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Ohio Judge reinstates FACE Act: “Gender-affirming care carries undeniable risk and permanent outcomes


COLUMBUS — It was poetic justice the ACLU lost a case at the hands of its own hand-picked court. The Ohio SAFE Act, or House Bill 68 was reinstated last week. This common sense law safeguards women’s sports and outlaws puberty blockers and mutilation surgeries for minors. While left-wing activists call these controversial procedures gender-affirming care, the fact of the matter is, the science has not been settled on these experimental measures, and one judge pointed that out.

“The State of Ohio has a legitimate government interest in protecting the health and safety of its citizens,” said Franklin County Common Court of Pleas Judge Michael J. Holbrook. The SAFE Act “Is rationally related to this interest and is limited to minors. Moreover, the medical care banned carries with it undeniable risk and permanent outcomes. Indeed, countries once confident in the administration of gender-affirming care to minors are now reversing their position as a result of the significant inconsistencies in results and potential side effect of the care,” Judge Michael J. Holbrook stated in his ruling.

Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of the SAFE Act, H.B. 68 was overruled the Ohio Legislature by the members of the House and Senate. (Photo courtesy of screenshot)

The Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act protects children who are experiencing gender dysphoria from harmful irreversible sex change procedures, including chemical castration through puberty blockers, harmful opposite sex hormones that set the endocrine system at odds with their DNA, and invasive surgical procedures. The law also includes the Save Women’s Sports Act, which provides safeguards for women’s-only athletic competitions from kindergarten through college.

The Ohio SAFE Act passed overwhelmingly in both chambers, and after Governor Mike DeWine’s veto, the SAFE Act was legislatively ratified again by a three-fifths majority vote from the members of the House and Senate over the Governor’s veto.

If laws currently on the books protect children from alcohol, drugs, legally-binding contracts, and tattoos are recognized, the case can be made that the law should also protect kids from puberty blockers and mutilation surgeries.

State Representative Gary Click (R-Vickery), the primary sponsor of H.B. 68, was pleased with Judge Michael Holbrook’s ruling.

“Judge Michael Holbrook should be commended for following the facts of the law in his ruling today while we celebrate the excellent advocacy of Ohio’s Attorney General, Dave Yost. This has been a long hard fight to protect minors in the State of Ohio. Sex change procedures, including dangerous drug interventions and surgeries, are a failed experiment that has been harming children around the world. Today, the Franklin County Court of Common Please upheld the right of the people of Ohio to ban such radical and risky procedures through their duly elected representatives.” 

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost filed an emergency motion with the Ohio Supreme Court in an attempt to stop a temporary restraining order against the SAFE Act. The State Supreme Court denied his motion, not on the merits of the law, but instead on legal distinctions of jurisdiction.

Ohio Attorney General David Yost believes if laws currently on the books protect children are recognized, the case can be made that the law should also protect kids from puberty blockers and mutilation surgeries. (Photo courtesy of Ohio AG website)

Click commented on the disparity between the SAFE Act’s widespread support and the fringe ACLU. “Despite the best efforts of the ACLU to shop for a friendly court, we learned that the facts matter, the law matters, the science matters, and above all, the voice of the people matters most. A strong cross-section of Ohioans, from both sides of the political aisle, of all races, including members of the LGBTQ community recognize that decisions like these are too consequential to be made for and by minors who are incapable of providing informed consent and they asked their legislature to do something about it. We did,” Click said.

The first-term legislator went on to say, “This decision inaugurates a new era of safety and protection not only for minors facing mental health challenges but also for our young women who deserve the full extent of their Title IX protections. No longer do female athletes have to fear losing a spot on the starting lineup to a young man, worry about unnecessary injuries due to unfair competition, or surrendering their medals and scholarships to young men.  Once again, we anticipate protecting their privacy in their own locker rooms.”

State Representative Click, who also serves as lead pastor in Fremont, Ohio is in the battle for the long haul. He adds, “We understand that the ACLU is likely to appeal. However, we are confident that that if they cannot prevail in their handpicked court neither are they likely to succeed in Ohio’s highest court. Not only do we trust the science, but we also trust the justice system to uphold this duly enacted law.” 

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Buckeye star & Hall of Fame inductee: “Christ gave me His life so I could be built to last” (VIDEO)


CANTON — Last week, a former Buckeye star had a homecoming of sorts. Seventy-two year old Randy Gradishar, an Ohio State University standout who also played ten seasons with the Denver Broncos, was in Canton, Ohio to receive one of the highest honors in football. The All-Pro linebacker and member of the legendary “Orange Crush Defense,” was inducted into the National Football League Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2024.

As expected during a Hall of Fame induction speech, fans heard several football stories, but they also heard about how GOD has a game plan for their life. Gradishar’s impressive career includes being named the 1978 Defensive Player of the Year, making seven trips to the Pro Bowl, being named a two-time First Team All-Pro, and being the Broncos’ all-time leading tackler.  But when Gradishar thanked his longtime friend and two-time Heisman Trophy winner, it was more for what happened off the field rather than on.

NFL Hall of Fame inductee Randy Gradishar thanks collegiate football team mate, Archie Griffin, for inviting him to a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting. (Photo courtesy of NFL Network screenshot)

Gradishar thanked Griffin as the real “game changer” for inviting him to a church meeting, calling it the “best invitation I have ever had.” He went on to call Griffin a difference maker in his life. “Archie years ago invited me to an on-campus Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting Bible study during my senior year.”

Although the star linebacker shared that he regularly attended church, he had not heard the gospel of salvation. “That evening, in ’74, the gospel was explained in four simple truths. Truth one. God created mankind in his image, and that comes from Genesis 1:27. God loves us and offers a plan for our life.”

“Truth two: Mankind’s problems are from Romans 3:23. ‘That we’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.’ Therefore we cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. Romans 6:23. ‘For the wages of sin is death’ our spiritual death.”

Behind the speaker’s podium, Gradishar went on to say, “Truth Number 3. God made a way. John 3:16. ‘That God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.’ Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, the darkest day in history, and Jesus’ resurrection earned Jesus the right to proclaim. ‘I am the way, the truth and the light,’ and ‘No one comes to the Father but through Me.'”

“And the fourth truth, salvation requires turning to God, repent of our sins, accept His forgiveness, and ask Jesus by faith to be your personal Lord and Savior.  This is the only way to be right with God and to live out His plans for our life, not ours,” Gradishar stated. “Christ gave me His life so I could be built to last.”

Randy Gradishar also shared about his career at Ohio State, how Coach Woody Hayes helped develop a lifestyle of serving. Coach Hayes would have his players visit nursing homes and middle schools during the spring quarter to encourage others to be their best. Gradishar also told the crowd about his favorite life verse which is Colossians 3:23.

Reverend Joe Maggelet is the Ashland University Sports Chaplain with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Reverend Joe Maggelet is the Ashland University Sports Chaplain with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). He was impressed by Gradishar’s induction speech. “I always look forward to the Hall of Fame speeches because so often you hear wonderful and inspiring stories.”

With over thirty-years as Sports Chaplain at Ashland University, Maggelet hopes similar stories can be replicated by his student athletes. “I thank God for the part FCA has had in leading many athletes to God through Jesus, His greatest gift to mankind! Randy Gradishar’s story illustrates how one man, Archie Griffin, can have such a profound influence.”

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is located on many campuses across the nation and is an interdenominational, co-educational group of university athletes and interested students whose purpose is to present to athletes and coaches the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD.

The Bottom Line:

View the NFL Network video of Randy Gradishar’s Hall of Fame induction speech. (17 min.)

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Stakeholders’ warnings to Council fall on deaf ears: “Upstanding citizens were ignored”


MANSFIELD — Surrounded by jurisdictions banning commercial marijuana, City Council just lit a match during June Eighteenth’s vote, tossing it at dozens of community-partners. On an evening of “Hear no evil and see no evil,” Mansfield City Council voted against a six month moratorium to prohibit commercial marijuana development. This, despite a chorus of stakeholders going on the record supporting a local ban.

The word “undermine” seemed to be the common theme on Tuesday evening. In a letter to City Council, CACY Executive Director Tracee Anderson wrote, “Allowing more accessibility of cannabis in our community will undermine the goal for a more educated Richland County workforce, and may lead to increased ‘brain drain’ or movement of skilled workforce to other areas,” she warned. Similarly, Lead Pastor David Parsons, representing a group of eighty-four diverse local faith leaders, told Council “Our community efforts will be undermined if commercial cannabis is permitted inside city limits.”

Pastor LaMont Lindsay told City Council June 18th, “As a pastor, I see many people dealing with addiction. When you make marijuana more available and easy to get, it will lead our city down a darker path.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

But Council had already made up its mind. Councilman Aurelio Diaz (I, 5th Ward) responded by saying, “I feel marijuana is the least of our problems…my vote (opposing the moratorium) is not undermining anybody’s ministry.” Ironically, during the public hearing it was Diaz who shared how he had a family member two years ago die from drug use. “I do not have a problem with (recreational marijuana use), but she overdosed with three other friends on marijuana laced with fentanyl.” He went on to say, “In the past, our city has let us down by getting rid of recreational programs for the youth. This new Administration looks to change that.”

Last month The Cannabist Co. met with Mansfield city officials promising to bring twenty jobs and $250 thousand in annual tax revenue to the city. Recently the debt-strickened company announced it was leaving one of the nation’s biggest marijuana markets to focus on Ohio. The Cannabist Company Holdings Inc. lost $34 million in the first quarter of 2024 and $174.3 million last year. Some city leaders were not impressed by the company’s promises.

Alongside Council Members Antoinette Daley (D-4th Ward), and Deborah Mount (R-6th Ward), Councilman Reverend El Akuchie (R-3rd Ward) stood his ground in support for the overlooked moratorium. “In my thirty years of experience in drug and alcohol counseling, I did funerals for students using marijuana who died from drug abuse….There is nothing anybody can tell me that will change my mind. I am not willing to sell the soul of my children in this city to the highest bidder so that these dispensaries can make money. Telling us that we will make millions of dollars-excuse me? You cannot fool me.”

Despite the State Republican Party’s position opposing recreational marijuana last election, and a Republican majority on Council, several Republicans still voted to open the floodgates to commercial cannabis. In the vote, At-Large Councilman David Falquette (R) voted in favor of weed, betraying faith leaders who endorsed his candidacy in 2019. Falquette previously stated in a Frontlines Ohio survey that he opposed recreational marijuana use….that is until after he gets his endorsements. Falquette’s term is set to expire December 2027.

One law enforcement veteran challenged councilmembers willing to appease the cannabis cartels. “Are you prepared to exchange lives for revenue?” Former Safety Service Director and DARE Officer Lori Cope asked Council, “During my career, I spoke to students in all twelve elementary schools in the city, discussing the dangers of drugs like marijuana. The undisputed fact is marijuana is a gateway drug regardless of its legal status. How can you tell your own children ‘marijuana is not permitted in your home’ when you have just allowed it in the community you live in?”

During the contentious council meeting, two different worldviews clashed. One medical professional cited marijuana as a contributing factor to schizophrenia. And the other, an embattled city official, who thinks marijuana actually treats schizophrenia.

Councilmember Stephanie Zader (R-At large) who last Fall was arrested for an OVI, admitted during council deliberations that she had the longest drug history out of anybody in the room. “I grew up in a drug house. With crack cocaine as the drug of her choice, my mother remains a drug addict. I have been assaulted many times by my mom but I never was attacked by her when she was high on marijuana,” Zader alleged. “Marijuana helps my mom with her schizophrenia.” (See Editor’s Note) The terms for Stephanie Zader and fellow Councilmember Laura Burns, (1st Ward) who also voted in favor of the mind-altering drug, both expire December 2025.

On June 18th, Mansfield City Council voted 5-3 to reject a 6 month moratorium prohibiting commercial cannabis. Council members supporting cannabis included Republicans: Laura Burns, Stephanie Zader, & David Falquette. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Citizens testifying in favor of the commercial moratorium outnumbered opponents by a 2 to 1 margin. Of the sixteen who supported, Dr. Joseph Bocka, MD cited a recent Danish study. “The study concluded between twenty-five to thirty percent of schizophrenia in males could be prevented if marijuana was not allowed under age seventeen,” he said. Nurse Amanda Nichols, RN, added that when weed dispensaries come in, emergency rooms are burdened with skyrocketing overdoses. “In one community, I saw overdoses went from two hundred cases to nearly three thousand in one year,” she said. “Many of these overdoses involve children at very young ages consuming THC edibles resembling candies when negligent adults leave them laying around.”

Speaking of mishaps, Mansfield resident, Jack Ink, shared how as a General Motors employee, he was the victim of an accident involving a co-worker high on marijuana. “I was almost killed by a marijuana user,” Ink said. “As an electrician, I was in the air on a diesel man-lift and the lady involved was refueling the diesel-man lift with gasoline. She could not see straight because they found out she was high on marijuana. When the engine exploded, I was throwed against pipes and almost crushed to death,” he recalled.

The youngest council member also went on record opposing commercial marijuana. “I support the moratorium,” said Deborah Mount. “As a first-responder and EMT, I have been on numerous calls involving marijuana, specifically THC gummies. The costs of these accidents is very expensive. In one case I saw two cars totaled and four people life-flighted to Grant Hospital. With the reality of increased traffic accidents, the imagined revenue does not persuade me. I have seen too much.”

After the short-sighted vote, one pastor has also seen too much. “It is unethical to allow the endangerment of children,” said Lead Pastor LaMont Lindsay. “Each Council member will be accountable to both GOD and their city. This is not true leadership when Council’s rationale for allowing marijuana is that ‘everybody else is doing it.'” The faith leader went on to say, “Upstanding citizens were ignored. At some point their needs to be adults in the room making the important decisions. Apparently City Council is prioritizing money over the sanctity of the family; and now we have a divided city.”

Editor ‘s Note: Scitzophhrenia is presently NOT a qualifying condition for prescription under Ohio Marijuana Law.

Bottom Line:

84 Clergy to Mansfield City Council: “If you allow marijuana, you undermine our ministry”


MANSFIELD — The burning question on Tuesday night’s vote is, will City Council be bowing down to the ‘Almighty Dollar’? Or will the elected officials be safeguarding children and shielding the addicted? That is the question a group of local clergy is addressing. On Sunday evening, a grassroots coalition of clergy delivered a joint statement to members of the Mansfield City Council.

“We encourage Mansfield City Council to vote “YES” to a six-month moratorium on commercial cannabis, a drug associated with addiction, crime, and impairment,” eighty-four clergy wrote in an email correspondence to Council. “Furthermore, it is our desire in the future City Council extends this moratorium indefinitely to prohibit this illicit drug.”  

In 2022, 110 lead clergy across nine counties encouraged area mayors & chambers of commerce not to decriminalize drugs. 74 of the faith leaders were based in Richland County. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Having started a congregation that ministers to people in downtown Mansfield, Pastor Joe Nichols, one of the cosigners of the letter, has a vested interest in Council’s decision. He asserts, “As local stakeholders, the faith community has engaged drug addiction during the Opioid Crisis and even before, implementing drug treatment ministries, and promoting drug awareness thru marches and rallies,” Nichols said. “We believe these community efforts will be undermined if commercial cannabis is permitted in city limits.  Furthermore, the momentum we achieved will be lessened.”

In the letter the clergy wrote, “The Book of Ecclesiastes says, “There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labor.” (2:24 KJV) There is no question cannabis adversely impacts work.  Since users of cannabis pursue a ‘euphoric high,’ work is impaired, and productivity is reduced,” the clergy warned.  “With skyrocketing THC levels in today’s cannabis, more accessibility to cannabis will bring inebriated employees, more job accidents, and more absenteeism.”

The faith leaders believe that whether the federal government reclassifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance or not, their opinion on the danger it brings does not change. Another clergy cosigner, Pastor Dan Zediker points out, “The Bible says ‘All things might be lawful, but they are not always beneficial.’ Part of the deception is that addiction to drugs should be culturally acceptable. We have to be sober-minded and vigilant,” he says.

“It should be noted, following Mansfield City Council’s formal opposition to recreational cannabis in 2015, and following City Council’s prohibition of “medical” cannabis in 2017, Mansfield/Richland County in 2020 became the seventh top metropolitan area in the nation (areas under 200,000 population) for significant economic projects per capita,” Pastor Zediker cited. “Our community became a hot spot for job growth without cannabis…..it can be done.” 

Other clergy in the collaboration, Pastor James Davis and his wife Joi, lead a congregation in Mansfield and consider the city as their ministry field. Davis has twenty-five years in the social work field and has seen first hand the negative impact marijuana has had on children and their families.

“We wholeheartedly agree with the METRICH Executive Director who stated this past winter that ‘Mansfield is a community of children and families, and that a legislative body should not place revenue from the cannabis industry over the security and sanctity of the family.’  Without a doubt, more accessibility to cannabis will bring more exposure to children, damaging their brain development, jeopardizing their mental health, and lowering their academic performance,” Pastor Davis observed. “Our children deserve better than this.”

In the Fall of 2023, 142 lead clergy from twenty counties encouraged Ohioans to vote against legalizing recreational marijuana. 82 of the faith leaders were from Richland County. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Earlier this year at a Madison Board of Township Trustees meeting, several pastors referenced an economic analysis on tax revenue Colorado marijuana brought to the state. For every tax dollar generated by marijuana sales, the study found $4.50 of mitigating social costs that were incurred. The pastors at the Trustee meeting said they believe a local commercial marijuana industry will feed the Black Market.

In the letter to Mansfield City Council, the clergy commented, “Allowing the Cannabis Industry to profit off collateral damage to our community is not acceptable. Commercial cannabis will only add to the trauma in our neighborhoods.  It is no small matter that the blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it.  Furthermore, as lead clergymen from eighty-four area congregations, we ask Mansfield City Council to please vote “YES” to prohibit commercial cannabis in Mansfield, our community is counting on you.”

A number of elected officials in the area have already answered that call. Nine townships in Richland County currently prohibit commercial marijuana businesses, eight of those prohibit indefinitely. Area municipalities Ashland, Lexington, and Shelby also prohibit indefinitely. This Spring the City of Ontario passed a six-month moratorium, and the Village of Bellville just renewed their moratorium last week for another six months. Faith leaders are hoping there is more to come.

The Bottom Line:

Senator & School Board on proposed commercial weed in Mansfield: “Grass not greener on the other side” (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD –Mansfield City Council will be voting Tuesday June 18th on whether to allow a marijuana dispensary to set up shop. At the last meeting, one Mansfield faith leader voiced his concerns with the prospects of The Cannabist Co. coming to town. For several decades the bi-vocational Pastor has seen families harmed by marijuana in his years as a minister and as an educator in public schools.

“In light of the business proposal and estimated revenue, City Council should not base its decision on money alone. What price do you put on our children?” asks Pastor David Parsons. “How do you quantify the ruined lives of people who get addicted to marijuana? I find it interesting that both the municipalities of Logan and Monroe have dispensaries owned by The Cannabist Co., and yet both voted to ban commercial weed after the dispensaries came to town. Maybe there are unintended consequences associated with this gateway drug this company is not talking about? Maybe the grass is not so green on the other side.”

Mansfield City Council will be voting Tuesday night, June 18th on whether to pass a six-month moratorium on commercial cannabis. Presently medical cannabis inside the city is prohibited. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Last week the Mansfield Christian School Board approved a non-binding resolution supporting prohibition of commercial marijuana. Mansfield Christian officially joins Clear Fork Valley Schools in supporting the prohibition to minimize student access to the drug and to “preserve and protect the community’s high quality of life, and the health and safety of school employees and students.” The resolution, signed by Superintendent Dr. Cy Smith and Board President Jason Guilliams, states “The increased availability of marijuana from legalization correlates with an alarming increase in emergency room visits for children due to marijuana ingestion, particularly by the youngest children.”

Not only are children impacted thru exposure to marijuana and THC products, the judgement of some parents appears to be impaired. Last year one dispensary customer at the Backroad Wellness in Lima, Ohio threatened to burn the dispensary down “if the business did not watch his children.” This past winter two Marietta parents were indicted on felony charges of involuntary manslaughter and reckless homicide after their infant daughter was found deceased and malnourished in their apartment. The daughter and sibling, were both born with high levels of THC in their systems. One of The Cannabist Co.’s marijuana dispensaries is located in Marietta.

While it is more convenient for marijuana dispensaries not to report theft, there are police reports of theft occurring inside marijuana dispensaries. A security guard at the Dayton Strawberry Fields Dispensary, owned by The Cannabist Co., was arrested for stealing prescribed marijuana. The nearby Pure Ohio Wellness Dispensary has also seen several employees steal marijuana products. But breaking the rules may not be so bad after all.

According to the updated Chapter 3780 of the Ohio Revised Code, 36% of taxpayer dollars goes to a cannabis Social Equity Program providing financial assistance and license application support to individuals guilty of breaking marijuana-related laws who are interested in starting or working in cannabis business entities.

One of the leading voices opposing legalizing recreational marijuana last fall was State Senator Mark Romanchuk (R-Ontario). He believes many Ohioans are not aware that the new law passed is not just about marijuana, it is also about dismantling the current system of law and justice to tilt in favor of the Cannabis Industry.

“Part of the taxpayer dollars supposedly ‘going back to the public’ includes giving tax breaks to convicted felons to help them start their own marijuana dispensary. And even more ludicrous, these taxpayer dollars are also being used for political action by the Cannabis Industry in local policing reform and in judicial reform that includes bail, parole, and sentencing. In other words, state taxes are paying for political lobbyists employed by ‘Big Cannabis’ to tilt the scales.”

Recently the founder of one marijuana company conducted a presentation in a Richland County jurisdiction proposing new jobs and tens of thousands of dollars of tax revenue. As a convicted felon who violated probation for domestic violence and abduction, their marijuana company was awarded licenses for several dispensaries. Products from these dispensaries include high THC potency products inaptly named, “High-Divorce Rate Resin” that has 68% THC, and “Problem- Child Solventless Ice Hash” which has 63% THC. Previously this co-owner was incarcerated for cocaine possession.

Ohio law now aids convicted felons in becoming dispensary owners and also helps finance political lobbyists in the Cannabis Industry.

The crimes committed by dispensary owners are the very products they sell and the social impacts they bring. In addition to child abandonment and theft, violent crime and impaired driving seems to follow a national trend going hand in hand with Ohio dispensaries.

Local police reports include violent crime incidents at Dayton Strawberry Fields (owned by The Cannabist Co.) that involved a dispensary assault where a man attacked a woman resulting in a punctured lung. At the Dayton Ohio Wellness Dispensary, another incident involving aggravated menacing and criminal damaging when a large group targeted a woman by throwing a large rock thru her car window.

Clearly marijuana legalization brings more impaired drivers on the roadways. However, customers at Pure Ohio Wellness Dispensary in Dayton are technically not making it to the roadways. Instead, they are smashing into vehicles in the dispensary’s parking lot. At least one operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OVI) is known to have occurred in addition to a stolen car being found at the Dayton marijuana dispensary.

“If the Cannabis Industry is leading Ohioans off a cliff, I am not going to follow,” says Pastor Parsons. “We cannot let marijuana dispensaries harm our families and children. Christ left the ninety-nine to rescue the one lost sheep. I hope that City Council recognizes that even one life is precious in GOD’s eyes.”

The Bottom Line:

View video newscast from Cincinnati-based WLWT reporting Poison Control calls in Cincinnati and Columbus are seeing a dramatic increase in calls pertaining to marijuana poisonings. (2 min.)

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Richland & Ashland County officials warn of dangers from cannabis: “Users may develop paranoia” (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — While April 20th has become known as a holiday celebrating the consumption of cannabis, the day is also associated with tragedy. This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Columbine school massacre involving the shooting of twelve Colorado students and a teacher. Both student shooters also took their own lives that day, and one admitted to smoking marijuana. With so many stories of marijuana users at their wit’s end, April has formally been designated as a month to bring awareness about mental health problems associated with this dangerous drug.

“Marijuana use beginning in the teen years or younger may affect brain development,” says Commissioner Jim Justice. “This may impair thinking, memory, and learning. Additionally, teenagers who use marijuana may be less likely to graduate from high school or college,” the Ashland County Commissioner said in a proclamation commemorating National Cannabis Awareness Month.

Recognizing Cannabis Awareness Month, Ashland County Commissioner Jim Justice stated marijuana can be associated with paranoia and mental disorders like schizophrenia. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The Ashland County leader was not the only area commissioner sounding off on the issue. The Richland County Board of Commissioners unanimously declared the Month of April as National Cannabis Awareness Month as ‘a measure to preserve and protect Richland County’s upstanding quality of life, and the strength and prosperity of our communities.’

According to Richland Commissioner Darrell Banks, “In 2023 alone, the Richland County Children Services Agency conducted 279 drug tests of minors with 137 teenagers testing positive for marijuana along with children as young as four days’ old testing positive,” he said. “The Executive Director has said parental drug use is the number one reason children are temporarily removed from their parents.”

All four county commissioners pointed out that “People who use marijuana may develop temporary psychosis involving hallucinations and paranoia and also long-lasting mental disorders like schizophrenia.” These mental disorders are resulting in a pattern of psychotic behavior that is unmistakable.

According to an analysis of targeted school violence by the U.S. Secret Service on K-12 schools between 2008-2017, half of the thirty-five attackers had a history of substance use and/or abuse, and the most frequently-used substance was marijuana.

This past January a California woman was sentenced to probation for fatally stabbing her boyfriend over one hundred times after taking a hit of potent marijuana from a bong.

As a dramatic increase in potency and use of marijuana has occurred, violent acts involving marijuana are becoming more and more common: In 2018, a mass shooting in California involved Ian David Long murdering twelve at a restaurant. In 2019, a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, involved Connor Betts murdering nine and injured seventeen at several nearby bars. In 2018, a mass shooting at a Florida high school involving Nikolas Cruz murdering seventeen and injuring seventeen. In 2017, a mass shooting in Texas involving Devin Kelley murdering twenty-six at a church. All the attackers had a history of use and/or abuse of marijuana.

During his sentencing, convicted killer Nikolas Cruz commented about cannabis, saying, “I hate drugs, and I believe this country would do better if everyone would stop smoking marijuana and doing all these drugs and causing racism and violence out in the streets.”

With concern over cannabis’ impact on young people, the Board of Richland County Commissioners declared April as “National Cannabis Awareness Month.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

While not everyone who uses marijuana becomes a mass murderer, erratic behavior has been observed to be associated with cannabis. Excessive use of high-THC pot and concentrated oil is linked to psychotic episodes that in some cases develop into full blown schizophrenia. A study by USA Today from interviews of medical professionals and a dozen parents whose children suffered mental breakdowns found a link between vapes and cannabis-induced psychosis. The study also cited a 77% increase in suicides among ten to nineteen year-old Colorado youth with marijuana in their systems. But that is not all.

According to a 2022 systemic review of available studies, the use of high-potency cannabis is associated with an increased risk of psychosis and severe addiction known as Cannabis Use Disorder. In their proclamation, the Richland County Board of Commissioners referred to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s definition of ‘Cannabis Use Disorder’ as “the inability to stop using marijuana and signs of the disorder include trying but failing to quit using marijuana, or giving up important activities, friends, and/or family in favor of using marijuana.”

Commissioner Banks stoically warned, “We encourage citizens to be mindful of the dangers associated with cannabis.”

The Bottom Line:

View video of presentation by Benjamin Mutti to Richland County Board of Commissioners on problem of cannabis. (15 min.)

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Pastor Pawlowski comes to Buckeye Bible Belt for National Day of Prayer: “Ohio is special to my heart..”(SLIDESHOW)(VIDEO)

Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski shares about the Canadian government's violation of his civil rights: "Through it all, I am still standing!" (Photo courtesy of Jimmi Delay)

ASHLAND –Despite attempts by the mockingbird media to derail the Ashland Prayer Breakfast, people lined up early at 6:30 AM on the National Day of Prayer to get into a sold-out Convocation Center. Following breakfast, believers gathered for corporate prayer and a passionate keynote address about preserving religious freedom. With clergy and elected officials praying in tandem for revival, the breakfast event was sure to leave a bad taste in ‘Big Brother’s’ mouth.

“Our speaker was electrifying,” Pastor John Bouquet, coordinator of the Prayer Breakfast said. “Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his wife, Marzena, came to us from Calgary, Canada. Pastor Artur shared his story of speaking up and speaking out during the COVID lock downs of the Canadian government. He faced opposition from a Government bound and determined to silence his voice because of his calling to preach the Gospel and teach people the Word of God.”

Mayor Matt Miller greets keynote speaker Pastor Artur Pawlowski for the 2024 Ashland Prayer Breakfast. (Photo courtesy of Jimmi Delay)

A special connection exists between Ohioans and the high-profile Canadian pastor. During the pandemic, the Ohio Legislature advocated against draconian Canadian policies and on top of that, faith leaders in North Central Ohio resisted oppressive federal health mandates.

“I want to thank you so much for supporting our fight in Canada,” Pastor Pawlowski told the prayer breakfast attendees. “Ohio is very special to my heart because it was this state government here that stood for us when our own government in Canada tried to destroy us. Thank you so much for passing the bill (H.R.194) and plowing the field of freedom.”

“My passion is not actually ‘freedom of expression’ or ‘freedom of religion’. My passion is Jesus Christ because he was the biggest freedom fighter that ever lived on this side of eternity. Christ said that whoever comes to him is free indeed, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Following a song by the Salvation Army Youth Choir, Pawlowski shared about his troubles with the oppressive COVID laws and challenging the status quo. “After travelling four months, (during the Pandemic) warning Americans about Canadian tyranny, I returned to Canada and was immediately arrested after stepping out of the plane. I have never seen anyone arrested on the tarmac-it happened to me. What a great takedown of the El Chapo of Canada, the Al Capone of Alberta! What were my charges? Inciting people to come to church.”

Pastor Bouquet believes when a man like Artur Pawlowski has a ‘Calling from on High’ to preach Biblical truth and proclaim liberty in Christ, no totalitarian government will ever be able to silence the message. While courage can be contagious, it does come with a cost; and that cost has been malicious prosecution.

According to Pawlowski, “I have been arrested sixteen times by Canadian officials. I was literally kidnapped by sheriffs and taken to Edmonton to a maximum-security prison where it was twenty-eight degrees below zero. In all, I have been cited three hundred-fifty times, and have been in one hundred-twenty court cases. My first citation was for feeding the poor. I was also cited for disseminating printed materials, so my Bibles and gospel tracts were confiscated. This brutal Canadian regime was trying to make an example of me; but I was actually making an example of them.”

Pawlowski was the symbol of resistance to get the trucker convoy started. “I was asked to be their chaplain and gave sermons to the truckers,” he says. “I was physically attacked. I have received five different reports of guards giving inmates incentives to kill me while in prison. They tried to burn down my house at night, for months they vandalized my church. The Canadian legal system stripped me of my clothes and put me on display in front of men and women. I was even placed in solitary confinement for twenty-five hours where the most dangerous terrorists are kept. But here I am, I am still standing!”

A sellout crowd of nearly seven-hundred filled the Convocation Center in Ashland University for the 2024 Ashland Prayer Breakfast. (Photo courtesy of Jimmi Delay)

In the many attempts to silence Artur Pawlowski, he was offered money, positions of influence, and political clout. “For eight months the Canadian government tried to blackmail me,” the Canadian Pastor revealed. “They offered me $2 million to shut my mouth. They offered me a guaranteed seat at the legislature if I would just shut up. I was told if I do not want to be a politician I could have a government job making $250,000. They finally realized I would not compromise. You see, Art Palowski is not for sale because I have already been bought by the precious blood of Jesus. I am not for sale!” he exclaimed to a loud applause.

“I have filed the biggest lawsuit in the history of Canada, I am suing the Attorney General of Canada, I am going after the Calvary Chief of Police and RCP officers. A few months ago we served papers to the Director of Prison that kept me in metal cages, and naked in solitary confinement, and he resigned a few days after. So far we taken down the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Health, the Premier, and the Director of Prison and this is just the beginning. I have absolutely no intention of stopping until Justice is served.”

Quitters never win, and winners never quit. Courage can be infectious, and Pastor Bouquet hopes that Artur Pawlowski becomes a super-spreader in Ohio.

The Bottom Line:

View slideshow below of the 2024 Ashland Prayer Breakfast produced by Jimmi Delay Photography.

View video produced by Ashland County Pictures of the 2024 address by Keynote Speaker Pastor Artur Pawlowski. (43 min.)

Related articles:

Commercial weed boycotts budding across Richland County: number of townships banning doubles to 8 (VIDEO)


RICHLAND COUNTY — Despite the federal government’s reclassifying of marijuana, there is no denying the adverse effects of cannabis can be seen locally. As a result, elected officials across Richland County are ‘going against the grain,’ and prohibiting the commercial use of cannabis. The number of townships with cannabis bans have now doubled to eight. One lead pastor who oversees a local addiction ministry, believes the leadership of these township trustees is helping fill the vacuum created in Washington D.C.

“Prohibiting commercial cannabis in a jurisdiction is the only tool communities legally have to help prevent the downward spiral of marijuana addiction,” says Pastor William Cole. “Whether it is the the border issue, the bathroom issue, or the cannabis issue, this (Biden) Administration appears hellbent in destroying our country. The vision and courage we are seeing by our local trustee boards with these prohibition resolutions is a breath of fresh air.”

The Plymouth Township Board of Trustees passed a resolution for adult-use commercial cannabis operators by a unanimous vote on April 4th. 54% of the voters in the Township opposed legalizing cannabis last Fall’s election. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

This past month Plymouth Township joined seven other townships in the county to approve a resolution to prohibit adult-use cannabis operators and medical marijuana cultivators, processors, and retail dispensaries with the township. According to Chapter 3780.25 of the Ohio Revised Code, townships are authorized to prohibit, or limit the number of adult use cannabis operators within the unincorporated area of their townships.

According to the resolution, “the Board of Township Trustees finds it to be in the best interest of the township to prohibit adult use cannabis operators.” Plymouth now joins several recent townships of Weller, Springfield, and Franklin, along with Monroe, Washington, Madison and Bloomingrove.

With the First Family dealing with substance abuse first-hand, it is no surprise the Biden Administration will be reclassifying marijuana as a Schedule 3 controlled substance. Last year cocaine was found in the West Wing near the Situation Room. With the Secret Service unable to come up with any evidence in one of the most secured and monitored buildings in the world, critics believe the so-called investigation dovetailed the Administration’s policies favoring the drug culture.

Prior to the Biden Administration, Barak Obama’s Drug Czar cited a 2013 study finding that marijuana is the drug most often linked to crime in the United States. Gil Kerlikowske, the former White House Director of National Drug-Control policy, reported findings showing eighty-percent of adult males arrested in 2012 for crimes in Sacramento, California tested positive for at least one illegal drug. Marijuana was the most common drug, found in 54% of those arrested. The same study found similar results in New York City, Denver, Atlanta, and Chicago. The study included over 1,700 drug tests and 1,900 interviews.

“Re-imagining marijuana” by the Drug Enforcement Agency, will include dropping the drug to a Schedule 3 drug, which is defined as a class of drugs with moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. Presently the CDC, estimates three in ten people who use marijuana have marijuana use disorder.

The Franklin Township Board of Trustees passed a resolution for adult-use commercial cannabis operators by a unanimous vote on April 1st. 60% of the voters in the Township opposed legalizing cannabis last Fall’s election.(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Ironically, when marijuana was first listed as a Schedule 1 narcotic in 1970 with high potential for abuse, THC levels averaged only 1-3%. THC is the psychoactive component that causes addiction. The more potent the drug is, the stronger the possibility of addiction. Today marijuana has become much more potent, with average THC levels in marijuana plant material skyrocketing to between 18-23%. In 2017, THC concentrates had an average THC potency of 55.7%.

Pastor Cole believes the marijuana reclassification is predicated more on money instead of public health and safety. “The federal government is ‘deep in the weeds’ on this issue. The well being of people are more important than the wealth of a few. The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, not money. Truth be told, people who will do anything for money cannot be trusted.

“Marijuana is showing up in gummy bears, cookies, candies, and lollipops. This normalization of weed must stop,” the Mansfield Pastor warns. “We cannot beat around the bush, we have to let our local leaders know that they cannot take their marching orders from Washington D.C.”

View “CBS This Morning” video discussing the link between high-THC pot and cannabis-induced psychosis. (4 min.)

The Bottom Line:

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Ashland to host ‘Breakfast of champions’ at prayer event: “Never bow down to tyranny” (VIDEO)


ASHLAND — You cannot make an omelet without first breaking a few eggs. This coming Thursday one of the largest National Day of Prayer observances in the state will be taking place early in the morning with a heavy-hitting message: about how ‘Freedom’ is more than a word, and how it can only be sustained through courage and determination. Those in attendance are sure to get a belly full of how desperate the times we are living in.

The Ashland University’s Convocation Center will be site of the 2024 Ashland Community Prayer Breakfast this coming Thursday on May 2nd between 6:30 a.m.-7:59 a.m. Chairman John Bouquet, Senior Pastor at Bethel Baptist Church, is in his thirtieth year leading the Prayer Breakfast Committee for the Ashland County Ministerial Association.

2024 Ashland Community Prayer Breakfast May 2nd, 2024 at Ashland Convocation Center (Photo courtesy of Savannah Bethel Baptist)

“This event brings our community together: the civic leaders, our business partners and our leaders in education, medical, law enforcement, social services and faith community,” Bouquet said. “This gathering also inspires everyone to pause to pray. It does not matter if one is a trustee of a small township or the Mayor of Ashland. For this prayer breakfast, I have seen our ministerial community put aside our differences and distinctions to focus on the Gospel and a single-mindedness for the spiritual good of our leaders.”

Pastor Bouquet stresses anyone with an interest is welcome to attend and the event has room for everyone. “Our pastors and spiritual ministry leaders genuinely serve the spiritual concerns of the Ashland County population. You can be a novice in faith or a seasoned veteran and the Prayer Breakfast will bless you,” he says. The event usually averages over seven hundred in attendance.

The Guest Speaker will be Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski. Bouquet said Pawlowski was speaking to State Representative Melanie Miller (R-Ashland) a few months ago and Miller shared the story of the Ashland Prayer Breakfast with him. Pawlowski quickly agreed to participate in the event. “Free speech and freedom to worship are sacred values to our way of life,” Bouquet says. “Those freedoms were taken away from Artur during the Canadian COVID lockdown. Once we take freedom for granted, we could easily lose it.”

Artur Pawlowski initially spent three days in jail for the crime of opening his church during the COVID pandemic. But the persecution did not stop there. “I have spent fifty nights in jail standing up for our rights to gather and worship,” says Pawlowski. “It is time to rise and say ‘Never again!'”

Ashland County is no stranger to fighting government tyranny. The first attempt within Ohio to suspend a business license for an alleged mask violation during the COVID pandemic occurred in Savannah. The Ohio Court of Common Pleas slapped down the overreach by the local health department. In addition, area faith leaders made national news opposing the Biden vaccine mandate by saying in an open letter “We have no King but King Jesus.”

The speaker is sure to get attendees to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ regarding their religious freedoms. Freedom is just one generation from extinction. Doors open at 6:00 AM Thursday morning.

The Bottom Line:

View video below produced by Trust & Freedom on the story of Pastor Artur Pawlowski. (4 min.)

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Ohio faith leaders to Israel after Iran attack: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper” (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)


GREENWICH — This past weekend Iran launched over three-hundred rockets and missiles at Israel. It is the first time in Israel’s history an attack has come from Iranian soil. The largest drone attack in world history was a reprisal to Israel’s April 1st strike on a military consulate in Damascus. The North Central Ohio region is known for its staunch support of the Jewish State. In response to the unprecedented attack, several faith leaders in the Buckeye Bible Belt responded with a joint statement the day after.

“War has come to the Middle East,” Pastor Ricky Branham declared. “The faith community in the Buckeye Bible Belt has shown unwavering support for the Nation of Israel and her ability to defend itself,”

Several lead clergy give a joint statement on April 14th, 2024 supporting Israel after an Iranian missile attack. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio

The Willard Pastor went on to explain, “In 2017, lead clergymen from one hundred-three congregations corresponded with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu apologizing for the position of the U.S. federal government for not supporting Israeli sovereignty over the Promised Land.  In 2020-21, a band of lead clergy endorsed and purchased Israeli bonds.  In 2023, lead clergymen from 135 congregations called for state recognition of Jerusalem as the ‘Eternal Capital of Israel.’  Following the tragic October 6th massacre of over 1,300 Israelis, lead clergymen from 155 congregations condemned Hamas for its genocidal atrocity; faith leaders also raised thousands of dollars to support Israeli victims,” he said.

Pastor Mark Wireman commented, “Last night on April 13th, 2024 Iran fired over three hundred kamikaze drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles at Israel in its first-ever direct attack on the Jewish State. Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon and Yemen’s Houthis also attacked with missiles simultaneously.  With supernatural assistance from the Holy One of Israel, and the help of Israeli Defense Forces and its coalition forces, 99% of the projectiles launched by Iran were successfully intercepted. While several ballistic missiles hit, it is believed that not one drone or cruise missile managed to enter Israeli airspace.”   

The Greenwich Pastor exclaimed, “The LORD is exalted over all the nations, His glory above the heavens.  Who is like the LORD our GOD? The One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?”

The Iranian retaliation stemmed from an April 1st Israeli attack involving a command post located beside the Iranian Embassy. The Israeli strike resulted in the deaths of seven Iranian military advisers, including a senior commander in its Islamic Revolutionary Guard that was Iran’s point-man on Hamas’ Oct. 7th assault on Israel.

During the clergy press conference, Pastor LaMont Lindsay recited Psalm 121 saying, “He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you.”

The clergy statement warned, “As Ohio faith leaders, we believe Israel must rely on the Holy One of Israel, and not on any foreign government, including the United States.  It is important to note that since the beginning of the Biden Administration, The U.S. federal government has gifted the terrorist-state of Iran with over 80 billion dollars.  When Iran launched missiles at Jerusalem last night, not only did Iran attack the Capital of the Jewish State, Iran also attacked the third holiest city in Islam.  Arab nations should be appalled by Iran’s actions.”

Rabbi William Hallbrook called the Oct. 7th massacre, ‘Israel’s 911’ with human depravity of ‘the highest magnitude.’ (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The Book of Ecclesiastes says, There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven,” Pastor Lindsay said.  “A time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot.  A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build….And further on it states, there is also a time for war.  As a deterrence for future attacks on the Holy Land, we believe Israel must defend itself and eliminate its attackers.  We believe the time for war is now,” the Mansfield Pastor cautioned.  

Pastor Branham declared, “For though the nations rage against you O Jerusalem, Know this: that the LORD Your GOD is with you.  For does not the Prophet Isaiah say, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper?  So fear not O Jerusalem, Fear not Tel Aviv, Fear not Haifa, and Tiberias.  Fear not Sons of David.  For the LORD your GOD is with you.”

The Bottom Line:

View slideshow of recent faith-based advocacy for Israel in the Buckeye Bible Belt.

View video of April 14th, 2024 clergy press conference addressing Iranian attack on Israel below (5 min.)

Related articles:

105 Ohio clergy on Earth Day: “Fear of environmental apocalypse based on counterfeit gospel” (SLIDESHOW) (VIDEO)

Lead clergymen from 105 Ohio congregations wrote an open letter addressing government's promotion of climate religion. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

GREENWICH — After last week’s spectacular eclipse, a group of faith leaders held a press conference Sunday to address the Green Movement. Environmentalists, including religious leaders from the World Council of Churches, are saying the end of the world is imminent if people do not reduce their carbon footprint. Some area clergy are saying climate-change alarmists cannot see the wood for the trees.

“Two weeks after the total solar eclipse, some will be celebrating on April 22nd “International Mother Earth Day” and public schools will be indoctrinating children about man-made climate-change,” said Pastor Mark Wireman at the briefing. “This same day, progressive politicians will also be advocating for a global government to micromanage our lives in order to save the earth from certain ‘climate apocalypse.’ The Pastor from Greenwich was not the only “voice in the wilderness.”

Pastor LaMont Lindsay points out the error in trusting computer models to predict future global temperatures. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

With a drop of temperatures, the clergy group believe there was a climate change-event that took place April 8th involving the eclipse’s path of totality and not fossil fuels. Their conclusion: GOD controls the earth’s climate, not man. Pastor LaMont Lindsay, standing with Wireman, firmly shared that the Green Movement is pushing ideas foreign to the Bible. “We are warning the public about the global climate-change cult which is promoting a counterfeit gospel masqueraded as sustainable development,” the Mansfield Pastor said.

Pastor Wireman declared, “As lead clergymen representing one-hundred-five diverse Ohio congregations, we believe this so-called climate emergency, supposedly originating from human activity, is a bunch of hot air, and that forcing the reduction of carbon footprints on individuals, corporations, and nations is tantamount to establishing a one-world religion paying homage to false deities.”

Lead clergy co-signers of the open letter have congregations located in sixteen counties across Ohio.  Counties with the most congregations represented include: Richland, Ashland, Trumbull, and Crawford. In their open letter, the clergymen quoted from Romans 1 which says, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.”

“GOD is in control,” says Pastor Lindsay. “To be clear, relying on computer models to predict global temperatures hundreds of years into the future when meteorologists cannot predict a ten-day forecast is absurd. As faith leaders, we believe human activity has little influence over global temperatures. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is necessary for plant-life to survive and is not a pollutant as environmentalists insist.  During this so-called environmental crisis, the U.S. has more trees today than it did one-hundred years ago, and the world has seen a 14% increase in green vegetation over the past thirty-years.

Unfortunately the field of science has a checkered past; instead of following the data, scientists often follow the money. The faith leaders pointed out that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was caught red-handed trying to trick the world into believing global warming was a crisis requiring a drastic response.

“The bottom line is the cult of climate-change has little to do with the climate as much as it does with power and control,” says Dr. Ricky Branham. “As lead clergymen, we have not forgotten the Climategate scandals in both 2009 and 2011 involving the release of emails confirming an organized conspiracy by the United Nations. When leaders like Kamala Harris and Pope Francis warn climate-change could destroy civilization, they are really advocating for global tyranny and for population-control policies.”  Branham adds, “When people become “the pollution,” authoritarian governments deem life expendable, which is directly counter to Judeo-Christian values..”

Dr. Ricky Branham says while climate alarmists inspire a false religion of despair and alarm, believers in Christ offer the world true hope. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy wrote that “Elites attempt to negate the existence of GOD by rationalizing that man is producing climate-change. According to Joe Biden and his Department of Defense, climate-change is the biggest existential threat in the world today.  Mr. Biden belittles people that do not conform to his green policies by calling them “Neanderthals.” The clergy went on to say, “Mr. Biden harms the quality of life for Ohio citizens and the under-privileged, by weaponizing a bureaucracy to withhold access to natural fossil fuels.”

Dr. Branham notes, “It is our observation that the fear of environmental apocalypse grows out of the lack of the fear of GOD.  After Noah’s Flood, The Bible states in Genesis 8, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Climate- change events like a solar eclipse or a volcanic eruption are clearly engineered by GOD.” The Willard pastor emphasized, “It is painstakingly clear, while climate alarmists inspire a false religion of despair and alarm, believers in Christ offer the world true hope of the all-powerful Creator and Sustainer who provides salvation thru Christ.” 

The clergy closed their open letter by adding, “Although the Bible commands us to be good stewards of the earth, as faith leaders, we will not be holding our breath on April 22nd.  Humanity, and not earth, needs salvation from sin. The heavens will soon be speaking again when the Messiah cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Christ is coming back soon-and that is no science fiction.”

View slideshow from the April 14th, 2024 clergy press conference in Greenwich, Ohio.

View video produced by Frontlines Ohio from a recent clergy press conference addressing man-made climate religion. (4 min.)

Related articles:

In cannabis debate, Clear Fork School Board and citizens say: ‘Not in our backyard’ (SLIDESHOW)

On March 18th, Clear Fork Valley School Board unanimously approved non-binding resolution calling for prohibition of commercial cannabis in the school district. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

BUTLER — This week the Village of Butler took center stage over the marijuana debate in the Clear Fork Valley. The school board took a formal position at Butler Elementary, and the Bellville Mayor, swallowing her pride, scheduled a public forum at nearby Butler Village Hall to discuss the proposed Bellville weed dispensary. Opposition to cannabis appears to be at its peak in the Clear Fork Valley.

From morality, to quality of life, to school safety, and road safety, concerns were brought up about the dangers of marijuana in Thursday’s forum. County Commissioner Darrell Banks said he believes a dispensary will harm fundraising efforts for an adjacent YMCA sports facility. Several businessmen believe the social reputation of the Village will suffer. And with school officials now joining law enforcement and faith leaders, cannabis opposition is front and center.

Over one hundred-forty people attended a public forum on a marijuana dispensary proposed by Standard Wellness to be located in Bellville. The forum was held at Butler Village Hall on Thursday, March 21st. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Mayor Teri Brenkus, the key proponent of commercial cannabis in Bellville, could not find a host inside the Village for the forum. This week, Brenkus has been on the hot seat. Prior to the start of the forum, informational handouts on the recall election process to remove municipal officials from office were circulated by citizens. Sixty-percent of Bellville residents voted against legalizing marijuana in the November general election. Village Council also voted 5-1 on January 9th to pass a six-month moratorium preventing commercial cannabis companies from doing business in Bellville.

Earlier this week, Brenkus was formally asked to resign by Village Council for “reasons of moral misconduct and appearance of impropriety.” In addition, Village Administrator Larry Weirich, another supporter of cannabis, was placed on administrative leave effective immediately due to allegations related specifically to “immoral conduct as it relates to discipline and grievances.” Both measures passed by unanimous 6-0 votes. Weirich is the Richland County Democrat Party Chairperson.

On the same night Bellville Village Council made the emergency legislation on Tuesday, the Clear Fork School Board passed a non-binding resolution. Passed by a unanimous 5-0 vote, the statement said, “The Board Members of the Clear Fork Valley Local School District have resolved that it is in our students’ best interests to support the prohibition of any business in the boundaries of our school district that cultivates, processes, or retails marijuana. We believe that by supporting this prohibition, we are preserving and protecting our community’s exemplary quality of life and the health and safety of our students.”

Chart presented during forum based on OVI data from Sandusky City Police Department. (Photo courtesy of Benjamin Mutti)

After the passage of the school board resolution, High School Principal Brian Brown said the drug-testing program was “the best thing we did in my thirty-two years here in the district.” In 2014, Clear Fork schools implemented a random drug testing protocol for student motorists and students in extra-curricular activities.

Since the announcement of a proposed marijuana dispensary in Bellville, three area municipalities and six townships have passed legislation prohibiting commercial cannabis in their jurisdictions.

During the forum, several supporters of the dispensary alluded to perceived medical benefits provided by the drug. Reputable healthcare providers presently do not provide ‘medical marijuana,’ thus the demand for the state-licensed dispensaries. In 2019, the Cleveland Clinic released a statement saying, “To be clear, there is a difference between medications and ‘medical marijuana’ in the popular sense of the term…. At Cleveland Clinic, we believe there are better alternatives.”

Standard Wellness CEO Jared Maloof also attended the forum. The CEO promises to bring $360,000 in revenue toward Bellville if approved, and generate $10 million in revenue annually. Maloof stated that he does not use marijuana. He also stated that there have been no police reports taken out on dispensaries he owns (Sandusky OH, Springfield OH, cultivation facilities in Gibsonburg OH, & Corrine Utah). “We improve property values and bring stability to communities we are located in,” Maloof said.

On January 9th, at the admonition of local faith leaders, Bellville Village Council voted 5-1 for a six-month moratorium prohibiting marijuana businesses. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Some would disagree with CEO Jared Maloof’s statements about his compliance with the law. Maloof testified to an Ohio Senate Committee on March 7, 2023 suggesting Ohio “Put a stop to hemp-derived Delta 8 and other related cannabinoid sales in the state.” Maloof asserted that “The status quo is children can purchase THC at their local gas station and parents across this state have no idea that it is happening.” While it is illegal to sell or possess Delta 8 products in the State of Utah, according to the Utah Bee, “Standard Wellness has been making Delta-8 based products available for patients since the opening of their dispensary.”

Not to mention, in the same testimony Jared Maloof admitted that ‘medical’ marijuana operators in Ohio were “deciding in droves to sell legally-produced marijuana into the illegal market.” In other words, state-licensed marijuana dispensaries are operating as criminal enterprises.

One of the citizens for public comment questions if Standard Wellness can be a good neighbor and community partner. Benjamin Mutti thinks these issues should be considered red flags to Village Council. “This company is saying one thing and doing another,” Mutti said. “The Cannabis Industry authored the rules now included in the Ohio Revised Code. The text of these rules acknowledge the fact that addictive marijuana will bring more substance abuse, bring more impaired motorists, bring more access to the hallucinogen by children, and bring more mental health harm. Because of this negative baggage, the consensus should be to ban commercial cannabis development altogether,” he added.

The Bottom Line:

View the slideshow of the March 21st public forum regarding a marijuana dispensary proposed at the State Route 97/I-71 interchange in Bellville. The forum took place at Butler Village Hall.

Related articles:

4 local townships prohibit commercial weed: “With outlaw industry, our community will go downhill” (VIDEO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Malabar Farm State Park, located in Monroe Township, is the former residence of American writer Louis Bromfield. The famous conservationist is credited with promoting the use of multiflora rose as a natural fence for wildlife. When the hardy and thorny rose took over country sides, critics believed the invasive weed did more harm than good. After last fall’s Ohio elections, another weed is taking the state by storm; and Monroe Township is putting up a different fence on the very thorny issue of cannabis.

Last month, Monroe Township passed a resolution prohibiting “adult-use cannabis operators and medical marijuana cultivators, processors, and retail dispensaries within the unincorporated area.” Adjacent Washington Township, home of the ski resort Snow Trails, approved the same measure one week earlier.

On February 21st the Monroe Township Trustee Board passed a resolution prohibiting commercial cannabis. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The decision by the townships in Richland County drew the praise of many, including Pastor Dink Porter. “The weed industry, illicit or otherwise, has a history affiliated with criminal behavior,” says Porter. “If this outlaw industry comes to the area, our community will go downhill. It is always better to prevent problems from happening rather than to treat them.”

One Ohio State study found commercial weed facilities can lead to an increase in property crime in adjacent areas. The three-year study conducted on Denver weed dispensaries suggests there is reason to be concerned about having a cannabis outlet near your home.

In February, Pastor Porter addressed Madison Township Trustees on the issue and was also one of the lead clergymen representing over one-hundred-forty congregations opposing the legalization of recreational marijuana last fall. During their clergy press conference in Madison Township, the faith leaders stated that weed decimates a person’s self-control, cognitively impairs its users, and increases risk-taking behavior.  The faith leaders cited Proverbs 25 which says ‘Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.” One of the leading tourist attractions in the area, the Biblewalk Museum, happens to be located in Madison Township.

According to Pastor Porter, two Zanesville businessmen proposing to build a weed dispensary in Madison Township recently visited a local church for Sunday services to build bridges with the neighborhood. Fortunately for the faith community, the Madison Board of Trustees unanimously approved a resolution prohibiting commercial cannabis March 4th.

While commercial cannabis is tested and taxed, black market weed will almost always outsell its commercial competitors since it will usually cost less. In many cases, a symbiotic relationship between black market and commercial dispensaries can result.

One marijuana executive trying to get his foot in the door into the region admitted his industry’s dispensaries are helping fuel the black market. “We have seen several times that otherwise good people who have never broken a law in their lives are deciding in droves to sell-legally produced marijuana into the illegal market,” said Standard Wellness CEO Jared Maloof in testimony to the Ohio Senate in 2023. His cannabis company is trying to build a dispensary in Bellville, Ohio but has met resistance from faith leaders and citizens.

On March 4th, the Madison Township Trustee Board passed a resolution prohibiting commercial adult-use marijuana. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Some states that legalized marijuana for recreational use have experienced a surge in the drug’s black market activity. Colorado, in particular, has become a haven for underground marijuana cultivation and export, prompting questions about how legalization led to unforeseen consequences. Legalization opened the door to burgeoning criminal market with large-scale illegal operations being grown in plain sight. With its own plumbers, electricians, and front people who rent and buy properties, Colorado’s black market has become a magnet for international cartels. After a decade of legalization, two-thirds of the local jurisdictions in Colorado have prohibited medical and recreational weed.

This week Cass Township, in Richland County, passed a six-month moratorium prohibiting commercial cannabis. On the same day, nearby Bloomingrove Township passed a resolution banning commercial weed indefinitely. In January at Shiloh Village Council, a developer discussed locating a cultivation facility outside the village in Cass Township. One of the members of Village Council said she had serious concerns over the proposed cannabis facility and did not want increased crime in her neighborhood; her home was recently burglarized.

“You cannot sit on the fence on this issue,” says Pastor Porter, “It is good to see these township trustee boards take leadership on prohibiting marijuana. Because they took the first step, other elected officials will follow.”

The Bottom Line:

View video below by clicking on image. This PBS News Hour report discusses how Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug’s Black Market across Denver’s suburban metropolitan area.  (7:34 min)

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Pastor James Spencer goes home to be with the LORD: “He was a firebrand…”


MANSFIELD — James Morris Spencer, a devout Pastor, faithful husband, and loving father, transitioned from this earthly life to his eternal home in Heaven with his Lord and Savior on February 29th, 2024. Surrounded by his family at his home in Butler, Ohio, the fifty-one year old’s passing marked a significant moment, aligning with the rarity of Leap Day, symbolizing the leap into eternity for a man of unwavering faith.

Pastor James Spencer leaves behind his wife, Michelle and their six children. (Photo courtesy of Snyder Funeral Home)

Serving as Head Pastor at Peoples Baptist Church in Mansfield, Pastor Spencer faithfully shepherded the congregation for nearly twenty-years. Throughout his ministry, James remained deeply involved in soul-winning endeavors, youth and music ministries, touching countless lives with his unwavering faith and compassion. He also established a faith-based drug treatment ministry and also drove a church bus to transport students to church each week.

Reverend El Akuchie of the Richland Community Prayer Network looks back fondly on James Spencer’s involvement in the community. “Pastor James was a firebrand. I always appreciated his steadfast defense for Biblical values in our community. He was not ashamed of the Gospel. Many people looked up to Pastor Spencer, knowing they would never get a bland answer from him. I believe he carried this same zeal and passion on to his children and to the many others he touched.”

Pastor James Spencer recently passed away. Spencer, (pictured on left) was a strong advocate for election integrity. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Chris Spencer, James’ younger brother, also serves as Senior Pastor at Crestline Grace Baptist.

Pastor Spencer was known to be eccentric and radical in his faith. His hobby included singing to gospel music blaring in his car; one time he was playing his gospel music so loudly, that he got pulled over by a law enforcement patrol! Sometimes the Pastor would get so energized by the Holy Spirit that he would run around in circles. He would also scream (or sing) Psalms 100 to wake up his kids on Sunday mornings. He would exclaim, “This is the day that the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad it in it!”

Several Baptist Pastors who partnered in a number of clergy collaborations with Spencer reflected on their impressions of him.

“I have known Pastor James and his family for over twenty-four years,” said Pastor Randy Raynes from Mansfield Fellowship. “His parents were member in my church. From a young man working as a layman in a church to eventual pastor, James has had three passions: staying true to the fundamentals of the faith, actively striving to reach the lost with the Gospel, and seeking a revival of faith among today’s churches. He stood true and strong with a loving heart,” Raynes said.

Senior Pastor at Mansfield Peoples’ Baptist Church for twenty years, Pastor Spencer publicly defended the use of police chaplains. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Pastor Chad Hayes commented, “Pastor Spencer has been a staple to the Mansfield area for many years. He was a faithful soul-winner and a staunch defender of what is right within our community. While he will be greatly missed, the footprint and legacy he leaves behind will still be seen for years to come.”

The full obituary for James Spencer can be seen here.

The Bottom Line:

Related articles:

Faith leaders bring report to Madison Township Trustees: “Cannabis does not make dollars and sense” (VIDEO)


MADISON TOWNSHIP — Earlier this month, several businessmen proposed a brick and mortar marijuana facility in Madison Township with hopes to begin building in June. While representatives of Backroad Wellness claim their business will generate tax revenue for the township, some faith leaders believe the cannabis company will only be ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul.’

Last Tuesday night, two lead pastors from Madison Township encouraged the Township Board of Trustees to pass a resolution prohibiting commercial recreational cannabis. They cited a Colorado economic report indicating there was more to the story regarding supposed revenue generated from cannabis to the state. In 2018, the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University published a report in the aftermath of the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and found disturbing short-term consequences. The report was published the same year Madison Trustees prohibited medical marijuana.

Pastors Dink Porter and Robert Kurtz attended Tuesday night’s Madison Township Board of Trustees meeting. They both spoke in favor of the prohibition of commercial cannabis. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“For every dollar gained in tax revenue, the study found Coloradoans spent approximately $4.50 to mitigate the effects of legalization,” Pastor Dink Porter told Trustees. “With research showing a connection between marijuana use and the use of alcohol and other substances, the estimated costs of DUI’s for people in 2016 who tested positive for marijuana only, approached a whopping twenty-five million dollars.”

The bottom line the report said, was “Economic and social costs in this report are intentionally low and the comprehensive costs are likely much higher.”

Pastor Porter believes these findings validate what the Bible already speaks on about avoiding the influence of harmful and addictive drugs. He believes allowing the cannabis industry to enter the community does not morally and financially “make dollars and sense.”

According to Pastor Robert Kurtz, who also attended the meeting, he believes additional tax revenue is not a cure-all. “Money seems to be the attraction in the consideration of encouraging this ingestion of a substance known to debilitate those who partake. ‘The love of money is the root of all evil,’ those are GOD’s words. The fact is, there are wages to pay associated with sin and as we see from the culture today, marijuana is going to make us pay,” Kurtz said.

Last October, Pastor Kurtz hosted a clergy press conference at his nearby church opposing the legalization of marijuana. The clergy represented over one-hundred-forty congregations across twenty counties. They warned that as the general public becomes desensitized to drug abuse, the next generation ultimately will become desensitized to right and wrong.

In the last Madison Township Trustee meeting, Brian Hennessey and Jonathan Mayle of Backroad Wellness said their proposed four-thousand square foot marijuana facility would sell a variety of products. Their dispensaries in Cambridge, Lima, and New Boston, sell products with high THC potency including products inaptly named, “High Divorce Rate Live Resin” that has 68% THC, “Problem Child Solventless Ice Hash” which has 63% THC, and Durban Poison Live Resin which has 72% THC.

The Centennial Institute report also stated, “Calls to Poison Control related to marijuana increased dramatically since the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana.”

At Tuesday’s Madison Trustee’s meeting, Pastor Porter cited a study finding for every dollar of revenue marijuana generated, Coloradoans spent four and a half dollars. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

According to the Department of Homeland Security, the most common overdoses among children nationwide involve ingestion of edible cannabis foods. Since ‘medical’ marijuana was legalized, Ohio’s two poison control centers have reported a significant increase in children ingesting such products. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Drug and Poison Information Center reported seventy-nine cases of ingestion in 2020, for a 108% increase. Nationwide Children’s Hospital Central Ohio Poison Center also recorded seventy-nine cases in 2020, for a 394% increase from the previous year.

“GOD’s commands are for our good always,” Pastor Kurtz said at the meeting. “GOD commands us to view our bodies as His temple. As society continues its descent into this mess, I am asking our Trustees to stand for what is morally right and do what you can to prohibit this poison from being sold in our community.”

Symptoms of THC overdose include respiratory distress, loss of coordination, lethargy, and loss of consciousness. If your child is sick and you suspect he or she has eaten a food containing high amounts of THC, call the Central Ohio Poison Center Hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

The Bottom Line:

View the video produced by Centennial Institute entitled: “Video the Marijuana Industry Does Not Want You to See” (9 min.)

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With eye on workforce, Shelby nips cannabis in the bud & prohibits commercial use


SHELBY –As home to Pioneer Vocational School and North Central State, the City of Shelby is centered around skilled workplace development. Both schools serve as catalysts helping to enhance the skill set of the area workforce. With the recent state legalization of recreational marijuana, the City of Shelby is trying to stay ahead of the game. After all, it is difficult to have a successful economy when employees are high on drugs.

There is no question marijuana dispensaries will increase drrug positivity rates in the workforce. The downside is, high employees hurt themselves and their co-workers. In order to prevent their city from going down the tubes, City Council unanimously voted to pass an ordinance prohibiting commercial cannabis.

Shelby City Council unanimously approved ordinance prohibiting commercial cannabis. (Photo courtesy of Shelby City Boxcast TV)

Shelby clergy gave accolades to the Council after passage of the prohibition ordinance went seamless with a 5-0 vote. “We appreciate the Council has the foresight to see that the cannabis industry adversely impacts other existing industries,” says Bishop Anthony Cooper. “Most importantly, cannabis adversely impacts our families and the ability for breadwinners to earn income. As the Bible says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Studies show employees who use marijuana have 75% higher absenteeism. It is already difficult to recruit and retain workers, and find ones who can pass a drug test. Legalizing recreational marijuana only exacerbates the staffing problem for employers who have to make up for lost time from failed drug tests.

WIth more employees using cannabis, Ohio employers should prepare for an influx of workplace accidents and injuries. Quest Diagnostics found the number of marijuana-positive drug tests performed after workplace accidents soared 204% from 2012 to 2022, coinciding with the trend of more states legalizing recreational use of marijuana. 

Daily testing of all employees can be expensive, operationally burdensome, and can capture marijuana usage as far back as thirty days. On top of that, employees face the reduction or even elimination of workers’ compensation benefits.

In addition to absenteeism, workplace injuries, workplace theft to support drug habits, and the sale of drugs by one employee to another are all issues employers face because of illicit drug use. Moreover, cannabis has measurable effects that impair reaction time in critical situations, slowing reaction time, and decreasing attention. Studies further show a 55% increase in workplace accidents in states that have legalized recreational marijuana, and an 85% higher injury rate for workers who tested positive for marijuana.

Pastor Art Kennard says the cannabis industry not only impairs the workforce, it can also invigorate organized crime. “The Bible talks about the sluggard who does not work. ‘A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man,” the Shelby Pastor said. “It is one thing to malign the work force, it is another to enable criminal enterprises. Right now the City of Denver is fighting organized crime networks burglarizing cannabis dispensaries.”

Pastor Art Kennard & Bishop Anthony Cooper attended Shelby ‘City Council Tuesday night. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The ordinance passed by the Shelby City Council states, “The sale of adult-use cannabis does not promote or provide public peace, health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare to the residents in city limits.” Previously in 2018, Shelby Council passed an ordinance prohibiting the processing, cultivation, and retail distribution of medical marijuana in city limits.

Faith and civic leaders hope the local workforce keeps their nose to the grindstone. “If workers fail to show up for work or have dirty drug tests,” says Cooper, “Companies will either go automated to avoid all the trouble or just leave the area. And that leaves our community without jobs.”

The Bottom Line:

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45 Lead clergy endorse Steve Sheldon for Sheriff: “He will not let his guard down” (VIDEO)


RICHLAND COUNTY — One person stands between an unconfined federal government and “We the People.” After the Ohio Constitution included the Office of the Sheriff as an elected position in its Constitution in 1803, almost every other state has followed suit. Consequently, of the three-thousand sheriff’s in the United States today, approximately 98% are elected by the citizens of their county or parish.

It is one thing to simply be an agent of the government. It is another to have a discretionary role as an agent of the Constitution.

Incumbent Sheriff Steve Sheldon (with microphone) will be squaring off against two challengers on March 19th’s primary election. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The Richland County Primary Election will occur Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, with candidates: Steve Sheldon, Matthew Mayer, and Donald Zehner vying for the highest law enforcement office in the County. Elected sheriffs are directly accountable to their State Constitution, the Federal Constitution, statutes, and ultimately to the citizens of their county.  This week local faith leaders weighed in on the sheriff’s race.

In an open letter, a group of area clergymen wrote, “Recently after attending a National Sheriff’s Association Conference, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones outlined imminent national security risks, drawing parallels to Israel’s security situation.  Recounting the October 7th massacre on Israelis, where local police were critical in responding to attacks, the Ohio Sheriff underscored the essential role local law enforcement plays.

The area pastors said, “With the U.S. currently engaging in military action in two countries, with thousands of undocumented people from one hundred-sixty different countries entering our nation monthly thru an unsecure border, more red flags for potential terrorist activity exist today than there were before the September 11th attacks.  Local stability and security are of vital importance.”

“The Bible says Isaiah 62, “I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence.”

The faith leaders went on to say, “Based on a Biblical worldview, our strong conviction as forty-five lead clergymen, is Sheriff Steve Sheldon will best serve as the next Richland County Sheriff for the upcoming March 19, 2024 Primary Election to advance the cause of faith, family, and freedom.

“Sheriff Steve Sheldon has over forty-years’ experience in law enforcement and has served as Richland County Sheriff for five terms, beginning in 2005.  Mr. Sheldon has been a strong advocate for the Second Amendment which helps protect First Amendment freedoms, and was one of the leading voices in opposing the legalization of marijuana.  Besides regularly attending corporate prayer gatherings in the community, Mr. Sheldon maintains a chaplain program in the Sheriff’s Department.  Under his Administration, Sheriff Sheldon also implemented a faith-based Project Starfish drug rehab program and affixed National Motto “In GOD we trust” placards on all new deputy squad vehicles.”

Area clergy publicly supported immunity for law enforcement in 2021. Two clergy pictured with Sheriff Sheldon. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy letter stated, “While times are perilous, strong leadership and bold direction are needed to protect our local community.  Nehemiah 4:14 says “Be not ye afraid of them: remember the LORD, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”

Faith leaders represented in the clergy letter are from multiple-denominations in Richland County and have historically been vocal of their support for the rule of law and local law enforcement.

Faith leaders closed their open letter by saying, “Furthermore, based on merit we support the candidacy of Steve Sheldon and believe he best serves the interests of faith, family, and freedom.  As forty-five leading clergymen, we encourage Ohioans to show up at their polling places in person on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 and vote for Steve Sheldon as Richland County Sheriff.”

The Bottom Line:

View video produced by Protect Ohio Families & Workers, of Sheriff Steve Sheldon publicly opposing recreational marijuana (1 min.)

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Ashland ministerial group holds first 2024 meeting: ‘We can accomplish so much more together’ (VIDEO)


ASHLAND — Often times societal problems are mischaracterized as ‘political’ rather than spiritual. At the end of the day, the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. Recently the “Ashland Angle” show interviewed the president of an active clergy group that engages culture outside the Church’s four walls. Because this band of faith leaders leaves no stones unturned, some in Ashland believe there is the Republican and Democrat Parties, and then the Ashland County Ministerial Association.

“The Ashland County Ministerial Association (ACMA) is a group of clergy, professional church workers, and nonprofit directors that partner together to tackle problems in our community,” says Dave McNeely President of the ACMA. “Our county has about one-hundred-ten churches, and we hold monthly meetings with over forty leaders regularly attending. For the last forty years, this multi-denominational association has helped unify the Church and influence our community for the better.”

State Representative Melanie Miller is a board member of the Ashland County Ministerial Association and serves as Executive Director of the Ashland Pregnancy Care Center. (Photo courtesy of screenshot from Ashland Angle)

According to its website, in addition to meeting together for prayer and mutual encouragement, the ACMA coordinates community outreaches and has a membership covenant. Pastor McNeely says the ACMA has addressed a number of issues.

“Thru our association of faith leaders, we have helped address the drug addiction crisis thru the non-profit ministry Project One. We have also helped unify our community by coordinating corporate prayer events like the gathering at Freer Park, and our annual National Day of Prayer. I believe there has been a ripple effect that can be seen in our area because of this prayer.”

The ACMA rents out the Convocation Center at Ashland University for annual prayer breakfast which has an average attendance of seven hundred. As one of the largest National Day of Prayer observances in the state each year, Ashland leaders from various spheres of influence participate in the corporate gathering to take spiritual authority over different areas of society.

During the pandemic and national social unrest of 2020, a collaboration of twenty-five churches from the ACMA held a sacred assembly to seek GOD and ask for His mercy. The event drew nearly two-thousand to Freer Park and drew national headlines.

In 2022, a number of pastors and faith-based leaders from the ACMA held the Ashland Library Board accountable for displaying inappropriate materials in the children’s section. Consequently, one of seven board members has been removed as a result of their stand. Faith leaders demonstrated that the issue of child-grooming is not just a fringe issue, with fifteen lead clergy and two hundred attending a library board meeting to address the protection of vulnerable children.

Pastor McNeely commented that one of the top priorities of the Association is to reach area youth to curb juvenile delinquency. “As an Association, we have met with school boards and elected officials to promote Bible education during school hours. This program, LifeWise Academy, now has over one thousand elementary students from all five school districts in our county learning from the Bible each week. And the Ashland County Ministerial Association was the tip of the spear to help accomplish this. Next year, we will be launching LifeWise Academy for Ashland High School students.”

The Ashland County Ministerial Association is a voluntary gathering of pastors & professional church workers who meet together for prayer and mutual encouragement. (Photo courtesy of screenshot from Ashland Angle)

LifeWise Academy has complimented teachers’ efforts in improving student behavior and academic achievement. Ambassador Enterprises commissioned a third-party data research firm, Thomas P. Miller & Associates, to gather and analyze data from over six thousand different schools across Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa, to understand the effectiveness of LifeWise programming in their region.  In seventy-six of the studied schools, LifeWise Academy has been in place for multiple school years.

The survey found that the schools’ attendance rate increased in just the first year of the program, most attendance improved by nearly 7%.  Additionally, student participation increased by 10% in a LifeWise program school. In the second and third years, schools with LifeWise programming saw improvements in discipline, with declines in both in-school and out-of-school suspensions. 

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller commented during the Ashland Angle interview, “So many challenges we face as local communities are not challenges that the government is equipped to address. So we need church leaders to help address these heart issues in the community.”

“When we learn to work together, we accomplish so much more,” Pastor McNeely said.

The Bottom Line:

View the video about LifeWise Academy, a character-based program for public schools based on the Bible. (3 min.)

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