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GREENWICH — After last week’s spectacular eclipse, a group of faith leaders held a press conference Sunday to address the Green Movement. Environmentalists, including religious leaders from the World Council of Churches, are saying the end of the world is imminent if people do not reduce their carbon footprint. Some area clergy are saying climate-change alarmists cannot see the wood for the trees.
“Two weeks after the total solar eclipse, some will be celebrating on April 22nd “International Mother Earth Day” and public schools will be indoctrinating children about man-made climate-change,” said Pastor Mark Wireman at the briefing. “This same day, progressive politicians will also be advocating for a global government to micromanage our lives in order to save the earth from certain ‘climate apocalypse.’ The Pastor from Greenwich was not the only “voice in the wilderness.”

With a drop of temperatures, the clergy group believe there was a climate change-event that took place April 8th involving the eclipse’s path of totality and not fossil fuels. Their conclusion: GOD controls the earth’s climate, not man. Pastor LaMont Lindsay, standing with Wireman, firmly shared that the Green Movement is pushing ideas foreign to the Bible. “We are warning the public about the global climate-change cult which is promoting a counterfeit gospel masqueraded as sustainable development,” the Mansfield Pastor said.
Pastor Wireman declared, “As lead clergymen representing one-hundred-five diverse Ohio congregations, we believe this so-called climate emergency, supposedly originating from human activity, is a bunch of hot air, and that forcing the reduction of carbon footprints on individuals, corporations, and nations is tantamount to establishing a one-world religion paying homage to false deities.”
Lead clergy co-signers of the open letter have congregations located in sixteen counties across Ohio. Counties with the most congregations represented include: Richland, Ashland, Trumbull, and Crawford. In their open letter, the clergymen quoted from Romans 1 which says, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.”
“It is our observation that the fear of environmental apocalypse grows out of the lack of the fear of GOD…. Climate change events like a solar eclipse or a volcanic eruption are engineered by GOD. It is painstakingly clear, while climate alarmists inspire a false religion of despair and alarm, believers in Christ offer the world true hope of the all-powerful Creator and Sustainer who provides salvation thru Christ.”
Dr. Ricky Branham
“GOD is in control,” says Pastor Lindsay. “To be clear, relying on computer models to predict global temperatures hundreds of years into the future when meteorologists cannot predict a ten-day forecast is absurd. As faith leaders, we believe human activity has little influence over global temperatures. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is necessary for plant-life to survive and is not a pollutant as environmentalists insist. During this so-called environmental crisis, the U.S. has more trees today than it did one-hundred years ago, and the world has seen a 14% increase in green vegetation over the past thirty-years.
Unfortunately the field of science has a checkered past; instead of following the data, scientists often follow the money. The faith leaders pointed out that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was caught red-handed trying to trick the world into believing global warming was a crisis requiring a drastic response.
“The bottom line is the cult of climate-change has little to do with the climate as much as it does with power and control,” says Dr. Ricky Branham. “As lead clergymen, we have not forgotten the Climategate scandals in both 2009 and 2011 involving the release of emails confirming an organized conspiracy by the United Nations. When leaders like Kamala Harris and Pope Francis warn climate-change could destroy civilization, they are really advocating for global tyranny and for population-control policies.” Branham adds, “When people become “the pollution,” authoritarian governments deem life expendable, which is directly counter to Judeo-Christian values..”

The clergy wrote that “Elites attempt to negate the existence of GOD by rationalizing that man is producing climate-change. According to Joe Biden and his Department of Defense, climate-change is the biggest existential threat in the world today. Mr. Biden belittles people that do not conform to his green policies by calling them “Neanderthals.” The clergy went on to say, “Mr. Biden harms the quality of life for Ohio citizens and the under-privileged, by weaponizing a bureaucracy to withhold access to natural fossil fuels.”
Dr. Branham notes, “It is our observation that the fear of environmental apocalypse grows out of the lack of the fear of GOD. After Noah’s Flood, The Bible states in Genesis 8, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Climate- change events like a solar eclipse or a volcanic eruption are clearly engineered by GOD.” The Willard pastor emphasized, “It is painstakingly clear, while climate alarmists inspire a false religion of despair and alarm, believers in Christ offer the world true hope of the all-powerful Creator and Sustainer who provides salvation thru Christ.”
The clergy closed their open letter by adding, “Although the Bible commands us to be good stewards of the earth, as faith leaders, we will not be holding our breath on April 22nd. Humanity, and not earth, needs salvation from sin. The heavens will soon be speaking again when the Messiah cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Christ is coming back soon-and that is no science fiction.”
View slideshow from the April 14th, 2024 clergy press conference in Greenwich, Ohio.
View video produced by Frontlines Ohio from a recent clergy press conference addressing man-made climate religion. (4 min.)
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