Year: 2008

Guest Column: Reservations about the Renaissance

In November 2008, the subject of the occult, widely considered a radioactive issue in Richland County, went from folklore to the front page when the Renaissance Theater began featuring psychic mediums to “better connect with the community.” On November 23rd, the theater showcased medium and clairvoyant Lisa Williams talking to

Guest Column: Ten Commandments are ACLU’s worst nightmare

In a a nation that espouses the motto “Liberty and justice for all,” is our nation really ready for the consequences should the Ten Commandments suddenly become unprotected speech? Fortunately the Federal Court of Northern Ohio the summer of 2008 ruled in favor of the display of a form of

82 local pastors oppose state casino gambling issue

MANSFIELD — After successfully preventing local gambling venues from coming to town in recent years, ‘all bets are off’ as a group of Richland County pastors are now speaking out against a state gambling proposal. A group of clergy representing eighty-two churches publicly announced their opposition to State Issue 6.

BICENTENNIEL SPECIAL: Faith of our Fathers

MANSFIELD — The search for lost civilizations intrigues many people in our day and age. Local settlements like Newville, Greentown, Newcastle, and Millsboro were founded only never to be heard from again. Coincidentally, Mansfield Ohio is celebrating its bicentennial this summer. This following relic story investigates the role verifying that