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NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — The Nation of Israel has an exceptional history that has withstood the test of time. Why would millions of people from around the world leave their homes to come to a desert wasteland to live? How do these people manage to turn a land more than eighty-percent desert into one of the largest food and flower exporters in the world? Why do incredible achievements in science, medicine, and new technologies occur in Israel in greater concentration than anywhere else?
A consensus of leaders in the Ohio region: nine mayors and three Boards of County Commissioners, all share common ground recognizing the achievements and rebirth of Israel. Mayors from Mansfield, Ashland, Bucyrus, Shelby, Ontario, Butler, Shiloh, Crestline, and Chesterville recently gave proclamations recognizing the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel. County Commissioners from Ashland, Morrow, and Richland Counties also followed suit.

“Since its establishment seventy-five years ago, the modern State of Israel has rebuilt a nation, forged a new and dynamic society, and created a thriving economic, political, cultural, and intellectual life for its people despite the heavy costs of war, terrorism, and unjustified diplomatic and economic boycotts against the people of Israel,” says Shiloh Mayor Rick Reeder.
In 1997, the Village of Shiloh formed a sister-city partnership with Shiloh, Israel, and in 2008, Israeli dairy experts visited a nearby Mennonite farmer Floyd Zimmerman in northern Richland County as part of an Ohio-Israeli Agricultural Initiative sponsored by the Negev Foundation according to Reeder.
For seven decades, the United States and Israel have maintained a special relationship based on shared democratic values, common strategic interests, and moral bonds of friendship and mutual respect
Local officials noted that Israel regularly sends humanitarian aid, search and rescue teams, mobile hospitals, and other emergency supplies to help victims of disasters around the world. Israel has also absorbed millions of Jews from other countries and fully integrated these immigrants into Israeli society.
“Both Israel and Ohio are prosperous states comprised of immigrants, with representative-democratic forms of government, sharing exceptional histories, with Israel known as a high-tech startup superpower, and both Israel and Ohio sharing common bonds in agriculture, life sciences, and aerospace.”
Morrow County Commissioner Jon Mason
“The desire of the Jewish people to establish an independent modern State of Israel is an outgrowth of the historic kingdom of Israel established in the land of Israel three thousand years ago, with the City of Jerusalem as its capital,” the Morrow County Commissioner Board wrote.
Morrow Commissioner Jon Mason added, “Israel and Ohio are prosperous states comprised of immigrants, with representative-democratic forms of government, sharing exceptional histories, with Israel known as a high-tech startup superpower, and both Israel and Ohio sharing common bonds in agriculture, life sciences, and aerospace.”
In 2016, Ohio became the fourteenth state in the nation to pass anti-BDS legislation and continues to be one of the top holders of Israeli bonds for any governmental entity in the world.

The Richland County Board of Commissioners pointed out in their proclamation that their board in 2017 authorized the investment of $200,000 in taxpayer dollars for Israeli bonds at the request of leading clergymen from forty congregations. Additionally, in 2021 the Israeli Prime Minister personally thanked thirty-three area clergymen for their commitment to invest in Israeli bonds. Since that time, Richland County has increased its investment in Israel bonds to a total of $900,000.
Ontario Mayor Randy Hutchinson mentioned that Hilik Bar, the Israeli Knesset Deputy Speaker, became the first foreign parliamentarian to address the Ohio State Legislature and was given the “Key to the State of Ohio” in 2015; an honor only three others have received. “Later in 2018, the Deputy Speaker visited Ontario, Ohio to thank the area for its support of Israel, resulting in the North Central Ohio region receiving recognition from Israeli media with headline: ‘Does Rural Ohio Lead the World in Love of Israel?’ the Ontario Mayor said.
Copies of the area proclamations will be sent to the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. and transmitted to authorities in the State of Israel. This coming Thursday, a clergy press conference has been scheduled by the faith community. Clergymen from over one hundred congregations are expected to make a joint statement on Jerusalem.
The Bottom Line:
The Bible says Second Chronicles Thirty-Six, “In the first year of Cyrus King of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus King of Persia to make a proclamation through his realm and also to put it in writing…”
View the slideshow below of government officials at the municipal and county levels recognizing the rebirth of modern Israel.
View the video below entitled “Against all Odds” produced by William McKay, American Trademark Pictures. This documentary film recounts numerous incidents in the history of modern Israel where miraculous outcomes confound even the skeptic.
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