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NORTH CENTRAL OHIO — As one of the leading voices for revival, the ministry of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been a force for good across the world, including in the Buckeye State. On Tuesday, Rabbi Cahn publicly released a powerful prophetic word to Joe Biden, saying that he has fallen away from the stance he once held and calling Biden the embodiment of America’s apostasy.
Rabbi Cahn went on to say, “Mr. President, how can you place your left hand on the Bible, the Word of GOD, and then with your right hand sign laws into existence that war against the Word of GOD? Our first President warned that if we (the nation) ever disregard the eternal rules of GOD, His blessings will be removed from the land. And now you have done it,” said Cahn.

“In December 2022, you stood on the White House lawn and officiated over a ceremony in which you signed an act that altered federal law…The Respect for Marriage Act, a law that is the very opposite of its name, the disrespecting and obliteration of what marriage has always been since the beginning of human history. You did something that no President has ever done. You enshrined the alteration of marriage into federal law. You even commemorated the event with a great festival, inviting thousands of activists and drag queens to the White House lawn to celebrate it.
Rabbi Cahn continued, “Now listen to the words of an American leader spoken in modern times not long ago years after 9-11. He declared an absolute moral reality. ‘Marriage is between a man and a woman.’ Who said that? His name was Joe Biden. You said that- and you repeated it for emphasis: ‘Marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that.’ And yet now, on the White House lawn, you signed a law that declared marriage is not between a man and a woman.
“Further, you boasted that you voted for the Defense of Marriage Act because it was morally right. You assured America that there was no danger to that law…and yet now on the White House lawn, it was your own hand that struck down that very law and destroyed it.
“How does a man turn away from his own morality and actually celebrate the act of turning away? Was there any scientific discovery that changed everything? Was there a new set of tablets handed down from Mount Sinai? Do the words of Scripture magically disappear?”
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
“How does a man turn away from his own morality and actually celebrate the act of turning away? Was there any scientific discovery that changed everything? Was there a new set of tablets handed down from Mount Sinai? Do the words of Scripture magically disappear? You have set American federal law at war against the Word of GOD and against everyone who upholds it.
“You merged together and equated racism and anti-Semitism, with what you called homophobia and transphobia. Meaning that all those that do not condone same-sex marriage and all those who believe to hormonally and surgically alter a child is morally and egregiously wrong, and all who believe in the Word of GOD are now the equivalent of racists and anti-Semites. So was the President under whom you served, Barak Obama, who first ran for office stating marriage was between a man and a woman, was he the equivalent of a racist and anti-Semite? So was Abraham Lincoln, who believed the same thing, now the equivalent of a racist and anti-Semite?…..Were you a racist and an anti-Semite?
Rabbi Cahn continued, “So does this mean you are setting the American government against Christians and those who uphold the Word of GOD?….How can you in reality call yourself a Christian when you war against the ways and Word of GOD. Your actions are not that of Peter and Paul, but rather of those who persecuted them and put them to death.
“The only hope America has is to turn and repent and come under the mercy of GOD. Mr. President, the hour is now late and eternity is soon coming. Repent and turn to GOD.”
The Bottom Line:
The Bible says in Isaiah 5, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
View the video below of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s prophetic message to Joe Biden (12 min.)
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