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NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — On November 5th, Ohioans will decide on Issue 1 and whether to “VOTE NO” to prevent an unelected commission from overseeing the redistricting process. This important map-making process will impact ninety-nine state representatives, thirty-three state senators, and fifteen members of Congress. A group of Ohio faith leaders are speaking out on this proposed Constitutional Amendment and believe Issue 1 may be moving boundary stones that should not be moved.
“It is our opinion Issue 1 will take away the power from the people,” says Pastor David Mahon, one of the ninety-plus clergy cosigners of an open letter opposing the amendment. “If Issue 1 passes, the proposed amendment would repeal constitutional protections against gerrymandering approved by nearly three-quarters of Ohio electors participating in the statewide elections of 2015 and 2018. Issue 1 would also eliminate the longstanding ability of Ohio citizens to hold their representatives accountable for establishing fair state legislative and congressional districts,” Mahon said.

The clergy wrote in their open letter, “As key stakeholders leading ninety-thee diverse congregations across fourteen counties, we formally oppose the radical Issue 1 which will allow unelected and unaccountable individuals to take away our right to ensure our government works. This Fall on Tuesday, November 5th, we encourage Ohioans to protect our elections from foreign interference, and “VOTE NO” on Issue 1.”
The Ohio faith community has consistently advocated for election integrity and believe no congressional map process is perfect. Issue 1 will require new taxpayer-funded costs on the State of Ohio to pay newly-appointed commission members, appointed special masters, private consultants, and an unlimited amount for legal expenses incurred by the proposed commission. The faith leaders believe Issue 1 will give a blank check to unaccountable officials and hijack the will of the voters.
The clergy wrote, “If we follow the money, this scheme is supported by the Washington D.C.-based 1630 Fund, the anti-GOD ACLU, and George Soros’ Open Society. These out-of-state interests openly oppose the Judeo-Christian values that make our Buckeye State so great.
“If we follow the money, this scheme (Issue 1) is supported by the Washington D.C. based 1630 Fund, the anti-GOD ACLU, and George Soros’ Open Society. These out of state interests openly oppose the Judeo-Christian values that make our Buckeye State so great.”
Ninety-three lead clergy from Ohio opposing Issue 1 in open letter
“The Bible says in 2 Peter 3, “You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked.”
According to the faith leaders, an approved constitutional amendment “is much harder to reverse than laws which can be changed with each legislative session. If this convoluted Issue 1 passes, the Ohio Legislature will not be able to modify or regulate this language. Further, this unreasonable language cannot be challenged in Ohio’s Supreme Court since the Court is obligated by law to abide by the State Constitution as approved by the Ohio voters.”
Pastor David Guild, another clergy cosigner, believes wisdom cries aloud in the streets. “Issue 1 is not good for Ohioans. Issue 1 yard signs supporting the amendment say it will remove gerrymandering. But the actual ballot language says on the second point that it will bring gerrymandering; this is false advertising. I encourage people to read the ballot language for themselves.”

According to the ballot language, Issue 1 will create an appointed redistricting commission not elected by or subject to removal by the voters of the state. It would also prevent a commission member from being removed except by a vote of their fellow commission members, even for incapacity, willful neglect of duty, or gross misconduct.
One pastor is very familiar with Issue 1 and the congressional map process. Pastor Gary Click serves as State Representative and says there is no gerrymandering in the current bipartisan maps. Click’s own district consists of the rectangular Seneca and Sandusky Counties.
“Democrats do not have a gerrymandering problem, they have a woke agenda problem,” Click says. “The Democrat Party is leaving moderates out who do not believe men should compete in women’s sports or that children should have sex-change operations. The Democrats are going so woke that they are going broke. Their Issue 1 will create a bureaucracy that citizens will have no part in. I urge you to “VOTE NO” on Issue 1.”
The Bottom Line:
The Bible says in Psalm 16, “LORD, You alone are my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
View video of State Representative and Pastor Gary Click explaining Ohio Issue 1 (13 min.)
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