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DeWine signs law preventing local & state governments from closing churches


MANSFIELD — Although he never passed such orders, Governor Mike DeWine has been criticized during the COVID-19 pandemic for discouraging churches from holding in-person services. With many conservatives concerned about future government overreach, Republicans in the Legislature put a bill on the Governor’s desk. As a result, DeWine has signed a bill into law that restricts local and state officials from closing churches or other houses of worship.

Pastor J.C. Church pictured (far left) with area clergy who called for end of pandemic shutdown. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Restrictions of constitutional rights by the government during crisis must be temporary and the least burdensome approach to achieve a compelling interest,” says Pastor J.C. Church. “We cannot forget that a crisis is never a time to destroy constitutional liberty.”

Pastor J.C. Church is one of the faith leaders in a group of one hundred North Central Ohio clergy who wanted the “Ohio Department of Health Director’s Stay at Home Order” to expire on May 1st.

During the onset of the pandemic, DeWine was quoted as saying “It just seems to me to be a huge mistake for any pastor of any church to bring people together tomorrow or any other day,” DeWine said in late March, according to WCMH. “This is a critical period of time and it’s not just for the safety of the people in your congregation. Frankly, it’s for the safety of their friends, their neighbors and total strangers. So I just can’t imagine that anyone would want to take that risk.”

“Restrictions of constitutional rights by the government during crisis must be temporary and the least burdensome approach to achieve a compelling interest. We cannot forget that a crisis is never a time to destroy constitutional liberty.”

Pastor J.C. Church

DeWine spokesman Dan Tierney said that the governor agreed to enact the law curbing his own power to close churches because he never even contemplated taking such a step. The law will take effect in mid-December.

Pushed by Republican lawmakers, House Bill 272 prohibits a public official from ordering the closure of all places of worship in a geographic area and changing the time, place, or manner of conducting an election, except in certain circumstances.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, several states encroached on Americans’ First Amendment right of worship and assembly, disregarding it completely by forcing the closure of places of worship and religious institutions the amendment is seen as a preemptive step should Ohioans find themselves in this situation again.

Ohio State Capital (Photo courtesy of Pixabay images)

Several states have restrictions in place on religious gatherings, which have led to legal battles for the religious freedom of churches and other houses of worship. In California, several churches are fighting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 orders banning indoor services.

In an earlier statement, Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver called Newsom’s orders “unconstitutional.” “Governor Newsom supports tens of thousands of protestors, saying ‘God bless you. Keep doing it. This is wrong, and the governor’s unconstitutional hostility and discrimination against religious worship must end,” he said.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Hebrews 10, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

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Ashland Mayor digs his heels in after his dedication of city to Christ (VIDEO)

Matt Miller
Ashland Mayor dedicates city to Jesus Christ in 2020. (Photo courtesy of screenshot)

ASHLAND — According to Mayor Matt Miller, he was caught off guard by the national headlines he received after dedicating the City of Ashland to Christ during a sacred assembly last month.

“I have to tell you, we thought it was just a local event to try to usher in GOD’s presence into our community,” says Mayor Miller. “It has been very interesting to see how the rest of the world has picked up on some of those comments that were made that day. I do not think any of us ever imagined that anyone outside of Ashland would be paying attention.”

Ashland Mayor dedicates city to Christ August 23, 2020 (Photo courtesy of Ashland County Pictures)

The Mayor describes his city as a devout community.

“We have an active ministerial association composed of different denominations where once a month they meet together and take on a variety of community projects. GOD placed on one of the pastors’ hearts that we should have a sacred assembly at a wide open prominent green space in Ashland. During the evening we spent time seeking GOD’s presence and asking for His forgiveness where needed and praying for His guidance as we move forward.”

Different ministry leaders, elected officials, pastors as well as the President of Ashland University took time to read portions of Scripture that GOD placed on their hearts and then they prayed about whatever related to the Scripture and the community.

Miller admits, “The truth is, I forgot about what my Scripture verse was going to be. I instead asked GOD to give me the words.” Miller told those gathered at the assembly, “To the extent that a mayor can do so, I want to open this city up for His blessing and His protection. I want to make the decisions GOD would make if He were the Mayor of the City of Ashland.”

Miller admits there is no doubt that there are many places in the country that would have a different reaction to his declaration.

“I will tell you the truth, because our community has so many different churches and so many people seeking to do GOD’s will, it (declaration) has not really brought on a lot of fanfare at all. To be honest, I have not heard any negative comments and I know not everyone in this community believes as I do and not everyone in the community loves what I said that night. But the truth is, GOD makes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust; the good and the evil.’

“I have to tell you, we thought it (sacred assembly) was a local event to try to usher in GOD’s presence into our community. It has been very interesting to see how the rest of the world has picked up on some of those comments that were made that day. I do not think any of us ever imagined that anyone outside of Ashland would be paying attention.”

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller

Miller believes that if GOD blesses Ashland because of a few people seeking Him, then everyone benefit, those who know Him and those who do not.”

In the past, new construction has been stagnant in the city. The Ashland Mayor gives an exciting forecast ahead.

“GOD has been blessing us. In the last six months alone we have inked deals with developers to have more than four hundred and twenty-five new dwelling units built in our city the next three hundred sixty-five days. Also several businesses have also moved into the area bringing in hundreds of new jobs to the area. At this particular time, for whatever reason, GOD has decided to show us favor.”

Miller says that the blessing of protection will come from GOD when people seek the ways of the LORD.

“There is no reason as believers for us to be afraid. There is no reason to be afraid of political ramifications for standing up for GOD. GOD is our deliverer. Those who feel other than we do are not afraid to go to the mat for what they believe. But for some reason, we grow a little shy about what we are sharing in what we believe. We are on the side of truth.”

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Hebrews 13, “So we say with confidence, ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

View the video interview below of Mayor Matt Miller produced by the Indiana-based “The Well in Carmel” ministry.

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101 Ohio evangelical leaders thank President Trump for policies

Clergy send thank you to President Trump

NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — With the first Presidential debate set for Cleveland, Ohio next week, united clergy across the Buckeye Bible Belt are taking the opportunity to thank the President for his Administration’s policies.

On Thursday, over one hundred clergymen across a region of the bellwether state released an open letter addressed to President Donald Trump thanking him for twenty policies during the President’s term. One of the clergy spokesmen believes substance is more important than style.

Clergy pictured (L to R): J.C. Church, El Akuchie, Randy Raynes, Sylvester Ginn
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“When a person votes, you cannot go by a man’s personality, you have to go by his policies,” says Bishop Sylvester Ginn of Ontario. “This may be unpopular, but in this world it always takes courage to do the right thing. Actions speak louder than words.”

Bishop Ginn went on to say “The Bible says to commend those who do right. As clergy across different denominational lines, we believe the President’s policies highlighted in our letter match our values on issues of faith, family, and freedom.

Pastor J.C. Church of Bucyrus, Ohio believes Ohio evangelicals as a whole will be voting their values at the ballot box. He also believes this could be the last election if one particular political party wins.

“We should never take this President for granted; this could be the last vote we ever cast. My point: in this election we have one political party that believes a nine-month old baby can be tossed aside after a botched abortion. Since they have no problem tossing babies aside, they will have no problem tossing your vote aside. The magnitude of this election is sobering if this group gains power.”

Pastor J.C. Church

“We should never take this President for granted; this could be the last vote we ever cast. My point: in this election we have one political party that believes a nine-month old baby can be tossed aside after a botched abortion. Since they have no problem tossing babies aside, they will have no problem tossing your vote aside. The magnitude of this election is sobering if this group gains power.”

The clergy letter addressed to President Trump stated “We (clergy) are convinced that you have come to the Oval Office for such a time as this.” Several pastors elaborated.

“In the past we have had Presidents who have wanted the evangelical vote but then not follow thru with their promises,” explains Pastor Randy Raynes of Mansfield, Ohio. “But whether it is moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, or eliminating funding to Planned Parenthood, President Trump is keeping his promises. He has given evangelicals a voice in our country.”

When discussing evangelical influence, one political scientist from Eastern Illinois University  commented last year that “atheist feminists would not want to live in Mansfield. Ohio.” Since 2004, the region has been visited by three different U.S. Presidents during the election season.

Pastors from North Central Ohio meet at Mansfield church (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

The clergy letter listed several policy decisions. On January 23, 2017 President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which blocks funding for international organizations that perform or promote abortion. President Trump also became the first sitting president to give remarks in person at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C..

Reverend El Akuchie of Mansfield, Ohio says the President has not wavered and has a proven conservative record.

“President Trump supports law and order. We cannot allow anarchists to destroy this nation. If there is no law and order, there is no nation. Take it from me, I grew up in Nigeria where there is no law and order. Bloodshed is rampant over the entire country and no one feels safe.”

Counties represented in the clergy letter include Richland (69 pastors), Crawford (10), Ashland (7) and also Wayne, Morrow, Knox, Huron, Portage and Stark.

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Is the fear of GOD driving wheels of justice in Northern Ohio? (AUDIO)


NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — Clergy initiatives combating pornography and human trafficking in the Buckeye Bible Belt is resulting in what one pastor calls a “divine dragnet” after U.S. Marshals conducted recent sting operations.

Pastor Bruce Philippi of Journey Life Center in Mansfield is one of the seventy-four clergy cosigners calling for pornography to be declared a public health crisis due to its link to human trafficking.

Reverend Bruce Philippi
(Photo courtesy of Journey Life Center)

“We are seeing remarkable spiritual momentum in our region. At the same time (neighboring) Ashland County held a sacred assembly, a divine dragnet by U.S. Marshals was occurring. These raids are resulting in the rescue of children and the arrests of persons involved in criminal behavior. It is important to note during the assembly, several speakers led prayer for the welfare of women and children.”

Pastor Philippi believes the August 23rd assembly is a pivot point for the region desiring spiritual and social breakthrough. During the sacred assembly, the Mayor of Ashland dedicated the city to the “supremacy of the LORD Jesus Christ.” Just several months prior, the nearby Mansfield Mayor declared the city as “Godsfield.” Little did the clergy know justice was coming just around the corner.

One day later, “Operation Moving Target” began with U.S. Marshals between August 24-27th arresting twenty-seven persons in Northern Ohio involved with sexually explicit conversations online with undercover agents posing as children. But that is not all that took place.

“Operation Safety Net” involving the rescue of twenty-five children from human trafficking began August 17th, the same day clergy presented their porn resolution to Richland Public Health.  The operation is still underway with the cooperation of the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force.

Officials point out “Operation Safety Net” was the first time multiple law enforcement agencies had conducted such a rescue mission. Due to its success, similar missions will take place in the future.

According to Ashland Police Chief David Marcelli, “The faith community has taken a very positive role in leading initiatives outside of their houses of worship and into the entire community,” says the thirty-two year veteran.

Ashland Police Chief David Marcelli
(Photo courtesy of Ashland PD)

By the same token, the Mansfield Police Chief stated in 2018 there has been “unprecedented church involvement in recent years.” Consequently, violent crime in the city has declined for five consecutive years prior to the pandemic.

Recently Pastor Philippi had an eye-opening testimony shared at his congregation during his church service.

Mansfield native Candace Williams testified that she identified a case of human trafficking while visiting the Cedar Point Amusement Park on August 29th. As she was waiting in line for a roller coaster, she noticed a young teenage girl accompanied by several older men in line. After noticing the girl had a black eye, she prayed to GOD and asked for help.

“I prayed ‘LORD, what do you want me to do?” says Williams. “As soon as I prayed, my eyes were drawn to someone wearing a T-shirt which said in bold letters: “DO WHAT YOU CAN.”

After the timely advice, Williams took action by taking photos, messaging the National Human Trafficking Hotline, and reporting the incident to park staff. From there park security was alerted and the teenage girl was taken by medics.

“With the clarion call by area clergy, and the corporate sacred assembly, this really has been a roller coaster month for our area. Except I think it is the human traffickers who are afraid of the heights now.”

Pastor Bruce Philippi
Journey Life Center

“GOD put me in the right place with His perfect timing,” says Williams. “He made me fearless.”

Chief Marcelli comments, “I believe God has His hands in all things.  We are placed in situations of His making and yet are free to respond as we determine.”

“With the clarion call by area clergy, and the corporate sacred assembly, this has been a roller coaster month for our area,” says Pastor Philippi. “Except I think it is the human traffickers who are afraid of the heights now.”

Click on the image below to listen to John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, discussing the recent Ohio sting operations on BreakPoint, a nationally syndicated commentary on the culture.

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Biblewalk is logging in with new wood carving collection (VIDEO)


MANSFIELD — BibleWalk, one of the world’s leading Christian attractions and wax museums becomes the new home to the Museum of Woodcarving, the largest collection of wood carvings in the world created by one man.

It took Joseph Barta 30 years to carve his vision of Bible stories into 100 life-size figures. Barta spent over four and half years completing his life-sized carving of The Last Supper, spending two years on the face of Jesus.

Joseph Barta’s lifes-sized carving of The Last Supper.
(Photo courtesy of Biblewalk)

Barta’s collection also features over four hundred miniature carvings wildlife, pets, and livestock and was displayed in a museum in Spooner, Wisconsin for over 32 years. The owners moved the exhibit to Kissimmee, Florida in 1984, but it returned to Wisconsin in 1989 finding its home in Shell Lake until August 2020.

“We are very honored not only to continue sharing Joseph Barta’s amazing woodcarvings with the world, but also in preserving and sharing his legacy with future generations,” said BibleWalk’s Director, Julie Mott-Hardin.

“We are very honored not only to continue sharing Joseph Barta’s amazing woodcarvings with the world, but also in preserving and sharing his legacy with future generations.”

Julie Mott-Hardin, Biblewalk

The Museum of Woodcarving will become BibleWalk’s seventh tour joining: The Life of Christ, Miracles of the Old Testament, The Heart of the Reformation, The Museum of Christian Martyrs, Amazing Grace-The Journeys of Paul and their newest tour, The Kingdom of God, that opened in June 2020.

BibleWalk also houses eight one-of-a-kind exhibits: The Walk of Parables, American Votive Folk-Art, the Woodcarvings of John Burns, Emmanuel Word Pictures, Rare Bible Collection, Christian Art Gallery, Elfred Lee’s painting – The Invitation and Three Animated Scenes.

BibleWalk will be adding their ninth exhibit Summer of 2021 featuring Bibles from around the world. Also coming in the Spring of 2021 will be the re-opening of BibleWalk’s Dinner Theater, “Dinner With Grace.”

To learn more about tours and exhibits click here. Biblewalk is located at 500 Tingley Avenue in Mansfield.

View the video below of BibleWalk produced by OH Report.

Signs and wonders on the road ahead in Buckeye Bible Belt (VIDEO)


BERLIN — There is no doubt that our nation’s culture is on a collision course with Biblical values. And when Ohio motorists hit the road, they may just have an encounter like the Road to Damascus.

The State of Ohio has the ninth most miles of highway in the nation, with over 260 thousand lane miles. One ministry based in Holmes County, Ohio is taking this into account and reaching the nation with the Good News through a billboard evangelism program.

Click on the image above to view video on CAM’s outdoor billboard ministry.
(Photo courtesy of Christian Aid Ministries)

Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) displays gospel messages on billboards providing the perfect opportunity to direct commuters’ thoughts to God. These messages are spread along interstates, major highways, and several shopping malls across the United States in all fifty states.

With the average American spending fifty minutes commuting to and from work each day, car trips can afford quality time to think and billboard messages can be thought-provoking statements and questions.

Christian Aid Ministries logo

This gospel billboard campaign began in November 2006 with a vision of pointing America to Christ. The ministry believes that whoever believes in Jesus and repents from their sins, can have eternal life. (John 3:16).

The number of Gospel billboards displayed by CAM nationwide totals 686. While four states do not allow highway billboards, CAM posts Gospel messages in shopping malls, airports, and bus terminals. The ministry receives over four hundred calls nationwide a day, and reaches an estimated 15.6 million viewers a day.

Registered with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, CAM connects callers to a Bible-believing church to which they can be accountable and find spiritual nourishment and fellowship.

The average American spends fifty minutes commuting to and from work each day, affording quality time to think. Gospel messages on billboards provide the perfect opportunity to direct commuters’ thoughts to God.

One driver from Florida called CAM and said, “I am glad for what you are doing with the billboards. It is what our country needs! When I saw the message on your billboard, it was exactly what I needed!”

Recently the ministry reported about a weeping man in Arizona who called the ministry’s toll free number on the billboard asking for prayer to overcome his addiction to pornography. Another call came from a professional trucker who tearfully confessed years of infidelity and then began accepting help to restore his fractured marriage. One account includes the deliverance of a single mom who had been a Satan worshipper.

Billboard locations maintained by Christian Aid (Photo courtessy of Google Maps)

In 2018, the Amish, Mennonite, and Anabaptist phone team answered more than 33,000 calls.

CAM has an Adopt a billboard program allowing churches, businesses, and individuals the opportunity to adopt specific billboards for $250, $500 and $750 a month. Sponsors regularly receive information about the billboard they sponsor. For more information, call 330.893.2428 or email camweb@camoh.org.

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Ohio Board revokes license from doctor threatening Jewish patients (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — An Ohio doctor has been permanently stripped of her license to practice medicine after threatening to give Jewish patients the “wrong medications.”

The Ohio State Medical Board revoked the medical license of Lara Kollab, a Muslim medical resident, after it was discovered she had been posting anti-Semitic statements on social media for at least six years. In 2019, Kollab was terminated from her position at the Cleveland Clinic after the revelation.

Lara Kollab, former doctor who threatened to poison Jewish patients.
(Photo courtesy of Canary Mission/ Facebook)

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) filed a formal complaint with the Ohio State Board of Medical Examiners, explaining the Muslim woman’s statements “and intentions go far beyond the realms of free speech. Allowing her near any patients could literally jeopardize lives.”

ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow called her behavior abhorrent and dangerous.

“The issue is: should a doctor who makes threats about giving Jews the wrong medication with the intent to cause harm be entitled to practice medicine? The answer is no. The medical license should be permanently revoked. Threats to cause harm must never be tolerated in any setting – including the medical field.”

“The issue is: should a doctor who makes threats about giving Jews the wrong medication with the intent to cause harm be entitled to practice medicine? The answer is no. The medical license should be permanently revoked. Threats to cause harm must never be tolerated in any setting – including the medical field.”

Jay Sekulow, aCLJ Chief Counsel

The investigation into her activities found she “violated rules of conduct by failing to exhibit good moral character and ‘making a false, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading statement in relation to the practice of medicine.”

Her social media rants were documented by Canary Mission, an anti-hate watchdog that exposes anti-Semitism. Some of her remarks, according to Canary’s translation, include the following:

“Hahha ewww.. I’ll purposely give all the [Jews] the wrong meds.”

“Look, Haifa is sweet (nice), but it’s full of Jewish dogs, and it looks like America, meaning, it wasn’t that special to me.”

“I don’t mean to sound insensitive but I have a REALLY hard time feeling bad about Holocaust seeing as the people who were in it now kill my people. I blame Israel for everything. everything that goes wrong, I say [Allah will kill the Jews].”

“Jewish settlers in Palestine are the descendants of the Nazis.”

View the CBS News video below reporting Lara Kollab’s termination.

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Guest Column: Ark Encounter unveils $3 million virtual-reality tour taking visitors back in time (VIDEO)


Nothing brings history alive like seeing it play out before you. Reading about ancient civilizations is one thing, but being able to see actual life-size replicas of cities and items really helps you imagine what it might have been like to live in a different time and place.

Amanda Thomasons
(Photo courtesy of Western Journal)

Just outside the Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan area, the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, has been hailed an excellent exhibit — with over a million visitors a year since opening in 2016 — and the attraction even earned the number one spot on USA Today’s top ten “Best Religious Museums” list earlier this year.

“We are so grateful to USA Today for considering our internationally recognized attractions in its contest,” Ark Encounter CEO and founder Ken Ham told CBN News at the time.

“Indeed, people from around the world rave about the exhibits and features at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, and now these people have validated our exciting attractions from among an impressive list of museums. We’re very thankful to the thousands of people who went online to vote,” said Ham, who also leads Ark Encounter’s parent organization, Answers in Genesis.

Outdoor picture of the cutting edge Virtual Reality Experience center that opened last month. (Photo courtesy of Ark Encounter)

“Our full-size Noah’s ark, built according to the dimensions given in the Bible, spans 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high,” Ark Encounter’s Facebook “About” page reads. “This modern engineering marvel amazes visitors young and old.”

But now there’s a new exhibit that is offering viewers an entirely new experience: a glimpse into the Bible event including sights, sounds and even smells.

“I’m excited about this fantastic high-tech VR addition,” Ham told CBN News late last month. “As people have come to expect at the Ark Encounter, the bar of excellence is set extremely high, as it is again with this experience.”

“This 4K Virtual Reality (VR) experience is like no other,” he continued. “While its quality of production and immersive feel are what you would expect from Walt Disney World or Universal Studios, the message is different. ‘A Flood of Reality’ presents Noah’s Ark and the Flood as factual history and reinforces the truth of the Bible.”

Ark Encounter Founder Ken Ham with Vice President of the Audio Visual Services. (Photo courtesy of Ark Encounter)

The “Truth Traveler,” as the experience has been dubbed, cost around $3 million to build, and requires an additional entry fee.

COVID-19 has affected Ark Encounter just as it has many other businesses, but they were able to reopen in June.

“Since we reopened our attractions on June 8, I have been greatly encouraged to see so many families, including children, visiting us once again,” Ham said. “Having been shut down for nearly three months, and with all that’s happened across the nation, we weren’t sure what to expect for the first several weeks.

“Since we reopened our attractions on June 8th, I have been greatly encouraged to see so many families, including children, visiting us once again,”

Ken Ham, Found of the Ark Encounter and creation museum

“But we have been pleasantly surprised by the strong attendance, as have local hotels, B&Bs, and restaurants. Our attractions continue to have a significant economic impact on the region, as recognized this month by receiving the Community Award from the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.”

Hopefully with the opening of “Truth Traveler,” more attendees will flock to the Ark Encounter and make up for the months of emptiness.

The virtual reality experience is open now and will, as its website states, “truly help guests understand the reality of the Ark and the flood.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Click on the image above to view video of tour of the new virtual reality facility. (Photo courtesy of Ark Encounter)

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CCV unveils 2020 non-partisan voter guide (VIDEO)


COLUMBUS — After months of careful work surveying and researching Ohio candidates, Citizens for Community Values (CCV) has compiled a 2020 voter guide to inform citizens for the upcoming general election November 3rd. CCV President Aaron Baer made the announcement this week.

“With apathy, fake news, and fear discouraging voters from participating in this pivotal election, it is more necessary than ever to provide our free nonpartisan voter guide. Tens of thousands of voter guides are coming out. With the election fast approaching, people are hungry for the facts.”

Races featured in the guide include the U.S. President, Congress, Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio State Senate, Ohio State House of Representatives and Ohio Court of Appeals.

Baer said that people can order the voter guides to distribute to their church or their community. With many churches closed due to COVID-19, a brand new interactive voter guide website BuckeyeBallot.com has been launched. A bulletin format for congregations of the Presidential race can be accessed here.

Bulletin half sheet of CCV 2020 voter guide. (Photo courtesy of CCV)

On the website you can identify your district by accessing a personalized voter guide, read comments from candidates and see candidate endorsements from a range of advocacy groups. Website users can also register to vote and find their voting location.

Partnering ministry Alliance Defending Freedom is also providing an easy legal guide for congregations to provide an overview of what can and cannot be done by a congregation and clergy when it comes to current issues, legislation, campaigns, and elections. To get this free legal guide, click here.

“With apathy, fake news, and fear discouraging voters from participating in this pivotal election, it is more necessary than ever to provide our free nonpartisan voter guide. Tens of thousands of voter guides are coming out. With the election fast approaching, people are hungry for the facts.”

Aaron Baer,
Citizens for Community Values President

Donations to support the growing movement to defend life, build up families, and protect freedom can be made by clicking here.

View the video below to learn why the 2020 General Election on November 3rd will affect nearly every aspect of life and how one vote can affect the election.

Guest Column: Partnership with schools & churches in Columbus a powerful testimony (AUDIO)


Most public schools across the country are either attempting to hold school remotely or, in some hybrid form, brings kids back in the classroom in a limited way, keeping the numbers low. And that’s just for now. The plan has already changed in many districts and will likely change again before all is said and done. The only sure thing, when it comes to this school year is that it is not going to be a normal one.

John Stonestreet
(Photo courtesy of the Colson Center)

For a group of churches and ministries in Ohio, this is an opportunity to, in the words of the prophet Jeremiah, seek the welfare of the city. A few months ago, public school districts in Columbus asked local churches to provide additional space for students who have working parents, and whose school would not be opening for in-person instruction. Looking for places where students could access tech devices and the internet, be under adult supervision, where food could be provided, churches in Columbus opened their doors.

Spearheaded by a faith-based group called Catalyst For Columbus, churches are opening “Learning Extension Centers,” where kids can do their online schoolwork with help from tutors. Dozens of churches have signed up, all on their own dime. One local ministry called The Dream Center plans to open 20 Learning Extension Centers across Columbus.

A friend of mine was helping a local pastor think through the logistics of setting up a center, including volunteer tutors, food, supplies, maybe transportation. At the end of their conversation they just laughed. “Pastor,” my friend said, “I think we’ve just invented school!”

What makes all of this more interesting is that in Ohio, the relationship between public schools and the Church has not always been cordial. Two months ago, Ohio lawmakers passed a bill clarifying the rights of students to express their religious faith at school. Sponsors of the bill said schools were treating Christian clubs differently than other clubs, not allowing them to meet in school buildings, and students were being told they couldn’t express their Christian beliefs in school assignments or projects.

The fact that this bill, which the governor quickly signed into law, was even necessary is cause for concern. And frankly, there’s frustration that, after such hostility, the schools would now turn to churches for help. The churches, however, set all that aside to seize an opportunity to offer Christian generosity as a powerful witness to the city of Columbus.

The Church should help like this, wherever and whenever it can, whether or not it’s getting paid, and whether or not it’s ever thanked. Families scrambling to figure out what to do about school and work are our neighbors. School administrators and teachers are our neighbors. “Love your neighbor,” Jesus said, and “Give to the one who asks you.”

“These Ohio churches took inventory and are offering what they have: space, technology, volunteers, and internet. Suddenly, the state isn’t fighting about whether Christian groups should be allowed to be meet in their secular space, or whether some imaginary interpretation of the Establishment Clause is being violated.”

John Stonestreet, Colson Center

What these Ohio churches are doing is an example of something Rick Warren encouraged all of us to think about during our first Wednesday prayer call. Like God asked Moses, Rick encouraged us to ask ourselves, “What’s in our hand?” Moses had a staff, and through it, God freed His people and accomplished great wonders.

These Ohio churches took inventory and are offering what they have: space, technology, volunteers, and internet. Suddenly, the state isn’t fighting about whether Christian groups should be allowed to be meet in their secular space, or whether some imaginary interpretation of the Establishment Clause is being violated. Rather, they are asking if students can be allowed on a property dedicated to Christ and served by volunteers dedicated to Christ.

Sounds like a win to me.

Now these churches will not only be able to provide extension learning centers, they will be able to show families, teachers, and school districts the love of Christ. Maybe some of these churches will discover they have what they need to start their own school long-term. Maybe this tenuous relationship between Church and school districts will outlast the pandemic.

Throughout history the Church has been known for innovation, especially when it comes to education. The Church has also been known for prayer, and I hope you will join the Colson Center family each Wednesday morning, at 10:30 eastern, as we pray together for the Church and the nation. So far, the theme each Wednesday has been that this opportunity for the Church  is greater than what is happening in the government. It’s time for the Church to be the Church. May God bless these churches in Ohio as they show us what that can look like.

John Stonestreet serves as president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. John is also the daily voice of BreakPoint, the nationally syndicated commentary on the culture. This story was originally published on August 27th, 2020. Click the image below to hear the podcast of this article.

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Mansfield City Council says social justice resolution holds no merit

Leaders standing against social justice movement

MANSFIELD — This month, Mansfield City Council rejected a resolution declaring systemic racism as a public health crisis. Activists behind the resolution failed to demonstrate local examples of racism and failed to shake its ties with the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.

The measure did not receive support from the black faith community. By a majority 5-4 vote, Council opposed the measure.

Reverend El Akuchie (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“Attempts to divide our city by identity politics failed,” says Reverend El Akuchie of the Richland Community Prayer Network. “We are one people in this city with equal opportunity-we are Mansfielders. People should be judged by character not skin color. City Council showed bold leadership and chose to preserve the unity of our city.”

The pastor pointed to recent social justice efforts to erase the achievements of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.. His non-violent legacy involved the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and the 1968 Fair Housing Act.

At least five local black pastors publicly opposed the systemic racism resolution. Their congregations’ names were fraudulently included as supporters in a letter written by OSU Professor Dr. Donna Hight.

The systemic racism argument also got lukewarm reception from the two black city councilmen. Councilman Jason Lawrence opposed the resolution, while Councilman Alomar Davenport half-heartedly voted in favor.

“Attempts to divide our city by identity politics failed. “We are one people in this city with equal opportunity-we are Mansfielders. People should be judged by character not skin color. City Council showed bold leadership and chose to preserve the unity of our city.”

Reverend El Akuchie, Richland Community Prayer Network

After hours of deliberations, Councilman Davenport admitted the night of the vote “I don’t even know what I am voting for.”

Voting with the majority, Councilman Lawrence commented, “Although the resolution was revised at least four times, activists behind the resolution included no language publicly stating it would not be connected to an effort to defund police.”

Councilman Jason Lawrence (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“I support our police and fire departments and we want safe neighborhoods with families. My ward would be especially vulnerable if we were to lose our safety forces. After three months, we have seen the destruction to homes and businesses from a movement that no longer wants an honest conversation. I am not sure how toppling monuments of abolitionists and burning Bibles changes anything.”

This month the Commonwealth of Virginia discussed a similar systemic racism declaration statewide. Just this past Wednesday the Virginia Senate passed a bill that would demote an assault and battery committed against a judge, magistrate, law-enforcement officer, correctional officer, or firefighter from a felony to a misdemeanor and would remove a mandatory jail sentence for the crime.

“It is good to know that the City Council advocates for law and order in Mansfield,” says Councilman Lawrence. “I am proud of our city. I believe it is resilient and will overcome this national calamity.”

See related articles:

Ashland becomes spiritual hot spot following sacred assembly (VIDEO)

Ashland County sacred assembly

ASHLAND — This past weekend Bible believers were in hot pursuit of GOD’s presence with clergy, ministry leaders, and elected officials leading a corporate call to prayer and repentance.

In the midst of a pandemic and national social unrest, a collaboration of twenty-five churches associated with the local Ashland County Ministerial Association braved August heat asking forgiveness from GOD during a sacred assembly. Consequently, one clergyman believes the community is getting a glimpse of the Almighty’s storehouse of blessings.

Over seven hundred came to Freer Field for a sacred assembly on a balmy August Sunday afternoon. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

“There is a sense that GOD is doing many great things,” says Pastor David McNeely of New Life Community Church. “GOD is re-writing the history of Ashland. I believe with all my heart there will be a great harvest by what has been prayed for here tonight. We are beginning to see the activity and orchestration of GOD.”

State Rep. Darrell Kick, one of the assembly speakers, shared about a group of state lawmakers who hold Bible study before casting their vote at the Statehouse. He also admitted the district he represents has a unique reputation among the circle of legislators.

County Commissioner Emmitt Justice at assembly: “I ask on behalf of the Commissioners and all the county officials that you would forgive us for the rebellion of the people of our land. We have all sinned.”
(Photo courtesy of Ashland Pictures)

“There is the perception Ashland is a GOD-fearing county. As an elected official, I have noticed over the past couple of years there has been spiritual renewal in this area. After what I saw today, I am not aware of another district where the Mayor commits the city to Jesus Christ and a County Commissioner asks forgiveness for the sins of the county.”

During the assembly, Mayor Matt Miller stated he believed GOD’s mercy has shielded the community from COVID-19. Ashland County has posted minimal cases in the course of the pandemic.

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller at assembly “As I stand before you tonight, in the bright light of his Son, to the extent I am able, I give this City of Ashland to the LORD Jesus Christ. May this be a land where He rules supreme. May this be a land where His love is genuinely felt by believers and non believers alike.
(Photo courtesy of Ashland Pictures)

“The heart of this city (Ashland) is seeking GOD …. I believe with all my heart that is why GOD has protected and blessed the City of Ashland during one of the most tumultuous times in my lifetime and the city’s history,” the Mayor said.

Several other community leaders facilitated prayer segments throughout the meeting.

Dr. Carlos Campos, President of Ashland University and Theological Seminary asked the crowd to pray for college campuses. “Join me to repent where universities across this country have failed to follow their mission to pursue truth to its final end which can lead to only one thing: the embodiment of truth, and that is Jesus Christ.”

“The heart of this city (Ashland) is seeking GOD …. I believe with all my heart that is why GOD has protected and blessed the City of Ashland during one of the most tumultuous times in my lifetime and the city’s history.”

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller

Joel Penton, the Executive Director of Lifewise Academy prayed for the public schools during the gathering. Penton is partnering with ACMA to bring Bible education to all five public schools districts in Ashland County.

“For over two generations the Bible has been removed from the nation’s education system and now the country is reaping the harvest,” Penton said. “However, an Ohio law passed in 2014 allows high school students to receive school credits for Bible classes. In fact, Van Wert, Ohio has ninety-five percent of their elementary public school students taught from the Bible every week. It is tranforming the next generation.”

Local musicians lead the assembly in the song “How Great Thou Art.” (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio) Click on the image above to view video of sacred assembly.

Amanda Nichols, Executive Director of Project One shared a powerful testimony of the transformational power of prayer delivering her husband from drug addiction. “It is only by the grace of GOD and His Word that my husband has been clean for eleven years.”

“GOD is doing a new thing that will affect the generations yet to come,” says Pastor McNeely. “GOD is making a way in the wilderness where there seems to be no way. He is raising up a faithful remnant in our community.”

The Bottom Line:

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Guest Column: Log Cabin Republicans threaten GOP platform on sexuality (VIDEO)


The Republican National Committee (RNC) voted this week to keep the 2016 platform, in part due to the intransigence of Democrat governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina. He refused the RNC the opportunity to convene before this year’s national convention. This is customarily when platform issues are reviewed and updates are made.

Bryan Fischer (Photo courtesy of Facebook/Focal Point)

However, the truth is the 2016 platform is just fine the way it is. In fact, it is great the way it is. This is the platform that put Donald Trump in the White House. The platform that gave control of the White House and all of Congress to the Republican Party in 2016 ain’t broke. There’s no need to fix it. (There are some anachronisms in it, references to policies of the previous administration, but these can easily and quickly be updated.)

Donald Trump won on this platform in 2016, and he can win on this platform in 2020. In fact, radically reworking this platform is the only thing that could threaten an electoral win on November 3rd.

The main danger comes from the relentless effort of the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), a group that advocates fiercely for the normalization of homosexuality. After celebrating the Supreme Court decision in Bostock that inexcusably redefined the word “sex” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to give special rights to transgenders, the LCR said, “While we celebrate today, we know that the real work needs to continue in Congress passing bipartisan legislation that will update the Civil Rights Act and remove any ambiguity that sexual orientation and gender identity are protected.”

In other words, the LCR are just getting warmed up, aiming to co-opt the Presidential Administration and the entire Republican Party into affirming aberrant sexuality and allowing businesses and institutions that believe in normative sexuality to be punished. The LCR intends to make a big push Monday, the first day of the convention, in concert with Ric Grenell, the openly homosexual former ambassador to Germany who for some reason now serves as a senior advisor to the Republican National Committee.

“The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) are just getting warmed up, aiming to co-opt the Presidential Adminstration and the entire Republican Party into affirming aberrant sexuality and allowing businesses and institutions that believe in normative sexuality to be punished. The LCR intends to make a big push Monday, the first day of the convention, in concert with Ric Grenell, the openly homosexual former ambassador to Germany.”

Bryan Fischer, American Family Radio Personality

Grenell’s position on sexual aberrance is so out of phase with sexual reality and time-honored American values that he was forced out of Mitt Romney’s campaign in 2012. Grenell was wrong then, and he is still wrong today.

His view of sexuality is flatly at variance with the values of the RNC, as expressed in the 2016 platform. That platform announced firm opposition to the effort of groups like the Log Cabin Republicans and individuals like Ric Grenell “to impose a social and cultural revolution upon the American people by wrongly redefining sex discrimination to include sexual orientation. “

The 2016 platform correctly observes that activists like Grenell and the LCR are “are determined to reshape our schools — and our entire society — to fit the mold of an ideology alien to America’s history and traditions.” Not only is non-normative sexuality fundamentally anti-American, the deviancy agenda will force girls to allow boys into their restrooms and shower rooms, and unfairly force females to compete against biological males in athletic competitions. It will force Catholic hospitals to surgically mutilate individuals as part of a so-called “gender transition” or go out of business, which would cripple our entire nation’s health care system.

This cannot be allowed to happen under the Republican banner. The Republican Party stated unambiguously in the 2016 platform that “the foundation of civil society, and the cornerstone of the family is natural marriage, the union of one man and one woman,” and adds, “Every child deserves a married mom and dad.” That conviction was right then and it is still right today, and is in keeping with the origins of the Republican Party itself, which was founded to protect the institution of one-man, one-woman marriage.

There is reportedly a move afoot to develop an abbreviated platform during the convention. This could open the door for considerable mischief as positions that affirm unbiblical views of sexuality and family could be smuggled into this abbreviated platform, and could mean that conservative Republicans might wake up one morning this week and discover that somebody has stolen their party.

Ordinary conservatives must make their voices heard right now, immediately, or we run the risk of having no political party in America which will represent sexual normalcy and the family in public policy.

Host of “Focal Point” on American Family Radio, 1:05 pm CT, M-F www.afr.net. The author may be contacted at bfischer@afa.net or follow him on Facebook at “Focal Point” and on Twitter @bryanjfischer

View the video below produced by the Family Research Council regarding the differences between the 2016 party platforms of the Republican and Democrat Parties.

Sacred assembly planned at Ashland Freer Field August 23rd (VIDEO)


ASHLAND — With churches around the country facing lockdowns and reverting to online services, local believers in the Buckeye Bible Belt will be exercising their freedom to assemble together…. in the open.

This coming Sunday a sacred assembly sponsored by the Ashland County Ministerial Association has been announced, inviting Bible believers across the region to participate.

Ashland County Ministerial Association leaders lead prayer during pandemic.
(Photo courtesy of Ashland County Pictures)

“This assembly is for all followers of Jesus Christ who believe in the truth and authority of both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, ” says Pastor John Bouquet of the ACMA. “We will be praying for a national and global revival to begin in North Central Ohio on the night of August 23rd beginning at 5:00 PM at Ashland Freer Field.”

Various spiritual, civic, and business leaders from across the region will be reading Scripture, and allowing time for personal prayer and reconciliation. The outdoor venue has also been endorsed by the Richland Community Prayer Network.

Pastor Bouquet says the ACMA is very aware of Governor Mike DeWine’s limit on mass gatherings.

“Jesus is the Head of the Church and the Governor’s authority ends at the front door of the Church. Politicians are talking about ‘flattening the curve,’ but the Bible says when people acknowledge the Heavenly Father, the Almighty GOD will make their paths straight. The Bible says to ‘Consecrate a fast, call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the LORD our GOD, and cry out to the LORD (Joel 1:14).”

The purpose of the assembly will be to return believers to “first love of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, and to confess and repent of corporate sins against GOD and fellow human beings. The sacred assembly will also consist of worship music led by a compilation of worship leaders from the cross sections of local churches.

Pictured local clergy David McNeely and John Bouquet. (Photo courtesy of Facebook/Ashland County Ministerial Association). Click on the image above to view video promoting sacred assembly this coming August 23rd.

Prayer guides for “Burdens of the LORD” and those that need GOD are provided to the public. Relevant Bible verses and model warfare prayers have also been provided by the Ashland County Ministerial Association.

The seventy-eight acre outdoor park is located at 1264 South Center Street in Ashland, Ohio 44805 and will provide a safe environment with adequate space for physical distancing. Those attending are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs or blankets. Facial coverings will not be provided but are up to your personal discretion. For more information, please visit www.ashlandcma.org

The Bottom Line:

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Group of 74 evangelical leaders call for porn to be classified as health crisis

Richland County clergy with public health crisis resolution

MANSFIELD — This past June the U.S. State Department identified nearly twenty-five million people entrapped in the modern-day slavery of human trafficking. In response to the crisis, fifteen states have officially declared pornography an epidemic and public health crisis. If local clergy have their way, Ohio may be the next to make such a declaration.

Last night several clergy presented a draft resolution endorsed by Richland County clergy from seventy-four congregations to the Richland Public Board of Health requesting the Board declare pornography as a public health crisis.

“Due to its affiliation to human trafficking, we would like the Board to consider making this declaration,” said Reverend El Akuchie of Godsfield House of Prayer. “Our hope is this resolution will encourage education, prevention, research, and policy changes at the state level to confront pornography’s proliferation on the Internet and in society.”

Pastors pictured (L to R): Mark Meyer, El Akuchie, & James Marshall
(Photo courtesy of Kathy Marshall)

According to Pastor Mark Meyer of Gracepoint Sanctuary, pornography exploits women and children, a reality which the nation’s judicial system has turned a blind eye to.

“This resolution by the faith community urges enforcement of obscenity laws and increased regulation of pornography on the Internet at both the state and federal levels in order to protect citizens and minors from such exposure.”

Pastor Meyer and his clergy counterparts also believe the draft board of health resolution could bring momentum at the state level.

The Ohio General Assembly is currently considering House Resolution 180, sponsored by nineteen state representatives, including our Representative Mr. Mark Romanchuk. HR 180 declares pornography a “public health hazard that leads to a spectrum of individual and societal harms.”

“As a diverse group of clergy, we believe if word got out of a multi-sector partnership between an engaged faith community and local government, strategically, it could deter potential human traffickers from establishing operations in our region.”

Reverend El Akuchie, Godsfield House of Prayer

Pastor James Marshall of Ganges Community Church points out the pornography epidemic “without a doubt” pertains to the health department.

“The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) is a member of the Governor’s Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force, and according to its website, ranks Ohio as fifth among all states in total reported human trafficking cases. The Task Force also identifies Toledo as the fourth highest ranking city in the nation for recruiting victims into the illegal trade.”

The draft resolution also states ODH and local health departments are tasked with the responsibility of compiling vital stats recording total births, marriages/divorces, sexually transmitted diseases, and suicides, which are all “observed to be adversely impacted by the addiction to pornography.”

In 2015, area pastors from sixty-six congregations called for a day of prayer, repentance, and fasting from the “sin of immorality” which included the use of pornography. The following year eight of the nine municipalities in Richland County officially proclaimed “Pornography Awareness Week.”

Nine years earlier, seventy-two clergy brought an objection to the Board of Health for its support of a Portsmouth syringe exchange program. The support was discontinued in response to the clergy.

“As a diverse group of clergy, we believe if word got out of a multi-sector partnership between an engaged faith community and local government, strategically, it could deter potential human traffickers from establishing operations in our region,” says Reverend Akuchie.

Article updated August 18, 2020

See related articles:

Faith community a key contributor for positive race relations (SLIDESHOW)


MANSFIELD — As violence and rioting plague major metropolitan centers across the nation, race relations continue to be tense. According to Mansfield’s top cop, he believes law enforcement cannot be a ‘lone ranger’ and that the city is ahead of the curve because it has what police dispatchers call “backup.”

“No matter what issues a community may face, it is paramount it be addressed with a multifaceted approach to ensure a successful outcome,” says Mansfield Police Chief Keith Porch. “It has also been said the police alone cannot solve these issues without partnership with the community.”

Pastors earlier this year for a Religious Freedom proclamation at the County Courthouse. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

One partnership Chief Porch is referring to includes a diverse faith community that is willing to engage.

“I have found that the partnership with the local faith community over the years extremely beneficial highlighted by numerous initiatives that were successful in making the Mansfield Community a safer place to live, work, and worship. To my knowledge very few communities in the state of Ohio have a working collaboration between black and white faith leaders and we are definitely ahead of the curve.”

In the past several years, black and white clergy have partnered together to assist law enforcement in reporting human trafficking, opposing the marijuana industry, and holding a press conference last Fall to recognize “Thank a police officer day” Clergy from over one hundred local congregations participated in the joint statement.

Mansfield Police Chief Keith Porch with Elder Moe Hill.
(Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Because of their direct interface with the public, Mayor Timothy Theaker has also had several black and white pastors partner with police to distribute turkeys during the Thanksgiving season to those in need.

Consequently, this dynamic duo has seen violent crime drop in Mansfield for five consecutive years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and recent social unrest.

“I believe the diversity of our clergy collaboration sends a strong message to the community that no matter what issue or problem there is, we will work together to solve them” says the Police Chief.

“To my knowledge very few communities in the state of Ohio have a working collaboration between black and white faith leaders and we are definitely ahead of the curve. I believe the diversity of our clergy collaboration sends a strong message to the community that no matter what the issue or problem is, we will work together to solve them.”

Mansfield Police Chief Keith Porch

A report by the Richland Community Prayer Network (RCPN) on community outreach efforts released last year tells the story.

The study was conducted of fifty-eight local congregations and discovered significant local volunteerism with church members visiting the elderly, the hospitalized and the incarcerated, and with litter pickups and maintenance of parks improving of quality of life. The ‘labor of love’ by the Bible-based churches also included the donation of their facilities for neighborhood watches, election polls, community health screenings, and blood drives. Concerts, dramas and sports leagues also provided cultural enhancement.

RCPN found not only did these churches provide valuable support ministries to their local community between the years of 2014-2017, these goodwill ambassadors (churches) also supported missions to an astounding ninety-three multi-cultural nations around the globe. 

Clergy spokesmen at the “Year of the Bible” press conference last year. 150 congregations were represented. (Photo courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)

Of special note, generosity to the multi-cultural nations occurred when the area was listed as the seventh most economically-challenged metropolitan region in the nation.”

While City Council will vote on a controversial resolution declaring systemic racism as a public health emergency, the local faith community does not fit this political narrative and remains an anomaly.

With black faith leaders opposing the resolution, the clergy hope the message gets through to the public: racism is not about skin, it is about sin.

View the slideshow below to view a compilation of multi-racial clergy collaborations that have occurred in Richland County, Ohio.

See related articles:

The Bottom Line:

“For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same LORD is LORD of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” Romans 10:12-13

Movie Review on “In His Image” (VIDEO)


“In His Image” is a critical and urgent message designed to equip the church to answer culturally controversial questions about gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective. Every church in America is filled with hurting people asking these tough questions: Can you be gay and be a Christian? What if someone genuinely feels trapped in the wrong body? Did God make me this way? Is change even possible? (Film is not rated)

Dr, Michael Brown
(Photo courtesy of “In His Image”)

This feature-length documentary presents much-needed truth with compassion and clarity through powerful personal testimonies, careful Bible teaching, and scientific evidence.

The American Family Association (AFA) is pleased to partner with Dr. Michael Brown, host of the daily, nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire,” which also airs on the NRB TV Network. Dr. Brown is the perfect host for this topic. He’s the author of such books as “Can You Be Gay and Christian?” and “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” and he holds a doctorate in Near Eastern languages.

For years, AFA has watched the momentum of LGBT affirming “churches” continue to grow with little or no push back from Bible-believing pastors and churches. Now more than ever, true followers of Christ must be ready to engage culture with truth and compassion by offering the gospel to those who are sexually broken. 

A scene from the film depicting churches affirming the sinful lifestyle of homosexuality
(Photo courtesy of “In His Image”)

In 2018, American Family Studios, AFA’s film division, began production of a film to bring clarity to the topic. In His Image has been bathed in prayer from its conception and is AFA’s response to the confusion many are facing.

“The issues are unavoidable. They are on the news, in our legislation, in our schools. in entertainment, and our social media. They are even reaching into our churches. We are not just talking about issues, we are talking about people. As Christians, We cannot sit this one out, neither can we straddle the fence or leave it to the experts. Every believer has to discover the truth, and that starts with digging in the Scriptures.”

Dr. Michael Brown
Talk radio host of “In the Line of FIre”

Pre-register to watch the special sneak preview online for FREE on August 1st. The special sneak preview will feature: life-changing testimonies of former LGBT individuals featured in the documentary and a behind the scenes look at the spiritual warfare behind the making of such a controversial film.

The Bottom Line:

The Bible says in Genesis One, “GOD created main in His own image, in the image of GOD He created him; male and female he created them.”

Click on the image below to view the trailer of “In His Image.” (2:33 min.)

Ohio Court says health department cannot suspend licenses over masks


SAVANNAH — In the first attempt within Ohio to suspend a business license for an alleged mask violation, an Ohio Court of Common Pleas Thursday admonished its county health department from suspending local restaurants’ food service operations licenses in response to restaurant employees not wearing masks.

The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law’s victory comes on behalf of Cattlemans Restaurant in Savannah, Ohio, whose business license was permanently suspended on July 15, 2020 when Ashland County Health Department agents observed a cook and dishwasher not wearing masks in Cattlemans’ kitchen.

Pastor John Bouquet (Photo courtesy of Bethel Baptist)

Pastor John Bouquet of Savannah Bethel Baptist says the Ashland County Health Department picked the wrong town to mess with. Last Spring he spearheaded an open letter sent by one hundred area clergy to Governor DeWine requesting the state lockdown by lifted.

“If Mr. DeWine wants to speak from the bully pulpit and tell Ohioans wearing a mask is the ‘Christian’ thing to do, then I will respond.” Pastor Bouquet went on to say, “Mr. Governor: keeping vows is the Christian thing to do. When you took an oath on those nine Bibles, you promised to abide by the Ohio Constitution. No where does an order carry the same weight as a law. This is an example of government tyranny.”

Pastor Bouquet’s congregation took up an offering for the local restaurant which has seen increased support from the rural community.

The ruling by Judge Ronald Forsthoefel holds that Cattlemans Restaurant and its owner are “being denied their civil liberties, including the right to earn a living and operate a commercial enterprise, without due process of law.”

And as to the mask requirement as a basis for suspending business licenses, the Court explains “If the State’s Order recognizes exceptions to a blanket mask wearing rule and as such would not consider the lack of wearing a mask an immediate danger to the public health, then it begs the question as to whether the failure to wear a mask for any reason could ever constitute a basis for finding an immediate danger to the public health.”

“If Mr. DeWine wants to speak from the bully pulpit and tell Ohioans wearing a mask is the ‘Christian’ thing to do, then I will respond. Mr. Governor: keeping vows is the Christian thing to do. When you took an oath on those nine Bibles, you promised to abide by the Ohio Constitution. No where does an order carry the same weight as a law. This is an example of government tyranny.”

Pastor John Bouquet, Savannah Bethel Baptist

Cattlemans Restaurant will reopen on Saturday July 25, 2020.

“We continue to view the State’s mask requirements, like all of the Orders of the Ohio Department of Health thus far, as unenforceable advice that may or may not be wise.  Accordingly, we will continue to protect Ohioans when overreaching state or local health departments attempt to enforce these requirements,” explained 1851 Center Executive Director Maurice Thompson.

Subsequent to the ruling, Ashland County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher Tunnell indicated to the Court that his office would no longer be representing its Board of Health in the matter, stating “The Prosecuting Attorney has thoroughly reviewed the matter and is of the opinion that the suspension was contrary to law and that there are no defenses which would not be frivolous.”

The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law is a nonprofit, nonpartisan legal center dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of Ohioans from government abuse. The 1851 Center litigates constitutional issues related to property rights, regulation, taxation, and searches and seizures.

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