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Buckeye Bible Belt to East Palestine, Ohio: ‘You are not forgotten’ (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)


EAST PALESTINE — Concerns still exist about air and water impacted by the release of toxic chemicals during February Third’s derailment and controlled burn of a Norfolk Southern train in Columbiana County. Relief efforts in the region this past weekend saw North Central Ohio with boots on the ground. With the migration of contamination in the groundwater table unknown, many in the surrounding areas with private wells need bottled water.

On Saturday, donors from at least nineteen churches in Richland County dropped off bottled water and other relief supplies at Ontario Abundant Life Tabernacle which were delivered to the disaster area the next day. According to Pastor Dave Rentzel, local churches combined their feet with their faith.

Train goes by as volunteers unload truck of supplies from Richland County, Ohio (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Richland County churches donated at least $3,600, contributed cleaning supplies, and also provided four pallets of bottled water to the disaster-stricken area. The Church is supposed to be the hands and feet of Christ. We should all be Good Samaritans to people in need, especially our neighbors in East Palestine. This is just the right thing to do.”

Checks were made to support the Christ-based non-profit “The Way Station” in Columbiana County which is helping to distribute supplies to those in need. Last week, Ohio clergy called for a season of prayer for East Palestine, giving a prayer proclamation.

As lead clergymen representing one hundred-fifteen congregations across Ohio, we believe the Heavenly Father can heal the land,” Pastor Rentzel declared. “We also believe Norfolk Southern Railway has a moral obligation to clean up to the best of its abilities the derailment site and surrounding areas adversely impacted by the hazardous chemical release.”

“There is a lot of unresolved fear and anger in this town (East Palestine). But this is a resilient people. I still believe GOD has a redemption plan for this community. GOD is large and in charge and He can heal the land.”

cowboy Dave Graham

The emergency relief supplies were sent to Brittain Motors, a local business half a mile from ground zero along the railroad tracks at 57 East Martin Street. Supplies from the staging area are also being taken to Darlington and Negley, Pennsylvania, two communities downwind from East Palestine. The delivery of supplies one hundred-twenty miles away was eye-opening for some.

“What was striking to me, for a catastrophe of this magnitude, there was only a local relief response during our visit” says Amie Mutti, who was a part of the Richland County team delivering relief supplies on Sunday. “We spoke to people downwind of the site in Pennsylvania who are in the shadow of East Palestine; they are impacted too. I was expecting to see big white tents from the Red Cross, and FEMA emergency centers established onsite but there were none in sight.”

Presently the East Palestine disaster does not qualify for traditional FEMA aid. While the community has not suffered extensive property damage, the local economy has been hamstrung by the drop in property values and the negative impact on the agricultural industry. At least forty-three thousand fish and aquatic species have died in nearby waterways as a result of contaminated water. The effects to human health are still not known at this time.

Cowboy Dave Graham volunteers at a drop off station located at Brittain Motors on East Martin Street in East Palestine. “Cowboy” sleeps overnight onsite in a tent. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I saw fear, anger, and exhaustion in the residents’ eyes that we spoke to. These citizens are faced with making some of the biggest decisions of their lives and their childrens’ lives and none of them that we spoke to felt they had enough information. Sampling protocols are still being discussed. Obtaining the services of independent testing agencies is still a challenge,” says Mutti, a Torah Teacher with Ontario Sar Shalom Center.

Another person Mutti’s team met in East Palestine was a volunteer worker who lives twenty minutes away from Richland County in adjacent Knox County. Dave Graham, known as “Cowboy Dave,” is an experienced disaster relief missionary from Fredericktown who has spent the last five weeks in East Palestine. As a volunteer worker, he has been overseeing the arrival of supply deliveries from private groups around the nation. He sleeps onsite in a tent at night.

This is not Cowboy’s first rodeo. He has done disaster relief for communities damaged by tornadoes and hurricanes. “I have seen the set up and planning that goes into disaster response and I am shocked at how very little there is for the people of East Palestine,” he says. “There is a lot of unresolved fear and anger in this town. But this is a resilient people. I still believe GOD has a redemption plan for this community. GOD is large and in charge and He can heal the land.”

Pastor George Lewis (center) drops off check donation at the Abundant Life Tabernacle on behalf of Shelby Temple of GOD. Pastor Lewis has a brother-in-law who resides in East Palestine. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“There are forty-eight packs of water for a pallet. On a weekday, we go through fifteen to twenty pallets of water each day. If it wasn’t for this delivery from Richland County, we would have been out of bottled water today by 4 pm this afternoon (Sunday),” Cowboy says.

The clergy wrote in their prayer proclamation that “the Bible is very practical and specific about the stewardship of land, and instructs individual persons and communities to corporately pray to the Heavenly Father, to publicly repent from sin, to pay full restitution to aggrieved parties, and to make every effort to bring reconciliation.”

“Providing emergency supplies is a practical way to help East Palestine,” Mutti says. “But what this community (East Palestine) really needs is a move of GOD where men and women of faith rise up to the challenge. Truth be told, they could also use a few more cowboys.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in First John Three, “But whoever has worldly goods and sees his brother or sister in need, and closes his heart against him, how does the love of GOD remain in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.”

View slideshow below of Richland County delivery of emergency relief supplies.

View video below about East Palestine-based “The Way Station” produced by News Nation (5 minutes duration).

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115 Ohio clergy on toxic train wreck: “Our GOD can heal the land”(VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — on February 3rd a Norfolk-Southern train with one hundred-fifty rail cars caught on fire and continued for twenty miles before crashing in the eastern Ohio community of East Palestine. Approximately twenty rail car tankers carrying hazardous chemicals were involved in the derailment.

A “controlled release” led to the explosion of these deadly chemicals into the air, water, and soil. The total impact on human health on immediate and surrounding areas remains unseen. As the world is watching this tragedy unfold, a group of clergy from various denominations across the state responded with a prayer proclamation and call to action.

Pictured are clergy co-signers of the prayer proclamation for residents of East Palestine, Ohio: Pastor Dave Rentzel, Pastor Christopher Thomas & Pastor Dan Barker. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

As lead clergymen representing one hundred-fifteen congregations across Ohio, we believe the Heavenly Father can heal the land,” said Pastor Dave Rentzel. “We also believe Norfolk Southern Railway has a moral obligation to clean up to the best of its abilities the derailment site and surrounding areas adversely impacted by the hazardous chemical release.”

Pastor Christopher Thomas added, “We are calling people of faith to pray for the welfare of the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, for an ecological turnaround, and for the donation of relief supplies to the community and region. May GOD vindicate them; as our state motto declares, “With GOD, all things are possible.”

Approximately one million pounds of vinyl chloride, a flammable chemical linked to brain, liver, lung, and blood cancers, and three other hazardous chemicals were initially reported in the rail car tankers when twenty of the derailed rail car tankers were set on fire. Shockingly, after telling residents to return to their homes, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the presence of three additional chemicals in the rail cars, including the carcinogenic ethylhexyl acrylate.

While local residents are still experiencing eyes and throats that burn, these citizens are requesting independent testing agencies to test their homes. However, only a private contractor hired by a Norfolk Southern Railroad Company has been appointed to test households, and testing on the condition homeowners waive their right to litigation against Norfolk Southern. Skeptics of the cleanup are quick to point out this same testing contractor paid by the railroad company found air quality samples in the area of the train derailment and nearby residential neighborhoods ‘consistently showing readings at safe levels for contaminants of concern.’ Believers also have another take on the tragedy.

“The Bible is very practical and specific about the stewardship of land. It instructs individual persons and communities to corporately pray to the Heavenly Father, to publicly repent from sin, to pay full restitution to aggrieved parties, and to make every effort to bring reconciliation.”

Pastor Dan Barker

According to Pastor Dan Barker, whose church is forty miles from ground zero, “The Bible is very practical and specific about the stewardship of land. It instructs individual persons and communities to corporately pray to the Heavenly Father, to publicly repent from sin, to pay full restitution to aggrieved parties, and to make every effort to bring reconciliation.”

All three clergy agree that the Bible addresses ecological miracles, describing supernatural accounts where Moses turned bitter waters sweet (Exodus 15), where Elisha healed a spring of water so that no more death came from it (2 Kings 21), and where Jesus took five loaves and two fish to feed the thousands.

The clergy prayer proclamation also described examples of GOD’s track record for healing the land that bring hope.

“Contemporary examples of healing the land include villages in the Fiji Islands during the 2000’s where on or around the same time repentance from idolatry, and reconciliation among different clans occurred, robust yields of mango and papaya were experienced, a resurgence of fragile coral reefs was confirmed by scientists despite failing reef health globally, and a tributary near the village of Nuku on the island of Viti Levu affiliated for decades with blindness and infertility from arsenic instantly became potable,” the clergy wrote.

“Moreover. when clergy publicly repented and began combating drug addiction and corruption in the 2000’s, not only did Manchester, Kentucky experience a social political renewal, the local community’s quantum leap also included an ecological turnaround where the water supply rebounded, the area became home of the largest elk herd east of the Mississippi River, and biologists claimed the area had simultaneously become more hospitable to deer, turkey, fish, and even black bear after a century-long absence.”

Faith leaders hope redemption can come to areas adversely impacted by the explosion in East Palestine. Clergy co-signers of the proclamation are from thirteen counties throughout Ohio including Richland (74), Ashland (8), Crawford (7), Morrow (5), Trumbull (5), Huron (4), Wayne (4), Knox (2), Stark (2), Licking (1), Lorain (1), Mahoning (1) & Warren (1). Clergy in Richland County have scheduled a shipment of emergency relief supplies to leave for East Palestine on Sunday, March 12th.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Second Chronicles, “If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and will heal their  land.”

Click to view video produced by CBN News on ecological turnaround and revival in Manchester, Kentucky. (5 min. length)

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Local relief efforts on track for East Palestine residents after tragic explosion


ONTARIO — With boots on the ground, churches and ministries in East Palestine have become beacons of light providing hope and support to residents during the toxic train wreck disaster that occurred February 3rd. A mobilized faith community is serving as donation centers, food pantries, and even as railway assistance centers. But those on the frontlines need help.

The Way Station has responded to the crisis in East Palestine by providing food, clothing, water, hygiene products, diapers, cleaning supplies, and gift cards to those in need.

The Way Station is leading relief efforts in East Palestine and can be reached at 330.888.9814. (Photo courtesy of the Way Station)

The Way Station exists as a community resource for families and individuals in need; its food pantry, monthly food distribution, job training, support groups and emergency assistance are just a few of the ways the nonprofit reflects the love of Christ.

Local faith leaders are coordinating efforts to assist residents in East Palestine and surrounding areas.

“We are encouraging purchases of bottled water and checks to be made to The Way Station. Cleaning supplies and air & water purification products can also be donated,” says Pastor Dave Rentzel.

According to the Pastor, for drop-off of disaster relief supplies, truck(s) will be stationed in the parking lot of Ontario Abundant Life Tabernacle between 12:00-6:00 PM on Saturday, March 11th. Abundant Life Tabernacle is located at 1085 Bedford Blvd in Ontario, Ohio. The truck(s) will leave the next day for East Palestine. Trucks have been donated by the local Dearman Moving & Storage

Purchases of bottled water and checks can be made to The Way Station. Cleaning supplies and air & water purification products can also be donated. For drop-off of disaster relief supplies, truck(s) will be stationed in the parking lot of Ontario Abundant Life Tabernacle between 12:00-6:00 PM on Saturday, March 11th. Abundant Life Tabernacle is located at 1085 Bedford Blvd in Ontario, Ohio. The truck(s) will leave the next day for East Palestine.

Churches are encouraged to collect supplies throughout the week and then deliver the supplies on Saturday, March 11th to Abundant Life Tabernacle.

“We want to thank Dearman Moving & Storage for providing the transportation to haul these disaster relief supplies. This really is a community effort,” says Pastor Christopher Thomas. “Our faith community has a legacy of assisting those in need and now is the time to love our neighbors as ourselves. We never know the day when we too will be in need.”

In 2021 when the morale of the law enforcement was low nationwide, fourteen local congregations raised funds to support the County Sheriff’s Department and police departments in Mansfield, Ontario, Lexington, Bellville and Butler.

Image shows plume of the toxic ash from the East Palestine explosion. (Photo courtesy of NOAA)

A study conducted by the Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN) in 2018 of fifty-eight local Bible-based churches found between the years of 2014-2017, they supported missions to an astounding ninety-three different nations around the globe.  This generosity occurred when the area was listed as the seventh most economically-challenged metropolitan region in the nation.

Both pastors say the local tradition of giving needs to continue to help those impacted by the East Palestine train derailment. They say this disaster could have happened to any community with a railroad. Even areas downwind and downstream are adversely impacted.

Financial donations can also be mailed to The Way Station at P.O. Box 449, Columbiana, Ohio 44408

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew 25, “The righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

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Christian teacher sues Massillon school after refusing to use gender-confused pronouns

Clear Fork students gather for "See you at the Pole" prayer gathering (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

MASSILLON — A former English teacher claims she was forced to quit her job after she claimed that it violates her religious beliefs to use students’ preferred pronouns.

Vivian Geraghty, 24, filed a federal court lawsuit against Jackson Memorial Middle School, Principal Kacy Carter, Superintendent Christopher DiLoreto, and Curriculum Director Monica Myers. The Christian public school teacher filed a federal lawsuit against her former employer after it forced her out for refusing to support gender-confused children in their “social transition” by using their chosen pronouns and names.

Jackson Memorial Middle School in Massillon, Ohio is being sued for telling a teacher to ‘set her religious convictions aside.; (Photo courtesy of Screenshot)

“One student also asked to be referenced with pronouns inconsistent with the student’s sex,” the lawsuit stated. Yet, Vivian Geraghty appeared to follow the same policy that Principal Carter himself stated he followed – to avoid using someone’s pronouns if it conflicted with their actual sex.

When the teacher asked Principal Carter how to handle this situation, the principal himself said “his own practice was to refrain from using any pronouns to refer to students who express gender identities inconsistent with their sex.” The lawsuit also noted that Carter “was initially unable to tell Ms. Geraghty exactly what her obligations were.”

Myers, the curriculum and instruction director for the district, soon after joined Carter and Geraghty in a meeting. Myers told the teacher she must “set [her] religious convictions aside,” and then Principal Carter order her to write up a resignation letter, effectively firing her.

The defendants “continue to maintain a Policy requiring teachers to participate in the ‘social transition’ of students who express a ‘gender identity’ inconsistent with their sex by using names and pronouns consistent with the ‘gender identity’ and inconsistent with the students’ legal name and sex,” according to the lawsuits. Myers and Carter effectively fired Geraghty by forcing her to resign over her decision to not comply with the policy due to her religious beliefs.

“Jackson Local School District officials require their teachers to immediately and personally validate a child’s gender transition even if doing so violates their religious beliefs, conscience, or sound judgment.”

Tyson Langhofer, ADF Senior Counsel

“Jackson Local School District officials require their teachers to immediately and personally validate a child’s gender transition even if doing so violates their religious beliefs, conscience, or sound judgment,” said Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer, director of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom.

“Increasing evidence suggests that this approach may lead adolescents to unnecessarily pursue dangerous medical interventions like puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, or life-altering surgeries. Vivian treated every student with equality and respect, and it was unlawful for school officials to terminate her employment simply because she wanted to avoid using her voice to validate ideas that violate her faith and jeopardize her students’ wellbeing.”

“Ms. Geraghty also believes she cannot affirm as true those ideas and concepts that she believes are not true,” the lawsuit states. “Doing so, she believes, would violate biblical commands against dishonesty and lying.”

The English teacher objects to supporting students who are still developing in beginning the process of embracing gender ideology and transgenderism. She opposes “social transition” efforts and does not believe it is honest to refer to a female student with male pronouns nor a male student with female pronouns, the lawsuit states.

In a similar case last year, Shawnee State University settled and paid a Christian Philosophy Professor $400,000 in damages and attorneys fees after disciplining him for using the wrong pronoun when addressing a transgender student who wanted to be referred to as a female. 

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Romans Chapter Two, “They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when , according to my gospel, GOD judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.”

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Investigation reveals public school officials using deceptive tactics to promote social justice (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — Administrators and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) officers across the state of Ohio are revealing that bans on the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) will not stop them. Some employees at Columbus-area schools even revealed to Accuracy in Media’s investigators several of their deceptive tactics for sneaking in CRT indoctrination.

“You can pass a bill that you can’t teach Critical Race Theory in a classroom, but if you did not cover programming or you didn’t cover extracurricular activities or anything like that, that message might still get out,” Matthew Boaz, executive director of DEI at Upper Arlington Schools, told AIM investigators on hidden camera video. “There will be a way.”

Upper Arlington Schools DEI Officer Matthew Boaz (Photo courtesy of Accuracy in Media)

Despite Republican lawmakers’ efforts to put forth bills barring schools from teaching children CRT, these educators have made it clear that they will find ways to force it in. House Bill 616 would have prohibited the “teaching or providing training that promotes or endorses divisive or inherently racist concepts.” However, it did not advance out of Ohio’s House. 

Even if this bill had moved forward or even been signed by the governor, it is clear that these school administrators would have worked around it. 

Boaz isn’t the only one with an affinity for deceiving parents about their children’s education. According to Hilary Staten, an administrative assistant for Groveport Madison Schools, “We had some parents that do not fully understand. So, you know, it is when we trick them, you know,” Staten said. 

A new solution may be available, however. This month, Ohio Senator Sandra O’Brien introduced the Enact the Parent Educational Freedom Act. The bill, SB11, would greatly expand school choice in the state.  The measure would do this by expanding eligibility for the existing Educational Choice scholarships. Further, the bill would increase the income tax credit available to cover homeschooling expenses.

“You can pass a bill that you can’t teach Critical Race Theory in a classroom, but if you did not cover programming or you didn’t cover extracurricular activities or anything like that, that message might still get out, there will be a way.”

Matthew Boaz, Upper Arlington Schools

With administrators admitting that CRT is non-negotiable in state-run schools, this new legislation provides an avenue for parents to educate their children in suitable private institutions or even through homeschooling. 

Boaz admitted to investigators that he tells people CRT is not in his school’s curriculum. “You did not ask about the conversations in the hallway,” he said. “Those conversations are happening,” he assured. “Absolutely, but you know, when people ask us questions, we answer their questions. But, yes, we absolutely have those conversations going on.”

Boaz is confident that he’ll be able to handle concerned parents who eventually find out about the way CRT is being implemented. “I mean, that will probably get discussed in seventeen classrooms before somebody actually brings it in here,” he boasted. “And then we will deal with it.”

Melissa Klosterman-Lando, director of employee relations and human resources at Bexley City Schools, echoed this confidence. “We would find parameters from which we could, absolutely,” she told AIM investigators. Klosterman-Lando was referring to the school’s plans for still incorporating CRT into learning if bills banning it are signed into law. 

Hilary Staten, Administrative Assistant for Groveport Madison Schools (Photo courtesy of Accuracy in Media)

Some of the ways these educators implement CRT include calling it by another name. One of these is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). 

On camera, Staten agreed that she believes SEL is a good way to sneak CRT into classrooms. “With the federal funds that got awarded … for the pandemic, we put a social worker and a guidance counselor in every single building and we incorporated a lot of materials that were focused on the social, emotional wellbeing,” she explained. 

Another way schools are passing off CRT is through Newsela. The online education platform is notably connected to the Left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as revisionist historian Howard Zinn, and the debunked New York Times 1619 Project. AIM has found Newsela’s use in countless classrooms across the country already. 

“We use Newsela in a couple of different capacities,” Staten said. “We use it for not only some of our like core content, so our social studies uses it. But we use it as a supplement for language arts also.” 

Boaz explained to AIM’s investigators that he plans to implement his DEI goals under the nose of parents by revealing it in bits and pieces. “They’re not going to be supportive if I lay out everything we’re going to do,” he divulged. However, if he introduces one concept at a time, he claims people will not realize just how much he is doing. 

As these administrators have demonstrated, bills combatting CRT will not stop them. Instead, embracing school choice has become the only viable step forward for parents. AIM’s investigation into Columbus, Ohio educators reveals just how deceptive they’re willing to be, and why the newly introduced Enact the Parent Educational Freedom Act is necessary. 

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew Chapter Eighteen, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”

View the video below produced by Accuracy in Media of an undercover investigation of Columbus area public school administrators. (7:18 min. length)

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Ex-strip club owner reveals the rest of the story (SLIDESHOW)(VIDEO)


LEXINGTON — A recent wave of sex businesses have closed in North Central Ohio and are falling like dominos. Three sex businesses have closed in the region over the past two years. While the doors of strip clubs are closing, the doors of the church appear to be opening. One women who formerly owned two strip clubs has stepped across that threshold.

“My husband Steve and I both needed a church to go to and we stumbled across Fusion Church in Lexington,” says Donna Holbrook. “We love the atmosphere and the people. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit is there and that is important to us. In April 2019, we gave our lives to the LORD. But while we were transferring and doing all these things, we still owned two gentlemens’ clubs. So when we gave our lives to the LORD, our hearts changed.”

Donna Holbrook is a former sex club owner who encountered Christ in 2019 and then shut down her two exotic dance clubs in 2020-21. Holbrook is now a professional realtor and church member at Lexington Fusion Church. (Photo courtesy of Donna Holbrook)

“Prior to going to church, we were reaching out to these girls (dancers) and helping them get back into college; we found them jobs in order to get them out of the clubs. We bought clothing and food for the girls and had a Bible at each of our clubs. These girls (dancers) would be like, ‘What are you doing with a Bible in this kind of place?’ I know this is not normal, but that is what we did. We were not there to make money, we were there to save souls. This was our heart: to be inside the clubs and helping the girls get out.”

Holbrook said she even worked with the human trafficking task force to get a trafficker apprehended when the trafficker came into one of her clubs. It was after this time she and her husband came to Christ.

“I met a few of the dancers and some of her bartenders Donna brought to our Church,” says Lead Pastor of Fusion Church Terry Garrett. “Our congregation treated them just like we would have treated any other first-time guest at Fusion. The last thing they needed, was to think they had a scarlet letter over their head. Our goal is to create a space for them to grow in their relationship with Christ and to let the Holy Spirit bring conviction.

“I still have the girls coming to me-they are managers of stores and restaurants and they thank me for loving them and showing them what Jesus is about. Some of them have even given their lives to Jesus.”

Donna Holbrook

“Sometimes good leadership challenges people to step away from something separating them from God. There was a moment when I asked Steve and Donna if it was getting hard to manage two gentlemens’ clubs as they were growing closer to the Lord. They told me it was more difficult and that they had been feeling like it was time to sell their two clubs. One of the ways a person knows if they are growing in Christ is if things that were formerly acceptable that are outside the boundaries of Scripture are no longer acceptable; that is the essence of sanctification.”

Donna explains, “Eventually my husband and I realized the winds were changing for us. GOD was beginning to shift us. The doors did shut for both places, and my husband passed away from an illness. I did a career change over to a realtor. It was all GOD.”

Holbrook closed the doors of Country Time Gentlemen’s Club that she started in 2014 and sold the property at 10498 OH-231 on May of 2020. Today the business is a Mexican Restaurant called “La Fragua.” The following year she closed Showtime Gentlemen’s Club located at 2921 Crider Road near Mansfield and sold the property. Today the property is owned by Ronks’ Towing Company.

“I still have the girls coming to me-they are managers of stores and restaurants and they thank me for loving them and showing them what Jesus is about. Some of them have even given their lives to Jesus,” says Holbrook.

Pastor Terry Garrett, Lead Pastor at Lexington Fusion Church speaking to his congregation. (Photo courtesy of Lex Fusion Church)

Pastor Garrett comments, “One of the biggest things our congregation did for those who knew what was going on was they did not talk to her about her background, they just kept loving Donna and her husband, and supporting them in their spiritual walk. We felt like in the LORD’s timing, GOD would lay it on their heart that a change needed to happen.

“I told my leadership team about it the minute I found out they owned the two strip clubs. We recognized GOD was already working in their lives. We did not need to put our hands on it-we just need to continue to love the Holbrooks, and to model the Scriptures to them. The Holy Spirit did the work. I do not know that many of our congregants even knew about their (Holbrooks) background until after they shut down the clubs. Donna is now a new creation in Christ. “

If you have information on a sex trafficking situation, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free at 1-888-373-7888. You can also text the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 233733.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Isaiah Chapter Sixty-Two, “The LORD has anointed me to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”

View the slideshow below of Donna Holbrook’s spiritual transformation from sex club owner to disciple of Christ.

View the video testimony of Donna Holbrook below. (Length 2:52 min.)

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Ohio family values circumvent human trafficking jam along I-71 corridor


Updated January 26, 2023

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO – January Eleventh is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. With the nation’s borders wide open to human smugglers, one region’s faith community has been a driving force combating sex trafficking. When it comes to the I-71 corridor, these faith leaders believe it is either ‘GOD’s way or the highway.’

While the region is no stranger to pornography addiction, two brick and mortar sexually-oriented businesses along Interstate 71 have closed down. With the defunct businesses only thirty-eight miles apart, clergy in the area refuse to take a backseat to the sex trafficking problem.

In May 2021, an exotic dance club at 2921 Crider Road beside I-71 closed its doors. (Photo courtesy of Richland County Auditor)

“The culture war is best defined not by the issues we battle but rather by the calling the Church has to be salt and light,” says Ashland Pastor John Bouquet. “Just like with popcorn, it does not take a lot of salt to change the flavoring of something. If the Church becomes salt and light, it will literally change the flavor of a culture.”

It appears peoples’ tastes are indeed changing along one major thoroughfare in the state.

In 2021, Showtime strip club near the State Route 30/I-71 interchange in Richland County closed its doors. The property was bought and repurposed as Ronks’ Towing company. The exotic dance club had previously been a hub for prostitution and drug use for most of its thirty-year history-that is until recently. 

The club’s owner, Donna Holbrook, had an encounter with Christ in 2019, changing the path of her life and changing her career. Her new direction brought her from a former dancer/owner of two strip clubs to a new creation in Christ. She began to help other women ensnared in the sex industry encouraging them to attend church and to start a new job path. In 2020, she closed the first of her two clubs located in Nevada, Ohio.

“To the the natural eye, it makes no sense for an exotic dance club to close its doors beside an interstate highway with one hundred thousand motorists driving past it every day. That is unless the owner of the strip club commits her heart to Christ.”

Pastor John Bouquet

Nine months prior to the property sale, clergy representing seventy-four local congregations presented a resolution for the local board of health to declare pornography addiction as a “public health crisis.” The extensive clergy resolution chronicled the community’s opposition to pornography and described its affiliation with human trafficking. While the health board rejected the pastors’ request, in the long run, it really did not matter.

Almost one year later, The Lion’s Den, a sexual novelty store located along the State Route 61/I-71 interchange closed to make room for a new Sheetz gas station.

“With the closure of two sexually-oriented businesses in an area, I think it demonstrates how important it is to have a community effort,” says Pastor Steve Brenneman and former Morrow County Sheriff for twelve years. “It is important to note that for many years, the neighborhood at the Marengo exit had a billboard beside the business disapproving of the sex novelty store. There are secondary adverse effects associated with sexually-oriented businesses that bring dysfunction to society. Down the road, these businesses become crime magnets for human trafficking and other illicit behavior if left unchecked.”

In June 2022, a pornography store at 511 State Rt 61 beside I-71 closed its doors (Photo courtesy of Morrow County Auditor)

To prevent easy access to surrounding land around I-71, nearby township trustee boards in Morrow County are passing restrictive regulations written by the State Attorney General (AG)’s office to put the brakes on future potential sex businesses. The Ohio AG will represent the jurisdiction in the event of legal challenges. Ten municipalities and thirteen of the eighteen townships in adjacent Richland County also passed these criminal and licensing ordinances.

Historically, the clergy have engaged the culture war on human trafficking from the spiritual side. In 2015, sixty-six clergymen called for a day of prayer and repentance for the the societal sin of immorality; specifically the use of pornography. Subsequently, “Pornography Awareness Week” was declared by eight out of nine communities across Richland County the following year. In 2017, fourteen clergy assisted the police in the closure of a local clandestine brothel. That tip helped uncover a criminal network of sex trafficking leading to a raid of another brothel in Lancaster, Ohio.

Bouquet says, “To the the natural eye, it makes no sense for an exotic dance club to close its doors beside an interstate highway with one hundred thousand motorists driving past it every day. That is unless the owner of the strip club commits her heart to Christ. In a community, you really do not have to change everything for everything to change.”

If you have information on a sex trafficking situation, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free at 1-888-373-7888. You can also text the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 233733.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Job Chapter Twenty-Two, “Declare a matter and it shall be established and light will shine on your ways.”

Related articles:

After criticism, school officials hope retrofitting restrooms for more privacy will pass ‘smell test’ (VIDEO)


SHELBY — Biology didn’t used to be this confusing. The Ohio Legislature voted ten separate times to preserve biological restrooms from proposed LGBTQ changes. Just this past December, the State Board of Education passed a resolution opposing the radical redefinition of gender. Despite these facts, the Shelby City School Administration decided to overhaul the district’s longstanding one-hundred-fifty year practice of biological restrooms.

This policy shift has upset clergy and parents alike who say people cannot choose their gender when they cannot change their chromosomes. In response to the public outcry, the district may be looking to make a quick fix.

The Shelby City School district has received criticism for not telling a father his son changed “gender identities” while at school. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Facts are stubborn things, verbal statements do not change biological facts,” Pastor Kevin Evans told the Shelby School Board Tuesday night. “Whatever the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the states of facts and evidence. It is the duty of every man to detect and expose delusion and error. As the School Board, you took it upon yourselves to defy clergy and parents with your asinine policy and have entered the land of make-believe. Does the rights of boys who think they are girls trump the rights of girls who are born girls? I think not. Unfortunately, the danger is very real and the stakes are very high. School boards are elected, and they can be unelected.”

Seven of the twelve persons who spoke during the public comment called for biological school restrooms. One in the minority claimed there was no empirical evidence that attacks increase with transgenders using the opposite biological restroom.

To the contrary, a gender-identity school restroom became a crime scene this past fall in Edmond, Oklahoma. According to police, a biological male student came at a female student with clenched fists, pulled her hair, and threw her to the ground. The victim said she was “too weak to fight back.” Another female said she intervened to stop the fight because the attacker “is a man,” but said the male punched her in the face twice. The police report described the second female as having sustained a “possible concussion.”

“Without question, parents should be included in the decisions of their child’s medical and social well-being during school hours. Educators should not view parents as an obstacle. Ultimately this issue will not be settled at community meetings but rather at the ballot box.”

Pastor Rick Lewis

With the Loudon County, Virginia incidents still fresh on peoples’ minds, and with the Target restroom policy the clergy cited in their letter to the school board, evidence may suggest otherwise.

Pastor Doug Tackett commented, “The faith community is asking for the Board to reverse its restroom policy immediately. This policy endangers the safety of our children. In past board meetings there have been students who have shared their opposition to this policy. It seems you have made this a political issue. We too have a voice in this city and have other courses of action we can take. You will want our help if you want the passage of future school levies. If you are not willing to hear our voice, please resign.”

Another resident noted in geographical areas where transgenderism is most celebrated, no reduction in suicide rates among the transgender community is seen. “Why do we continue to enable this mental health illness? The idea that gender affirming care will prevent suicides is a farce according to the Anderson School of UCLA. This false premise is being used to further a political agenda at the cost of these individuals.” says Dustin Hovatter.

In response to complaints about the district’s policy, Superintendent Tim Tarvin reported after public comment, the Board decided in executive session to consider retrofitting the high school restrooms to make them more private.

School Board President Lorie White gives oath to uphold U.S. Constitution in Tuesday’s Board meeting. The seat of the four-term incumbant is up for election this coming November. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The school district is also in hot water for not telling a parent his child changed “gender identities.” The father of the biological boy involved in the November 17th incident in the girls’ restroom addressed the board of education Tuesday night.

“I did not know this stuff was going on for a year. The only way I knew is when you guys called me and told me my “Alexis” (renamed) was going off to school. I did not catch it until the end. I believe in the Bible and I do not respect what my boy is doing….you all would not want your little girl in the bathroom with a guy,” the father said.

One of the pastors attending the meeting believes the School Administration should not be keeping secrets from parents.

“My heart goes out to that father tonight.” says Pastor Rick Lewis. “Without question, parents should be included in the decisions of their child’s medical and social well-being during school hours. Educators should not view parents as an obstacle. Ultimately this issue will not be settled at community meetings but rather at the ballot box.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs Chapter One, “Hear my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.”

Click on the image below to view a video from Fox News Digital of Bishop Anthony Cooper explaining the Shelby City School District faulty restroom policy is to blame for an incident that occurred between a biological boy and a girl in the girls’ restroom (5:31 min).

Related articles:

GUEST COLUMN: Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals says biological school restrooms ‘go number one’


“Separating school bathrooms based on biological sex passes constitutional muster and comports with Title IX,” held the Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit on Friday. Their decision upheld the policy of the school board in St. Johns County, Florida (St. Augustine), which was challenged by a student who identifies as transgender, claiming that the policy violated both the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment and Title IX.

Joshua Arnold
(Photo courtesy of The Washington Stand)

After a three-day trial in 2017, the federal district court for the Middle District of Florida ruled against the school district policy on both counts. In 2020, a three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit affirmed the district court ruling against the school. However, that opinion failed to gain the necessary approval of the entire (11-member) circuit court, which agreed to rehear the case.

“When we are thinking about education in less developed nations, the right of women and girls to education is not questioned. Best practice guides in those situations require facilities for women and girls specifically,” Meg Kilgannon, Family Research Council’s (FRC) senior fellow for Education Studies, told The Washington Stand. “But in the ‘developed west’ we face a situation where legal activists are challenging the right of women and girls to bathrooms or locker rooms based on biological sex. “

Upon rehearing the case, seven members of the 11th Circuit Court found that the school district’s policy of separating school bathrooms according to biological sex did not violate the Equal Protection Clause nor Title IX.

Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals rules biological school restrooms are constitutional. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

“The protection of students’ privacy interests in using the bathroom away from the opposite sex and in shielding their bodies from the opposite sex is obviously an important governmental objective,” they stated. “The School Board’s bathroom policy is clearly related to — indeed, is almost a mirror of — its objective of protecting the privacy interests of students.” These are the two requirements of intermediate scrutiny, the standard by which federal courts evaluate sex-based discrimination claims. “To satisfy intermediate scrutiny, the bathroom policy must (1) advance an important governmental objective and (2) be substantially related to that objective,” they explained. Check, and check.

The circuit court refuted the arguments of the district court and dissenting judges that privacy concerns extended only to restroom stalls, and not to the entire restroom. They noted the district court could only reach their erroneous conclusion by “minimizing the factual and practical realities of how the sex-separated bathrooms operate.” For example, “students change in the bathrooms and, in the male bathrooms, use undivided urinals.” Thus, “the privacy interests are not confined to the individual stalls in those bathrooms.”

Nor is restroom privacy an issue distinct from biological sex, continued the court. “The privacy interests hinge on using the bathroom away from the opposite sex and shielding one’s body from the opposite sex, not using the bathroom in privacy. Were it the latter, then only single-stall, sex-neutral bathrooms would pass constitutional muster. But that is not the law.” In fact, the court reasoned that such arguments were actually confusing the issue at hand (the legality of a “policy of assigning bathrooms based on sex”) with a separate issue, whether sex-separated bathrooms are legal at all.

“This case is not a case about ‘the legality of separating bathrooms by sex,’” the court wrote. “The privacy afforded by sex-separated bathrooms has been widely recognized throughout American history and jurisprudence.”

After concluding the school board’s policy “does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex,” the court also concluded (in separate analysis) that it does not discriminate against transgender students. On this point, it faulted the district court, which “never properly conducted the requisite intermediate scrutiny analysis” before drawing a conclusion. The court argued that “transgender status and gender identity are wholly absent from the bathroom policy’s classification [according to biological sex]. And both sides of the classification … include transgender students.”

“The district court itself noted that the School Board did not even ‘have transgender students in mind when it originally established separate multi-stall restrooms for boys and girls.’” In fact, the court noted, the school district accommodated the small minority of students who identified as transgender (16 out of 40,000, or 0.04%) by authorizing “the use of sex-neutral bathrooms as part of its Best Practices Guidelines for LGBTQ issues.”

Joshua Arnold, Staff writer for the Washington Stand

“There is no evidence suggesting that the School Board enacted the bathroom policy ‘because of . . . its adverse effects upon’ transgender students,” the court added. “The district court itself noted that the School Board did not even ‘have transgender students in mind when it originally established separate multi-stall restrooms for boys and girls.’” In fact, the court noted, the school district accommodated the small minority of students who identified as transgender (16 out of 40,000, or 0.04%) by authorizing “the use of sex-neutral bathrooms as part of its Best Practices Guidelines for LGBTQ issues.”

The court noted that the school district made the decision to keep their sex-separated bathrooms and offer a sex-neutral accommodation after extensive study, and their decision “was motivated, in part, by the issue of gender fluidity in which students may switch between genders with which they identify.” What one student who identified as transgender took as a personal affront was a policy really designed to accommodate a different portion of the extremely heterogenous LGBT+ “community.”

The circuit court also found that the school board’s restroom policy did not violate Title IX. Designed “to prohibit sex discrimination in education,” Title IX also “provides an express carve-out with respect to living facilities,” noted the court, including “separate toilet, locker room, and shower facilities on the basis of sex,” so long as those facilities are proportionate in quantity and comparable in quantity.

Once again, the circuit court refuted the district court’s reasoning, which found that the definition of “sex” in Title IX was “ambiguous” as applied to students who identify as transgender. “If sex were ambiguous, it is difficult to fathom why the drafters of Title IX went through the trouble of providing an express carve-out for sex-separated living facilities,” said the court. “Transgender persons — who are members of the female and male sexes by birth — would be able to live in both living facilities associated with their biological sex and living facilities associated with their gender identity or transgender status.”

“Commensurate with the plain and ordinary meaning of ‘sex’ in 1972, Title IX allows schools to provide separate bathrooms on the basis of biological sex. That is exactly what the School Board has done in this case,” the court concluded. “And to accommodate transgender students, the School Board has provided single-stall, sex-neutral bathrooms, which Title IX neither requires nor prohibits. Nothing about this bathroom policy violates Title IX.”

Recent Florida Eleventh Circuit Court decision creates a circuit split with Fourth & Seventh Circuits, meaning the U.S. Supreme Court will be likely to take up restroom issue. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

The circuit court rejected several attempts to tie this case to the Supreme Court’s 2020 Bostock decision, which ruled that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity classified as discrimination on the basis of sex. But the Bostock decision considered employment discrimination under Title VII, not Title IX (education discrimination). In fact, the Supreme Court explicitly stated in Bostock, “we do not purport to address bathrooms, locker rooms, or anything else of the kind.”

“Title IX was meant to ensure that women and girls had the same access to educational and sports opportunities as men and boys. It was never intended to be a sexual rights insurance policy,” said Kilgannon.

The 11th Circuit Court’s ruling in favor of the school district’s policy of assigning restrooms based upon biological sex creates a circuit “split.” Both the 7th Circuit and the 4th Circuit have previously struck down such policies. The Supreme Court is more likely to consider an appeal on a question where circuit courts are split.

If the Supreme Court does take up the case to resolve the circuit split, the result will largely depend on how much similarity there is between this case and Bostock. In Bostock, the Supreme Court also heard an appeal out of the 11th Circuit based upon a circuit split. In Bostock, the Supreme Court also considered whether “discrimination on the basis of sex” should retroactively include gender identity. However, in Bostock, the Supreme Court explicitly limited the scope of their ruling to Title VII employment discrimination, excluding Title IX education discrimination.

The composition of the court is largely the same today as when the Bostock ruling was issued in 2020, with some possibly significant differences. Of the justices currently serving, four formed part of the Bostock majority (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Gorsuch, Kagan, and Sotomayor), while three dissented (Justices Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh). Since the Bostock ruling, Justices Barrett (nominated by President Trump) and Jackson (nominated by President Biden) have joined the court.

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer for the Family Research Council. This guest column he wrote was originally published at the Washington Stand and can be seen by clicking here.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in First John Two, “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

Ohio clergy say ‘all bets are off’ as predatory sports gambling launches January 1st (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Sports betting will be legal in Ohio at the beginning of 2023.  Last January clergy released an open letter to the Ohio Governor saying predatory sports betting on collegiate and professional sports will be a bad bet for Ohio and will lay the foundation for a corrupt banana republic.

After January 1st 2023, legalized sports betting will occur at brick-and-mortar casinos, stadiums, bars, and restaurants and allow betting via internet, mobile devices, and kiosks. License-holders include: Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Columbus Blue Jackets, Columbus Crew, Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland Cavs, Cleveland Guardians, and FC Cincinnati. The Pro Football Hall of Fame and the Muirfield Village Golf Club will also have gambling licenses.

Pastor John Bouquet pictured far right with other clergy who sent an open letter to Governor DeWine. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy feel if state leaders have no problem making money off addiction, what else will they legalize? One of the cosigners of the clergy letter, Pastor John Bouquet comments, “This really is the story of the way of our country: we have national leaders in power demanding bribes, and Ohio is following suit. The Bible clearly warns, ‘A just king gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it.”

In the open letter, clergy from over ninety different congregations wrote, “As the state government under your (DeWine’s) leadership continues to employ new methods of consumer fraud to exploit Ohio’s poor, it bears worth repeating that gambling does not create new wealth, gambling only makes wealth change hands.  This past year Ohioans lost over $2.11 billion from casinos, racinos and bingo halls. We are told by the Bible “not to rob the poor because he is poor, nor oppress the afflicted at the gate; for the LORD will plead their cause and plunder the soul of those who plunder them.”

After the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling to strike down a federal law that prohibited states from allowing the practice, Ohio lawmakers began drafting legislation to legalize sports betting in 2018. The legal framework for sports betting in Ohio was launched after it was approved by lawmakers at the end of 2021.

“We are already seeing state-sanctioned gambling clouding the judgement of elected officials. Scripture tells us ‘a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.’ With sports gambling added to the mix, lawmakers are going to be tempted even more to move the goalposts and bend the rules.”

Pastor John Bouquet

Even prior to sports gambling, wealth in Ohio has been exchanging hands; especially between those in positions of power, under the table.

Cities where the state’s four casinos are situated have been associated with recent public corruption. In 2020, three Cincinnati City Council members were charged with bribery and corruption charges. The same year, four Toledo City Council members were charged with accepting bribes. And a recent report reveals the former Ohio House Speaker stationed in Columbus was heavily involved in 2019 in a pay-to-play scandal to fast-track sports betting to Ohio. Ex-Speaker Larry Householder already is facing federal charges of conspiracy in a $60 million bribery scheme.

“We are already seeing state-sanctioned gambling clouding the judgement of elected officials,” says Bouquet. “Scripture tells us ‘a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.’ With sports gambling added to the mix, lawmakers are going to be tempted even more to move the goalposts and bend the rules.”

The graphic above depicts a voluntary exclusion program for those who suffer from compulsive problem gambling. (Photo courtesy Ohio Lottery Commission)

The clergy also believe state-sanctioned sports gambling will harm the integrity of sports institutions it wagers on and will exacerbate the problem of cheating thru game-fixing and point-shaving. 

“Whether it is Pete Rose regularly placing wagers on his team as Manager of the Cincinnati Reds, or University of Toledo football and basketball players accepting financial gifts to alter their game performances, with the state government sanctioning sports gambling, more such incidents will undoubtedly occur.  Players will be tempted to cheat and the faith in the integrity of the games will be diminished. Everyone will lose,” the clergy letter said. 

As a so-called goodwill gesture, Ohio has implemented a voluntary exclusion program for individuals who suffer from problem gambling addiction. The state has also implemented several initiatives for problem gambling, including Pause Before You Play, Get Set Before You Bet, and the Responsible Gambling Helpline: 1-800-589-9966.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 29, ‘A just king gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it.”

View the video below produced by Cincinnati Local 12 News on compulsive problem-gambling (3 min.)

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Rabbi Cahn speaks on behalf of Ohioans calling Joe Biden leader of the ‘American apostasy’ (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — As one of the leading voices for revival, the ministry of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been a force for good across the world, including in the Buckeye State. On Tuesday, Rabbi Cahn publicly released a powerful prophetic word to Joe Biden, saying that he has fallen away from the stance he once held and calling Biden the embodiment of America’s apostasy.

Rabbi Cahn went on to say, “Mr. President, how can you place your left hand on the Bible, the Word of GOD, and then with your right hand sign laws into existence that war against the Word of GOD? Our first President warned that if we (the nation) ever disregard the eternal rules of GOD, His blessings will be removed from the land. And now you have done it,” said Cahn.

“In December 2022, you stood on the White House lawn and officiated over a ceremony in which you signed an act that altered federal law…The Respect for Marriage Act, a law that is the very opposite of its name, the disrespecting and obliteration of what marriage has always been since the beginning of human history. You did something that no President has ever done. You enshrined the alteration of marriage into federal law. You even commemorated the event with a great festival, inviting thousands of activists and drag queens to the White House lawn to celebrate it.

Rabbi Cahn continued, “Now listen to the words of an American leader spoken in modern times not long ago years after 9-11. He declared an absolute moral reality. ‘Marriage is between a man and a woman.’ Who said that? His name was Joe Biden. You said that- and you repeated it for emphasis: ‘Marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that.’ And yet now, on the White House lawn, you signed a law that declared marriage is not between a man and a woman.

“Further, you boasted that you voted for the Defense of Marriage Act because it was morally right. You assured America that there was no danger to that law…and yet now on the White House lawn, it was your own hand that struck down that very law and destroyed it.

“How does a man turn away from his own morality and actually celebrate the act of turning away? Was there any scientific discovery that changed everything? Was there a new set of tablets handed down from Mount Sinai? Do the words of Scripture magically disappear?”

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

“How does a man turn away from his own morality and actually celebrate the act of turning away? Was there any scientific discovery that changed everything? Was there a new set of tablets handed down from Mount Sinai? Do the words of Scripture magically disappear? You have set American federal law at war against the Word of GOD and against everyone who upholds it.

“You merged together and equated racism and anti-Semitism, with what you called homophobia and transphobia. Meaning that all those that do not condone same-sex marriage and all those who believe to hormonally and surgically alter a child is morally and egregiously wrong, and all who believe in the Word of GOD are now the equivalent of racists and anti-Semites. So was the President under whom you served, Barak Obama, who first ran for office stating marriage was between a man and a woman, was he the equivalent of a racist and anti-Semite? So was Abraham Lincoln, who believed the same thing, now the equivalent of a racist and anti-Semite?…..Were you a racist and an anti-Semite?

Rabbi Cahn continued, “So does this mean you are setting the American government against Christians and those who uphold the Word of GOD?….How can you in reality call yourself a Christian when you war against the ways and Word of GOD. Your actions are not that of Peter and Paul, but rather of those who persecuted them and put them to death.

“The only hope America has is to turn and repent and come under the mercy of GOD. Mr. President, the hour is now late and eternity is soon coming. Repent and turn to GOD.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Isaiah 5, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

View the video below of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s prophetic message to Joe Biden (12 min.)

See related articles:

Christmas Message at Journey Life Center (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — Throughout the Buckeye Bible Belt, Christians attended Sunday morning services on Christmas Day. Frontlines Ohio is showcasing one of these local messages given at Journey Life Center.

Part one of a two-part sermon series given by Pastor Bruce Philippi. In his Christmas message, Pastor Philippi discusses the supernatural events that occurred in the Bible at night. With angels appearing to shepherds to announce the arrival of the Messiah, anyone can have hope that GOD chooses the unlikeliest people to reveal His glory in the darkest of circumstances. Pastor Philippi encourages his congregation to keep Christ in Christmas and to remain faithful.

Reverend Philippi has served in ministry for over forty-years.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Luke Chapter Two, “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the LORD appeared to them, and the glory of the LORD shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”

View the video below of Pastor Philippi’s sermon “Dancing in the Dark” from Journey Life Center (29 min.)

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‘Grid’ of public menorah lightings generates hope in North Central Ohio (SLIDESHOW)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — While some have been without power during a recent polar vortex that has swept across the nation, Richland County has no shortage of hope at the beginning of this winter. Despite frigid wind chills of twelve degrees on the first night of Hannukuh, several local observances of Hannukuh took place lighting up both the communities of Ontario and Lexington.

“The message of Hannukuh is about being dedicated and not compromising,” says Rabbi William Hallbrook of Sar Shalom Center in Ontario. “The menorah or ‘hanukkiah’ is a lampstand that shines in the darkness. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden, neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand to give light to everyone in the house. If the Messiah calls His followers the ‘light of the world,’ then having done all, we must stand.”

Community observance of public menorah lighting in Lexington December 18th. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The eight-day celebration known as Hannukah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the second century B.C., where Jews rose up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. The Menorah is a lampstand that was used in the ancient temple and has been a symbol of Judaism since ancient times.

The Ontario gathering included a recitation of three blessings over the menorah lights and a traditional reading of Psalm 30. Hot chocolate and doughnuts were provided to those who braved the cold. The Lexington gathering incorporated songs and prayers.

“The City of Ontario has been very gracious these last two years to allow our congregation to utilize Marshall Park for the menorah display,” says Rabbi William Hallbrook. “It is our hope the menorah will be a radiant light for the community.”

Last year when City Council was first approached about allowing a menorah display on city property, Council President Eddie Gallo stated he believed local elected officials should know the pulse of their community, and not the pulse of other in-vogue metropolitan centers.

“Our First Amendment allows all types of speech to be showcased in the marketplace of ideas. If the United Nations is free to declare the birth of Israel as ‘a catastrophe,’ or if the New York Times is free to depict a swastika in its newspapers, then we should be free to display a holiday menorah in our own community. Those mistaken groups need to keep in mind, our light is shining on their deeds.”

Benjamin Mutti, Faith-based advocate for Israel

“We have to recognize and be in tune with the pulse of our community,” Gallo said. “I believe this is a faith-based community. I believe that not just Ontario but all of Richland County is faith-based. I want to operate in their best interests with the understanding of who my neighbors are, what they believe, and what they put us in these positions with those beliefs for. I am not interested in the beliefs of Los Angeles or Columbus for that matter.”

One of the coordinators of the public menorah lighting observances is grateful the City of Ontario protects the First Amendment and is distinctly set apart with its own corporate identity.

“Our First Amendment allows all types of speech to be showcased in the marketplace of ideas,” says Benjamin Mutti. “If the United Nations is free to declare the birth of Israel ‘a catastrophe,’ or if the New York Times is free to depict a swastika in its newspapers, then we should be free to display a holiday menorah in our own community. Those mistaken groups need to keep in mind, our light is shining on their deeds.”

Community observance of a public menorah lighting in Ontario December 18th . (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Weeks before Hanukah, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the rebirth of the Nation of Israel, calling it Nakba, or “a catastrophe.”

On the first day of Hannukuh, the New York Times was exposed for publishing a controversial crossword. The silhouette of a crossword puzzle bore an uncanny resemblance to a swastika, a symbol of hate during the Nazi regime that led to the extermination of millions of Jews during the Holocaust.

Despite the rising tide of anti-Semitism, North Central Ohio remains known for its staunch support of Israel thru its county government investment of Israeli bonds and strong advocacy from the faith community. Last year local clergy received a thank you letter for their efforts from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Matthew Chapter Five, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

View the slideshow below of several public menorah lightings in North Central Ohio.

Related articles:

Shelby school board stalls after parents & pastors call for change back to biological restrooms


SHELBY — School Superintendent Tim Tarvin told a boisterous crowd last night’s board meeting had the largest attendance in over a decade. After the district gave no public notification they were allowing transgender students into opposite sex restrooms, several recent incidents occurred generating outrage. In response, over one-hundred area clergy sent a letter to Shelby school officials calling for the district to revert back to the status quo of biological restrooms. The letter appeared to motivate others to attend Monday’s meeting.

School Board President Lorie White told those in attendance, “The board must make decisions based on legal, moral, financial, and public relation considerations. We (school board) have to make decisions based on things beyond our personal convictions.” She went on to explain, “There are no plans to change the process (restrooms) now….We want to work with your cisgender students as well as our transgender students.”

Shelby City School Board meeting Dec. 19th, 2022. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

All eight persons speaking during public comment spoke in favor of biological restrooms; they recommended transgender students use single-unit unisex restrooms. When asked by the crowd why School Administration could not require transgender students to use three unisex restrooms in the school, there was no response. After the pause, Superintendent Tarvin advised the agitated crowd that public comment time does not involve discussion. However, much of the public comment time included back and forth dialogue between board members and attendees.

Comments made by citizens with grandchildren and children in the district expressed general anxiety over the privacy and safety concerns involving female students like the 2021 rape of a female student in Loudoun County, Virginia. Citizens also alluded to the Shelby incident where a transgender biological boy grabbed a female student in the school girls’ restroom. Two different parents stated they were unwilling to have their children use school restrooms.

One twelve year-old female student told the board “I do not want to walk into a restroom and be scared about who I will see in there. Girls spend more time in the restroom and are more vulnerable.”

Bishop Anthony Cooper commented, “Being politically correct is not always correct; there is agenda behind politics. We need answers, if you cannot protect the security and privacy of our students, I am calling for you (board members) to resign. We could easily get the churches to start another school and take our kids out of Shelby schools. This is our town too.”

“Being politically correct is not always correct; there is agenda behind politics. We need answers, if you cannot protect the security and privacy of our students, I am calling for you (board members) to resign. We could easily get the churches to start another school and take our kids out of Shelby schools. This is our town too.”

Bishop Anthony Cooper

Board Member Carl Ridenour shot back, “What all of you are asking us (board) to do is ignore laws!” Several in attendance shouted back “Which law?”

Both school board seats occupied by White and Ridenour are up for election this coming November 2023. Board Member Kim Nadolsky publicly gave her support for biological restrooms.

According to Pastor Brad Gentille who attended the meeting: “The national average for transgenderism is .3%. What is concerning to me is, in a nation under God, God’s gender assignment is being usurped by children who are early in the process of learning to make wise choices; and adults are actually acquiescing their parental and school authority to these children!

“Also very compelling from a legal risk perspective is that 99.7% of the students in any given school district are being subjected to fear, inappropriate exposure, and risk of harm from the “gender choices” of .3% of the school population. This restroom issue carries with it a huge legal liability from the 99.7% of students and their parents who are not transgender in any school system deciding to allow trans children to choose the restroom of their “gender identity.” Ultimately the government and these school systems are thumbing their nose at God.”

Clergy cosigners of a letter sent to Shelby Superintendent include: Reverend El Akuchie, Bishop Anthony Cooper, & Pastor Hank Webb
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

While Superintendent Tarvin read aloud the only voice of support for gender-identity restrooms in a letter from City Councilman Garland Gates, Tarvin did not read the clergy letter supporting biological restrooms. Nine of those pastors were present during the meeting.

After the meeting, Tarvin discussed a court opinion involving a U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals’ 2016 decision. According to Tarvin, the district is basing its policy on Jane Doe v. Highland School District, where the Sixth Circuit ordered Highland Local Schools to allow an eleven year-old biological boy identifying as a girl to have access to girls’ restrooms.

Since the 2016 Court ruling, the Sixth Circuit Court has had a makeover, with President Trump filling six vacancies making it a 10-7 conservative majority.

Bishop Cooper responded, “Either the school district can do what is right and reinstitute biological restrooms or the district can face dropping enrollment and declining public support.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Second Timothy, “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and sound mind.”

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GUEST COLUMN: Does Ohio need an Education Emperor?


Ohio parents are stunned to learn that a complete overhaul of Ohio education is being proposed at the Statehouse with rushed hearings and little debate, during the lame duck session of the Ohio General Assembly at the end of 2022. It’s a bill that’s been around for a while but suddenly, it’s everyone’s top priority. The bill that would do this is Sub. Senate Bill 178, sponsored by Sen. Bill Reineke.

The proposal would largely incapacitate the Ohio Board of Education, which has some elected and some governor-appointed members, and replace it with a new Department of Education and Workforce. That agency will report directly to the governor and the department head will be appointed by him ( or her, depending on the future).

Linda Harvey (Photo courtesy of Mission America)

Some say this will give more direct accountability of education performance because education is a mess. We agree. But the problem is, the current governor, Mike DeWine, has been ignoring and even opposing the education concerns of parents and grass roots Republicans for most of his tenure. DeWine opposes the Save Women’s Sports Act. He has lent no support to a bill to stop gender mutilation treatments for children.

He has installed school-based health clinics and enthusiastically backed big funding for more school counselors. We don’t need any of this, but we do need stronger academic performance and less “woke” ideology.

DeWine is an education bureaucracy fan, and loves loading education programs with big bucks. He seems unaccountably dense when it comes to the poor outcomes of social programs in public education, many of which install anti-family, anti-life, anti-Christian measures. Why should Ohio families give him some new, super-enhanced authority over education? He has not shown us he deserves anything like this. Quite the opposite.

Homeschooling families have little trust that new regulations would not come their way under a DeWine-controlled Department of Education. Pro-family and pro-life Ohioans already see many areas where, under twelve years of GOP governors, the current Ohio Department of Education has been allowed to install harmful leftist programs with no objections from the governor’s office.

Governor Mike DeWine taking his oath of office on his family Bibles. (Photo courtesy Screenshot)

Why the rush to push this two-thousand page bill through the Ohio General Assembly?

And then there’s the “workforce” piece of this. Children need well-rounded education to become cogent, enlightened citizens, not narrow, limited “workforce” education. This is a favorite goal of Democrats. Why are we being urged to put a rubber stamp on a program Hillary Clinton would love? Or Barack Obama?

Below is the testimony I submitted to Senate and House committees that explains more of my concerns…. 

“I submit this testimony in strong opposition to Senate Bill 178, which seeks to capture the oversight of education in Ohio within the executive branch. This is a dangerous and unwarranted concentration of influence in the administration, and leaves virtually no means of recourse for the public to have input.

I will present below some specifics that, with all due respect, show this Republican Administration as well as previous Republican administrations (which have dominated Ohio’s politics for the last thirty years) do not deserve this kind of power. They are already failing to defend the values of most Republican voters on education issues.

Certainly under a possible future Democratic Party Administration, parents with strong Christian or conservative moral principles would see high risk behaviors and identities actively and proudly promoted to our kids, which is why this re-make of Ohio education oversight is highly risky.

Yet anti-family, anti-Christian efforts are already well-established, evidenced by the current work of the Ohio Department of Education. For instance, “LGBTQ” behaviors and identities for students and teachers are specifically named in numerous ODE programs.  These should all be eliminated. Homosexuality and gender confusion practices are high risk for youth and not inborn (research has failed to demonstrate the “born that way” claim). Millions of Ohio families are furious when the behaviors and identities of homosexuality and gender confusion are actively promoted as worthwhile, low risk and normal to Ohio children, or proudly lauded by their teachers.

“One would think that a Republican Administration would dial back that kind of leftist activism within the ODE. That has not happened. The Republicans have had years to do this, either through their administrative influence or thru eight appointed OBOE members. Why have Republicans not prevented this risk to children? And why should we give this Republican Administration more power to disappoint and betray Republican families even further?”

LInda Harvey, MIssion America

One would think that a Republican Administration would dial back that kind of leftist activism within the ODE. That has not happened. The Republicans have had years to do this, either through their administrative influence or thru eight appointed OBOE members. Why have Republicans not prevented this risk to children? And why should we give this Republican Administration more power to disappoint and betray Republican families even further?

Here are a few disturbing examples. Under Project AWARE, a mental health program administered by ODE, the Trevor Project appears as a resource for “LGBTQ” youth. Quick exit keyboard instructions are given to initial youth visitors to this high-risk, anti-parent, blatantly discriminatory site. When a troubled teen logs on to the Trevor site, they learn it’s where they can “explore their gender or sexuality in an affirming place.” Trevor is in reality a homosexual activist website which advises troubled youth that entering a homosexual life or attempting to change sexual identity are safe and normal, and that their parents are wrong if they object. Ohio children should not be misled and Ohio parents should not be undermined in this insidious, unhealthy manner.

Trevor Project hosts Trevor Space, featuring unmonitored chat rooms. Adults can easily enter chat areas and gain access to troubled youth. Why not just post a sign, “Sex traffickers welcome”?

Trevor Project and “Trans Line” are both listed as worthy resources by the Ohio School Safety Center. These activist groups hold positions that pose an imminent threat to children. They claim “support” for youth and are allowed respectable inclusion on the ODE site by this Republican administration, yet are a red flag for emotionally vulnerable teens.

ODE adopted “social emotional learning” as the focus of its strategic plan in 2019. Most SEL vendors promote acceptance of homosexual behavior and gender confusion as part of “self-awareness, ”“social awareness” or “relationship skills” competencies.

And this administration and ODE support school-based health clinics, even though such clinics are well-known by the pro-life community to be an access point for contraceptives for underage minors, even without parental consent, as well as referral for abortion. In the ODE position paper on school-based health clinics on the website, “Higher contraceptive use among females” is listed prominently as a benefit for students.

105 North Central Ohio clergy stand against Eastern Religion in public schools. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Yet Ohio has a law that schools are to encourage abstinence until marriage (ORC 3313.6011). Is the current ODE, under a Republican administration, exempt from following Ohio law?  This is what’s happening now. Why should we expect improvement under a new education empire?

There’s another deeply disturbing issue. The blatant discrimination in favor of every faith alternative except Christianity is accelerating and frankly, believing families in Ohio are sick of it. On an ODE website with recommendations to alleviate trauma in the school setting, the highly questionable practice of “mindfulness” is recommended:

“Mindfulness: Facilitate activities that teach skills like mindfulness. Breathing exercises, yoga or meditation can be taught and practiced as a standalone lesson or incorporated as part of another lesson. Practice these skills and re-teach as necessary.”

Mindfulness and yoga are Eastern occult practices (it’s not just “breathing”). This goes far outside stress relief into sketchy religious practices. Several years ago, a group of northern Ohio clergy warned about yoga in 39 Ohio school districts. So, if we are allowing blatant religious practices, where is a recommendation for PRAYER? Under a Republican administration, surely someone could have made sure ALL viewpoints were represented.

Please discard the plans for a non-representative Ohio education bureaucracy. There are no good reasons to go this direction.”

Linda Harvey is President of Mission America, a Christian pro-family organization that tracks current cultural issues. She has a weekly e-newsletter and an Ohio-wide radio show on the Salem Network station in Columbus, OH, 880 AM WRFD.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in James Chapter One, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

101 Clergy tell Shelby Schools to adopt “zero tolerance policy on restroom safety”


SHELBY — Last month a group of parents attended a public school board meeting enraged over a district policy allowing biological males into female restrooms. With a school board member requesting for more public input and Joe Biden touting transgender theory as gospel truth, a wide-reaching group of clergy are not hesitating to warn school officials they should affirm Bible-based, biological truth.

According to a news report, several incidents have occurred surrounding the Shelby City School restrooms. To no one’s surprise, irate parents have compiled statements from at least ten female students who no longer feel safe using the restrooms. In response, area clergy opposing the current school policy delivered a correspondence to Superintendent Tim Tarvin. Historically the faith leaders have been vocal on this issue.

Ohio clergy Hank Webb, Anthony Cooper & El Akuchie (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“It is our expectation the Shelby School Administration have a zero-tolerance policy to incidents of misconduct in school restrooms, locker rooms, and showers,” says Bishop Anthony Cooper.  “As clergy, we will not sacrifice the safety and privacy of children on the altar of political correctness.  It bears worth repeating, the Bible says GOD is the “Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” 

During the November 21st school board meeting, Tarvin was quoted as saying, “three transgender girls (biological boys) at school use the girls’ restrooms.” One mother stated a boy hugged her daughter against her will in the restroom which has led to her daughter not wanting to come to school.  Additionally, another parent reported a transgender boy (biological girl) has made threats against girls.

The letter, sent by lead clergymen representing over one hundred diverse area congregations, is calling for all students to use the restrooms, corresponding to biological sex and for questioning students to have the choice of using three existing gender-neutral staff restrooms. The pastors believe allowing some students to have the special privilege of arbitrarily choosing whichever restroom they want at the expense of the physical welfare of other students is unfair and misguided.

According to another cosigner of the letter, Reverend El Akuchie comments, “Allowing boys into girls’ restrooms and showers-it was said we would never go down that road. Now we are moving to the next taboo. When you move away from GOD’s ways, there are no guardrails. If we do not bring moral clarity to our culture, it is only a matter of time before the car goes off the cliff.”

In their letter the clergy pointed out several years ago after Target Stores announced a restroom policy based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), criminal incidents abounded, and the company sustained financial losses in the tens of millions of dollars.

It is our expectation the Shelby School Administration have a zero-tolerance policy to incidents of misconduct in school restrooms, locker rooms, and showers.  As clergy, we will not sacrifice the safety and privacy of children on the altar of political correctness.

Bishop Anthony Cooper, Shelby Ohio

The clergy then referenced the fifteen-year-old girl from Louden County, Virginia who last year was sexually assaulted while in a school bathroom. The attack was committed by a teenage boy wearing a skirt who entered the girls’ bathroom. This same student was accused of committing a second sexual assault against a girl at a different school.

“The Creator of the universe does not change His character, nor His Word, therefore we (clergy) do not change our position,” says Pastor Hank Webb. “With society saying people can choose from 112 different genders, some are confused and in need of basic biological truths found in the Bible. GOD defines truth. In Genesis, GOD created male and female in His image, period. People do not choose their gender, their DNA-specifically their 23rd pair of chromosomes, determines gender. Believing otherwise is rejecting science. The school board needs to have courage of true convictions.”

Incensed by the recent Shelby restroom policies, one area pastor last Sunday announced to his congregation that he will be running for one of the two Shelby Board of Education seats this coming Fall.

With both the State Attorney General and State Board of Education weighing in on school restrooms by opposing the Biden Administration’s proposed redefinition of sex in Title IX, the clergy agree there is no excuse legally for the school district to not have restrooms based on objective biological gender.

The clergy wrote, “In the State of Ohio, parents have more school alternatives when there is  perceived mismanagement.  With open enrollment and options like home schooling, private schools and charter schools, it is in the best interest of Shelby City Schools to implement policies protecting privacy and safety.  Future passage of the Backpack Bill is expected to further strengthen parents’ grip of tax dollars.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 2, “If you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding….discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you, and deliver you from the way of evil.” 

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Ohio Board of Education shoots down Biden’s distortion of Title IX & affirms parents’ rights (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — Faith leaders are applauding Ohio’s top school board as it voted 10 to 7 to approve a resolution Tuesday affirming local control and parents’ rights. The resolution was written after radical changes were proposed by the Biden Administration in June to Title IX, a federal program protecting students from discrimination based on sex. One pastor is elated.

“This resolution passed today by the State Board of Education is further confirmation Ohioans do not accept the Biden Administration’s radical redefinition of biological gender,” says Pastor J.C. Church. “The federal government has no right to come in between parents and their children. According to the Bible, it would be wise for Joe Biden to not move ancient boundary stones from our Western Civilization.”

J.C. Church
Pastor J.C. Church of Victory in Truth Ministries (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

State Board Member Brendan Shea, of London, introduced the resolution in October stating the proposed Title IX changes “contradict the plain language of the original law,” and requires school “sports teams to be based on gender identity rather than biological sex” while granting “access to sex-separate facilities based on gender identity rather than on biological sex.”

“This is a foundational issue,” said Shea. “The issue of boys and girls and restrooms and sports it’s a foundational issue and I think if you’re going to consider yourself a leader, as an individual or as a board, at the state level I think you ought to take a position.”

Further, the resolution states the Biden Administration’s proposed regulations “require K-12 schools to socially transition minor children to a different gender without requiring parental consent.” Shea also states the regulations deprive students of their First Amendment right to speech.

“This resolution passed today by the State Board of Education is further confirmation Ohioans do not accept the Biden Administration’s radical redefinition of biological gender. The federal government has no right to come in between parents and their children. According to the Bible, it would be wise for Joe Biden to not move ancient boundary stones.”

Pastor J.C. Church

The State Board of Education in the resolution calls upon the Ohio General Assembly to resist federal executive branch attempts to undermine the original intent of Title IX. It urges the General Assembly to safeguard the inviolable rights of parents, the innocence of children, the rights, privacy, safety, and opportunities of women and girls in schools and athletics, and local control of school districts.

Ultimately the resolution supports Ohio’s status as a local control state and is intended to inform schools districts, not to compel them to take a particular course of action.

In it the resolution directs the acting Superintendent of Public Instruction to issue within twenty-one days, a copy of the resolution to every Ohio public school indicating that while the board opposes the proposed changes, it does not compel public schools to take a particular course of action.

State School Board Member Brendan Shea (Photo courtesy of The Ohio Channel)

Regardless, the changes to Title IX remain unenforceable until the U.S. Department of Education reviews the more than 200,000 comments submitted during a public comment period this past summer. The process to finalize the regulations could take months or even years. 

The resolution states the board supports the efforts of the Ohio Attorney General. A lawsuit filed by Ohio Attorney General David Yost and twenty-one other attorneys general claim the Biden Administration’s proposed policies are illegal. In July, a federal judge in Tennessee ruled in their favor, temporarily blocking parts of the new Title IX protections. A final ruling is still pending. 

According to Pastor Church, “In the long run, this decision may strengthen the resolve of local school boards who want to resist the divisive identity politics coming out of Washington D.C.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Proverbs 23, “Do not move an ancient boundary stone or encroach on the fields of the fatherless, for their Defender is strong; He will take up their case against you.”

View the video from WBNS 10TV News (3 minutes)

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GUEST COLUMN: Mainstream media struggles to stay relevant as social media breaks from “The Narrative”


Crime is out of control. Not just in our cities but in our news media. Journalists lost control of the narrative before, during, and after the election. They are furious that social media allows voters to see attacks on citizens, hate crimes and huge mobs robbing stores.

The legacy press tried to suppress the crime narrative leading up to Election Day. Then just 19 days after the vote, The Washington Post admitted, “During the last three years, homicides nationwide have reached their highest levels in decades.”

Dan Gainor, Media Research Center

That should have resulted in a come to Mencken moment for the political press. Instead, they either ignored it or tried to rationalize it.

The Post’s own “National Columnist” Philip Bump followed up that news report in his own newspaper with, “The overblown, heavily political fear of American cities.” (Worth noting that when reporters become columnists at major news outlets, it typically reflects the reporter’s inability to even pretend neutrality. Like Bump.)

Bump actually had the nerve to compare crime in 1990 to now. The birth rate has been near 4 million a year since that time. So more than 120 million weren’t even born then, not counting new immigrants – legal and illegal. Still Bump argued, “Crime in New York City is up — but it has been far worse.” Wow, comforting. Your coworker was just murdered on the subway, but, hey, 32 years ago it was more dangerous! You just won a free subway token.

The legacy press has come full circle. They can’t stand that people don’t trust their spin on crime. It was the same leading up to the vote.

CNN’s Jake Tapper tried to blame the 2020 crime spike not on liberals looting, burning and violently attacking others in an orgy of rioting instead on … then-President Donald Trump. “Between 2019 and 2020, the Trump years, the U.S. homicide rate rose about thirty-percent. That’s the highest increase recorded in modern history.”

Jake’s smugness comes through even when you read his comments. He continued, “If you don’t feel safe, if you or someone you care about has been accosted or assaulted, that’s your experience. Fear is primal. It’s a crucial emotion.” In other words, don’t be irrational, don’t listen to worries about crime. Be like common man Jake, worth $16 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

NBC’s Lester Holt tried the same strategy right before the election. He brought on “civil rights attorney” Alec Karakatsanis who blamed conservatives, “I see an attempt by the right-wing to scare people into unwinding certain very small reforms,” he claimed. Get back to me the next time you see a bunch of legacy media elites risking their lives on the New York subway.

It was the same on Election Day. The Atlantic was worried about crime: “The pollster Stan Greenberg has found that worry about rising crime under Democrats is a more potent fear than any other issue this cycle.” The article added more feelgood numbers about crime. “FBI data released in October show that violent crime was roughly flat last year (with a drop in robberies canceling out an increase in murders).”

Ah, yes, murders and robberies always just cancel each other out in that great Excel spreadsheet in the sky.

“The left and their buddies in the legacy press can’t hide crime anyone. People are going to see videos and get reports about assaults and murders, homelessness, drug use and the horrific decline of our once-great cities. And no amount of government propaganda or media spin can stop it.”

Dan Gainor, Media Research Center

The same time, NPR ran a rationalization about why crime really isn’t so bad, headlined, “Stories about crime are rife with misinformation and racism, critics say.” You are stupid or racist if you worry about being mugged.

Republicans won the House of Representatives, in large part because of New York seats the GOP gained tied to its anti-crime campaign. Then came the Post article, admitting, “Even now, as the bloodshed has slowed, the homicide rate outpaces pre-pandemic levels.”

But the Post buried its lede. It profiled nine cities ravaged by murder, admitting, “Victim data collected from each city profiled here show Black people made up more than 80 percent of the total homicide victims in 2020 and 2021.”

Can you imagine a major news outlet hiding something so horrible to people of color? Unless, of course, journalists were worried the problem might cause African-Americans to vote Republican.

But the news gets out. The New York Post reported, “Felony crimes — including murder, rape and robbery — have surged on the subway system by 40 percent so far this year compared to 2021, according to newly released NYPD stats.”

Those were the kind of stories even CNN reported early this year. Like, “New York man arrested in connection with 7 separate attacks against Asian women.” Or, “Horrified by the surge of anti-Asian violence, she’s giving her community tools to protect themselves.”

The left and their buddies in the legacy press can’t hide crime anyone. People are going to see videos and get reports about assaults and murders, homelessness, drug use and the horrific decline of our once-great cities. And no amount of government propaganda or media spin can stop it.

But the more journalists try to bury the story, the more the only thing they bury is their own credibility. 

Dan Gainor is the Vice President of Business and Culture for the Media Research Center. He is a veteran editor with more than three decades of experience in print and online media. Dan has appeared on Fox News. This column first appeared on Fox News Digital.

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