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ONTARIO — A diverse band of leading Ohio clergy sent a correspondence to the U.S. and Israeli governments supporting the Jewish State’s sovereignty and rejecting the BDS movement. Thirty-three clergymen affirmed their advocacy in one practical way: by committing to invest Israel bonds.
Consequently, these clergy believed their letter was answered when former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo implemented new pro-Israel measures one month later. No doubt the clergy were convinced their mission had succeeded after the Israeli announcement of new housing construction in Judea and Samaria. But it was no small matter when this month the clergy received another confirmation: a letter in the mail from the Prime Minister of Israel.

(Image courtesy of Frontlines Ohio)
“I am extremely blessed to think Bibi (Benjamin) Netanyahu is corresponding with us on a personal level,” says Rabbi William Hallbrook, one of the clergy co-signors. “That blesses my heart to know that such a leader would take the time to write a letter, to send a letter, and say a personal ‘thank you;’ it touches my heart.”
In his letter to the Ohio clergy dated November 24th, 2020, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote the following:
“Thank you for the kind letter. The people of Israel derive tremendous strength and encouragement from the unwavering sense of solidarity of our many friends from around the world. We appreciate your tangible expression of support. We are especially grateful for your stance against anti-Semitism and your staunch opposition to BDS.”
In their letter, the Ohio clergy were critical of the position of the World Council of Churches which calls the expansion of Israeli settlements as illegal and unjust. The clergy letter stated, “We want to assure you Mr. Prime Minister, the World Council of Churches does not represent our local congregations nor does its unorthodox view on Israel carry any authority.”
“The peace treaty originally signed by Israel suspended the construction of homes in the Israeli territories of Judea and Samaria. But last month the Prime Minister abruptly changed his course and announced approval of eight hundred new housing units. I would like to think that our clergy letter emboldened him to have this change of heart.”
Reverend El Akuchie
Reverend El Akuchie, another co-signor believes their encouragement influenced the Prime Minister. “The clergy letter we sent accomplished its objective. Little did we know as local clergy corporately invested in Israel bonds together, the Richland County Treasurer would also invest an additional $1.4 million in Israel bonds.
“The peace treaty originally signed by Israel suspended the construction of homes in the Israeli territories of Judea and Samaria. But last month the Prime Minister abruptly changed his course and announced approval of eight hundred new housing units. I would like to think that our clergy letter emboldened him to have this change of heart.”
On month after the clergy letter was delivered, the U.S. State Department responded by allowing all products from Israeli settlement communities to have the label “Made in Israel.” This represented a major shift in U.S. policy with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo becoming the first top diplomat to visit an Israeli West Bank community. Pompeo was also sent the letter.
“Ohio has a special relationship with Israel,” says Rabbi Hallbrook. “There is a lot of business connections there. Of course there is a lot of religious and spiritual connections within the communities. I would like to think we have a special relationship with Israel as a people.”

Less than a month after the clergy letter was sent, a one-hundred million dollar manufacturing project was announced that will bring between 300-400 jobs to an industrial park located across the street from Rabbi Hallbrook’s synagogue. The vast 270 acre property has sat vacant for over a decade but now is coming back to life. The clergy have seen similar breakthroughs following other initiatives in their support of the Jewish State.
“North Central Ohio has been blessed because we have a love and devotion to the land of Israel and GOD’s people,” says Pastor John Bouquet. “GOD has favored us with job security, economic advances, strong families and strong churches. I think this is indicative of our biblical view on Israel. For that we give GOD the praise.”
Benjamin Mutti, the liaison between the clergy and Prime Minister’s office, comments, “I am proud of our faith community and its diplomacy with the Promised Land. In a generation devoid of strong leadership, our state of Ohio would do well to follow these goodwill ambassadors (clergy) in collaborating with the Nation of Israel. As America comes to the end of its rope, all eyes are on Israel as Biblical prophecy unfolds before our very eyes.”
Watch a three-minute video below on the Prime Minister’s response letter to the clergy produced by Frontlines Ohio Media.
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“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29