Tag: Antoinette Daley

Stakeholders’ warnings to Council fall on deaf ears: “Upstanding citizens were ignored”

MANSFIELD — Surrounded by jurisdictions banning commercial marijuana, City Council just lit a match during June Eighteenth’s vote, tossing it at dozens of community-partners. On an evening of “Hear no evil and see no evil,” Mansfield City Council voted against a six month moratorium to prohibit commercial marijuana development. This,

84 Clergy to Mansfield City Council: “If you allow marijuana, you undermine our ministry”

MANSFIELD — The burning question on Tuesday night’s vote is, will City Council be bowing down to the ‘Almighty Dollar’? Or will the elected officials be safeguarding children and shielding the addicted? That is the question a group of local clergy is addressing. On Sunday evening, a grassroots coalition of

Senator & School Board on proposed commercial weed in Mansfield: “Grass not greener on the other side” (VIDEO)

MANSFIELD –Mansfield City Council will be voting Tuesday June 18th on whether to allow a marijuana dispensary to set up shop. At the last meeting, one Mansfield faith leader voiced his concerns with the prospects of The Cannabist Co. coming to town. For several decades the bi-vocational Pastor has seen