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SHELBY –Marchers were walking on sunshine as area churches recently held a procession in downtown Main Street. An assembly also took place following the march at the new Black Fork Commons Amphitheater with worship music, special speakers, and public baptisms.
According to the Event Coordinator, the Shelby ‘March for Jesus’ is having a positive effect on the city. “This event is bringing our community together with one purpose. Jesus represents hope and love for every single person,” says Toni Wilson. “Being visible outside the four walls of the Church really can influence the community.”

Pastor Doug Tackett of Taylortown Community Church saw the march as an answer to his prayers. “I called Toni and told her this march was something I have been praying years for. I was thrilled with everything I saw. The gathering at the Amphitheater was well attended; my hope is this will be the beginning of what Shelby needs. The Church of Jesus Christ needs to make a showing so the citizenss of Shelby knows we exist and we care,” the Pastor said.
Wilson, a fifteen-year Shelby resident, noticed something over the years that always bothered her. “Living on one of the main thoroughfares in the city, I noticed our community has parades for Christmas, Memorial Day, Bicycle Days, and Halloween, but I thought to myself, what about a March for Jesus? There is no greater cause to march for, than to march for Jesus.”
Pastor Rick Lewis of Shelby Connect Church agrees with Wilson. “I think it’s a great time for us as Christians and churches and pastors to come together and show unity. Jesus said that is how the world is going to know that you are My disciples, by the love you have for one another. We have got to start showing that. And I believe that Saturday helped show there are churches and pastors in Shelby that are unified and who love our city.
“As a Body, the goal was to let Shelby know Jesus is King, His church is alive and moving, and we will not sit back and let the enemy take ground. It was a great day to proclaim our Lord and savior and glorify Him.”
Pastor Hank Webb
Bishop Anthony Cooper of Kingdom Life Church also attended the ‘March for Jesus.’ “I personally feel that the march was a great success and the beginning of many more faith-based community events. I want to thank all the community of Shelby and the churches for all their support. I am also thankful for the lives that accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Shelby has become the ‘City of Hope.'”
Toni Wilson’s Pastor says she brought the idea of a march up to him ten months ago. Pastor Hank Web of Belmont 96 Church thought the event would be worthwhile and could change lives. “We saw two souls proclaim Christ as their Savior the day of the march which made the whole day worth it,” says Webb. “We also heard there were people on porches eight streets over that could hear the preaching and singing from the amphitheater. As a Body, the goal was to let Shelby know Jesus is King, His church is alive and moving, and we will not sit back and let the enemy take ground. It was a great day to proclaim our Lord and savior and glorify Him.”
One of the marchers during the procession had a megaphone and declared “No bondage, no chains!” and the crowd responded “Jesus set me free!” According to Pastor Webb, he was moved. “When I heard that part going down Main Street, the Holy Spirit moved upon me and I knew that this would be a great thing for the Shelby area. Especially given some of the things that have taken place in our area recently.”

The local event is part of a greater movement that has been going on for some time. According to the ‘March for Jesus‘ website, the march is “a procession of praise through the streets of the city, celebrating the Lordship of Jesus Christ and culminating in a grand worship event in which Christians publicly proclaim the Glory, the Majesty and the Supremacy of the Savior. It’s all about Jesus and nothing else.”
The idea of a ‘March for Jesus’ is no stranger to North Central Ohio. In 1992, Christians openly exalted Christ in over one-hundred-forty cities and twenty-five European countries; Mansfield, Ohio was one of those cities. It is believed a total of three-hundred-thousand marched for Jesus in the United States that year. In 2024 there were ‘March for Jesus’ events in thirty-one cities across eighteen states held on Pentecost Weekend. Youngstown, Ohio , which has held marches for several consecutive years, was one of those cities.
According to Pastor Webb, “The whole key to this event was no one Church got credit nor put their name on the event. The only name attached to the event was “JESUS” and it is His Church that is coming together.”
The Bottom Line:
The Bible says in Philippians Chapter 2, “Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.“
View slideshow of Shelby ‘March for Jesus‘ on West Main Street from August 17th
View video from WKBN newscast on the ‘March for Jesus’ event in Youngstown, Ohio from 2021. (40 seconds)
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