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MANSFIELD — In a divided country, more and more important decisions are being made at the local level that have far-reaching consequences. Election Day on Tuesday, November 2nd is not far away. One area pastor is throwing his hat in the ring and local clergy are giving their seal of approval.

In a clergy letter sent to Frontlines Ohio, fifty leading clergymen announced their support of Reverend El Akuchie in his bid to become Mansfield’s next Third Ward City Councilman. The clergy based their endorsement on Akuchie’s public record as a clergymen supporting issues of faith, family, and freedom.
The clergy wrote in their open letter, “Based on a Biblical worldview, our strong conviction as fifty (50) clergymen is that Reverend El Akuchie will best serve as Third Ward Councilman for the City of Mansfield in the upcoming November 2nd, 2021 General Election.”
The pastors listed several criteria on why they support Akuchie’s candidacy: his support for the sanctity of life, his advocacy of biological gender and traditional marriage, his resistance to human trafficking, his advocacy of religious freedom, his support of local law enforcement, his resistance to divisive social justice, and his support for the prohibition of illicit drugs.
“I have spoken to thousands of pastors across this nation and have never seen a pastor that loved his city and achieved more at the local level than Reverend El Akuchie. His character and integrity make him a trusted bridge builder during the most divided time in our nation’s history. Make no mistake, as City Councilman of the Third Ward, Reverend El will fight for Mansfield and he will champion the cause of freedom.”
Pastor J.C. Church
One of the endorsing clergymen, Pastor J.C. Church, of Bucyrus said in a statement, “I have spoken to thousands of pastors across this nation and have never seen a pastor that loved his city and achieved more at the local level than Reverend El Akuchie. His character and integrity make him a trusted bridge builder during the most divided time in our nation’s history. Make no mistake, as City Councilman of the Third Ward, Reverend El will fight for Mansfield and he will champion the cause of freedom.”
Reverend El’s record speaks for itself regarding safe neighborhoods and supporting local law enforcement.
This past summer Reverend El partnered with eighty-eight other clergymen to hold a press conference at the Mansfield Police Compound honoring local law enforcement. The congregations donated $5,000 in funds to support local police. In another press conference in 2019, Reverend El and one hundred area clergy held a “Thank a Police Officer Day,” arranging with several local restaurants to provide free meals to those in uniform.

Besides opposing federal judicial tyranny and advocating for the life of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome, Reverend El’s campaign has helped raise charitable funds for Richland Pregnancy Services, a local pregnancy crisis center.
“Some people remove their Bibles from their desk when they go to work. I promise you, if elected to City Council, I will bring my Bible to work,” says Akuchie. “Ultimately my campaign is about fighting for the well-being and future of our next generation.”
Reverend El Akuchie is running against Councilman Jon Van Harlingen (D) in the general election.
To register to vote in the Tuesday, November 2nd general election, click here and complete the voter registration application, or call 419.774. 5530. The deadline to register is October 4th, 2021. Click here for a map of Mansfield City Third Ward. Click here to request an absentee ballot.
The Bottom Line:
The Bible says in Psalms 112, “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice. Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever.”
View the slideshow below on a number of clergy collaborations Reverend El Akuchie has spearheaded.
View past guest columns written by Reverend El Akuchie and published by Frontlines Ohio:
Who is Rev Akuchie? What do others say about him?
A constant prayer warrior and leader… Well loved in the community… A champion for justice…
To me, however, he is “papa.” He sacrificed his time and resources to sow into me and my family. And when our world went upside down, he brought tough love and correction. And he was there to help out the pieces back together.
Mansfield has been renamed “Godsfield” by years of prophetic decree and declaration by the city officials.
At this hour, wisdom is needed to speak in the council. And that wisdom, which is from above, is lived and taught by “papa” aka Rev El Akuchie.