church open during the Canadian pandemic lockdown.

Pandemic lockdown policies were not the only grievance mentioned in the Ohio resolution.

Five thousand Canadian and American churches protested Canada’s Bill C-4 which penalizes anyone with jail time who counsels persons without affirming homosexuality and transgender identity. H.R. 194 comments, Bill C-4 “is overly broad in scope and has potential negative implications for religious liberties and expression for merely expressing a Biblical view of marriage.”

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says

104 Clergy back parents’ rights by advocating for Ohio Backpack Bill


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Does the government really know what’s best for kids? In some Ohio public schools, instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic, elementary students are being taught about preferred pronouns and the number of gender identities they can have. Last Fall when informed parents took their concerns to the local school boards about the 1619 Project, and the divisive Critical Race Theory, the Department of Justice classified them as ‘domestic terrorists.’

Trying to bring some semblance of accountability to public schools, legislators crafted the “Ohio Backpack Bill” to give parents options, and clergy in the Buckeye Bible Belt say the bill ‘makes the grade.’

Ohio clergy sending open letter pictured from L to R: Doug Tackett, John Temple, & Sylvester Ginn. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The Ohio public school system in our great state has gotten out of hand,” says Bishop Sylvester Ginn of Ontario.  “With pornographic curriculum, gender-neutral bathrooms, and the grooming of students to become activists for radical agendas, the monopoly numerous dysfunctional schools have in Ohio must end. “

The Bishop is part of a group of clergy representing one hundred-four congregations of diverse denominations across North Central Ohio. The host of clergy sent an open letter to the Ohio General Assembly giving their approval of the proposed school freedom model. The letter was also sent to Governor Mike DeWine, and the Ohio State Board of Education.

The pastors wrote, “It is our firm conviction that empowering parents to make decisions for their own children can help Ohio boost its academic scores, whether in public, private, or home school settings.  The “Backpack Bill” is a school freedom model where educational funding supports students instead of systems.  Moreover, as clergymen representing one hundred and four (104) congregations across North Central Ohio, we humbly implore that you support the passage of House Bill 290, nicknamed the “Backpack Bill.”   

Proponents of House Bill 290 say the legislation will direct the state’s per pupil allocation to be placed into an Educational Scholarship Account for any student who opts in. Parents can use that money ($5,500 for grades K-8 and $7,500 for grades 9-12) for tuition at a private school or for home school. If a student chooses their local public school or community school, the funding will follow them there, just like it currently does. 

The bill is sponsored by State Representatives Marilyn John, and Riordan McClain, and supported by the Center for Christian Virtue. According to Rep. Marilyn John, “Education is not a one size fits all and we believe parents should have the ability to direct their tax dollars to the educational choice that bet fits their child. The Backpack Bill would give them this option regardless of their zip code or income level.”

This past school year, parents across the nation have been cornered by the Federal Government. Radical programs seen in schools provoked many informed parents to speak out against the curriculum at local school board meetings. In response dialogue between the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and the U.S. Department of Justice revealed action had been taken for the FBI to track parents objecting to local school curriculum.

“It is our firm conviction that empowering parents to make decisions for their own children can help Ohio boost its academic scores, whether in public, private, or home school settings.  The “Backpack Bill” is a school freedom model where educational funding supports students instead of systems.  Moreover, as clergymen representing one hundred and four congregations across North Central Ohio, we humbly implore that you support the passage of House Bill 290, nicknamed the “Backpack Bill.”

Ohio Clergy letter to the Ohio General Assembly

In response, the Ohio School Boards Association formally withdrew from the NSBA after the national organization sent the request for FBI intervention. Regardless, the Department of Justice’s assault on parents has not slowed down the clergymen.

“The Bible says, in the Book of Nehemiah “Be not ye afraid of them: remember the LORD which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.” says Shelby Pastor Doug Tackett.

Loudonville Pastor John Temple, another clergy co-signer and elected school board member comments, “The Backpack Bill is school choice, student empowerment, and parental rights in one package. It brings greater accountability to schools, which we think could make public schools perform better in the public eye. This is about improving the education of our young people. As Scripture says, ‘I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”   

The clergy endorsees are from congregations located in seven counties throughout the state. Counties represented in the letter include: Richland (76), Crawford (8), Ashland (6), Knox (4), Morrow (4), Wayne (4), and Stark (2). 

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew 18, “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Buckeye State ranks 19th most sinful state in 2022 study (VIDEO)

public domain free

SHELBY — A study released by WalletHub gauging the “sinfulness” of a state revealed which states were sinful and which ones were not. The WalletHub study “2022’s Most Sinful States In America” compared the fifty states based on seven sinful categories, which included: anger, greed, hatred, jealousy, laziness, lust, and vanity.

WalletHub’s basis of defining sin and vices was based on forty-seven relevant metrics and not entirely on the Biblical definition. Ohio was ranked as the 19th most sinful state.

Pastor George Lewis

“As we look at the sin in the state of Ohio we need to stand up against it,” says Pastor George Lewis of Shelby Temple of GOD. “We can see that we are headed In a directions we do not want to go. While devastation from sin can be seen statewide, we cannot ignore the damage sin brings to personal lives. The Bible says the wages of sin is death.”

Ohio was listed as 2nd most sinful for excesses and vices, which includes drug addiction and obesity. Ohio also ranked 6th for lust and 45th for greed.

The top five most sinful states, in their ranking order, are Nevada, California, Texas, Florida, and Louisiana. Nevada is the most sinful of all states since it is where the “Sin City” of Las Vegas is located. According to the study, on the extreme end is Idaho, which is the least sinful state. With it are, New Hampshire, Iowa, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

Lewis and other area clergymen have been engaged the culture war, working with with local and state officials to bring awareness to social vices like gambling, pornography and substance abuse. Last month over ninety area clergymen spoke out against the recent legalization of sports gambling in Ohio.

“Sin is truly a public health crisis in our culture today. I believe we as pastors speaking out against these sins are seeing a change in our families and our state. We also need to pray that we can elect officials into office that will fight against un-Godly policies that promote sin.”

Pastor George Lewis

“Gambling is a big problem in our state already, children go hungry because parents lose there money on gambling. Substance abuse can often be affiliated with gambling.”

The WalletHub study utilized different types of metrics, from violent crimes per capita to excessive gambling and drinking disorders. As such, the study showed that more than $300 billion are spent annually in the United States for smoking and almost $5 billion on gambling. These temptations heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, WalletHub reviewed anger and hatred metrics on bullying rates, mass shootings, road rage, sex offenders, and teen dating violence. The metrics revealed that Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Tennessee are the top five states with the most violent crimes. While Maine was seen as the least violent one.

“The Sin City” Las Vegas skyline pictured. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

Adult entertainment was seen highest in the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Rhode Island ranked as the number state on adult entertainment. While the states of Arkansas, Hawaii, and Mississippi were the least that spent time for adult entertainment.

Kentucky ranked as the laziest state in the sloth category for garnering the most number of adults who do not exercise.

“Sin is truly a public health crisis in our culture today. I believe we as pastors speaking out against these sins are seeing a change in our families and our state. We also need to pray that we can elect officials into office that will fight against un-Godly policies that promote sin,” says Pastor Lewis. 

WalletHub is based in Washington D.C. and offers free credit scores and full credit reports that are updated on a daily basis. On the other end of the spectrum, Ohio was ranked ninth in the nation by WalletHub for most charitable states for 2022.

View video below of 2022’s most sinful states in America as reported by Wallethub.

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Chapter 2 the First Epistle of John, “For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.”

Guest Column: Disney Dwarfed by Goofy Transgender Push (VIDEO)


Disney has created some iconic villains over the years, but they’ve crossed the line with their latest: Texas. In news no one can believe, the company synonymous with children has decided to pick a fight with a state protecting them. The announcement, which came Monday, is just the latest stop on CEO Bob Chapek’s apology tour after he failed to defend transgenderism in Florida soon enough for the radical mob’s liking. Now, after two weeks of penance that has included everything from multi-million dollar LGBT donations to the formation of a gay and transgender task force, Disney is the closest its ever been to a final break with American parents….and reality.

Tony Perkins (Photo courtesy of FRC)

The Bob Chapek who said corporate statements on politics are “counterproductive” is a changed man from early March. Now, after being brought to heel by the radical fringe that holds Disney hostage, the company’s woke agenda is overshadowing everything else. “We know the moment requires urgency, and words are not enough,” Chapek told Disney employees at a virtual townhall. But this latest step, vowing “action” against Texas Republicans who want to stop children from mutilating their bodies or taking life-altering drugs, is such a political escalation that even conservatives didn’t see coming.

“When I read the article,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) said, he wondered what possible “action” Chapek could possibly mean. “What is Disney going to do in Texas?” he asked on “Washington Watch.” “We’re following our state law. Unless they want to come in and un-elect our legislature… As powerful as they may be, I don’t think they have the ability to change state law in Texas, not that I know of.” He, like most people, is stunned the company is even trying. “It’s shocking to me. We’re talking about children on an irrevocable decision” that could haunt them the rest of their life.”

Meanwhile, inside Disney, there’s a growing outrage over the company’s far-Left agenda. In a kingdom of 203,000 employees, the one hundred who staged a walkout over transgenderism may have grabbed national headlines, but they’re a fraction of the men and women who are quietly seething over the combative activism that’s violating their values. In an open letter, members of the Disney team blasted Chapek for making it “an increasingly uncomfortable place to work” for anyone whose “political and religious beliefs are not explicitly progressive.”

“Employees who want Disney to make Left-wing political statements are encouraged, while those of us who want the company to remain neutral can say so only in a whisper out of fear of professional retaliation. The company we love seems to think we don’t exist or don’t belong here… Furthermore, as this politicization makes its way into our content and public messaging, our more conservative customers will feel similarly unwanted. You can only preach at or vilify your audience for so long before they decide to spend their money elsewhere.”

Open letter by Disenfranchised Disney employees

In some corners, that movement has already begun. Ben Shapiro, furious at the company for catering to its wokest base, declared, “It’s time for the market pushback to begin.” “If you want entertainment that is going to cater to your children, we’re going to start making kids content over here at Daily Wire specifically so that you don’t have to support companies that hate your guts and cater to people who despise your values.”

There was also backlash from a handful of brave Disney stars. Natasha Ward, star of the Disney-owned “Station 19” posted that “Supporting trans freedom does not mean it’s okay to violate the rights of biological women.” When “other people’s truth infringes on fact and places an undue burden, which displaces my rights, we have gone too far,” she argued.

Disneyland in FLorida. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

Other conservatives are taking a page from the Left by infiltrating shareholder meetings and confronting Chapek personally. Justin Danhof, director of the Free Enterprise Project, bought a single share of stock at several Fortune 500 companies just for the right to attend meetings and challenge the political status quo. That came in especially handy this week, as Disney hosted investors during one of the most contentious weeks in recent memory. “To attend a shareholder meeting of a publicly-traded company, you need to own a whopping one share of that company,” Danhof explained. “So if you’re upset at Coca-Cola for an action they’ve taken, I think it’s like $58 these days buys you admission to the shareholder meeting.”

Most of Disney’s legitimate investors — the ones who are in it to make money — aren’t in lockstep with the company’s politics, Danhof said. “But the vast majority of activist investors who show up, they’re pushing their affinity issues from the LGBTQ community, and they’re doing it in very large numbers. But I’m encouraged,” he insisted. “There are more voices on the Right than there ever have been.” He compares it to the parents’ movement in education. “They’re taking over school boards. They’re recalling terrible members because they want to protect their children… But just know that you can do the same thing in the corporate arena as well — because corporate America wants to control what your children see [too]. And believe me, they want to corrupt your family and your culture. So, you can fight in the schools — but you can also fight at the corporate level.”

And judging by their actions, Disney would be the perfect place to start.

View the video below where Tony Perkins discusses the wokeness of Disney on “Washington Watch. The interview begins at 5:35 min.

Mandel campaign springs to life at Ontario synagogue (SLIDESHOW)

U. S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel speaks at Faith & Freedom Forum. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

ONTARIO — “America will be saved in houses of worship, not political offices,” says one U.S. Senate nominee. Running an unorthodox campaign where speaking engagements are held primarily at churches, candidate Josh Mandel is connecting with social conservatives, preferring the endorsement of pastors over politicians.

In an open letter sent by over one hundred diverse clergy from thirty-six counties, Richland County had the largest number of clergy cosigners endorsing Josh Mandel. A glimpse of this support could be seen Tuesday night in the Buckeye Bible Belt.

U. S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel speaks at Faith & Freedom Forum Tuesday in Ontario. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Josh Mandel best embodies our set of Judeo-Christian family values,” Rabbi William Hallbrook told the one hundred-thirty in attendance at Tuesday’s gathering. “We are looking for a hope and a future for our families. As the Prophet Jeremiah said, ‘Pray for the peace and prosperity of your city, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. This candidate may be one of the answers to our prayers.”

Several dignitaries attending the Faith & Freedom Forum included Shelby City Councilman Nate Martin, Ashland Mayor Matt Miller, and his wife Melanie Miller who is running for State Representative. Twelve of the endorsing clergymen also attended.

One of those clergyman, Pastor J.C. Church, exhorted the crowd to be involved and engaged in the nation’s future. “If you are not networking you are not working. It’s not about being Republican, you need the right conservative candidate that delivers actions with his words.”

Josh Mandel speaks with area clergymen who have endorsed his campaign. Pictured L to R: Pastors James Marshall, Chad Hayes, & Randy Raynes. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Before arriving at the Faith & Freedom Forum, Candidate Josh Mandel took a tour of the Richland Pregnancy Center located down the street from the synagogue. Mandel said he was impressed with the medical and support services the pregnancy center provides.

“If we are not going to stand up to protect the life of the unborn, nothing else matters,” Mandel says. “I am devoutly Pro-Life. I am not only a leader in the Pro-Life movement, I am an activist in the Pro-Life movement. And I think the incredible services they provide at Richland Pregnancy Services and at other Pro-Life pregnancy centers throughout Ohio are amazing. The women who work there and the communities that support these pregnancy centers are saving children everyday.”

Josh Mandel went on to describe to the crowd his record of transparency as Ohio State Treasurer. Going against the wishes of the political establishment in Columbus, in 2015 Mandel implemented “Operation Shawshank” which constructed an online checkbook of all state expenditures. The bold move gave Ohio national accolades, with the state’s ranking in government transparency soaring from near last to tops in the nation. Putting expenditures of taxpayer dollars online also helped reduce wasteful spending.

“If we are not going to stand up to protect the life of the unborn, nothing else matters. I am devoutly Pro-Life. I am not only a leader in the Pro-Life movement, I am an activist in the Pro-Life movement.”

Josh Mandel, candidate for the U.S. Senate

Mandel said he believes dispersing different federal agencies throughout the country will help dissolve the totalitarian rule of Washington D.C. elites. He suggested moving the Department of Agriculture to Iowa, the Department of Energy to Texas, and the Department of Transportation to Ohio.

The biggest applause of the night come when Mandel discussed election integrity. “Like more than half of this nation, I believe the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen! We need to eliminate early voting and vote-by-mail and go back to one day of voting-election day. As Senator of Ohio, I will support replacing the January 6th Commission with a November 3rd Commission to investigation election fraud.”

Mike Gibbons, Mandel’s chief rival in the U.S. Senate race, has criticized the former State Treasurer’s position on abortion. Although Gibbons says he has been a Pro-Life advocate his entire life, in 2018 Gibbons referred to Roe v. Wade as the “law of the land.” Financially, in 2020 Gibbons contributed to the openly pro-abortion candidate State Rep. Gayle Manning.

On the other hand, Mandel has been on record as one of the first state officials to support the Ohio Heartbeat Bill in 2011. The bill outlawed abortion after six weeks.

“Josh’s combination of youthfulness and experience gives Ohioans the best of both worlds when voting on May 3rd. As a Marine veteran and as the only candidate in the race who has won a statewide election, Josh Mandel has demonstrated he is battle-tested and he has the scars to prove it.” says Pastor J.C. Church.

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs Chapter Eleven, “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.”

114 Ohio clergy endorse Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate to defend faith, family & freedom (VIDEO)


BUCYRUS — With election polls in Ohio showing a large number of undecided voters in the crowded GOP Senate race, a band of pastors are coming forward. These clergy are convinced this candidate can carry a torch for freedom against government tyranny.

Over one hundred clergy leaders across the state released an open letter giving their formal endorsement of Josh Mandel.

“Based on a Biblical worldview, our strong conviction as (114) one hundred-fourteen clergy throughout the State of Ohio, Josh Mandel will best serve as U.S. Senator representing Ohio for the upcoming May 3rd, 2022 Primary Election to advance the cause of faith, family, and freedom,” the joint statement said.

According to one of the endorsing clergy, Mandel will not stick his head in the sand when it comes to tough issues in Washington.

“Josh Mandel is the best candidate and will fight tooth and nail to defend our GOD-given rights in Washington D.C.,” says Pastor J.C. Church. “Whether it is the culture war or the Constitutional crisis, we need men like Josh Mandel in the U.S. Senate who have an uncommon valor and who do not have a wishbone for a spine.”

The clergy say their endorsement of Josh Mandel is based on his record as State Treasurer for his previous two terms and as an Ohio House of Representative for another two previous terms.  Out of all the candidates running, Mandel is the only candidate that has won a statewide race. Mandel won both of his State Treasurer races by double-digit margins.

“Josh Mandel is the best candidate and will fight tooth and nail to defend our GOD-given rights in Washington D.C. Whether it is the culture war or the Constitutional crisis, we need men like Josh Mandel in the U.S. Senate who have an uncommon valor and who do not have a wishbone for a spine.”

Pastor J.C. Church

Early in-person voting and absentee voting for the Ohio primary election begin Tuesday, April 5th, 2022.  Candidates running for Ohio Senate in the Republican Primary also include: Matt Dolan, Mike Gibbons, Jane Timken, and J.D. Vance.

The clergy say the are convinced Mandel stands out from the rest of the field.

“As clergy, it is refreshing to learn Josh Mandel has made churches a focus in his campaign.  As the grandson of Holocaust survivors, father of three, and a Marine Corps veteran, we admire Josh Mandel’s position in defending the Bible and the Constitution,” the clergy wrote. 

“It is no small matter as a freshman state legislator, Josh Mandel publicly opposed the Speaker of the House from his own political party by advocating for the rights of Christian clergy to invoke the name of Jesus Christ when offering the opening prayer for legislative session.”

Josh Mandel speaking at a Calvary Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Ohio. (Photo courtesy of Josh Mandel/Twitter)

The faith leaders based their endorsement of Mandel on the following issues: support for sanctity of life and defunding of abortion providers, advocacy of biological gender and traditional marriage, advocacy of religious freedom, support of self-defense and local law enforcement, support for parental rights and resistance to divisive social justice. The clergy also endorsed Mandel for his support for election integrity.

While in Mansfield, Ohio for the campaign trail, Mandel called out the Richland County Board of Elections for not responding to a clergy letter sent by seventy-two pastors. The pastors requested the Board pull the plug on Dominion voting machines due to the company’s lack of transparency. Mandel is the only candidate in the race to observe the Arizona forensic audit and actively promotes the use of paper ballots.

As a candidate, Mandel has taken the unorthodox path of bypassing the Republican establishment. While on the campaign trail, Mandel commented, “The mantra of our campaign is pastors over politicians.  I am not interested in earning the support of politicians, but I am very interested in earning the support and endorsement of pastors and Christian activists.”

Clergy endorsements came from a diverse group composed of various denominations spanning thirty-six difference counties across the state. Counties with the most clergy endorsees included: Richland (35), Crawford (7) Franklin (6) Cuyahoga (5) and Wayne (5) counties. 

In response to the clergy endorsements, Josh Mandel said in a press release:

“I am honored to receive the support of so many pastors across Ohio. When I started this campaign last year, I decided to run it through churches instead of through traditional Republic Party offices. I believe America will not be saved in Republican Party offices; it will be saved in houses of worship. I believe that we must double-down, not water down the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America. I am proud to fight alongside these pastors to combat the Secular Left.”

Article updated March 3, 2022

Click on the image below to view video of Josh Mandel discussing the role of churches in society.

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Joshua Chapter 1, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go.”

Is Ohio destined to fulfill its special calling for muscular Christianity? (SLIDESHOW)

In 2020 Rev. El leads group of 33 clergy committing to investment of Israeli bonds (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MANSFIELD — Ohio has a unique history unlike any other state. The state was the topic of discussion between a famous Founding Father and Great Awakening preacher. One area pastor with a niche for local history believes that with Congress originally dedicating the land to be used for religion, it is no wonder faith in GOD can be seen locally today by the public eye.

Pastor Paul Lintern is a local history enthusiast and coordinator of a month-long local prayer initiative called the “March for Prayer” which begins March 1st. Lintern says his prayer life for the community is fueled by his familiarity with the historic roots of the area.

Pastor Paul LIntern (pictured in center) at clergy press conference calling for corporate prayer & fasting prior to COVID-19 pandemic.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“The State of Ohio really does have a rich spiritual heritage. Knowing this helps create a fervancy when I pray” says Pastor Paul Lintern. “It is important to note that in a letter dated July 2, 1756, Benjamin Franklin presented a proposal to the famous preacher George Whitefield, that they partner together to establish a Christian colony ‘in the Ohio.’ Ohio was frontier country at the time. I believe this land was dedicated for GOD’s purposes and that special calling is being played out today.”

In the letter, Franklin expressed confidence GOD would give them success in such a project, “If we undertook it with a sincere regard to his honor.”

Pastor Lintern says Franklin attended George Whitfield’s meetings and was attracted to the young, fiery revivalist. “It proved to be the beginning of a close, life-long friendship. Franklin and Whitefield became business partners with Franklin printing and distributing Whitefield’s sermons and advising him in business matters.”

“It is important to note that in a letter dated July 2, 1756, Benjamin Franklin presented a proposal to the famous preacher George Whitefield, that they partner together to establish a Christian colony ‘in the Ohio,’ which was frontier country at the time. I believe this land was dedicated for GOD’s purposes and that special calling is being played out today”

Pastor Paul Lintern

“I imagine we could do it effectually and without putting the nation at too much expense,” Franklin wrote. “What a glorious thing it would be, to settle in that fine country a large strong body of religious [Christian] and industrious people! Might it not greatly facilitate the introduction of pure religion among the heathen, if we could, by such a colony (Ohio), show them a better sample of Christians?”

Lintern says since Ben Franklin is writing to Whitefield, so there can be no doubt that ‘pure religion’ in Franklin’s mind was the evangelical revivalism that Whitefield preached throughout the Colonies.

According to Pastor Lintern, Benjamin Franklin’s vision appeared to take form in 1785, when Congress designated Section 29 of every township in Ohio as ‘Ministerial Lands’ to be donated for the support of clergy. While small specific mission grants were made in several western states, the massive land grant devoted to religion is an anomaly and evidence of Ohio’s unique experience with federal lands. With a total of 43,525 acres dedicated, Congress made no other provision for the support of religion elsewhere in the public domain las it did with Ohio.

One hundred North Central Ohio clergymen in 2020 join ‘Equality Act’ debate at Statehouse defending traditional marriage & biological gender. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

In 1833, Congress authorized Ohio to sell its Ministerial lands. Money from the sale was invested and interest given to churches inside the township until the constitutionality of church and state partnerships were challenged in 1968. Eventually In May of 1968, Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment directing any future ministerial income be used solely for educational purposes.

George Whitfield’s influence on Benjamin Franklin can be seen at the Constitutional Convention seventeen years after Whitefield’s death. When the Convention reached an impasse in 1787and was in danger of disbanding without completing its work, it was Franklin at age 81 who arose and called the convention to prayer.

Lintern believes the case could be made that Ohio’s rich spiritual heritage is manifesting today.

“I believe history will later tell us that our local area in North Central Ohio is presently going through a spiritual awakening. As Benjamin Franklin demonstrated, we must first devote our time to prayer if we are going to accomplish the special destiny GOD has given for our community.”

View the slideshow below of clergy involvement in the government and culture.

  • Matt Miller
  • Jonn Temple 122121

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in 2 Chronicles, “If My people, who are called by Name, will humble themselves, pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land.”

Canadian clergy tell Trudeau ‘GOD sets up kings and pulls the mighty down from their thrones’


OTTAWA — As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced last week he would stand against Russian authoritarianism, clergy resolved to stand against Trudeau’s own dictatorship. Recently Canadian clergy sent an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the federal government after the embattled Prime Minister unlawfully and unilaterally activated the emergency ‘War Measures Act’.

Justin Trudeau declared martial law after a Canadian truck convoys came to key cities to protest draconian COVID vaccine passport and masking policies. COVID deaths and hospitalizations are declining world-wide. In response to this unprecedented action, the clergy took action.

Canadian trucker convoy protesting the government’s mandates. (Photo from Gateway Pundit screenshot)

“We are writing to you as representative pastors of Christian congregations from across the nation and as law-abiding citizens who respect the God-defined role of civil government and uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the highest law of our land, which recognizes the supremacy of God over all human legislation,” the thirty clergymen wrote the Canadian leader. 

Trudeau has initiated Canada’s ‘War Measures Act’ but is charging citizens with ‘Mischief.’ Interestingly, the Act was not implemented during the civil unrest of 2020 involving Black Lives Matter where violence and massive property damage occurred.

“For the past two years, we have sought to respectfully and peaceably make known to all levels of government our profound concern about the indefinite suspension of civil liberties, coercive mandates and perpetual state interference in the life, freedom and worship of the church – freedoms guaranteed by both our inherited Common Law tradition and Charter. We have also prayed earnestly for our governing authorities, met with them, written letters and petitions, peacefully gathered for protest with other concerned citizens and in some cases filed lawsuits. We have used every lawful means at our disposal to be heard and taken seriously. Yet at every turn, we have been largely ignored, brushed aside, insulted and even told we in no way represent Canadians,” the letter said.

“We do not hesitate to fulfill our responsibility as servants of the living God by unapologetically reminding you that Jesus Christ is Lord and King and the ruler of the kings of the earth. He sets up kings and pulls down the mighty from their thrones and none can stay his hand.”

Open letter by Canadian clergy to Justin trudeau

The Canadian Prime Minister and his Administration has refused to meet with the opponents of his COVID restrictions. While no acts of violence has been reported by protesters of the truck convoys, Justin Trudeau has ordered the jailing of protesters and the freezing of their banking accounts.

The clergy wrote, “The Ottawa protest has presented your government with a wonderful opportunity to meet with and speak to ordinary Canadians lawfully and peaceably requiring the restoration of their constitutional rights. However, in response to their singing, praying, dancing, candy floss, bouncy castles, speeches about the constitution and outpourings of patriotic love for the country, your government has not only refused to meet with these citizens to hear their concerns, you have insulted, denigrated and lied about them, further dividing a hurting and broken nation.

“As ambassadors of Christ, while we respect your office as a public servant and honor the limited role of civil authority as a ministry of public justice, we do not hesitate to fulfill our responsibility as servants of the living God by unapologetically reminding you that Jesus Christ is Lord and King and the ruler of the kings of the earth. He sets up kings and pulls down the mighty from their thrones and none can stay his hand. In the words of the same scriptures engraved on the Peace Tower in Ottawa and written into our very national Coat of Arms.”

Embattled Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Photo courtesy of Gateway Pundit screenshot)

“Mr. Trudeau, with great respect, you are neither the king nor the ruler of Canada. Both you and your colleagues are public servants sent for a short time to Parliament at our behest as citizens to govern under God in terms of the Canadian Charter and to seek a harmony of public legal interest. You do not grant people rights and responsibilities that are theirs as God’s image-bearers and a free people. Since you do not grant them, you have no authority to remove them. 

“Your government does not grant people the right to their bodily integrity, the right to work or earn a living, the right to decide for their children or to be with their families or dying loved ones, the right to gather to worship and obey God, the right to travel in their own land or enter and leave. Civil government exists to protect these pre-political and fundamental freedoms, not bestow and remove them as if it can function in the place of God. 

“As such, we as Christian pastors condemn in the strongest possible terms your unprecedented invoking of the Emergency Powers Act (1988) with the intent of bringing unaccountable state power to bear on peaceful citizens – “men women and children” – who have been stripped of their fundamental freedoms for two years and who have in many cases lost everything as a result of your government’s mandates. There is no national emergency and to invoke one to crush peaceful political dissent is a totalitarian act of repression displaying weakness not strength. These tyrannical actions are exposing this government and people to the judgment of God, and we are deeply concerned that you do not appreciate the significance of God’s wrath upon a rebellious and lawless nation.

The clergymen concluded, “We implore you to step back from the brink, restore the constitutional freedoms of the people, respect the God-given rights of our citizenry and above all to humble yourself and take a knee before Christ the King lest you perish in the way. We urge you to repent of the sins of pride, rebellion against God, and bearing false witness. You have not displayed a brotherly care and love for these honest hard-working people who have tried to peacefully bring their very serious concerns to your attention.”

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Psalms 2, “Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.”

22 Clergy leaders question upstart Gibbons’ conservative credentials for U.S. Senate


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — The Ohio Senate primary race has been one of the costliest election races in the nation. With Josh Mandel maintaining his lead over the other candidates, eyes are on Mike Gibbons who appears to have risen to second in election polling.

Being a political outsider and a businessman has given Mike Gibbons appeal to voters disenfranchised with the political elites of Washington D.C. But some local clergy are skeptical of Gibbon’s conservatives values.

In 2020, Ohio clergy sent a correspondence to President Trump thanking him for twenty policy achievements of his Administration.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Over twenty local lead clergymen from multiple denominations released a joint statement expressing their concern over the authenticity of U.S. Senate Candidate Mike Gibbons. The clergy believe Gibbons does not have conservative views on cardinal issues like sanctity of life and election integrity.

According to Bucyrus Pastor J.C. Church, “Mike Gibbons appears to be an unproven candidate with a track record of pro-choice statements who echoes the liberal media’s views on the 2020 election. What is more concerning is Gibbons has already put $11 million in an attempt to buy a U.S. Senate seat and is seeing his poll numbers increase. Ohio Republican primary voters should be aware of his record and question whether he truly knows where he stands on issues important to conservatives in the Buckeye State.”

The pastors point out as a first-time candidate in 2017, Mike Gibbons indicated he was pro-choice.

When asked his position on abortion as a Senate candidate in 2017, Gibbons first stated on social issues he is a “pro-people” person who is not dogmatic. Given a chance to clarify his remarks the next day, Gibbons solidified his personal position claiming that he “personally” opposed abortion but he is “not a woman” and would not choose for them.

According to Orville Pastor Jerry O’Brien, “In regards to the sanctity of life issue, Mike Gibbons echoes the same rhetoric used by the Liberal Left and Planned Parenthood. What about the baby? The baby isn’t given a choice when its mother terminates its life. The answers by Gibbons in the recent past are revealing. We need a fighter in Washington D.C., not someone who wants to fit in.”

“Mike Gibbons appears to be an unproven candidate with a track record of pro-choice statements who echoes the liberal media’s views on the 2020 election. What is more concerning is Gibbons has already put $11 million in an attempt to buy a U.S. Senate seat and is seeing his poll numbers increase. Ohio Republican primary voters should be aware of his record and question whether he truly knows where he stands on issues important to conservatives in the Buckeye State.”

Pastor J.C. Church

According to the clergy statement, Gibbons has donated in the past to campaigns of pro-choice Democrats including Jimmy Carter’s son and former Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman.

The clergy also point out Mike Gibbons says he does not like Donald Trump and believes Joe Biden won the 2020 elections. In 2021, Gibbons stated he “has not seen evidence” of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. This year He admitted that he would have voted to certify the 2020 election if he had been in the U.S. Senate at the time.

Driven by his personal fortune, Gibbons is now rising in the polls in the race for the U.S. Senate in Ohio, and pro-Trump conservatives are concerned.

Pastor Church says, “You are only as good as your word. I think if we read between the lines, Mike Gibbons would rather be politically correct in Washington D.C. than defend conservative Ohio family values.”

Presently, Election day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3rd with early voting beginning Tuesday, April 5th. The deadline to register to vote is Monday, April 4th.

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in 1 John Chapter 3, “Little children, let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and in truth.”

Flashback: Light pillar phenomenon in Mansfield occurs after clergy discuss ‘Light our city’ (SLIDESHOW)

Scene from Ontario (Photo courtesy of Steve Cook)

MANSFIELD — The faith community in the Buckeye Bible Belt has been a model for other communities around the world. As religious freedoms are being completely cancelled, one lesson North Central Ohio churches are demonstrating during precarious times is: “Do not stop.” Historically the region has been a light for many to see in more ways than one.

In 2014, less than one week following a declaration by Richland County Board of Commissioners to observe “Religious Freedom Day,” reports about a phenomena occurring in Mansfield were broadcasted by regional media outlets. Cleveland media reported that mystifying lights in the skies were seen over Mansfield.

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk pictured on the far left at the Board of Commissioners meeting in 2014. (Photo courtesy of Bud Motter)

“I remember that day,” recalls Pastor Jerry Laudermilk. “I remember taking pictures of these light pillars in the sky that morning. There were beams of light which appeared to be coming from the ground and shooting skyward.”

Light pillars in Ohio are rare and can only be seen in specific weather conditions: frigid cold air, little wind, and moisture in the air. Meteorologists say these pillars are vertical columns of light that form when artificial or natural light bounces off the faces of ice crystals floating relatively close to the ground.

The ironic thing is Laudermilk was one of the faith leaders meeting with the Richland County Board of Commissioners just a week prior. It was the first time the Commissioner Board has recognized religious freedom formally in a proclamation.

“I was discussing with the Commissioner Board the success we were having with a church-led initiative ‘Light our City’ outreach program. The outreach at its peak involved 300 volunteers and 45 local churches cooperating together each year to assist schools, impoverished neighborhoods, city parks and service agencies. It seems when our light shines before men, our good works really can be seen and give glory to our Father in Heaven,” Laudermilk laughs.

“I was discussing with the Commissioner Board the success we were having with a church-led initiative ‘Light our City’ outreach program. The outreach at its peak involved 300 volunteers and 45 local churches cooperating together each year to assist schools, impoverished neighborhoods, city parks and service agencies. It seems when our light shines before men, our good works really can be seen and give glory to our Father in Heaven.”

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

Pastor Laudermilk was recognized by Mansfield Mayor Timothy Theaker in 2018 for his efforts before Laudermilk announced he would be leaving the area to serve as pastor in Tennessee.

The outgoing clergyman was the chief catalyst behind the “Light our City” outreach program in the Greater Mansfield area. Other communities from South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe replicated the concept of church collaboration to reach the community according to Laudermilk.

“I will miss working with the clergy and miss all of the faithful in Richland County.  There were a lot of good memories here, the clergy really have something special in that community,” Laudermilk says.

“The Church is called by Christ to be salt and light to the world around us. In times of moral decay, the church is be the salt that preserves goodness and exemplifies to others. In these darkened days we live in, our job is to illuminate the way forward as beacons in this darkness. Where the light shines, hope dawns.”

When light shines, it certainly can be a sign and a wonder. A reminder Heaven is in control.

View slideshow of local pictures of the light pillar phenomena that occurred January 21-22, 2014.

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Psalms 19,The heavens declare the glory of GOD, the skies provlaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. “

City officials meet with faith community to discuss challenges on the horizon (SLIDESHOW)


MANSFIELD — At a recent clergy luncheon at the Mayor’s office, city officials did not mince words: they have a lot on their plate. With an Opiate Crisis not going away and the recruitment of new police officers at its lowest level in years, sirens in most communities would be going off. Unlike other communities, one thing the city does have is the support of its faith community.

“I believe we can support our city safety services by being more involved in our community and by reminding them how much we appreciate their service,” says Pastor James Hill of Paradise Church. “I came away from our meeting feeling encouraged that despite the dark times we are living in, my local leaders are looking to the LORD for help. I am proud to call Mansfield my home.”

Pastor Hill was one of the faith leaders from the Brown Bag Clergy Group representing seventeen local churches at the luncheon. Also attending were Mayor Timothy Theaker, Fire Chief Steven Strickling, Assistant Police Chief Jason Bammann, City Councilman Reverend El Akuchie, and Juvenile Court Judge Steve McKinley. Greg Boyce of Modern Woodmen of America provided the meal.

Pastor James Hill
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

During the meeting city officials thanked the faith leaders for their prayers and civic engagement. While the city saw a 2.1% rise in violent crime compared to last year’s COVID year, the State looks at the Mansfield area as a trendsetter with its holistic approach in utilizing a County Opiate Board to combat the Opioid drug problem.

Judge McKinley commented that one recent disturbing trend has been gun possession by juveniles who are quick to pull the trigger. McKinley believes moral relativism in the country and a disregard to the sanctity of life contributes to the problem.

“I agree with what Judge McKinley shared at the meeting,” says Pastor Dave Rentzel of Abundant Life Tabernacle. “There needs to be a voice to this next generation of youth teaching them there is a right and a wrong and that their life has value. We are living in days the Bible talks about when there will be people calling good ‘evil’ and evil ‘good.'” This may require us to start opening our churches so the youth have a place to come where it is safe and they can feel the love of GOD.”

Pastor Dave Rentzel
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Both pastors believe with moral bankruptcy in society creating social unrest, there is more pressure on local law enforcement than ever before.

“Relational equity between the faith community and local government is important. When the faith community comes alongside our local government, like for a luncheon, trust can be built giving us the access we need to intercede for those making decisions for our community.” 

Rentzel believes one way to improve the morale of the police department is by turning off the news and going to the local police station to understand their challenges.

“I believe they (safety services) will be transparent in what they will tell you. A lot of us forget these men and women that serve our communities have families at home as well. As a faith community we have power in our words and if we are speaking division instead of finding solutions, we are becoming advocates for the enemy. I pray this will be a place where GOD will reign. I declare Mansfield will be Godsfield.”

Pastor Hill adds, “I could not be more proud of our Mayor and safety services that they would ask for our help in prayer concerning the challenges they face.”

“I was proud of Judge McKinley speaking on behalf of the youth and his challenge to local churches to instill the importance of life and purpose. With dedicated youth programs and Sunday School, we can instill the values of life. The Bible reminds us GOD is aware of every sparrow that falls to the ground. How much more valuable we are to Him than a sparrow?”

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Psalm 110, “Your people shall be volunteers in the day of your power; in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, you have the dew of your youth.”

Key stakeholders give convincing case against legalizing marijuana in Ohio (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS –In 2015, Ohio voters soundly turned down a ballot measure that would have legalized limited use and possession of recreational marijuana in Ohio by a 64-36 margin. However, the issue has not gone away. One coalition is urging lawmakers to consider the errors of other states where recreational marijuana has been an epic fail.

The Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) joined community leaders, medical professionals, parents, and drug addiction specialists at a press conference on Tuesday to discuss the devastating impact legalizing recreational marijuana would have on Ohio. The press conference was in response to the latest effort to pressure state lawmakers and voters to allow the commercialization of marijuana for recreational use. 

Key stakeholders held a press conference Tuesday at the Ohio Statehouse opposing recreational cannabis. (Photo courtesy of CCV)

“We no longer need to wonder what commercializing marijuana would mean for businesses, children, and communities, says Aaron Baer, President of CCV. “Eight years of data from states that have already journeyed down the rabbit-hole of commercialization show increases in addiction, cannabis and opioid use disorders, industrial accidents, hiring shortages, black market activity and crime, youth usage, and automobile accidents.”

According to data collected by the coalition, the non-FDA approved Schedule I narcotic is addictive and may cause mental illnesses, ranging from anxiety and depression to schizophrenia and psychosis, and even suicidal thoughts. These risks are heightened when consumed by youth.

Marijuana use has an association with future substance misuse and addiction. Research has found users of marijuana are more likely to misuse prescription opioids. Though the majority of those using marijuana will not go on to use other drugs, more than 95% of those using heroin and cocaine started with marijuana.

During the press conference, CCV and the coalition against legalized recreational marijuana presented a correspondence to lawmakers and Governor Mike DeWine detailing the harms and lies of the marijuana industry. Composed of religious, medical and drug treatment leaders, the letter was signed by twenty-one leaders.

“We no longer need to wonder what commercializing marijuana would mean for businesses, children, and communities. Eight years of data from states that have already journeyed down the rabbit-hole of commercialization show increases in addiction, cannabis and opioid use disorders, industrial accidents, hiring shortages, black market activity and crime, youth usage, and automobile accidents.”

Among other facts, the letter details how: According to a study reported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, employees who tested positive for marijuana had 55% more industrial accidents, 85% more injuries, and 75% greater absenteeism compared to those who tested negative.

In Colorado, more than one in every four road deaths has involved a marijuana- impaired driver.

According to the coalition, Illicit markets have thrived in every “legal” state, such as Oregon, where illegal marijuana makes up more than 70% of the market. In fact, where legalization is present, cannabis in neighborhoods has also been societally transformative in the bad sense.

Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) President Aaron Baer addresses the societal problems of marijuana. (Photo courtesy of CCV)

There are currently more marijuana dispensaries in the state of Colorado than there are Starbuck’s and McDonald’s combined, and these dispensaries are located mostly in lower-income neighborhoods. Commercialization draws the marijuana industry into the state and dramatically alters the culture of businesses in the community.

A 2018 Centennial Institute study on the economic and social costs of legalized marijuana in Colorado found that it cost the state $4.50 to counteract the effects of marijuana legalization for each dollar brought in by marijuana tax revenues.
States with mature marijuana markets (CA, CO, NV, OR, and WA) are facing a combined budget deficit of $71 billion. Marijuana revenues are not helping with COVID-19 related economic shortfalls

The letter concluded by saying, “At a time when Ohio families are grappling with unprecedented crime and addiction compounded by the stress of a global pandemic, we consider the commercialization of an
addictive drug with such scientifically proven public health harms to be grossly irresponsible.”

View the Center for Christian Virtue Facebook video of the press conference below.

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible in Proverbs says, “As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.”

91 Ohio clergy rebuke Governor on Super Bowl week for expansion of sports gambling


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — As Ohioans are counting on the Cincinnati Bengals to win Super Bowl LVI, the Ohio Governor and Legislature are counting on Ohioans to lose. Recently Governor Mike DeWine signed a bill into law legalizing sports betting in order to replenish state coffers with additional tax revenue. Ohio clergy at odds with DeWine believe state-sanctioned sports betting in the long run will be a bad bet for Ohio and will set up a banana republic at the expense of gambling addicts.

Clergy representing ninety-one congregations throughout the Buckeye Bible Belt wrote an open letter critical of Governor Mike DeWine (R) after he signed House Bill 29 into law legalizing sports gambling. The leading clergymen said the decision was “irresponsible and showed a glaring lack of leadership.”

Several of the clergy co-signors pictured: Reverend El Akuchie, Rabbi William Hallbrook & Pastor John Bouquet
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

House Bill 29 will allow predatory sports betting on collegiate and professional sports.  It will also legalize sports betting at brick-and-mortar casinos, stadiums, bars, and restaurants and allow betting via internet, mobile devices, and kiosks. The Ohio Casino Control Commission will have regulatory oversight.

The pastors say government will be robbing Peter to pay Paul with enticing state-run gambling interests taking money from families.

The letter stated, “As the state government under your (DeWine’s) leadership continues to employ new methods of consumer fraud to exploit Ohio’s poor, it bears worth repeating that gambling does not create new wealth, gambling only makes wealth change hands.  This past year Ohioans lost over $2.11 billion from casinos, racinos and bingo halls. We are told by the Bible “not to rob the poor because he is poor, nor oppress the afflicted at the gate; for the LORD will plead their cause and plunder the soul of those who plunder them.”

“As the state government under your (DeWine) leadership continues to employ new methods of consumer fraud to exploit Ohio’s poor, it bears worth repeating that gambling does not create new wealth, gambling only makes wealth change hands.  This past year Ohioans lost over $2.11 billion from casinos, racinos and bingo halls. We are told by the Bible “not to rob the poor because he is poor, nor oppress the afflicted at the gate; for the LORD will plead their cause and plunder the soul of those who plunder them.”

Ohio Clergy open letter to Governor Mike Dewine

“With additional government promotion of gambling, Ohioans will be conned into thinking they can win money on games designed to get them fleeced,” says Pastor Russell Stanford, one of the clergy letter co-signors.

According to a 2016-2017 survey, .9% of all adult Ohioans have a compulsive problem- gambling addiction, equating to 76,379 individuals statewide. Former Ohio Buckeye star quarterback Art Schlichter falls into this category, with debts, con schemes, and fake checks connected to his gambling losses. His addiction has kept the divorced Schlichter in and out of prison since 1995. “The Bible clearly says, ‘He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes will live,” says Stanford.

The clergy also believe state-sanctioned sports gambling will also harm the integrity of sports institutions it wagers on and will exacerbate the problem of cheating thru game-fixing and point-shaving. 

“Whether it is Pete Rose regularly placing wagers on his team as Manager of the Cincinnati Reds, or University of Toledo football and basketball players accepting financial gifts to alter their game performances, with the state government sanctioning sports gambling, more such incidents will undoubtedly occur.  Players will be tempted to cheat and the faith in the integrity of the games will be diminished. Everyone will lose,” the clergy letter said. 

Mansfield Mayor Timothy Theaker with problem gambling awareness proclamation in 2019. Pastor Denny Finnegan is standing to his left and Pastor Floyd Allen to his right. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy said they do not forget the corruption associated with the Ohio Lottery Commission.  It was in Mansfield, Ohio in 2009 where the Ohio Lottery Director gave 100 promotional instant lottery tickets to an Ohio State trooper two days after he was issued a verbal warning for two traffic violations.

“This was a form of bribery which perverts justice and blinds those who see,” the open letter said. “Regrettably, this immoral behavior will be normalized with House Bill 29 as law and the poor and afflicted will continue to be skillfully deceived by those holding positions of power.”

Pastor John Bouquet commented, “This really is the story of the way of our country: we have national leaders in power demanding bribes. The Bible clearly warns, ‘A just king gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it.”

Many believe the Governor has dropped the ball on the issue, with House Bill 29 likely facing litigation. Opponents believe DeWine lacks the constitutionality to expand another gambling venue like House Bill 29 and that he could be moving the goalposts to fund future pet projects in the budget. The clergy feel if state leaders have no problem making money off addiction, what else will they legalize?

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says, “But as for you who forsake the LORD and forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for ‘Fortune’ and fill bowls of mixed wine for ‘Destiny,’ I will destine you for the sword, and all of you will fall in the slaughter; for I called but you did not answer, I spoke but you did not listen. You did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me.”

Ashland’s First Lady seeks new house: State House District 67 (VIDEO)


ASHLAND — The Ashland Mayor’s wife is looking to male herself at home in a bigger home: the Statehouse. Melanie Miller announced today that she will seek the Republican nomination for the newly
created Ohio House of Representatives District 67. Miller has served as the Executive Director of the Ashland Pregnancy Care Center for the past seven years, and prior to that she served as the Director of Youth Programming at the Salvation Army Kroc Center.

Melanie Miller (Submitted photo)

“I am running to represent Ashland and Medina Counties because we need someone in this position who will work hard to make sure that our freedoms are protected, our families and children, both born and unborn, are supported, and our local businesses and communities have the tools they need to be successful.”

“People want a representative with substance—someone who will do more than simply recite an empty political talking point,” said Miller. “I’ve talked with people all across Ashland and Medina County, everyone wants someone who will actually work hard to help solve the issues facing our communities, someone who will do their homework and make sure that the legislation that passes in Columbus will actually help and not hurt our local communities. I believe my track record shows that I will do just that”

“I am running to represent Ashland and Medina Counties because we need someone in this position who will work hard to make sure that our freedoms are protected, our families and children, both born and unborn, are supported, and our local businesses and communities have the tools they need to be successful.”

Melanie Miller, Candidate for Ohio House District 67

Melanie has been a fierce advocate for the unborn and has spent years on the frontline of the fight to end abortion. In 2016, she helped lead the effort in the Statehouse to defund Planned Parenthood, and in 2017, she was part of the coalition that urged Congress to pass a Federal Heartbeat Bill. In 2021, she developed a plan to offer Abortion Pill Reversal services and medication to those in need.

“There are so many positive things happening in our city and county right now, and it is so im-
portant that our next state representative be from Ashland County,” said Miller. “I will champion the conservative values that have built our country, and I will work hard to make sure that Ashland and Medina County get the support that we need from Columbus to continue to grow our communities.”

Melanie Miller recently announced her candidacy for Ohio House District 67.

According to Miller, who serves as an Advisory Board member for Ashland’s Salvation Army Kroc Center and as secretary of the Ashland County Ministerial Association, policies that encourage strong, healthy families will be a top priority.

“If we want to create strong, vibrant communities then we must work hard to reclaim our culture
by strengthening our families,” said Miller. “We must recognize the supreme value of every life, and we must be sure the laws and policies that our government puts into place encourage
personal responsibility, decency, honor and integrity.”

“People are looking for fresh leaders with new energy who are committed to making sure that
our northeast Ohio has a strong voice in the Ohio Statehouse.”

Miller is married to Ashland Mayor Matt Miller, and they reside in Ashland.

View video announcement below.

Related articles:

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 31, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Guest Column: Democrat U.S. Senator is Communist, is GOP going to do something?


Guess what? There is no hiding it anymore. This is a communist takeover of the USA. I have been making this case three hours a day on my nationally-syndicated radio show arguing since the day Biden took over as President. Well the proof is in. Nothing proves my case like the story of Democrat United States Senator Richard Blumenthal. You are not gonna believe this one. It is all out in the open now.

A United States Senator thought it was fine and dandy to publicly cavort with the communist enemies of America. Should that surprise you? It doesn’t surprise me. I believe many of our political, military, government and media leaders are bribed and owned lock, stock and barrel by the Chinese Communist Party.

Wayne Allyn Root
(Photo courtesy of Bill Hughes/Las Vegas Review-Journal

Remember the story of General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Trump. He admitted secretly calling Chinese military leaders and letting them know if President Trump decided to attack, he would give them advance warning. Is that not treason? Should this general not have been arrested, put into shackles and leg irons, flown to Guantanamo and put on trial for treason? If convicted, should Milley not be serving life in prison for treason against his country? Instead the GOP said virtually nothing, and remarkably, this traitor is still sitting as America’s highest ranking general. Insanity.

US Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) just did something equally treasonous. Except he did not even try to hide it. Senator Blumenthal openly attended a Communist Party event. And Senator Blumenthal wasn’t merely attending, he was the star of the evening. He was the main speaker on the stage and handed out awards to communists!

Am I missing something? Is communism not the enemy of the United States of America? Isn’t the goal of communism to destroy America. Is communism not dedicated to destroying freedom? Do communists not believe in violence, murder, torture, starvation, imprisonment, censorship, propaganda and brainwashing of their citizens? Clearly communists want to make us all serfs and slaves to a communist dictator who decides who deserves to live and die.

Have we not learned from history? Communists murdered just under 100 million innocent human beings in the twentieth century. How many millions more starved to death? How many hundreds of millions were arrested, tortured, sent to prison camps and had their homes, businesses and assets stolen by communist governments?

“Senator Richard Blumenthal openly attended a Communist Party event. And Senator Blumenthal was not merely attending, he was the star of the evening. He was the main speaker on the stage and handed out awards to communists!”

Wayne Allyn Root, Commentator

Yet we have a Democrat United States Senator who thinks it’s okay to publicly celebrate communism? Is he celebrating mass murder and starvation of the citizens? Does he want to send conservatives to hard-labor camps? Is that what he wants for America? He must. He was there to celebrate how great communism is.

Let me ask you a question. If America was invaded tomorrow by a communist army- like say China- would we not fight to the death to defend our homeland from the communist invaders? Or would we welcome them with open arms? If the answer is, of course, we would kill any communist invaders trying to destroy America, why would we allow US Senators to sit in our Senate, while endorsing this same communist agenda to destroy America from within? Blumenthal is a traitor.

But wait. I have one more crucial question. Did Democrats not claim Trump was a secret KKK white supremacist? Can you imagine if Trump had publicly attended a KKK meeting? What if it was a celebration of the history of the KKK in America? What if Trump had not just attended the KKK meeting, but actually spoke from the stage and then handed out awards to KKK members? That’s exactly what Blumenthal did. He laid down with sworn enemies of America, capitalism and freedom. Openly.

Vice President Kamala Harris in China. (Photo courtesy of Gateway Pundit screenshot)

Why has the GOP leadership in Congress not demanded Blumenthal be stripped of all his committees, resign immediately, start proceedings to expel Senator Blumenthal, and/or demand his indictment for treason?

Because if the shoe was on the other foot, and Trump or any Republican Senator spoke at a KKK event, their career would be over, they would be tarred and feathered by the media, chased from DC on a third rail, branded as traitors and domestic terrorists, and I’m betting, soon after, indicted by the Democrat-owned DOJ for treason.

Does the GOP have a pulse? Or is it a party of go-along-to-get-along cowards? We are all waiting and watching. Because if they do nothing and say nothing about this tragic treasonous story, if we cannot or will not use this story to paint Democrats as the communists they are, then we have no chance to stop this communist takeover of America. Then we have already lost the battle for the soul of America.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s new book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book” is a #1 bestseller. . Wayne is host of the nationally- syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. Visit ROOTforAmerica.com, or listen live at http://usaradio.com/wayne-allyn-root/ or “on demand” 24/7 at iHeartRadio.com.

Ashland joins family of religious displays in North Central Ohio (SLIDESHOW)

Nativity scene at Bicentennial Park in Ashland, Ohio has been ongoing holiday tradition since 2022. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

ASHLAND — What would you do with one hundred thousand dollars? One city mayor was beside himself when a local businessman called him one morning to tell him he would be delivering a one hundred-thousand dollar check to city hall. The donor wanted the funds to be used to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to make it a meaningful Christmas for downtown Ashland. And meaningful it was.

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller unveiled the anonymous donors’ names at a December 2nd festival parade which tallied a total of seventy groups parading floats from Ashland University down through Main Street.

This is the first year of a holiday religious display at Ashland Bicentennial Park. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The owners of Grandpa’s Cheese Barn donated a nativity scene located at Ashland’s Bicentennial Park to add to the Christmas spirit. It is believed to be the Ashland’s first religious display on public property. Other decorations were used throughout the downtown.

The funds given by Dick and Ronda Poorbaugh bought a twelve-foot wreath, an ornament sculpture, fireworks, and a twenty-two piece Nativity scene. Mayor Miller said the funds will also go toward next year’s decorations and festivities for the city. 

“The downtown decorations are amazing. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people say they are surprised by the size of our Christmas celebration. I believe our downtown Christmas rivals the celebrations found in large metropolitan cities,” Miller said. “The Poorbaugh’s have also set aside monies so that next year we can add several more major features that we couldn’t pull off in time for tonight,”

This holiday religious display has been a longstanding tradition at Loudonville Central Park. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The Ashland nativity scene joins a number of community holiday displays on public property including in: Bellville, Crestline, Lexington, Loudonville, Mansfield, Mount Gilead, Ontario, Shelby, and Shiloh. The Malabar State Park in Lucas also has a creche. Several live nativity scenes were also held throughout Ashland County and the North Central Ohio region.

On December 23rd, The Village of Savannah held their annual community Christmas program at the Community Baseball Fields. The program, entitled “The Real Meaning of Christmas,” told the Bible’s account of Christmas and was coordinated by several area churches.

The program included a live outdoor nativity scene with a combination of animals, Scripture reading, candlelight and several songs performed by the Crestview High School show choir.

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  • Crestline nativity scene 122521
  • Crestline nativity scene 122521
  • Crestline nativity scene 122521

In Crawford County, Crestline residents organized a community event on December 26th to bring a night of hope and healing to area residents this holiday season.

The celebration took place at the Village Gazebo on Seltzer Street, and began with a short prayer vigil and included Christmas caroling and a live nativity scene next to the Gazebo.

Christmas is a longstanding tradition in North Central Ohio bringing the community together to celebrate the heritage of our Judeo-Christian culture. These customs do not appear to be going anywhere soon.

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Luke Chapter 2, “When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the LORD has told us about.”

Vindication of church & state: Ohio clergy hear call to civic duty (SLIDESHOW)

Reverend El Akuchie won his election as Third Ward Mansfield City Councilman and was sworn in last week. Officiating the ceremony is Elder James DeWeese (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Is America too young to die? Some people believe this is the most critical time in America’s history. While citizens want to engage the culture, many believe it is a leap of faith to have pastors involved in civic government. There is a growing trend in the Buckeye Bible Belt, not of separation of church and state, but rather the vindication of church and state.

Reverend El Akuchie points out over half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were educated at schools founded to train ministers. While the clergyman has never run for office before, last week he was sworn in as Third Ward Mansfield City Councilman. He believes clergy with a Biblical worldview can be the juggernaut.

Deborah Mount: Rev El swearing in
In his first time running for office, Reverend El Akuchie won his election as Third Ward Mansfield City Councilman and sworn in last week. Officiating the ceremony is Elder James DeWeese. (Photo courtesy of Deborah Mount)

“When pundits say the church should stay out of politics, they turn a blind eye to the reality that there is just as much politics in church as there is in the world.” Akuchie went on to say, “I am of the opinion the Biblical issues of our day have been disguised as political issues. Since GOD created government, we need to tear the mask off and get more missionaries into government. What better candidate than the pastor? If we take courage, our society can still be redeemed.”

Ohio native James Garfield was an ordained preacher during the Second Great Awakening and publicly debated God’s creation against evolutionists. After serving in the pulpit, Garfield became a Congressman and eventually was elected as the twentieth President of the United States. During his time Garfield warned, “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption.”

One clergyman believes this is a poignant statement accurate for contemporary times.

“For some time now we have elected Congressmen who promise before the election to act according to certain principles and then are motivated by pragmatism to do something else than promised,” says James DeWeese. “The benefit of having a genuine Christian serve in elected office is that they can recognize objective Biblical standards of morality and know that they will ultimately stand before God to answer for their stewardship to those standards.”

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In his first time running for office, Pastor John Temple was elected this fall to the Loudonville-Perrysville Local School Board. His church hosts a released time Bible program during school hours. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

James DeWeese has served thirteen years as Elder of Providence Church beginning in 2008. All things considered, DeWeese was also elected Common Pleas Court Judge in Richland County between 1991-2018. He is well known for his eleven-year battle with the ACLU over his display of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom.

Because of the benefit DeWeese describes, the region has had bi-vocational clergy: preaching from the pulpit and serving in elected office.

John Temple has been Senior Pastor at Trinity Community Church for twelve years. Although he has never run for office before, Temple was recently elected on the Loudonville/Perrysville School Board in 2021. His church hosts a released-time Bible program during school hours for students. The Bible-based education affiliated with LifeWise Academy started this past Fall and teaches lessons on good character drawn from Scripture.

Toby Thomas is an Associate Pastor at New London Alliance Church. In 2019 he ran for office for the first time and defeated an incumbent to become Mayor of New London. Thomas regularly gives a prayer invocation before council meetings. In 2021, a released-time Bible program was also started at New London schools during school hours.

Ken Kinley has served as Senior Pastor for over thirty years in several local congregations in Bellville, Butler and North Liberty. He was also Mayor of Butler between 2016-2018 and between 2007-2015 on the Clear Fork Valley School Board. During his administration, he was instrumental in the construction of a new school in Butler and gave a proclamation on pornography awareness. Kinley believes a pastor has to be engaged in the community outside the four walls of the church to be an effective shepherd.

“When pundits say the church should stay out of politics, they turn a blind eye to the reality that there is just as much politics in church as there is in the world. I am of the opinion the Biblical issues of our day have been disguised as political issues. Since GOD created government, we need to tear the mask off and get more missionaries into government. What better candidate than the pastor? If we take courage, our society can still be redeemed.”

Reverend El Akuchie, Third Ward Mansfield City councilman

Larry Collins served as a Church of GOD pastor for 43 years before becoming Mayor of Ontario between 2010-2013 and as City Council President between 2014-2017. In his first year as Mayor, the largest employer in the region announced its departure from Ontario. Collins helped steer the city thru its worst economic crisis in its history. During his time as Council President, Collins was the tie-breaking vote to successfully prevent the marijuana industry from coming to Ontario. Collins was aided by seventy local clergy who publicly opposed the sale and harvest of cannabis.

“I encourage any pastor to run for office,” says Collins. “I regret I did not get into politics earlier. I was able to coax one pastor in Akron to run for school board and he won and has been a force for good.”

Steve Schag has served over forty years as Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. In addition, he has served in the office of Mayor of Shelby between 2015-2021, and as Shelby City Councilman between 2007-2014. As Mayor, Schag reversed his predecessor and helped bring back a LORD’s prayer invocation prior to every council meeting. He also has made a public proclamation on pornography awareness and declared a National Day of Prayer, He says that he prays daily so that he might be salt and light as he serves.

Born in Shelby, Ohio, Timothy Ginter is Senior Pastor at Church of the Center in Salem, Ohio and has forty-one years as an ordained pastor. Ginter has served four terms as State Representative for the 5th House District encompassing Columbiana County and is Speaker Pro-Tempore. Last legislative session, Ginter sponsored the Student Religious Liberties Act, which became law and protects freedom of religious expression and the students’ right to pray in public schools. “If you had told me several years ago that I would be serving in government, I would have told you have lost your mind,” says Ginter.

  • Deborah Mount: Rev El swearing in
  • Deborah Mount: Rev El swearing in
  • Butler Mayor Pastor Ken Kinley
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  • Deborah Mount: Rev El swearing in
  • Rev. El Frontlines Ohio122321
  • Rev. El Frontlines Ohio122321

Gary Click has been Senior Pastor of Fremont Baptist Temple for over fifteen years. In 2020 he was elected as State Representative for the 88th House District encompassing Seneca and Sandusky Counties. In his first time ever holding a public office, Click sponsored a bill this year that would allow hospital patients to see their families, caretakers, and clergy in a pandemic so long as they pass proper screenings.

J. Todd Smith has been Senior Pastor at The Church at Farmersville for twenty-one years and served as State Representative for the 43rd House District encompassing Preble County, as well as portions of Montgomery County. Smith served between 2018-2020. Last year he sponsored H.B. 473 which formally codified the state motto “With GOD all things are possible” to be used alongside the state seal.

The apostasy of a nation does not happen over night. A revival of the people demands risk in the pulpit.

In the eighteenth century a French political scientist once said that he sought for the greatness and genius of America but could not find it. ‘Not until I went into the churches of America,’ Alexis de Tocqueville said, ‘and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.’ Maybe another Awakening is coming.

Article updated December 31, 2021

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The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Isaiah Chapter Six, “Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I , send me!”

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