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NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — As the Deep State is playing hardball for the upcoming Presidential election, Ohio clergy are going to bat for Donald Trump. Taking a page from history, over one hundred faith leaders put their support in writing this week in an open letter to Donald Trump.
“Thank you for your courage in fighting systemic corruption in Washington D.C. As Ohio faith leaders, we believe you are a man of destiny. During your journey to become the forty-seventh President, whether thru lawfare or warfare, you have literally ‘taken the bullet’ on our behalf. After eight shots were fired during the July 13th Butler, PA rally, you came within a quarter-inch and millisecond of your life being taken. After one of the most widely seen miracles, you aptly gave credit to our Heavenly Father, stating, “It was GOD alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” We are reminded this fateful event took place just forty-seven miles away from a second historic place.

“Another prominent American figure was also divinely protected during the Battle of Monongahela in the French and Indian War. As American and British troops were being slaughtered, every mounted officer had been shot except for one. George Washington had four bullets through his coat and two horses shot from underneath him yet survived. In a letter to his brother, Washington wrote: “By the miraculous care of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation.” In fact, one of the combatants in the battle, Chief Red Hawk, later told Washington that he shot at him eleven times but was unable to hit him. From then on, Washington was considered “bulletproof” as many felt GOD’s Divine hand of protection was on him.
“With the help of Divine Providence, Mr. Trump, perhaps the same can be said of you. It is our observation, when adversity hits, you have risen to the occasion. Pressure has not killed you- it has revealed you.” The clergy went on and gave some examples.
“While over one-hundred Ohio clergymen thanked you in 2020 for your policies that promote faith, family, and freedom, as one hundred-one lead clergymen with congregations across twenty-two Ohio counties, we want to go further and formally endorse you to become the forty-seventh President of the United States of America.”
Open letter to Donald Trump by lead clergymen representing twenty-two Ohio counties
“When a violent mob struck Washington D.C. in 2020 involving a lockdown at the White House and an arson at the historic St. John’s Church, you responded the next day after the riot. As President of law and order, amidst the defacing of monuments and desecration of churches nationwide, you stood up for America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and boldly held the Bible up into the air for the world to see.
“When an anti-Semitic U.N. resolution passed in 2017, one week later, as Commander in Chief, you opposed the globalist agenda and declared the U.S. Embassy would be moving to Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu compared your courageous declaration to the proclamation made by the Persian King Cyrus the Great.
“When a train carrying hazardous materials tragically derailed and exploded in East Palestine, Ohio in 2023, three weeks later you met with local leaders, provided supplies, and gave courage to affected Ohioans. The sitting President visited East Palestine fifty-one weeks after your visit.

“In closing, it is our opinion that since our divided nation no longer has secured borders, the country has regretfully become a proverbial train wreck. We believe the forty-five million evangelicals who do not regularly vote are partly responsible for this condition. Silence is an endorsement of the direction this nation is going.
“While over one-hundred Ohio clergymen thanked you in 2020 for your policies that promote faith, family, and freedom, as one hundred-one lead clergymen with congregations across twenty-two Ohio counties, we want to go further and formally endorse you to become the forty-seventh President of the United States of America. Based on your record, we believe you are the best choice to uphold our GOD-given inalienable rights and to uphold the U.S. Constitution. With the focus on Almighty GOD as our wellspring and not the government, it is our belief stability can return to our nation.
The faith leaders closed their letter with a Bible passage from Isaiah 33, saying, “Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.”
According to Pastor J.C. Church, one of the cosigners, Ohio counties with the most endorsing clergy in the letter include: Richland, Ashland, Crawford, Trumbull, Knox, Stark, and Wayne. Another cosigner, Dr. Ricky Branham, hopes their letter will encourage other Christians to vote their Biblical values this November 5th.
The Bottom Line:
The Bible says in Proverbs 29, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”
View video of Over 100 Ohio Clergymen endorse Donald Trump for President (5 min.)
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